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Renderoc TG: Trowel Grade Cementitous Repair Mortar

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ID- OCT. 2016

Renderoc TG constructive solutions

Trowel Grade Cementitous Repair Mortar

Uses Properties at 23+/-2 oC

Fosroc Renderoc TG is recommended for use as a Tolerance +/- 10%

general patch repair mortar in vertical or soffit repair Test Method Typical Result
applications. Compressive Strength 40 N/mm at 28 days
(ASTM C109/109M)
It is suitable for rapid repairing, rendering, patching
bedding and pointing of:
Setting Time Dependent on temperature
 Concrete and water content typically
 Blockwork 2 to 4 hours
Chemical resistance Slows-down chemical
 Brickwork & Masonry
attack in aggressive
Advantages environments.

 Convenient, one pack product, simply add water Application instructions

 Shrinkage compensated, can be applied over large Surface Preparation

areas without cracking or debonding
Successful repairs to concrete depend totally on correct
 Medium to high build application surface preparation. Particular care should be taken to
ensure all surfaces are completely free of laitance, oil,
 Composition ensures excellent adhesion
dust, grease, plaster, paint, corrosion and any other
 Water tightness, special additives ensure optimum deleterious substances. All reinforcing steel must be grit
density and water repellence of cured surfaces blasted to a profile of SA 2 ½ prior to the application of the
Standards Compliance recommended primer.

Renderoc TG cementitous repair compound is tested in Edges of the areas of repair must be saw cut to 5mm to
accordance with BS 4550. avoid feather edging.

Technical Support Priming

Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance All surfaces must be primed prior to repair. Reinforcing
high quality, construction products. In addition to the wide steel must be primed with Nitoprime Zincrich. Concrete
range of quality products. Fosroc offers a technical must be primed with Nitobond AR. Nitobond AR is an
support package to specifiers and contractors which acrylic emulsion which is scrubbed onto the surface of the
includes assistance with product selection and technical concrete
advice from staff with unrivalled experience in the industry. Mixing
Description Small quantities up to 10 Kg may be mixed manually in a
Renderoc TG is part of Fosroc's range of cementitous bucket. Quantities in excess of 10 kg should be mixed
polymer modified repair mortars. It is a single component mechanically with a slow drill (500 rpm) with a loop
shrinkage compensated pre-packed repair mortar to which paddle. For normal applications use from 4 to a maximum
water is simply added on site. It consists of specially of 5 litres of water per 25 Kg bag, dependent on desired
blended non shrink cement, graded sand, fillers and consistence. Drier mixes assist higher build and reduce
chemical polymers to provide durable repair to concrete. the risk of drying shrinkage.
The lightweight fillers allow application thicknesses of 40 Application
mm vertical and 25 mm soffit without formwork.
For application to all surfaces Fosroc recommend that

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ID- OCT. 2016
Renderoc TG
Renderoc TG be applied with a wood float to ensure Nitoprime AR : 6 to 8 m /litre
positive contact with the primed substrate. Initial
application should be with a tamping or compacting action
rather than a floating action. Shelf life

Finishing can be wood float, steel trowel or sponge All products have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry
depending which type of finish is required. Depending on store in the original (T: 25- 35 C, RH < 55%), unopened
the nature and position of the repair it may be necessary bags or packs.
to build up Renderoc TG in a number of layers. The Precautions
minimum layer thickness of Renderoc TG is 10 mm and it
can be built up to 40 mm on vertical surfaces. This can be Health and safety
achieved either by the "wet-on-wet" technique where each Renderoc TG contains cement powders which, when
layer is fused to the previous one immediately or by mixed or become damp, release alkalis which can be
allowing initial set to take place (3-4 hrs) and then harmful to the skin. During use, avoid inhalation of dust
applying the next layer onto the previously scored and and contact with skin and eyes. Wear suitable
primed surface. protective clothing, gloves, eye protection and
If sagging occurs at any time due to excessive build up of respiratory protective equipment. In case of contact
Renderoc TG, the material should be completely removed with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water, then cleanse
and reapplied in thinner layers. Where a high build is with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes,
required in an overhead or vertical situation the associated rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek
product Renderoc HB should be considered. medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
immediately – do not induce vomiting.

Renderoc TG is a cementitous repair mortar. In common

with all cementitious materials. Renderoc TG must be Fire
cured immediately after finishing in accordance with good Renderoc TG is non-flammable
concrete practice. When overcoating with Nitocote
Dekguard the use of Nitobond AR sprayed onto the
surface as a continuous film is recommended. In harsh
drying conditions supplementary curing such as wet
hessian or polythene must be used.


Nitobond AR and Renderoc TG should be removed from

tools, equipment and mixers with clean water immediately
after use.


Renderoc TG : 25 kg bags
Nitobond AR : 20 litre & 210 litre

Coverage and yield

Renderoc TG : 16 to 18 litres/25kg

constructive solutions Page 2

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