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Esther Chapter 3: 1 After These Things Did King

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Esther Chapter 3 ‫ֶאְסֵתּר‬

2‫ ִגַּדּל ַהֶמֶּל‬,‫א ַאַחר ַהְדָּב ִרים ָהֵאֶלּה‬ 1 After these things did king
Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of
‫ַהְמָּדָתא‬-‫ָהָמן ֶבּן‬-‫ֲאַחְשֵׁורוֹשׁ ֶאת‬ Hammedatha the Agagite, and
,‫ִכְּסאוֹ‬-‫ ֶאת‬,‫ַו ְיַנְשֵּׂאהוּ; ַוָיֶּשׂם‬--‫ָהֲאָגִגי‬ advanced him, and set his seat above
.‫ַהָשּׂ ִרים ֲאֶשׁר ִאתּוֹ‬-‫ ָכּל‬,‫ֵמַﬠל‬ all the princes that were with him.

‫ְבַּשַׁﬠר‬-‫ ֲאֶשׁר‬2‫ַﬠְבֵדי ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ב ְוָכל‬ 2 And all the king's servants, that were
in the king's gate, bowed down, and
--‫ ֹכּ ְרִﬠים וִּמְשַׁתֲּח ִוים ְלָהָמן‬,2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬ prostrated themselves before Haman;
‫ל ֹא‬--‫; וָּמ ְרֳדַּכי‬2‫לוֹ ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ ִצָוּה‬,‫ֵכן‬-‫ִכּי‬ for the king had so commanded
.‫ ְול ֹא ִיְשַׁתֲּחֶוה‬,‫ִיְכַרע‬ concerning him. But Mordecai bowed
not down, nor prostrated himself
before him.

‫ְבַּשַׁﬠר‬-‫ ֲאֶשׁר‬,2‫ג ַויּ ֹאְמרוּ ַﬠְבֵדי ַהֶמֶּל‬ 3 Then the king's servants, that were in
the king's gate, said unto Mordecai:
,‫ ַמדּוַּﬠ ַאָתּה עוֵֹבר‬:‫ְלָמ ְרֳדָּכי‬--2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬ 'Why transgressest thou the king's
.2‫ֵאת ִמְצַות ַהֶמֶּל‬ commandment?'

‫ באמרם )ְכָּאְמָרם( ֵאָליו יוֹם‬,‫ד ַו ְיִהי‬ 4 Now it came to pass, when they
spoke daily unto him, and he
‫ ֲאֵליֶהם; ַוַיִּגּידוּ‬,‫ ְול ֹא ָשַׁמע‬,‫ָויוֹם‬ hearkened not unto them, that they told
‫ ִל ְראוֹת ֲהַיַﬠְמדוּ ִדְּבֵרי‬,‫ְלָהָמן‬ Haman, to see whether Mordecai's
‫הוּא‬-‫ ֲאֶשׁר‬,‫ִהִגּיד ָלֶהם‬-‫ִכּי‬--‫ָמ ְרֳדַּכי‬ words would stand; for he had told
them that he was a Jew.
‫ ֹכֵּרַﬠ‬,‫ֵאין ָמ ְרֳדַּכי‬-‫ִכּי‬--‫ה ַוַיּ ְרא ָהָמן‬ 5 And when Haman saw that Mordecai
bowed not down, nor prostrated
.‫ ֵחָמה‬,‫וִּמְשַׁתֲּחֶוה לוֹ; ַו ִיָּמֵּלא ָהָמן‬ himself before him, then was Haman
full of wrath.

‫ַח ָיד ְבָּמ ְרֳדַּכי‬b‫ ִלְשׁ‬,‫ו ַו ִיֶּבז ְבֵּﬠיָניו‬ 6 But it seemed contemptible in his
eyes to lay hands on Mordecai alone;
;‫ַﬠם ָמ ְרֳדָּכי‬-‫ ֶאת‬,‫ִהִגּידוּ לוֹ‬-‫ִכּי‬--‫ְלַבדּוֹ‬ for they had made known to him the
-‫ָכּל‬-‫ ְלַהְשִׁמיד ֶאת‬,‫ַו ְיַבֵקּשׁ ָהָמן‬ people of Mordecai; wherefore Haman

