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SA-484 /SA-484M

(Identical with ASTM Specification A 484 /A 484M-94b.)

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This specification covers general requirements
that shall apply to stainless wrought steel bars, shapes, 2.1 ASTM Standards:
forgings, and billets or other semi-finished material A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergran-
(except wire) for forging, under the lastest revision of ular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
each of the following ASTM specifications: Specifica- A 276 Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
tions A 276, A 314, A 458, A 473, A 477, A 479/ A 314 Specification for Stainless Steel Billets and Bars
A 479M, A 564/A 564M, A 565, A 582/A 582M, A 638/ for Forging
A 638M, A 705/A 705M, and A 831/A 831M. A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
ing of Steel Products
A 458 Specification for Hot-Worked, Hot-Cold-Worked
1.2 In case of conflicting requirements, the individual and Cold-Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength
material specification requirements take precedence. at Elevated Temperatures
A 473 Specification for Stainless Steel Forgings
1.3 General requirements for flat products other than A 477 Specification for Hot-Worked, Hot-Cold-Worked
bar are covered in Specification A 480 /A 480M. and Cold-Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging
Billets for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures
A 479/A 479M Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and
1.4 General requirements for wire products in coils Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels
are covered in Specification A 555 /A 555M. A 480 /A 480M Specification for General Requirements
for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip
1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or
A 555 /A 555M Specification for General Requirements
SI (metric) units are to be regarded separately as the
for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire and
standard; within the text and tables, the SI units are
Wire Rods
shown in [brackets]. The values stated in each system
A 564/A 564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must
Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and
be used independently of the other. Combining values
from the two systems may result in nonconformance
A 565 Specification for Martensitic Stainless Steel Bars,
with the specification.
Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature
1.6 Unless the order specifies an “M” designation, A 582/A 582M Specification for Free-Machining Stain-
the material shall be furnished to inch-pound units. less Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II

A 638/A 638M Specification for Precipitation Hardening 3.1.4 Billets — A semi-finished product (produced
Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging on mills or by forging or continuous casting machines)
Stock for High-Temperature Service that requires subsequent hot rolling or hot forging.
A 700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Sizes are generally up to 36 in2 (230 cm2) in cross
Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment section as squares or rectangles with width less than
A 705/A 705M Specification for Age-Hardening Stainless twice the thickness.
Steel Forgings
A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for 3.1.5 Blooms — A semi-finished product (produced
Chemical Analysis of Steel Products on mills or by continuous casting machines) that requires
A 831/A 831M Specification for Stainless Steel Bars, subsequent hot rolling or hot forging. Sizes are generally
Billets, and Forgings for Use in Core Components over 36 in.2 (230 cm2) in square or rectangular cross
E 112 Method of Determining the Average Grain Size sections with width less than twice the thickness. Rectan-
E 139 Practice for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, gles with width twice the thickness or greater are
and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials classed as slabs or sheet bars.

2.2 Federal Standards: 3.1.6 Slabs or Sheet Bars — The products of a

Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies) primary mill such as blooming, slabbing or sheet bar
Fed. Std. No. 183 Continuous Marking of Iron and Steel mills, or continuous or pressure casting machines, which
Products are shipped without further work other than cutting to
length or surface conditioning used only for re-rolling
2.3 Military Standards: into sheet, strip or plate.
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-163 Preservation of Steel Products for Ship- 3.2 The terms random lengths, multiple lengths, and
ment (Storage and Overseas Shipment) dead or exact lengths are defined as follows:

2.4 Other Standard: 3.2.1 Random Lengths — A length range of not

Primary Metals Bar Code Standard less than 24 in. [1 m]; for example, 10 to 12 ft [3 to
4 m], 14 to 17 ft [4 to 5 m], or 15 to 20 ft [5 to 6 m].
3.2.2 Multiple Lengths — Frequently, fabricating
3. Terminology operations will require small unit bar lengths. When
3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard: such is the case, a single bar containing a predetermined
number of such units may be specified. Such a bar is
3.1.1 Bars, shapes, forgings, and billets or other described as a multiple-length bar, and it is common
semi-finished material as used in this specification are to include in the specified length an allowance of 1⁄4
defined as follows: in. [6.5 mm] per unit to ensure cutting the required
3.1.2 Bars — Straight lengths that are produced number of pieces.
by: hot rolling, forging, extruding, etc. Also included 3.2.3 Dead or Exact Length — Bars specified to
are small shapes with all dimensions under 5 in. [125 dead or exact lengths may be either hot sheared or
mm] and hot-rolled flats up to 10 in. [250 mm] inclusive hot sawed. When greater accuracy in length or freedom
in width and 0.125 in. [3.00 mm] and over in thickness. from end distortion is required, bars can be machine-
Cold-finished bars may be cold drawn, turned, ground cut after machine-straightening. The permissible varia-
or polished and are produced from straight length bars tions in length for dead or exact length bars are shown
or from straightened and cut rod or wire. Also, bars in tables at end of this specification.
may be produced by cutting from strip or plate, provided
that the long direction of cut bars is parallel to the
final rolling direction of the strip or plate.
4. Materials and Manufacture
NOTE — All cold-reduced flat material under 0.1875 in. [5.00 mm]
thick is classified as strip if 0.375 in. [9.50 mm] and over in width. 4.1 The material may be furnished in one of the
conditions detailed in the applicable material specifica-
3.1.3 Forgings — Parts produced by hot, mechani- tion, that is, hot-worked, extruded or forged, forged
cal shaping of such products as bars and billets, or and machined, annealed, cold-worked or heat-treated
other semi-finished materials, with hammers, presses, (normalized and tempered, or quenched and tem-
and forging machines. pered), etc.


