Specification For Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials For High-Temperature Service
Specification For Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials For High-Temperature Service
Specification For Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials For High-Temperature Service
~ m®
(Identical with ASTM Specification A 193/A I93M-98a except for differences in paras. 3.1.J and 19.4, Note 6 of Table I. and editorial
. differences in Table 2.)
E 18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell stainless steels; Class ID applies to material carbide solu-
Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials tion treated by cooling rapidly from the rolling temper-
E 21 Practice for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests ature),
of Metallic Materials 3.1.3 Quantity (that is, number of pieces or weight),
E 139 Practice for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture,
and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials 3.1.4 Description of items required (that is, bars,
E ISO Practice for Conducting Creep and Creep-Rupture bolts, screws, or studs),
Tension Tests of Metallic Materials Under Conditions 3.1.5 Dimensions (that is, diameter, length of point,
of Rapid Heating aod Short Times overall length, finish, shape, and threads),
E 151 Practice for Tension Tests of Metallic Materials 3.1.6 Nuts, if required by purchaser, in accordance
at Elevated Temperatures with Rapid Heating and Con- with 14.1,
ventional or Rapid Strain Rates
3.1.7 Supplementary requirements, if any, and
E 292 Practice for Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch
Tension Tests of Materials 3.1,8 Special requirements, in accordance with 6.3,
E 328 Methods for Stress-Relaxation Tests for Materials 6.6, 11.3, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, and 18.1.
and Structures
E 381 Method of Macroetch Testing Products, Inspection,
and Rating Comprising Steel Bars, Billets, Blooms and 4. Mannfacture (Process)
Forgings 4,1 The steel shall be produced by any of thefollowing
E 566 Practiee for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Sort- processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, electric-furnace or (
ing of Ferrous Metals vacuum-induction melting (VIM). The primary melting
E 709 Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination method may incorporate separate degassing or refining.
F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical The molten steel may be vacuum-treated priorto orduring
Properties of Exteroally and Internally Threaded Fas- pouring of the ingot or strand casting. The basic-oxygen
teners, Washers, and Rivets process shall be limited to steels containing not over 6%
2.2 ANSI Standards:
B 1.1 Screw Threads 4.2 Quality - To ensure soundness, ferritic steel bars
B 1.13M Metric Screw Threads and wire shall be tested in accordance with Method E
BI8.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws 381, or other suitable method as agreed upon between
B 18.2.3.IM Metric Hex Cap Screws the purchaser and the producer. When bar or wire is
B18.3 Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket Screws supplied, the bar or wire producer shall perform the test.
BI8.3.1M Metric Socket Head Cap Screws. When fasteners are supplied, either the bar or wire pro-
ducer or the fastener producer, as agreed upon between
2.3 AlAG Standard: them, shall perform the test. Quality control procedures
AIAG B-5 02.00 Primary Metals Identification Tag shall be sufficient to demonstrate that the testing was
Application Standard performed and that the results were acceptable. A bar lot
consisting of one heat or 10000 Ibs whichever is smaller,
shall be represented by a minimum of one macroetch.
3. Ordering Information Visual examination of transverse sections shall show no
imperfections worse than the macrographs of Method E
3.1 The inquiry and order for material under this
specification shall include the following as required to 381 S4-R4-C4 or equivalent as agreed upon. Distinct
zones of solidification shall not be present.
describe the material adequately:
3.1.1 Specification, designation, year date, and
grade. 5. Discard
3.1.2 Heat-treated condition (that is, normalized 5.1 A sufficient discard shall be made to secure free-
and tempered, or quenched and tempered, for the ferritic dom from injurious piping and undue segregation.
