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Sanmotion Motor Setup m0010842l

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Instruction Manual
Change history

Publication Chapter or
Rev Change details
time Page
FEB.2014 A NEW
Servo adjustment assistance/Adaptive notch filter manual setting are added to No.6
1-2 Applicable system RS2 amplifier model addition
Chapter 9.4 Servo adjustment assist function addition

Chapter 9.5 Adaptive notch filter manual setting function addition

DEC.2014 B
Below are mistake corrections.
7-5 1) (C) JOG-operation → Orientation-operation
7-9 (4) orderly completing → abnormally completing
update a figure Figure 3-11,3-13,3-15,3-16,6-1,7-1,9-1,11-1,11-2
Add "Maximum velocity is limited to 2m/sec, in the system using linear motor with
Chapter 7.2
1nm resolution." to 2) How to operate, Positioning operation.
Chapter 7.3 Add "this function is not allowed if the system is set for linear motor.".
Add "This function is not allowed if the serial encoder has EnDat format of
Chapter 7.5
FEB.2015 C Heidenhain.".
Chapter 9.1 Add "This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.".
Chapter 9.2 Add "This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.".
Chapter 9.4 Add "This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.".
Chapter 10.3 Add "This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.".
Adds the contact info regarding to applicable product update.
Chapter 1.1 Applicable product update.
APR.2015 D
Chapter 1.2 Applicable product update.
Chapter 2 Applicable product update for connection with servo amplifier/driver.
Chapter 13 13.2 and 13.3 of Appendix are added.
Chapter 1.1 Applicable product update.
JUN.2015 E Chapter 1.2 Applicable product update.
Chapter 2.4 Applicable product update for connection with servo amplifier/driver.
Chapter 1.1 Applicable product update.
Chapter 1.2 Applicable product update.
OCT.2015 F
Chapter 2.5 Update a wiring diagram and connection axis of PB driver.
Chapter 13.3 Add "Connector number of driver side connector".
Chapter 1.1 Add "Motor brake control function".
MAR.2017 G Chapter 7.6 Add "Motor brake control function".
Chapter 3.5 Delete a part of description for parameter level.
Change history

Publication Chapter or
Rev Change details
time Page
Chapter 1.1 ■ Add "Functional safety module (Safety Module)".
Chapter 1.2 ■ Add "Functional safety module (Safety Module)" as applicable model.
Chapter 2.6 ■ Add connection with "Functional safety module".
■ Add functions of "Parameter editing authority" and "Parameter
Chapter 4.1
initialization" to function list.
Chapter 4.2 ■ Add menu of functional safety module setting, to "Settings by group".
Chapter 4.9 ■ Add notification for "Functional safety module".
Chapter 4.10 ■ Add function of "Parameter editing authority".
Chapter 4.11 ■ Add function of "Parameter initialization".
AUG.2017 H Chapter 7.1 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 7.2 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 7.3 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 7.4 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 9.1 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 9.2 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 9.4
■ Add notification for the case of functional safety module attached.
Chapter 10.3 ■ Add notification for during safety function performing.
Chapter 13.4 ■ Add wiring with "Functional safety module".
Chapter 1.1 ■ RM2 is added to lineup.
Chapter 1.3 ■ Applicable OS is updated. Delete Windows XP/Vista. Add Windows 10.
Chapter 6.4 ■ Life-span estimation window is added.
MAY.2018 J Chapter 9.4 ■ Manual tuning mode of servo tuning navigation is added.
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
■ Note for save file (.csv) is added.
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 10.4
Chapter 1.1 ■ Add parameter change function.
Chapter 4.2 ■ Add parameter change log clearing function.
Chapter 4.8 ■ Add parameter verification result save and redisplay function
OCT. 2018 K
Chapter 4.12 ■ Add parameter conversion function.
Chapter 5.1 ■ Add monitor display snapshot function.

■ Functions/Descriptions, of Status history monitor and Point data, are added to
L Chapter 1.1
the list.
MAR. 2020 Chapter 5.2 ■ Chapter of Status History Monitor is added.

Chapter 11 ■ Chapter of Point Data is added.


Thank you for purchasing our SANMOTION servo system.

This is instruction manual for SANMOTION Motor Setup that is convenient introduction support tool for our
servo amplifier.

✓ Please refer this at startup and adjustment of the servo system.

✓ Also refer a manual of each servo amplifier.

※The screenshot in this manual might differ from actual.

※In this document, RS3 means "SANMOTION R 3E Model", RS2 means "SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL",
SSmeans "SANMOTION S", F2 means "SANMOTION F2", F5 means "SANMOTION F5" and PB means

Table of contents
System summary.................................................................................... 1-1
1.1. Outline of functions ............................................................................ 1-1
1.2. Applicable system ............................................................................... 1-3
1.3. System environment .............................................................................. 1-3
1.4. Installing the program .......................................................................... 1-4
1.5. Uninstalling the program ........................................................................ 1-7
Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver ............................................................ 2-1
2.1. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-3E model ...................................................... 2-1
2.2. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model AC input type (except EtherCAT IF expanded general
input type) and SANMOTION S .................................................................... 2-2
2.3. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model AC input type (with EtherCAT IF expanded general
input type) .................................................................................... 2-4
2.4. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model DC input type ................................... 2-5
2.5. Connecting to a stepping driver ................................................................. 2-6
2.6. Connecting to R 3E Mofel Functional safety module ................................................ 2-7
Basic operation................................................................................... 3-1
3.1. Starting up Setup S/W ........................................................................... 3-1
3.2. Communication with servo amplifiers ............................................................. 3-2
3.3. Basic screen operation .......................................................................... 3-4
3.4. Project ......................................................................................... 3-6
3.5. Option settings ................................................................................. 3-9
3.6. Operation manual ............................................................................... 3-10
3.7. Version information ............................................................................ 3-10
Parameters ....................................................................................... 4-1
4.1. Outline of parameter-editing functions .......................................................... 4-1
4.2. Settings by group ............................................................................... 4-2
4.3. Settings by function ........................................................................... 4-10
4.4. Parameter transmission (To file) ............................................................... 4-13
4.5. Parameter transmission (To amplifier) .......................................................... 4-14
4.6. Save to the Backup memory ...................................................................... 4-15
4.7. Restoration from the Backup Memory ............................................................. 4-16
4.8. Parameter Verification ......................................................................... 4-17
4.9. Password Setting ............................................................................... 4-18
4.10. Parameter editing authority ................................................................... 4-20
4.11. Parameter initialization ...................................................................... 4-22
4.12. Parameter conversion .......................................................................... 4-23
Monitor .......................................................................................... 5-1
5.1. Monitor ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.2. Status History Monitor .......................................................................... 5-4
Diagnosis ........................................................................................ 6-1

6.1. Alarm history ................................................................................... 6-1
6.2. Alarm Reset ..................................................................................... 6-4
6.3. Warning information ............................................................................. 6-5
6.4. Life-span estimation ............................................................................ 6-6
Test operation.................................................................................... 7-1
7.1. JOG Operation ................................................................................... 7-1
7.2. Positioning Operation ........................................................................... 7-3
7.3. The detection of the origin signal .............................................................. 7-5
7.4. Magnetic pole position estimation ............................................................... 7-7
7.5. Serial Encoder Clear ............................................................................ 7-9
7.6. Motor brake control function ................................................................... 7-11
Adjustment ....................................................................................... 8-1
8.1. Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal ....................................................... 8-1
8.2. Offset Adjustment of T-COMP Terminal ............................................................ 8-2
Servo-tuning ..................................................................................... 9-1
9.1. Auto Notch Filter Tuning ........................................................................ 9-2
9.2. Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning................................................... 9-4
9.3. Save Result of Auto Tuning ...................................................................... 9-6
9.4. Servo Tuning Navigation ......................................................................... 9-8
9.5. Saving Result of Adaptive Notch Filter ......................................................... 9-20
Measurement .................................................................................... 10-1
10.1. Operation Trace ............................................................................... 10-1
10.2. Operation scrolling ........................................................................... 10-7
10.3. System Analysis ............................................................................... 10-9
10.4. Drive recorder ............................................................................... 10-13
Point data ..................................................................................... 11-1
11.1. Overview ...................................................................................... 11-1
11.2. Point data setting ............................................................................ 11-2
11.3. Point data .................................................................................... 11-6
11.4. Point data homing ............................................................................. 11-7
11.5. Point move test operation ..................................................................... 11-8
Data files ..................................................................................... 12-1
12.1. Overview ...................................................................................... 12-1
12.2. How to use .................................................................................... 12-1
12.3. Adding to projects ............................................................................ 12-2
Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 13-1
13.1. When installing ............................................................................... 13-1
13.2. Wiring, Connection and establishing communication with servo amplifiers ........................ 13-2
13.3. Parameter Setting ............................................................................. 13-3
13.4. Various supportive functions .................................................................. 13-3
Appendix ....................................................................................... 14-1
14.1. Wiring for R 3E MODEL servo amplifiers ........................................................ 14-1
14.2. Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers ........................................................ 14-1

14.3. Wiring for stepping drivers ................................................................... 14-6
14.4. Wiring for SANMOTION R 3E Model Functional safety module ....................................... 14-7

Reference work
・ Please refer each instruction manual of servo amplifier and driver.
Download instruction manuals from our webpage. Otherwise contact our sales department.

Chapter 1. System summary Outline of functions

System summary
1.1. Outline of functions
You can connect this SANMOTION MOTOR SETUP (hereinafter referred to as Setup S/W) to SANYO DENKI
AC-servo amplifiers (hereinafter referred to as servo amplifier(s)) and conduct the following functions:

Table 1-1 List of functions and applicable servo amplifier models

RS2/ RF2G EtherCAT, SS1 PB Safety
No. Functions Descriptions RS3 Ether F2 F5 Ether
RM2 pulse RF2J, pulse pulse Module
Parameter Setting Edits parameters by group. This can edit all
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
- Each Group the parameters.
Parameter Setting Sets parameters by functions. This only can △
× × × × × × × × × ×
- Each Function edit representative parameters. ※3
Parameter Transfer the parameter data between the
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
transmission servo amplifier and a file in the PC.
Saving to the Storing parameters into the backup

Backup Memory/ memory built in a servo amplifier. /

○ ○ ○ × ○ × ○ ○ × × ×
Restoration from Restores the backup memory values as
the Backup Memory the parameters of a servo amplifier.
Collates parameters as well as sets
Parameter Verification/
passwords to inhibit parameter values from ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Password Setting
being rewritten.
Parameter editing
Switches authority for parameter edit/browse. × × × × × × × × × × ○
Parameter initialization Initialize parameters to factory setting. × × × × × × × × × × ○
Generates parameter file of latest series
Parameter conversion ○ × × × × × × × × × ×
model from conventional series model.

Monitors the various data of servo

Monitor ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Status History Monitor Monitors a point-move status history of the
amplifier with positioning function. ○
× × × × × × × × × ×
Displays current alarm and alarms in the last

Alarm History 15 times indicating estimated route causes ○ ※1 ※1 ※1 ※1 ※1 ※1 ○ ※1 ○ ○

3 and the corrective actions.
Alarm Reset Releases the alarm states. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ×
Warning info Displays the information on warning. ○ ※2 ※2 ※2 ※2 ※2 × ○ ※2 ○ ×
JOG Operation * Perform velocity JOG-operation. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ×
Perform positioning operation. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ×
Operation *
Test operation

Searching motor Moves a motor shaft to an original

○ × × × × × × × × × ×
origins * position.
4 Magnetic pole Estimates the magnetic pole position of linear
○ ○ ○ ○ × × × × × × ×
position estimation * motors.
Serial Encoder Clears the amount of multiple turning of a
○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × ○ × ×
Clear * serial encoder for motors and alarm status.
It permits a control of motor brake power supply. ○
Motor brake control × × × × × × × × × ×
Automatically or manually adjust the offset
Analog Offset

For V-REF/ T-REF amount of analog velocity command, velocity


○ ○ × × ○ × × × × × ×
Terminal * addition command, or analog torque (force)
5 command.
For T-COMP Automatically or manually adjust the offset
○ ○ × × ○ × × × × × ×
Terminal * amount of torque (force) addition command.
Automatically sets notch filter for torque
(force) command by searching
resonant frequency of mechanical
Servo tuning Assist

Auto Tuning system, sets FF-vibration suppression ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × × × ×

frequency by searching
resonant/antiresonant frequency of
6 mechanical system.
Saving Result of Auto Stores appropriate gain calculated by auto-
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × × × ×
Tuning tuning function as a parameter.
Servo Tuning
At the servo tuning, adjusts using navigation. ○ × × × × × × × × × ×
Saving Result of
Sets the detected frequency as fixed value. ○ × × × × × × × × × ×
Adaptive Notch Filter

Chapter 1. System summary System emvironment
RS2/ RF2G EtherCAT, SS1 PB Safety
No. Functions Descriptions RS3 Ether F2 F5 Ether
RM2 pulse RF2J, pulse pulse Module
Displays states of servo amplifier
Operation Trace ++ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
operation in waveforms.

Analyzes characteristics such as mechanical

System Analysis *++ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × × × ×
frequency response.
7 Displays states of multiple-axis servo
Operation Scrolling ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
amplifier/drivers at once in waveforms.
Records the last 16 states of a servo

Drive Recorder ++ amplifier/driver in the past and then displays ○ × × × × × × ○ × ○
them in waveform.
Point data edition/ Performs Point data edition for positioning
Test operation/ operation, and Test operation of Homing/Point
Point data

Homing/ Point move move. ○

8 × × × × × × × × × ×

✓ Available functions are marked with “○”, non-supported functions are marked with “”. There
are cases where some of functions marked with “△” are not available depending on
※1: Store alarm history occurred in the last 7 times. This does not support diagnosis functions.
※2: You can check the information on warning by batched monitoring.
※3: RS3 EtherCAT interface is not available.
※4: This function is for the amplifier with positioning function (Type C) only.
✓ The starred functions (*) cannot be used together at the same time.
✓ The functions marked with (++) cannot be used together at the same time.
✓ Abbreviated servo amplifier symbol in table indicates servo amplifier and driver below.
RS3 ・・・「SANMOTION R 3E Model」
Safety Module ・・・「SANMOTION R 3E Model functional safety module」

Chapter 1. System summary System emvironment

1.2. Applicable system

This Setup S/W supports the servo amplifier and driver below.
・SANMOTION R 3E Model servo amplifier RS3***A*
・SANMOTION R ADVANCED Model servo amplifier RS2***A*, RF2G****, RF2J**A*,
RF2K**A*, RM2*
・SANMOTION S servo amplifier SS1A15M8**
・SANMOTION F5 5-phase stepping driver, AC input F5PAA***P1**, F5PAB***P1**
・SANMOTION F2 2-phase stepping driver, AC input F2BAW*00M100
・SANMOTION Model No.PB Stepping system, closed loop PB4D003E***, PB4D003P***
・SANMOTION R 3E Model, Functional safety module

There may be cases some functions are not available depending on servo amplifier models or combinations of
a servo motor and encoder. Menu and icons of unusable function will be unselectable.

1.3. System environment

Required performance to perform operation greatly varies depending on operation systems and need to be
compliant with each system requirement per operating system. It is recommended to add the following
requirements to fulfill more patient performance.

Table 1-2 Recommended system requirements to be added

PC IBM PC/AT-compatible
Memory Space more than 512MB
Hard-disk space More than 600MB (Including Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5)
Display More than 1024×768 of resolution/ 32 color-bit
Applicable OS Windows® 7
Windows® 8
Windows® 10
*There is no limit to the edition of operation software.
Required software The following components are required to operate this software. If they have
not been installed before installing this software, they will be automatically
・Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
・Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio 2008
Others RS-232C port or USB port with more than 1 channel

Chapter 1. System summary Installing the program

1.4. Installing the program

Install Setup S/W in the following procedure:
(1) Stop all the running programs.
(2) Insert the Installation CD into CD-ROM drive (e.g.: drive E) of your PC.
(3) Select "Run" command on the Start menu of the Windows taskbar, or double click on
installation execution file via the Internet Explorer.
(4) Select the language you install and then click “OK” button.

Figure 1-1 Dialog to select languages

(5) Start installing Setup S/W. Click “Next”.

Figure 1-2 Start-up window for installing Setup S/W

(6) The license agreement is displayed. Confirm the contents and click “Next” if you agree
with the contents.

Figure 1-3 The license agreement display window

(7) Designate the folder in which Setup S/W is installed. If you change the folder already

Chapter 1. System summary Installing the program

displayed, click “Browse….” to designate a new folder to install in. Click “Next”.

Figure1-4 Window for designating the folder to install S/W in

(8) Input a keyword to make it conform to customized motors. Click “Next” for cases other
than that.

