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Extending The Gupta Development Environment

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Extending the Gupta

Gupta, the Gupta logo, Gupta Powered, the Gupta Powered logo, Centura, the
Centura logo, Centura net.db, Centura Web Developer, Fast Facts, Object
Nationalizer, Quest, QuickObjects, SQL/API, SQLBase, SQLBase Exchange,
SQLConsole, SQLGateway, SQLHost, SQLNetwork, SQLRouter, SQLTalk, and
Team Object Manager are trademarks of Gupta Technologies LLC and may be
registered in the United States of America and/or other countries. The trademarks
TeamWindows, ReportWindows and EditWindows, and the registered trademark
SQL Windows, are all exclusively used and licensed by Gupta Technologies LLC.
Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
IBM, OS/2, NetBIOS, and AIX are registered trademarks of International Business
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Java and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Internet Information Server, DOS, Win 32, Windows,
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RoboHELP is a trademark of eWare Corporation.
All other product or service names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright  1996-2002 by Gupta Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.
Extending the Gupta Development Environment
May 2002
Extending the Gupta Development Environment


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Purpose of this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Typographical conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Summary of Chapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Other Helpful Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sending Comments to... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1 Getting Started .......................... 1

What is the CDK? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CDK add-on tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CDK interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Outline interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Runtime Inspector interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Notification interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What the CDK includes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
SAL CDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sample applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
C++ CDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sample applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Add-on tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How to install Wizard Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Using the CDK from SAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Class structure diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Linking to external SAL applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Link applications using the QuickObject Editor. . . . 4

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3

Create a link using the toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Writing code from a runtime editor application . . . .12
Install the editor application as a wizard . . . . . . . . .18

3 Extending Objects
from SAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Setting object properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Get and set properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Writing code using the CDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Populating a form using the CDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

4 Using the CDK from

Microsoft Visual C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Application types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
EXE applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
DLL applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The compiler environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Microsoft Visual C++ software version . . . . . . . . . . .2
Installation directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Set up the Microsoft Visual C++ environment. . . . . . . . .3
Troubleshooting Linker error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Setting design hooks into the SQLWindows IDE . . . . . .3

5 Extending Objects from

Microsoft Visual C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++ . . .2
Modify the property editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Populating a form using the CDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Index ........................................ 1

4 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

This preface explains how Extending the Gupta Development Environment can help
you use the Gupta Developer Extension Kit (CDK). In this preface, you find the
following information:
• Who should read this manual.
• Conventions used in this manual.
• How this manual is organized.
• Other helpful resources.
• How to send us your comments.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment -5


Purpose of this Manual

This manual, Extending the Gupta Development Environment, explains the basic
features, advanced features, and capabilities of the CDK. It contains information a
developer needs to modify Gupta applications using the CDK for SAL programmers
or the CDK for C++ programmers. (Use the online help for reference material such
as the CDK functions.)
Experienced developers who use Gupta to write applications, such as corporate
developers who build custom applications, vertical application builders (OEMs), and
independent software vendors (ISVs), can benefit from using the CDK.

This manual assumes you:
• Have installed your OS, Gupta, and the CDK.
• Are an experienced Gupta developer who is familiar with Gupta, object-
oriented programming, the SAL programming language.
• Are familiar with the concepts in the Using and Extending QuickObjects

Typographical conventions
We use these typographical conventions in this manual:

Formatting Convention Type of Information

bold type Menu items, push buttons, and field names. Things that
you select. Keyboard keys that you press.

italic type Names of books and publications.

Place holders for items you must supply, such as file
names. For example, when the manual says to type cd
directory name you type the letters cd followed by a
space and then the name of a directory.

courier type Commands or code you must enter through the keyboard
exactly as shown.

cdki*.dll File names where the asterisk respresents the version

number. For example, the DLL name for cdk 2.0 is

-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Summary of Chapters
This manual is organized in the following chapters:
Chapter 1. Getting Started
This chapter introduces the CDK concepts, what is included with the CDK, and how
to install it. This chapter also includes a list of sample applications that are included
with the CDK.
Chapter 2. Using the CDK from SAL
This chapter describes the class structure and how to link a Gupta application to an
external SAL application.
Chapter 3. Extending Objects from SAL
Through a series of short tutorials, you review how simple QuickObjects extend their
designtime interface using SAL. You also create a QuickObject application to set a
named property and write code into one application from a linked application.
Chapter 4. Using the CDK from C++
This chapter describes how to prepare your environment to use the C++ CDK.
Chapter 5. Extending Objects from C++
Like Chapter 3, you review how to extend the designtime interface for QuickObjects
from C++. You also create a QuickObject application to set a named property and
write code into one application from a linked application.

Other Helpful Sources

Gupta Books Online. The Gupta document suite is available online. This document
collection lets you perform full-text indexed searches across the entire document
suite, navigate the table of contents using the expandable/collapsible browser, or print
any chapter. Open the collection by selecting the Gupta Books Online icon from the
Start menu or by double-clicking on the launcher icon in the program group.
Online Help. The online help offers a quick way to find information on functions and
World Wide Web. Gupta’s World Wide Web site contains information about Gupta
Technologies LLC’s partners, products, sales, support, training, and users. The URL
is http://www.guptaworldwide.com.
Our Web site is a valuable resource for customers with technical support issues, and
addresses a variety of topics and services, including technical support case status,
commonly asked questions, access to Gupta’s Online Newsgroups, links to
Shareware tools, product bulletins, white papers, and downloadable product updates.
Our site also provides information on training, including course descriptions, class
schedules, and Certified Training Partners.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment -7


Sending Comments to...

If you have any comments or suggestions about this manual, please send them to:
Technical Publications Department
Gupta Technologies LLC
975 Island Drive
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
or send email, with comments or suggestions to:

-8 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Chapter 1

Getting Started
This chapter helps you start using the Gupta Developer Extensions Kit (CDK). It
• What the CDK is.
• The CDK Interfaces.
• What the CDK includes.
• System requirements.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-1

Chapter Getting Started

What is the CDK?

The CDK is a library that provides object-oriented interfaces to the SQLWindows
development environment for:
• Add-on tools for Gupta programmers.
• Components such as QuickWizards and other productivity enhancing
• Customization of the Gupta development environment.
• Tighter integration of Gupta with other development tools such as upper-
CASE, testing, and performance monitoring tools.
Using the CDK, you can:
• Extend and augment your design environment by creating your own utilities
to help with the development process.
• Improve the accuracy of code implementation using automated code
generation and simple, graphical user interfaces.
The CDK interfaces are available as Scalable Application Language (SAL) classes
and C++ classes.

CDK add-on tools

One of the main advantages of the CDK add-on tools is automating routine or tedious
tasks. Using these tools, you can automate:
• File-based operations, such as saving applications with their libraries to text
or binary format. This is an ideal way to save space or refresh your source
code. You can also use an add-on tool to modify the Save option on your
toolbar to automatically save and create a backup file.
• Customization of your development environment, such as selecting and
setting properties for multiple objects on a form. For example, using a CDK
add-on tool you can set the label font and size for all the data fields on your
• Accessing and using properties (internal data storage elements) that provide
structural or static data in your application. For example, if you do not want
to use the standard properties of a QuickObject, you can use a CDK add-on
tool to directly and quickly modify the properties. Another CDK utility
allows you to initialize tool tip and status bar help (also called MicroHelp) at
designtime rather than process a SAM_Create or user-defined message at
• Routine programming tasks. A CDK add-on tool provides a convenient
dialog box to specify arguments for a function. Another tool allows you to

1-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

CDK interfaces

quickly and easily create a window from a list of valid top-level windows in
your application.

CDK interfaces
The CDK has three interfaces:
• Outline interface
• Runtime Inspector interface
• Notification interface

Outline interface
This interface is a set of classes and functions you use to directly manipulate a
SQLWindows application outline from another program written in SAL or C++. To
use this Application Program Interface (API), you need to only understand the
structure of a SQLWindows application. The Outline interface is available as SAL
and C++ class libraries for SQLWindows and non-SQLWindows programmers.
Use this interface if you are a SQLWindows or C++ programmer and need to read
and generate SQLWindows applications using SAL or C++.

Runtime Inspector interface

Use this interface to determine the runtime state and properties of objects (such as,
pushbuttons, table windows, list boxes) in a SQLWindows application. Several
testing tools vendors use this interface to build links to Gupta Team Developer.
Use the new trace feature for performance tuning, debugging, and profiling. You can
get a trace of all the statements executed, and the order in which they were executed,
without adding any debugging statements to a SQLWindows application.

