Brand Names
Brand Names
Brand Names
2.1. Practical analysis of translation brand names that are used in Internet advert from
English into Ukrainian language.........................................................................................12
2.2. Analysis of problems that appear in the process of translation brand names from
English into Ukrainian language.........................................................................................15
At present times we face with the possibility of free access to the Internet, that is
why we can get more information and cope with it. At the same time, people read a lot of
news in online newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, in order to get more information
people have to translate a lot. The necessity of translation advertisement texts is great and
constantly grows because of the open economic relations. So, we have to think about the
best ways of rendering the meaning of brand terms that are often occur in adverts.
The term paper is focused on the study of peculiar features of translation different
brand names that often occur in the adverts. We have decided to investigate the ways of
translation brand names of modern English advertisement on the basis of Internet articles.
The rationale of the paper is caused by the necessity of the translation different brand
names in order to make them clear for understanding all over the world. We have seen
that the advertising sphere has changed and developed much and presenting of some
problem, product or any other new thing may be very different as a result a lot of new
brand names appear and the necessity of their translation constantly grow. The task of
translator is to do everything possible to transfer the right meaning into Ukrainian
language and to keep the brand name.
The aim of the investigation is to analyze possible methods and ways of translation
brand names of the Internet advertisement from English into Ukrainian language.
The reach the aim of the investigation we have to do the following tasks:
The subject of the investigation – is the process of transferring brand names of the
Internet advertisement from English into Ukrainian language.
The object of the investigation – is an English advertisement with brand names of
different products.
Data sources: List of brand names, Dictionary of English neologisms.
Theoretical value of the investigation. In this course paper we have studied the
main peculiar features of the notion of translation and studied different ways of translation
advertisement texts in general and brand names in particular. This material can be used as
a background for further investigation or for the seminars of theory and practice of
Practical value of the investigation. In this course paper we have analyzed ways of
translation the brand names of the Internet advertisement from English into Ukrainian
language. The results if the investigation can be used for further researches and, at the
same time, they can help translators to avoid difficult moments in the process of
transferring meaning of brand names from English into Ukrainian language.
The paper structure. The course paper consists of the Introduction, Chapter I,
Chapter II, Conclusions after each chapter and general Conclusions, List of References,
List of Data Sources, Annex.
oral translation;
written translation.[9, p. 87]
Translation conveys the meaning of phoneme, morpheme, word, word combination,
sentence, text. To get the clear picture of above mentioned we have to give more
information and to explain how translation cope with all elements of speech and language.
Speaking about the phoneme, we have to say, that it is a speech sound. It is the
smallest language unit and has a form but has no meaning. Phonemes are graphically
represented by letters. As a rule, phonemes do not take part in the process of translation,
but they are actively used in the process of translation geographical names, proper names,
neologisms, internationalisms and units of specific national lexicon.[1, p. 43]
In the process of our investigation, we have also talk about morpheme that is the
smallest indivisible 2-facet language unit (has both form and meaning). It is the smallest
sense unit.
Speaking about the phoneme and morpheme, we have also to say about the word,
that is the basic 2-facet language unit. It is the smallest independent sense unit.
In the process of translation we also deal with word combination, that is the largest
2-facet lexical unit comprising more that 1 word.
The next we have to talk about the sentence, that is a 2-facet unit of speech which
The last point is the text that is the largest 2-facet language unit and consists of
sentences bound by the same idea.[5, p. 54]
To get the clear picture of the notion of translation, we have analyzed thoughts of
different scientists. For example, Fyodorov said that translation is an independent
linguistic discipline. He has also mentioned that translation has derived from observation
and provided some basis for future practice. At the same time Comissarov stressed that
translation theory moving in the following three directions:
the denotative;
the transformational;
the semantic.[1, p. 109]
Translation studies has the elements of humanities and social science. Moreover it
deals with the description, the systemic study of the theory and the application of
translation, interpreting or both above mentioned activities.
In the process of our investigation, we have seen that two languages are involved
into translation: the Source language and the Target Language.
The Source language (SL) – is the language of the original / the language from
which the process of translation is performed.
The Target language (TL) – is the language of the translation / the language into
which the process of translation is performed.[18, p. 54-55]
Translation is very interesting notion in modern life. First of all, open borders and
the possibility to travel freely and to lead some business makes the process of translation
more and more important. We have to mention, that through the translation of different
books, articles, speeches etc we have exchange our traditions, emotions and ideas. Still, we
have to admit that it is a very difficult process because translator should be well educated
and intelligent. He/She should not only have a great vocabulary but understand nation's
traditions and other peculiar features.
