PKIR3G-1000-DV1-2: Item No
PKIR3G-1000-DV1-2: Item No
PKIR3G-1000-DV1-2: Item No
DescriptionStandardly all fire dampers are designed and certified in accordance with the test criterias EIS according to EN1366 - 2. Fire dampers
PKIR and PKIS are designed for installations listed on page 14. Their installation is described in the Installation, operation and inspection manual of
the fire dampers PP-28_PKI... By default, all fire dampers are supplied with manual control and optional with micro switches, electromagnets, or with
the servomotor, optionally with power and communication unit. The activation mechanisms are removable and all are interchangeable, for example
instead of a manual mechanism with a servomotor mechanism. Exceptions are circular fire dampers diameter bigger as ø 630 mm and modulated
fire dampers (activating mechanism DV9-T-SR), which do not have removable mechanism. Modulated fire dampers are produced from DN and H =
160 mm and bigger.
All circular and rectangular fire dampers have tightness of the blade/casing class 2B according to EN 1751. On demand fire dampers 3G can be
supplied with tightness class 3C. Fire dampers PKIR3G DN 450 up to 630 mm have standardly tightness class 3C.
Manually operated fire dampersIn case of fire, the fire damper is automatically set to the closed position. Depending on the version, the damper
closes either after melting of the thermal fuse or by means of activating the electromagnet in impulse connection, or disconnecting the
electromagnet in interrupted connection (see wiring diagrams in the Installation, operation and inspection manual of the fire dampers PP-28_PKI...).
After the closing of the damper blade is mechanically locked in the closed position and can only be opened manually. Actuating mechanism is
activated when the temperature of the air in the duct reaches 74 °C and damper closes within 10 seconds after melting of the fuse.
Servomotor-operated fire dampersFire damper can be equipped with a servomotor which closes the damper after the command from building
management system, or after breaching of the thermoelectric fuse. Servomotor controlled fire dampers are standardly equiped with thermoelectric
fuse that activate the closing of the damper after breaching or exceeding of ambient temperature of 72 °C, servomotor circuit is interrupted and the
spring closes the damper blade within 20 seconds.
Information about accessories for the fire dampers PKIR and PKIS are on the page 12.• PRR and PRS - Coverplates • MPA - METO-PG20 adapter
• MPC - METO-PG clutch • CVR, CVRF and CVS - Thermal dilatation compensator • SSAR and SSAS - Adapter with smoke sensor • RFA - Flanges for
the circular fire dampers • IKRR, IKRS and IKSS - Installation kit
• IPOR, IPOS - accessory for installation out of the wall
Document type: Product card | Document date: 2017-10-16 | Generated by: Online catalogue
DN øD L Av R1 R2
Manual With actuator
(mm) (kg±5%) (m2) (mm)
100 98 3,3 4,8 0,003 - -
125 123 3,4 4,9 0,007 - -
140 138 3,6 5,1 0,009 - -
150 148 3,7 5,2 0,011 - -
160 158 3,8 5,3 0,013 - -
180 178 4,2 5,7 0,18 - -
200 198 435 4,4 5,9 0,023 - -
225 223 4,8 6,3 0,031 - -
250 248 5,3 6,8 0,039 - -
280 278 5,8 7,3 0,050 - 14
315 313 6,4 7,9 0,065 - 31,5
355 353 7,3 8,8 0,085 - 51,5
400 398 8,3 9,8 0,110 - 74
450 448 11,1 11,9 0,138 - 108
500 498 12,3 13,1 0,173 - 133
560 558 14,6 15,4 0,220 - 163
630 628 17,0 17,8 0,283 - 198
710 708 33,5 35,6 0,357 13 191
800 798 39,4 41,5 0,459 58 236
900 898 46,5 48,6 0,587 108 286
1000 998 54,2 56,3 0,731 158 336
Weights of the circular fire dampers and the overhangs of the fully open blades
R1 and R2 = Overhang of the fully open blade, including seals and gaps after opening - the duct connected on the fire damper must be straight
minimal on the length equal respectively R1 or R2
PRR-PKI-1000 (20192)
Document type: Product card | Document date: 2017-10-16 | Generated by: Online catalogue
InstalMaintenOperInstr_PP-28_PKIR_PKIS_EN_201606.pdf (66,76MB)
CEcertif_1396-CPR-0076_PKIR3G_EN.pdf (1,09MB)
DoP28_PKIR_H_EN.pdf (172,35kB)
Document type: Product card | Document date: 2017-10-16 | Generated by: Online catalogue