Notification interface
This interface allows a program to receive notifications when you change the outline
focus, delete an item, add an item, or open or save an outline in SQLWindows. You
can also create a tool that performs tasks, such as selecting a line in the Outline view,
expanding a node (on the left side) in the tree view, or changing (on the right side)
from the Layout tab to the Variables tab. These functions act on the user interface of

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-3

Chapter Getting Started

What the CDK includes

You receive the following components in the SAL CDK.

Component Description

CDK.APL A library that you can include in the SQLWindows outline. This
library gives your program access to the Outline interface.

CDKI*.DLL A compiled Dynamic Link Library of function calls and methods

used by CDK.APL. Also, it has an encapsulated set of
SQLWindows outline rules the CDK uses to determine the legal
and illegal operations. This library is used by the Runtime
Inspector interface.

TLNOTIFY.APL A library that lets programs receive notification when you

change the outline focus, delete an item, add an item, or
open or save an outline in SQLWindows.
Sample applications Applications used in the tutorials. See the following section for

You can find these files in the Gupta directory (base directory or the samples\cdksal

Sample applications
The CDK provides several sample SAL applications (in the samples\cdksal directory)
to demonstrate various portions of the CDK framework. For more detailed
information, see the comments and code in the applications.

Application Type Description

AppGen.app Source for Displays a form whose outline is read and

GenProp.app modified by GenProp.app.

GenProp.app Editor for Covers most of the application classes in the

AppGen.app CDK. Its dialogs implement enumeration,
creation, and deletion of most of the application

Before.app Source for Contains debug code which PreProc.app can

PreProc.app remove.

PreProc.app Editor for Demonstrates a very simple preprocessor that can

Before.app be used to remove blocks of debug code from an

1-4 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

What the CDK includes

Application Type Description

CDKRTest.app Source for Provides an application for CDKRunT to inspect

CDKRunT.app at runtime.

CDKRunT.app Editor for Inspects windows within CDKRTest.app at

CDKRTest.app runtime.

ClasHost.app Source for Provides a QuickObject pushbutton and form for

ClasProp.app, the editor applications to modify.

ClasProp.app Editor for Sets the properties of a pushbutton QuickObject

ClasHost.app in ClasHost.app. See Lesson 1 in Chapter 3 for

ClasCode.app Editor for Inserts code into the message actions of a

ClasHost.app pushbutton QuickObject in ClasHost.app. See
Lesson 2 in Chapter 3 for details.

ClasObjc.app Editor for Creates a pushbutton QuickObject, data fields,

ClasHost.app and background text items on a form. See Lesson
3 in Chapter 3 for details.

CodeGenS.app Source for Provides an outline for CodeGenE to modify.

To run this application, right click-on
frmCodeGen and select Generate Code.

CodeGenE.app Editor for Modifies CodeGenS.app and writes SAL code

CodeGenS.app into the form’s message action section.
Also tests all the SQLWindows verbs. Note that
the application created is for demonstration
purposes only.

ClasLib.apl Source for Provides an outline for Cover.app to modify.


UnitTest.app Source for Provides an outline for Cover.app to modify.

Cover.app Includes ClasLib.apl. this application is a test
driver for ClasLib.apl.

Cover.app Editor for Modifies ClassLib.apl, includes the modified

ClasLib.apl and version in UnitTest.app, and then runs
UnitTest.app UnitTest.app to test the coverage of class
functions when the modified ClassLib.apl is used.

DsgnTest.app Source for Provides an outline for Design.app to modify.


Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-5

Chapter Getting Started

Application Type Description

Design.app Editor for Displays windows from an outline in design mode

DsgnTest.app and allows you to add windows and change
Use it on DsgnTest.app or any other outline.

Docker.app Editor for any Demonstrates how to write a class documentor or

outline browser. You can select a class that is part of your
application and output its documentation to a text
or HTML file.

LineHost.app Editor for Provides the source for LineProp.app. This

LineProp.app application starts a blank form.
Right-click on frm1.Demo Dialog to invoke

LineProp.app Editor for Modifies the outline of LineHost.app and adds

LineHost.app visual objects to it. After exiting from the dialog,
you see the objects created on the form in

Notify.app Editor for any Demonstrates the Notification Interface. You can
outline run this application from the SQLWindows
Displays windows that monitor user edits (such
as, cutting and pasting text) to the currently open

PromptS.app Source for Contains a QuickObject data field for

PromptE.app PromptE.app to modify.

PromptE.app Editor for QuickObject editor done in a wizard style.


VarEditS.app Source for Provides an outline for VarEditE.app to modify.


VarEditE.app Editor for Shows how to add, edit, and delete global
VarEditS.app variables.

VisHost.app Source for Provides a form for VisProp.app to modify.


VisProp.app Editor for Shows many of the items you can modify for a
VisHost.app form. In addition, it creates visual objects on the

We also provide sample source for building tools. You find these files in the
Gupta\tools subdirectory. They are:

1-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

What the CDK includes

• WizWiz.apt
• PropEdit.apt
• SoProps.apt

You receive these components in the C++ CDK.

Component Description

Include files Contain function prototypes and constant definitions.

Sample applications Applications used in the tutorials. See the following section for

cdk.lib is installed in the Gupta directory. You can find include files in the inc
subdirectory under Gupta directory.

Sample applications
The C++ CDK provides sample applications (in the samples\cdkcpp subdirectory) to
demonstrate various portions of the C++ CDK framework. For more detailed
information, see the comments and code in the applications.
Open these applications in Microsoft Developer Suite.

Sample Application Description

Cmdmapr.dsw Demonstrates a toolbar interface to SQLWindows. Writes

messages to an output window, finds and manipulates marked
items, and generates message handlers, code, and functions.
For example, if you select a pushbutton (such as, pbFirst or
pbNext) and then invoke cmdmapr.dll, the application
generates the functions OnFirst and OnNext in the window
with the pushbutton. Then, a SAM_Click message handler
calls these functions.

Notify.dsw Demonstrates a design hook interface, toolbar interface, and

notification callbacks. (Similar to the SAL sample application

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-7

Chapter Getting Started

Add-on tools
You receive these add-on tools for Gupta SQLWindows.

Tool Description

Item Explorer Displays the IT value stored for each item in the outline.

Wizard Wizard Turns your wizard application into a self-installing wizard so that
you can add new wizards to SQLWindows.

Property Editor Property Editor shows you properties for an object. You can
modify the properties.

Mass Customizer Mass Customizer enumerates all the child window objects of a
selected window, and you can change the attributes of one or
more of them at the same time.

You can find the tools in the Gupta directory.

How to install Wizard Wizard

This section describes how to install the Wizard Wizard application, which is used to
convert applications into wizards.

Installing the Wizard Wizard application

1. In SQLWindows, select Component, Wizards.

This dialog displays all the available Wizards in Gupta SQLWindows.

2. Click Cancel to close the Wizards dialog box.

1-8 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

How to install Wizard Wizard

3. In Microsoft Windows, open the Windows Explorer and find \Gupta\tools\wizard.

4. Double-click WIZWIZ.EXE (the Wizard executable).
5. Follow the instructions in the dialog box to install Wizard Wizard.
6. In SQLWindows, select Components, Wizards again.

Wizard Wizard
added to the
Wizards dialog

The newly installed wizard has been added to the list of available wizards.
Wizards store the information about themselves in the Microsoft Windows system
registry. You can view the contents of the registry by running the Registry Editor
7. In Microsoft Windows, select Start, Run to display the Run dialog box.

8. Type regedit in the Open field and click OK. On NT, type regedit32.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-9

Chapter Getting Started

Microsoft Windows starts the Registry Editor application.

click here

9. Double-click HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Gupta, Gupta

SQLWindows, User Wizards, and then WizardWizard.

The right side displays these three string values:

• ExecFileName is the path to the wizard application you can create with the
• IconFilename is the name of the icon file that appears in the Wizards dialog.
• TitleText is the text that appears below the icon in the Wizards dialog.
When you ran WIZWIZ.EXE, it added the key WizardWizard with its three string
values to the Registry. You can now use Wizard Wizard to make your wizard
applications into self-installing wizards. These wizards automatically add their
own key and string information to the Registry.

1-10 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

How to install Wizard Wizard

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 1-11

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Chapter 2

Using the CDK from SAL

This chapter describes the CDK class structure and three methods for linking a Gupta
source application to an editor application. It describes:
• The CDK class structure for SAL.
• How to link a QuickObject to an editor application.
• How to link a source application to an editor application using the tool bar.
• How to link source and editor applications using the InitFromFile function.
For complete documentaiton of the CDK SAL classes and functions, please refer to
the online help.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-1

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

Class structure diagrams

The following flowchart shows the class structure for the non-visual CDK classes.
The cdkStaticWindow is the parent class for the visual classes. (Next page.)

