Christian Life Program: Team Manual
Christian Life Program: Team Manual
Christian Life Program: Team Manual
This Team Manual is intended for the use of CLP discussion group
leaders (facilitators).
Contents Page
5. Supplementary materials
a) Commitment to Christ 31
b) Guidelines for praying for the Pray-over Session 32
c) Praising the Lord 38
d) Titles of Jesus 42
e) Fasting 43
f) Covenant of CFC 46
Christian Life Program
1. Evangelization.
2. Renewal.
1. Content.
Module One: The Basic Truths About Christianity
1. God’s Love
2. Who is Jesus Christ?
3. What it means to be a Christian
4. Repentance and Faith
Module Two spells out the ideal of life that a Christian ought
to aspire to. The Christian life is a life of love and service that
revolves around Jesus Christ and is lived in the power of the
Holy Spirit.
2. Dynamics.
Christian Life Program
Each session, except for the ninth and twelfth talks, follows the
following format:
3. Attendance.
The CLP is open to all Christian couples who are validly married,
or to unmarried couples who have no impediment to becoming
validly married. The CLP is open to Catholics and non‑Catholic
Christians, and occasionally to non‑Christians (the latter subject
to the approval of the Chapter Head). Participants need not have
any current religious or spiritual involvement.
(3) absences for the whole program. Beyond this, a participant
will be required to take the whole program again at another time.
Any exceptions will be granted only upon the recommendation of
the team leader and the approval of the Chapter Head.
There are two (2) occasions when the discussion group leader
meets individually and privately with each of the members of his
group. The first time is at the end of Module One and the second
is at the end of Module Two.
The Lord reaches out to men and women through the members of
His body. The new life He wants to give He offers through men and
women in whom His spirit lives. More than anything else, the CLP
is the forum whereby the body of Christians who have been given
a fuller life in the Spirit come together to share that gift with others.
The team members are above all witnesses. They are men and women
who are living the life of the Holy Spirit and who can witness to its reality
and effectiveness for themselves. In order for them to be witnesses,
they have to be able to speak the truth in a simple way. People should
not only see the life in them but also learn about it from them.
Christian Life Program
He assists the team leader in running the program, and is in training
for leading a future CLP. He takes over in case the team leader is
absent. His wife serves with him.
He carries the main administrative burden and should assume that
he needs to cover every need that may arise. He should not be a part
of a discussion group. His job includes the following (which may be
delegated to others):
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message:
a) Share with one another how you came to the Christian Life
Program and what you expect or seek to experience. Start
with a brief introduction about your life.
2. Core Message:
The cross is the central point of our knowing and understanding Jesus
Christ. His cross is both language and parable. But Jesus’ death on the
cross would have been meaningless without the resurrection. The most
conclusive proof that Jesus is Lord and God is his resurrection. Jesus
Christ is true God and true man. Being God we can pray to him and he can
answer our needs. Being human, he feels our feelings, suffers our pains,
understands our loneliness, and we can have a very personal relationship
with him.
3. Discussion guides.
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message:
3. Discussion guides.
The only proper response to all that God has done for us is
repentance and faith. “Repent, and believe in the gospel” is
precisely what Jesus calls for from the beginning of his ministry.
Repentance and faith go together. It is a double-action response.
But repentance is not just being sorry for sin because of adverse
consequences. It is also not dependent on feelings. True
repentance is metanoia, a change of mind, a change in direction.
Repentance is turning away from sin and evil and surrendering
to Jesus as Lord of our life. And if Jesus is Lord, there is no room
for being lukewarm. Authentic repentance requires honesty, to
admit that a sin is a sin, and humility, to admit that we are weak
and need help. But true repentance requires faith in God. Faith
is not a feeling or wishful thinking or a blind leap. Faith is the
realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.
It is man’s response to God. It is belief in the gospel, a personal
act and decision. Most of all, faith is a pure gift from God. The
consequence of repentance and faith is a promise of salvation
from sin and death, and at a personal level, freedom from fear
of death. Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith two
thousand years ago. It is the same call to us today. Like the
Blessed Virgin Mary, let us have complete faith in God and say,
“Let it be done to me according to your word.”
