Hematocrit Anemia
Hematocrit Anemia
Hematocrit Anemia
Thank you for coming to donate blood. We are Did you know that some causes
sorry that we cannot accept you as a donor today of anemia are invisible?
because your hematocrit level was too low. You may not know you have bleeding from
We care about your health and want to help you your digestive tract. This can be a result of:
understand what having a low hematocrit level
means.You are not alone, having a low hematocrit • Stomach ulcers
level is the most frequent cause for not being able • Growths in intestines (polyps)
to donate blood. You may return to donate when • Colon cancer
your hematocrit level has increased and you can • Certain medications
help immediately by asking your friends, family • Other diseases of the digestive tract
and/or coworkers to donate. There are several Anemia is often the first symptom of these
simple ways to improve your hematocrit level. conditions so it should be taken seriously. If you feel
You may be eligible to donate another time. you don’t fit in any of the previous categories,
What is Hematocrit? or just want to rule out these possibilities, make an
appointment with your physician without delay.
Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells,
platelets, and plasma. Hematocrit is the percentage of blood You should see your doctor if your
volume that is red blood cells. Red blood cells contain hematocrit is low and you:
hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all the cells in the body.
• donate less than three times per year,
Why do we test potential blood
• are a non-menstruating woman of any
donors for hematocrit levels?
age with a hematocrit below 36%,
Hematocrit is measured prior to each donation as part of
• a man with a hematocrit less than 38%, and
donor screening. According to U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), hematocrit must be at least 38% for a • are not already under the care of a physician
donor to be able to donate blood for another person. The for one of the conditions listed above.
purpose of having a cut-off for minimal acceptable hematocrit
What can I do to increase
is to protect donors from becoming anemic (meaning their red
blood cell levels are lower than normal) from donating blood. my low hematocrit?
Increasing the consumption of red meat (liver in
What are the most common causes particular), fish and shellfish (oysters, clams, shrimp,
of low hematocrit and anemia? and scallops), dried fruit (apricots, prunes, and peaches),
• Iron deficiency from a low-iron diet green leafy vegetables, beans, iron fortified breads and
• Iron deficiency from frequent blood donation cereals, all rich in iron, may help. Furthermore, eating
(3 or more times per year) foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, broccoli and
• Iron deficiency from menstrual blood loss tomatoes) helps in iron absorption.
• Vitamin deficiency from a diet low in folate, vitamin B6 or B12
Some foods block the absorption of iron, like coffee,
If your low hematocrit or anemia is caused by any of the
tea, milk, fiber, and soy protein. Avoiding such foods
conditions listed above, eating a diet high in iron rich foods and
taking a daily vitamin and iron supplement may help you raise would enable more iron from the diet and/or iron
your hematocrit. A call to your healthcare professional for further supplements to be absorbed. Lastly, over the counter
guidance may be advisable. iron supplements are readily available. The most common
side effect of these supplements is upset stomach.
What are other common causes of anemia? However, because multiple other causes of low hematocrit
Chronic illness such as: are also possible, donors may want to see their doctors
• Arthritis to determine the exact cause of low hematocrit before
• Diabetes taking iron pills or vitamins with iron.
• Kidney Disease
You should be under the care of a physician if you have
these conditions. Let your physician know about your low
hematocrit. He or she will work with you to find the best
treatment option for your particular needs.
June 2011