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Qdoc - Tips - Lama Fera Healing I Master Healer Jose Amp Jens 07

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The document discusses Lama Fera healing, an ancient Tibetan healing technique. It describes the different tools used in Lama Fera healing like earth sticks, burning sticks, sketchu mala, and maroon robes. It also explains the 7 main chakras and their locations and functions. Finally, it mentions that Tibetan healing is divided into 3 parts - ha dub, ge te, and wan gu.

The main tools used in Lama Fera healing are earth sticks, burning sticks, sketchu mala, and wearing a maroon robe. Earth sticks are used to cut off the receiver's energy from the earth. Burning sticks draw in universal life force energy and transform negative energy. Sketchu mala is made from special tree branches and aids in removing negative forces. The maroon robe has psychological and protective effects.

The 7 main chakras are the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, hara, and root chakras. Their locations and associations like color and connected glands are described.


L ightWorkerS

Lama Fera Healing

LightWorker™ Series

 Re-channelled by José
José Marinho de Santos & Jens Søeborg
Manual by Rajeev Wagle & José Marinho de Santos
Lama Fera Healing (LightWorker™ Series)
Lama Fera is a very old Tibetan system, which came to the West through the Indian Energy
Master Rajeev Wagle in September 2001. We have chosen the slight different name to show,
that it is not exactly  the same system as Lama Fera. The manual has been reworked by José
and layout by Jens. As the origin goes back a long time, we have re-channelled the energy. It has
 become a part of the ……

LightWorker™ Miscellaneous Systems

 Ahara Reiki (Elizabeth Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lama Fera Healing (José Marinho & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lama Fera Teacher 1 (José Marinho & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lama Fera Teacher 2 (José Marinho & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series
Musical Notes of the Chakras (Nan Fahey) (LightWorker™ Series)
Sexual Empowerment 1-2 (Roger T. Hill) (LightWorker™ Series)

Foreword by Jens
Having taken part in two weekend classes by the Tibetan tulku (a lama
 who has reincarnated as lama several times) Lakha Rimpoche, who just
calls himself Lakha Lama - see picture, I will explain a bit about Tibetan
healing, before we go to the Lama Fera Healing manual itself.

The word healing does not have one word in Tibetan covering it, but
consists of 3 different, who together covers it. In Tibet the healing
process is normally divided into 3 parts:

1. ha dub transformation of the mantra-power

2. ge te getting rid of the hindrances (transforming the cause)
3.  wan gu initiation (transforming the personality)

The healing has 2 sides:

1. Remove, transform and re-arrive in a new form
2. Collecting and using the energy

1. ha dub - transformation of the mantra-power

In the Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana - Diamond Way) the mantra is regarded a way to protect
the mind. Your spiritual praxis transforms your body, speech and mind. The mantra is
connected to the speech. Reciting mantras are often made together with visualisations and
hand- and body positions (mudras). That activates body (mudras), speach (mantras) and mind
(visualisations). This way the process becomes 3 times so effective as just using one of the

Transforming the mantra-power is attracting energies from higher spiritual beings, who you can
 visualize as well. This energy you store in your heart. When healing you send this energy from
 your heart to the heart of the receiver. The mantra is repeated so many timed, that body, speech
and mind are balanced.

2. ge te - getting rid of the hindrances (transforming the cause)

The hindrances are “negative forces”, which distrubes the forstyrrer balance - harmony. inner
hindrances can be: Speculations, jalousy, anger, greed etc. They can be removed by:
1. Contacting your inner strength
 Visualize your inner strength as a very powerful person. Let this person find and remove the
hindrances in you and send the healing.
2. Find your compassionate side
Find a clean compassionate energy. Become calm in that energy. With this energy you look at
the hindrances and say: “You do not need them”.