4.2 The types of finish procurable are as follows: 5.2 Product Analysis:
5.2.1 When required, a product analysis shall be
4.2.1 Hot-Finished Bars — Hot-finished bars are
determined in accordance with Test Methods, Practices,
commonly produced by hot rolling, forging, pressing,
and Terminology A 751. The chemical composition
extruding, etc. ingots, blooms or billets to final dimen-
thus determined shall conform to the tolerances shown
sions. Hot-finished bars may be subject to various
in Table 1.
operations including annealing or other heat treating,
cleaning by pickling, blast cleaning or other methods 5.3 The steel shall not contain an unspecified element
of descaling, rough turning and machine straightening. for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel
conforms to the requirements of another grade in the
4.2.2 Bars Cut from Strip or Plate — Two referencing product specification, and any of the product
surfaces descaled or pickled, two cut surfaces, except specifications within this general specification, for which
when heat treated after cutting, in which case, all that element has a specified minimum.
surfaces shall be descaled or pickled.
4.2.3 Cold-Finished Bars — Cold-finished bars are
produced from hot-finished bars by means of additional
6. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
operations, for example, cold drawing, centerless grind-
ing, polishing, etc., to provide closer tolerances, im- 6.1 Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order,
proved surface condition or higher strength levels. the material shall conform to the permissible variations
in dimensions as specified in the following:
4.2.4 Bars and Billets or Other Semi-Finished
Material for Reforging — Material may be conditioned 6.1.1 Bars — Tables 2 through 11.
to remove injurious surface defects provided the depth 6.1.2 Shapes — Tables 12 through 18 and Figs.
of conditioning does not exceed that which affects the 1 and 2.
surface condition or dimensions of the article to be
forged from the bar on billet. 6.1.3 Forgings — As specified in the purchase
order, or in prints or sketches accompanying the pur-
4.2.5 Shapes — Descaled by machining, grinding, chase order.
or pickling.
6.1.4 Billets or Other Semi-Finished Material for Shapes may be subjected to either Class Reforging — Billets and bars shall conform to the
A or Class C surface preparation as specified on the shape and dimensions specified by the purchaser within
purchase order. Class A consists of grinding for the a permissible variation of 65%.
removal of imperfections of a hazardous nature such as
fins, tears, and jagged edges, provided the underweight
tolerance is not exceeded and the maximum depth of 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
grinding at any one point does not exceed 10% of the
thickness of the section. Class C consists of grinding 7.1 The material shall be of uniform quality consistent
for the removal of all visible surface imperfections, with good manufacturing and inspection practices. Im-
provided the underweight tolerance is not exceeded and perfections that may be present shall be of such a
the maximum depth of grinding as any one point does nature or degree for the type and quality ordered, that
not exceed 10% of the thickness of the section. they will not adversely affect the forming, machining,
or fabrication of finished parts.
4.2.6 Forgings — Descaled by machining, blasting
or pickling, unless otherwise specified.
8. Lot Size
8.1 A lot for product analysis shall consist of all
5. Chemical Composition bars, shapes, and forgings made from the same heat.
5.1 Heat or Cast Analysis: 8.2 For other tests required by the product specifica-
5.1.1 The chemical analysis of each heat shall be tion, a lot shall consist of all bar products of the same
determined in accordance with the applicable material size, or forgings weighing less than 1000 lb [500 kg]
specification and Test Methods, Practices, and Terminol- each, from the same heat, and produced under the same
ogy A 751. processing conditions. All austenitic, ferritic, and free-