3. Discussion guides.
a) Share with one another areas where you need to turn more
fully to God.
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message:
Loving God is our highest ideal. This is God’s first and greatest
commandment. We are asked to love God with all our heart, with
all our mind and soul, and with all our strength. To love God with
all our heart is to be totally committed to him. It means putting
God first in our life and doing things to make this happen. It
means spending a lot of time with God, talking with him, listening
to him. It requires a decision to obey God.
To love God with all our mind and soul means to keep our minds
preoccupied with things of God, using it according to God’s truths
and not according to the ways of the world. It means to fill our
mind and soul with thoughts of God and to use our mind to know
God more closely and learn his ways and teachings more deeply.
To love God with all our strength means giving God our resources:
time, talent, and treasure. We need to be generous with the time
we devote to serving God and others. We need to use our God-
given talent for the kingdom of God. We need to have the right
attitude towards our treasure by believing that everything belongs
to God and thus use these resources in accordance with God’s
plan. Our perfect models for loving God are Jesus and Mary. This
love is made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.
3. Discussion guide.
2. Core Message:
Loving God and loving neighbor form the inseparable core of the
Christian life. These two go together. We cannot love God without
loving our neighbor. The characteristics of Christian love are described
by St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians. But Jesus elevated
loving one’s neighbor to a higher plane. We are to love our neighbors
not only as we love ourselves, but as God loves us. Our model for
loving our neighbor is our Lord, Jesus Christ. He washed the feet of
his disciples. He died for us.
The full depth of the meaning of Jesus’ teaching on loving our neighbor
is revealed in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. In the parable,
Jesus took pains to describe in great detail the various actions done
by the Samaritan in helping the victim – “approached the victim,”
“poured oil and wine,” “bandaged him,” “lifted him up,” “took him to
an inn,” “cared for him” – in order to convey the message that “being
a neighbor” entails “doing things” and not merely wishing others well.
3. Discussion guides.
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message:
3. Discussion guides.
2. Core Message:
We will also receive the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. But we
need to avoid the obstacles to these gifts through: unrepentant
attitude, feeling unworthy, fear, doubt, pride, and being selective
as to what gifts we want. This new life in the Spirit is the authentic
Christian life. And God desires it for all. We should thus look
forward to this new life and to experiencing your own “Pentecost,”
remembering that “there is no Pentecost without the Virgin Mary.”
Thus with the Virgin Mary, we can live a life in the Holy Spirit.
3. Discussion guide:
Share about your experience of God’s Spirit in your life.
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message
God promised to give his people the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
that God promised through Ezekiel, Jesus gave to his disciples
and is giving to us. With the Holy Spirit, we gain a new nature, a
new spiritual power, a power to serve.
We also receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are two teaching
gifts: wisdom and healing; three sign gifts: faith, healing, and
miracles; and four revelational gifts: prophecy, discernment of
spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
2. Core Message:
Our prayer must be faithful, led by the Holy Spirit, and centered
on Jesus. We study to know more about God by reading the
Scriptures and Christian publications and attending teachings.
We serve by making ourselves and our resources – time,
talent, and treasure – available for God’s work. Fellowship is
the expression of the spiritual reality that we are brothers and
sisters belonging to one family and doing things together. The
sacraments, particularly the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the
Sacrament of Holy Communion, are the most important means
to grow in the Spirit. If we are faithful in using these tools, we will
grow in the Holy Spirit and be more blessed in our family life.
3. Discussion guide.
Christian Life Program
2. Core Message:
3. Discussion guides.
1. Goal:
To encourage people to live out actively the new life in the power
of the Holy Spirit, and to excite them about becoming a part of
the CFC community.