Figure1-5 Keyword-inputting window

(9) The installer installs the S/W after detecting whether or not any of the following modules
exist. Click “Install” button.
- Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1
- Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio 2008

Chapter 1. System summary Installing the program

Figure1-6 Window for confirming start of installation

(10) S/W is being installed in this window. Please wait for a while.

Figure 1-7 Window showing S/W being installed

(11) Now the installation has been completed. Click “Finish”button. The window
instructing to reboot the PC appears depending on installation environments. In this case
reboot the PC.

Figure 1-8 Dialog box indicating installation has been completed

Chapter 1. System summary Uninstalling the program

1.5. Uninstalling the program

The following describe how to uninstall the setup Software:
(1) Stop all running programs.
(2) Select “Control panel (C)” through “Setting (S)” from the start menu on the Windows taskbar.
Doubleclick on “Program and functions” (Windows7) icon to display the window below.

Figure 1-9 Uninstallation window

(3) Select “SANMOTION Motor Setup”, and then click “Remove“.

✓ When uninstalling Setup S/W, the following applications will not automatically uninstalled. If
there are no impacts on the other applications, these applications below need to be
manually uninstalled.

・ Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1
・ Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio 2008
・ Windows-driver package for SANYODENKI CO.,LTD.(WinUSB) USB Device

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 2. Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver Connecting to R3E Model

Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver

2.1. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-3E model
Connecting to a servo amplifier R-3E model should be via USB (FULL-speed).

✔ Connect to the connector having USB mark (named "PC").

The connectors on servo amplifiers are USB-mini B (socket)-type.
✔ When connecting multiple axes, connect them through USB-hub.

Chapter 2. Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver Connecting to R-Advanced MODEL

2.2. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model AC input type (except

EtherCAT IF expanded general input type) and SANMOTION S
Connecting to single servo amplifier
Use a dedicated cable (optional part: Product model number: AL-00689703-01) to connect a servo amplifier to
a PC.

Connecting port on the servo amplifier : For pulse train IF type・・・CN2 connector on the front panel
For EtheCAT IF type・・・PC connector on the front panel
Connecting port on the PC : Serial communication type connector on the PC (9-pin D-sub)

✓ Refer to Chapter 14 Appendix for the connector product models and wiring methods.
✓ For PC side, connect to COM-port.
✓ For servo amplifier side, connect to the connector indicated above. Do not to connect to

Chapter 2. Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver Connecting to R-Advanced MODEL

Connecting to multiple drivers (amplifiers)

Pulse input type and SANMOTION S can connect multiple, depending on amplifier spec. Follows are explain
how to connect multiple connection.
Connect servo amplifiers to a PC using communication cables (2 types), communication converters, and
termination connectors (those above are all optional parts). Up to 15 servo amplifiers can be connected together
at once.

✓ Communication converter : SAU-024-01

✓ Communication cable A : Commercially available RS-232C-cable
(Either straight or crossed type is applicable)
✓ * CN3 on the communication converter is 9-pin, D-sub male connector.
✓ Communication cable B : AL-00695974-01(0.2m),AL-00695974-02(3m)
✓ Termination connector : AL-00695977-01

Communicaiton cable A

Communication converter (SAU-024-01)

Communicaiton cable B

Communicaiton cable B Communicaiton cable B Communicaiton cable B


(CN2) (CN2) (CN2)

(CN3) (CN3) (CN3) (CN3) Termination conenctor


<Axis 1> < Axis 2> < Axis 3> < Axis n>

✓ Make sure the connections of CN2 and CN3 are as illustrated above. Connecting those
above in a wrong way cannot establish communication.
✓ Set SW1 of communication converter by making it conform to 422A-side and set SW2 by
making it conform to the communication cable (crossed or straight type) which connects to
the host PC.

Chapter 2. Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver Connecting to R-Advanced MODEL

2.3. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model AC input type (with

EtherCAT IF expanded general input type)

Use a dedicated cable (optional part: Product model number: AL-00745525-01) to connect a servo amplifier to
a PC.

Connecting port on the servo amplifier : CN6 under front cover

Connecting port on the PC : Serial communication type connector on the PC
(9-pin D-sub)


PC Dedicated cable: AL-00745525-01 (CN6 under front cover) Servo amplifier

✓ Refer to Chapter 14 Appendix for the connector product models and wiring methods.
✓ For PC side, connect to COM-port.
✓ Do not to connect to CN2 and CN4.

Chapter 2. Connecting to a servo amplifier/driver Connecting to R-Advanced MODEL

2.4. Connecting to a servo amplifier R-Advanced model DC input type

Connecting to pulse IF type

Use a dedicated cable (optional part: Product model number: AL-00490833-01) to connect a servo amplifier to
a PC.

Connecting port on the servo amplifier : For pulse train IF type・・・PC connector on the front panel
For EtheCAT IF type・・・CN4 connector on the front panel
Connecting port on the PC : Serial communication type connector on the PC (9-pin D-sub)

CN2 ケーブル長
9 5

6 1

Dedicated cable: (AL-00490833-01)


Servo amplifier

✓ Refer to Chapter 14 Appendix for the connector product models and wiring methods.
✓ For PC side, connect to COM-port.

Connecting to EtherCAT IF type

Same as R-Advanced model AC input type (single connection). Refer the section 2.2 and connect it.

Use a dedicated cable (optional part: Product model number: AL-00689703-01) to connect a servo amplifier to
a PC.

Connecting port on the servo amplifier : For EtherCAT IF type・・・PC connector on the front panel
Connecting port on the PC : Serial communication type connector on the PC (9-pin D-sub)


Dedicated cable: (AL-00689703-01)


Servo amplifier

✓ Refer to Chapter 14 Appendix for the connector product models and wiring methods.
✓ For PC side, connect to COM-port.
✓ For servo amplifier side, connect to the PC connector indicated above.

Chapter 2. Connecting to servo amplifier/drivers Connecting to a stepping driver

2.5. Connecting to a stepping driver

Use a dedicated connection unit (optional part: PBFM-U6) to connect PC and the stepping driver which is applied

Name Content Model number Instruction manual number

USB/RS485 converter PC/driver connection unit PBFM-U6 M0010723

Driver communication

terminal block


n cable
✔ Refer to Chapter 14 Appendix for the connector product models and wiring methods.
✔ For detail, refer to another instruction manual (M0010723) for USB/RS485 converter (PBFM-U6).
✔ For the connection with F5 or F2, select the #1 as connection axis, and set 57,600bps as communication baud rate.
✔ For the connection with PB, select the connection axis in accord with the axis number, and set 57,600bps as
communication baud rate.

Chapter 3. Basic operation Starting up Setup S/W

2.6. Connecting to R 3E Mofel Functional safety module

Connecting to a servo amplifier, R-3E Model Functional safety module, should be via USB (FULL-speed).

✔ Connect to the connector having USB mark (named "PC").

The connectors on servo amplifiers are USB-mini B (socket)-type.
✔ When connecting multiple axes, connect them through USB-hub.

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 3. Basic operation Starting up Setup S/W

Basic operation
3.1. Starting up Setup S/W
You can start up Setup S/W in the two ways below.
(1) Starting up through Start menu.
(2) Starting up from the shortcut.
The following Start up window appears and then Main menu window is displayed when starting up in
either way above.

Figure 3-1 Start up screen

Starting up from the start menu

(1) Click “Start” on the taskbar.
(2) Click the following in the following order:
“All programs”→”SANYODENKI”→”SANMOTION Motor Setup”

Starting up from the short cut icon

Double click on the shortcut icon of Setup S/W on the desktop to start up.

Figure 3-2 Displayed icon

Chapter 3. Basic operation Communication with servo amplifier(s)

3.2. Communication with servo amplifiers

1) Setting for communication
(1) Start up the window for setting communication.
Set the settings necessary for communicating to servo amplifiers via Communication setting window.
The communication setting window is displayed after starting up Setup S/W. When not displayed, start
up “Communication setting” from “Communication” on the menu bar or click on the communication
setting icon on the toolbar.
(2) Select a communication specification.
Select USB-tab or COM (RS-232C) depending on the specifications of servo amplifier/drivers to be
(3) Allocate each axis.
< When selecting USB-communication>
The servo amplifier/drivers currently recognized as being connected are shown in the line marked (B).
Select the devices you want to connect and then click “Add axis” button. Click “USB Auto allocate” button
to allocate all the devices recognized as being connected. The allocated amplifiers are added to the list
of axis allocation.


Figure 3-3 Communication setting window (USB-communication)

<When selecting COM-communication (RS-232C)>
Select COM Port number, Axis number, and Baud Rate, and then click “Add axis” button. Then the
axis you want to allocate is added to the list of axis allocation with the setting reflected. Clicking “COM
Auto allocate” button automatically changes allocation as well as automatically switches Baud Rate
and axis number, and then start searching devices which connect to.

Figure 3-4 Communication setting window (COM-communication)

Chapter 3. Basic operation Communication with servo amplifier(s)

✓ The communication setting conditions registered into project should be the initial value as
the PC automatically reads in the previously created project when starting Setup S/W.

2) Establishing communication
Start the communication with servo amplifiers in the following procedure:
(1) Start through Communication setting window
◆ Click on “Connect (C)” button on the right side of each axis to start communication.
◆ Click on “Connect all (D)” (in the left corner of the window below) to start communication with the
axes applied.

Green light
comes on when
normally This should be “Connect”
connected. button when no
communication performed.


Figure 3-5 Window for establishing communication

✓ When the communication has been normally started, the light comes on in green and display
the model number of the amplifier.

(2) Establishing communication through Main menu window

◆ Click “Establish communication” through “Communication” on the Main menu, or click on the icon
for establishing communication on the Toolbar to start communication for all the allocated axes.
◆ Double click on the image for each device on the Main menu to start communication only for the
applicable axes.

Figure 3-6 Project window when communication being established

✓ When communication established properly, the device color changes form gray to green.

Chapter 3. Basic operation Basic screen operation

3) Releasing communication
Shut down communication with servo amplifier (s) in the following procedure:
(1) Shut down through Communication setting window
◆ Click on “Disconnect” button on the right side of each axis to shut down the communication with the
servo amplifiers you selected.
◆ Click “Disconnect all” button in the left corner of the window to end the communication with all the
servo amplifiers.

(2) Shut down through Main menu window

◆ Click “Release communication” through “Communication” on the Main menu, or click on the icon
for releasing communication on the Toolbar to end communication for all the allocated axes.
◆ Double click on the image for each device on the Main menu to release communication only for
the applicable axes.

✓ Once communication normally shut down, the device color changes from green to gray .

3.3. Basic screen operation

The Main window of Setup S/W consists of Side menu, Axis-selector, Functional panel.

1) Main window
You can launch the execution windows for each function through Menu(A) in Main window, Toolbar(B), or each
function name displayed in the Project window(C).



Axis you
selected (D)




Figure 3-7 Main window (when the communication established)

(A) Menu bar : Selects and execute various settings and functions.
(B) Tool bar : Selects and execute various functions.
(C) Side menu : Shows overview of functions. Selecting this displays various functions in Functional panel.
(D) Axis-selector : Shows the states of being connected of the axes allocated and the axes you are selecting.
Infomation on axis being
(E) : Shows the information on the selected axis (amplifier and motor model numbers)
(F) Functional panel : Shows the various functions selected in Side menu.
Chapter 3. Basic operation Basic screen operation

2) How to start up the window for functions

You can select the following 3 methods to execute various functions.
(1) Staring up through Menu bar
◆ Select various functions from [Function (F)] in the menu bar in Main menu window.
◆ Select each function from general categories by function.

Figure 3-8 Start up window through Menu bar

(2) Starting up form Tool bar

◆ Directly select each function from the Toolbar in Main menu.
◆ Not all the functions are allocated.

Figure 3-9 Starting up Function window

(3) Starting up through Sub menu window

◆ Clicking Sub menu window listed in the left of Main window displays the buttons with which you can
access to various functions related to. Click the functional button you want to execute.

Figure 3-10 Starting up Function window

Chapter 3. Basic operation Project

3.4. Project
You can control and record (store) axes configurations which are connected and various data files as projects.

Figure 3-11 Project window

✓ You can newly create, open, save, and save as any name a project from this window.
✓ Make sure that you need to newly create a project when the type of the servo amplifiers
currently connected was changed.

Newly creating a project

You need to newly create when initially connecting to servo devices, or connecting the devices other than the
ones currently allocated. When you newly create a project, create the project in any of the following procedures.
(1) Select “New (N)” through “Project (P)” from the menu bar in Main menu window.

(2) Select from the Toolbar.

(3) Select “New” through “Project” in Side menu. (Refer to the window above.)

Opening an existing project

When you open an existing project, select the project in any of the following procedures:
(1) Select “Open(O)” through “Project(P)” in Main menu window, and then select an existing project file.
(2) Select from the Toolbar.
(3) Select “Open” through “Project “in the Side menu. (Refer to the window above.)

Storing projects
When you store projects being opened, store them in any of the following procedures:
(1) Select “Save(S)” through “Project(P)” from the Menu bar in Main menu window to overwrite existing
project files. Or select “Save As(A)” to save files with new project names.
(2) Select from Toolbar.(Overwrite-save only)
(3) Select “Save as” or “Save” through “Project” from Side menu. (Refer to the window above.)
Chapter 3. Basic operation Project

Settings for a project

You can input various information on a project other its project name.
(1) Set the name, creator, and contents of a project.
(2) You can directly input the name, creator, and contents of a project by selecting “Project” from Side menu.

Figure 3-12 Project information setting window (an excerpt)

<Axis property>
(1) Set the name of axis. At the same time you can confirm the software version of applicable servo amplifiers.
(2) Select the axis you want to display from Axis-selector in Main window, and then right-click to open Property
window, and then select

Figure 3-13 Axis property window

✓ You can check the following information: servo device model numbers, amplifier IDs,
software version, module version, and communication state.

Chapter 3. Basic operation Project

Adding data files to a project

You can register the data files of operation trace, system analysis, and operation scrolling.
(1) To register data files to a project, select “Add to project” through “files” from the menu bar in various functional
window with the data files you want to register opened.

Figure 3-14 “Add to project” menu in Operation trace window

(2) Registered data files are automatically saved with the name consisting of “date+serial number” and displayed
in the data file window per function in Side menu.

File name registered

Figure 3-15 Data file registered in a project (e.g.Operation trace)

Chapter 3. Basic operation Option settings

✓ The data files registered in a project are stored in sub-folder under the folder in which project
files stored.
✓ You can store each data file without registering in a project.
✓ You can change data file names later.

Reading out data files

Double clicking data file names displayed in Project window reads out (displays) the files you saved.

✓ Clicking Toolbar icon in Main window saves the information on the project you set and
data files you registered.

3.5. Option settings

You can set behaviors of applications via option settings. Select “Option” from the toolbar in the Main menu

Figure 3-16 Option setting window

Display language
You can select the language you use for your system from drop-down list. This becomes valid by re-starting up
the application after setting.

Classifying operation
You can set operation permission (authorization) level and operation level.
Setting operation level limits the parameters to be edited. There are two types of operation level, “Basic” and
✓ Basic: This can edit only basic level parameters for servo amplifiers.
✓ Advanced: This can edit all the parameters for servo amplifiers.
✓ “Authority B” and “Authority C” are for maintenance by SANYODENKI.

Chapter 3. Basic operation Operation manual

Setting behaviors
✓ Checking “Enable inactive toolbar click”, you can click the toolbar in inactive windows with
the windows being inactive.

Processing at start-up
✓ With “Open the project file used last time” checked, the application starts up and opens the
project file you previously used.
✓ With “USB Amplifier auto assign” checked, the application starts up and automatically
allocates the servo devices connected to the PC via USB
✓ With “Open communication setting” checked, the application starts up and always opens the
communication setting window.
✓ You can select servo device database file to reference from arbitrary folders. With clear
button pressed, or when the destination to reference has not set, it references the database
file in the default installation folder. The changes in setting are reflected when the application
starts up next time.

COM-port auto search

✓ You can select the corresponding baudrate to auto-search servo amplifiers connected to
COM-port. Searching is done by switching baudrates checked in the order of the list. To
change the order of baudrates to search, click the up and down arrow keys on the right side
to change the order of the list.

Auto connection
✓ You can designate the behavior when the application starts up. With “When stating up”
checked, the application starts up and tries to auto-connect to the amplifiers being
connected. With “When reading in project files” checked, the application tries to auto-
connect with the axes allocated as projects when downloading project files.

3.6. Operation manual

Selecting “Operation manual(M)” through “Help(H)” from the Toolbar in Main window, you can open
the operating manual for Setup S/W. Refer to this if you have a question or a problem in operating.

