Revisao UPE UFPB
Revisao UPE UFPB
Revisao UPE UFPB
A) of B) in C) on D) behind E) off
10. He said, “I bought the new U2’s CD yesterday.”
He said he __________ the new U2’s CD yesterday.
11. The sentence “You can’t grow strawberries in hot places” in the passive voice is
A) had
B) has D) can
C) have E) could
17. The sentence “Actually, Lindsay fell asleep when she was attending the lecture” in Portuguese is
18. Change the sentence “I may live in Recife” to the direct speech.
A) I given a chance.
B) I was given a chance. D) They have given me a chance.
C) I have a new chance. E) I have given a chance.
Part II – Texts
It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I’m not one of those, who can easily hide
I don’t have much money, but boy if I did
I’d buy a big house where we could both live
If I was a sculptor, but then again no,
Or a man who sells potions in a traveling show
I know it’s not much, but that it’s be best I can do
My gift is my song and this one’s for you
22. “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I’m not one of those, who can easily hide.” These two lines say:
The number of contributors to selective rubbish disposal is increasing, but just a few local
administrations have made it an official program. But whether a city has such a program or not, you
can still do something. The NGO CEMPRE (Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem) offers useful
tips on how an apartment building or neighborhood can implement selective rubbish disposal. It also
provides a list of cooperatives that pick up waste material at people’s houses. Check the website Even when you can’t imagine how to get rid of something potentially harmful,
there’s always a way. For example, the Ibama page presents an updated list of
“collection points” in most of Brazilian cities where you can safely dispose of household batteries, car
batteries, cellular phones and batteries, and industrial batteries.
It’s still difficult to find products from eco-friendy and socially aware sources; however, they do
exist and are entering the market more and more. When buying wooden furniture, for example, require
the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification stamp. Recognizes worldwide, the FSC is a
guarantee of proper forest management. Greenpeace’s “Cidade Amiga da Amazônia” campaign
encourages local councils to use FSC woods in public construction. Moreover, the campaign
encourages people every time they buy wood products to mention the FSC. Even if a salesperson has
never heard of the FSC, it’s our responsibility to spread the word. For more information, check, and Another eminently recyclable item is the
coconut, whose fibrous shell can be transformed into place mats doormats, garden accessories, and
fabrics that are gaining wide acceptance in Brazil and abroad. Coconut fiber can even be made into
flower receptacles, thus sparing the trunks of endangered ferns. Learn more about the benefits of
using such sustainable products at And what about the milk you just
finished? Well, used Tetra Pak containers, once a disposal problem, are now being reborn as roofing
tiles in a simple process of cleaning, heating, compacting, and cooling. São Paulo state already
boasts four companies working in this area, and products are cheap and attractive, and provide good
insulation. At you’ll find more information.
Annie: What’s the matter? You look worried! Why have you been
so quiet lately?
Brian: It’s my future. I don’t know what to do.
Annie: You don’t know what to do about what?
Brian: About my life, my studies, my career…
Annie: What do you mean?
Brian: I feel very confused. I do not know exactly what profession I
want to follow, what I
want to study… but that has nothing to do with my family’s
ideas about it.
Annie: How come?
Brian: Well, my parents want me to be either a doctor, an engineer
or a lawyer. They say
these are respectful professions… titles. But I don’t like the
idea of hospitals ,
courts or engineering offices. I’m not fit for that. I am feeling
very pressed… and
very depressed about that.
Annie: There must be a way out. Let’s think together… Imagine
yourself working in
various professions. Which of them would make you feel
happy? How fulfilled
would you be? Would you contribute as a human being if
you chose any of them?
There are so many career alternatives! Arts, languages,
music, psychology ,
computing, communication, propaganda, tourism…
Brian: Well, I’m not really so sure, but I think I would like to go in
for arts or propaganda.
FERRARI, Mariza & RUBIN, Sarah G. Inglês. São Paulo: Ed. Scipione, 2001, p. 271.
A True Hero
Something people always asked Christopher Reeve when he made the first Superman film
was “Can you give us your definition of a hero?” He used to answer that it was a person
who did something heroic without considering the consequences. Now he says, his
definition is different: a hero is an ordinary person who finds the strength to go on living in
spite of enormous obstacles. By that definition he himself is a hero, perhaps even a
superhero, since the day in May 1995 when he fell off a horse, hit his head on the ground,
and broke his neck.
Before that day, he seemed to be an exceptionally lucky person. He was born into a rich
family, went to an expensive school, and was tall, good-looking, and talented. Apart from
his acting ability, he was also very good at sports. He could sail, fly a plane, ski, and even
do scuba diving, and had recently become fascinated by horses and horse-riding.