materials, and carbide solution treated (Class I), carbide
solution treated after finishing (Class IA), and carbide
solution treated and strain hardened (Classes 2, 2B, and 6. Heat Treatment
2e), for the austenitic stainless steels; Classes IB and IC 6.1 Ferritic steels shall be properly heat treated as
apply to the carbide solution-treated nitrogen-bearing best suits the high-temperature characteristics of each
grade. Immediately after rolling or forging, the bolting 6.3.2 Class 1D - Rolled or forged Grades B8,
material shall be allowed to cool to a temperature below B8M, B8P, B8LN, B8MLN, B8N, B8MN, B8R, and B8S
the cooling transformation range. The materials which bar shall be cooled rapidly immediately following hot
are to be furnished in the liquid-quenched condition shall working while the temperature is above 1750"F [955"C),
then be uniformly reheated to the proper temperature to so that grain boundary carbides are in solution (see A
refine the grain (a group thus reheated being known as 479-88b and subsequent revisions). Class l D shall be
a "quenching charge") and quenched in a liquid medium restricted to applications at temperatures less than 850"F
under substantially uniform conditions for each quench- [455"C].
ing charge. Use of water quenching is prohibited for any 6.3.3 Class 1A and Class 1C Grades B8RA and
ferritic grade when heat treatment is part of the fastener B8SA - Finished fasteners shall be carbide solution
manufacturing process. This prohibition does not apply treated after all rolling, forging, heading, and threading
to heat treated bar or to fasteners machined therefrom. operations are complete. This designation does not apply
Material Grade B 16 shall be heated to a temperature to starting material such as bar. Fasteners shall be heated
range of 1700"F to 1750"F [925"C to 954"C] and oil from ambient temperature and held a sufficient time at a
quenched. The materials that are to be furnished in the temperature at which the chromium carbide will go into
normalized or air-quenched condition shall be reheated solution and then shall be cooled at a rate sufficient to
to the proper temperature to refine the grain and cooled prevent the precipitation of the carbide.
uniformly in airto a temperature below thetransformation
temperature range. The material, whether Iiquid- 6.3.4 Classes 2, 2B, and 2C - Material shall be
quenched or normalized, shall then be uniformly reheated carbide solution treated by heating from ambient tempera-
for-tempering. The minimumtempering temperature shall ture and holding a sufficient time at a temperature at
be as specified in Table 2 and Table 3. which the chromium carbide will go into solution and
thencooling at a ratesufficient to preventtheprecipitation
6.1.1 Quenched and tempered or normalized and
of the carbide. Following this treatment the material shall
tempered ferritic material that is subsequently cold drawn
then be strain hardened to achieve the required properties.
for dimensional control shall be stress-relieved after cold
drawing. The minimum stress-relieftemperature shall be NOTE4 - Heattreatment following operations performed on a limited
WO°F [55"C) below the tempering temperature. Tests portion of the product, such as heading, may result in non-uniform
for mechanical properties shall be performed after stress grain size and mechanical properties through the section affected.
relieving. 6.4 If scale-free bright finish is required, this shall be
6.2 Both B6 and B6X materials shall be held, at specified in the purchase order.
the tempering temperature for a minimum time of 1 h.
6.5 B7 and B7M bolting shall be heat treated by
Identification Symbol B6X material may be furnished in
quenching in a liquid medium and tempering. For B7M
the as-rolled-and-tempered condition. Cold working is
bolting, the final heat treatment, which may be the temper-
permitted with the hardness limitation (26 HRC maxi-
ing operation if conducted at 1150"F [620"C] minimum,
mum) of Table 2 for the B6X grade.
shall be done after all machining and forming operations,
6.3 All austenitic stainless steels shall receive a car- including thread rolling, are complete.
bide solution treatment (see 6.3.1, 6.3.4 for specific
6.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, material for
requirements for each class). Classes 1, IB, IC (Grades
Grade B7 may be heat treated by the Furnace, the Induc-
B8R and B8S only), 2, 2B, and 2C can apply to bar,
tion or the Electrical Resistance method.
wire, and finished fasteners. Class IA (all grades) and
Class 1C (Grades B8RA and B8SA only) can apply to NOTE 5 - It should be taken into consideration that stress-relaxation
finished fasteners. Class ID applies only to bar and wire properties may vary from heat lot to heat lot or these properties may
vary from one heal treating method to another. The purchaser may
and finished fasteners that are machined directly from
specify Requirement S8. if stress-relaxation testing is desired.
