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ESL 135 Winter 2020 - Exam 2 Name Marina Kostriukova

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ESL 135 Winter 2020_ Exam 2

Name Marina Kostriukova

Write the correct word from the box to complete each sentence.

artificial instruct reliable

capable intend

1. My GPS is not very __reliable__. I put in the address for your house, and it took me to the other side of town!

2. Do you ___intend___ to visit the computer history museum when you're in town?

3. The newer models of smart phones are __capable___ of running many more applications than the old ones.

4. Computer programmers write codes that ___instruct__ computers to do a variety of things: speak a language,
clean a floor, and even learn from mistakes.

5. After Glenn lost his legs in an accident, the doctors gave him __artificial__ legs.

Read the text. Notice the bold words. Then choose the correct answer for each bold word.

Many people are concerned about the impact of releasing carbon into the air. While this is a
worldwide problem, there are many things that individual people can do. If enough people cut back on how
often they drive and use an alternative form of transportation, such as a bus or bicycle, there will be a
gradual improvement in air quality.

__a__ 6. The word impact means ____.

a. effect
b. cause
c. cost
d. purpose
__d__ 7. The word carbon means a substance found in ___.
a. heat
b. water
c. gas and coal
d. the air
___d_ 8. The word worldwide means ____.
a. important
b. not seen
c. local
d. global
__a__ 9. The word individual in this paragraph means __ __.
a. related to one person
b. related to many people
c. intelligent
d. wealthy
__b__ 10. The phrase cut back on means ____.
a. increase
b. decrease
c. change
d. do not change
___c_ 11. The word alternative is closest in meaning to ____.
a. healthier
b. cheaper
c. different
d. similar
__a__ 12. The word gradual is closest in meaning to __.
a. slow
b. fast
c. useful
d. useless


Listen to the first part of the radio show (Track 1). Then choose the correct answer.

___a_ 13. What kind of drones does the guest discuss?

a. Drones for use in business
b. Drones for use in hobbies
c. Drones for use in business and hobbies
___a_ 14. Does the guest focus on the positive or negative aspects of drones?
a. Positive aspects
b. Negative aspects
c. Both positive and negative aspects


Listen to the first part of the radio show again (Track 1). Choose True or False.

___a_ 15. According to the guest, trucks have a worse impact on the environment than drones.
a. True
b. False

___a_ 16. The guest thinks that drones will be popular for a long time.
a. True
b. False

____b 17. The guest thinks that drones are only useful for delivering products.
a. True
b. False

__b__ 18. The guest says that many people who have a negative attitude toward drones think they are dangerous.
a. True
b. False

__a__ 19. According to the guest, registering a drone is quick and inexpensive.
a. True
b. False

LISTENING SKILL: Identifying Important Details

Listen to the second part of the radio show (Track 2). Complete each sentence with a word or phrase
from the box.

companies laws privacy strange

heart attack noise police stress

20. The caller wants to ask the guest about ______privacy_ problems related to drones.

21. The guest says that the ____laws_____ about drones are different in various parts of the country.

22. The caller says that the drone caused his family a lot of ___stress___.

PRONUNCIATION: Stressed Content Words

Listen to the sentences (Tracks 3-7). You will hear each sentence twice. The bold words are content
words. Is the stress you hear correct? Choose Yes or No.

____ 23. My car is veryreliable. (Track 3)

a. Yes
b. No

____ 24. Do you thinkcomputers will replacepeople? (Track 4)

a. Yes
b. No

____ 25. I am cuttingback on the amount of coffee I consume. (Track 5)

a. Yes
b. No

____ 26. How will the changesimpact our company? (Track 6)

a. Yes
b. No

____ 27. My brotherplans to studybiology in college. (Track 7)

a. Yes
b. No

SPEAKING SKILL: Giving Reasons

Choose the best response to complete each short conversation.

a. For this reason, I would not buy one now.

b. Another reason for my concern is that we don't know much about them yet.
c. Because my old one is broken.
__c__ 28. Sam: Why are you buying a new smartphone?
Janine: ____
__a_ 29. Lydia: Would you buy a self-driving car?
Andy: No. I don't think they're safe yet. ____
__b__ 30. Nick: Do you think drones are dangerous?
Emily: Maybe. I'm concerned about accidents. ____

GRAMMAR FOR SPEAKING: Action and Nonaction Verbs

Complete each short conversation with the present continuous or simple present form of the verb in

31. Rex: Do you know what you will do after you graduate?
Elaine: I'm not sure, but I 'm thinking ___(think) about working in a computer company.

32. Jane: What do you think of the new office computers?

Curtis: They're great! I __love__ (love) them.

33. Alfred: Vicki? Is that you? We were in the same math class in high school!
Vicki: Alfred! It's great to see you! I ___remember_________ (remember) that class well.

34. Dan: So how is your computer science class?

Laura: Pretty good. We are learning_ (learn) the basics of how to program computers.

Please select the correct pronunciation type in each word:

b) 35. clue
A) relative
B) alphabet

a) 36. lunch
A) relative
B) alphabet

b) 37. change
A) relative
B) alphabet

Please indicate the correct number of syllables in each word:

c) 38. instantly
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3

c) 39. unify
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3

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