Just after the accident, Reeve’s mother thought he should be allowed to die. Her son, who
used to be able to do almost any sport, now could not even lift his arms or turn his head.
She could not imagine that he would want to live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and
Reeve himself, just 40 years old, was not sure either. The only person who was able to
convince him that life was still worth living was his wife Dana, when she told him, “It’s your
life and you have to make a decision. But I want you to know that I’ll be with you. You’re
still you and I love you.” This was the key to his recovery.
d) Hated horses.
e) Tried suicide.
33. The expression “the key to his recovery”, according to the text, means:
Just as humans rule the land, sharks rule the sea! Many people fear sharks, because they
hear stories about sharks killing and eating humans. Actually, most sharks are not
More than 90% of people who are attacked by sharks survive the attack.
Sharks attack more men than women. No one knows why this is the case.
Sharks are strong, healthy creatures. No other living thing can take better care of itself
than a shark can! Like humans, sharks are at the top of the food chain.
Sharks have been around for more than 300 million years! They were around before
Sharks’ bodies are heavier than the sea, so if they stop moving they sink. If they want to
stay afloat, they must keep moving!
There are about 350 different types of sharks, but researchers think there are other sharks
that haven’t been discovered yet!
The dwarf shark is as small as your hand, while the whale shark can be as large as a
school bus!
A shark’s hunger can be satisfied with one good meal. The meal can last a long time
because a shark uses little energy to swim. Some sharks hold food in their stomachs
without it being digested. If they eat a big meal, it can last three or more months!
a) As pessoas estão certas em temer os tubarões, pois eles são muito perigosos.
b) Há um mesmo número de pessoas que morrem por picadas de abelhas e por ataques
de tubarão.
b) A expressão “there are” pode ser trocada corretamente pelo verbo “have” sem trocar o
sentido da frase.
1 Many people say they are working more than ever and have very little time for fun. But a
new study says this isn't true. North Carolina State University economist Mike Walden explains
the study's findings.
4 “I think a lot of people will disagree – but perhaps see the explanation here. The authors
define work very broadly – not just time you spend at your job but time in household chores like
cooking, shopping, keeping house, running errands,” says Walden, a specialist with the North
Carolina Cooperative Extension Service.
8 “And they say when you look at this comprehensive measure of work – both work in the
job place as well as in the home – there's been a big drop in total work among Americans over
the last 40 years.
A large reason for this is the advent of modern conveniences at home, as well as the fact
12 that many households now pay to have some household chores done rather than do them
So, why might people feel as if they are working more? The authors say there could be
two reasons: Number one, your time is more valuable today. And number two: There is so much
more for us to do with our time that it may put pressure on us. And so we think: ‘Gee, we can
never get all these things done.’ ”
(Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 jul. 2006>).
37. Mike Walden says the authors 38. The study’s findings reveal
define work as time spent on that people
a) hard work and leisure. a) are working too hard.
b) activities we like doing outside. b) undervalue their time today.
c) all sorts of entertainment. c) worked more forty years ago.
d) tasks we do at our job and at home. d) can manage to do all their activities.
e) modern appliances at home. e) like doing household chores.
42. According to the cartoon, we can correctly complete the sentence “Garfield is, in
fact, ___________ the mouse” with the following word:
44. Identify the true (T) and false (F) statements based on the cartoon.
46. According to the text, identify the T (true) and F (false) statement(s).
( )Heart disease has been the main cause of sudden death in the United States.
( )Atherosclerosis starts early in adulthood and so do the symptoms of the disease.
( )The death rates from cardiovascular disease in the U.S. have decreased recently.
( )Positive behavior diminishes the risk of stroke and heart disease.
The correct sequence is:
47. Considering the ideas found in the text, read the statements below:
I.Atherosclerosis appears much before clinical disease.
II.Heart transplants are widely available for people with heart disease.
III.Medical professionals should resist preventive measures.
IV. People’s health can be significantly affected by prevention.
The only correct statements are:
a) I and II c) I and III e) III and IV
b) II and III d) I and IV
48. According to the text, among other risk factors, a person may have a sudden death
from stroke or heart disease when he/she
a) treats and controls atherosclerosis.
b) identifies the causes of heart disease.
c) goes on a diet and does exercise.
d) is submitted to a balloon angioplasty.
e) suffers from high blood pressure.