Non-Visual Classes

cdkItem cdkActionBlock cdkCoClass

cdkApplication cdkInterface

cdkComAttributes Visual Classes






cdkExtAbsBase cdkExtStructPointer

cdkExternalLibrary cdkExternalFunction

cdkFunction cdkInterfaceFunction



cdkNotifyWindow cdkNotifyForm



cdkBuildSettings cdkResource


2-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Class structure diagrams

The visual classes are derived from cdkStaticWindow. (Previous page.)


Visual Classes
cdkWindow cdkVertical

cdkFrame cdkPushButton

cdkBackgroundText cdkPicture



cdkListComboBox cdkListBox

cdkHorizontal cdkComboBox



cdkContainer cdkForm

cdkColumn cdkMDIForm

cdkBaseTable cdkTableWindow

cdkToolBar cdkChildTable


Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-3

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

Linking to external SAL applications

The CDK class components are used by an editor (active) Gupta application that uses
the CDK to read and write code back into the source (passive) application. You have
four ways to link your Gupta source applications to editor applications:
• Link QuickObjects to the property editor application using the QuickObject
• Create a tool on the tool bar to link your property editor application to the
source application.
• Write code from a runtime editor application to the source application by
calling the InitFromFile CDK function.
• Install the editor application as a wizard.
These methods are covered in the following procedures.

Link applications using the QuickObject Editor

In this procedure, you extend the designtime properties of a QuickObject by linking it
to a property editor application. You define a visual class, link the class to the editor
application using the QuickObject Editor, and then invoke the editor application.

Creating a link using the QuickObject Editor

1. In SQLWindows, open a new application.

2-4 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

2. Define a visual class. Right-click Classes in the Tree view and select New,
Pushbutton Class from the displayed menu.

3. Enter cMyPB for the new class name and press Enter.

4. Right-click the Windows folder in the tree view and select New, Form Window
from the displayed menu.
5. Enter frmMain for the window name and press Enter.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-5

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

6. If necessary, display the Controls toolbar (select Tools, Controls). Click the push
button tool.

Push button tool

Select cMyPB
from the class

7. Select cMyPB from the class list and drop a push button on the form.
8. Enter QuickObject for the push button label and press Enter.

9. Right-click the push button, select Properties, and then Object Name. Enter
pbQuickObject, press Enter, then click Done.

2-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

Now you link this push button to a property editor application using the
QuickObject Editor.
10. Select Component, QuickObject Editor to open the QuickObject Editor.
The new class, cMyPB, is highlighted in the Classes list box.

11. Click Browse to display the File Open dialog box. Select the path and directory
“samples” under the Gupta directory. Select ClasProp.app and click Open.
This step links the object (cMyPb in this case) to an external application. The
application filename can have the extension APT, APP, or EXE.
In this example, the ClasProp.app application is a QuickObject property editor
application and expects to be called with four parameters. This is discussed in the
next section. The QuickObject Editor automatically sets up the parameters.
12. Select dlgDemo in the Dialog Name list box.
13. Click OK to close the QuickObject Editor dialog box.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-7

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

14. Right-click the QuickObject push button you dropped on the form, select
Properties, QuickObject to invoke the editor application with the property
dialog box (dlgDemo).

15. Click Close.

16. Save your application as Source.app.
Congratulations! You just created a push button QuickObject and linked it to the
property editor application, using the QuickObject Editor. Then you invoked the
editor application (a property dialog) by clicking the Attribute Inspector.

Create a link using the toolbar

This procedure continues the previous tutorial using the QuickObject property editor
application (ClasProp.app). In this procedure, you:
• Set the editor application to be launched from the toolbar (instead of Attribute
Inspector) in the source application. To do this, you create a tool on the
toolbar linking your source application to the editor application.
• Use SQLWindows to run the application version instead of the executable for
debugging purposes.

Creating a link using the toolbar

1. Open Source.app you created in the previous procedure.

2-8 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

2. Select Tools, Tools to open the Tools dialog box.

Click here to add a

new tool

Click here to add


3. Click Add.
This clears the fields in the dialog box and adds a default value in the Command
4. Replace the default value in the Command field with cbi*.exe.
This command line launches Gupta.
5. Enter -r ClasProp.app “dlgDemo” in the Parameters field.
6. Click the ... (Ellipsis) push button to display the list of additional parameters.
7. Click Current Outline.
8. Repeat Step 6 to add the MarkedItem and MainWindow parameters.
Your Parameters field now looks like this:

-r ClasProp.app “dlgDemo” $Outline $MarkedItem $MainWindow

9. Enter the path and directory for the SAL CDK sample applications in the
Working directory text box.
The default is c:\program files\gupta\samples.
10. Enter Properties in the Menu Text and Tool Tip text boxes.
Your application will display Properties in the Attribute Inspector menu and the
tool tip Properties for the new tool on the toolbar.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-9

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

Your dialog box now looks like this.

11. Click OK.

The application displays a new tool icon at the end of the toolbar.


New tool icon.

Testing the application

1. Click the push button you created in Source.app. (Click the Layout tab to display
the dialog box.)
2. Move the cursor over the tool and hold for a couple of seconds. The application
displays Properties as the tool tip for the tool.
3. Click the Properties tool.

2-10 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

SQLWindows displays the Demo Properties dialog box (dlgDemo) from the
CLASPROP application.

4. Click Close in the dialog box and then close the second instance of SQLWindows.
You now have a tool on the toolbar that is linked to a property editor application. You
can click the tool and invoke the editor application from the source application at any

Let us look at how this tool was set up:
• The tool icon launches Gupta SQLWindows because the command is the
SQLWindows executable filename.
• The -r parameter causes SQLWindows to run the ClasProp.app editor
application. This is useful for debugging the property editor.
• The “dlgDemo” parameter is the name of the dialog box that ClasProp.app
• The $Outline, $MarkedItem, and $MainWindow parameters are macros used
by ClasProp.app. These macros are pointers into the current environment so
that a second application (ClasProp.app in this case) can start working on it.
The Tools dialog box provides these seven macros:

Macros Description

$File Fully qualified outline file name.

$FileName Outline file base name and extension.

$FileDir Outline file drive and directory (ending in \).

$Outline Passes a decimal number that represents the

current outline.

$MainWindow Passes a decimal number that represents the

handle of the main window.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-11

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

Macros Description

$DesignItem Passes a decimal number that represents the item

of the current design window (form, table, MDI,
or dialog). Passes zero if there is no current design

$MarkedItem Passes a decimal number that represents the

current marked item in the application. Passes zero
if no item is marked.

Note: You can use any of the above macros as parameters in a typical QuickObject property
application but the first four parameters must be the property dialog box name, the current
outline, the marked item, and the filename of the editor application respectively.

Writing code from a runtime editor application

So far, you have called the editor application from the source application by having
the source application open and launch the editor application. In this lesson, you run
the editor application on the source application without opening the source
To do this, you link the property and source applications using the InitFromFile
function. When the property application calls this function, it opens the source
application, writes code into it, and then saves and closes it. (You can also look at
Docker.app in the CDK samples directory to see InitFromFile in use.)

Creating a link using the InitFromFile function

1. Open a new application and save it as Editor.app.

2-12 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

2. Add CDK.APL (the CDK outline interface library) to the Libraries section. Click
the top level in the Application Explorer and then the Libraries tab. Right-click
Libraries in the Outline and select Add Next Level, File Include.

File Include...

SQLWindows adds this line of code to the Outline:

File Include: cdk.apl

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-13

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

3. In the tree view, double-click EDITOR.APP, Classes, cdkApplication, and then


The InitFromFile function, in the cdkApplication class, is used to initialize the

application object based on a file handle. Note that most often you will add
InitFromFile to a push button or menu item.
4. Close the cdkApplications class and then Classes.
5. Right-click the Windows folder in the tree view and select New, Form Window
from the displayed menu.
6. Enter frmMain for the window name and press Enter.
7. If necessary, display the Controls toolbar (select Tools, Controls). Click the push
button tool.

push button tool

8. Drop a push button on the form.

2-14 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

9. Enter GenerateCode for the push button label and press Enter.

10. Right-click the push button, select Properties, and then Object Name. Enter
pbGenerateCode and press Enter. Select Done.
11. Click the Variables tab.
12. Right-click Window Variables in the outline, select Add Next Level and then
variable cdkContainer. Enter aFormWindow and press Enter.
The code line looks like this.
Windows Variables
cdkContainer: aFormWindow

13. Right-click the line cdkContainer: aFormWindow in the Outline, select Add
Same Level, and then add variables cdkPushButton, cdkActionBlock,
cdkMessageAction, and Boolean as follows:
cdkPushButton: aPushButton
cdkActionBlock: aActionBlock
cdkMessageAction: aMsg
Boolean: bSuccess
Note: If the variable is not listed, click More to display additional variables in a
scroll list box.
The global variable representing the application is already defined by the
CDK.APL library. It is a cdkApplication object called CDK_App. When you read
in the outline for Source.app, you initialize this global variable to represent it.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-15

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

Your Windows Variables code outline looks like this.

