TDS_Brushbond Roofguard Premium_India
TDS_Brushbond Roofguard Premium_India
TDS_Brushbond Roofguard Premium_India
Serviced roofs The typical physical properties given above are derived from
Flat or sloping roofs results derived from laboratory testing in controlled conditions.
Brick Bat Coba surface finish Field-applied samples may vary dependent on circumstances
China mosaic tile roof beyond our control such as the application temperatures and
Cement mortar screed weather conditions, film thickness, test and curing conditions
Under tile waterproofing for bathrooms. and age of samples tested.
Movement joints
All expansion and movement joints should be primed and
Where mentioned in the contract drawings, the cool coating
sealed with a suitable joint sealant e.g Nitoseal PU50. When
cum waterproofing coating shall be Brushbond Roofguard
Brushbond Roofguard Premium
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Brushbond Roofguard
Treatment of Cracks Flood Test
All shrinkage and non-moving structural cracks should be pre- The Brushbond Roofguard Premium membrane must be cured
treated with a combination of Nitoband series. for at least 72 hours prior to a flood test. Flood to a minimum
of 50mm depth of water for 24 hours. Drains must be plugged
Coving and bends and barriers put in place to contain the water.
All floor to wall angles / bends must have a Nitoband TPE. Estimating
One primer coat of Brushbond Roofguard Premium should Supply and coverage
beapplied and allowed to dry, then a 0.5mm joint wet coat ap-
plied, extending 150mm either side of the coving, and while still Brushbond Roofguard 20 litre & 4 ltr pack
wet, reinforced using Nitoband TPE Tape and allowed to dry. A Premium
second 0.5mm wet coat should be applied. Coverage @1mm wft 20m2 per 20 litre pail
(0.5mm dft)*
All the internal and external corners should be treated with Primer Nitoproof WB Primer
Nitoband Corners and Pipe penetrations can be treated with
Nitoband Collers. * Thickness varies depends on the site conditions.
All pretreatment coats must be allowed to dry before the main Limitations
application of Brushbond Roofguard Premium.
Do not apply Brushbond Roofguard Premium if the substrate
Pre-Application Mixing temperature is<30C above dew point.
Brushbond Roofguard Premium is a single component material. Do not apply Brushbond Roofguard Premium if the concrete
Stir using slow speed drill for 1-2 minutes to achieve a homog- moisture content is >6% of if rising moisture (negative pres-
enous consistency prior to application. Avoid air entrapment sure) is evident by polyethylene sheet test, or anticipated
whilst stirring, do not over-stir. Allow to settle for 1-2 minutes during service.
before use.
Do not apply Brushbond Roofguard Premium if the ambient
Priming or substrate temperature is <50C, or when ambient relative
humidity is >85%.
It is recommended that new cementitious and concrete sub-
strates has to be primed with Nitoproof WB primer. Do not apply Brushbond Roofguard Premium, if precipitation
is anticipated within the walkable time of the product. This can
Nitoproof WB Primer is a two component product and must be
be up to 24 hours depending on actual conditions.
mixed & applied in order to perform as specified. Transfer base
and the hardener to a suitable fresh container and mix thoroughly Do not apply Brushbond Roofguard Premium if the substrate
with a slow speed mixer for 2 -3 minutes which makes the mix is confirmed or considered likely to be surface saturated. The
as a milky white paste . Add double the quantity of clean water substrate must be sufficiently dry at the surface to allow some
by volume (4ltr water to 2ltr pack size, 12 liter water to 6ltr pack
penetration of primer.
size) to the mix gradually under mixing which makes the mix
as low viscous milky white liquid. Apply using a roller or brush. Brushbond Roofguard Premium is not suitable for permanent
pedestrian traffic.
Brushbond Roofguard Premium should not be subjected to
Brushbond Roofguard Premium can be applied in two coats by
permanent static point loading. In this case protection must be
roller or brush or squeegee or by airless spray at a wet film thick-
in place, see Curing and Protection section.
ness of 0.5 mm per coat. This is the recommended technique
for applications onto vertical surfaces.Allow the first coat to dry
(normally 1-5 hours depending on the climatic conditions), then
proceed with the application of the second coat. The second
coat of Brushbond Roofguard Premium should be applied at
90° to the first, ensuring that a final continuous coating with a
minimum total applied wet film thickness of is achieved,
resulting in a total dry film thickness of 0.5mm.
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
Fosroc Chemicals any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office
Embassy Point telephone fax e-mail
No.150, 2nd Floor, ++91 80-42521900 ++91 80-22281510
Infantry Road,
Regional Offices INDIA/2024/0859/A
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