2. Core Message:
This talk marks the end of the Christian Life Program. But it is
not really the end, but just the beginning. The Lord has laid the
foundation for our transformation throughout the Christian Life
Program. Our transformation, and what we have gone through,
may be likened to the story of the man born blind in the Gospel
of John 9:1-38. To continue our transformation, we need to grow
in holiness and discipleship and have a greater commitment to
service. This we can attain in Couples for Christ.
Christ could have restored the sight of the man born blind by
merely saying the words “be healed.” But Jesus has chosen to
go through a “process” of making mud paste with spittle, rubbing
it on the eyes of the blind man, and sending him to the Pool of
Siloam. In the same way, Jesus could have transformed us and
opened our eyes to his plan by some other means. But he has
chosen to open our eyes and transform us through the “process”
of the Christian Life Program. Let us thus praise and thank the
Lord for calling us, for opening our eyes, and for starting the
process of our transformation in Christ.
Christian Life Program
b) Be warm and friendly, even if people are a little stiff at first. New
people will warm up as you are warm with them. Take special
care to establish an atmosphere of love and interest in the group.
c) Be joyful and outgoing. Meet other men and women who are
not in your group. Encourage your group members to get to
know more people outside their own group.
e) Pray out where there is an opportunity. Express your prayer
in a way that teaches the new people how to pray,
but does not overwhelm them (e.g., grant that we may be
martyrs), and does not use unfamiliar jargon (e.g., Jesus,
thank you for your all‑sufficient and substitutionary sacrifice
that purchased my redemption).
a) The team members’ love for one another and for the
participants is a crucial element of the program.
Christian Life Program
1. The discussion groups form and begin right after the talk. The
men meet separately from the women.
3. Start and end every discussion with a short prayer. Moving into
Module Two and Module Three, you may ask others in your
group to lead the prayer if they seem ready, but don’t put them
on the spot.
4. For the first session, start with introductions and let everyone get
to know one another.
6. Let the group know that they are free to ask relevant questions or
bring up relevant problems.
7. For Module One, if the participants are still not very open or are
still shy, you may have to begin the sharing yourself. This also is
a good way of showing them how the discussion/ sharing is to be
11. Don’t let the discussion get off the subject. Gently but authoritatively
tell them that it is time to stop this line of conversation. Suggest
another time or place to the people involved.
Christian Life Program
16. Avoid Christian jargon. New people may not be able to enter into
the meanings of the phrases we know so well.
18. As you listen to the talk, discern which points your people
especially need to hear and try to bring those out in your sharing
or in theirs.
19. Keep your eye on the time. Make sure that there is enough time
for everyone to share.
Team meetings are usually held both before and after the session
itself. The pre‑session meeting helps prepare for the session. The
post‑session meeting is for evaluating what happened in the session.
The team meeting is almost the only opportunity that team members
have to discuss the progress of the CLP. It should be a time for
support and encouragement, a time that builds unity, faith, and love.
The team should spend time not talking about administrative details
but having a concrete discussion of the problems and situations they
are facing.
Aside from these, the team meetings also help to create a spiritual
unity among the team members, help the team members to learn to
better serve the Lord, and communicate what is happening in the
CLP as a whole.
Any participant who misses any talk will have to have a make‑up
session, which consists in listening to a recorded talk (audio or video)
and having a short discussion with his/her leader.
1. First Dialogue.
Christian Life Program
b) The first step to a full and committed life with the Lord is
repentance, i.e., turning away from serious wrongdoing and
turning toward the Lord. If there is serious wrongdoing in your
life, are you willing to make a definite break with it? Serious
wrongdoing includes the following:
Note for Catholics: To make repentance full and
effective, go to sacramental confession and make a
firm resolution to lead a new life acceptable to Jesus.
d) Are you ready to turn away from sin, confess (if there is serious
wrongdoing), and commit your life to the Lord? Accept Him
as Lord and Savior?
2. Second Dialogue.
After the 8th session on “Life in the Holy Spirit” ending Module
Two, the discussion group leaders once again meet individually
with each of the members of their group. These meetings should
be held prior to the next session (Receiving the Power of the
Holy Spirit) which is the start of Module Three.
