Global Assessment of Soil Pollution: Summary For Policy Makers
Global Assessment of Soil Pollution: Summary For Policy Makers
Global Assessment of Soil Pollution: Summary For Policy Makers
Summary for
policy makers
Pb Cs
Hg Cu
Cd As
Summary for
policy makers
Published by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
the United Nations Environment Programme
Rome, 2021
Required citation:
FAO and UNEP. 2021. Global assessment of soil pollution - Summary for policy makers. Rome, FAO.
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ISBN 978-92-5-134448-4
© FAO, 2021
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Abbreviations and acronyms XVII
Executive summary XVIII
Soil contaminants: properties, sources and health effects 1
Inorganic contaminants 3
Trace elements 3
Organic contaminants 4
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 4
Volatile organic compounds 5
Phenols, chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols 5
Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds 7
Polychlorinated biphenyls 7
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers 7
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances 7
Emerging contaminants 9
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) 9
Plastics and synthetic polymers 9
Phthalates and other plasticizers 9
Impacts of soil pollution on ecosystems 11
Soil pollution impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and the food chain 12
Soil pollution impacts on aquatic ecosystems 14
Socioeconomic impacts of soil pollution 15
Regional status and trends of soil pollution 17
Asia and the Pacific 18
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Eurasia) 21
Latin America and the Caribbean 28
Near East and North Africa 31
North America 33
Sub-Saharan Africa 36
Actions to tackle soil pollution 39
Governance and legal frameworks to tackle soil pollution 39
Improved knowledge, monitoring and reporting 42
Management of soil contamination and pollution 42
Management of soils as a source of pollution 45
Priority Actions to prevent and halt soil pollution and to remediate polluted soils 46
Knowledge gaps 46
Awareness-raising and communication 46
Regional cooperation 48
©Achim Constantin
Contributors and revised by Muhammad Shahid (Pakistan), Natasha
(Pakistan), Duangporn Kantachote (Thailand), Peerapat
Kosolsaksakul (Thailand) and Oramas Suttinun
All names listed here are presented in alphabetic order. (Thailand)
Chapter 5. Global status and trends of soil pollution Chapter 12. Status of soil pollution in sub-Saharan
Lead author: Bernd M. Bussian (FAO-GSP), Natalia
Rodríguez Eugenio (FAO-GSP), and Hugo Bourhis Lead author: Mariné Pienaar Blaauw (South Africa)
(FAO-GSP) Acknowledgements: Andrew McCartor (United States),
Brandon McGugan (South Africa), Chung Tran (UNIDO)
Chapter 6. Status of soil pollution in Asia and the
Pacific Chapter 13. Actions to tackle soil pollution
Lead author: Ravi Naidu (Australia) and Bhabananda Lead author: Richard Thompson (FAO-GSP)
Biswas (Australia) Contributing authors: Diego Arán (Spain), Pilar Bernal
Contributing authors: Zueng-Sang Chen (Taiwan), (Spain), Bhabananda Biswas (Australia), Andrea Ceci
(Italy), Giada Migliore (Italy), Ravi Naidu (Australia),
Island countries), Jeonggwan Kim and Kihwan Lee Erika Santos (Portugal), Pavlos Tyrologou (Greece),
(The Republic of Korea), Mohammad Mahmudur Donato Visconti (Italy), Susan C. Wilson (Australia),
Rahman (Bangladesh), Tanapon Phenrat (Thailand and Mojtaba Yahyaabadi (Iran)
Myanmar), Nabeel Khan Niazi (Pakistan), and M.A. Case studies (Company and place of intervention):
Ayanka Wijayawardena (Sri Lanka) Terratherm/Cascade (United States, Viet Nam), EDL
Acknowledgements: Some contents have been provided (New Zealand, Viet Nam), Regenesis (United Kingdom,
United States, Italy), B&A (Italy), Ambiente (Italy), Nuo
(Italy), Mares Q8 (Italy), BAW (Italy), Teseco (Italy),
PeroxyChem (Italy), TopNetwork (Italy), Haemers
Technologies (Italy, France, West Africa), Veolia GRS
Valtech (France, Morocco, Italy, Serbia, Switzerland),
Veolia Kruger (Denmark), Veolia MPPE (Germany),
Green Soil (Belgium), Bio2X/Fortum (India)
Editorial Board
Samuel Francke-Campaña (Chile), Ellen Graber
(Israel), Edmon Hien (Burkina Faso), Jin Ke (China),
Generose Nziguheba (Burundi), Ashok Patra (India),
Gary Pierzynski (United States), Peter de Ruiter (The
Art direction
Matteo Sala (FAO-GSP)
Contributors VII
1 The UNEA is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment. Created in June 2012 at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development (Rio+20), the Assembly convenes all 193 UN Member States to tackle our most critical global environmental challenges. Through its resolutions and calls
to action, it provides the global leadership and inter-governmental action so critical to the health of our planet.
