Advance in The Applications of Konjac Glucomannan and Its Derivatives
Advance in The Applications of Konjac Glucomannan and Its Derivatives
Advance in The Applications of Konjac Glucomannan and Its Derivatives
Konjac glucomannan is a kind of neutral polysaccharides with excellent biocompatibility and biodegradable activities. The recent studies
on the applications of konjac glucomannan and its derivatives in pharmaceutical, bio-technical, fine chemical fields etc. were reviewed.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction lists the current uses of konjac flour in the United States as a
gelling agent, thickener, film former and emulsifier.
Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch is a perennial herbac- However, the studies on the applications of konjac
eous herb. It grows in mountain or hilly areas in subtropical glucomannan and its derivatives have been extended greatly
regions mainly in the South East of Asia. It has been used as from food and food additives to various fields, such as
food and food additives in China and Japan for more than pharmaceutical, bio-technical and fine chemical industry
1000 years. Konjac glucomannan is a component derived etc. The review summarizes the recent studies on the
from the konjac tuber. Katsuraya et al. (2003) reported the applications of this polysaccharide.
recent study on the constitution of konjac glucomannan. The
results of methylation analysis showed that the branching
point is C-6 carbon of glucosyl units. 13C NMR spec-
troscopy (1D and DEPT) of konjac glucomannan supported 2. Applications in the pharmaceutical area
the presence of b-C-1-linked C-6 carbon of glucosyl units as
the branching units. The 13C NMR spectra indicated that the 2.1. Drug delivery
ratio of terminal glucosyl units to terminal mannosyl units is
ca. 2 and branching frequency is ca. 8%. Due to its biogradablility and gel-forming ability, konjac
Konjac glucomannan has the ability to lower blood glucomannan can be widely used in drug delivery.
cholesterol and sugar level, help with weight loss, promote Wu and Shen (2001) invented a kind of konjac
intestinal activity and immune function etc. At the same glucomannan capsule for chronic stomach disease. One
time, this polysaccharide can be prepared into various gastric-soluble capsule for patient with chronic stomach
derivatives easily because of its good biocompatibility and diseases was prepared from konjac glucomannan, 0.4%
biodegradable activity. The deep development and exploits vitamin B6 and 5% silicophosphate buffer.
of konjac glucomannan and its derivatives have been paid Wang and He (2002) reported that a kind of alginate–
great attention recent year. The Food Chemicals Codex only konjac glucomannan–chitosan beads could be used as
controlled release matrix. It was observed that KGM
* Corresponding author. Tel: C86 27 8728 3201; fax: C86 27 8728
could be contained within beads, and faintness hydrogen
2966. binding and electrostatic interaction existed between ALG
E-mail address: (B.-j. Xie). and KGM by infrared spectra. Clear dents were found on
0144-8617/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 Y.-q. Zhang et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 60 (2005) 27–31
the surface of beads using KGM by scanning electron 2.4. Gel filler materials for prosthetic implants
Hermelin and Grimshaw (2003) invented compositions A prosthetic device for implantation into a mammalian
and methods for the enhancement of iron uptake or the body comprised of a non-absorbable biocompatible flexible
treatment of iron deficiency by enhancing the rate and extent material shell or sac filled with various biocompatible gel
of dissolution in a subject in need thereof. The composition filler materials. Ita and Clarke (2003) invented a gel filler
contained at least two iron-providing materials in a single materials that were comprised of biocompatible glucoman-
dosage form wherein at least one of the iron-providing nan obtained from konjac hydrocolloid flour and other
materials contained a modified release mechanism, matrix, biocompatible hydrocolloids, producing a natural look and
or coating. Konjac glucomannan was used as a matrix. The feel for the prosthetic implants, especially reconstructive
iron-providing materials included within the composition prostheses such as breast implants.
have different rates of release. Following administration to
the animal, the iron-providing materials were released in the
gastrointestinal tract over a period of up to 24 h.