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II

machining stainless steels, as well as martensitic grades 9.3 If any test specimen shows defective machining
when annealed to Condition A and precipitation or or flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen
age-hardening grades when solution treated, may be substituted.
heat treated in more than one charge in the same
9.4 If the results of any test lot are not in conformance
furnace or in several furnaces, utilizing controlled pro-
with the requirements of this specification and the
cessing and equipment. (See Appendix.) However, when
applicable product specification, a retest sample of two
heat treating martensitic stainless steels to Condition
specimens may be tested to replace each failed specimen
T or H and when age hardening the precipitation
of the original sample. If one of the retest specimens
hardening stainless steels, a lot shall consist of the
fails, the lot shall be rejected.
same size, same heat, and the same heat treat charge
in a batch-type furnace or under the same conditions
in a continuous furnace.
10. Retreatment
8.2.1 The forgings weighing from 1000 lb [500
10.1 Where failure of any lot is due to inadequate
kg] to 5000 lb [2500 kg] each, a lot shall consist of
heat treatment, the material may be reheat-treated and
one size classification from each heat and each heat-
resubmitted for test.
treating charge. Where continuous heat-treating furnaces
are used, a lot shall consist of one size classification
from each heat, heat treated in an 8-h (or less) period.
11. Test Methods
8.2.2 For all classes of forgings weighing from
5000 to 7000 lb [2300 to 3200 kg], each unit shall 11.1 The properties enumerated in applicable specifi-
be considered a lot. cations shall be determined in accordance with the
following ASTM methods:
8.2.3 For all classes of forgings weighing more
11.1.1 Chemical Analysis — Test Methods, Prac-
than 7000 lb [3200 kg], each unit shall be considered
tices, and Terminology A 751.
a double lot, and two tension tests shall be required,
one from each end of each forging. In the case of ring 11.1.2 Tension Tests — Test Methods and Defini-
forgings, the tension test specimens shall be removed tions A 370. When identified as such, transverse testing
from each of two locations on the periphery, approxi- is permitted.
mately 180° apart, or insofar as practicable from oppo-
11.1.3 Stress Rupture — Practice E 139.
site ends of the forging.
11.1.4 Brinell Hardness — Test Methods and
Definitions A 370.
9. Number of Tests and Retests 11.1.5 Rockwell Hardness — Test Methods and
9.1 Unless specified otherwise in the product specifi- Definitions A 370.
cation, one sample per heat shall be selected for chemi- 11.1.6 Intergranular Corrosion (when required) —
cal analysis and one mechanical test sample shall be Practice E of Practices A 262.
selected from each lot of bars and shapes and from
each lot of forgings. Tension tests of bars and shapes 11.1.7 Grain Size (when required) — Test Methods
shall be made in the longitudinal direction. Hardness E 112.
tests on bars shall be conducted midway between the
11.1.8 Charpy V-Notch Impact Test — Test Meth-
center and surface of the product. Tension tests on
ods and Definitions A 370.
forgings shall be prepared from suitable prolongations,
or at the option of the supplier, excess forgings may
be provided for test. All tests shall conform to the
12. Inspection
chemical and mechanical requirements of the material
specification. 12.1 For Civilian Procurement — Inspection of the
material shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser
9.2 One intergranular corrosion test, when required,
and the supplier as part of the purchase contract.
and one grain size test, when required, shall be made
from each lot. It is often convenient to obtain test 12.2 For Government Procurement — Unless other-
material from the specimen selected for mechanical wise specified in the contract or purchase order: (1)
testing. the seller is responsible for the performance of all


inspection and test requirements in this specification, 15. Identification of Material

(2) the seller may use his own or other suitable facilities
15.1 For Civilian Procurement:
for the performance of the inspection and testing, and
(3) the purchaser shall have the right to perform any 15.1.1 Bars and shapes shall be properly marked
of the inspection and tests set forth in this specification. or tagged with the name of manufacturer, purchaser’s
name and order number, ASTM specification number,
The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector
heat number, grade or type, condition, and where
all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that
appropriate the size, length, and weight. Unless other-
the material is being furnished in accordance with the
wise specified, the method of marking is at the option
specification. Inspection by the purchaser shall not
of the manufacturer, and may be made by hot stamping,
interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer.
cold stamping, painting, or marking tags attached to
the bundles, lifts, or boxes.
15.1.2 Forgings shall be legibly die stamped with
the manufacturer’s symbol or name, material specifica-
tion number, type, and heat identification. When die
stamping is not permitted by the purchaser, electric
13. Rejection and Rehearing pencil or electro-etching may be used.

13.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements 15.2 For Government Procurement:
of this specification may be rejected. Rejection should 15.2.1 When specified in the contract or order,
be reported to the producer or supplier promptly, prefera- and for direct procurement by or direct shipment to
bly in writing. In case of dissatisfaction with the results the Government, marking for shipment, in addition to
of the test, the producer or supplier may make claim any requirements specified in the contract or order,
for a rehearing. shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129 for military
agencies and in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for
civil agencies.
15.2.2 For Government procurement by the De-
fense Supply Agency, bars and shapes shall be continu-
ously marked for identification in accordance with Fed.
Std. No. 183.
14. Certification
14.1 A certified report of the test results shall be 16. Preparation for Delivery
furnished at the time of shipment. The report shall
include the ASTM designation, year date and revision 16.1 Unless otherwise specified, the bars and shapes
letter, if any. shall be packaged and loaded in accordance with Prac-
tices A 700.

14.2 A document printed from or used in electronic 16.2 When specified in the contract or order, and
form from an electronic data interchange (EDI) transmis- for direct procurement by or direct shipment to the
sion shall be regarded as having the same validity as Government, when Level A is specified, preservation,
a counterpart printed in the certifier’s facility. The packaging, and packing shall be in accordance with
content of the EDI transmitted document shall meet the Level A requirements of MIL-STD-163.
the requirements of the invoked ASTM standard(s) and
conform to any existing EDI agreement between the
17. Keywords
purchaser and the supplier. Notwithstanding the absence
of a signature, the organization submitting the EDI 17.1 general delivery requirements; stainless steel
transmission is responsible for the content of the report. bars; stainless steel billets; stainless steel forgings

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II





NOTE—This table specifies tolerances over the maximum limits or under the minimum limits of the chemical requirements of the applicable
material specification (see 1.1); it does not apply to heat analysis.