Table 1. Relationships
between the Sustainable
1.1 By 2030, eradicate
extreme poverty for all
2.4 By 2030, ensure
sustainable food production
3.4 By 2030, reduce by one
third premature mortality from
Development Goals and soil people everywhere, systems and implement non-communicable diseases
pollution currently measured as resilient agricultural practices through prevention and
people living on less than that increase productivity and treatment and promote mental
$1.25 a day production, that help health and well-being
maintain ecosystems, that
strengthen capacity for
adaptation to climate change,
3.9 By 2030, substantially
reduce the number of deaths
extreme weather, drought, and illnesses from hazardous
flooding and other disasters chemicals and air, water and soil
and that progressively pollution and contamination
improve land and soil quality
Targets releva
About 79 per cent of Soil pollution affects soil Soil pollution is closely
people living in extreme security by reducing crop linked to a great variety
poverty live in rural areas yields, hampering the of diseases. WHO
and depend heavily on quantity and the quality estimates that about
natural resources for their of the food produced. sixteen percent of total
livelihoods, mostly Soil pollution also global mortality is
through agriculture. Soil degrades soil structure attributed to
pollution reduces crop and organic carbon environmental
yields and quality, content, thereby pollution-related
leading to reduced reducing the resilience of diseases (including
incomes for rural terrestrial landscapes to water, air and soil
populations and flooding and drought, pollution). However, the
exacerbating the burden and ability to contribute burden of disease
of contaminants. to climate change attributed solely to soil
adaptation and pollution and soil-borne
mitigation. diseases remains largely
unknown and may be
greatly underestimated.
Links between S
5.5 Ensure women’s full
and effective participation
6.3 By 2030, improve
water quality by reducing
7.2 By 2030, increase
substantially the share of
8.4 Improve progressively,
through 2030, global resource
and equal opportunities for pollution, eliminating dumping renewable energy in the efficiency in consumption and
leadership at all levels of and minimizing release of global energy mix production and endeavour to
decision-making in political, hazardous chemicals and decouple economic growth
economic and public life materials, halving the from environmental
proportion of untreated degradation, in accordance
wastewater and substantially with the 10-year framework of
increasing recycling and safe programmes on sustainable
reuse globally consumption and production,
with developed countries
taking the lead
10.1 By 2030,
progressively achieve
11.2 By 2030, provide
access to safe, affordable,
12.2 By 2030, achieve
the sustainable management
13.1 Strengthen resilience
and adaptive capacity to
and sustain income accessible and sustainable and efficient use of natural climate-related hazards and
growth of the bottom 40 transport systems for all, resources natural disasters in all countries
per cent of the
population at a rate
higher than the national
improving road safety,
notably by expanding public
transport, with special
12.4 By 2020, achieve
the environmentally sound
average attention to the needs of management of chemicals
those in vulnerable and all wastes throughout
situations, women, children, their life cycle, in accordance
persons with disabilities with agreed international
and older persons frameworks, and significantly
to s
the adverse per capita minimize their adverse
environmental impact of impacts on human health and
cities, including by paying the environment
special attention to air
quality and municipal and
other waste management
12.5 By 2030,
substantially reduce waste
generation through
prevention, reduction,
recycling and reuse
Soil pollution will lead to Transport and poor waste Modern production and Unsustainable
the reduction of management are two of consumption patterns agriculture is one of the
productive agricultural the main causes of soil based on the rapid main causes of soil
land, crop yields and pollution in urban areas. obsolescence of products pollution and also has a
quality, which will By promoting sustainable have led to an incessant major impact on climate
ultimately result in lower systems for all and production of waste and change. Some 109
incomes for rural reducing the the excessive extraction million tonnes of
populations that already environmental impact of of raw materials. The synthetic nitrogen
face extreme poverty. cities, soil pollution in world produces more fertilisers were applied
Human health impacts cities can be reduced and than 2 billion tonnes of worldwide in 2018. The
that disproportionately a healthier environment solid waste annually. excess nitrogen alters
affect poorer created. While some of this waste biological cycles in soil
populations/communities Urban green spaces is stored, recycled and and is released into the
due to soil pollution present great reused, much of it is not atmosphere in the form
reduce human capacity to opportunities for properly managed and of N2O, resulting in
improve their economic personal and social often ends up polluting emissions of 700 000 CO2
circumstances. development, and the environment, equivalents. In 2017,
human health and including the soil. With agriculture emissions
well-being, but if rapid population growth accounted for 20 percent
polluted they will be a and urbanization, annual of all human activities.