49. In the sentence […] such procedures can't slow the buildup of fatty deposits in
arteries […] (lines 6-7), the word buildup has the same process of word formation as the
word in bold type in the statement:
a) We don't fully understand all the causes of heart disease […](line 10)
b) About half of all deaths from heart disease are sudden and unexpected […](line 1)
c) […] due largely to the public's adopting more healthful behaviors and lifestyles. (lines 14-
d) […] it's important for the medical profession to advocate prevention strategies. (lines 15-
e) […] the association is directing preventive measures at health care providers […](line 18)
50. According to the text, in the sentence If all heart attack-prone people were treated
surgically, the cost would be prohibitive (lines 3-4), the word prohibitive means
a) forbidden. d) insufficient.
b) exorbitant. e) affordable.
c) defective.
Read the cartoon below and answer questions 51 and 52 according to it.
52. When the patient says “... I can’t lose weight! ” , what she means is that
a) she avoids going to the kitchen.
b) her teeth need more metal fillings.
c) she doesn’t go to the doctor’s regularly.
d) her refrigerator magnets repel her.
Ask women what disease they fear most, and the vast majority will answer: breast cancer. They
may even cite the ominous statistic that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in
her life. But what most women don’t realize is that they actually have far more to fear from heart
disease, which will strike 1 out of every 3. More than 2 million European women die each year of
cardiovascular disease – that’s 43% of all deaths – making their hearts, not breast cancer (with 5%
of deaths annually), their No 1 killer.
Women and heart disease? Better believe it. For while most people still think of cardiovascular
trouble as mainly a man’s problem, the reality is that heart disease has never discriminated
between the sexes. In fact, for a variety of complex reasons, the condition is more often fatal in
women than in men and is more likely to leave women severely disabled by a stroke or congestive
heart failure. True, women don’t usually start showing signs until their 60s – about 10 years after
men first develop symptoms. And hormones seem to play a protective role in women before
menopause. But the common belief that premenopausal women are immune to heart problems is
just plain wrong. In Britain alone, heart disease kills over 1,500 women younger than 45 each year.
a) premenopausal women.
b) European women.
c) disabled women.
d) British women.
e) women in general.
55. In the word severely the ending ly is a suffix. Which pair of words below is also
formed by suffixes?
a) reality / protective
b) develop / realize
c) statistic / disease
d) symptom / condition
e) annually / immune
a) Death rates show that women have to fight particularly against stroke.
b) Heart disease has killed more women than cancer or stroke.
c) Cancer has made as many female victims as heart problems.
d) Most women who have had cancer or heart problems have managed to overcome these
a) some addition
b) an amount
c) a mixture
d) an ingredient
e) a recipe
58. According to the pyramid, which group of food should a person eat in a larger
a) fruit
b) vegetable
c) fats, oils and sweets
d) bread, cereal, rice and pasta
e) milk, cheese, meat and eggs
Read TEXT II and answer questions 59, 60 AND 61.
If you can relate to the above saying, you are not alone. Thousands of women and an
increasing number of men look in the mirror everyday and hate what they see. I chose
to use the phrase "Mirror, mirror on the wall" because I first heard it used in a fairy
tale. Fairy tales are not real, just like the image you see staring back at you in that
mirror is not real. When you look in the mirror, you are seeing what your eating
disorder wants you to see, you are not seeing the true picture.
Eating disorders afflict millions of people, thousands of which will die from them yearly.
There is good news though, eating disorders can be beaten. You do not have to be a
prisoner to this anymore. You have the power within yourself to beat this and you will.
Recovery takes a lot of time and hard work, but in the end it is all worth it. You will
finally be free and you will love yourself. When recovery happens you will be able to
look in the mirror and say, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all"
and it will be you:)
a) thousands of women.
b) fairy tales.
c) eating disorders.
d) millions of people.
e) good news.
61. Which sentence from the text shows an action in the future?
Generous Gisele
“I hope that everyone starts to help by giving what they can,” Gisele said
after handing over a check for $150,000 to food security minister Jose
Graziano, who is overseeing the President's new “Zero Hunger”
Gisele isn’t the only celebrity backing Lula's goal. Brazilian soccer star Ronaldo has also agreed to
participate in the government's war on hunger, though he has yet to open his wallet for the
Lula, viewed nervously by some investors who fear he may hurt the economy with populist policies,
has made hunger a top priority of his Centre-Left administration.
62. The title of the text is Generous Gisele because the supermodel
63. The word which best expresses some investors’ opinion about Lula’s political
decisions is
a) apprehension. d) courage.
b) disappointment. e) tranquility.
c) optimism.