Using the mantra-power or removing the hindrances, you balance the basic energy of the
receiver. In Tibetan healing art that is a balance between the elements:
Earth (Sanskrit - prtvi) - represented by the colour yellow.
 Water (Sanskrit - ap) - represented by the colour white.
Fire (Sanskrit - tejah) - represented by the colour red.
 Air/vind (Sanskrit - vayu) - represented by the colour green.
Space/spirit (Sanskrit - akasha) - represented by the colour blue.
 A disharmonious condition, for instance anger, is fire. Because of the fire the water does not
flow, the earth becomes dry and the air too light. These elements have to be in balance.

3. wan gu - initiation (transforming personality)

Initiations are in reality also healing. In Tibet they have 2 primary aspects - transformation and
a. Transformation: The initiation transforms many parts of the person to a higher aspect, for
instance to White Tara energy. Not all aspects can be transformed equally much.
b. Blessing:  The initiation blesses the things, which is not easily transformed. This blessing also helps
with the further spiritual development.

Lama Fera origins

Tibet is a country which has suffered greatly since it was invaded
 by China in 1949. It is currently subject to a form of ethnic
cleansing in which it is being populated by ever increasing
numbers of Chinese people who eventually will outnumber
significantly the local indigenous Tibetan population.
By this means, it will be easier for the Chinese authorities to continue their policy of eradicating
Tibetan culture. Fortunately, out of such tragedy have come positive actions. Tibet had been
one of the major centres of Buddhism and of metaphysical knowledge, and the fleeing of the
Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Lamas to India where they have established communities around
Dharamsala and elsewhere has enabled spiritual and metaphysical teachings from Tibet to filter
out into the world community.

This has included the Lama Fera healing system which was released from the Tibetan Buddhist
community in India to an Indian Energy Master in Delhi by a Tibetan Lama who practiced and
taught it. The Lama Fera system was brought subsequently to the United Kingdom by the Indian
Energy Master Rajeev Wagle in September 2001.

The Lama Fera healing system is a very sacred system because it involves the healer connecting
direct with Lord Buddha* and channelling direct the healing energy of Lord Buddha. When he
 was physically incarnate on this planet, Lord Buddha was able to develop great healing skills
following his extensive practice of meditation which enabled him to access the knowledge of the
Universal Consciousness.
 Although he is no longer in physical incarnation, it is still possible to channel his healing
energies. The repeating of special mantras helps to create sacred space for healing to take place
in and to draw down the energies of Lord Buddha into the healing situation.

*  In Tibetan Buddhism there are several Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. When we write "Lord
 Buddha" here, we mean the founder of Buddhism, who is also regarded an Ascended Master.
 As an Ascended Master he is often called Gautama Buddha, as his name were Siddhartha
Gautama, before the transformed to a Buddha. In Tibet he is normally called "Sakyamuni
 Buddha" the sage of the Sakya family.

Lama Fera - Practitioner & Teacher Training manual

 What is Lama Fera?

Lama Fera is a powerful energy healing system which has been practised by Tibetan Lamas for
many hundreds of years. The word "lama" means "teacher and equals the Sanskrit word "guru".
The word "fera" means "round", or more specifically around (the body). The Universal Life
Force energy, which in Lama Fera emanates from Lord Gautama Buddha, is channelled through
the healer and directed towards dis-ease through the use of symbols drawn with a crystal wand.
The system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditation, relieve
pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings,
overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve memory and visualisation, and
assist reconnection with the Higher Self.
Lama Fera Healing is offered in two levels, Practitioner Level and Teacher Level. This healing
system is open to anyone - there are no prerequisites, but a basic Reiki training is
Students participating in English Lama Fera training will receive a manual, a maroon robe*, a
Sketchu Mala* or string of beads, earth sticks* for isolation from Earth energies, and a crystal
 wand*. The Tibetan monks would not.

* By our Lama Fera Healing you do not need all those
tools, but you can make them yourself if you want to.
•  Maroon robe - if you want to feel a bit like a
Tibetan monk, then you can of cause wear a
maroon robe, but it has very little to do with
the energy.
•  Sketchu Mala - yes I think that you should use
a mala here - but any Tibetan mala will do. It
is useful for all things connected to Tibetan
•  Earth sticks - you can make them yourself -
 just ask your Higher Self for guidance.
• Crystal wand - you can just use a Quartz
crystal stick or similar.