further route for waste generation is
contaminants to enter the projected to increase to
body. 3.4 billion tonnes in
2050. Unsustainable
waste management
represents the main
source of soil pollution in
some countries,
especially in the Global
14.1 By 2025, prevent
and significantly reduce
15.3 By 2020, promote
the implementation of
16.3 Promote the rule
of law at the national and
17.7 Promote the
development, transfer,
marine pollution of all kinds, sustainable management of all international levels and dissemination and diffusion of
in particular from land-based types of forests, halt ensure equal access to justice environmentally sound
activities, including marine deforestation, restore for all technologies to developing
debris and nutrient pollution degraded forests and
substantially increase
afforestation and reforestation
16.7 Ensure responsive,
inclusive, participatory and
countries on favourable terms,
including on concessional and
preferential terms, as mutually
globally representative decision agreed
gets relevant
-making at all levels
17.9 Enhance
international support for
implementing effective and
targeted capacity-building in
soil pollution
developing countries to support
national plans to implement all
the sustainable development
goals, including through
North-South, South-South and
triangular cooperation
About 80 percent of Soil pollution causes a Minority ethnic groups Developed countries are
marine pollution comes chain reaction in and the poorest and most more advanced in the
from land-based activities. terrestrial ecosystems, vulnerable are most development of
Erosion of polluted soils starting with the affected by soil pollution. technologies to detect
contributes plastics, contamination of plants These groups have less emerging contaminants,
nutrients and organic growing in the polluted access to justice and often innovative
chemicals which are soil, and then continuing suffer discrimination and environmentally friendly
contaminants of concern through the food chain to multiple forms of racism. industrial production and
in marine ecosystems. humans, resulting in Environmental soil pollution
contamination of entire inequalities exist in both remediation
ecosystems. Heavily developing and technologies, and
polluted soils also result developed countries and therefore need to actively
in soil degradation, are fostered by a lack of collaborate in the transfer
increasing susceptibility to information and data on of knowledge.
erosion and thinning of the state of the
forest cover. environment, which limits
the capacity of affected
populations to react, act
and decide.