In the process of our investigation, we have also seen that there are two types of
people who work with translation: translator and interpreter. Translator is a person who
usually makes written translation and interpreter is a person who makes oral translation.
To underline everything above mentioned we can say that translation is not only a
science, it is also an art and a skill. It is an interesting but very difficult notion that requires
special knowledge and deep understanding of culture, mentality and inner world of the
nation. At the same time, we should say that the richness of vocabulary, depth and
misunderstanding in culture can make the work of translator or interpreter difficult, but
still it is very important process that help to broad our mind.
Open borders, free access to the internet, possibility to travel a lot and to lead
business increases the level of various advertisement on out TVs and on our computers.
Very often while watching the TV or just surfing the net we see various advertising texts,
pictures, posters etc. In this way, there appear the importance in their translation. Seeing
translated adverts as "contact zones" where different cultures meet, the empirical research
centres on the absorption of the "dominant's" culture into that of the "subjugated", and
focuses on the interaction of "foreign" and "native" elements in these translated adverts. It
means that in the advert people express their thoughts, ideas, culture etc. that became very
important elements in the process of translation into some other language.
Nowadays, advertising uses different media, print, television, direct mail, Internet,
radio etc. It appeals to various senses and it tightly connected with allusion, culture, music,
storytelling, striking visual images, famous celebrities, jingles etc. In the process of our
investigation, we have seen that today's advertisement is tightly connected with linguistic
studies and visual data, that is why it has become the stage for further investigation.[20, p.
We should admit, that advertisement is not a new notion and the growth of
advertising industry began to grow in the middle of the seventeenth century and now it
became more interesting and more innovative. Progress of the advertising industry brought
a new expression of simple and usual thoughts and changed the way of understanding an
advert. The usage of slang words, pictures and other visual and verbal elements made it
more difficult to translate.
In the process of our research, we have seen that it is very difficult to choose the
right method of translation and to make it clear for the public. Today we know a lot of
different ways of translation, they are the following:
can use this way only in the process of translation various logos.
At the same time we should talk about the equivalent translation, that is very
important, because helps to choose the proper equivalent in order to make it clear for the
audience in any part of the world. This method is often used when some cultural moments
are concerned in the advert. In this way the make the cultural and mental boarders lighter
translators look for proper equivalent.
As we have already said, translation is very difficult process that demands to be well
educated, intelligent and attentive. In the process of our research paper, we have analyzed
seen that translators often face with six common problematic areas in their work, they are:
lexical-semantic problems; grammar; syntax; rhetoric; and pragmatic and cultural
problems. Not to mention administrative issues, computer-related problems and stress.
First of all we have to talk about the lexical-semantic problems that can be resolved
by consulting , glossaries, dictionaries, terminology banks and experts. As a rule, problems
appear in neologisms, terminology alternatives contextual synonyms, semantic gaps and
antonyms, semantic contiguity and lexical networks. To avoid this problem translators
very often choose the equivalent translation and used proper substitution, or when we talk
about some neologisms, they can use word-for-word translation and express the meaning
of the advert in this way.
After that, we have to talk about the grammatical problems, which include,
questions of temporality, aspectuality (the appearance indicates how the process is
represented or the state expressed by the verb from the point of view of its development,
as opposed to time itself), pronouns, and whether to make explicit the subject pronoun or
not. In comparison with Ukrainian language, we should admit one more question - the
article in English language and the absence of the article in Ukrainian one. At the same
time, very often appear problems in Tense expressions, in Passive Voice, Conditionals etc.
But with the help of translator's knowledge, the right choice of the translational method the
aim could be achieved.[9, p. 69-70]
In the process of our investigation, we have also seen that a lot of translators face
with syntactical problems. As a rule, they may originate in syntactic parallels, the focus
(the point of view from which a story is organized), or even rhetorical figures of speech,
such as a hyperbaton (the inversion of the natural order of speech) or an anaphora
(repetition of a word or segment at the beginning of a line or a phrase), direction of the
passive voice and many others.[6, p. 73]
At the same time, we should talk about the rhetorical problems. They are related to
the identification and recreation of figures of thought (comparison, metonymy, metaphor,
oxymoron, synecdoche, paradox, etc.) and diction. In this way the translator should be
well educated and understand all the peculiarities of set-phrases or phraseological units in
order to make the proper translation.