✓ The instruction manual for Setup S/W covers the same contents.

3.7. Version information

Selecting “Version Information(V)” through “Help(H)” form the Toolbar in Main window, you can
confirm the version, database version, and motor version of Setup S/W.

Figure 3-17 Window indicating version information

✓ You can confirm the version of Setup S/W here. To confirm the version of the servo device
you connect, select “Amplifier Information” property that is displayed by clicking on the axis
you connect.

Chapter 4. Parameters Outline of parameter-editing functions

4.1. Outline of parameter-editing functions
You can edit parameters for amplifiers, forward files, collate, and backup using Setup S/W.

List of functions
You can execute the following parameters using Setup S/W.
No Functions of parameters Descriptions
1 Setting by group Edits various parameters for servo amplifiers.

2 Setting by function Sets parameters by functions. This only can edit representative
3 Parameter transmission Stores parameters for servo amplifiers into files.
(Amplifier to file)
4 Parameter transmission Forward parameter-file values to servo amplifiers.
(File to amplifier)
5 Storing parameters in backup Back-ups parameters to backup memory built in servo amplifiers. There
memory may be cases that parameters cannot be backuped depending on amplifier
driver types you connect.

6 Restoring parameters from backup Restores parameters for servo amplifiers referring to the values in backup
memory memory.
There may be cases that parameters cannot be backuped depending on
amplifier driver types you connect.

7 Parameter Verification Collate parameters between servo amplifier and file/ file and file.
8 Password Setting Sets passwords to protect parameters form being re-written.
9 Parameter editing authority Switches authority for parameter edit/browse.
10 Parameter initialization Initialize parameters to factory setting.
11 Parameter conversion Generates parameter file of latest series model from conventional series model.

Parameter types
There are 3 types of parameters as follows. All these parameters can be changed via windows for setting

(1) General parameters

The parameters set depending on the intended use such as input-output, various servo gains. These
are allocated to group 0 to F.
(2) System parameters
Basic system parameters such as ones by input power supply, encoder connected. These are
allocated to group “System parameters”.
(3) Motor parameters
The parameters of motors to be connected.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

4.2. Settings by group

Edit parameters for servo amplifiers by group.

4.2.1 Parameter settings by group

How to start up Window for setting parameters by group
You can start Window for setting parameters in any of the following procedures after selecting
amplifiers you want to select through axis-selector.

(1) Select “Parameter Setting of each Group(S)” through “Function(F) – Parameter(P)” from the menu
bar in the Main window.

(2) Click the icon for Parameter Setting of each Group in the Toolbar in Main window.
(3) Click “Each Group” after selecting “Parameter” you want to set through Side menu.
After starting up, the window for setting by group is displayed as follows:






Figure4-1 Parameters: Window for settings by group

(A) Menu bar : Selects functions to execute

(B) Toolbar : Selects respective functions to execute
(C) Amplifier/motor : Shows the servo device and servo motor model numbers being connected
model No.
(D) Group : Shows parameter group numbers and names
(E) List of parameters : Shows parameters of the group you selected
(F) Explanation tab : Shows the explanations of parameters being selected
(G) Log tab : Shows the history of parameters changed
(H) Edit button : Button for starting up the window for editing general and system parameters.
(I) Motor parameters : Start up this function when you want to change the motor parameters already set.
(J) LogClear : Clears parameter change log shown in log window.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

How to set general and system parameters

The following shows how to set general and system parameters.
(1) Click the group to which the parameter you want to change is allocated to select.
(2) Double click it to open the parameter-editing window.

STEP1. Click an applicable


STEP2. Selecting and double

clicking parameters you want to
change starts the editing

Figure 4-2 Window indicating list of parameters

(3) Input the set values in the text box for input (or select the set value from the list box), and then
click “OK” button or Enterkey to confirm the value.
Input the value you want to
change to.

Clicking this confirms the

value.(not forwards to servo

Figure 4-3 Window for editing parameters

(4) Repeat the process (1) to (3) above for the parameters you want to change.
(5) The changed values are shown in Input column of list of parameters. Confirm them and click
“Write in amplifier” button to forward them.

Confirm the set values.

Click “Write in amplifier” to

forward to amplifiers.

Figure 4-4 Window for displaying list of parameters (after changed)
✓ The parameters you changed are displayed as a log.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

How to set motor parameters

Motor parameters can be automatically set based on the information from a motor encoder, when
connecting motors mounting an absolute encoder in them. (This is limited by servo amplifier types.)
The following describe how to automatically and manually set motor parameters.

✓ Whether or not motor parameters can be automatically set is depending on the

specifications for amplifier and motor. There are cases auto-setting is not available.

(A) When automatically setting motors

(1) Click “Automatic Setup (Recommendation)” button in the window for setting parameters.

Click “Automatic Setup” button.

Figure 4-5 Window showing list of parameters (to automatically set motors)

(2) You will see confirmation dialog to execute “Motor Automatic Setting” being displayed, then click “OK”
button. To stop the execution, click Cancel button.

Figure 4-6 Confirmation dialog to execute Motor Automatic Setting

(3) The following dialog box indicating execution being processed is displayed while executing.

Figure 4-7 Dialog indicating Motor Automatic Setting is being executed

(4) When settings completed, completion window is displayed.

Click”OK” button, and then re-turn on the control power supply of the servo amplifier.

Figure 4-8 Window indicating Motor Automatic Setting has been normally completed

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group
(5) When alarms occur or somehow Motor Automatic Setting is not completed, the following window will
indicate as preparation un-completing. Eliminate the cause of not normally being completed and re-

Figure 4-9 Dialog indicating motor automatic setting error

✓ Probable causes for not being automatically set
- An alarm occurred in an amplifier. Or the state is servo-on.
- When the motors not supported are connected.
(When the motors not being shown in the motor selecting window for manual setting are connected.)
- When the motors not corresponding to auto-setting are connected.
- When the combination of amplifiers and motors is not appropriate.
- When encoder clear is being executed.

✓ To enable the motor parameters you changed, re-turn on the control power supply of servo

(B) When manually setting a motor

(1) Click “Select from the list” button in the parameter setting window to start up motor selecting window.
(2) Select motors you connect from the list and click “OK” button or press Enterkey.

Select a motor.


Figure 4-10 Window for selecting motors

(3) Selected motor model numbers are shown in the column for input motor values in parameter setting

window. Select the icon “Write in amplifiers” in the Toolbar to forward the motor
parameters you selected to servo amplifiers.

Forward the motor parameters you

selected to servo amplifiers.

The motor model numbers you selected

are indicated.

Figure 4-11 Indication of motors connected

✓ When writing into servo amplifiers, the history is indicated in “Parameter change history
✓ Cycle-power the control power supply to enable the motor parameters you changed.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

4.2.2 Parameter settings by group (Functional safety module)

How to start up Window for setting parameters by group

You can start Window for setting parameters in any of the following procedures after selecting amplifiers you
want to select through axis-selector.
(1) Select “Parameter Setting of each Group(S)” through “Function(F) - Parameter(P)” from the
menu bar in the Main window.

(2) Click the icon for Parameter Setting of each Group in the Toolbar in Main window.
(3) Click “Each Group” after selecting “Parameter” you want to set through Side menu.
After starting up, the window for setting by group is displayed as follows:

(A) (I)
(C) (B) (K)





Figure4-12 Parameters: Window for settings by group (Editing mode)

(A) Menu bar : Selects functions to execute.

(B) Toolbar : Selects respective functions to execute.
(C) Amplifier/motor model No. : Shows the servo device model numbers being connected.
Servo motor is not shown.
(D) Group : Shows parameter group numbers and names.
(E) List of parameters : Shows parameters of the group you selected.
(F) Explanation tab : Shows the explanations of parameters being selected.
(G) Log tab : Shows the history of parameters changed.
(H) Edit button : Button for starting up the window for editing general
(I) Timestamp : Shows timestamp of when parameter update.
(J) Setup Version : Shows the Setup software version of when parameter update.
(K) Checksum : Shows checksum of parameters.
(L) LogClear : Clears parameter change log shown in log window.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group
For browsing mode, "Write in amplifier" becomes gray as below and writing is prohibited.

Figure4-13 Parameters: Window for settings by group (Browsing mode)

To perform writing, switch to "editing mode" via the selecting function of parameter editing authority. For detail
of the selecting function of parameter editing authority, refer the section "4.10 Parameter editing authority".

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

How to set general parameters

The following shows how to set general parameters.
(1) Click the group to which the parameter you want to change is allocated to select.
(2) Double click it to open the parameter-editing window.
STEP1. Click an
applicable group

STEP2. Selecting and double clicking

parameters you want to change starts the
editing window.

Figure 4-14 Window indicating list of parameters

(3) Input the set values in the text box for input (or select the set value from the list box), and then click “OK”
button or Enterkey to confirm the value.

Input the value you want to

change to.
Clicking this confirms the value.
(not forwards to servo amplifiers)

Figure 4-15 Window for editing parameters

(4) Repeat the process (1) to (3) above for the parameters you want to change.
(5) The changed values are shown in Input column of list of parameters. Confirm them and click “Write in
amplifier” button to forward them.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by group

Confirm the set values.

Click "Write in amplifier" to
forward to amplifiers.

Figure 4-16 Window for displaying list of parameters (after changed)

✔ The parameters you changed are displayed as a log.

(6) Parameter update confirmation window opens so click "OK" button. Parameter will transfer.

Figure 4-17 Parameter update confirmation window

(7) Parameter update completion window opens after update completion. Click "OK", and perform a control
power cycle.

Figure 4-18 Parameter update completion window

✔ After parameter setting, perform a control power cycle, and confirm a changed parameter is correct by starting
parameter setting window again. If parameters were set incorrectly, perform parameter setting operation again.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by funciton

4.3. Settings by function

Edit parameters by function.

Select funcitons.

Indicates setting example of

encoder concerned
parameters of each servo
amplifier model numbers.

Figure 4-19 Window for setting parameters by function (Basic)

How to operate
Functions can fall into “system” and “operation”. Related parameters by function are displayed.
Select functions you need from the Function tree view at left side to set parameters.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by funciton

Explanations for window (when connecting external devices)

This section explains actual windows and how to operate/set the windows. The setting window for
external device connection and position control is explained here.



Figure 4-20 Window for setting parameters by function (External Equipment)

Parameter names : shows parameters. Clicking the names displays the explanations for
them. Select form drop-down list or input values.
Function switching tab : when each function has multiple parameters, you can set each parameter by
switching functions through tabs. Click tabs to switch.

Chapter 4. Parameters Settings by funciton

Explanations for window (for position control)




Figure 4-21 Window for setting parameters by function (position control)

(A) Expand/collapse button : designates whether only detailed function names are displayed or all
the parameters are displayed with them all expanded. Button marked with
“+” expands all the parameters, button marked with "-" displays only
functional blocks.
(B) Functional block : Clicking the parts displayed can select whether or not parameters are
displayed per function blocks.
(C) Function call button : calls supportive functions displayed.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter transmission (To file)

4.4. Parameter transmission (To file)

You can save the parameters set for servo amplifiers in files. You can confirm parameters for an amplifier and
set parameters for the other servo amplifiers without connecting servo amplifiers.
1) How to operate
(1) Executing parameter-forwarding from servo amplifiers to files performs any of the following three types.
Select the axes you execute by Axis-selector before executing.
A) Select in the following order of ”Function-Parameter-Parameter transmission (To file) (F)” in
the menu bar in the Main window.
B) Click the icon “Parameter transmission (To file)” in the Toolbar in Main window.
C) Select “Parameter transmission (To file)” through “Parameter” from the Side menu.

Figure 4-22 Window for executing Parameter transmission [To file]

(2) Clicking “Forward” button in the Parameter transmission (To file) window shows the dialog
window ”Save as”. Set the file name to save. The extension name is “*.ap1”. Click “Save” button after

Figure 4-23 Dialog window for saving with name

(3) Wait for a few seconds until the transmission-window is closed.

Figure 4-24 Window for indicating being transmitted

(4) The file is created in the designated folder.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter transmission (To amplifier)

4.5. Parameter transmission (To amplifier)

You can forward the parameters saved in files to servo amplifiers. Select the type of parameters you want to
forward to forward necessary parameters only.
1) How to operate
(1) Executing parameter-forwarding from servo amplifiers to files performs any of the following three types.
Select the axis you execute by Axis-selector before executing.
A) Select in the following order of “Function-Parameter- Parameter transmission (To amplifier)
(A)” in the menu bar in the Main window.
B) Click the icon “Parameter transmission (To amplifier)” in the Toolbar in Main window.
C) Select “Parameter transmission (To amplifier)” through “Parameter” from the Side menu.

Figure 4-25 Parameter transmission window (To amplifier)

(2) Check the boxes of types of parameters you want to forward in the Parameter transmission window [To
amplifier], and click “Transmission” button.
(3) Select the files you forward from “Open” dialog window, and click “Open” button.

Figure 4-26 Dialog window for opening files

(4) Wait for a few seconds until the transmission-window is closed.

Figure 4-27 Window for indicating being transmitted

(5) When the window indicating being forwarded is closed, the parameter-forward is completed. Re-turn on
the control power supply of servo amplifiers as needed.
✓ There are the parameters requiring initialization. So it is recommended to once turn off the
power supplies of servo amplifiers (drivers).

Chapter 4. Parameters Backup memory

4.6. Save to the Backup memory

You can store current parameter values of servo amplifiers in the area of backup memory inside of servo
amplifiers. Storing parameter setting values in the backup area can restore the parameters any time.

✓ The factory setting values are set in the backup memory area at delivery. If you once save
values in the backup memory, you cannot restore to the factory setting state. It is
recommended to store parameters to files before executing. Refer to Section 4.4 Parameter
transmission (To file) for the details of how to store in files.
✓ Do not shut down the control power supply of servo amplifiers while saving in the backup
memory. If you shut down it in mid-course, make sure to save in the backup memory again.

1) How to operate
(1) You can save in the backup memory in any of the following procedures. Select the applicable axes
through Axis-selector before executing.
(A) Select in the following order of in “Function-Parameter-Save to the Backup Memory(B)” in Main
(B) Click the icon “Save to the Backup Memory” in the Toolbar in Main window. When the
selecting window is displayed, select the axis numbers you execute.
(2) Clicking “OK” button in the window for saving to backup memory starts executing backup.

Figure 4-28 Window confirming storing in backup memory being executed

(3) The following dialog window is shown while executing backup. You can confirm the rest of the number
of data.

Figure 4-29 Window indicating being stored in backup memory

(4) When backup orderly completed, the following window is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 4-30 Window indicating storing in backup memory orderly completed

Chapter 4. Parameters Backup memory

4.7. Restoration from the Backup Memory

You can restore servo amplifier parameters using backup memory values.
1) How to operate
(1) You can store in the backup memory in any of the following procedures. Select target axes through axis-
selector before executing.
(A) Select in the following orders of “Functions-Parameter-Restoration from the Backup Memory
(R)” in the menu bar in the Main window.
(B) Click the icon “Restoration from the Backup Memory” in the Toolbar in Main window. After
axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers you execute.

(2) Clicking “OK” button in the window for Restoration from the Backup Memory starts restoring process
by backup memory values.

Figure 4-31 Window confirming to restore from backup memory

(3) The following window is shown while restoring. The rest of the number of data is shown.

Figure 4-32 Window indicating Restoration from the Backup Memory being executed

(4) When restoring is orderly completed, the following window is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 4-33 Window indicating Restoration from the Backup Memory completed

✓ Do not shut down the control power supply of servo amplifiers while restoring. Make sure to
restore from backup memory again when shutting down in mid-course.
✓ There are parameters which become enabled after re-turning on the power supply. So make
sure to re-turn on the control power supply of servo amplifiers everytime after executing.

Chapter 4. Parameters Password Setting

4.8. Parameter Verification

This function shows the list of the parameters having difference after collating parameter values
between servo amplifiers and parameter files. This function can also copy the parameters having
difference to amplifiers or files.

How to operate
(1) Start up Parameter Verification window in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Parameter Verification” through “Parameter” in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Click the icon “Parameter Verification” in the Toolbar in Main window. Then axes selecting
windowis shown, so select the axis numbers to collate parameters.
(2) Window selecting target parameters for comparison is shown. Select the targets to compare.
Click “Compare” button after setting.

Figure 4-34 Window selecting target parameter for comparison

✓ Possible target parameters for comparison are ones of servo amplifiers, drivers, and data
files (*.ap1) being connected. You can compare between servo amplifiers or between data
✓ You cannot compare if the types of amplifiers or data files to be compared are different
(amplifier driver series, input power supply, ad motor configuration)

(3) The window indicating Parameter Verification result is shown.