1 Acceptance of the UNEA3
mandate and discussion of the
Coordination Team
Feb 202
Dec 201
Awareness raising
Jan 2
11 Editing
activities on soil
and production
Jan 2
pollution and
celebration of the Wold
Soil Day campaign "be
v2 the solution to soil
Oc 02
t2 0 18 pollution"
0 r 20
Se Ap
p2 18
02 y 20
Aug 2
Organization of the
202 8
Global Symposium on Soil
0 Pollution (FAO/GSP, UNEP, Jun
WHO, BRS Conventions)
Jul 2 and launch of the
020 18
preliminary report "Soil Jul 20
pollution: a hidden reality"
(FAO, 2018)
Jun 2020
Aug 2018
4 Development
of questionnaire
May 2020 (93 questions Sep 2018
organized in 12
0 Oct 201
Apr 202 8
6 Organization of the side
0 event "Innovative actions Nov
202 201
Mar towards a pollution 8
9 Drafting free-planet: Implementing
0 the UNEA-3 resolution De
of the report c2
on soil pollution" 018
Feb at UNEA4
n 20 20
Review of
Distribution of the
Editorial Board
questionnaire among
Jun 2019
Jul 2019
Sep 2
7 Constitution of the
Editorial Board, regional
8 Collection expert teams and chapter
of responses and lead authors
literature review
Figure 1. Timeline and main milestones of the development of the Global Assessment of Soil Pollution report
Abbreviations and MSW Municipal solid waste
EPA Environment Protection Agency PPCP Pharmaceuticals and personal care products
International Union of Pure and Applied Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil
Chemistry Management
JRC Joint Research Centre, European Commission VOCs Volatile organic compounds
Latin America and the Caribbean Soil WHO World Health Organization
Executive summary
7. The main sources of contaminants contributing
to soil pollution (in order of importance) are
12. Given the large amount of contaminants,
the variety of their physical-chemical characteristics
17. Remediation of soil pollution is a
technically complex and costly undertaking, ranging
and their multiple interactions with the soil (which from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of
determine the fate of contaminants) estimating USD per year. The cost of remediation varies from
the load of contaminants is complex. Scientific site to site depending on the characteristics of the
knowledge on the fate of emerging contaminants site, the type of contaminants and their concentration,
is yet lacking. This makes establishing distribution the environmental compartments affected (e.g.
models at a global level very difficult in the absence of topsoil, groundwater, surface water), the protective
regular systematic analysis in soil laboratories (which measures to be taken to protect the population during
are more focused on the agronomic part of soils) and the remediation work, and the post-remediation land
monitoring systems in many countries of the world. use, as well as the technology chosen.
Figure 2. Systematic categorization of the main pollutants in soils according to IUPAC (Nič et al., 2009). Halogenated compounds
comprise fluorinated, chlorinated, and brominated compounds
Source: adapted from Swartjes, 2011
Incorporation Burial by
into fluvial successive
sediments floods
Physical Sorption/
occlusion desorption
Na+ degradation
Ca Mg+
PO43- Mn+
CO23- Eh
Ion exchange SiO42- Volatilization
Precipitation Redox
Asbestos is a generic term for a wide range of naturally Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
occurring hydrated mineral silicate fibres belonging to
PAHs are compounds containing only carbon and
the serpentine and amphibole groups of rock-forming
hydrogen. There are several thousand possible PAHs,
minerals. Asbestos has been widely used in a variety of
released by natural events like volcano eruptions or
construction materials. All types of asbestos fibres are
forest fires or through a wide range of past and current
potentially harmful to human health but effects depend on
anthropogenic activities such as production and
the type of asbestos material, its use, condition, location
Figure 4. Main effects of soil contaminants on human health, indicating the organs or systems affected and the contaminants
causing them
Source: created from information in ATSDR, 2018; Campanale et al., 2020; Carré et al., 2017 and references cited in Table 2 of Chapter 4 of the full report
ion Clim
strat ate
e reg
se ula
on tio
arb n
imbalance due
to alterations in
Reduced and filtering soil biodiversity
inputs of capacity and loads of
d, f
organic nutrients
nt c
Higher GHG
ion o
to climate
P Ca
Reduced S Zn
crop K
yields and loss of
and biomass
tat for
cover and
Polluted soils are
agricultural and
recreational uses
Promotion of
resistance and
loss of genetic Flo
inf Fou s
ras ical
tru ndatio ac eut es
ctur n rm ourc
e an for human f pha
d aes Source o netic res
thetic va
lues and ge
Figure 5. Soil pollution causes a cycle of degradation processes that leads to the reduction and ultimately to the loss of
ecosystem services
Eaten by earthworm
weight loss & death
at high exposure Trophic
Transport down from transfers
surface by soil biota
Gut microbes
degrade contaminants
and rhizosfere
degradation Uptake of Gut Inflammation
Remobilization of Formation of biofilms or
contaminants with alteration of microbial
earthworm feces communities
Figure 6. Contaminants’ transference into the terrestrial food web from the soil to pastures and crops, which are ingested by
wildlife, livestock and humans, or from the soil to invertebrates, ingested by birds and poultry and ultimately transferred to
Source: adapted from Ng et al., 2018
©FAO/Matteo Sala
Precipitation, floods, snowmelt, and irrigation increase the water content in soil pores and, once soil is saturated, can
lead to waterlogging of flat areas and run-off on slopes. Dissolved organic matter, fine particles, and sorbed contaminants
are carried by runoff water and can reach nearby wetlands, rivers and lakes, and ultimately be transported to seas and
oceans (Shi and Schulin, 2018). Climate change exacerbates these processes, increasing the risk of contamination of
the aquatic environment by land-based activities (Figure 7).