14. Double-click frmMain, ChildWindows, and then click pbGenerateCode. Add

an On SAM_Click message with the following code to the Actions section. This
code adds code to a push button in the source file.
On SAM_Click
Call CDK_App.InitFromFile(“Source.app”)
!Find the main window
Set bSuccess= CDK_App.GetTopLevelWindow(“frmMain”,
If bSuccess
!Find the push button we created
Set bSuccess = aFormWindow.GetChildWindow
If bSuccess
!Insert a SAM_Create message with actions
Call aPushButton.AddMessageAction(“SAM_Create”, aMsg)
Call aMsg.GetActions(aActionBlock)
Call aActionBlock.InsertAfter(“Call SalColorSet
( hWndItem, COLOR_IndexWindowText, COLOR_3DShadow)”)
!Cannot save the outline with the same name as the open
Call CDK_App.SaveOutline( “Source2.app” )
Call CDK_App.CloseApp()

2-16 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

Editor.app looks like this:

In the code, the property application:

• Calls the function InitFromFile.
• Initializes CDK_App with the outline handle of the target file.
• Writes code, which makes the text color change when the push button is
created, into the target file.
• Saves the code to a new file called Source2.app and then closes the file. Note
that you cannot save an open outline with the same name. To overwrite
Source.app, save the outline to a temporary file, and then rename the file after
calling CloseApp.

Testing the application

1. Run Editor.app by selecting Debug, Go.
2. Click GenerateCode and then close the application.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-17

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

3. Open Source2.app.

4. Double-click Windows, frmMain, ChildWindows, and then click


As you can see, a SAM_Create message has been added from a running Gupta

Install the editor application as a wizard

You can install wizards in Gupta SQLWindows and display them as icons in the
Wizards dialog box. This procedure shows you how to turn a simple property editor
application (ClasProp.app) into a wizard.

Turning a property editor application into a wizard

1. If necessary, install the Wizard Wizard application, which is used to convert
applications into wizards (run wizwiz.exe). Read Chapter 1, Getting Started, for

2-18 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

2. Open the ClasProp.app application in the CDK SAL samples directory. The
default is c:\program files\gupta\samples.

Since Wizard Wizard adds code to launch the property dialog as a wizard in the
On SAM_AppStartup message, remove the message and dlgDemo.
3. Click the Actions tab.
4. Select the On SAM_AppStartup message and press Delete.

Select this
line and
press Delete

5. Save ClasProp.app as MyProp.app.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-19

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

6. Select Component, Wizards.


7. Double-click the Wizard Wizard icon.

8. Click Next.

Enter Property
Editor here

Click this

9. Enter Property Editor in the Title field.

2-20 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

10. Click the ... (Ellipsis) button to display the Open Icon dialog box.


11. Double-click palm.ico.

12. Click Next.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-21

Chapter Using the CDK from SAL

13. Enter Property in the Key field and click Next.

14. Enter dlgDemo in the Dialog Box field and click Next.

15. Click Finish.

2-22 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Linking to external SAL applications

Testing the application

1. Click the Actions tab in MyProp.app.

Code added
to MyProp

The code added by Wizard Wizard has turned MyProp.app into a self-installing
wizard. The first time you run MyProp, it automatically creates the necessary key
and values in the Microsoft Windows Registry and displays an icon for
MyProp.app in the Wizards dialog.
2. Select Debug, Go to run MyProp.app.
3. Select Component, Wizards to display MyProp.app added to the Wizards dialog
box as a self-installing wizard.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 2-23

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Chapter 3

Extending Objects
from SAL
This chapter contains a number of procedures explaining how to extend objects from
SAL. The procedures:
• Get and set properties using QuickObjects.
• Use the CDK to set properties and write code.
• Use the CDK to populate a form with objects from an external application.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-1

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

Setting object properties

One of the most basic features of the CDK is getting and setting object properties.
Use this feature if you are working with QuickObjects, which are classes derived
from visual objects with properties set at designtime and stored in a SQLWindows
outline. (Note that QuickObjects allow you to set and get named properties without
using the CDK.)
The SQLWindows installation includes the CDKFWRK.APL library (a subset of the
CDK shipped with the Gupta Team Developer) and several sample applications
demonstrating using this library to create QuickObject property editors.
If you used the CDKFWRK.APL library for creating property applications earlier
and now want to use the CDK to build applications, note these differences:
• The CDK prefixes class names with cdk while the CDKFWRK.APL prefixes
class names with cqo.
• The CDK uses the global variables CDK_App and CDK_Window while the
CDKFRWRK.APL uses aApp and aItem. (The purpose of these global
variables is explained in the following lessons.)

Get and set properties

When the editor application starts, it needs to be passed parameters to locate the item
whose properties you want to edit. The QuickObject Editor passes these parameters
to the editor application. After being passed the parameters, the editor application
must initialize correctly.

Using the property editor

1. Open ClasProp.app from the SAL CDK sample applications directory. The
default is c:\program files\gupta\samplesl.

3-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

2. Click the Actions tab and then double-click On SAM_AppStartup and On


In the above code:

• The InitializeFramework function (from the cdkItem class and inherited by
the cdkApplication class) causes CDK_App object to point to the handle of
the source application's outline. The InitializeFramework function does not
take parameters because it automatically looks at the parameters list passed
to the editor application. Then, it initializes the appropriate instance variables
of the CDK_App object.
• The DisplayModalWindow function brings up the dialog specified in the
parameters list.
• The CloseApp and CloseFrameWork functions close the handle to the source
application when the property application is done. All property editor
applications must call these functions to initialize and close correctly.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-3

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

3. Click the Variables tab.

In the above code:

• The CDK_App object is automatically declared by including the
CBCDK.APL library. This object represents the outline of the source
application (ClasHost.app in this tutorial), and any action on this object is
repeated on the source application.
• The cdkWindow object, CDK_Window, is a variable from CBCDK.APL.
After InitializeFramework is called (see Step 2), this object represents the
window object (push button, form, or data field) selected when you launched
the property editor.

Setting the properties of the selected item

1. Double-click Windows, click dlgDemo, and then the Variables tab.

3-4 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

Like CDK_App and CDK_Window, aPushButton represents an object (pb1 in this

case) in your source application. However, when dlgDemo is created,
aPushButton does not point to anything. Thus, the first step is to assign
aPushButton to the object in ClasHost.app.
2. Double-click dlgDemo, ChildWindows, and then click pbGenerateCode. Open
the code in the Message Actions section.

In the above code:

• Calling InitializeFromObject causes aPushButton to point to the handle of the
cQuickPushButton pb1 in ClasHost.app. The global variable CDK_Window
already points to pb1 since it represents the object selected when the property
editor is launched. Note that cdkWindow is a generic class that can refer to
any top-level or child window.

Since, in this tutorial, actions are specifically performed on a push button, the
cdkPushButton object is declared to manipulate the push button in the source
• SetStrProperty takes the property name and value the user enters in the
property dialog box (dlgDemo) and sets the property and its value for the push
button pb1 in ClasHost.app. This value is stored internally in the outline.
3. Close ClasProp.app.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-5

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

Writing code using the CDK

This lesson explains how the CDK sets properties and writes code back into the
source application from an editor application. In this lesson, you:
• Change the QuickObject link to an application that contains CDK functions.
• Use the CDK to write code into the source application.

Writing code using the CDK

1. Open ClasHost.app from the SAL CDK sample applications directory. The
default is c:\program files\gupta\samples.
2. Double-click Windows, frm1, ChildWindows, and then click pb1. Right-click
On SAM_Click and choose Comment Items.

The code now looks like this:

CQuickPushButton: pb1
Message Actions
! On SAM_Click
Call SalWindowGetProperty( hWndItem, df1, df2 )

You commented out the On SAM_Click code because the editor application will
write this code into the source application.

3-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

3. Click pb1 in the tree view and then select Component, QuickObject Editor.

4. Change the Application Name to ClasCode.exe.

5. Click OK.
6. Right-click pb1, select Properties, and then Set Property Dialog.

7. Enter MyProp in the Property Name data field and CDK is the key to
the future in the Property Val data field.
8. Click Write Code and then Close.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-7

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

9. Click the Actions tab and open all the code below Message Actions.

As you can see, the property editor has written in new code and this code is
identical to the code written by the source application.
10. Select File, Save to save the changes.
11. Open ClasCode.app from the SAL CDK sample applications directory. The
default is c:\program files\gupta\samples.
12. Double-click Windows, dlgDemo, ChildWindows, and then click
pbGenerateCode and the Actions tab. Double-click On SAM_Click.