Tolerances over the Tolerances over the

Maximum (Upper Maximum (Upper
Upper Limit or Maximum Limit) or Under Upper Limit or Maximum Limit) or Under
of the Minimum of the Minimum
Element Specified Range, % (Lower Limit) Element Specified Range, % (Lower Limit)

Carbon to 0.010, incl 0.002 Cobalt over 0.05 to 0.50, incl 0.01
over 0.010 to 0.030, incl 0.005 over 0.50 to 2.00, incl 0.02
over 0.030 to 0.20, incl 0.01 over 2.00 to 5.00, incl 0.05
over 0.20 to 0.60, incl 0.02 over 5.00 to 10.00, incl 0.10
over 0.60 to 1.20, incl 0.03 over 10.00 to 15.00, incl 0.15
over 15.00 to 22.00, incl 0.20
Manganese to 1.00, incl 0.03 over 22.00 to 30.00, incl 0.25
over 1.00 to 3.00, incl 0.04
over 3.00 to 6.00, incl 0.05 Columbium + to 1.50, incl 0.05
over 6.00 to 10.00, incl 0.06 tantalum over 1.50 to 5.00, incl 0.10
over 10.00 to 15.00, incl 0.10 over 5.00 0.15
over 15.00 to 20.00, incl 0.15
Tantalum to 0.10, incl 0.02
Phosphorus to 0.040, incl 0.005
over 0.040 to 0.20, incl 0.010 Copper to 0.50, incl 0.03
over 0.50 to 1.00, incl 0.05
Sulfur to 0.040, incl 0.005 over 1.00 to 3.00, incl 0.10
over 0.040 to 0.20, incl 0.010 over 3.00 to 5.00, incl 0.15
over 0.20 to 0.50, incl 0.020 over 5.00 to 10.00, incl 0.20

Silicon to 1.00, incl 0.05 Aluminum to 0.15, incl −0.005

over 1.00 to 3.00, incl 0.10 +0.01
over 3.00 to 6.00, incl 0.15 over 0.15 to 0.50, incl 0.05
over 0.50 to 2.00, incl 0.10
Chromium over 4.00 to 10.00, incl 0.10 over 2.00 to 5.00, incl 0.20
over 10.00 to 15.00, incl 0.15 over 5.00 to 10.00, incl 0.35
over 15.00 to 20.00, incl 0.20
over 20.00 to 30.00, incl 0.25 Nitrogen to 0.02, incl 0.005
over 0.02 to 0.19, incl 0.01
Nickel to 1.00, incl 0.03 over 0.19 to 0.25, incl 0.02
over 1.00 to 5.00, incl 0.07 over 0.25 to 0.35, incl 0.03
over 5.00 to 10.00, incl 0.10 over 0.35 to 0.45, incl 0.04
over 10.00 to 20.00, incl 0.15 over 0.45 0.05
over 20.00 to 30.00, incl 0.20
over 30.00 to 40.00, incl 0.25 Tungsten to 1.00, incl 0.03
over 40.00 0.30 over 1.00 to 2.00, incl 0.05
over 2.00 to 5.00, incl 0.07
Molybdenum over 0.20 to 0.60, incl 0.03 over 5.00 to 10.00, incl 0.10
over 0.60 to 2.00, incl 0.05 over 10.00 to 20.00, incl 0.15
over 2.00 to 7.00, incl 0.10
over 7.00 to 15.00, incl 0.15 Vanadium to 0.50, incl 0.03
over 15.00 to 30.00, incl 0.20 over 0.50 to 1.50, incl 0.05

Titanium to 1.00, incl 0.05 Selenium all 0.03

over 1.00 to 3.00, incl 0.07
over 3.00 0.10

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II


Permissible Variations from Specified Size,

in. [mm]
Out-of-RoundA or
Specified Size, in. [mm] Over Under Out-of-Square,B in. [mm]
5⁄ to 7⁄16 [8.00 to 11.00], inclC
16 0.006 [0.15] 0.006 [0.15] 0.009 [0.23]
Over 7⁄16 to 5⁄8 [11.00 to 15.50], inclC 0.007 [0.18] 0.007 [0.18] 0.010 [0.26]
Over 5⁄8 to 7⁄8 [15.50 to 22.00], incl 0.008 [0.20] 0.008 [0.20] 0.012 [0.30]
Over 7⁄8 to 1 [22.00 to 25.00], incl 0.009 [0.23] 0.009 [0.23] 0.013 [0.34]
Over 1 to 11⁄8 [25.00 to 28.00], incl 0.010 [0.25] 0.010 [0.25] 0.015 [0.38]
Over 11⁄8 to 11⁄4 [28.00 to 31.50], incl 0.011 [0.28] 0.011 [0.28] 0.016 [0.42]
Over 11⁄4 to 13⁄8 [31.50 to 34.50], incl 0.012 [0.30] 0.012 [0.30] 0.018 [0.46]
Over 13⁄8 to 11⁄2 [34.50 to 38.00], incl 0.014 [0.35] 0.014 [0.35] 0.021 [0.53]
Over 11⁄2 to 2 [38.00 to 50.00], incl 1⁄
64 [0.40]
64 [0.40] 0.023 [0.60]
Over 2 to 21⁄2 [50.00 to 63.00], incl 1⁄
32 [0.80] 0 0.023 [0.60]
Over 21⁄2 to 31⁄2 [63.00 to 90.00], incl 3⁄
64 [1.20] 0 0.035 [0.90]
Over 31⁄2 to 41⁄2 [90.00 to 115.00], incl 1⁄
16 [1.60] 0 0.046 [1.20]
Over 41⁄2 to 51⁄2 [115.00 to 140.00], incl 5⁄
64 [2.00] 0 0.058 [1.50]
Over 51⁄2 to 61⁄2 [140.00 to 165.00], incl 1⁄ [3.00]
8 0 0.070 [1.80]
Over 61⁄2 to 8 [165.00 to 200.00], incl 5⁄
32 [4.00] 0 0.085 [2.20]
Over 8 to 12 [200.00 to 300.00], inclD 3⁄
16 [4.80] 0 3⁄
32 [2.40]
Over 12 to 15 [300.00 to 400.00], inclD 7⁄
32 [5.50] 0 7⁄
64 [2.80]
Over 15 to 25 [400.00 to 625.00], inclD 1⁄ [6.50]
4 0 1⁄ [3.20]
A Out-of-round is the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters of the bar measured at the same cross section.
B Out-of-square section is the difference in the two dimensions at the same cross section of a square bar, each dimension being the distance
between opposite faces.
C Size tolerances have not been evolved for round sections in the size range of 5⁄ in. [8.00 mm] to approximately 5⁄ [15.5 mm] in diameter
16 8
which are produced on rod mills in coils.
D Turned bars are generally available from 2 to 25 in. [50 to 625 mm] in diameter, over 8 in. [200 mm] only turned bars are available.