Class 1D bar or wire without any subsequent hot or cold
6.3.1 Classes 1 and 1B, and Class I C Grades B8R 7. Chemical Composition
and B8S - After rolling of the bar, forging, or heading,
7.1 Each alloy shall conform to the chemical composi-
whether done hot or cold, the material shall be heated
tion requirements prescribed in Table I. Steels with added
from ambient temperature and held a sufficient time at a
lead shall not be used.
temperature at which the chromium carbide will go into
solution and then shall be cooled at a rate sufficient to 7.2 The steel shall not contain an unspecified element
prevent the precipitation of the carbide. for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel conforms
SA·193/SA-193M 2004 SECTION II
be flat and chamfered or rounded at option of the manufac- Diameter, in. [mm] Lot Size
turer. Length of points on studs and stud bolts shall be 11/8 [30] and under 1500 Ib [780 kg) or fraction thereof
not less than one nor more than two complete threads as Over Ills [3D] to 1)'4 4500 Ib [2000 kg] or fraction thereof
measured from the extreme end parallel to the axis. [42], inel
Over I~ [42] to 21;2 6000 lb [2700 kg] or fraction thereof
Length of studs and stud bolts shall be measured from
[64J. incl
first thread to first thread. Over 21;1 [64] 100 pieces or fraction thereof
12. Retests
12.1 If the results of the mechanical tests of any test 14. Nuts
lot do not conform to the requirements specified, the 14.1 Bolts, studs, and stud bolts shall be furnished
manufacturer may retreat such lot not more than twice, with nuts, when specified in the purchase order. Nuts
in which case two additional tension tests shall be made shall conform to Specification A 194/A 194M.
from such lot, all of which shall conform to the require-
ments specified.
15. Threads
15.1 When inch series product is ordered, all bolts,
13. Test Specimens studs, stud bolts, and accompanying nuts, unless other-
13.1 Tension test specimens taken from finished bolts, wise specified in the purchase order shall be threaded in
screws, studs, or stud bolts shall be machined to the form accordance with ANSI B 1.1 Class 2A fit, sizes I in. and
and dimensions and shall be taken from positions shown smaller in diameterwith the coarse-thread series, and 11/ 8
in A3.2.1.7 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370. Ten- in. and larger in diameter with the 8-pitch-thread series.
sion test specimens from barstock are covered by Annex When metric product is ordered, threads shall be metric
A1.3 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370, Annex A I. coarse thread series as specified in ANSI B 1.13M, and
13,1.1 Number ofTests - For heat-treated bars, one shall have Grade 6G tolerances.
tension test shall be made for each diameter of each heat 15,2 Where practical, all threads shall be formed after
represented in each tempering charge. When heat treated heat treatment. Class IA, Grades B8A, B8CA, B8MA,
without interruption in continuous furnaces, the material B8PA, B8TA, B8LNA, B8MLNA, B8NA. B8MNA, and
in a lot shall be thesame heat, same priorcondition, same B8MLCuNA, and Class IC Grades B8RA and B8SA are
size and subjected to the same heat treatment. Not fewer to be solution treated in the finished condition.
than two tension tests are required for each lot containing
20 000 lb [9000 kg] or less. Every additional 10 000 lb
[4500 kg] or fraction thereof requires one additional test. 16. Inspection
13.1.2 For studs, bolts, screws, etc., one tension 16.1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall
test shall be made for each diameter of each heat involved have entry, at all time while work on the contract of the
in the lot. Each lot shall consist of the following: purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the place of
SA-193/SA-193M 2004 SECTION II
manufacture thatconcern the manufacture of the material supplementary requirements or other requirements desig-
ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all nated in the purchase order or contract and was found to
reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is meet those requirements.
being furnished in accordance with this specification. All 18.2.2 The specification number, year date, and
tests (except product analysis) and inspection shall be identification symbol.
