English Us Maxpro Ssa Faqs-PDF-En-US-1
English Us Maxpro Ssa Faqs-PDF-En-US-1
English Us Maxpro Ssa Faqs-PDF-En-US-1
1 What is MAXPRO VMS and NVR SSA? 5 Who will be able to purchase an SSA for MAXPRO?
Software Support Agreement, or SSA, is the service to Dealers can purchase the Standard, Mission Critical and End
protect Honeywell dealers’ investments and ensure User SSAs for enduser sites.
their customers have the latest Honeywell software
releases to minimize dealers’ support costs.
6 Do you know how existing customers
Honeywell is refreshing the Software Support Agreement
can purchase an SSA?
program with MAXPRO VMS R600 and NVR 6.0 release,
replacing previous MAXPRO VMS/NVR SSA and SMU Existing customers who want to upgrade to the latest R600
(Software Maintenance Update) programs. version would need to purchase the SSA from their dealer.
The new SSA would be valid for a period of 12 months and
renewed annually.
2 Did you know that it will be mandatory for customers to
purchase an SSA if they want to upgrade to MAXPRO
VMS R600 and MAXPRO NVR 6.0 and above? 7 Can I purchase an SSA for more than 1 year?
An SSA will be mandatory for customers to upgrade to MAXPRO Yes, you can purchase a multi year SSA and receive the
VMS R600 and MAXPRO NVR R6.0 and above. If any customer benefit of no price increases over the contract period.
who has MAXPRO VMS R560 and below wants to upgrade
to R600 they will need to purchase the SSA to upgrade their
software. 8 Do you know how long Honeywell will continue to
support the older MAXPRO software Versions?
Did you know that you get a free SSA when you With a valid SSA Honeywell will continue to
buy a new MAXPRO VMS or MAXPRO NVR? provide standard support on the older versions
for 2.5 years from the date of release.
All new MAXPRO VMS and NVR customers who buy
the MAXPRO Software / hardware will be entitled Standard support is available at prevailing Time and
to a 12 month free SSA from the date of their order. Materials rates, with best effort telephone technical
(the date of license creation in practice). support during our normal support hours of 9:00
am - 7:00 pm, EST, Monday through Friday.
The MAXPRO SSA will be different from hardware warranty
offered on the NVR, which will continue as 3 or 5 years based Older MAXPRO software versions will be
on the NVR you purchase. MAXPRO NVR hardware XE/SE 3 compatible with at least 3 newer release versions
Years , PE 5 years for hardware warranty. before end of support. For example,
• MAXPRO VMS R560 & NVR 5.6 Release : June 2019
Do you know what benefits you get if you purchase • MAXPRO VMS R560 & NVR 5.6 end of Support : Dec 2021
an SSA for MAXPRO VMS and NVR?
• MAXPRO NVR 5.6 will be compatible with VMS R600
Benefits with Standard SSA: and two more minor versions released in 2019-2020
• Free Software Upgrades
After the end of support date, the release version
• Free Priority Integrator Technical Support
would not be supported by Honeywell and customers
• Dedicated Phone Support
will be advised to upgrade to the latest version
• Honeywell Online Training
to get technical support from Honeywell.
• Unique Site Identification
• Discounted On-site Support Services Customers upgrading to the latest version will benefit
• Discounted On-Site System Optimization from all the new features available in the new release.
12 Do I need to purchase an SSA for MAXPRO Viewer 16 What happens to existing customers who are on MAXPRO
(HNMVIEWER)? VMS R560 and NVR 5.6 or earlier versions without an
As MAXPRO Viewer is a freeware software, we DO NOT
charge for an SSA for MAXPRO Viewer and Viewer is also not The customers with old MAXPRO VMS and NVR versions
covered by MAXPRO VMS or NVR SSA. Customers still need will have two options to either purchase the SSA and enjoy
to purchase an SSA for MAXPRO NVRs working with the free the support and other benefits or they can continue using
MAXPRO Viewer. existing software of R560/5.6 or earlier version. Honeywell
will continue providing standard support of the existing
version for 2.5 years from date of release after which the
support will be discontinued.
Standard support is available at prevailing Time and Materials
rates, with best effort telephone technical support during our
normal support hours of 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, EST, Monday
through Friday.
17 When will customers know that they need to purchase/renew their SSA?
18 What will happen to MAXPRO VMS / NVR customers when their SSA is expired?
The customers with an expired SSA can continue using their existing MAXPRO VMS / NVR with Honeywell standard support
available at prevailing Time and Materials rates, including best effort telephone technical support during our normal support hours of
9:00 am - 7:00 pm, EST, Monday through Friday, until 2.5 years from the date of the existing version release after which the support
on the older version will be ended. However, software upgrades, priority and dedicated technical support, discounted on-site services
and all the other SSA benefits will not be available.
Which other VMS OEMs charge for SSA’s ?