True False Not Given
True False Not Given
True False Not Given
Here are the basic rules for the Identifying Information (T/F/NG) task:
• The statements are not exactly the same as the wording of the passage, but they
contain the same information.
• The statements include some words and names that are also used in the passage.
These help to locate the relevant information.
• You read this information carefully and compare it with the statement.
• You then decide if the statement reports the meaning of the passage exactly or not,
and write TRUE or FALSE on the answer sheet.
• For some statements, there isn’t enough information in the passage to know if the
statement is correct or not. In this case, you write NOT GIVEN on the answer sheet.
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading
Passage? Next to each question, 1-6, write
1. NCAR accepts the need for more precise methods of measuring snowfall.
2. Researchers have found ultrasonic sensors more reliable than laser sensors.
3. The device that uses motor-vehicle antifreeze measures the amount of snow
both before and after it melts.
4. Using GPS technology would be more expensive than using the alternative
devices being tried out.
6. The use of a snow board is particularly effective in areas with high winds.
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
Here are some tips for answering T/F/NG questions. Read them carefully.
1. Before you read the passage, read the statements and think about what you’re
going to read. Underline key words and ideas in each statement.
2. Remember that the questions follow the order of information in the passage.
When you read the passage, you may see some words or ideas from the
statements. These help you to find the relevant sections.
3. First read the passage quickly and mark the relevant sections for each question.
Write the question numbers in the margin so that you can find the sections again
4. Questions for which the answer is NOT GIVEN also refer to a specific section of
text - so you always need to find the relevant section.
5. Then go through the questions one by one. Read the section of the passage you
have marked carefully to make sure you’re in the correct place.
6. Don’t use your own knowledge of the subject to decide the answers. Use ONLY
the information in the passage.
7. If you think the answer is TRUE, re-read both the statement and the section of
passage carefully and think about the meaning of both. Does the wording of the
statement express exactly the same ideas or not?
8. If you think the answer is FALSE, re-read both the statement and the section of
passage carefully and think about the meaning of both. Underline the words that
make the statement different from the passage.
9. For TRUE and FALSE answers, quickly check the rest of the paragraph in the
passage to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
10. If you think the answer is NOT GIVEN, underline the words and ideas in the
statement that aren’t in the passage. Read the rest of the paragraph in the
passage quickly to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
11. It’s especially important to check carefully whether an answer is FALSE or NOT
12. Remember to write the words TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN in the boxes on the
answer sheet.
13. Never leave a box empty. If you’re not sure, always give an answer.
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
Read the pairs of statements (1-6). Underline the important words and ideas in
each statement. Which statement is true? A or B?
1 A. The recipes in the book Apicius are much older than the book itself.
B. The recipes in the book Apicius are 1,500 years old.
2 A. The book Apicius provides plenty of information about the life of Marcus
Gavius Apicius.
B. The book Apicius provides very little information about the life of Marcus
Gavius Apicius.
5 A. The book Apicius includes recipes that are still in use today.
B. The book Apicius includes recipes for dishes that are familiar today.
6 A. The ingredients used in the recipes tell us the type of people the book
Apicius was intended for.
B. The book Apicius uses ingredients that were commonly available in
Ancient Rome.
Apicius is the title of a collection of Apicius was the actual author of the
recipes written in Latin that is believed recipes in the book that bears his name.
to be the world’s oldest cookbook. The Some of the recipes, such as the one for
recipes were collected into a book Isicia Omentata (a kind of ancient
1,500 years ago, but they were in Roman burger), would not seem strange
existence several centuries before that. to us today. Others call for ingredients
The book is named after Marcus Gavius that would have been rare and hard to
Apicius, a Roman who lived around come by even in Ancient Rome, such as
2,000 years ago. Not much is known flamingo tongues, roast ostrich and
about this man other than the fact that camel heels. This indicates that the
he loved good food and enjoyed a book was written for wealthy Romans,
luxurious lifestyle. He himself was the as only they could have afforded such
subject of another book entitled On the exotic ingredients. At any rate, the
Luxury of Apicius, written by the Greek book gives us insight into the history of
grammarian Apion. This book was once Italian cuisine long before foods such as
famous but, unfortunately, it has since tomatoes and pasta, now identified
been lost. Few scholars today think with that region, were available.
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
Look at the statements (1-7). Is there enough information in the passage below
to know if the statements are true or false?
a. Read the statements and underline the main ideas.
b. Read the passage quickly and find the relevant section for each statement.
c. For each statement, read the passage carefully and decide if the information
is given or not given.
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning
IELTS Modular
None of the statements is true. But are they FALSE or NOT GIVEN? Is there
enough information to know? Next to each statement, write
based on: Bruce Rogers & Nick Kenny. The Complete Guide to IELTS. United Kingdom. National Geographic Learning