(F) (H)
(B) (G) (D)



Figure 4-35 Window indicating Parameter Verification result

(A) Menu: Executes various functions by selecting them.

(B) Toolbar: Executes various functions by selecting them.
(C) Information on servo amplifiers: Shows the model numbers of servo amplifiers and
servomotors being connected.
(D) Information on files: Shows the model numbers of servo amplifiers and servo
motor in the files.
(E) Verification results: Shows parameters having difference after collating. If there is
no difference, no information displayed.
(F) Copy button: Copies parameters having difference.
(G) Verification result save: Saves verification result to file.
(H) Verification result open: Displays verification result file again.

Chapter 4. Parameters Password Setting

4.9. Password Setting

You can limit functions of servo amplifiers partly by setting a password to servo amplifiers. The
parameters of servo amplifiers to which passwords set cannot be changes as well as not partly used
unless passwords are canceled. (Refer to Table 3-1.)
Table 4-1 Functions which cannot be used with password set
No Functions Descriptions
Parameter Setting This cannot edit parameters, can only brose.
Parameter transmission (To amplifier) Not available
1 Parameter Parameter Verification This cannot copy file values to servo amplifiers.
Save to the backup memory Not available
Restoration from backup memory Not available
2 Alarm Displaying alarm history This cannot clear alarm history, can only browse.
3 Test operation Serial Encoder Clear Not available
Auto Notch Filter Tuning
Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency
4 Auto Tuning Not available
Save Result of Auto Tuning
Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal
5 Adjustment Offset Adjustment of T-COMP Terminal Not available

1) How to set password

Open password setting window in the following procedures.
1 Select “Password Setting” in the Toolbar in the window for setting parameters by group.
2 Select “Password Setting” through “Parameter” from Side menu.
Input new password you set in the text boxes of “New password” and “New password (for a check)”, and then
click “OK” button. If the both values do not collate, the password cannot be set.
✓ Make sure to set passwords in 4-digit hexadecimal characters ( ‘0’ to ‘9,’ ‘A’ to ‘F’).
✓ Set “0000” to cancel password function.
✓ “FFFF” is not available.
✓ Re-turn on the control power supply of servo amplifiers to enable new password.

Figure 4-36 Password setting window

✓ For functional safety module, selection window of parameter editing authority opens if
password setting window is open with state of selecting "browsing mode"of parameter
editing authority. To change password, switch to "editing mode" via the selecting function of
parameter editing authority. For detail of the selecting function of parameter editing authority,
refer the section "4.10 Parameter editing authority".

Chapter 4. Parameters Password Setting

2) How to collate passwords

Starting up the functions shown in Table 3-1 with a password set shows Password-setting window. If
the password is not collated, each function cannot be used.
(1) Input a password into the text box and then click “OK” button.
(2) If the password set for the servo amplifier is collated by the password you input, the function can be

Figure 4-37 Password input window

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter editing authority

4.10. Parameter editing authority

You can select an editing authority of functional safety module parameters from "Editing mode" or "Browsing

✔ Functional safety module parameters shall be edit by the person in charge which has training against safety
standards. And change to "Browsing mode" after edit.
✔ Selection function of parameter editing authority, is dedicated to functional safety module.

How to operate
(1) Selection window of parameter editing authority starts up by any of the following ways.
A) Select in the following order of "Parameter - Parameter editing authority" in the sub menu in the Main
B) Click the icon "Parameter editing authority" in the Toolbar in Main window.

(2) Shows a selection window of the parameter editing authority. The window opens with condition of checked
a current selection (with indication of [Current items]).



Figure 4-38 Selection window of parameter editing authority (selecting "Editing mode")

(A) "Editing mode" selection button : Selects "Editing mode"

(B) "Browsing mode" selection button : Selects "Browsing mode"

(3) To switch to "Browsing mode" from "Editing mode", click "Browsing mode" selection button and then click
"OK" button.

✔ If parameter editing authority is changed to "Browsing mode" during editing window of each group, below message is
shown. Click "OK". (Editing window of each group is quit forcedly.)

Figure 4-39 Quitting message of setting of each group parameter

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter editing authority
(4) To switch to "Editing mode" from "Browsing mode", click "Editing mode" selection button and then click
"OK" button.

Figure 4-40 Selection window of parameter editing authority (selecting "Browsing mode")

(5) Password input window opens when switching to "Editing mode". Input a password and then click “OK”

Figure 4-41 Password input window

✔ Password input window opens even if password is not set. Specify "0000" and then click “OK” button.
✔ If parameter editing authority is changed to "Editing mode" during editing window of each group, below message is
shown. Click "OK" and restart an editing window of each group. (Browsing mode is kept until restart.)

Figure 4-42 Quitting message of setting of each group parameter

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter initialization

4.11. Parameter initialization

This function returns all parameters to factory setting.

✔ Functional safety module parameters shall be edit by the person in charge which has training against safety
standards. Select "Editing mode" for initialization.
✔ Parameter initialization function is dedicated to functional safety module.

How to operate
(1) Window of parameter initialization starts up by any of the following ways.
A) Select in the following order of "Parameter - Parameter initialization" in the sub menu in the Main
B) Click the icon "Parameter initialization" in the Toolbar in Main window.

(2) Shows a window of the parameter initialization. Start initialization by clicking "OK".

Figure 4-43 Parameter initializing window

(3) Wait for a while until the transmission-window is closed. (several tens of seconds)

Figure 4-44 Window for indicating being transmitted

(4) Parameter transmission completes when transmission-window is closed. Perform control power cycle of
servo amplifier.

✔ To enable the parameters of functinal safety module, control power cycle of servo amplifier is required.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter initialization

4.12. Parameter conversion

Parameter file (ap0, ap1) of SANMOTION R and SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL are converted
to parameter file (ap1) of SANMOTION R 3E Model.

How to startup
You can start up the window of Parameter conversion in any of the following procedures.
(1) Select in the following order of "Function (F)- Parameter (P)- Parameter conversion (C)” in the
menu bar in Main window.
(2) Click the icon “Parameter conversion” in the Toolbar in Main window.
(3) Select “Parameter conversion” through “Parameter” from the Side menu.

✓ Parameter conversion function is able to perform regardless of connection condition with

servo amplifier.
✓ When starting from menu bar or tool bar, axis selection window is open at first.
Select the axis of conversion target while connecting servo amplifier (called "online
condition"), or select offline while disconnecting servo amplifier (called "offline condition"),
and then click "OK".

Parameter conversion window below is shown after startup.

(A) (C)

(B) (E)

(I) (F)

Figure 4-45 Parameter conversion window with online condition

(A) Original file: Selects original (conventional) parameter file.

(B) Servo amplifier model number: Aamplifier model number with original parameter is shown.
(C) Connection type: "Axis" is shown.
(D) Conversion target: Connecting axis number is shown.
(E) Servo amplifier model number: Selected amplifier model number is shown.
(F) Motor parameter: Selected motor parameter is shown.
(G) Select from list: Selects combination motor from list.
(H) "Conversion" button: Starts conversion.
(I) "Cancel" button: Quit this function.
(J) Check box: Selects that conversion log saving is required or not.
Normally checked.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter initialization

(A) (C)

(B) (G)

(I) (F)

Figure 4-46 Parameter conversion window with offline condition

(A) Original file: Selects original (conventional) parameter file.

(B) Servo amplifier model number: Aamplifier model number with original parameter is shown.
(C) Connection type: "Data file" is shown.
(D) Converted file: Converting parameter file is shown.
(E) Servo amplifier model number: Amplifier model specified by parameter file number is shown.
(F) Motor parameter: Selected motor parameter is shown.
(G) Select from list: Selects combination motor from list.
(H) "Conversion" button: Starts conversion.
(I) "Cancel" button: Quit this function.
(J) Check box: Selects that conversion log saving is required or not.
Normally checked.

✓ To convert with offline condition, parameter file of servo amplifier to be converted is required.
Generate parameter file from servo amplifier to be converted, and specify it as converted
file. Refer the section 4.4 for detail of parameter file generation.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter initialization

Parameter conversion result window

You can start up the window of parameter conversion result in any of the following procedures.


(F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M)


(N) (O)

Figure 4-47 Parameter conversion result window

(A) Original amplifier model number: Selects original (conventional) parameter file.
(B) Converted amplifier model number:Aamplifier model number with original parameter is shown.
(C) Conversion result legend: Conversion result classification is shown.
(D) Dysplay type: ON/OFF of every conversion result classification are selectable.
(E) Conversion result list: Conversion result is listed in order of group.
(F) Group: Parameter group
(G) ID: Parameter ID
(H) Symbol: Parameter symbol
(I) Name: Parameter name
(J) Original data: Value in original parameter
(K) Conversion result: Conversion result
(L) Initial value: Initial value of converted servo amplifier
(M) Remarks: Remarks about conversion result
(N) "Save" button: Saves a conversion result.
(O) "Cancel" button: Disposes a conversion result.

Chapter 4. Parameters Parameter initialization

Parameter conversion result window

Parameter conversion result is shown with color as below.
Table 4-1 Conversion result classification
Classification Indication Description
Parameters that differ from initial value. Conversion result has changed against initial
value of converted amplifier.
Parameters that limited due to out of Conversion result is limited with converted
setting range. Red amplifier setting range because exceeding
setting range.
Parameters that changed from original Settings between original and converted are
data. Green different, so value is changed against original
Parameters that differ performance There is same parameter in original and
Shading yellow
between series. converted but performances are different.
Parameters that added to converted It is new parameter added in converted
Shading gray
amplifier. amplifier due to function addition.
Other Black It is the parameter converted without change.

Precaution in use
✓ Confirm conversion result before actual use.
✓ Some parameters differ each series so adjust again if required.
✓ Refer the section 4.5 for detail of conversion result downloading to amplifier.

Chapter 5. Monitor Monitor

5.1. Monitor
You can check various data on servo amplifiers on a real-time basis. Also you can select parameters you
monitor from list.
1) How to operate
(1) Select “Monitor (M)” through “Function (F)” in the menu bar.

(2) Click on “Monitor in Toolbar.

(3) Click on “Monitor” through “Monitor” in Sub menu.

Figure 5-1 Monitor selecting window in Sub menu

(4) Clicking “Start monitor” starts updating monitor data.

“Monitor Start” is
shown while
stopping monitor.

Indicates a monitor data

detail explanation (bit
description etc).

You can select either decimal or

hexadecimal by placing cursor and
right-clicking on current value.

Figure 5-2 Monitor window

✓ The window above is indicating “Monitor Stop”.

✓ To stop monitor updating, click “Monitor Stop” button.

Chapter 5. Monitor Monitor

2) Selecting monitor parameters

(1) Click “Parameter Selection” button while monitor is being stopped. The following parameter selecting
window is shown.

checked are

Figure 5-3 Parameter selecting window

(2) Check the head of parameters to monitor. Click “OK” button.

3) Monitor display snapshot

It is able to capture a monitoring data and saving, and display a saved data again.
(1) Capturing method is selectable with option.

Figure 5-4 Option window

✓ Below option is selected, specify save folder and file name. File is saved with adding 3-digit
increment number automatically.

Chapter 5. Monitor Monitor
(2) Snapshot
Click "Snapshot". File saving dialog will be opened. Specify save folder and file name, and click "Save".

Figure 5-5 File saving dialog

✓ Below option is selected, specify save folder and file name. File is saved with adding 3-digit
increment number automatically.

(3) Capture data display

Click "Open". File selecting dialog will be opened. Select required file, and click "Open".

Figure 5-6 File saving dialog

Chapter 5. Monitor Status history monitor

5.2. Status History Monitor

The amplifier with positioning function can check a status history of performed operation.
※ There may be cases that it cannot perform depending on servo amplifier to be used.

1) How to operate
(1) Select “Status History Display (S)” through “Function (F) - Monitor (M)” in the menu bar.
(2) Click on ”Status History Display” in Toolbar.

(3) Click on ”Status History Display” through “Monitor” in Sub menu.



Figure 5-7 Status History Display window

(A) Status History: Shows a Status History.

(B) Status History Clear: Clears a stored Status History.
The value of Status Counter/Status History will be 255 (0xFF) after clearing.

✔ It updates a status history every few seconds. Latest 64 status are shown.
✔ It may be wrong display if amplifier status changed during readout data.
✔ Status History is effective during amplifier control power turns on. It clears by control power turns off.
If Status History storing is desired, select “Save as” through “File” in Toolbar to store to file.

Chapter 5. Monitor Status history monitor

✔ Symbol/description in a history is shown below.

Symbol Description
Move_Point: DEC [***] Moved to the point with number "***".
WAIT_ON Positioning completion state. ("Servo on" and "Move-signal waiting")
Cancel_ON CANCEL has inputted, or JOG move has stopped.
ZRT_ON Homing (ZRT input signal) has inputted.
SDN_ON Speed down signal near origin (SDN input signal) has inputted.
JOG_ON Manual feed (+/- JOG input signal) has inputted.
STP_ON 1 step feed (+/- 1 step input signal) has inputted.
HOME_ON Homing operation is completed.
DWEL During a dwell time.
SV_OFF "Servo off" state: Servo on signal (S-ON input signal) is turning off.
PRG_STR External data setting input (E_STR input signal) has inputted.

Err_Non Error has cleared.

Err_POINT_DATA Error occurred. Started (RUN input signal) with unregistered point number.
Alm_Non Alarm reset (ARST input signal) has inputted.
Alm: ** Alarm occurred. Alarm code: “**”.

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 6. Diagnosis Alarm history

You can execute various functions of alarm history, alarm reset, warning information from Diagnosis
window in Sub menu.

Figure 6-1 Diagnosis window in Sub menu

6.1. Alarm history

You can display and clear alarm history, and reset alarm. The alarm history occurred in servo
amplifiers in the last 7 times. The display shows the types of alarms, the states of servo amplifiers
when alarms occur as well as the time alarms occur.

1) How to operate
(1) Start up alarm history window in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Alarm history” through “Diagnosis” in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of “Function-Diagnosis-Alarm history” in the menu bar in Main

(C) Click the icon ”Alarm history” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to show alarm history.

Chapter 6. Diagnosis Alarm history
(2) Alarm history is shown.


Figure 6-2 Alarm history window

A) Alarm reset : resets alarms currently being occur

B) Clear alarm history : clears alarm history stored
C) Diagnosis : shows alarm diagnosis window
D) Printout : prints alarm occurrence history

(3) Clicking Diagnosis button displays alarm diagnosis window.



Figure 6-3 Alarm diagnosis window

Chapter 6. Diagnosis Alarm history
A) Display alarm history : you can switch the alarm diagnosis windows of current alarm, alarm
one alarm before, and after by clicking once.
B) Hide causes : Checking here hides the causes not applied to the conditions selected
when alarms occur.

2) Clearing alarm history

You can clear alarm occurrence history from alarm history window.

(1) Select the icon “Alarm History Clear” through “Amplifier” from the Toolbar.

Figure 6-4 Alarm history clear window

(2) Window confirming to execute to clear alarm history is shown. Click “OK” button to execute, click
Cancel button not to execute.

Figure 6-5 Window confirming to execute alarm history clear

(3) Window indicating alarm history clear orderly completed is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 6-6 Window indicating alarm history clear orderly completed

Chapter 6. Diagnosis Alarm Reset

6.2. Alarm Reset

You can reset alarms in the following conditions:
Alarms occurred in servo amplifier/driver, and then the alarm causes have been eliminated as well as
the alarm types are resettable.

1) How to operate
(1) You can reset alarms in any of the following three procedures.
(A) Select in the following order of ”Function-Diagnosis-Alarm Reset“ in the menu bar.
(B) Click the icon “Alarm reset” in the Toolbar.
(C) Click “Diagnosis” in Side menu, and then click”Alarm Reset” in Functional panel. After axes
selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers you want to reset alarms, and then click “OK”
button. To cancel it, click Cancel button.

(2) Window confirming to execute Alarm reset is shown.

Figure 6-7 Window confirming to execute Alarm reset

(3) If there are no problems with execution, click “OK” button. To cancel it, click Cancel button.

(4) Window indicating orderly completion is shown when alarm causes have been eliminated and alarms can
be reset, the window indicating abnormal termination is shown if not so.

Figure 6-8 Window indicating alarm reset orderly completed

Figure 6-9 Window indicating alarm reset abnormally terminated

Chapter 6. Diagnosis Warning information

6.3. Warning information

You can confirm the state of being warned of servo amplifier/drivers.
The state of being warned means the state of operation being worse not to the extent of system stop,
but alarms may occur if the operation is kept.