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‫ַמְלכוּת‬-‫ַה ְיּהוִּדים ֲאֶשׁר ְבָּכל‬ sought to destroy all the Jews that were
throughout the whole kingdom of
.‫ַﬠם ָמ ְרֳדָּכי‬--‫ֲאַחְשֵׁורוֹשׁ‬ Ahasuerus, even the people of

,‫ֹחֶדשׁ ִניָסן‬-‫ הוּא‬,‫ז ַבֹּחֶדשׁ ָה ִראשׁוֹן‬ 7 In the first month, which is the
month Nisan, in the twelfth year of
2‫ ַלֶמֶּל‬,‫ִבְּשַׁנת ְשֵׁתּים ֶﬠְשֵׂרה‬ king Ahasuerus, they cast pur, that is,
‫ ִהִפּיל פּוּר הוּא ַהגּוָֹרל‬:‫ֲאַחְשֵׁורוֹשׁ‬ the lot, before Haman from day to day,
‫ ִמיּוֹם ְליוֹם וֵּמֹחֶדשׁ ְלֹחֶדשׁ‬,‫ִלְפֵני ָהָמן‬ and from month to month, to the
twelfth month, which is the month
{‫ }ס‬.‫ֹחֶדשׁ ֲאָדר‬-‫הוּא‬--‫ָﬠָשׂר‬-‫ְשֵׁנים‬ Adar. {S}

--‫ ֲאַחְשֵׁורוֹשׁ‬2‫ ַלֶמֶּל‬,‫ח ַויּ ֹאֶמר ָהָמן‬ 8 And Haman said unto king
Ahasuerus: 'There is a certain people
‫ֶאָחד ְמֻפָזּר וְּמֹפָרד ֵבּין‬-‫ֶיְשׁנוֹ ַﬠם‬ scattered abroad and dispersed among
;m‫ ְבֹּכל ְמִדינוֹת ַמְלכוֶּת‬,‫ָהַﬠִמּים‬ the peoples in all the provinces of thy
‫ָדֵּתי‬-‫ ְוֶאת‬,‫ָﬠם‬-‫ְוָדֵתיֶהם ֹשׁנוֹת ִמָכּל‬ kingdom; and their laws are diverse
from those of every people; neither
-‫ ֵאין‬2‫ ְוַלֶמֶּל‬,‫ ֵאיָנם ֹעִשׂים‬2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬ keep they the king's laws; therefore it
.‫ ְלַה ִנּיָחם‬,‫ֹשֶׁוה‬ profiteth not the king to suffer them.

‫ ִיָכֵּתב‬,‫ טוֹב‬2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ַﬠל‬-‫ט ִאם‬ 9 If it please the king, let it be written

that they be destroyed; and I will pay
,‫ֶכֶּסף‬-‫ְלַאְבָּדם; ַוֲﬠֶשֶׂרת ֲאָלִפים ִכַּכּר‬ ten thousand talents of silver into the
,‫ ְיֵדי ֹעֵשׂי ַהְמָּלאָכה‬-‫ֶאְשׁקוֹל ַﬠל‬ hands of those that have the charge of
.2‫ִגּ ְנֵזי ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ ֶאל‬,‫ְלָהִביא‬ the king's business, to bring it into the
king's treasuries.'

‫ ֵמַﬠל‬,‫ַטַבְּﬠתּוֹ‬-‫ ֶאת‬2‫י ַוָיַּסר ַהֶמֶּל‬ 10 And the king took his ring from his
hand, and gave it unto Haman the son
‫ַהְמָּדָתא‬-‫ ְלָהָמן ֶבּן‬,‫ָידוֹ; ַו ִיְּתָּנהּ‬ of Hammedatha the Agagite, the Jews'
.‫ֹצֵרר ַה ְיּהוִּדים‬--‫ָהֲאָגִגי‬ enemy.

‫ ַהֶכֶּסף ָנתוּן‬,‫ ְלָהָמן‬2‫יא ַויּ ֹאֶמר ַהֶמֶּל‬ 11 And the king said unto Haman:
'The silver is given to thee, the people
‫ ַלֲﬠשׂוֹת בּוֹ ַכּטּוֹב‬,‫; ְוָהָﬠם‬2‫ָל‬ also, to do with them as it seemeth
.m‫ְבֵּﬠיֶני‬ good to thee.'