 We sugest that you read the manual received, before or

 while taking the attunement.
Summarizing the 12 symbols.
There are six symbols in Practitioner lev el:

1 “Alluma” - for protection from negative energies

2 “Ammen” - for removing deep rooted fears

3 “Triyambhak” - for giving message to a person, normally drawn on third eye.

4 ”Vakratund” - drawn from throat chakra to root chakra with intention that cleasing all
negative energy collects in navel , which now is working as a laboratory trough the inspiration/-
aspiration method of Dan-Tien or Hara meditation .

5 “Nyas” - to remove the collected negative energy.

6 “Ayushi” - Used to bless, astral travel and distance Healing

The Teacher level contains six more symbols; it allows one to attune others. And it consists of
two attunements, done in a span of six hours.

To receive the Attunement as a Teacher that is the upgrade level in which you awakens Lord
Buddha’s healing power you must meditate with the figure of Buddha & the infinite compassion
of Our Lord .You could choose what Buddha’s drawings or statues you like .

Trough hearth, intent, and concentration you invokes the attunement of the master deep in
 yourself, and your teacher is sending you all the twelve symbols :

7 ”Kriyasar” - again for protection

8 “Kriyaman” - for balancing the five elements
9 “Nitya”- for balancing energies; drawn from throat to root, and then with sweeping motion the
energies are balanced at heart.
10 “Indrakshi”- cooling
11 ”Pawak” - heat
12 “Sameera”- Air
I felt while using them that they are powerful, and perhaps they can do more than what is
 written in the manual. So please experiment with them and let me know the results. One is
supposed to do "sidhikaran" of the symbols, by either drawing symbols in front or on each
chakra. But since they are very powerful, take care if you choose second path, people are said to
have their kundalini awaken by this means.

In the symbols "Alluma, Ameen and Kriyasar", we first draw the above triangle complete,
starting from top, and then draw the inverted triangle from below.

 You can use them on yourself like Reiki symbols, and to activate them it is required to practice
them on self for continuous seven days. Either draw a big symbol on yourself completely, or on
either each chakra.

The intention in using these symbols is - " Lord Budha does the healing, we are medium". And
it is for welfare of humanity and healthy society.

In Lama Fera, we normally use a crystal Pencil to draw the symbol, and then hold it pointing to
receiver, as long as we are guided to.

Healing with Lama Fera 

General Healing starts with asking the receiver to lie down. Chanting the same mantra. Then
starting from head 2 and 1/2 rounds (anti - clockwise) are taken around receiver, that is it ends
at feet of receiver, these are done using a Skechu Mala, with intention to clear the aura.

 We start with drawing Alluma on third eye and heart chakra followed by  Ameen on Third eye,
heart chakra,knees and soles. Then Vakratund from throat to root, with intention that all
negative energy collects on navel. In case some message is to be given use triyambhak . Then use
Nyas ~ 5 minutes to clean that NEGATIVE ENERGY from navel. Then closed with Vakratund by
touching soles, and crown chakra…
Finally bless the receiver with Ayushi.

This is the general procedure, but i have been experimenting with using the symbols as reiki
symbols on people and situation, specially  Ameen, Aluma, Nyas, Triyambhak, and Ayushi. Use
them well,

Many blessings
Lama Fera - A powerful Healing Technique
Tibet, as everyone knows, has always been a controversial sector. It became a topic of discussion
after the Indo-china war, The reason being the large amount of people following the Buddha
Dharma (Buddhism), Buddhism, originally belonged to Indian culture but sadly India did not
adopt Buddha culture as much as Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Japan accepted the same
culture. The Tibetans during the Indo-china war, shifted their base to India in order to retaliate
against the Chinese solder's crudities and to raise their voice. It is because of these Tibetans
settled in India, that Buddha Dharma is still alive for which the entire credit goes to these