Pathak et al. (2003) invented gel-forming macromers 3. Applications in the biotechnology area
including at least four polymeric blocks, at least two of
which were hydrophobic and at least one of which was 3.1. Materials for immoblization
hydrophilic, and including a crosslinkable group. Konjac
glucomannan was used as a hydrophilic block. The Chen and Zhang (2000) provided a method for
macromers can be covalently crosslinked to form a gel on immobilization of cells using carrageenan and glucoman-
a tissue surface in vivo. The gels formed from the nan. The composite for immobilizing cells was composed of
macromers have a combination of properties including 40–90% carageenan and 60–10% konjac glucomannan. The
thermosensitivity and lipophilicity, and are useful in a cell was immobilized by dissolving the composite in water
variety of medical applications including drug delivery and at O80 8C, cooling, adding cells, and dropping into 2–3%
tissue coating. KCl solution. The recombinant Escherichia coli, yeast, and
Bifidus bacillus were immobilized using this method.
2.2. Bio-adhesive properties improvement
3.2. Materials for fixation support
Dettmar, Dickson, Hampson, and Jolliffe (2000)
invented a kind of pharmaceutical composition having Takezaki (2000) provided a patent about a fixation
improved bio-adhesive properties, which was produced by support agent with improved qualities so that a biopsy
combining an alginate, xanthan gum and/or a carrageenan sample embeded in the agent was nicely thin-sliced with a
gum and a glucomannan and/or a galactomannan. The microtome without destroying the cells on the cutting
composition can provide both a protecting and a healing section due to the damage on the blade caused by the
effect on mucosal surface for treatment of disorders of the impurities such as husks or ashes of mannan contained in the
esophagus. conventional agent. The novel agent exhibited the improved
agglutination force and transparency, and it was less stained
2.3. Cellular therapy with many kinds of staining dyes. The fixation support agent
for biopsy sample consisted of a different type of modified
Slepian and Stephen (2001) invented a method for derivative of glucomannan obtained from the refined flour
providing a synthetic barrier made of biocompatible of konjac (Amorphophallus rivieri).
polymeric materials in vivo that involved application of a
material to a tissue or cellular surface such as the interior 3.3. Materials for encapsulation
surface of a blood vessel, tissue lumen or other hollow
space. The material may also be applied to tissue contacting Nussinovitch (2004) invented a temperature-stable
surfaces of implantable medical devices. The polymeric droplet containing a temperature-stable hydrocolloid mem-
materials composed of konjac glucomannan are character- brane. The membrane encapsulated a liquid that contained
ized by a fluent state which allows application to and, at least one enzyme, a cell, a biological agent, a
preferably adhesion to, tissue lumen surfaces, which can be pharmaceutical agent, an immunological agent, or mixtures
increased or altered to a second less fluent state in situ; thereof. Konjac glucomannan was used as one of the
controlled permeability and degradability; and, in the hydrocolloid materials. The hydrocolloid membrane encap-
preferred embodiments, incorporation of bioactive materials sulating the liquid was a thickness capable of holding the
for release in vivo, either to the tissue lumen surface or to liquid without bursting through a temperature range of about
the interior of the lumen, which alter cell to cell interactions. K20 8C to about 90 8C.
Y.-q. Zhang et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 60 (2005) 27–31 29
4. Applications in the fine chemical area For example, it could be cooked in conventional ways,
manufactured as retort or pressurized food. The cooked rice
4.1. Films and membranes grains were not readily disintegrated and made into gruel.
Yasuda and Kawamura (2000) invented steam-supplying
Konjac glucomannan has very good film-forming ability. food packaging materials for microwave cooking and
Several kinds of transparent blend films of konjac cooking of food. The packaging materials, which release
glucomannan with polyacylamide, gelatin, sodium carbox- steam toward the inside upon microwave heating to steam
ymethylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, chitosan, sodium food such as shao-mai, mantou (steamed buns), etc. had a
aginate and cellulose, were invented, respectively (Xiao, steam-supplying material which comprised a shape reten-
Gao, Wang, & Zhang, 2000; Xiao, Gao, & Zhang, 2000; tion material and a steam generator containing H2O and a
Xiao, Liu, Lu, & Zhang, 2001; Xiao, Lu, Gao, & Zhang, water retention agent such as konjac glucomannan, agar,
2001; Xiao, Lu, Liu, & Zhang, 2001; Xiao, Lu, & Zhang, carrageenan, gelatins, caseins, acrylic polymers, etc. con-
2001; Yang, Xiong, & Zhang, 2002). The results indicated tained therein or supported thereon.
