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TDS Nitoproof Damp Protect India3

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Nitoproof Damp Protect constructive solutions

High performance two component Properties

elastomeric cementitious damp-proof
coating. Pot life 60 min @ 27oC
Mixed density 1.7 g/cc (brushable consist-
Uses ency)
Colour Off White
Nitoproof Damp Protect is a High performance two component
Application temp. 10 - 35oC
elastomeric cementitious damp-proof coating, suitable for ap-
Adhesion to concrete > 0.8 N/mm2
plication on concrete, brick wall and plastered surface both
positive & negative side. Toxicity Non-toxic
Intermediate coating time 4-6 Hrs
Areas of Application Curing time after 2nd coat 4-5 days
Masonry surface,concrete, plaster surface and brick Elongation at break, 100 %
(ASTM D412)
walls subjected to damage from moisture / efflorescence.
Crack Bridging No cracking up to 1.2 mm
Toilets and wet areas. (ASTM C1305)
Balconies, chajjas and utilities.
Rapid chloride permeability very low
Advantages resistance
Suitable for treatment of damp patches from negative side
Excellent crack bridging ability. Application Instructions
Excellent adhesion to concrete, masonry and plastered Surface Preparation
Long working life. All surfaces which are to receive the coating must be free
Easy application by brush, roller, trowel or spray. from oil, laitance, grease, wax, dirt or any other form of foreign
Bonds to green or damp surface. matter which might affect adhesion. Spalled surfaces or those
containing large blow holes, cracks and other such defects
Effective barrier to sulphates, chlorides & carbonation.
should be repaired using Renderoc concrete repair mortars.
Provides long lasting protection against efflorescence. For further advice on suitable repair mortars, contact the local
Fosroc Office.
Nitoproof Damp Protect is a two component acrylic polymer
Nitoproof Damp Protect is mixed as per the proportion given in
modified cementitious coating which consists of powder and
the table below and mixed with a slow speed drilling Machine
liquid acrylic emulsion. It requires only mixing at site to pro-
The powder component is added Gradually to the liquid to avoid
duce an easily brushable coating. Nitoproof Damp Protect can
lump formation and mix for 2-4 minutes.
simply be applied by stiff brush or roller to obtain the desired
thickness. Mixing ratio

Technical Support Nitoproof Damp Protect

Components 15kg pack 5kg pack
Fosroc offers technical support service to specifiers, end-
Nitoproof Damp Protect powder 10kg 3.33kg
users and contractors, as well as on-site technical
assistance in locations all over the country. Nitoproof Damp Protect liquid 5kg 1.67kg

For best results, surfaces should be damp or in SSD
condition . In order to obtain the protective properties of
Nitoproof Damp Protect

Nitoproof Damp Protect, it is important that the correct rates

of application are observed. Use a short stiff brush preferably
120 - 150mm width and apply the mixed material like paint.

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Nitoproof Damp Protect

The application of Nitoproof Damp Protect should not be done Storage

if the temperature of the substrate is below 100C. When
Shelf life
applying on hot substrates i.e., over 300C surface temperature,
saturate the surface with water. Apply Nitoproof Damp Protect 12 months in unopened packs if kept in a dry store.
in 2 coats to achieve 1mm thickness. The 1st coat should be
allowed to dry for 4-6 hours @ 27oC before applying the 2nd
coat. Do not add water to Nitoproof Damp Protect during mixing Health and Safety instruction
and application. The coated surface should be air cured for a
period of 4-5 days. Nitoproof Damp Protect is non-toxic but alkaline in nature. Gloves
and goggles should be worn. Any splashes to the skin or
eyes should be washed off with clean water. In the event of
prolonged irritation, seek medical advice. Use a dust mask
Nitoproof Damp Protect should be removed from tools and while handling the powder.
equipment with clean water immediately after use. Hardened
material can only be removed mechanically. Fire

Nitoproof Damp Protect components are non inflammable.

Additional Information
The Fosroc range of associated products includes high strength
Nitoproof Damp Protect : 15kg pack 5kg pack cementitious, epoxy grout, polyester resin based mortar for
Nitoproof Damp Protect powder: 10kg 3.33kg rapid presetting of steel shims to level or for direct bedding
Nitoproof Damp Protect liquid : 5kg 1.67kg of small base plates; Resin Anchoring systems for same day
anchoring of bolts in drilled holes in concrete or rock. Also
available a range of products for use in construction; viz., ad-
Coverage mixtures, curing compounds, release agents, flooring systems
and repair mortars.
This depends on the required consistency. The approximate
coverage at even consistency is 15 to 16 sq.ft /kg /coat . Separate datasheets are available on these products.

Recommended to apply 2 coats.

Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture
and are sold subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies
of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure
that any advice, recommendation, specification or information it may give is
Fosroc Chemicals accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control
(India) Pvt. Ltd. over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly
Head Office or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance
Embassy Point, No. 150, with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
2nd Floor, Infantry Road,
Bangalore 560 001, telephone fax e-mail
Karnataka +91 80-42521900 +91 80-22281510 enquiry.india@fosroc.com

Regional Offices

Chennai Mumbai Noida Kolkata

Hills Centre,Old No 5, MBC Park, 12th floor, Office No.12B, Unit No. 601, Highway Tower-II 304, Jodhpur Park
New No 9, 3rd Cross Street, ‘D’ Block, Near G Corp/Hyper City A-13/2, 6th Floor, Sector– 62 Kolkata 700 068
Jeth Nagar, Raja Annamalaipuram, Kasarwadawali, Ghodbunder Road, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Ph:+91 33-65343188
Chennai 600 028. Thane (West) 400 615 Noida 201 309, Uttar Pradesh Fax: 033-2499-0278
Ph: 9500064795 Ph: +91 22 6229 6800 Ph: +91 120 6121900
Fax: 0120-4270622

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