This code accomplishes a number of things:

3-8 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

• InitializeFromObject sets aPushButton to point to pb1, the selected object in

the source application.
• The objects aMsg and aActionBlock add code to the Message Actions section
of pb1. The object aMsg (class cdkMessageAction) represents On
SAM_Click to the Message Actions of pb1. The object aActionBlock (class
cdkActionBlock) represents the code under On SAM_Click.
• The aMsg and aActionBlock objects, declared in dlgDemo, do not as yet
point to the Message Actions of pb1. They will be initialized to point to pb1’s
Message Actions in ClasHost.app.
• Since aPushButton represents pb1 in the source application, it calls
AddMessageAction to initialize aMsg. By passing SAM_Click and aMsg as
parameters, the function creates a new On SAM_Click message in pb1 and
aMsg points to it.
• The aActionBlock object is initialized by calling the GetActions function for
aMsg. (This function belongs to the cdkMessage class and not the
cdkPushButton class because the message action block belongs to the
message.) Since adding a cdkMessage object with AddMessageAction
creates a complete action block, aActionBlock simply points to this action
block. This is why the code uses a function that gets rather than a function that
• After creating On SAM_Click and pointing aActionBlock to the message’s
action block, the InsertAfter function (class cdkActionBlock) adds the code.
• The function SetStrProperty sets the properties for aPushButton pb1. The
SalWindowGetProperty function call is added to On SAM_Click for pb1. At
runtime, this call enables pb1 to retrieve the properties set and stored at
designtime in the outline using SetStrProperty.
13. Close ClasCode.app.
You just wrote code into the source application from an editor application. Now
you can use the CDK to expand Gupta with this ability to write code from one
application into another application.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-9

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

Populating a form using the CDK

This lesson first shows you how to link an empty form to an external application and
then how the application automatically writes code to create the objects on the source
form. In this lesson, you:
• Modify the code in ClasHost.app so the form itself is the QuickObject.
• Change the QuickObject link to a new external application that sets the
properties and creates objects on the source form.
• Create objects on the blank Demo CDK Source App form from the external

Creating objects on a form using the CDK

1. Open ClasObjc.app.

This is an editor application, which, in addition to setting properties and writing

code (like the previous editor applications), also creates the class
cQuickPushButton and frm1 objects in ClasHost.app.

3-10 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

2. Double-click Windows, then click dlgDemo and the Variables tab.

In this code, ClasObjc.app first initializes aForm to point to the selected form in
the source application. Then, it initializes the other variables to point to new
objects it creates.
3. Double-click dlgDemo, ChildWindows, and then click pbGenerateCode.
Double-click On SAM_Click to open the code below it.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-11

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

As you can see in the code, several new functions have been added to
• Call CDK_App.AddClass( "cQuickPushButton",
CDK_IT_PushButton, aClass )

Adds the class cQuickPushButton to the source application. The parameter

CDK_IT_PushButton specifies this is a push button class. This action
initializes the window variable aClass to point to the newly created class.
• Call CDK_App.GetTopLevelWindow( "frm1", aForm )

Initializes aForm to point to the Form Window frm1 in the source

• Call aForm.AddChildWindow( CDK_IT_PushButton, "pb1",
aPushButton )

Adds a new push button to frm1 (represented by aForm) and initializes the
window variable aPushButton to point to the newly created push button.
• Call aPushButton.SetObjectClass( "cQuickPushButton" )

Causes the push button to become an object of class cQuickPushButton

instead of being a plain push button.
• Call aPushButton.SetAttribute( CDK_IT_WindowTitle, "Get
Property" )

Sets the push button's title to read Get Property.

• Call aPushButton.SetWindowCoordinates( .59, .325, 2.2,
.292 )

Coordinates positions the push button on frm1 in relative Gupta

SQLWindows form units (inches).
• Call aPushButton.CreateWindow()

Makes the push button visible in the Layout tab in the source application.
• Call aPushButton.AddMessageAction( "SAM_Click", aMsg )
Call aMsg.GetActions( aActionBlock )
Call aActionBlock.InsertAfter("Call
SalWindowGetProperty(hWndItem, df1, df2)")

Adds code to the On SAM_Click message actions of pb1 in ClasHost.app.

(This code was introduced in the previous procedure.)

3-12 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

• Call aPushButton.SetStrProperty(dfProperty, dfValue)

Creates a property with the name entered in dfProperty with an associated

value with the string entered in dfValue.
• Call aForm.AddChildWindow( CDK_IT_BackgroundText,
"Property Name", aBackgroundText)

Creates a background text object called Property Name.

• Call aBackgroundText.SetWindowCoordinates( .588, .698,
1.3, .167 )
Call aBackgroundText.CreateWindow()

Positions the background text object on frm1 and makes it visible in the
Layout tab in the source application.
• Call aForm.AddChildWindow( CDK_IT_DataField, "df1",
aDataField )

Creates a data field called df1.

• Call aDataField.SetWindowCoordinates( .588, .99, 2.2,
.25 )
Call aDataField.CreateWindow()

Positions the data field df1 on frm1 and makes it visible in the Layout tab in
the source application.
• Call aForm.AddChildWindow(CDK_IT_BackgroundText,
"Property Contents", BackgroundText)
Call aBackgroundText.SetWindowCoordinates( .588, 1.365,
1.6, .167 )
Call aBackgroundText.CreateWindow()
Call aForm.AddChildWindow( CDK_IT_DataField, "df2",
aDataField )
Call aDataField.SetWindowCoordinates( .588, 1.573, 2.2,
.25 )
Call aDataField.CreateWindow()

Creates a second background text item and data field.

After viewing code used to generate child windows on a form, let us now look at
ClasObjc.app in action. Instead of calling the application from the object properties of
a QuickObject, we will create a button on the SQLWindows toolbar to execute it.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-13

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

Calling an editor application without using QuickObjects

In this procedure, you create a toolbar button to call the editor application from the
toolbar rather than from the object properties dialog.
You can use the QuickObject editor to assign an editor application to a class in your
source application. The object to edit, frm1, is a regular Form Window and not a
member of any class. To change this, you can create a class of form window and
making frm1 an instance, but this is not a good general solution.
For this exercise, we need a tool that can work on any top-level window selected by
the user. So we create a tool that can launch the editor application from the Gupta
SQLWindows toolbar.
1. Select Tools, Tool Users to open the Tools dialog box.

Click here to add a

new tool

Click here to add


This dialog box creates a new tool with an executable name and an icon.
2. Click Add.
This clears the fields in the dialog box and adds a default value in the Command
3. Replace the default value with clasobjc.exe in the Command field.
This command line launches Gupta and runs the editor application.
4. Enter "dlgDemo" in the Parameters field.
This tells ClasObjc.EXE to call dlgDemo and to initialize itself to point to the
outline currently open and the item currently selected.

3-14 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

5. Click the ... (Ellipsis) button and select Current Outline from the list.
6. Repeat Step 5 to add Marked Item to the Parameters field.
7. Enter path and directory where Gupta SQLWindows is installed.
The default is c:\Gupta.
The working directory is the path the editor application will use to search for any
files it depends on, such as dlls.
8. Enter Object Creator in the Menu Text and Tool Tip fields.
This text appears as the tool tip for the toolbar icon and as text in the Tools menu.
Your dialog box now looks like this.

9. Click OK.
You added a new tool to your toolbar. If the bar is not visible, select Tools,
Toolbars, check Tools, and click OK.

New tool icon.

10. Select File, Save to save the changes.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-15

Chapter Extending Objects from SAL

Now you are ready to use the Object Creator tool on a source application,

Using the Object Creator tool on a source application

1. Open ClasHost.app.
The objects that the CDK editor application will create already exist in
ClasHost.app. Remove these objects so you can see them recreated by the editor
2. Double-click Windows and then click frm1 and the Layout tab.

3. Select all the objects on the form and delete them.

Your form looks like this:

4. Double-click Classes in the tree view, then highlight and delete the
cQuickPushButton class.
5. Click frm1 and select the Layout tab.

3-16 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Setting object properties

6. Click the Object Creator tool you added to the toolbar (the last icon) to display the
Demo Properties Dialog dialog box.

7. Enter MyProp in the Property Name data field and CDK is the tool of
the future in the Property Contents data field.
8. Click the Create Objects, Write SAL, and Set Property button.
The application creates the buttons and fields in the Demo CDK Host dialog box.