Permissible Variations from Specified Size,

Maximum Difference in 3
in. [mm]
Specified Sizes Measured Between Opposite Measurements for Hexagons
Sides, in. [mm] Over Under Only, in. [mm]
1⁄ 1
4 to ⁄2 [6.50 to 13.00], incl 0.007 [0.18] 0.007 [0.18] 0.011 [0.28]
Over 1⁄2 to 1 [13.00 to 25.00], incl 0.010 [0.25] 0.010 [0.25] 0.015 [0.38]
Over 1 to 11⁄2 [25.00 to 38.00], incl 0.021 [0.53] 0.021 [0.53] 0.025 [0.64]
Over 11⁄2 to 2 [38.00 to 50.00], incl 1⁄
32 [0.80]
32 [0.80]
32 [0.80]
Over 2 to 21⁄2 [50.00 to 63.00], incl 3⁄
64 [1.20]
64 [1.20]
64 [1.20]
Over 21⁄2 to 31⁄2 [63.00 to 90.00], incl 1⁄
16 [1.60]
16 [1.60]
16 [1.60]


Permissible Variations in Thickness for Thicknesses Given, in. [mm] Permissible

Variations in
Specified Width, 1⁄ to 1⁄
8 2 Over 1⁄2 to 1 Over 1 to 2 Over 2 to 4 Over 4 to 6 Over 6 to 8 Width, in.
in. [mm] [3.2 to 13], incl [13 to 25], incl [25 to 50], incl [50 to 100], incl [100 to 150], incl [150 to 200], incl [mm]
Over Under Over Under Over Under Over Under Over Under Over Under Over Under

To 1 [25.00], incl 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.010 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.015 0.015

[0.20] [0.20] [0.25] [0.25] [0.40] [0.40]
Over 1 to 2 [25.00 to 0.012 0.012 0.015 0.015 0.031 0.031 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.031 0.031
50.00], incl [0.30] [0.30] [0.40] [0.40] [0.80] [0.80] [0.80] [0.80]
Over 2 to 4 [50.00 to 0.015 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.031 0.031 0.062 0.031 ... ... ... ... 0.062 0.031
100.00], incl [0.40] [0.40] [0.50] [0.50] [0.80] [0.80] [1.60] [0.80] [1.60] [0.80]
Over 4 to 6 [100.00 to 0.015 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.031 0.031 0.062 0.031 0.093 0.062 ... ... 0.093 0.062
150.00], incl [0.40] [0.40] [0.50] [0.50] [0.80] [0.80] [1.60] [0.80] [2.40] [1.60] [2.40] [1.60]
Over 6 to 8 [150.00 to 0.016 0.016 0.025 0.025 0.031 0.031 0.062 0.031 0.093 0.062 0.125 0.156 0.125 0.156
200.00], incl [0.40] [0.40] [0.65] [0.65] [0.80] [0.80] [1.60] [0.80] [2.40] [1.60] [3.20] [4.00] [3.20] [4.00]
Over 8 to 10 [200.00 to 0.020 0.020 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.062 0.031 0.093 0.062 0.125 0.156 0.156 0.187
250.00], incl [0.50] [0.50] [0.80] [0.80] [0.80] [0.80] [1.60] [0.80] [2.40] [1.60] [3.20] [4.00] [4.00] [4.80]
SA-484 /SA-484M
SA-484 /SA-484M


Permissible Variation
Permissible Variation
in LengthB
Thickness, in. [mm] Permissible VariationA in Width

Widths to 4 [100] Widths Over 4 [100]

Over Under Over Under
Order Thickness Over Under Over Under
Over 0.114 to 0.130 [2.90 to 3.30], 0.010 0.010 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
incl [0.25] [0.25] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0
Over 0.130 to 0.145 [3.30 to 3.70], 0.012 0.012 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
incl [0.30] [0.30] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0
Over 0.145 to less than 3⁄16, [3.70 0.014 0.014 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
to 4.80] [0.35] [0.35] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0
3⁄ 3 0.050 0.010 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
16 to ⁄8 [4.80 to 9.00], excl
[1.25] [0.25] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0