1) How to start up
You can start up warning information window in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Warning info” through “Diagnosis” in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of “Function-Diagnosis-Warning info” in the menu bar in Main window.

(C) Click the icon ”Warning info” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to display alarm history.

2) How to operate
(1) Detailed description of warning information is shown in the bottom of window.
(2) The state is updated every 1 second.
(3) Clicking “Close” button closes the window.

Figure 6-10 Warning information window

✓ It is recommended to deal in the state of being warned as much as possible to prevent servo
systems being abnormally terminated in advance.

Chapter 6. Diagnosis Life-span estimation

6.4. Life-span estimation

It can confirm remaining life of the parts used in servo amplifier/driver.
Current state is shown as a percentage against total life-span of parts.

1) How to start up
You can start up warning information window in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select "Life-span estimation" through "Diagnosis" in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of "Function-Diagnosis-Life-span estimation" in the menu bar in
Main window.

(C) Click the icon "Life-span estimation" in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers of displaying the life-span

2) How to operate
(1) Detailed description of life-span estimation is shown in the bottom of window.
(2) The state is updated every 1 second.
(3) Clicking “Close” button closes the window.

Figure 6-11 Life-span estimation window

✔ Early overhaul is recommended if remaining life becomes near to zero, to prevent abnormal shutdown of servo

Chapter 7. Test operation JOG Operation

Test operation
You can execute the following as functions of Test operation:
JOG-operation, positioning operation, motor origin searching, estimating magnetic pole position,
clearing serial encoder

Figure 7-1 Test operation window

✓ There are functions which cannot be used depending on servo amplifier types and
parameter settings.
7.1. JOG Operation
Performing JOG Operation, you can set commanded velocity for servo motors to perform test operation of
servo motors at constant velocity.
✓ Make sure to ensure safety for the environment around your system as servo motors move.
✓ Motor excitation will be turned off when amplifier alarms occur while executing “JOG-
operation”. Execute this after surely preparing so that controlling equipment can be used
✓ This function is not available when the function of STO/SS1/SS2 is performed from
functional safety module.
1) How to start up
You can start up JOG Operation in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “JOG Operation” through “Test operation” in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)-Test operation (O)-JOG Operation (J) in the menu bar
in Main window.

(C) Click the icon “JOG Operation” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to perform JOG Operation.
✓ When the situation JOG Operation is not available both when starting up and executing, the
following indication is shown to terminate execution. Confirm if the main control power is turn
on, or any alarms occur.

Figure 7-2 Window indicating JOG Operation not available

Chapter 7. Test operation JOG Operation

2) How to operate
Opening JOG Operation window shows the following display.




(F) (G)

Figure 7-3 JOG Operation window

(A) Select the operation at completing : Selects whether or not a supportive function alarm
(ALM_DF) activates when completed
(B) Selecting stop method : You can select whether the operation continues until clicking stop
button or the operation activates only while clicking execute button once execute button
(forward/backward) is clicked.
(C) Monitor : You can confirm current amplifier state, torque monitor, velocity monitor, and present
(D) Operating conditions : Sets behavior conditions such as velocity command, accelerating/decelerating
constant, torque (force) command limit value
(E) Edit : Click “Edit” button to edit. Click “Confirm” button after completing
editing. To cancel editing, click “Cancel” button.
(F) Servo On/Off : Turns on or off motor excitation. You cannot operate servo motors unless the
state is servo-on.
(G) “Positive/Negative Direction” “Stop” : Click the button in the direction which you want to move
servo amplifiers. When selecting “Stop when pressing stop-button” as a condition on how to stop, note
that you cannot stop motors unless you click stop-button.

✔ For the servo amplifier with functional safety module, changes to Safe Torque Off state after resetting supportive
function alarm (ALM_DF) if JOG operation starts with servo ON state and the operation at completing selects
ALM_DF activation. To start an operation again, transite to servo-ready state by turning OFF servo ON input once.

Chapter 7. Test operation Positioning Opeartion

7.2. Positioning Operation

Performing positioning operation, you can set feeding velocity of servo motors and shift pulse to perform Test
operation with constant pulse shifted.

✓ Make sure to ensure safety for the environment around your system as servo motors move.
✓ Motor excitation will be turned off when amplifier alarms occur while executing “Positioning
operation”. Execute after surely preparing so that controlling equipment can be used
✓ This function is not available when the function of STO/SS1/SS2 is performed from
functional safety module.

1) How to start up
You can start up the positioning operation window in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Positioning operation” through “Test operation” in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of “Function (F)-Test operation (O)-Positioning operation (P)” in the
menu bar in Main window.

(C) Click the icon “Positioning operation” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to perform positioning operation.

✓ When the situation positioning operation is not available both when starting up and
executing, the following indication is shown to terminate execution. Confirm if the main
control power is turn on, or any alarms occur.

Figure 7-4 Window indicating positioning operation error

Chapter 7. Test operation Positioning Opeartion

2) How to operate
Opening positioning operation window shows the following display.




(E) (G)

(H) (I)

Figure 7-5 Positioning operation window

(A) Select the operation at : Selects whether or not a supportive terminating alarm (ALM_DF) activates when completed.
Confirm the following:
(B) Monitor : Present state of amplifier, torque monitor, velocity monitor, present position, the number of
operation for continuous repetition operation

Set conditions of operation.

(C) Operationg Conditions : Clicking Add/delete buttons to set multiple conditions, you can create complicated operating
(D) Add/Remove/Up/Down : Add or remove conditions of operation. You can change the order of operation pattern you set by
using Up and Down buttons.

(E) Loop sequence : Checking this performs condition for execution repeatedly. If this is not checked, the operation
pattern already set is performed only once and stopped.

(F) Start from first item… : Checking this always returns to the head of the next continuous operation when newly starting
operation, in the case the operation stopped in mid-course.
(G) Continuous Count : Designate the number of repetition of continuous operation pattern.
(H) Servo On/Off : Turn on/off motor excitation.
Start and stop operation in the set operation pattern. Clicking [STEP] button performs operation
(I) [STEP][START][STOP] : pattern in increments of 1 step.

✓ There is an error of a maximum of 0.5 seconds in stop-setting time.

✓ Maximum velocity is limited to 2m/sec, in the system using linear motor with 1nm resolution.
✓ For the servo amplifier with functional safety module, changes to Safe Torque Off state after
resetting supportive function alarm (ALM_DF) if positioning operation starts with servo ON
state and the operation at completing selects ALM_DF activation. To start an operation
again, transite to servo-ready state by turning OFF servo ON input once.

Chapter 7. Test operation The detection of the origin signal

7.3. The detection of the origin signal

Using origin-detecting function, you can set feeding speed of servo motor/ accelerating and decelerating
constant/searching directions, and then search and move the origins of motor shaft.

<What is motor origin?>

Motor origin here is the position as follows:
(A) When a serial encoder being connected
: the position at which the data of within a 360-degree roll of motor shaft is zero
(B) When a pulse encoder being connected
: the position in which Z-phase is output

✓ Make sure to ensure safety for the environment around your system as servo motors move.
✓ Motor excitation will be turned off when amplifier alarms occur while executing “Estimate
magnetic pole position”. Execute after surely preparing so that controlling equipment can be
used immediately.
✓ Origin search is available only with the encoder equipped to motor. It is not allowed to the
encoder for full-closed system.
Also, this function is not allowed with the system using linear motor.
✓ This function is not available when the function of STO/SS1/SS2 is performed from
functional safety module.

1) How to start up
Start up motor origin searching window in any of the following procures.
(A) Select “The detection of the origin signal” through “Test operation“ in Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)-Test operation (O)- The detection of the origin
signal” in the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click the icon “Search motor origin” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to perform Orientation-operation.

✓ When the situation The detection of the origin signal is not available both when starting up
and executing, the following indication is shown to terminate execution. Confirm if the main
control power is turn on, or any alarms occur.

Figure 7-6 Window indicating motor origin detecting error

Chapter 7. Test operation The detection of the origin signal

2) How to operate
Opening motor origin detecting window shows the following display.




(D) (E)

Figure 7-7 Motor origin searching execution window

(A) Select the operation at completing : Selects whether or not a supportive function alarm (ALM_DF)
activateswhen completed
(B) Monitor : You can confirm current amplifier state, torque monitor, velocity
monitor, and present position.
(C) Operating conditions : Sets behavior conditions
(D) Servo On/Off : Turns on or off motor excitation
(E) “Positive/Negative Direction” “Stop” : Positions to origin by moving in a designated direction

The following window is shown when orderly or abnormally completed.

Figure 7-8 Window indicating motor origin detecting orderly completed (e.g.)

✓ For the servo amplifier with functional safety module, changes to Safe Torque Off state after
resetting supportive function alarm (ALM_DF) if origin-detecting function starts with servo
ON state and the operation at completing selects ALM_DF activation. To start an operation
again, transite to servo-ready state by turning OFF servo ON input once.

Chapter 7. Test operation Magnetic pole position estimation

7.4. Magnetic pole position estimation

Executing “Magnetic pole position estimation” can estimate the magnetic pole position with slightly moving
motors. “Magnetic pole position estimation” can be executed when using linear motors.
✓ Make sure to ensure safety for the environment around your system as servo motors move.
✓ Motor excitation will be turned off when amplifier alarms occur while executing “Estimate
magnetic pole position”. Execute it after surely preparing so that controlling equipment can
be used immediately.
✓ This function is not available when the function of STO/SS1/SS2 is performed from
functional safety module.
1) How to start up
You can start up the window of Magnetic pole position estimation in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Magnetic pole position estimation” through “Test operation” from Sub menu in Main
(B) Select in the following order of ” Function (F)- Test operation(O)- Magnetic pole position
estimation (M)” in the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click the icon “Magnetic pole position estimation” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When axes selecting window is shown, select the axis numbers to estimate magnetic pole

✓ When the situation Magnetic pole position estimation is not available both when starting up
and executing, the following indication is shown to terminate execution. Confirm if the main
control power is turn on, or any alarms occur.

Figure 7-9 Window indicating Magnetic pole position estimation abnormally terminated

2) How to operate
(1) The window confirming to execute is shown. Click “OK” button. Clicking “Cancel” button ends “Magnetic pole
position estimation”.

Figure 7-10 Window confirming to execute Magnetic pole position estimation

(2) Now “Magnetic pole position estimation” is being executed. Be aware that motors can slightly move.

Figure 7-11 Window indicating Magnetic pole position estimation being executed

Chapter 7. Test operation Magnetic pole position estimation
✓ Motor moves actually when this function use. Get safety of surrounding before use.

(3) Completing Magnetic pole position estimation ends motor excitation.

Figure 7-12 Window indicating Magnetic pole position estimation orderly completed

(4) When magnetic pole position cannot be estimated orderly, it becomes abnormal termination. Confirm the

<Probable causes of abnormal termination>

◆ Current command value is too small to move motors.
◆ Motor cannot move as it hits.
◆ etc.

Figure 7-13 Window indicating preparation of Magnetic pole position estimation not completed

Chapter 7. Test operation Serial Encoder Clear

7.5. Serial Encoder Clear

You can execute zero-clear of multi-turn data in the encoder and clear of encoder status by executing this
function when the encoder connected to servo amplifiers is serial communication type.
✓ This function is not allowed if the serial encoder has EnDat format of Heidenhain.

1) How to start up
Start up the window for Serial Encoder Clear in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Serial Encoder Clear” through “Test operation” from Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)- Test operation (O)- Serial Encoder Clear (E)”
from the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click the icon “Serial Encoder Clear” in the Toolbar in Main window. When axes selecting
window is shown, select the axis numbers to execute “Serial Encoder Clear”.

2) How to operate
(1) The window confirming to execute is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 7-14 Window for confirming to execute serial encoder clear

(2) The window indicating being executed is shown. Click “Cancel” to stop in mid-course.

Figure 7-15 Window indicating serial encoder clear being executed

(3) After a few seconds elapsed and orderly completing, the following window is shown. Click “OK”

Figure 7-16 Window indicating serial encoder clear orderly completed

Chapter 7. Test operation Serial Encoder Clear

(4) After a few seconds elapsed and abnormally completing, the following window is shown. Click “OK”

Figure 7-17 Window indicating serial encoder clear not completed

✓ At the same time, it make the supportive functional alarm (ALM_DF) occur.

<Probable causes of abnormal termination>

◆ The motor was driven externally.
◆ Zero-clear is not available.
◆ Alarm causes have remained.
◆ Other cases

✓ There are cases that the only encoder status is cleared but multiple-turn data is not cleared
depending on the settings of servo amplifier parameters.
✓ There are cases encoder clear is being executed in spite of that message “Serial encoder
clear not executed” is shown after terminating operation through “Terminate” button. Make
sure to confirm serial encoder PS data monitor in Monitor window.

Chapter 7. Test operation Motor brake control function

7.6. Motor brake control function

In case of connecting the servo amplifier which has motor brake power output, forced ON/OFF of motor brake
power is controllable by using this function.

✓ It is not available with the servo amplifier which does not have motor brake power output.
✓ Motor brake is released when turning ON a motor brake power. Pay attention with gravity
axis because self-weight fall will happen.

1) How to start up
Start up the motor brake control window by clicking the function of motor brake control in either of Project tree,
Tool bar or Menu bar. It cannot start up under the conditions below.
・ Servo amplifier does not support the motor brake control function.
・ Normal response does not come against preparation request. (State of using other supporting function
(Test operation, Adjustment, Tuning or System analysis), State of disabling release of motor brake
(during servo ON), etc)

Figure 7-18 Test operation window

2) How to operate
(1) After start up
Window confirming to perform is indicated if the motor brake control is selected in Tool bar, Menu bar or
sub panel of Test operation.

Figure 7-19 Window confirming to perform motor brake control

Window is closed if "Cancel" or "Exit" is clicked.

Chapter 7. Test operation Motor brake control function
After confirmation of no problem for motor brake release, click "OK".
Execution window of (2) is indicated.
It cannot perform during in use of other support function, during servo ON or during charge/discharge of
main circuit power.

Figure 7-20 Indication window for preparation incompletion of response code of motor brake control

(2) Execution window

Start up the execution window.
Select the way of unlock, from two.


Current condition is indicated.


Figure 7-21 Execution window for motor brake control

【Indication content of the window and setting】

Initial value of buttons and each set values are below.

(A) Unlock setting for motor brake: Select the way of unlock, from two.

① Unlock motor brake while "Unlock" button is pressed.

Unlock motor brake while "Force unlock" button is pressed.
Window for confirming start is shown when clicking "Force unlock" button.
Continue pressing "Unlock" button while unlock is desired.

Figure 7-22 Window for final confirmation of motor brake control①

Chapter 7. Test operation Motor brake control function
② Unlock motor brake until "Force lock" button is pressed.
When "Unlock" button is clicked, motor brake is unlocked and return to execution window of (2). If
unlock is not performed, click "Abort" button.

Figure 7-23 Window for final confirmation of motor brake control②

(B) Control button: It controls by two buttons of "Unlock" and "Abort".

(C) Status indication: Current condition ("Force unlock" or "Force lock") is indicated with lamps.

(3) Abnormal completion

Abnormal completion window for motor brake control is indicated if error is occurred.
Returns to main window after clicking "OK" button.

Figure 7-24 Abnormal completion window for motor brake control

(4) Exiting
Exit confirmation window is indicated if "Exit" button is clicked.

Figure 7-25 Completion confirmation window for motor brake control

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 8. Adjustment Offset Adjustment of T-COMP Terminal

You can perform the following functions as adjustment functions:
Analog velocity command/ velocity adding command/ torque (force) command offset adjustment/ analog torque
(force) adding command offset adjustment.

Figure 8-1 Adjustment menu window

8.1. Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal

This button automatically performs analog velocity command/ velocity adding command/ torque
(force) command off-set adjustment.

How to operate
(1) Select in the following order of “Function”, “Adjustment”, “Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal”
or click “Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal” through “Adjustment” in the Side menu.
(2) “Window confirming to execute” is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 8-2 “Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal” window to confirm the execution

Chapter 8. Adjustment Offset Adjustment of T-COMP Terminal
(3) Adjustment execution window is shown.
<Auto-adjustment window>

Figure 8-3 Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal execution window

✓ Select "Auto" and then click "Execute" button to automatically adjust. This can monitor the
adjustment results, the set off-set amount, the input voltage after adjustment. When an
extremely-high voltage is input as a commanded input, the automatic off-set cannot normally
complete. (when it is 5V or over as a guide)

<Manual adjustment window>

Pressing the up and down arrow key

forwards the off-set value you set to
amplifiers at each time you press.

Check this box to directly set a value.

The set value is transfereed to
amplifiers at the time you press
“Confirm” button.