You created objects on an empty form by clicking a button on your toolbar! You
did this by invoking an editor application that wrote the code to create the objects.
9. Click Close in the Demo Properties Dialog dialog box.
10. Close the ClasHost.app application.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 3-17

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Chapter 4

Using the CDK from

Microsoft Visual C++
This chapter helps you start using the CDK from Microsoft Visual C++. It includes
information about:
• Types of applications you can create.
• The compiler environment.
• Setting up the Microsoft Visual C++ environment.
• Troubleshooting.
For complete documentation of CDK C++ classes and functions, please refer to the
online help.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 4-1

Chapter Using the CDK from Microsoft Visual C++

Application types
You can create two types of applications using the C++ CDK: EXE and DLL. Both
types are discussed below.

EXE applications
EXE applications use CDLLI*.DLL (linked via CBDLL.LIB) to access outlines.
Note that due to the shared memory restrictions of Win 32, you cannot access an
outline currently loaded into SQLWindows. This means that EXE applications can
only operate on outlines loaded from a file.

DLL applications
DLL applications operate in conjunction with a running instance of Gupta
SQLWindows (CBI*.EXE). These applications can operate on an outline loaded
from file or the currently loaded outline. You can invoke the DLL in these ways:
• External tools: Attach the DLL to the Tools menu or add it to a toolbar. Read
Chapter 5, Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++, for details.
• QuickObject editor: Attach the DLL to a class in an outline. You can do this
by adding a special entry to the Registry Editor, which adds a new option to
the Customizer. Read Chapter 5, Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual
C++, for details.
• User wizard: Attach the DLL as a wizard. You can do this by adding entries
to the Registry Editor in Microsoft Windows.

The compiler environment

Microsoft Visual C++ software version
The C++ CDK and samples are built and tested using Microsoft’s Visual C++
Version 6.0.

Installation directories
When you set up your compiler environment, the compiler and linker must be able to
locate the header files (Gupta\inc directory) and .LIB files (Gupta directory) required
for building projects.

4-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Set up the Microsoft Visual C++ environment

Set up the Microsoft Visual C++ environment

Setting up the Visual C++ environment to work with the C++ CDK
1. Make sure Gupta Team Developer is installed.
2. Open Microsoft Visual C++ and select Tools, Options from the menu bar.

Note: If you did not install Gupta Team Developer in c:\Gupta, use the appropriate path and
directory name in Steps 4 and 5.

3. Click the Directories tab.

4. Add the following lines to your include file directories:

5. Add the following lines to your library file directories:

6. Click OK.

Troubleshooting Linker error messages

Cannot find CDK.LIB or CBDLL.LIB
The C++ CDK file CDK.H causes any module that uses it to link with CDK.LIB and
CBDLL.LIB. Add the directory where these files reside to the Lib path for Microsoft
Visual C++. Read the previous section, Set up the Microsoft Visual C++
environment. By default, these library files are installed in the Gupta directory.
Cannot find a function
Set __stdcall as the calling convention in the Project Settings dialog box.

Setting design hooks into the SQLWindows IDE

A design time hook can be set in SQLWindows to enable the SQLWindows design
environment to notify tools about certain events. The hook can be set by specifying a
DLL name under the following key in the registry:
“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gupta\SQLWindows 3.0\DesignHookDLL”.

Note: This key does not exist in the default installation; you must add it manually.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 4-3

Add a new named-string-value under this key for the specified DLL . The named-
string-value will contain the DLL name (without the file extension) and the
corresponding value data will contain the file location of the DLL (full DLL path).
For example:

There can be more than one entry under this registry key, but it is important that the
string name for each entry be unique. Use the format shown below to make registry

Name Type Data

foobar REG_SZ c:\Program Files\Gupta\foobar.dll

testlib REG_SZ Drive:\Dir\testlib.dll

where testlib.dll is replaced by a dll name of your choice. This dll must have an entry
point of SWinDesignHookSet. This entry point is called after the outline window is
created. It takes no parameters.
SwinDesignHookSet should call SalOutlineSetOutlineHook. This function takes one
parameter, which is the address of the function you want to be notified of certain
events. The SalOutlineSetOutlineHook returns the address of the previous hook
function (or null). It there is a previous hook, it should be called from the new hook
function, or the chain will be broken and unknown results will occur as the events
will not get propagated across the chain. The hook can also be set from a quickobject
dll or from a SQLWindows specific custom control.
The following functions in the CDK deal with design hooks.
BOOL CDKClearDesignHook(LPCSTR lpszDLLName)
Clears the design hook DLL passed in as a parameter from the registry.
Setting design hooks into the SQLWindows IDE

LpszDLLName:The name of the DLL to remove from the registry

Return Value
Returns TRUE if the hook was removed, FALSE if not.

int CDKGetDesignHookOrdinal(LPCSTR lpszDLLName)

This call is obsolete in version 3.0 of Team Developer, as the design hook
implementation is no longer based on ordinal number.

int CDKSetDesignHook(LPCSTR lpszDLLName)

Sets a DLL as a design hook in the registry to be loaded during startup
Return Value
Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
LpszDLLName:The file path of the DLL to locate (optional). If NULL, the current
module is assumed
Design hooks can be set into the Team Developer environment in the registry by
making use of this API. This API function helps to register the DLL name as a design
hook DLL to be loaded on startup under the following key in the registry:
“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gupta\SQLWindows 3.0\DesignHookDLL”.
One or more DLLs can be set and, since each DLL is identified by the DLL Name,
please ensure that the DLL Names are unique. Such DLLs will be loaded by Team
Developer during startup.
For example, to load foobar.dll, call CDKSetDesignHook(“c:\Program

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 4-5

Chapter Using the CDK from Microsoft Visual C++

4-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Chapter 5

Extending Objects from

Microsoft Visual C++
This chapter introduces you to the C++ CDK. It describes:
• How to create a QuickObject Editor in Microsoft Visual C++.
• How to add functionality to the QuickObject Editor so that it sets properties
and creates QuickObjects in your SQLWindows applications.
For complete documentaiton of the CDK C++ classes and functions, please refer to
the online help.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-1

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

In these procedures, you create a push button class in ClasHost.app in SQLWindows
and use the C++ CDK to write a simple QuickObject property editor application that
edits classes you create in SQLWindows. In addition, other programmers can
configure your classes using this property editor.

Note: You cannot use .EXE files written using the C++ CDK as property editors because of
shared memory constraints of the Win 32 API.

Creating a push button class in SQLWindows

1. Open ClasHost.app in the Gupta\sample\sdksal directory.
2. Double-click Classes in the tree view to display a list of defined classes.
We created the cQuickPushButton class by selecting New, Pushbutton Class.

Opening the DLL-based application in Visual C++

1. Build the CDK libraries, set the library and include directories before starting
these procedures. See Chapter 4, Using the CDK from C++, for details.
2. Open the Microsoft Developer Studio.
3. Select File, Open Workspace. Open ClasProp.dsw in the cdk\cpp\samples
directory. The default is c:\Gupta.

5-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft Developer displays the project.

Copying and including QOINTF.H and QOINTF.CPP

SQLWindows invokes your interface by invoking callbacks from the DLL.You need
to subclass CGQuickObjectInterface and override the virtual functions you want
supported in the QuickObject DLL.
To do this, copy QOINTF.CPP (Gupta\samples\cdkcpp) to your C++ project
directory and then include the file in your C++ project. (Note that adding
QOINTF.CPP automatically adds QOINTF.H.)
• The QOINTF.H file contains prototypes for all the supported interface
functions commented out. To implement the functions, uncomment the file.
• The QOINTF.CPP file contains a template for the DoQuickObjectEditor
function. This function displays the property editor dialog box. To implement
this function, comment out the existing code and add your own code.
1. In Microsoft Developer Studio (with ClasProp open), select Insert, Files into
2. Select Source Files in the Files of type list box.
The project directory lists QOINTF.CPP included in this project.
3. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-3

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

Viewing the property editor dialog box in C++

We used a standard dialog box to create the property editor dialog box.
1. Click the ResourceView icon, double-click ClasProp resources, Dialog, and
The Demo Properties Dialog looks like this:


Standard Close button

2. To display the properties and labels for any of the objects, right-click the object
and select Properties.
In this dialog box:
• The ID for the dialog box is IDD_PROPDLG.
• The ID for the edit field below Property Name is IDC_PROPNAME and the
ID for the edit field below Property Value is IDC_PROPVALUE.
• The ID for the Apply button is IDC_APPLY and the ID for the Close button

Viewing the property dialog class and member variables

We created a class based on the Demo Properties Dialog and added member variables
for the class objects.
1. Right-click the Demo Properties Dialog and select ClassWizard.

5-4 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft Developer displays the MFC ClassWizard dialog box.