3⁄ 0.060 0.010 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
8 to 3⁄4 [9.00 to 19.00], excl
[1.50] [0.25] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0
3⁄ to 1 [19.00 to 25.00], excl 0.065 0.010 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0

[1.65] [0.25] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0

1 to 2 [25.00 to 50.00], excl 0.075 0.010 0.094 0.031 0.094 0.094 0.188 0
[1.90] [0.25] [2.40] [0.80] [2.40] [2.40] [4.80] 0
2 to 3 [50.00 to 75.00], excl 0.150 0.010 0.125 0.062 0.125 0.125 0.250 0
[3.80] [0.25] [3.00] [1.60] [3.00] [3.00] [6.50] 0
3 to 4 [75.00 to 100.00], excl 0.210 0.010 0.125 0.062 0.125 0.125 0.250 0
[5.30] [0.25] [3.00] [1.60] [3.00] [3.00] [6.50] 0
4 to 6 [100.00 to 150.00], excl 0.300 0.010 0.125 0.062 0.125 0.125 0.250 0
[7.60] [0.25] [3.00] [1.60] [3.00] [3.00] [6.50] 0
6 to 8 [150.00 to 200.00], excl 0.420 0.010 0.125 0.062 0.125 0.125 0.250 0
[10.65] [0.25] [3.00] [1.60] [3.00] [3.00] [6.50] 0
8 to 10 [200.00 to 250.00], excl 0.540 0.010 0.125 0.062 0.125 0.125 0.250 0
[13.70] [0.25] [3.00] [1.60] [3.00] [3.00] [6.50] 0
A By agreement between purchaser and seller, tolerances can be shifted as desired to any combination of plus-minus tolerance between all minus and all plus.
B Not applicable when bars are ordered random length.


Permissible Variations from Specified

Size, in. [mm]A,B
Specified Size, in. [mm] Over Under
1⁄ 5⁄
to 16 [1.50 to 8.00], excl 0.001 [0.03] 0.001 [0.03]
5⁄ to 1⁄2 [8.00 to 13.00], excl 0.0015 [0.04] 0.0015 [0.04]
1⁄ to 1 [13.00 to 25.00], excl 0.002 [0.05] 0.002 [0.05]
1 to 11⁄2 [25.00 to 38.00], excl 0.0025 [0.06] 0.0025 [0.06]
11⁄2 to 4 [38.00 to 100.00], inclC 0.003 [0.08] 0.003 [0.08]
A Unless otherwise specified, size tolerances are over and under as shown in the above table. When required,

however, they may be specified all over and nothing under, or all under and nothing over, or any combination
of over and under, if the total spread in size tolerance for a specified size is not less than the total spread
shown in the table.
B When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after cold finishing, size tolerances are double

those shown in the table.

C Cold-finished bars over 4 in. [100 mm] in diameter are produced; size tolerances for such bars are not

included herein.


Permissible Variations from Specified Size,

in. [mm]B
Specified Size,A in. [mm] Over Under
1⁄ 5
8 to ⁄16 [3.00 to 8.00], excl 0 0.002 [0.05]
5⁄ 1
16 to ⁄2 [8.00 to 13.00], excl 0 0.003 [0.08]
1⁄ to 1 [13.00 to 25.00], incl 0 0.004 [0.10]
Over 1 to 2 [25.00 to 50.00], incl 0 0.006 [0.15]
Over 2 to 3 [50.00 to 75.00], incl 0 0.008 [0.20]
Over 3 [75.00] 0 0.010 [0.25]
Distance across flats.
When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after cold finishing, size tolerances are double
those shown in the table.

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II


Permissible Variations in Width, Over and

Under, in. [mm]A
Width, in. [mm] For Thicknesses For Thicknesses
1⁄ in. [6.5] Over 1⁄4 in.
and Under [6.5]
1⁄ 3
16 to ⁄8 [1.50 to 9.50], incl 0.005 [0.12] 0.005 [0.12]
Over 3⁄8 to 1 [9.50 to 25.00], incl 0.004 [0.10] 0.004 [0.10]
Over 1 to 2 [25.00 to 50.00], incl 0.006 [0.15] 0.004 [0.10]
Over 2 to 3 [50.00 to 75.00], incl 0.008 [0.20] 0.004 [0.10]
Over 3 to 41⁄2 [75.00 to 115.00], incl 0.010 [0.25] 0.005 [0.13]

Permissible Variations in Thickness,

Thickness, in. [mm]
Over and Under, in. [mm]A
Up to .029 [0.70], incl 0.001 [0.03]
Over .029 to .035 [0.70 to 1.00], incl 0.0015 [0.04]
Over .035 to 1 [1.00 to 25.00], incl 0.002 [0.05]
Over 1 to 2 [25.00 to 50.00], incl 0.003 [0.08]
Over 2 to 3 [50.00 to 75.00], incl 0.004 [0.10]
Over 3 to 41⁄2 [75.00 to 115.00], inclB 0.005 [0.13]
A When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after cold finishing, size tolerances are double

those shown in the table.