made at theplace of manufacture prior to shipment,unless
otherwise specified in the purchase order and shall be
so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the 19. Product Marking
operatiou of the works. 19.1 Grade/class and manufacturer's identification
symbols shall be applied to one end of studs 'I, in. [10
mrn] in diameter and larger and to the heads of bolts \14
17. Rejection and Rehearing in. [6 mm] in diameter and larger. (If the available area
17.1 Unless otherwise specified in the basis of pur- is inadequate, the grade symbol may be marked on one
chase, any rejection based on tests made in accordance end and the manufacturer's identification symbol marked
with Section 9 shall be reported to the manufacturer on the other end.) The identification symbol shall be as
within 30 days from the receipt of samples by the pur- shown in Table 4 and 5. Grade B7M which has been
chaser. 100% evaluated in conformance with the specification,
shall have a line under the grade symbol to distinguish
17.2 Material that shows defects subsequent to its it from B7M produced to previous specification revisions
acceptance at the place of manufacture shall be rejected. not requiring 100% hardness testing.
and the manufacturer shall be notified.
19.2 For bolting materials, including threaded bars,
17.3 Samples tested in accordance with Section 9 that that are furnished bundled and tagged or boxed, the tags
represent rejectedmaterial shall be preserved for 2 weeks and boxes shall carry the grade symbol for the material
from the date of the test report. In the case of dissatisfac- identification and the manufacturer's identification mark
tion with the results of the test, the manufacturer may or name.
make claim for a rehearing within that time. 19.3 For purposes of identification marking, the man-
ufacturer is considered the organization that certifies the
fastener was manufactured, sampled, tested, and
18. Certification inspected in accordance with the specification and the
18.1 The producer of the raw material or finished results have been determined to meet the requirements
fasteners shall furnish a certification to the purchaser or of this specification.
his representative showing the results of the chemical 19.4 Bar Coding - In addition to the requirements
analysis, macroetch examination (Carbon and Alloy in 19.1, 19.2, and 19.3, bar coding is acceptable as a
Steels Only), and mechanical tests, and state the method supplementary identification method. Bar coding should
of heat treatment employed. be consistent with AIAG Standard B-5 02.00. If used on
18.2 Certification shall also include at least the fol- small items, the bar code may be applied to the box or
lowing: a substantially applied tag.
Grade B8, B8A B8C, B8CA B8M, B8MA, B8M2, B8M3 _ _----='-'-'-'-.::.-----="---_
B8P, B8PA _
AISI Type 305 with
Description AISI Type 304 AISI Type 347 AISI Type 316 restricted carbon
Carbon, max 0.08 0.01 over 0.08 0.01 over 0.08 0.01 over 0.12 0.01 over
Manganese, max 2.00 0.04 over 2.00 0.04 over 2.00 0.04 over 2.00 0.04 over
Phosphorus, max 0.045 0.010 over 0.045 0.010 over 0.045 0.010 over 0.045 0.010 over
Sulfur, max 0.030 0.005 over 0.030 0.005 over 0.030 0.005 over 0.030 0.005 over
Silicon, max l.00 o.os over 1.00 0.05 over l.00 0.05 over 1.00 0.05 over
Chromium 18.0-20.0 0.20 17.0-19.0 0.20 16.0-18.0 0.20 17.0-19.0 0.20
Nickel 8.0-11.0 0.15 9.0-12.0 0.15 10.0-14.0 0.15 11.0-13.0 0.15
Molybdenum 2.00-3.00 0.10
Columbium + 10 x carbon 0.05 under
tantalum content, min;
1.10 max
SA-193/SA-193M 2004 SECTION II
Type Austenitic Steels [Note (6n Classes I, IA and ID
Description AISI Type 304N with restricted carbon AISI Type 3I6N with restricted carbon
Product Variation, Product Variation,
Over or Under Over or Under
Range [Note (2)] Range [Note (2)]
Carbon, max 0.030 0.005 over 0.030 0.005 over
Manganese 2.00 0.04 over 2.00 0.04 over
Phosphorus, max 0.045 0.010 over 0.045 0.010 over
Sulfur, max 0.030 0.005 over 0.030 0.005 over
Stllcon 1.00 0.05 over 1.00 0.05 over
Chromium 18.0-20.0 0.20 16.0-18.0 0.20
Nickel 8.0.,-11.0 . 0.15 10.0-13.0 0.15
Molybdenum 2.00-3.00 0.10
Nitrogen . 0.10-0.16 0.01 0.10-0.16 0.01
(1) The intentional addition of Bl, Se, Te, and Pb is not permitted. .