‫ ַבֹּחֶדשׁ‬2‫יב ַו ִיָּקּ ְראוּ ֹסְפֵרי ַהֶמֶּל‬ 12 Then were the king's scribes called
in the first month, on the thirteenth day
,‫ ִבְּשׁלוָֹשׁה ָﬠָשׂר יוֹם בּוֹ‬,‫ָה ִראשׁוֹן‬ thereof, and there was written,
‫ִצָוּה ָהָמן ֶאל‬-‫ֲאֶשׁר‬-‫ַו ִיָּכֵּתב ְכָּכל‬ according to all that Haman
‫ַהַפּחוֹת ֲאֶשׁר‬-‫ ְוֶאל‬2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ֲאַחְשַׁדּ ְרְפֵּני‬ commanded, unto the king's satraps,
and to the governors that were over
‫ָשֵׂרי ַﬠם‬-‫ְמִדיָנה וְּמִדיָנה ְוֶאל‬-‫ַﬠל‬ every province, and to the princes of

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‫ ְמִדיָנה וְּמִדיָנה ִכְּכָתָבהּ ְוַﬠם‬,‫ָוָﬠם‬ every people; to every province

according to the writing thereof, and to
‫ ֲאַחְשֵׁוֹרשׁ‬2‫ ְבֵּשׁם ַהֶמֶּל‬:‫ָוָﬠם ִכְּלשׁוֹנוֹ‬ every people after their language; in
.2‫ ְוֶנְחָתּם ְבַּטַבַּﬠת ַהֶמֶּל‬,‫ִנְכָתּב‬ the name of king Ahasuerus was it
written, and it was sealed with the
king's ring.

,‫יג ְוִנְשׁלוַֹח ְסָפ ִרים ְבַּיד ָהָרִצים‬ 13 And letters were sent by posts into
all the king's provinces, to destroy, to
‫ְלַהְשִׁמיד‬--2‫ְמִדינוֹת ַהֶמֶּל‬-‫ָכּל‬-‫ֶאל‬ slay, and to cause to perish, all Jews,
‫ַה ְיּהוִּדים ִמַנַּﬠר‬-‫ָכּל‬-‫ַלֲהֹרג וְּלַאֵבּד ֶאת‬ both young and old, little children and
,‫ָזֵקן ַטף ְוָנִשׁים ְבּיוֹם ֶאָחד‬-‫ְוַﬠד‬ women, in one day, even upon the
thirteenth day of the twelfth month,
‫ָﬠָשׂר‬-‫ִבְּשׁלוָֹשׁה ָﬠָשׂר ְלֹחֶדשׁ ְשֵׁנים‬ which is the month Adar, and to take
.‫ ָלבוֹז‬,‫ֹחֶדשׁ ֲאָדר; וְּשָׁלָלם‬-‫הוּא‬ the spoil of them for a prey.

-‫ ְלִהָנֵּתן ָדּת ְבָּכל‬,‫יד ַפְּתֶשֶׁגן ַהְכָּתב‬ 14 The copy of the writing, to be given
out for a decree in every province, was
--‫ָהַﬠִמּים‬-‫ ְלָכל‬,‫ ָגּלוּי‬,‫ְמִדיָנה וְּמִדיָנה‬ to be published unto all peoples, that
.‫ ַליּוֹם ַהֶזּה‬,‫ִלְהיוֹת ֲﬠִתִדים‬ they should be ready against that day.

‫ ִבְּדַבר‬,‫טו ָהָרִצים ָיְצאוּ ְדחוִּפים‬ 15 The posts went forth in haste by the
king's commandment, and the decree
;‫ ְבּשׁוַּשׁן ַהִבּיָרה‬,‫ ְוַהָדּת ִנְתָּנה‬,2‫ַהֶמֶּל‬ was given out in Shushan the castle;
‫ ְוָהִﬠיר‬,‫ ְוָהָמן ָיְשׁבוּ ִלְשׁתּוֹת‬2‫ְוַהֶמֶּל‬ and the king and Haman sat down to
{‫ }ס‬.‫שׁוָּשׁן ָנבוָֹכה‬ drink; but the city of Shushan was
perplexed. {S}

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