As2 Q3 English10 Arteche Final
As2 Q3 English10 Arteche Final
As2 Q3 English10 Arteche Final
Quarter 3 – Week – 2
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing
Lesson: Using Persuasive Writing Techniques
Remember to stay focused and keep your eyes on the goal. Persuasive
writing can be intimidating, but, if you know your way around persuasive
writing techniques, writing persuasively can be done in a breeze.
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
Directions: Read and understand the following questions. Choose the letter of the
correct answer from the given choices.
Getting Started
Directions: Read the situations below, then answer the questions that follow.
Moreover, when writing persuasive essays, students need to be well versed in word
selection, framing logical arguments, and creating a strong, and cohesive closing
Engaging in persuasive writing also helps you improve skills such as: different styles
of writing, writing structure, doing research, and forming evidence based logical
conclusions, opinions and arguments.
To be able to make your persuasive text irresistible, here are some language
conventions that you could use:
1. P-ersonal pronouns- use personal pronouns such as I, I, you, he, she, it, we they,
me, him, her, us, and them
2. E-motive language- use words or phrases that would make people feel joy, anger,
sadness, trust, happiness, etc.
3. R-hetorical question- ask questions that creates a dramatic effect, to emphasize
a point, or to state the obvious.
For example: Do you want to be a success in this world?
4. S-tatistics and facts- use facts and numerical data to add both context and
credibility to your argument.
5. U-sing an authoritative figure- the appearance of important people or experts
adds to persuasion, as credibility makes one more influential.
6. A-necdote- tell short, personal stories to create an emotional or sympathetic
response from your reader or audience.
7. D-escription- use descriptive words that appeal to the emotions, such as
wonderful, horrible, cruel, amazing, frightening, perfect
8. E-xaggeration (hyperbole)- use exaggeration to overstate something.
For example: There are a million reasons why you should believe what I say.
9. R-epetition- repeating words, phrases, and concepts can be convincing.
For example: It’s a happy, happy, happy day!
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
Aristotle introduced the modes of persuasion in his book Rhetoric. The first
three modes he identified are ethos, pathos, and logos. The fourth mode, kairos,
which means “right or opportune moment” in Greek.
While Aristotle did not group kairos together with the first three models, he
did mention the concept throughout Rhetoric. Many scholars now consider it of equal
importance to the first three modes.
Let’s look at how these four persuasion writing techniques can make your
writing more powerful, irresistible, and convincing to your readers.
Getting it Right
Directions: Choose one prompt and construct a statement using the given language
convention for persuasive writing.
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
Directions: Read and understand the following statements below from
Then, identify what persuasive writing technique was used in each one.
Directions: Read carefully and understand the following statements. Choose the
letter of the best answer from the given choices below.
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
C. It’s an exercise to provoke people’s emotions about a certain topic.
D. It can be a way to deceive people and make them believe in scams.
3. Attempting to persuade a reader by triggering their feelings about a subject is
known as an appeal to________.
A. credibility C. reason
B. emotion D. urgency
4. The following statements demonstrate ethos EXCEPT:
A. "If we don't move soon, we're all going to die! Can't you see how
dangerous it would be to stay?"
B. "As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will
likely generate the best results."
C. "He is a forensics and ballistics expert for the national government - if
anyone's qualified to determine the murder weapon, it's him."
D. "My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless
commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness to
reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make me the
ideal candidate for your mayor."
5. What persuasive language is used in the following?
“It has been well established here and overseas that if teenagers think they can
see a doctor in confidence, they are more likely to do so, more likely to go back
for repeat visits, and more likely to disclose sensitive information.”
A. anecdote C. rhetorical question
B. repetition D. statistics or facts
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques
Bianchi, Nicole (2020). How to use the four modes of persuasion to make your
writing irresistible. Retrieved January 20, 2021, from
Lamb, Bret (n.d). Analysing persuasive language. Retrieved on December 20, 2020,
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Q3 Week No.2 Competency Code: __________
Competency: Use a variety of persuasive writing techniques