In order to get the clear picture of all the translational problems in general and
problems in advertisement translation in particular we also have to talk about the
pragmatic problems. In the process of analysis we have seen, that they arise with the
difference in the formal and informal modes of address using “you”. This pronoun is very
often used in idiomatic phrases, irony, sayings, humor and sarcasm. These difficulties can
also include other challenges; for example, in the translation of a marketing text from
English into French, specifically with the translation of the personal pronoun “you”. The
translator must decide whether the formal or the informal “you” is more appropriate, a
decision which is not always clear.[2, p. 124]
Moreover, we have to say about the cultural problems. They often arise on the
background of differences between cultural references. They often connected with the
names of festivals, food, national clothes, music etc. The translator will use language
localization to correctly adapt the translation to the culture targeted.
To conclude above mentioned, we have to say, that a lot of various problems appear
in the process of translation. It is very important for the translator to be well educated and
know cultural, mental, historical peculiarities of the certain nation. All the difficult
moments can be solved with the help of proper translational methods. As a rule, translators
work with word-for-word translation, substitution, equivalent translation, substitution etc
and do everything possible to make the source language text quite understandable in target
2.1. Practical analysis of translation brand names that are used in Internet advert
from English into Ukrainian language
In the process of our investigation we have paid attention to the peculiar features of
translation brand names that are often occur in Internet advertisement. First of all, we think
that it is important to give the definition of the notion brand. So, brand is a name, term,
design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its
rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising.
In the process of analysis the peculiar features of the translation brand names that
are commonly used in the Internet advert from English into Ukrainian language we have
seen that translators use very narrow methods of translation. In order to get the clear
picture of above mentioned information we need to analyze several vivid examples and
see what methods of translation often used for reproduction of the brand names.
Moreover, during our research, , we have to admit that brand names are very often
occur in the Internet space. Even when we watch some films or just surf the net we face
with various adverts that have the names of certain brand. In accordance to open boarders
and open economic relations there is a tendency of trade relations that cause the
appearance of various brands in Ukraine too. That is why the question of their translation
is very urgent and important. In order to get the clear picture of the peculiarities of brand
names' translation we have to analyze the following examples:
"In a Beautiful story you can find presents for any event." [26]- "У Красивій
Історії ви можете знайти подарунки на будь яку подію." - in the above
mentioned example we have seen the usage of word for word translation and
even taking to the consideration the brand name, it was also translated into
Ukrainian language with the help of this translational method. In this way, we
see the possibility of such translation which helps to make it clear and proper.
"A Child of the Jago - is a magic place for kids where they can play with toys
before buying them."[29] - "Діти Джаго - це магічне місце для дітей, де
вони можуть грати іграшками перш ніж їх купити." - in the process of
above mentioned example, we have seen the usage of words for words and
transcriptional translation of the brand name. Still, we should say that such
transformations positively influenced the cognitive sense of the sentence.
"A'MOI is the paradise for each women"[29] - "A'MOI - це рай для кожної
жінки." - taking to the consideration the above mentioned example, we have
seen that the translator in order to translate brand mane properly used the
original name with its authentic sounding.
"The brand shop A QUESTION OF offers great variety of women's
underwear."[27] - "Брендовий магазин A QUESTION OF пропонує
широкий вибір жіночої білизни." - in the above mentioned example we
have seen the usage of the brand name which was not translated only
transfered into Ukrainian language in its original shape and form.
"Clothes from A.Brand are not only bright but very comfortable to wear."
[30]- "Одяг від А.Бренд не лише яскравий, але й зручний." - in this
sentence we have seen the usage of brand name that was shown in Ukrainian
language with the help of transliteration. In this way we have the adequate
translation which helps to show the original form of the expression.
"A.D.E.L.E 1961 has shown the new collection of clothes."[28] - "A.D.E.L.E
1961 презентувала свою нову колекцію одягу." - paying attention to the
above mentioned sentence, we have seen that translator decided to save the
abbreviation form and do not do any other additional explanation.
"A.P.C. is for confident women."[29] - " A.P.C. для впевнених жінок." - in
this sentence we see the usage of saving the brand name without its
translation. In this way we can see the usage of its real name and because of
its popularity, we can talk about the understanding of its brand name without
any additional explenations.
transcriptional method
- 40%
methods of
transliteration - 20%
word for word
transaltion - 20%
descriptive method -
other methods - 10%
Paying attention to the above mentioned data we have seen that the most frequently
used is the method of transcriptional translation, which helps to save the sounding of the
original brand name. On the second place we have put the method of transliteration and
word for word translation that help to transfer the proper meaning of the brand name. After
that comes the descriptive method that gives some additional information in order to make
the proper translation of certain brand. On the last place we have put other methods of
translation brand names which often occur in the Internet adverts.
