LEgal Topics
LEgal Topics
LEgal Topics
ConTops (conceptual topics) are the list of 200 static as well as current
legal topics to go through before CLAT 2021.
The idea behind this exercise is to help students prepare with concepts
which are likely to be asked in CLAT 2021.
Students should read about 5-6 topics everyday to grasp the basic
Google searching and 4-5 minutes reading about the topic would be
more than sufficient. Avoid researching the topics in depth as it will
only result in waste of time.
25th US Amendment
3 Farm Laws
Anti-Conversion Laws
Anti-Competitive Agreement
Anti-Defection Laws
Anti-Dumping regime
Carlill Carbolic Smoking Ball Co. and it & #39 relevance in recent times.
Cheque Bounce
Child marriages during pandemic
Citizenship in India
Collegium System
Concept of Copyright
Concept of Extradition
Contempt of Court
Contributory negligence
Criminal Conspiracy
Death by Negligence
Delegated Legislation
Development of Arbitration and Mediation regime in India
Double Jeopardy
Electoral Bonds
Environmental Pollution
Freedom of Religion
Frivolous Litigation
Hostile witness
Human Trafficking
Illegal Detention
Impeachment of President
In camera proceedings
Infancy and Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000
Intention to contract
Judicial Activism
Judicial Review
Latest judgement by S.C. on "Corrective voice from top court against stereo-
typing women".
Malicious Prosecution
Medical Negligence
Net Neutrality
Penalty for default due to pandemic (school fees, rent, loan EMIs)
Preventive Detention
Private defence
Quasi-Judicial bodies
Retrospective laws
Review Petition
Right to Equality
Right to Life
Right to Strike
Rights of Accused in Indian Legal System
Roshni Act
Section 269 IPC- Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to
Specific Relief
Tax Fraud
Trademark in India
Transgender Rights and the controversy with the new law in India
Type of Contracts
Unlawful Assembly