'(2) Product analysis - Individual determinations sometimes vary from the specified limits on ranges as shown in the tables. The several
determinations of any individual element in a heat may not vary both above and below the specified range.
(3) Typical steel compcsltlons used for this grade include 4140, 4142,4145, 4140H, 4142H, and 4145H.
(4) For bar sizes over 3 1/ 2 in. [90 mmj, inclusive, the carbon content may be 0.50%, max. For the B7M grade, a minimum carbon content of
0.28% is permitted, provided that the required tensile properties are met in the section sues involved; the use of AISI 4130 or 4130H is
(5) Total of soluble and insoluble.
(6) Classes 1 and ID are solution treated. Classes I, IB and some IC (BsR and B8S) products are made from solution treated material. Class
1A (B8A, BSCA, B8MA, S8PA, BSTA, B8LNA, B8MLNA, S8NA and B8MNA) and some Class lC (B8RA and B8SA) products are
solution treated in the finished condition. Class 2 products are solution treated and strain hardened.
Tensile mini 0.2 Elongation Reduction
Strength, % offset, in 4D, of Area, Hardness,
Grade, Diameter, in. Heat Treatment [Note (Z)] min, ksi .ksi min, % min % rna,
Austenitic Steels
(}) To meet the tensile requirements, the Brinell hardness shall be over 200 HB (93 HRBL
(2) Class 1 is solution treated. Class lA is solution treated in the finished condition for corrosion resistance: heat treatment is critical due to
physical property requirement. Class 2 is solution treated and strain hardened. Austenitic steels in the strain-hardened condition may not
show uniform properties throughout the section particularly in sizes over 3/4 in. in diameter.
0) For sizes 3/4 in. in diameter and smaller, a maximum hardness of 241 HB (lOa HRB) is permitted.
(4) For diameters 1 1/ 2 and over, center (core) properties may be lower than indicated by test reports which are based on values determined at
1;2 radius.
SA·193/SA·193M 2004 SECTION II
4 to 6% chromium up to MIOa, inc! 593 690 550 16 50
13% chromium up to MIOD, lncl 593 760 585 15 50
13% chromium up to MIOD, lncl 593 620 485 16 50 26 HRC
Chromlum-mclybdenum M64 and under 593 860 720 16 50 321 HB or 35 HRC
over M64 to MIOa 593 795 655 16 50 302 H B or 33 H RC
over MIOa to MI8D 593 690 515 18 50 277 HB or 29 HRC
87M A ie
Chromlum-molybdenum M 64 and under 620 690 550 18 50 235 HB or 99 HRB
M 100 and under 620 690 550 18 50 235 BHN or99 RIB
over MlOO to MIBD 620 690 515 18 50 235 BHN or 99 RIB
Chromium-molybdenum-vanadium M64 and under 650 860 725 lB 50 321 HB or 35 H RC
over M64 to MIOa 650 760 655 17 45 302 HB or 33 HRC
over MIOD to MISO 650 690 586 16 45 277 HB or 29 HRC
Tensile Strength,
Strength! min, 0.2% Elongation Reduction
min! offset! in 40, of Area,
Class Diameter, mm Heat Treatment" MPa MPa min! % mini % Hardness, max
Austenitic Steels
Classes 1 and 10: B8, B8M, carbide solution treated 515 205 30 50 223 HB cor96 HRB
B8P, B8LN, 88MLN, all
Class 1: B8C, B8T, all dlame- carbide solution treated 515 205 30 50 223 -HBc or 96 HRB
Class lA: B8A I 88CA, B8MA, carbide solution treated in the finished 515 205 30 50 192 HB or 90 HRB
B8PA, B8TA, 88LNA, condition
BBMLCuNA, all diameters
Classes IB and ID: B8N, carbide solution treated 550 240 30 40 223 HB c or 96 HRB
B8MN, and B8MLCuN, all
Classes lC and ID: B8R, all carbide solution treated 690 380 35 55 271 HB or 28 HRC
Class IC: 88RA, all diameters carbide solution treated in the finished 690 380 35 55 271 H 8 or 28 HRC
Classes icand ID: B8S, all carbide solution treated 655 345 35 55 271 HB or 28 HRC