In this dialog:
• The class name for the new class (based on the property dialog) is
• The class contains the objects listed in the Object IDs list box.
• The Apply and Close member functions have the message BN_Clicked
associated with them. These will be discussed later in this chapter.
Now, let us look at the member variables for the controls.
2. Click the Member Variables tab.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-5

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

Your dialog box looks like this:

In this dialog box:

• The IDC_PROPNAME (Property Name text field) control has the member
variable m_sPropName of type CString.
• The IDC_PROPVALUE control (Property Value text field) has the member
variable m_sPropValue in the Variable field of type CString.
3. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Adding member variables to CPropEditor

Your class needs a pointer of type CGWindow. (The CGWindow class corresponds
to the SAL cdkWindow class.) The CGWindow object is passed by the interface
function. There are several ways to do this; in this tutorial we added the pointer to the
constructor for the class.
1. Click the FileView icon.
2. Double-click ClasProp files, Dependencies, and then PropEdit.h to open the
code outline.
The PropEdit.h is the header file for the property editor dialog class.
Your code outline looks like this:

5-6 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

In this code:
• The #include "cdk.h" statement gives access to the CDK classes and
their functions.
• CGWindow* pWindow = NULL is a pointer to the CGWindow class object,
which represents the window object (push button, form, or data field) selected
when you launch the property editor.
• The pWindow variable is used by the CPropEditor constructor in
PropEdit.cpp to initialize member variable CDK_Window. (Note that this
corresponds to the CDK_Window SAL object in Chapter 3.)

Adding a message map handler to the Apply button

1. Click the ResourceView icon.
2. Select View, ClassWizard.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-7

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft Developer displays the ClassWizard dialog box.

3. If necessary, click the Message Maps tab.

The message map handler BN_CLICKED has been added to the Apply and
Close buttons.
4. Double-click OnApply in the Member functions list box to display the code

In this code:
• The code below void CPropEditor::OnApply() is the implementation for
the OnApply function.

5-8 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

• The SetProperty function takes the property name and value the user enters in
the Property Name and Property Value fields and saves them as the member
variables m_sPropName and m_sPropValue.

Implementing the DoQuickObjectEditor function

This function is invoked when the user selects Properties from the Customizer of an
instance of the associated class (cQuickPushbutton). The qointf.cpp file (in the
Gupta\samples\cdkcpp directory) defines the CGQOInterface class and its function
We copied this file into the project directory and overrode the DoQuickObjectEditor
function to display the customized property editor dialog. Do this for any
QuickObject editor project.
1. Click the FilesView icon and then double-click Qointf.cpp under ClasProp files.

In this code:
• The include statement #include "qointf.h" gives access to the
QuickObject interface classes and functions.
• The function DoQuickObjectEditor has been overridden by adding this code:
//Construct a property editor
CPropEditor PropEditor(CWnd::FromHandle(hWndParent),
return PropEditor.DoModal();

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-9

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

• The Do Modal function brings up the property editor dialog box.

Adding Entrypoint to the ClasProp.def file

For SQLWindows to invoke your DLL it must be able to locate the callbacks needed.
Though these callbacks are implemented by the CDK, you must include one DEF in
the exports for the DLL. Otherwise, the linker strips these functions from your DLL.
1. Double-click ClasProp.def.

In this code, the function SWinPropGetCallbacks sets up ClasProp.dll to

communicate with the SQLWindows QuickObject framework.

Registering your interface class with the CDK

Because you do not know when your interface will be needed, you need to supply the
CDK with a runtime class CGQOInterface pointer to your class. This allows the CDK
to create your interface when needed to support a callback. The best place to do this is
from the constructor of your CWinApp derived class.

5-10 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

1. Double-click Clasprop.cpp.

2. Scroll to the code CClasPropApp::CClasPropApp().

In this code:
• The include statement #include "cdk.h" gives access to the CDK classes
and functions.
• The function RegisterQuickObjectInterface sets up ClasProp.dll to
communicate with the SQLWindows QuickObject.

Note: If you have trouble locating header files or are getting linker errors, check your library
include path. The CDK.H file automatically links to the CDK LIB file. See Chapter 4, Using the
CDK from Microsoft Visual C++, for details.

Hooking up ClasProp.dll to the class in SQLWindows

1. In SQLWindows, open ClasHost.app from the Gupta\samples\cdksal directory.
2. Double-click Classes in the tree view.
3. Right-click cQuickPushbutton to display its customizer and select Properties.
4. Click QuickObject DLL.
We added the path and the name of the DLL. The default for this procedure is
5. Click Done.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-11

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

Debugging your application

When debugging a QuickObject DLL use CBI*.EXE as the host application. The
function SWinPropEditorItem invokes the property editor.
1. In ClasProp project in Microsoft Developer Suite, select Build, ClasProp.dll.
2. Close ClasProp.mdp in Microsoft Studio.

Testing the application

1. Open ClasHost.app in SQLWindows, if necessary. This application is located in
the Gupta\samplescdksal directory.
2. Right-click the GetProperty push button to display its Customizer.
3. Select Properties and then QuickObject to run the C++ editor application.

Modify the property editor

In these procedures, you modify the property editor so that it sets the property for the
push button and writes the code to add the push button.

Commenting the SAM_Click message action

1. Open ClasHost.app in SQLWindows, if necessary. This application is located in
the Gupta\samples\cdksal directory.
2. Double-click Windows, frm1, ChildWindows, pb1, then click the Actions tab.
3. Select the SAM_Click message and select Edit, Comment Items.

Adding strings to the string table

The strings you add in this section will be used in the OnApply function.
1. In Microsoft Developer Studio, select File, Open Workspace. Open
ClasProp.mdp in Gupta\samples\cdkcpp\tut2.

5-12 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

2. Click the ResourcesView tab, then double-click ClasProp resources, String

Table, and String Table.

In this window:
• The editor application uses strings to mark generated code in the
SQLWindows source application.
• IDS_BEGINBLOCK identifies the string that is entered at the beginning of
the block of code and IDS_ENDBLOCK identifies the string that is entered
at the end of the block of code. Marking generated code in this manner
prevents the application from overwriting or removing user-added code.

Viewing code added to CPropEditor::OnApply()

1. Click the FileResource tab, double-click ClasProp files and then PropEdit.cpp.
2. Scroll to the cPropEditor message handlers section.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-13

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

In this code:
• The aMsg and aActionBlock objects represent code to the Message Actions
section of CDK_Window, the QuickObject. The object aMsg represents a
SAM_Click message to the Message Actions of CDK_Window and the
object aActionBlock represents the code below On SAM_Click.
• The CDK_Window QuickObject calls the AddMessageAction function to
initialize the aMsg object. By passing SAM_CLICK and aMsg as parameters,
the function creates a new On SAM_Click message in CDK_Window and
aMsg points to the message.
• The Actions object is initialized by calling the GetActions function for aMsg.
Since adding a cdkMessage object with AddMessageAction creates a
complete action block, aActionBlock simply points to the this action block.
This is why the code uses a function that gets rather than a function that adds.
• The RemoveBlock function looks for code in the Message Actions section of
the SQLWindows application (ClasHost.app) that begins and ends with the
strings (defined in the previous procedure) and then removes the code.
• The AddBlockMarkers adds comment strings (defined in the previous
procedure) to the Actions section of CDK_Window. Code is added between
the strings by the InsertAfter function, described next.
• The InsertAfter function sets the properties for CDK_Window. The
SalWindowGetProperty function call is added to On SAM_click for
CDK_Window. At runtime, this call enables CDK_Window to retrieve the
properties set and stored at designtime in the outline using SetProperty
function call in PropEdit.cpp.
3. Close the workspace.

Populating a form using the CDK

In these procedures, you add more capability to the property editor so that it will adds
the controls and the pusbbutton in your SQLWindows application, and sets the
property for the push button.

Changing the CPropEditor class definition

By default, the QuickObject interface passes a CGQuickObject reference to your
interface class. However, you need a more specialized object, a CGContainer.
CGContainer has member functions for managing child windows.
1. Open the ClasProp.mdp project workspace from the Gupta\samples\cdkcpp\tut3

5-14 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

2. Double-click PropEdit.h in the Dependencies list. Scroll to the Implementation


In this code, the selected window is defined as a container.

Changing the interface to initialize a CGContainer

1. Double-click qointf.cpp.

In this code:

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-15

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

• A new variable CGContainer has been declared and set equal to aWindow.
The variable aWindow points to the selected object and in this tutorial, the
selected object is the top-level window.
• The variable aWindow gets passed to DoQuickObjectEditor function as a

Adding code to CPropEditor::OnApply to generate the objects and

the code
1. Double-click the PropEdit.cpp file.
2. Scroll to the cPropEditor message handlers section.

In this code:
• CGApplication CDK_App;
CGChildWindow aPushButton;
CGChildWindow aDataField;
CGChildWindow aBackgroundText;
CGMessageAction aMsg;
CGActionBlock aActionBlock;
CGItem BeginMarker;

Defines variables for the objects to be created on the form.