The entire world knows that Lord Gautama Buddha had immense healing powers through
meditations which he used for healing the suffering people and today his disciples or teachers
(Lamas) have invented a many healing techniques and one of the methods is: Lama Fera.
Lama Fera is a natural and very powerful healing technique. This technique has no negative
effects because the tools being used in healings are used from outside the body. These tools have
 been given in form of a "kit" as follows >

Earth Sticks
This is a set of wooden sticks bent in a particular direction. With these sticks, the special organs
of the receiver are cut off from the Earth Energy so that the receiver gets energy directly from
the Universe which is necessary t o increase the ailment resistant powers of the receiver. It also
increases the spiritual powers very strongly.

 Burning Stick 
This is made of Aluminum tube filled with lots of crystal. The healer, with the help of this stick,
draws the Universal Life Force Energy and transforms the negative energy into positive energy
in the body of the receiver.

Sketchu Mala 
This 'Mala' is made up of the branches of a special tree found in Tibet. This is also known as
"Bodhi". In the olden days, the sanyasis used to heal the receivers with water taken out of the
'Kamandalu’. This also used to work for removal of illeffects and negative forces. This
'Kamandalu' was made up of the root of this particular tree. Now with the scarcity of these trees,
a " Mala " made up of the branches has replaced the 'Kamandalu’ made of root of the tree. The
special fragrance of this tree also acts as a hindrance to negative forces. With the used of tools to
make this mala, the fragrance gets diminished and therefore some sacred symbols are used
alone or with this to make them more effective.

Maroon Robe
This robe is put on by the healer while healing is given. There are two main reasons to use this
robe. Firstly, it has a mental and psychological effect on the receiver and secondly, the receiver
is protected from the negative forces because as per the 'Shastras’/ maroon colour is considered
 very pious. Even gods and Goddesses used to wear clothes containing maroon colour. During
 wars, a maroon coloured horse was considered the best and in today's world, during marriages
of any other auspicious occasions, this colour is considered as the ideal one. Apart from maroon,
the healer can also use other colours such as Yellow, White or 'Kesaria' (Orange).

 As explained before - in our version you do not need these tools exactly - you can make your
own using guidance from your Higher Self.
 Description of Chakras
The ancient saints have mentioned the presence of 7 (seven) chakras around the body of a
human being, which one can now see, with the help of 'Kirlian Photography'. There are basically
7 chakras* namely Root Chakra, Hara, Solar plexus, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye and
Crown chakra.

* In Tibet they know of the 7 chakras used in India, but they normally work with 5 chakras.
That way it fits into the system with the 5 elemental energies, 5 colours, 5 Buddhas etc. The
 Root and Hara chakras are regarded as one chakra and the Third Eye and Crown chakra rae
also regarded as one.

However, the flow of Universal Life Force Energy rests in the top four chakras. We, therefore,
start from the top as we explain below:

7. Crown Chakra__
It is also known as Zero - Chakra. This is indicated as
Cerebral Plexus. Place: This exists above the forehead
and is the center of all the universal powers. Shape:
This is like lotus petals of violet colour.

It is connected to the Pineal gland. By concentrating on

this chakra, one gets immortalized and achieve
salvation. This controls the left eye and crown.

6. Third Eye Chakra 

This is indicated on Medula Plexus Place :This lies
 between both the eyebrows .Shape : This is like
 white lotus with two petals. Colour: Dark blue,
This is connected to the Pituitary Gland. By
concentrating on this chakra alone, one gets the
 benefits of concentrating on all the chakras.The
third eye chakra is the instrument at in Clair-
 voyance and therefore is also known as "Trinetra'
(Third Eye).

5. Throat Chakra 
This is indicated as Carotid Plexus and lies in the throat
region. This chakra is like a lotus with 16 petals and is
of light blue colour, connected to the Thyroid gland.
This controls throat and lungs.

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