Figure 8-4 Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal execution window

✓ Set an arbitrary value after selecting "Manual" to manually adjust. This can monitor the set
off-set amount, the input voltage after adjustment.

8.2. Offset Adjustment of T-COMP Terminal

This is to adjust off-setting of analog torque (force) adding commend.
Select in the following order of "Function"-->"Adjustment"-->" Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal", or
click " Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal " through "Adjustment" in the Side menu. Refer to Section
8.1 Offset Adjustment of V-REF/T-REF Terminal for the details of actual operation.

Chapter 9. Servo-tuning Servo-tuning

You can perform auto-tuning notch filter, auto-tuning vibration suppression frequency, storing results
of auto-tuning, as auto-tuning functions.

Figure 9-1 Servo-tuning menu window

Chapter 9. Servo-tuning Auto Notch Filter Tuning

9.1. Auto Notch Filter Tuning

This function is to automatically detect resonant frequency, set it as Torque (force) command notch filter, and suppress the

✓ This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.

✓ This function is not available when a safety function is performed from functional safety

How to start up
You can start up Auto-tuning notch filter in any of the following procedures:
(A) Select “Auto-tuning notch filter” through “Servo Tuning Assist” from the Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function(F)” -” Servo Tuning Assist (T)” - ” Auto Notch Filter
Tuning(N)” from the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click ” Auto Notch Filter Tuning” in the Toolbar in Main window. When Axis-selecting window
is shown, select the axes you perform Auto-tuning notch filter.
How to operate
(1) Window confirming to execute is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 9-2 Window confirming Auto Notch Filter Tuning execution

(2) Click “Servo-on” button after confirming the operational conditions shown on the window.

Figure 9-3 Auto Notch Filter Tuning window

(3) To tune click “Execute” button, to once servo-off click “Servo-off” button.

Chapter 9. Servo-tuning Auto Notch Filter Tuning

(4) Executing “tuning” displays Widow indicating tuning being processed. Wait till it is completed.

Figure 9-4 Window indicating Auto Notch Filter Tuning being executed

(5) When “tuning” is normally completed, Window indicating tuning normally completed is shown. At this
time confirm the frequency you set. Note that the servo-off state has continued till you click “OK” button
in this window.
(6) Clicking “OK” button shows the window for tuning in the (3) above.

Figure 9-5 Window indicating results of Auto Notch Filter Tuning

(7) In the window for tuning in the (3) above, clicking “Terminate” button in the upper right shows the
Window confirming completed (termination) below. If it is ok to terminate, click “OK” button, if you do
not terminate, click “Cancel” button.

Figure 9-6 Window for confirming Auto Notch Filter Tuning completed (terminated)

(8) If you cannot execute Tuning or if any of errors occurs during tuning, the following window is shown
and then force-quite the tuning operation.

Figure 9-7 Window indicating preparation of Auto Notch Filter Tuning not completed

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning

9.2. Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning

Executing this function automatically set vibration suppression frequency.

✓ This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.

✓ This function is not available when a safety function is performed from functional safety
How to start up
You can start up Window for Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning in any of the following
(A) Select “Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning” through “Servo Tuning Assist” from
the Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)” - ” Servo Tuning Assist (T)” - “Auto FF Vibration
Suppression Frequency Tuning” in the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click on icon ”Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning” in the Toolbar in Main
When Axis-selecting window is shown, select the axes numbers you perform Auto FF Vibration
Suppression Frequency Tuning.

How to operate
(1) Window confirming to execute is shown. Click “OK” button.

Figure 9-8 Window confirming Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning to execute

(2) Confirm the conditions for operating in the displayed window, and then click “Servo-on” button.

Figure 9-9 Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning window

(3) To tune click “Execute” button, to once servo-off click “Servo-off” button.
(4) Executing “tuning” displays Widow indicating tuning being processed. To terminate it click “Cancel

Figure 9-10 Window indicating Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning being executed
Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning

(5) This is Window indicating execution results. Confirm the results you executed tuning, and then click
“OK” button.

Figure 9-11 Window indicating Auto FF Vibration Suppression Frequency Tuning results

✓ It takes approximately 10 seconds to complete tuning.

✓ When the set value is 500.0Hz, vibration suppression frequency is not detected.

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Save Result of Auto Tuning

9.3. Save Result of Auto Tuning

You can store the parameters adjusted via Auto-tuning. You can store 5 types of parameter

How to start up
Start the window for Save Result of Auto Tuning in any of the following procedures.
(A) Select “Save Result of Auto Tuning“ through “Servo Tuning Assist” from the Sub menu in Main
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function(F)” - ” Servo Tuning Assist (T)” - ” Save Result of
Auto Tuning (S)” in the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click on the icon “Storing auto-tuning results” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When Axis-selecting window is shown, select the axes numbers you perform Storing auto-
tuning results.

How to operate
(1) Window confirming to execute is shown, click “OK” button.

Figure 9-12 Window confirming Save Result of Auto Tuning to execute

(2) Confirm the conditions for operation shown in the window, select the parameters you store, and then
click “Save the Monitor Value” button.

Dedignate the combination of parameters you


Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Save Result of Auto Tuning

Figure 9-13 Save Result of Auto Tuning execution window

(3) The parameters you selected are set at the values monitored with Auto-tuning parameter monitor

The 5 combinations of paramertes

are available.

Figure 9-14 Parameter selecting window for Save Result of Auto Tuning

(4) To terminate the operation, click “Terminate” button in upper right of the window. Termination
(completion) confirming window is shown, click “OK” button.

Figure 9-15 Window for confirming Save Result of Auto Tuning completion

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

9.4. Servo Tuning Navigation

Assists the servo tuning with selecting optimum tuning mode depending on set machine condition.
By treating a complex tuning easier, completion time will be shorter.
It is able to start from machine condition setting, but also able to do servo tuning only, abbreviating machine
condition setting.

✔ Current setting will be initialized to reset machine characteristics.

✔ This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.
✔ This function is not available when a safety function is performed from functional safety module.

How to start
Depending on flow chart below, select the button of starting servo tuning.

No Machine
condition is

Select a command
input to amplifier.
Generate Input a command
command at from upper controller.
internal of amplifier.
①Click the "Start From ②Click the "Start Tuning ②Click the "Start Tuning
Condition Setting" button. (JOGCMD)" button. Tuning will (EXTCMD)" button. Tuning will
Tuning will start, after condition start, with internal command. start, with the command from
setting. See 3rd term "Start Tuning upper controller.
See 2nd term "Start From (internal command)", for detail. See 4th term "Start Tuning
Condition Setting", for detail. (external command)", for detail.

Figure 9-16 Servo-tuning starting window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

Start From Condition Setting

Decides optimum tuning mode before servo-tuning by setting of machine condition.
(1) Step1: Parameter initialization
Indicates parameters which are changed at initialization. Click "Next>", if changes have no problem. Click
"Exit", if changes are not desired.

Figure 9-17 step1 Initializing parameters display window

・Amplifier will reboot when "Next>" button is clicked. Wait a minute. In case of use of pulse encoder or
of amplifier with safety module, please make control power cycle manually.

Figure 9-18 step1 Parameter now being initializing

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

(2) Step2: Machine condition setting

Select item which is nearest the machine in use, from the window. After setting completion, click "Next>"

Figure 9-19 step2 Machine condition setting window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
(3) Step3: Load and machine characteristics setting
Sets the load inertia ratio and the machine characteristics (Resonant frequency and machine stand-anti-
resonant/resonant frequency).

(A) Load inertia measurement

Set the load inertia ratio, at first. In case of known inertia ratio, set the value directly, and then click
"Next>" button. In case of unknown inertia ratio, load-inertia ratio estimation is available by response of
actual motor operation. Click "Load inertia ratio measurement" button.

In case of known inertia ratio, set

the value directly.

Figure 9-20 step3 Load characteristic setting window

When "Load inertia ratio measurement" button is clicked, the window like next is indicated. Set the
operation condition, and then estimate load inertia by operating motor actually.

Description of condition
setting for accurate
estimation is shown.

Indicates graph of estimated

load inertia ratio. Click
"Keeping as a setting
candidate" button when
estimated value is stabled.

Click "Decision" after confirming

"The load inertia ratio to be set".
After click, return to Figure 9-20.

Figure 9-21 step3 Load characteristic measurement window

✔ Motor will rotate actually when this function is used. Take care of safety around for operation.
✔ Estimation error might be larger when operates with load-less operation condition. Please set operation condition that
requires load near to motor rated torque.

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
(B) Machine resonant characteristic setting
Next, sets the machine resonant characteristic. In case of known resonant frequency of machine, set the
value directly as torque command notch filter, and then click "Next>" button. In case of unknown resonant
frequency of machine, resonant frequency estimation of machine is available by measurement. Click
"Machine resonance measurement" button.

Description of filter setting

detail is shown.

Figure 9-22 step3 Machine resonant characteristic setting window

Indicates measurement condition setting window as below. Default torque command value is 50%
of motor rated torque. Change the command value depending on the machine condition in use, activate
"Servo On" button, and then click "Execute" button.

Figure 9-23 step3 Machine resonant characteristic measurement and Analysis window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
When measurement completed normally, displays system analysis measurement result window like
below and indicates auto measured resonant frequency as setting candidate.

It is available that the Indicates auto measured resonant frequency by dot-line.

frequency sets by cursor
position with moving f2
cursor manually.

Description of filter setting

detail is shown.

Indicates auto measured resonant

frequency as setting candidate. Click next
"Setting" button to set the value actually.
Direct input of frequency is also available.

Figure 9-24 step3 Machine resonant characteristic measurement window

✔ Motor will rotate actually when this function is used. Take care of safety around for operation.
✔ 100 Hz or less frequency can not set.

(C) Machine stand vibration characteristic measurement

Sets the machine stand vibration characteristic. In case of known anti-resonant/resonant frequency of
machine stand, set the value directly, and then click "Next>" button. In case of unknown anti-
resonant/resonant frequency of machine stand, machine stand vibration characteristic is able to
measure. Give check mark to "Use the model-following vibration suppression control." and click
"Machine stand vibration measurement" button.

Description of detail is shown.

Description of filter setting

detail is shown.

Figure 9-25 step3 Machine resonant characteristic setting window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
Indicates measurement condition setting window as below. Default torque command value is 50%
of motor rated torque. Change the command value depending on the machine condition in use, activate
"Servo On" button, and then click "Execute" button.

Figure 9-26 step3 Machine resonant characteristic measurement and Analysis window

When measurement completed normally, displays system analysis measurement result window like
below and indicates auto measured resonant frequency as setting candidate. Confirm set value, and
correct it if needed, and then close the window.

Not only auto

but also set
by cursor
position or
direct input
are able to

Figure 9-27 step3 Machine stand vibration characteristic measurement window

✔ Motor will rotate actually when this function is used. Take care of safety around for operation.
✔ The value can not set if measured value is out of setting range, or not satisfied setting condition.

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
(4) Step4: Adjustment preparation
Confirm machine characteristics setting and optimum real-time auto tuning setting.

Figure 9-28 step4 Adjustment preparation display window

Click "Next>", if settings have no problem. Click "<Back" if settings have problem, and set again.
Amplifier will reboot with set condition when "Next>" button is clicked. In case of use of pulse encoder
or of amplifier with safety module, please make control power cycle manually.

Figure 9-29 step4 Servo amplifier reboot window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation
(5) Step5: Command selection
Selects the input command at tuning. Click "Operate by the internal command of servo amplifier" when
perform tuning with internal positioning operation function of servo amplifier, or click "Operate by the
command of upper controller" when input command from upper controller.

Figure 9-30 step5 Command selection window

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

Start Tuning (JOGCMD)

Perform servo tuning using internal positioning operation function of servo amplifier, without upper controller.
Follow the sequence below.

・When set 0 to
the "operated
number", operation
will continue till
clicking "Stop"

・"Rest time" has

0.5 sec maximum
of jitter.

Calls operation trace


Figure 9-31 Start Tuning (JOGCMD) window

✔ Motor will rotate actually when this function is used. Take care of safety around for operation.
(1) Tune by Basic adjustment parameter
Tuning by Basic adjustment parameter shown in the window. Tune with checking operation waveform at the
operation trace window.
Basic adjustment parameters depend on selection of machine control.
・Selects Point-to-point (PTP) control・・・ ① Auto tuning response
② Model velocity feedforward gain
・Selects Continuous path (CP) control・・・ ① Auto tuning response
② Velocity feedforward gain
③ Position loop proportional gain
✔ At continuous path (CP) control, please refer the position loop gain which is recommended by auto tuning response
setting value, shown in screen.

(2) Tune by parameter for each purpose

When desired performance is not given by Basic adjustment parameter tune, call "parameters for each
purpose" window and perform adjustment for each purpose.

(3) More improvement of performance is needed

When desired performance is not given by "parameters for each purpose", manual servo tuning is needed.

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

Start Tuning (EXTCMD)

Perform servo tuning using upper controller. Follow the sequence below.

Calls operation trace


Figure 9-32 Start Tuning (EXTCMD) window

(1) Tune by Basic adjustment parameter

Tuning by Basic adjustment parameter shown in the window. Tune with checking operation waveform at the
operation trace window.
Basic adjustment parameters depend on selection of machine control.

・Selects Point-to-point (PTP) control・・・ ① Auto tuning response

② Model velocity feedforward gain
・Selects Continuous path (CP) control・・・ ① Auto tuning response
② Velocity feedforward gain
③ Position loop proportional gain

✔ At continuous path (CP) control, please refer the position loop gain which is recommended by auto tuning response
setting value, shown in screen.

(2) Tune by parameter for each purpose

When desired performance is not given by Basic adjustment parameter tune, call "parameters for each
purpose" window and perform adjustment for each purpose.

(3) More improvement of performance is needed

When desired performance is not given by "parameters for each purpose", manual servo tuning is needed.

Chapter 9. Sevo-tuning Servo Tuning Navigation

Manual tuning mode

If adjustment by auto-tunig mode is not enough, change each parameters individually for servo tuning (Manual
tuning mode). Follow the sequence below.
(1) Switch to manual mode
Click manual mode tab in the Tuning execution window.

Click edit button and

change parameters.
Changed parameters
will be transferred to
amplifier when
submit button is

Figure 9-33 Manual tunig window

Mode change confirmation window is shown. Click OK if there is no problem on changed setting.

Figure 9-34 Mode change confirmation window

(2) Tuning in manual mode
Automatic mode values are reflected when switch to manual mode. Start tuning in manual mode from
automatic mode values.
Changeable parameters:
① Position loop proportional gain
② Velocity loop proportional gain
③ Velocity loop integral time constant
④ Load inertia ratio
⑤ Torque command filter
⑥ Model control gain

Below parameters also changeable but there is no automatic mode values reflection when switch to
manual mode.
① Velocity feedforward gain
② Velocity feedforward filter

✔ "Parameters for each purpose" are effective in manual mode also. Perform the tuning meets each purpose, for more
performance improvement.

Chapter 9. Servo-tuning Save Result of Adaptive Notch Filter

9.5. Saving Result of Adaptive Notch Filter

Save the notch filter frequency estimated by Adaptive notch filter as fixed value.

How to start up
Adaptive notch filter result saving window is start by either way below.
(A) Select "Saving the Adaptive notch filter result" through "Servo tuning" from the Sub menue in Main
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function(F)” - ” Servo Tuning (T)” - ”Saving the Adaptive notch filter
result (A)” in the menu bar in Main window.

How to operate
(1) Confirm the monitor value, and click "Save" button.

Saving Adaptive notch filter value

as torque command notch filter
(fixed value).

If removing check mark and click "Save", Adaptive notch

filter will continue and notch filter setting will be un-fixed
value. (Parameters are saved.)

Figure 9-35 Adaptive notch filter results saving window

(2) Click close button on the right above of window for exit.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace

This function can perform the following:
- Shows graphically operating states. (as Operation Trace)
- Scrolls operation data in real time to check conditions. (as Operation Scrolling)
- Checks mechanical frequency characteristics. (as System Analysis)
- Displays the data in flash ROM from stored inside amplifiers. (as Drivie Recorder)

Figure 10-1 Measurement menu window

10.1. Operation Trace

This function shows operational state in waveform display on an oscilloscope. This monitors
operational state when adjusting servo.

✔ Saved file shall not save again via Excel etc. Format is different so the file will be disabled to read by this software.