that the occurrence of intra and intermolecular interaction of
the pure components, as well as the intermolecular 4.3. Cosmetics
interactions between KGM and these substance through
hydrogen bond formation. The thermal stability and This field has been well studied in Japan. Omura, Shida,
mechanic properties of both tensile strength and elongation and Nanba (2001a) invented a hair composition containing
at the break of the films were improved by blending konjac glucomannan and/or keratose quaternary ammonium
glucomannan with these substances. Some semi-interpene- derivatives which provide excellent conditioning effect
trating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) from konjac gluco- and moisture-retaining effect without causing stickiness,
mannan derivatives were also reported (Gao & Zhang, and some kinds of hair-styling preparations containing
2001a,b; Gao, Zhang, & Cao, 2003; Lu & Zhang, 2002; glucomannan with less stickness and giving natural gloss
Xiao, Weng, & Zhang, 2002; Yang, Huang, Zhang, Zhou, & and smoothness to hair (Omura & Nanba, 2001a; Omura,
Gao, 2004). Shida, & Nanba, 2001b–d). Some kinds of cosmetic oil-in-
Chen et al. (2003) prepared biodegradable plastics based water emulsions containing konjac glucomannan were also
on soy dreg (SD). For enhanced water resistivity of the SD invented (Omura, Abe, & Nanba, 2001; Omura & Nanba,
plastics, thermoplastic benzyl konjac glucomannan (B- 2001b; Omura, Shida, & Nanba, 2001e).
KGM) films were covered on SD sheets in a lamination Takada (2000) invented a kind of water-insoluble
compression process, and SD/B-KGM (SB) composite glucomannan gel particles as mild scrubbing agents for
sheets were obtained. cosmetics. The dried gel particles did not damage the skin
Tang, Du, Zheng, and Fan (2003) reported soy protein and tooth surface. Therefore, they were effective as
isolate-carboxymethylated konjac glucomannan blend scrubbing agents.
films. The thermostability and mechanical and water Saito (2000) also invented a kind of cosmetics containing
vapor barrier properties of blend films were greatly pigments coated with water-soluble glucomannan that
enhanced due to the strong intermolecular hydrogen showed good skin-moisturizing effect, give long makeup
bonding between SPI and CMKGM. effect, and had no sticky skin feel.
Li and Xie (2000) also reported a kind of edible The quick-drying disinfecting gels for hand were
membrane material made from the mixture of konjac invented by Shimizu and Ohshiba (2000). The gels were
glucomannan and xanthan, which showed better strength obtained by mixing EtOH solutions with gel-forming
and water-resistance than konjac glucomannan itself. polymers and glucomannan as a thickener. The gels were
uniformly applied to hands and were removed by rubbing
4.2. Coating materials without rinsing with water.
Arminas and Calello (2003) invented an organic solvent
In the patent of Yang, Yang, Petcavich, and Mao (2001), based cosmetic remover composition which gelled to a
coating materials containing konjac glucomannan were viscosity of 25–500,000 centipoise with a synthetic metal
invented for preserving fresh produce (e.g. cantaloupes, silicate gelling agent. Konjac glucomannan could be used as
apples and the like). The coating composition was effective the suitable gelling agents.
to control respiratory exchange, i.e. the passage of gases,
particularly oxygen, ethylene, carbon dioxide and water 4.4. Emulsifiers and surfactants
vapor, into and out of the produce, thereby controlling
maturation and ripening of the produce. Gan (1999) invented a new surfactant from refined
In the patent of Kawano (2001), rice grains were coated konjac powder. Konjac glucomannan was hydrolyzed,
with a gel of glucomannan hydrate, and treated with heat to oxidized, and esterified with stearic acid, then neutralized
obtain grains coated with dietary fibers or irreversible gel. with NaOH. The final product can be used widely in
The product might be used in a variety of ways. pharmaceutical, food and chemical industry etc.
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