Class lC: BBSA, all diameters carbide solution treated in the finished 655 345 35 55 271 HB or 28 HRC
Tensile Strength,
Strength, min, 0.2% Elongation Reduction
min, offset, in 4D, of Areal
Class Diameter, mm Heat Treatment" MPa MPa min, % min, % Hardness, max
Austenitic Steels
Class 2: B8, B8C, SSP, B8T, carbide solution treated and strain har- 860 690 12 35 321 HB or 35 HRC
and B8N D dened
M20 and under
over Mzo to M24, inel 795 550 15 35 321 HB or 35 HRC
over M24 to M30, lncl 725 450 20 35 321 HB or 35 HRC
over M30 to M36, incl 690 345 28 45 321 HB or 35 HRC
Class 2: B8M, B8MN, carbide solution treated and strain har- 760 665 15 45 321 HB or 35 HRC
BBMLCuN o dened
M2Q and under
over M20 to M24/ lncl 690 550 20 45 321 HB or 35 HRC
over M24 to M30, lnc! 655 450 25 45 321 H B or 35 H RC
over M30 to M36, Inc! 620 345 30 45 321 H 8 or 35 HRC
Class 28: 88, BBM2 D carbide solution treated and strain har- 655 515 25 40 321 HB or 35 HRC
M48 and under dened
over M48 to M64, lncl 620 450 30 40 321 HB or 35 HRC
over M64 to M72, inc! 550 380 30 40 321 HB or 35 HRC
Class 2C: B8M3 D carbide solution treated and strain har- 5B5 450 30 60 321 H B or 35 HRC
M48 and under dened
over M48 585 415 30 60 321 HB or 35 H RC
A To meet the tensile requirements, the Brinell hardness shall be over 200 H B (93 H RB).
B Class 1 is solution treated. Class 1A is solution treated in the finished condition for corrosion resistance: heat treatment is critical due to
physical property requirement. Class 2 is solution treated and strain hardened. Austenitic steels in the strain-hardened condition may not
show uniform properties throughout the section particularly in sizes over M20 mm in diameter.
C For sizes M20 mm in diameter and smaller, a maximum hardness of 241HB (l00 HRB) is permitted.
D For diameters M38 and over, center (core) properties may be lower than indicated by test reports which are based on values determined
at l~ radius.
Grade Marking
B5 B5
B6 B6
B7 B7
B7M [Note (ll] B7M
B16 B16
(1) For explanations, see 10.2.2 and 19.1.
SA-193/SA-193M 2004 SEcnON II
Class 1 B8 B8
B8lN B8F
Class 10 B8 B94
B8M B95
B8P B96
B8lN B97
B8N B99
B8MN 8100
B8S 8102
Class 2 B8 B8
(1)Classes 1, lA, 18, t C, 2, 28, and 2C may be marked with either
grade or marking listed. Class 10 may only be marked with
marking listed.
These requirements shall not apply unless specified in the order and in the Ordering
lnformation, in which event the specified tests shall be made before shipment of the
S1. High-Temperature Tests bolts of all sizes. (If the available area is inadequate,
Sf.I Tests to determine high temperature properties the grade symbol may be marked on one end and the
shall be made in accordance with Practice E 21, and manufacturer's identification symbol marked on the other
Practices E 139, E 292, E 150, and E 151. end.) For bolts smaller than V. in. [6 mm] in diameter
and studs smaller than % in. [10 mm] in diameter and
for \14 in. [6 mm] in diameter studs requiring more than
S2. Charpy Impact Tests a total of three symbols, the marking shall be a matter of
S2.1 Charpy impact tests based on the requirements agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
of Specification A 3201 A 320M, Section 6 and 7 shall
be made as agreed between the manufacturer and the
purchaser. When testing temperatures are as low as those S6. Stress Relieving
specified in Specification A 3201 A 320M, bolting should S6.1 A stress-relieving operation shall follow straight-
be ordered to that specification in preference to this speci- ening after heat treatment.