• VERIFY(CDK_App.AddClass("cQuickPushButton",
kIT_ClassPushButton, "Added by the C++ CDK Sample
ClasProp", &BeginMarker));

5-16 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

Adds the class cQuickPushButton to the source application. The parameter

kIT_ClassPushButton specifies this is a push button class.
• VERIFY(CDK_Window->AddChildWindow(kIT_PushButton,
ChildWindow, "pbGetProp", "Added by the C++ CDK Sample
ClasProp", "cQuickPushButton", &BeginMarker ));

Adds a new push button (ChildWindow) to the CDK_Window form window

and initializes ChildWindow to point to the push button. Also, the push button
becomes an object of class cQuickPushButton.
• VERIFY(ChildWindow.SetWindowCoordinates( .59,.325, 2.2,

Positions the push button on the CDK_Window form in relative Gupta

SQLWindows form units (inches).
• VERIFY(ChildWindow.SetTitle("Get Property"));

Sets the push button’s label to read Get Property.

• aPushButton.CreateItem();

Creates the window with the Get Property push button with the coordinates
and the title.
• The remaining code adds the text fields, push buttons, and labels. Read
Chapter 3, Extending Objects from SAL, for details.

Calling an editor application without using QuickObjects.

In this procedure, we added a new entry point, called GuptaTool, for toolbar
1. Scroll to the code extern “C” void GuptaTool.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-17

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

In this code:
• A special entry point, called GuptaTool has been declared. SQLWindows
looks for this function when a toolbar utility has DLL as its extension. Note
that GuptaTool must also be added to the DEF file.
• The variable hWndParent is set to the window handle of the Gupta Frame.
• The Container is initialized with the first marked or selected item in the
outline. Even though the user can select more than one item, this code
operates only on the first item selected. If the selected item is not allowed by
the container class, GetFirstMarked will fail.
2. Double-click ClasProp.def under ClasProp files.

5-18 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

As you can see in this code, GuptaTool is added to the EXPORTS section of the
DEF file.

Creating a toolbar button to call the editor application

In this procedure, you add ClasObjc.dll to your toolbar in ClasHost.app. This toolbar
button calls the editor application (ClasObjc.ddl in this case) from the toolbar rather
than from the object properties dialog.
The QuickObject editor allows you to assign an editor application to a class in your
source application. The object to edit, frm1, is a regular Form Window and not a
member of any class. For this tutorial, you create a tool that can works on any top-
level window the user has selected.
1. In SQLWindows, open ClasHost.app in Gupta\samples\cdksal.
2. Select Tools, Tools to open the Tools dialog box.

Click here to
add a new tool

Click here to add


This creates a new tool with a default executable name and an icon automatically
pre-selected. You can choose a different icon from the list at the bottom of this
dialog if you wish.
3. Click Add.
This clears the fields in the dialog box and adds a default value in the Command
4. Replace the default value with clasobjc.dll in the Command field. Browse
to this file. The default location is Gupta\samples\cdkcpp\tut3\release.
This command line runs the dll application.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-19

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

5. In the working directory, enter path and directory where Gupta SQLWindows is
installed. The default is c:\Gupta.
The working directory is the path the editor application will use to search for any
files it depends on, such as dlls.
6. Enter Object Creator in the Menu Text and Tool Tip fields.
This is the text that will appear in the tool tip for the toolbar icon and in the Tools
7. Click OK.
You have now added a new tool to your toolbar. If your toolbar is not visible,
select Tools, Toolbars from the menu and check Tools in the list box and click
OK. Any tools you add will appear on the toolbar.

New tool icon.

Now you are ready to use the Object Creator tool on a source application.

Using the Object Creator tool on a source application

The objects that the CDK editor application will create already exist in ClasHost.app.
Remove these objects so you can see them recreated by the editor application.
8. Double-click Windows and then click frm1 and the Layout tab.

5-20 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Create a QuickObject editor in Microsoft Visual C++

9. Select all the objects on the form and delete them. Your form looks like this:

10. Double-click Classes in the tree view, then highlight and delete the
cQuickPushButton class.
11. Click frm1 and select the Layout tab.
12. Click the Object Creator tool you added to the toolbar (the last icon) to display the
Demo Properties Dialog box.

13. Enter MyProp in the Property Name data field and CDK is the tool of
the future in the Property Contents text field.
14. Click the Create Objects, Write SAL, and Set Property button.
The application creates the buttons and fields in the Demo CDK Host dialog box.

Extending the Gupta Development Environment 5-21

Chapter Extending Objects from Microsoft Visual C++

You created objects on an empty form by clicking a button on your toolbar! You
did this by invoking an editor application that wrote the code to create the objects.
15. Click Close in the Demo Properties Dialog box.
16. Close the ClasHost.app application.

5-22 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

Extending the Gupta Development Environment


Symbols components, SAL CDK 1-4

$DesignItem macro 2-12 Cover.app 1-5
$File macro 2-11
$FileDir macro 2-11 D
$FileName macro 2-11 Design.app 1-6
$MainWindow macro 2-11 DisplayModalWindow function 3-3
$MarkedItem macro 2-12 DLL applications, invoking
$Outline macro 2-11 external tools 4-2
QuickObject editor 4-2
A wizard 4-2
AddBlockMarkers function 5-14 Do Modal function 5-10
AddMessageAction function 3-9, 5-14 Docker.app 1-6, 2-12
add-on tools, CDK 1-2 DoQuickObjectEditor function 5-16
add-on tools, CDK C++ 1-8 DsgnTest.app 1-5
AppGen.app 1-4
B Editor.app 2-12
Before.app 1-4 error messages, linker 4-3
external tools, DLL applications 4-2
compiler environment 4-2 GetActions function 3-9, 5-14
DLL applications 4-2
EXE applications 4-2 H
setting up environment 4-3 header file, PropEdit.h 5-6
troubleshooting 4-3
CDKRTest.app 1-5 InitFromFile function, using 2-12
CDKRunT.app 1-5 InitializeFramework function 3-3
cdkStaticWindow classes 2-3 InitializeFromObject function 3-9
ClasCode.app 1-5 InsertAfter function 3-9, 5-14
ClasHost.app 1-5, 3-16, 5-2 interfaces 1-3
ClasLib.apl 1-5 Item Explorer, add-on tool 1-8
ClasObjc.app 1-5, 3-10
ClasProp.app 1-5, 2-19, 3-2 L
ClasProp.dll 5-10, 5-11 LineHost.app 1-6
ClasProp.exe 2-8 linker error messages 4-3
ClasProp.mdp 5-2
classes, diagram 2-2, 2-3 M
CloseApp function 3-3 macros, tools dialog box 2-11, 3-15
CloseFrameWork function 3-3 member variables 5-6
Cmdmapr.mdp 1-7 message map handler 5-7
CodeGenE.app 1-5
CodeGenS.app 1-5 N
compiler environment, C++ 4-2 non-visual CDK classes 2-2
components, C++ CDK 1-7 notification interface 1-3

Extending the Gupta Development Environment Index-1


Notify.app 1-6 tool tip, tools bar 2-9, 3-15, 5-20

Notify.mdp 1-7 Tools bar, linking property editor 2-8, 3-14, 5-19

object properties, setting 3-2 UnitTest.app 1-5
objects, create 3-9, 3-10
OnApply function 5-12 V
outline interface 1-3 VarEditE.app 1-6
VarEditS.app 1-6
P VisHost.app 1-6
PreProc.app 1-4 VisProp.app 1-6
Prerequisites visual CDK classes 2-3
for using Quest 1-6
PromptE.app 1-6 W
PromptS.app 1-6 Wizard Wizard, add-on tool 1-8
PropEdit.cpp 5-13, 5-16 wizards
PropEdit.h, header file 5-6 DLL applications 4-2
property editor, basics 3-2 install application as wizard 2-18
pWindow variable 5-7 installing Wizard Wizard 1-8
writing code, using CDK 3-6
qointf.cpp 5-15
QOINTF.CPP file 5-3
QOINTF.H file 5-3
QuickObject editor
modifying in C++ CDK 5-12
using in SAL CDK 2-4
QuickObject editor, creating in C++ 5-2
QuickObject editor, DLL applications 4-2

RegisterQuickObjectInterface function 5-11
RemoveBlock function 5-14
runtime editor application, writing code 2-12
runtime inspector interface 1-3

SAM_Click message, commenting 5-12
samples, C++ CDK 1-7
samples, SAL CDK 1-4
SetStrProperty function 3-5, 3-9
shared memory constraints, Win 32 API 5-2
Source.app 2-8
string table, adding strings 5-12
SWinPropGetCallbacks function 5-10

tool bar tools, setting up 2-11

Index-2 Extending the Gupta Development Environment

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