B Cold-finished flat bars over 41⁄ in. [115 mm] wide or thick are produced; width and thickness tolerances
for such bars are not included herein.


NOTE — These tolerances are not applicable when bars are ordered random length.

Permissible Variations in Length, in. [mm]A

For Lengths up to 12 ftC For Lengths Over 12 to
Specified Size of Rounds, Squares, [4 m], incl 25 ft [4 to 8 m], incl
Hexagons, Octagons, and Widths of
Flats,B in. [mm] Over Under Over Under
Up to .500 [13.00], incl 1⁄ [1.5] 0 1⁄
[3.0] 0
16 8
Over .500 to 2 [13.00 to 50.00], incl 1⁄ [13] 0 3⁄
[19.0] 0
2 4
Over 2 to 4 [50.00 to 100.00], incl 3⁄ [19] 0 1 [25.00] 0
Over 4 to 6 [100.00 to 150.00], incl 1 [25] 0 11⁄4 [31.50] 0
Over 6 to 9 [150.00 to 225.00], incl 11⁄4 [31.5] 0 11⁄2 [38.00] 0
Over 9 to 12 [225.00 to 300.00], incl 11⁄2 [38] 0 2 [50.00] 0
A Random Lengths — When ordered as random lengths, permissible variation is 2 ft [0.6 m] over and

under the specified length. When ordered as random lengths subject to a minimum length requirement,
permissible variation is 2 ft [0.6 m] over and nothing under the specified length.
B The maximum width of bar flats is 10 in. [250 mm].
C For lengths under 3 ft [1 m] and sizes up to 1⁄ in. [13.00 mm] incl., the permissible variation in length
is 1⁄32 in. [0.80 mm] over and nothing under.



NOTE — These tolerances are not applicable when bars are ordered random length.

Permissible Variations in Length, in. [mm]

For Lengths up to 12 ft For Lengths Over 12 to
Specified Size of Rounds, [4 m], incl 25 ft [4 to 8 m], incl
Squares, Hexagons, Octagons,
and Width of Flats,A in. [mm] Over Under Over Under
To 3 [75], incl 1⁄[3.0] 0 3⁄
8 16 [4.8] 0
Over 3 to 6 [75 to 150], incl 3⁄ [4.8] 0 1⁄ [6.5] 0
16 4
Over 6 to 9 [150 to 225], incl 1⁄[6.5] 0 5⁄
4 16 [8.0] 0
Over 9 to 12 [225 to 300], incl 1⁄ [13.0] 0 1⁄ [13.0] 0
2 2
A The maximum width of bar flats is 10 in. [250 mm].


TABLE 11 NOTE — For unequal leg angles, the longer leg determines the
tolerance for the length of each leg.
FINISHED BARSA For angles of 6 lb/ft [9.0 kg/m] or less, the weight tolerances shall
not exceed 671⁄2%. For angles over 6 lb/ft [9 kg/m], the weight
Measurement is taken on the concave side of the bar with a straight- tolerance shall not exceed 641⁄2%.
edge. Unless otherwise specified, hot-finished or cold-finished bars Length of Legs:
for machining purposes are furnished machine straightened to the For angles having legs or flanges up to 6 in. [150 mm], incl, the
following tolerances: length tolerance shall not exceed 61⁄8 in. [3.00 mm]. For angles
having legs or flanges over 6 in., the length tolerance shall not exceed
Hot finished:
+3⁄16 in. [5.00 mm] and −1⁄8 in.
1⁄ in. [3.00 mm] in any 5 ft [1.50 m]; but may not exceed Squareness of Legs:
1⁄ in. [3.00 mm] × (length in ft/5) [m/1.50]
8 The tolerance for the right angle between the legs is 62°.
A For equal leg angles, the theoretical weight per foot is:
Cold finished:
16 in. [1.5 mm] in any 5 ft [1.5 m]; but may not exceed Weight/foot p (24 W × t − 12t 2) (0.2871 lb/ft)
16 in. [1.5 mm] × (length in ft/5) [m/1.50] where W is the specified length of the leg, and t is the specified
Straightness tolerances have not been established for sizes less thickness, both in inches.
than 1⁄2 in. [6.50 m]. For unequal leg angles, the theoretical weight per foot is:
Weight/foot p [12 W1 × t + 12 W2 × t − 12t 2] (0.2871 lb/ft)
where W1 and W2 are the specified leg lengths, and t is the specified
leg thickness, all in inches.

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II


Size Tolerances, Over and Under, in. [mm]

Thickness of Web for
Thickness Given Out-of-SquareB of
Either Flange, in./in.
To 3⁄16 incl Over 3⁄16 [mm/mm] of
Specified Size of Channel, in. [mm] Depth of SectionA Width of Flanges [5.00 mm] [5.00 mm] Flange Width
To 2 [38.00], incl 3⁄
64 [1.20] 3⁄
64 [1.20] 0.015 [0.41] 0.023 [0.60] 3⁄
64 [1.20]
Over 11⁄2 to 3 [38.00 to 75.00], excl 3⁄
32 [2.40] 3⁄
32 [2.40] 0.023 [0.60] 0.030 [0.80] 3⁄
64 [1.20]
A Channel depth is measured at back of web.
B For channels 5⁄8 in. [15.50 mm] and under in depth, the out-of-square tolerance is 5⁄64 in./in. [2.00 mm/mm] of depth. Out-of-squareness is
determined by placing a square against the bottom surface of the web and measuring the amount of toe-in or toe-out of either flange. Measurements
for depth of section and width of flanges are over-all.