Lightning nitrogen (N2)
Rain from industrial
combustion and
gasoline engines
NO → N2O
Fossil fuels
Denitrification Fertilizer
Dead animals
and plants
fixing Nitrates (NO3-)
in root
nodules Decomposers
(bacteria and fungi)
Nitrogen Nitrites (NO2-)
fixing bacteria Leaching to
in soil Ammonification groundwater
Ammonium (NH4+)
and ammonia (NH3)
Human activities
Natural activities
Figure 7. Processes in the terrestrial environment exacerbated by climate change that enhance the impact of soil pollution on the
aquatic environment
Source: adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020; Lehnert et al., 2015
economic losses
Decreased due to soil
crop yields pollution Loss of
To assess the regional extent of current soil pollution, the last decade through the Status of the World’s Soil
two methodologies were adopted. First, a questionnaire Resources report (FAO and ITPS, 2015), the Proceedings
developed by the leading United Nations agencies was of the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution 2018 (FAO,
sent to countries through the Global Soil Partnership 2018b), and the publication Soil pollution: a hidden
(GSP) Focal Points and partners’ networks as well as the reality (Rodríguez Eugenio, McLaughlin and Pennock,
UNEP network. The questionnaire (included in Annex 1 2018) that accompanied the 2018 Symposium.
of the main report) was used to gather information about For several regions, a major source of information is
national and regional legislation, the main polluting the database of the Toxic Sites Identification Program
activities as perceived by the government agencies, and (TSIP, Pure Earth, 2020). The TSIP was initiated by
existing data on soil pollution in inventories and soil the Blacksmith Institute (now Pure Earth/Blacksmith
monitoring systems, as well as monitoring systems related Institute) in 2005 with the goal of identifying and
to human health. Second, the authors gathered publicly screening toxic sites in low- and middle-income countries.
available information from a broad range of sources, The TSIP has assessed nearly 5 000 sites in 50 countries.
including reports from international organizations, The TSIP is not intended to be a comprehensive inventory
regional and national agencies, environmental of contaminated sites but is rather an effort to begin to
organizations, and scientific literature. This report also understand the scope of the problem.
complements existing relevant data collected during
The Asia and Pacific region covers 41 countries in four sub-regions: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the
Pacific. Some details of the main sources of soil pollution in Asia and the Pacific and their distribution in the region are
shown below (Figure 10).
Urban settings,
transport and
municipal waste
Agriculture activities
Geogenic Nuclear
sources activity
Figure 10. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in Asia and the Pacific
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
The Eurasian region covers an area of about 2 million hectares with an estimated population of 239.8 million people.
According to political and cultural differences, geographical location and socio-economic background, the 12
countries can be divided into three sub-regions: Eastern European countries (Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the
Russian Federation and Ukraine), Caucasus republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia), and Central Asian countries
(Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan).
Eurasia has an array of soil pollution problems primarily dating from activities carried out in the former Soviet Union, of
which all of the Eurasian countries were a part prior to its collapse in 1991. The soils of Eurasia could be regarded as
strongly polluted due to the intensive and rapid industrial development of the Soviet Union, excessive militarization of
some areas, and the imbalanced use of agrochemicals (FAO, 2018b). Some details of the main sources of soil pollution
in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia and their distribution in the region are shown below (Figure 11).
Industrial Mining
Urban settings, activity
transport and
municipal waste Oil
treatment industry
Figure 11. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
The European chapter presents the situation and trends of soil pollution in the 27 Member States of the European
Union (EU) and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Israel, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The region has a total population of about 550 million and is relatively
homogeneous in terms of development and income.
The main source of information on the state of soils and the environment in 37 of the 38 countries are the regular reports
and indicators of the European Environment Agency and the European Environment Information and Observation
Network (EIONET). For Israel, scientific literature has been reviewed.