In the process of the research, we have also seen that brand names are too difficult
to translate. One of the reasons is that they can be also explained as proper names of
certain organization and proper names are not translated as any other words or linguistic
units. Furthermore, we have to say that translator should be well known in all common
labels of different spheres in order to make the adequate and full translation.
To conclude, we have to say that the process of representation brand and label
names that are often occur in the Internet advertisement is a difficult process but at the
same time it gives the possibility to the translator to choose the best method in order to
make the right translation. Still, we have to say that translator should be well educated and
quite professional in order to make translation on such proper manes right and
2.2. Analysis of problems that appear in the process of translation brand names from
English into Ukrainian language
The translation of brand names in the Internet advert is immersed in a great doubt.
This is the reason why we are going to unite the current trends to delimit which one is
more adequate for the translation of our corpus of examples. The aim is to show the need
for a consistent theory in the translation of brand names. To reach the aim above we need,
first of all, to draw a theoretical framework that allows us to know all the different trends
about the translation of brand names. This theoretical framework has two key points: the
first one deals with the meaning of brand names and the second one with the delimitation
of the different options of translation. Once the theoretical framework is established, we
need to work with a group of brand names that are taken from the Internet adverts.
In the process of investigation, we have seen, that brand names are usually divided
into four main groups attending to the advert universe they can create: names of goods,
places, things and services. We are going to focus on the names of brands from different
points of view and analyze how each type of brand names is translated into Ukrainian
To get the clear picture we have analyzed fifteen examples and see the problems in
the process of their translation. Still, we should stress that problems appear on the lexical,
grammatical, stylistical and grammatical lawyers. Here are the following examples:
Taking to the consideration the above mentioned examples, we have seen that it is
very difficult to translate brand names into Ukrainian language. It is very important to be
very attentive while translation. Still, there happen some problems on the context of the
name itself, grammar, syntax and stylistics. Thus, everything could be easily overcome
with the help of certain choice of the translational method. Moreover, we have to made the
following diagram in order to show the peculiar changes and problems in percentage:
The main problems that occur in the process of translation brand names that often
occur in the Internet advert from English into Ukrainian language
lexical - 30%
grammatical - 30%
syntax - 10%
stylistics - 10%
cognitive - 10%
other problems - 10%
Still, we have to say that those problems are less important because the main task is
to show the name of the brand properly. We think that if the brand name is popular all
over the world there would not be any troubles and the translator would overcome
grammatical, lexical, syntax, cognitive and other problems
To conclude, we have to say that the process of translation brand names that often
used in the Internet adverts is very difficult task. One more positive thing is that in the
Internet adverts are short and easy to understand and to transfer into Ukrainian language.
In the process of the investigation, we have seen that very often translators try to look for
some transliteration method of translation or just save the same meaning in order to avoid
some misunderstandings. At the same time, we suppose it is important to admit the
professional job of the translator and stress our attention into his experience and
knowledge. A lot depends of the translator ideas and thoughts. Still, the process of
translation various brand names is interesting but sometimes complicated task.
In the process of our investigation we have seen that translation is one of the most
important things that helps not only to communicate but get some new information and
knowledge. The rise of different political and social moves makes the process of
translation even more important because it helps to spread certain information all over the
While our research we have analyzed the translation as a certain notion and we have
seen that it is very complicated think that requires special knowledge and certain
experience. In this research paper we have analyzed the notions of source language and
the notion of target language. Also we have discussed the work of translator and the work
of interpreter. At the same time, we have to say, that there are known different methods
and ways of translation and translator can choose the best variant in order to transfer the
information from source language into a target one.
The background for our research was chosen the names of brands that are often occur
on the Internet advertisement. We have worked with professional web-sites where we have
found a lot of examples of such adverts. In the process of analysis, we have seen that there
are a lot of brand names that can be divided into the following categories: brand names of
goods, services, places and things.
In the process of investigation we have reached the aim of the research and analyzed
possible methods and ways of translation brand names of the Internet advertisement from
English into Ukrainian language.
The reach the aim of the investigation we have done the following tasks:
analyzed the problems that appear in the process of translation brand names from
English into Ukrainian language.
We have convinced that there are appear certain lexical and grammatical problems
in the process of translation brand names from English into Ukrainian language. But all
those problematic questions can be overcome with the help of proper translational methods
and knowledge of the translator.
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