Thickness of Flange, in.

Width or Depth, in. [mm] Thickness of Stem, in. [mm] Stem
Specified Size of Tee, in. Out-of-SquareC
[mm]A Over Under Over Under Over Under in. [mm]

To 2 [38.00], incl 5⁄
64 [2.00] 5⁄
64 [2.00] 0.015 [0.38] 0.015 [0.38] 0.008 [0.20] 0.030 [0.75] 3⁄
64 [1.20]
Over 11⁄2 to 2 [38.00 to 50.00], 3⁄
32 [2.40] 3⁄
32 [2.40] 0.018 [0.46] 0.018 [0.46] 0.015 [0.38] 0.030 [0.75] 3⁄
32 [2.40]
Over 2 to 3 [50.00 to 75.00], excl 9⁄ [3.60] 9⁄ [3.60] 0.023 [0.60] 0.023 [0.60] 0.023 [0.60] 0.030 [0.75] 9⁄ [3.60]
64 64 64
A The longer member of an unequal tee determines the size for tolerances.
B Measurements for both width and depth are over-all.
C Stem out-of-square is the variation from its true position of the center line of stem measured at the point.

Plus and minus max 2°
Section Tolerances, in.
Specified Size, in. [mm] Over Under
Dimensions under 1 [25] 0.020 0.020
[0.50] [0.50]
Dimensions 1 to 3 [25 to 75], excl 0.031 0.031
[0.80] [0.80]
Dimensions 3 to 4 [75 to 100], incl. 0.046 0.046
[1.20] [1.20]
Over 4 [100] 0.062 0.062
[1.60] [1.60]



For Lengths up to 12 ft For Lengths over 12 ft

[4 m], incl. [4 m]
Specified Size Over Under Over Under
Up to 3 in. [75 mm], excl 3⁄ in. [4.8 mm] 0 1⁄ in. [6.5 mm] 0
16 4
A 1⁄
Multiple Lengths — Unless otherwise specified, 4 in. [6.5 mm] is added to the total length of each
piece for each multiple contained.
B Random Lengths — When ordered as random lengths, permissible variation is 2 ft [0.6 m] over and

under the specified length. When ordered as random lengths subject to a minimum length requirement,
permissible variation is 2 ft [0.6 m] over and nothing under the specified length.


NOTE — The amount of spiraling in an extruded shape is called

twist. It can be measured by the height of the high corner from a flat
reference base (established rise).

Using the following calculation, the twist tolerance must not exceed
what is shown in the table.
established rise × number of ft in length
Rise in 5 ft. p

Section Width Rise in 5 ft

1⁄ 11⁄
2 in. [13 mm] to 2 in. [39 mm] 0.125 in. [3.00 mm]
Over 11⁄2 in. [39 mm] to 4 in. [100 mm] 0.188 in. [4.80 mm]
Over 4 in. [100 mm] 0.250 in. [6.50 mm]

SA-484 /SA-484M 1998 SECTION II


(Nonmandatory Information)

X1. RATIONALE REGARDING DEFINITION and that hardness testing be performed on at least one
OF LOT FOR MECHANICAL sample per charge.
X1.3 The old definition of a lot for mechanical
testing based on simply the words “same size, heat,
X1.1 It is generally recognized that material described and heat treatment charge in a batch furnace” assumes
as a lot must be “produced under the same processing that heat treating is the only process affecting properties.
conditions,” which means the same manufacturing order This kind of definition ignores the effects of other
number, same size, same heat, same heat-treating proce- processing, prior to and subsequent to heat treating.
dure, and same subsequent processing. Under those Moreover, it assumes that each heat-treated batch will
conditions, single samples can be selected to be repre- be uniform and unique rather than reproducible. In
sentitive of the total lot, with at least one sample for reality, heat treating is a process which can be controlled
each 20 000 pounds of material. easily throughout a batch and from batch to batch, with
the net result that multiple batches can be considered part
X1.2 Following the principle described in X1.1 gener-
of a single lot if equipment and processing parameters
ally requires that the producer control each of several
meet the mandates of X1.1 and X1.2.
furnace loads constituting the same lot so that:
X1.4 The sampling specified for mechanical proper-
X1.2.1 Set point temperature and process tolerance
ties is not a statistical sampling plan. Therefore, it
provides only typical data. Assurance of uniformity
X1.2.2 Time at temperature for all thermal treat- within the lot can be obtained only by the producer
ment shall match within 10%, adequately controlling the processing parameters.
X1.2.3 All furnaces used be similar in size and
meet the uniformity requirements of a documented
furnace quality assurance program and,
X2.1 Bar coding to identify steel is not specifically
X1.2.4 The quench systems are the same with
addressed in Committee A-1 specifications. Committee
respect to volume, type of quenchant, and circulation
A-1 endorses the AIAG bar code standard for primary
metals for steel products and proposes that this bar
X1.2.5 Further, it would be expected that grouped coding standard be considered as a possible auxiliary
loads be handles within a relatively short time period, method of identification.


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