In Europe, there are about 650 000 sites identified as potentially polluted and that are inserted in national and/or
regional inventories. Some details of the main sources of soil pollution in Europe and their distribution in the region
are shown below (Figure 12).
Urban settings,
transport and
municipal waste
Industrial Agriculture
Mining activities
Figure 12. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in Europe
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
©Unsplash/Frederic Paulussen
The Latin American and the Caribbean region includes 43 countries and territories. The countries in the region can be
grouped into three sub-regions: the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2019) indicated that the region has the
highest inequality in the world, especially with regard to access to healthcare and the exercise of political, economic,
social, and cultural rights.
Some details of the main sources of soil pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean and their distribution in the
region are shown below (Figure 13).
Agriculture Mining
Urban settings,
transport and
municipal waste
Figure 13. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
Informal Global
recycling warming
and Health issues
Waste fractions
Open dumping Open burning
Used tires
solid waste
Waste of electric
and electronic
Healthcare equipment
Used batteries and
Construction and other hazardous
demolition waste waste
Figure 14. Possible source of solid waste and their impact on human and environment
Source: adapted from Ferronato and Torretta, 2019
The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region consists of 20 countries. These include Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran
(Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
The total population in the NENA region is over 485 million people, of which rural populations represent approximately
38 percent, although for some countries this percentage is significantly less. The gross domestic products in the NENA
region also differ widely between countries. With a significant part of its territory either desert or degraded lands (more
than 80 percent by area), the NENA region has a low proportion of productive soils, and the dispersion of contaminants
by dust transport is a particular concern in this region. Some details of the main sources of soil pollution in Near East
and North Africa and their distribution in the region are shown below (Figure 15).
Industrial industry
Urban settings,
transport and
municipal waste
Figure 15. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in Near East and North Africa
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
The North America region includes the United States of America (US) and Canada. The United States of America and
Canada are large countries (9.83 million km2 and 9.98 million km2, respectively) with highly developed, diversified,
economies with large resource extraction, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. Similar economies and levels
of development have led to similar soil pollution sources and extent. There are thousands of polluted sites in both
countries, of varying size and significance, in settings ranging from abandoned buildings in inner cities to large areas
polluted with toxic materials from past industrial or mining activities.
In 2017, United States of America EPA and its state partners reported monitoring approximately 640 000 to 1 319
100 facilities to prevent releases to communities. The monitoring programme only cover sites currently producing
potential contaminants and not legacy sites or areas polluted by nonpoint sources. In July 2019, there were 23 663
federal sites included in Canada’s Federal Inventory of Contaminated Sites, with 16 845 sites listed as closed because
remediation is not feasible. Some details of the main sources of soil pollution in North America and their distribution in
the region are shown below (Figure 16).
Urban settings,
transport and
Agriculture municipal waste
Geogenic Oil
sources industry
Figure 16. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in North America
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa includes 48 African countries that either are located south of the Sahara desert or include a portion
of the desert in the more northern parts of these countries.
The region has experienced dramatic population growth, from an estimated 227 million in 1960 to 1.08 billion people
in 2018. Africa’s urban population increased by 2 000 percent between 1950 and 2015. In contrast to developed
countries and several developing countries, the rapid urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in the absence of
the conventional land-use zoning approach, and people have settled in areas directly next to industrial areas, mines or
agricultural processing facilities to be in close proximity to areas with employment opportunities. This poses significant
threats to human health in areas with polluted soils. A particular risk factor in sub-Saharan Africa is the practice of
geophagy (deliberate ingestion of soil).
No large-scale regional assessment of soil pollution has yet been conducted for the region. Reports on trace
elements’ contamination and pollution dominates the information available about known and emerging
contaminants and other major contaminants include pesticides, hydrocarbons and PCBs. Some details of the main
sources of soil pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and their distribution in the region are shown below (Figure 17).
Urban settings,
transport and
municipal waste
Mining treatment
Figure 17. Hierarchical chart showing the main sources of soil pollution in sub-Saharan African
The boxes represent an estimate of the relative importance of each source as perceived by regional experts, and their size is related to their relative importance. The
larger the size, the greater the relative importance
Map source: UN, 2020, modified according to the GSP Regional Soil Partnership organization
Agricultural activities in the region have also been a source
of soil pollution. Chemicals such as hazardous pesticides,
persistent organic pollutants and products containing
trace elements such as lead and mercury are still used in
the region, to the detriment of both environmental and
human health. While the use of these toxic chemicals is
banned or controlled in developed countries, their illegal
dumping in Africa provides a significant challenge for the
management of environmental pollution.