How to start up
You can start up the window for operational tracing in any if the following procedures:
(A) Select “Operation Trace” through “Measurement” from Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function(F)” -”Measurement(S)” - ”Operation Trace(T)” in the
menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click on the icon “Operation Trace” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When Axis-selecting window is shown, select the axis number you perform Operation Trace.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace

How to operate
1) The following Operation Trace window is shown. To change various conditions for tracing, click “Trace
conditions” tab.
(A) (K) (B) (C) (H)
(D) (G) (L)

You can switch tabs (F)

to show various
conditions here. Indicates a description
window of trace (I)
condition setting.


Figure 10-2 Operation Trace window (Trace conditions tab)

(A) Addition to a project : Registers and stores measured data to the data files of projects.
(B) Trace Start : Starts tracing operation in set conditions.
(C) Trace Stop : Stops tracing operation.
Toggle display
(D) : Selects display/non-display of info-display area.
information area
Displays CH-scale selected via Scale CH.
(E) CH-scale : Make sure this is just the CH-scale selected via Scale CH, not linked to other
(F) Time-axis Range : Sets time axis.
Display waveforms
(G) : Clicking this displays waveforms overlapped.
(H) Call cursor window : Clicking this displays cursor-related setting in a new window.
(I) Trigger position : Shows trigger positions in vertical and horizontal directions respectively.
Display zero-level
(J) : Shows zero-level positions for each CH.
(K) Paste to clipboard : Copies tracing conditions and measured waveforms to clipboard.
Executes FFT-analysis between cursors.
(L) FFT :
Setting analysis period with cursor is needed to enable this button.
(M) Monitor states : Displays present tracing state.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace
2) Clicking “Set tracing conditions” shows the follwing window for setting operational tracing conditions.
Check each condition in the window to set. After setting, clicking “OK” button can diable the changes
in the settings. After changing setings, clicking “Trace Start” button starts sampling.

Use this to call


This sets the interval of sampling.

Tracable time is automatically calculated.

This sets trigger CH.

This is to select the edge of triggers.

Trigger in horizontal directionin the display

Level of trigger

Figure 10-3 Window displaying tabs for setting tracie conditions

✔ The following data can be selected only with CH1, 3, and 5. When selecting these data, each CH of CH2, 4, and 6
cannot be selected.
1) Monitor positions (for motor)
2) Monitor positions (for external devices)
3) Position command integrated value
4) PS data of motor serial-type encoder
✔ Analog 6 channels are selectable when buffering point is 256.
✔ Only analog 3 channels are selectable when buffering point is 512.
✔ Only analog 1 channel is selectable when buffering point is 1024.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace
3) This is the case of making “Channel infomation tab” being shown.

(A) (C)

Figure 10-4 Operation trace window (CH information tab)

(A) Select display : Shows graphically the channels checked.

Shows the signal names selected each channel. Signal range and off-set are set
(B) Waveform items :
(C) Auto : Clicking “Auto” button automatically set range and off-set to show them graphically.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace
4) This is the case of making “Measure Information tab” being shown.

(A) (B)

Figure 10-5 Operation trace window (measure information tab)

Display this time measured waveform overlapped on previously measured

(A) Overlapping waveforms : Waveform.
(B) Data displayed on top : Shows selected waveforms in solid line.

5) Clicking “Display cursor window” button displays Cursor window, automatically calculating data on
cursor positions, time/data difference between cursors, Max/Min values, andeffective value.

(B) (C)

Figure 10-6 Operation Trace /Cursor window

(A) Effective value : Displays results of calculation for data between cursors in axis t of CH.
(B) Cursor position data : Displays data values designated with cursor t1.
(C) Cursor differential data : Displays data differential designated with v1-v2 in vertical cursor.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation trace
6) Clicking FFT button executes FFT-analysis.
Note that without setting the period you want to analyze, you cannot enable this button.
At first, select the analog channel you execute, and then click “OK” button.

Figure 10-7 Operation trace - Window for selecting FFT-analysis channel

FFT-analysis results are shown.

Figure 10-8 Operation trace / FFT-analysis window

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation scrolling

10.2. Operation scrolling

This function displays operation states in waveform in real time.
When connecting multiple axes, you can display waveforms of each axis at the same time.
✔ Sampling time is limited depending on the throughput of PCs you use.
✔ Saved file shall not save again via Excel etc. Format is different so the file will be disabled to read by this software.

1) How to start up
You can start up Operation Scrolling window in any of the following procedures:
(A) Select “Operation Scrolling” through “Measurement” from Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)” - ”Measurement (S)” - ”Operation Scrolling(S)” in
the menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click on the icon “Operation Scrolling” in the Toolbar in Main window.
The window asking to select whether on-line display (check the states of amplifiers you
connected) or off-lone display (check the states already measured) depending on situation,
select applicable one.

2) How to operate
(1) The following operation scrolling window is shown. To change conditions for obtaining waveform, click
“Scrolling Conditions tab”.

(A) (B)

You can switch tabs to display various types

of information.

Figure 10-9 Operation scrolling window

A) Start scrolling : Starts scrolling operation in set conditions.

B) Stop scrolling : Stop scrolling operation.

Chapter 10. Measurement Operation scrolling
(2) The following shows Operation Scrolling conditions window.
Use to call existing settings.


(A) (B)

Figure 10-10 Operation Scrolling Conditions setting window

(A) Select axis : Selects the axis of servo amplifier/drivers you want to show.
Displays the signal names selected by each channel. The range and off-set of signals are set
(B) Select item :
Sets the cycles of requesting data for to servo amplifiers. Note that when using PCs with low
(C) Sampling cycle : throughput and set the cycles to small value, the behavior is extremely slow. Total number of
sampling is 1000. Scrollable time is automatically calculated.

✔ FFT-analysis is not available.

✔ You can obtain waveforms in axis-wide, however up to 3 channels of both analog and digital are available to obtain at
the same time.
Note that the times to obtain data among channels are not the same timing.
✔ The number of data is a maximum of 1000. Data which is over 1000 should be overwritten.
✔ The other operation methods follow tracing operation.

Chapter 10. Measurement System Analysis

10.3. System Analysis

System analysis function can easily perform system analysis by operating a servo amplifier and motor
several hundreds ms to for several tens of seconds.

✔ Make sure to keep the safety around the system you operate as servo motors move.
✔ When any of amplifier alarm occurs during executing this function, motor excitation is turned off. Make sure to perform
this function after ensuring necessary braking equipment is ready to operate.
✔ This function is not allowed if the tandem operation is used.
✔ This function is not allowed if the function of STO, SS1 or SS2 is used at fuctional safety module.
✔ Saved file shall not save again via Excel etc. Format is different so the file will be disabled to read by this software.

1) How to start up
You can start up System analysis window in any of the following procedures:
(A) Select “System Analysis” through “Measurement” from the Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)” - ”Measurement (S)” - ”System Analysis(A)”in the
menu bar in Main window.
(C) Click on the icon ”System Analysis” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When Axis-selecting window is shown, select the axes numbers you perform System analysis.

2) How to operate
(1) System analysis execution window is shown. Click “Start measuring and analyzing Data” button.
“Data measure & Analysis Start”

Figure 10-11 System Analysis execution window

(2) The following Window confirming to execute is shown. If it is OK to execute, click “OK” button, to
cancel, click “Cancel” button.

Figure 10-12 Window confirming System analysis to execute

Chapter 10. Measurement System Analysis

(3) Data measure & Analysis window is shown. Set the conditions for measuring.

Set torque (force) command

value and the frequency range
to measure.

Figure 10-13 Data measure & Analysis window

(4) After setting conditions, make sure that no problem with that motors move, and then click “Servo On”
button. After that motor excitation starts and “Execute” button becomes enabled.
(5) Clicking “Execute” button starts measuring. The execution state is shown in the progress bar.

Figure 10-14 System analysis data read-in window

(6) The following window is shown at the time measuring and data read-in are completed. After that click
“OK” button. Motor excitation continues until “OK” button is clicked.

Figure 10-15 System analysis data/ waiting for analyzing window

(7) Now the system is analyzing data. Wait for a while.

Figure 10-16 System analysis data/ indicating data being analyzed window

Chapter 10. Measurement System Analysis

(8) The results are shown graphically when the analysis completed.
Checking here displays cursors.
You can check the frequency, gain, phase cycle of the curcor position.

Clicking “Store into clipboard” button Cursor 2 moves to its

stores measured conditions and frequency by right-clicking.
waveforms into clipboard.
Cursor 1 moves to its
frequency by left-clicking.

It is recommended that
Limitation occurring ratio
should be 0%.

Figure 10-17 Window indicating system analysis results

✔ Adjust torque (force) command value so that the torque (force) State-of restriction Incidence Rate under
Measurement being measure should be 0%.

(9) Clicking Measuring tab automatically calculates gain margin and phase margin to show them in the
window. Gain margin and phase margin are shown by marker.

Figure 10-18 System analysis window for setting resonance/anti-resonance frequency

✔ Move the cursors by manually right- and left-clicking.

Chapter 10. Measurement System Analysis
(10) This function can set Model vibration suppression anti-resonance frequency and resonance
frequency according to the graphical results.
Select “Damping Setting” tab, move cursor t1(green) to the frequency you want to set as Model
vibration suppression anti-resonance frequency, move cursor t2(yellow) to the frequency you want to
set as Model vibration suppression anti-resonance frequency, and then click "Write to Amplifier"
button. Or you can directly set frequency.

Clicking here after setting starts writing to servo


Set values for servo amplifiers are shown.

Figure 10-19 Model vibration suppression anti-resonance frequency and resonance frequency window
✔ Setting value has limitation. You cannot set the value out of the limitation range.

(11) You can set torque command notch-filter to suppress mechanical resonance frequency. Select "Filter
setting" tab, and then directly input resonance frequency by using cursor or frequency. Click "Setting"
button. At the same time parameters are forwarded to servo amplifiers.

Figure 10-20 Torque (force) command notch-filter setting window

✔ Number of settable notch-filter varies depending on the specifications of servo amplifier/drivers you use.

Chapter 10. Measurement Drive recorder

10.4. Drive recorder

Drive recorder is a function to do the following items:
Always samples servo amplifier’s operational states.
Automatically stores operational data into flash ROM inside amplifiers under set trigger conditions.
Makes it possible to check operational data subsequently.

✔ No all the servo amplifier/drivers have Drive recorder functions.

✔ You can store data over the past 16 times. The data before that should be overwritten.
For a functional safety module, past 1 time data is shown, only. That data will be cleared when turning power OFF.
Moreover, there is no limit to the frequency of storing data.
✔ Note that there is a limit to the frequency of storing data in flash ROM.
✔ You can store and access the data in files.
✔ Saved file shall not save again via Excel etc. Format is different so the file will be disabled to read by this software.

1) How to start up
You can start up Drive recorder window in any of the following procedures:
(A) Select “Drive recorder” through “Measurement” from Sub menu in Main window.
(B) Select in the following order of ”Function (F)” - ”Measurement(S)” - ”Drive recorder(D)” in the
menu in Main window.
(C) Click on the icon ”Drive recorder” in the Toolbar in Main window.
When Axis-selecting window is shown, select the axes numbers you check Drive recorder

2) How to operate
(1) Drive recorder execution window is shown. Click “OK” button to read-in the data, click “No” to cancel.

Figure 10-21 Drive recorder data read-in window

(2) Clicking “OK” button shows Data read-in window. When the number of data to read-in, it takes up to
30 seconds to read all data.

Figure 10-22 Window indicating Drive recorder data now being read-in

Chapter 10. Measurement Drive recorder
(3) Clicking “No” button in the (1) above, or completing data read-in shows Drive recorder list window.
This clears the data stored inside
This displays the data stored
inside amplifiers in waveform
in a new window.

Figure 10-23 Drive recorder list window

(4) Clicking “Waveform display” displays the data selected in waveform in a new window.

Figure 10-24 Drive recorder waveform display

Chapter 10. Measurement Drive recorder
(5) Clicking “Clear all records” in Drive recorder list display shows the following window. Click “OK” button
to continue.

Figure 10-25 Window asking to continue Clear Records

(6) Clicking “Clear all records” in Drive recorder list display shows the following window to ask to continue
clearing data. Click “OK” button to continue.

Figure 10-26 Window indicating Drive recorder data being erased

(7) Once record data have been erased, the following window is shown. Click “OK" button.

Figure 10-27 Window indicating Drive recorder data cleared

Chapter 11. Point data Overview

Point data
11.1. Overview
"Point Data" menu is added at side menu in main window when servo amplifier with positioning function is
connected. Window as below is shown by clicking "Point Data" menu. Point data setting, each kind of test
operations and point data transmission between amplifier/file are available from this window.

“Point Data” menu

Figure 11-1 Point data function starting window

The functions related to a point data are below.

・ Point data setting
・ Copy and paste of point data.
・ Save a point data to file from amplifier. (csv file format)
・ Transfer a point data to amplifier from file.
・ Each kind of test operations. (JOG operation, 1 step feed, point move, home position setting, homing

Point data edit and test operation function with point data are described from next page.

✔ Point data will be stored as csv file. That is different from amplifier parameter file (*.ap1).
✔ It can read in the point data file stored by conventional RS1 amplifier with positioning function. Transfer a file by
clicking "Point Data Transmission (File to Amplifier)".

Chapter 11. Point data Point data setting

11.2. Point data setting

Point data setting window such as below is shown by clicking "Point Data Setting" on main window.

Figure 11-2 Point data setting window

Chapter 11. Point data Point data setting

1) Parameter setting (Operation condition setting)

Operation condition such as moving direction/unit can set by clicking "+" button at left of
"Parameter Setting" menu.

Figure 11-3 Point data setting window

✔ Parameter settings (operation condition) in this window is set as amplifier parameters, not as point data.

2) Point data setting

It becomes selected state when desired point data to edit is clicked. Point data setting window appears by
double-click selected line or click "Edit" button, and detail setting of point data becomes available.

Point data number 2 is selected.

Perform double-click selected line or
click "Edit" button, in this condition.

Figure 11-4 Point data setting window (partly)

Chapter 11. Point data Point data setting
Click OK after editing a point data.

Figure 11-5 Point data editing window

It goes back a data setting window, and changed data is shown with red. After confirmation of change, point
data will be written to amplifier by clicking "Writing" button.

Changed data

Figure 11-6 Point data setting window (after data changing)

Confirmation window below is shown by clicking "Writing" button. Selected point data will be written to amplifier by clicking
"OK" button.

Figure 11-7 Point data editing window

Chapter 11. Point data Point data setting

To read/write point data at once, click "Read from amplifier"/"Write in amplifier" button in tool bar.
Disposes editing parameters and read out
parameters again from amplifier.

Writes multiple editing point data to

amplifier at once.

Figure 11-8 Point data setting window (2)

3) Point data edit mode setting wizard

It can create/edit new point data by clicking "New" button on point data setting window.

Figure 11-9 Point data setting window (3)

Window below shows by clicking "New" button. Start a point data edit after checking Editing method/Amplifier
ID/Parameter setting and clicking "OK".
It shall be selected 0380-****
for RS3 servo amplifier.

Figure 11-10 Point data edit mode setting wizard window

4) Teaching setting
Current position within amplifier can set as a point data by clicking "Teaching" button on point data setting

Figure 11-11 Teaching setting window

Chapter 11. Point data Point data test operation

11.3. Point data

Each kind of test operations as motor JOG operation, 1 step move and homing etc are available by selecting

Figure 11-12 Point data test operation window

✔ Sets a motor driving condition with test operation, in a parameter setting area.
✔ Motor is excited by clicking "Servo On" in a motor excitation area.
✔ To start JOG operation, select "High speed/Low speed" and "+/-" direction, and click that button. Defaultly, rotates
to CCW by clicking "+" direction button.
✔ Motor shaft rotates (moves) a specified amount with 1-click of button, in a single (1) step move area. To abort
move, click "Cancel". To stop once, click "Pause", and click "Restart" for rest of move. Sets a motor driving
condition with test operation, in a parameter setting area.
✔ Moves to preset home position (origin), in a homing area. The condition for homing shall be set at homing tab.
Override condition also shall be set at homing tab.
✔ Origin (home position) can set by clicking "Start" button in Origin Setting area.

✔ Test operation rotates a motor actually. Be sure to no danger, no failure before servo on.
✔ To be servo off when tab is switched. It cannot switch tabs keeping servo on.

Chapter 11. Point data Point data homing

11.4. Point data homing

Homing operation is available at Homing tab.

Figure 11-13 Point data homing window

✔ Sets each condition of homing, in a parameter setting area.

Preset override value can check in a parameter monitor area.
✔ Homing can start by clicking "Start" at homing area, after clicking "Servo On" at motor excitation area.

✔ Test operation rotates a motor actually. Be sure to no danger, no failure before servo on.
✔ To be servo off when tab is switched. It cannot switch tabs keeping servo on.