86.2 The minimum stress-relieving temperature shall
be 100°F [5SOC] below the tempering temperature. Tests
S3. 100 % Hardness Testing of Grade B7M for mechanical properties shall be performed after stress
S3.1 Each Grade B7M bolt or stud shall be tested
for hardness by indentation method and shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 2.
S7. Magnetic Particle Inspection
S7.1 Bars shall be magnetic particle examined in
S4. Hardness Testing of Grade B16 accordance with Guide E 709. Bars with indications of
S4.1 For bolts or studs 2 \I, in. [65 mm] or smaller, cracks or seams are subject to rejection if the indications
the hardness for Grade B16 shall be measured on or near extend more than 3% of the diameter into the bar.
the end of each bolt or stud using one of the methods
prescribed in 10.2.1 for the Brinell or Rockwell C lest.
The hardness shall be in the range 253·319 HB or 25- S8. Stress- Relaxation Testing
34 HRC. S8.1 Stress-Relaxation Testing, when required, shall
be done in accordance with Practice E 328. The lest shall
be performed at 850°F [454°C] for a period of 100 h.
S5. Product Marking The initial stress shall be 50 M psi (345 MPa). The
S5.1 Grade and manufacturer's identification symbols residual stress at 100 h shall be 17 M psi (I17 MPa)
shall be applied to one end of studs and to the heads of minimum.
SA·193/SA·193M 2004 SECTION II
(Nonmandatory Information)
Xl. STRAIN HARDENING OF AUSTENITIC Xl.2 Thus, the mechanical properties of a given strain
STEELS hardened fastener are dependent not just on the alloy, but
XI.I Strain hardening is the increase in strength and also on the size of bar from which it is machined. The
hardness that results from plastic deformation below the minimum bar size that can be used, however, is estab-
recrystallization temperature (cold work). This effect is lished by the configuration of the fastener, so that the
produced in austenitic stainless steel by reducing over- configuration can affect the strength of the fastener.
sized bars or wire to the desired final size by cold drawing Xl.3 For example, a stud of a particular alloy and
or other process. The degree of strain hardening achiev- size may be machined from a smaller diameter bar than
able in any alloy is limited by its strain hardening charac- a bolt of the same alloy and size because a larger diameter
teristics. In addition, the amount of strain hardening that bar is required to accommodate the head of the bolt. The
can be produced is further limited by the variables of stud, therefore, is likely to be stronger than the same size
the process, such as the total amount of cross-section bolt in a given alloy.
reduction, die angle and bar size. In large diameter bars,
for example, plastic deformation will occur principally
in the outer regions of the bar, so that the increased X2. COMPARISON OF GRADE DESIGNATION
strength and.hardness due to strain hardening is achieved MARKING USED FOR AUSTENITIC
predominantly near the surface of the bar. That is, the STEEL IN VARIOUS EDITIONS OF A 193/
smaller the bar, the greater the penetration of strain hard- A 193M
ening. X2.1 See Tabie X2.l for Marking Cross References:
Grade Marking Symbol Used Prior Marking Symbol Used in A 193/A 193M- Marking Symbol Used in A 193/A 193M-92
Class Designation to A 193/A 193M-89 89 through A 193/A 193M-91a and Later Versions
1 BB B8 B8 B8
1 B8M B8M B8M B8M
1 B8P B8P B8P B8P
1 B8T B8T B8T B8T
1 B8LN 88LN B80 or BeLN A BBF or B8LN
lA B8A B8A BsA B8A
lA B8GA B8GA 882 or B8CA A BSB or SaCA
lA B8MA B8MA B83 or B8MA A B8D or BeMA
lA B8PA B8PA 884 or B8PA A BsH or SaPA
lA B8TA B8TA B85 or BBTAA B8J or BaTA
lA B8NA SaNA B88 or SBNA A BBV or SaNA
lA 8sMNA B8MNA B89 or B~MNAA saw or B8MNA
IB B8MN B8MN 890 or BBMN A BaY or 88MN
A Option to mark with grade symbol added when A 193/A 193M-91a was published.
B Class designation corrected when A 193/A·193M-93a was published.
C Class or Grade added when A 193/A 193M-91a was published.