©Pexels/Vlad Chean
NO • Regulatory
Is there a preferred
remediation • Remediation
option? (pilot trials may be options assessment
• Technology guides
• Cost-benefit and
Develop remediation analysis of
action plan and / or site remediation
management plan alternatives
Regulator approval
(if required) YES
Perform remediation
• Long-term
NO monitoring
Stakeholder engagement
• Role of auditing
Is long-term monitoring Develop site
Health and safety
Implement long-term
and / or institutional
Figure 18. Stages in the remediation of site pollution according to National Remediation Framework guideline
Source: CRC CARE, 2018
Trace elements
Organic contaminant
Non-toxic or less toxic
organic compounds
Volatile compounds
Microorganisms (degraders) Contaminants uptake
Figure 19. Plant mechanisms for the uptake and stabilization of organic and inorganic contaminants
Source: adapted from Gómez-Sagasti et al., 2012; ITRC, 2009; Tangahu et al., 2011
©FAO/Matteo Sala
• Prevention
• Personal
REDUCE • Household
• Community
Information and
• Business
campaigns are
needed for REUSE • Conservation and repair
effective • 2nd hand market
• Selective separation and collection
RECYCLE • Recovering of materials
• Composting
Priority Actions to prevent and halt soil pollution and to remediate polluted soils 47
Regional cooperation
• Facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge through international events and promote the publication of
information in open access sources.
• Advocate for technology transfer and cross-capacity building for the whole cycle of soil pollution, from prevention
to detection, monitoring, management, and remediation, from regions and countries with high expertise and
experience on soil pollution to countries with less or no expertise in the topic (Figure 21).
• Build and strengthen transboundary monitoring networks to prevent, manage, and remediate diffuse pollution.
• Establish a global training programme for developing capacities on the full cycle of soil pollution.
Information and Lack of qualified The right The right Technical
knowledge staff to conduct machinery/ machinery/ solutions for
support is not soil sampling, soil technology for technology for remedying
available contaminants analysing soil remedying polluted soils
analysis and soil contaminants polluted soils are not mature
pollution is not is not (additional
mapping available in available in research is
your country your country required)
Figure 21. Technical barriers to the abatement of soil pollution according to the perception of the experts who contributed to the
preparation of this report
Priority Actions to prevent and halt soil pollution and to remediate polluted soils 49
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©FAO/Matteo Sala
Biomagnification. The enrichment of a chemical/ Mutagenicity. The ability of any contaminant to damage
substance in an organism relative to the chemical/ the genetic information in a cell, producing transmissible
substance in the organism’s food, when the major genetic alterations to other cells and progeny (Gupta,
exposure route occurs from the organism’s diet 2016).
(Drouillard, 2008). Biomagnification leads to increased
chemical/substance concentration with higher trophic
position in the food web (Borgå, 2013). Natural (geochemical) background concentration.
The natural concentration (given in a range or in absolute
value) (Reimann and Garrett, 2005) of an element or
Biomonitoring. The use of living organisms to assess compound in the soil due to geological and pedological
environmental contamination or pollution by measuring processes, in a given place and time, the origin and
accumulation of chemicals in organism tissues or by presence of which has no anthropic influence (adapted
assessing biomarkers of exposure on indicator species. from ISO, 2015a; Tian et al., 2017). Natural soil
background concentrations are variable depending on
the mineralogical composition of the soil parent material
Glossary 57
and on the pedogenetic (soil-forming) processes (Kabata-
Pendias and Pendias, 2001; Wilson et al., 2008).
©Curllan Bhola
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a globally recognized mechanism established in 2012. Our mission is
to position soils in the Global Agenda through collective action. Our key objectives are to promote
Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) and improve soil governance to guarantee healthy and productive
soils, and support the provision of essential ecosystem services towards food security and improved
nutrition, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and sustainable development.
ISBN 978-92-5-134448-4
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