Chapter 11. Point data Point move test operation

11.5. Point move test operation

Point move can perform simple at Point Move tab.

Figure 11-14 Point data point move window

✔ Sets each condition of point move, in a parameter setting area.

Preset override value can check in a parameter monitor area.
✔ Operation condition can check in a history monitor area.
✔ Operation can start from specified point number by clicking "Start" at point performing area after setting a point
✔ Origin (home position) can set by clicking "Start" button in Origin Setting area.

✔ Test operation rotates a motor actually. Be sure to no danger, no failure before servo on.
✔ To be servo off when tab is switched. It cannot switch tabs keeping servo on.

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 12. Data files Overview

Data files
Selecting Data File from the Side menu shows the following window.

12.1. Overview
Drag and drop each data file (parameters, operational tracing, operation scrolling, system analysis,
and Drive recorder) to confirm their contents. You can also firstly select each data type you call from
Sub menu in the Side menu data files, and then control the data as projects.

Figure 12-1 Data file window

12.2. How to use

You can open each data file in the following 2 procedures.

(1) Drag & drop the data files you select.

Dragging and dropping data files into the area boxed in red dot of
Figure 12-1 Data file window automatically identify the type of data files to show the contents in the
window. Provided that, parameter file (*.ap1) always shows parameter setting window. To check alarm
history, separately open alarm history checking window or open the file in the procedure specified in
(2) below.

(2) Open files by data file type.

Select Sub menu per data file type from Side menu, and then click “Open any data files” to open
designated files as shown in Figure 12-2.

Chapter 12. Data files Adding to projects

Files registered to the Project

Figure 12-2 Window for selecting by data file (parameters by group)

12.3. Adding to projects

You can add to/delete from projects from each window displayed when selecting Sub menu through
data file.
1) Clicking “Addition to a project” can add data files to projects. Registering to projects can display
the registered files as files of project control file list.
2) Clicking “Remove from project” can delete selected data files from projects.

Chapter 13. Troubleshooting When installing

13.1. When installing
No. Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
This application needs the environment of Microsoft .NET Framework
Lack in HDD-
1 Lack of disk space 3.5 in addition to this system, so 400MB-disk space is required. Re-
install after securing sufficient HDD-volume.
OS version is Installation cannot be continued when OS version is old. Re-construct
old. the environment by referring to Section environment.
Cannot be installed
2 Not logged on as
Installation needs the right of administrator.
Re-install after logging on as administrator authority.

Chapter 13. Troubleshooting Wiring, connection and establishing communication
with servo amplifiers

13.2. Wiring, Connection and establishing communication with servo amplifiers

No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “An error occurred when Software cannot Check if the communication port (PC side) to which cables is
opening port” use connected is used by other application. Otherwise, Setup S/W has
communication already started up.
2 The confirmation results of Setting error of Check if the communication port (PC side) to which cables is
communication state become communication connected conforms to COM port.
“errors in received data” port
3 The confirmation results of Setting error of Check if servo amplifier communication baudrate setting corresponds
communication state become communication to “communication speed.”
“timeout” baudrate
Setting error of Check if servo amplifier communication axis selection corresponds to
axis-selection the axis selection you selected.
Connecting error Check if communication cables are properly connected to PC side
of (USB or COM) and servo amplifier/driver.
cables Check if any damages on communication cables.
Control power Check if control power supply is supplied to servo amplifier/driver.
supply error
Malfunction due Take some actions to noise. Note 2)
to noise
4 The confirmation results of Setting error of Check if any servo amplifier/driver communication axis numbers
communication state become communication overlapped among amplifiers being connected. Note 1)
“Overlap” (when
Note3) connecting
multiple axes)
Malfunction due Take some actions to noise. Note 2)
to noise
5 The confirmation results of Version Setup S/W does not correspond to the software version of the servo
communication state become discrepancy amplifiers you use. Install the latest Setup S/W.
Software R ADVANCED MODEL SETUP Software cannot communicate with
discrepancy RS1, RR1-model servo amplifiers. Use R-SETUP Software to
communicate with these servo amplifiers.

R ADVANCED MODEL-servo amplifier cannot communicate with R-

SETUP Software.
6 Performing the following Parameter Authorize parameter editing. Refer to Section 4.9. Setting Password
functions becomes locking function for the details.
“Communication released” by password is
・Write-in/forward parameters enabled.
・Test operation
Note 1) You can set communication baudrate for RS2-model servo amplifier (GroupA-20) and communication axis numbers (GroupA-21)
by parameters. The initial values are 38400bps and #1, respectively. These settings become valid when re-turning on amplifier
control power supply. Provided that, the initial values and setting methods vary depending on the type of amplifiers. Or there may
be cases settings cannot be changed. When connecting RS3-model amplifier via USB, there is no setting for communication
Note 2) When communication cannot be executed normally due to noise, take the following actions to noise:
3) Grounding servo amplifiers and PC correctly.
4) Keep servo amplifier or PC away from the noise-generating area.
5) Place noise filter.
Note 3) When “Overlap” won’t canceled even if taking corrective actions, take any of the following actions:
6) Re-turn servo amplifier control power.
7) Re-connect communication cable (on amplifier side) after disconnecting once.

Chapter 13. Troubleshooting Parameter Setting

13.3. Parameter Setting

1) Parameter Verification
No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “Verification cannot be performed The type of amplifier is not Cannot be collated as the target parameter file type
as the amplifier and file amplifier correct. and the amplifier type you are connecting is
main ID is different” different.

2 “Amplifier ID** is not supported” Tried to collate old-version Update to the latest Setup S/W.
amplifier files.

2) Parameter transmission (To amplifier)

No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “Collation cannot be executed as The type of amplifier is not Cannot be collated as the parameter file type to
the amplifier and file amplifier correct. forward and the amplifier type you are connecting is
main ID is different” different.

“Some parameters could not be Parameters have been updated Check added parameters, manually set them if
forwarded as amplifier software due to software version necessary. In most cases, added parameters do not
version is incorrect” upgrading. have to be changed their settings.

Parameter setting values are When the parameter values you forward are out of
invalid. settable range, they cannot be forwarded.

13.4. Various supportive functions

1) Monitor
No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “Communication error occurred Communication cables Check if the communication cables between servo
in axis*. disconnected amplifiers and PC have come off.
Cause: timeout”

2) Alarms
No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “Alarm reset could not be Alarm-state is still continued. Reset cannot be executed as the alarm still
executed” continues. Eliminate the cause of the alarm.

The alarms which cannot be reset are occurring. Re-

turn on amplifier driver control power supply after
eliminating the alarm causes.

Chapter 13. Troubleshooting Parameter Setting

3) Test operation
No. Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “***cannot be The state has not Is any alarm-state continuing? Eliminate the conditions of the alarm.
performed.(Preparation become SRDY-state. Check if the primary power supply has been established.
un-completing)” Other supportive
Terminate other supportive functions (velocity-JOG, position-JOG,
functions are now being
various Auto-tuning, various adjusting functions, system analysis) if
any of them has start up.
Error in communication occurs due to any of causes. Re-establish
This function cannot be executed when executing any of the
following (Test operation, Auto-tuning, Adjustment) from Digital
This function cannot be executed during switching control modes.
2 Encoder clear cannot be The motor is driven When motors are driven externally at 50min-1(mm/s) or over in any of
executed externally. causes, you cannot perform encoder clear.
(ALM_DF is output)
3 Motor will not move in Error in setting, OT-valid Check velocity command setting or command pulse number.
positioning operation and
velocity-JOG operation
OT became valid. Eliminate the causes of becoming OT.

4 “Estimate magnetic pole Could not normally Check the motor motion range. (approximately ±10mm)
position has abnormally complete due to any of Check force command value when estimating magnetic pole
completed” causes. position. “Estimate magnetic pole position” cannot be normally
”(ALM_44h) completed unless setting the value large enough for static friction.

Check the polarity of linear encoder signal or wiring of motor power

line. There may be possibility of connecting reversely.

4) Auto-tuning
No. Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “***cannot be performed The state has not Is any alarm-state continuing? Eliminate the conditions of the alarm.
(Preparation un- become SRDY-state.
completing)” Other supportive Check if the primary power supply has been established.
functions are now Terminate other supportive functions (velocity-JOG, position-JOG,
being executed. various Auto-tuning, various adjusting functions, system analysis) if
any of them has start up.
Error in communication occurs due to any of causes. Re-establish
This function cannot be executed when executing any of the following
(Test operation, Auto-tuning, Adjustment) from Digital operator.
This function cannot be executed during switching control modes.
System analysis cannot be executed when Overtravel (OT) is
occurring. Eliminate all the cause of OT.
After servo-on, the measurement is not accurate enough during the
time to wait motor brake releasing. Execute this after the time of motor
brake operation releasing delay (BOFFDLY) elapsed.

Chapter 13. Troubleshooting Parameter Setting

5) Adjusting
No. Abnormal operation/message Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “***Automatic offset cannot be 5.2V or over is input into Check analog input voltage. When the voltage is
performed. (Preparation un- designated analog 5.2V or over at adjustment, you cannot execute
completing)” inputs. automatic offset.

Error in communication occurs due to any of

causes. Re-establish communication.
This function cannot be executed when executing
any of the following (Test operation, Auto-tuning,
Adjustment) from Digital operator.
This function cannot be executed during switching
control modes.
2 Executing automatic offset changes Executing automatic offset changes manual off-set
manual offset values amount as both offset amounts are the same data.

6) Measurement
No. Primary cause Check the contents and corrective actions
1 “System analysis The state has not Is any alarm-state continuing? Eliminate the conditions of the alarm.
cannot be become SRDY-
performed state.
(Preparation un- Other supportive Check if the primary power supply has been established.
completing)” functions are
Terminate other supportive functions (velocity-JOG, position-JOG, various
now being
Auto-tuning, various adjusting functions, system analysis) if any of them
has start up.
Error in communication occurs due to any of causes. Re-establish

This function cannot be executed when executing any of the following

(Test operation, Auto-tuning, Adjustment) from Digital operator.
This function cannot be executed during switching control modes.
System analysis cannot be executed when Overtravel (OT) is occurring.
Eliminate all the cause of OT.
After servo-on, the measurement is not accurate enough during the time
to wait motor brake releasing. Execute this after the time of motor brake
operation releasing delay (BOFFDLY) elapsed.
2 Window reaction get Limit of the This depends on the throughput of the PC you use as the system
slower during scrolling throughput of communicates with amplifier drivers in real time and displays waveforms
the PC you use in the window. Quit other applications, or set the time to sample of
scrolling operation.

No Text on This Page.
Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R 3E MODEL servo amplifiers

14.1. Wiring for R 3E MODEL servo amplifiers


✔ Connect to connectors with marked with USB.

✔ Connect multiple axes via USB-hub.

14.2. Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

Servo amplifiers connectors

CN2 on servo amplifier side CN3 on servo amplifier side

(JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured) (JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured)
Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name
1 422RXD+ 1 422RXD+
2 422RXD- 2 422RXD-
3 422TXD+ 3 422TXD+
4 +5V 4 +5V
5 232RXD 5 NC
6 422TXD- 6 422TXD-
7 232TXD 7 NC
Shell Shield Shell Shield

✔ Connect a cable to CN2 to connect to the host computer.

✔ To connect multiple axes, connect the cable from the former amplifier (or upper level PC) to CN2, connect the cable
from the latter amplifier to CN3.

Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

Connecting cable A
This is a cable to connect between a host computer (terminal of RS-232C) and RS2 series servo amplifier side.

9 5

6 1

Connecting cable A : AL-00689703-01

COM on host PC side CN2 on servo amplifier side

(JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured) (JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured)
Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name
1 DCD 1 NC
2 RD 2 NC
3 TD 3 NC
4 DTR 4 NC
5 SG 5 RXD
6 DSR 6 NC
7 RS 7 TXD
8 CS 8 SG
9 RI Case Shield

✔ Use shielded wire for cables.

✔ Connect the shielded wire of the cables to the connector on amplifier side.
Do not connect to the case of connectors on PC (D-Sub9 pin).
✔ Do not wire the terminals other than the ones whose destinations to connect are specified in Wiring diagram.

Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

Connecting cable B
This is a cable to connect between servo amplifiers to connect multiple RS2-model servo amplifiers. (RS422A-

CN1 200 or 3000 CN2

NO.8 NO.1 NO.8 NO.1

Connecting cable B : AL-00695974-01(0.2m)


1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8


Note: means twisted-pair.

CN1 and CN2-shared
(JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured)

Termination connector
This is a connector to terminate RS422A-communication when connecting multiple RS2-model servo

NO.8 NO.1

Termination connector: AL-00695977-01

(Terminal resistor (120Ω) is inserted between pin1 and pin2.)

Connector model number

(JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-manufactured)

Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

Communication converter
This is a module needed to connect multiple RS2-model servo amplifiers, converting RS232C-communication
to RS422A-communication.





Communication converter: SAU-024-01


(Japan Aviation Electronics Industry,
(JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.- (JST Mfg. Co., Ltd.-
manufactured) manufactured)
Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name
1 422TXD+ 1 422TXD+ 1 DCD
2 422TXD- 2 422TXD- 2 RD
3 422RXD+ 3 422RXD+ 3 TD
4 +5V 4 +5V 4 DTR
5 232TXD 5 - 5 SG
6 422RXD- 6 422RXD- 6 DSR
7 232RXD 7 - 7 RS
8 GND 8 GND 8 CS
Shell Shield Shell Shield 9 RI
Shell Shield

No, Options
232C 422A
CN1/ RS232C-signal enabled CN1/ RS422A-signal enabled
When using a straight cable between PC and CN3 When using a crossed cable between PC and CN3

Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

Servo amplifier connector B (for connection with RF2G servo amplifier)

Connector No. Content Model number
PC Cable for PC connection AL-00490833-01

Cable for PC connection (AL-00490833-01)

CN2 ケーブル長
9 5

6 1

Servo amplifier connector C (for EtherCAT IF expanded input)

Optional model number

Connector No. Content Model number
PC Cable for PC connection AL-00745525-01

Cable for PC connection (AL-00745525-01)


Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for R ADVANCED servo amplifiers

14.3. Wiring for stepping drivers

■Optional model number
Name Content Model number Instruction manual
USB/RS485 converter PC/driver connection unit PBFM-U6 M0010723

■ Connector number of driver side connector

Driver model number Connector number
F5PAA***P1**, F5PAB***P1** CN5
F2BAW***M1** CN5
PB4D003E*** CN8
PB4D003P*** CN12

■ Signal name of driver side connector

Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name
1 A 6 VCC
(Normally, connection is
not required)
2 B 7 - 2 1
3 N.C. 8 -
(Connection is not
4 N.C. 9 -
(Connection is not
10 9
5 GND 10 -

■ Connector model number

PCB side Post with base S10B-PADSS-1GW

Housing PADP-10V-1-S JST
Cable side
Contact SPH-002T-P0.5L

■ Signal name for converter unit side

Connector terminal block
Communication cable
Pin No. Signal name
1 - N.C.
2 - N.C.
3 R+(D+) Yellow
4 R-(D-) White
5 GND Black

1 2 3 45


✔ Connect with condition of RS-485, half-duplex.

Chapter 14. Appendix Wiring for SANMOTION R 3E Model Functional safety module

14.4. Wiring for SANMOTION R 3E Model Functional safety module


✔ Connect to connectors with marked with USB.

✔ Connect multiple axes via USB-hub.

No Text on This Page.
Revision A May. 2014
Revision B Dec. 2014
Revision C Feb. 2015
Revision D Apr. 2015
Revision E Jun. 2015
Revision F Oct. 2015
Revision G Mar. 2017
Revision H Aug. 2017
Revision J May. 2018
Revision K Oct. 2018
Revision L Mar. 2020
 Read the accompanying Instruction Manual carefully prior to using the product.
 If applying to medical devices and other equipment affecting people’s lives please contact us beforehand
and take appropriate safety measures.
■Precautions For Adoption
 If applying to equipment that can have significant effects on society and the general public, please contact
us beforehand.
Failure to follow the precautions on the right may
cause moderate injury and property damage, or in  Do not use this product in an environment where vibration is present, such as in a moving vehicle or
shipping vessel.
some circumstances, could lead to a serious
accident.  Do not perform any retrofitting, re-engineering, or modification to this equipment.
Always follow all listed precautions.  The Products presented in this Instruction Manual are meant to be used for general industrial
applications. If using for special applications related to aviation and space, nuclear power, electric power,
submarine repeaters, etc., please contact us beforehand.

* For any question or inquiry regarding the above, contact our Sales Department.

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The names of companies and/or their products specified in this manual are the trade names, and/or trademarks and/or registered trademarks of such respective companies.
*Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Translated version of the original instructions

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