Overseas Cadet Programmes
Overseas Cadet Programmes
Overseas Cadet Programmes
Science Students
Year 1
At Overseas Institutions
The following HN Units to be studied during the first year of the programme
Assessment of these units will be carried out in the overseas institution but
will be subject to verification by GCNS.
The following studies should also be carried out during the first year.
Practical Seamanship
English Language Studies (Maritime related) to level IELTS 5.5 (Minimum)
Introduction to computers and information technology
Year 2
In the second year at GCNS
They will then sit HN Unit F0LB34 and also a general navigation examination
to ensure that they have retained the knowledge gathered in year one.
Success in these exams will ensure progression onto the main part of the
course consisting of the level 8 units.
This course has three start dates during the academic year, October, January
and March. Each course lasts approximately 17-18 weeks.
During this time cadets will prepare for the MCA written and Oral
examinations. They will undergo training in electronic navigation including
simulator training and also take an EDH and signals exams.
On completion of the OOW Post HND Course cadets will be issued with a UK
Officer of the watch Certificate of Competency (STCW 95 Reg II/1)
Students may then return to GCNS to undertake the Chief Mate Post HND
Course. This course lasts 18 weeks and prepares students for both MCA
written and Oral examinations. They will also study marine Engineering for
Deck Officers and be required to complete a simulator course and a signals
Medical Care aboard ship courses can either be done at GCNS or in India.