Christian Life Program
b) Find out if there are any questions regarding what has transpired
in the program or if there are any problem areas. Discuss these.
d) If the participant has any involvement in the occult and the like
(fortune telling, card reading, spirit of the glass, etc.), which may
or may not have been brought out in the first individual meeting,
lead the participant to renounce verbally this involvement.
g) Find out if the participant has had any traumatic experiences, so that
you can pray for healing of memories during the prayer session.
i) Ask if the participant has any prayer intention, or any specific areas
that he/she would want to pray for during the Pray-over Session.
3. Reminders.
Christian Life Program
Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died to free
us from our sins, and that he rose to bring us new life?
your people. I will turn away from all wrongdoing, and I will avoid
all the sins that I have committed. I offer my life to you, and I
a) FAITH. We need to turn to the Lord and put our faith in Him.
We need to be centered on the Lord. And the more we have
faith, the easier it will be for the participants. Faith catches. In an
atmosphere of worship and faith, it is much easier to have faith.
Christian Life Program
c) There are some people who come seeking to receive the gifts of
the Spirit who say that they do not want to have the gift of tongues.
This is a wrong attitude because it would be placing limits on
God’s working. It is not being open to the Lord. Everyone should
want to receive the gift of tongues.
3. Suggested Procedure in the Pray-over Session.
a) Ask the participant to sit down, just relax, and be open to the
workings of the Holy Spirit.
b) Ask if there are any other specific areas that he wishes you to
pray for, aside from those already discussed in your individual
meeting. Ask if he desires any specific gift(s) from the Holy Spirit.
c) Start with praising the Lord. Ask the participant to join you here.
Then ask the Lord’s protection for the participant and his loved
ones and also for yourselves. Claim God’s power and victory
over the situation.
Christian Life Program
g) Pray specifically for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For example:
“Father, we now ask you, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
that you pour upon _____ the Holy Spirit so he/she may receive
new life” or any other variation. The important thing is that you
ask specifically that the Holy Spirit descend upon the participant.
h) Pray that the participant receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
especially those he specifically desires.
k) Have a closing prayer for the participant, some words that will
encourage and upbuild him. End with the Glory be.
4. Pastoral notes.
b) Pray in a low but audible voice. Usually there will be other praying
teams in the same room. Your prayer should be loud enough to
be heard by the participant and your prayer partner, but not too
loud as to disturb the other groups.
Christian Life Program
5. Remember:
1. Because the Lord is our Creator and we are His creatures. It is but
proper and fitting that creatures should acknowledge and give glory
to their Creator.
· Eph. 1:11‑12: “In Him we were chosen; for in the decree of God,
who administers everything according to His will and counsel,
we were predestined to praise His glory...”
· ‘Eph. 1:14: “... a people God has made His own, to praise His
1 Cor. 10:31. “The fact is that whether you eat or drink ‑ whatever
you do ‑ you should do all for the glory of God.”
Christian Life Program
· Psalm 103:1: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all my being bless
His holy name.”
· Psalm 104:33: “I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praise
to my God while I live.”
* Psalm 150:6: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Alleluia!”
· Acts 16:25‑26 – Paul and Silas are delivered from their chains
and imprisonment while they were praying and singing praises
to the Lord.
· Luke 11:1‑4 – The Lord’s prayer has two parts. The first part is
a prayer of praise and the second is a prayer of petition. Thus
one thing Jesus teaches us here is to start our prayers always
with praise.
· Eph. 5:19‑20: “Sing praise to the Lord with all your hearts. Give
thanks to the Father always and for everything in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ.”
· We praise God for His greatness, goodness, generosity, mercy,
patience with our weakness, etc.
· We should praise Him even for the trials and difficulties that came
our way. As Christians, we believe that nothing happens which
God does not allow to happen. If something bad has happened,
then God must have a purpose in allowing it to happen. Since
God’s purpose can only be good, we therefore still praise Him,
not for the bad happening but for His good purpose. So that
“always and for everything” we praise the Lord.
· Eph. 5:18‑19: “Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in
psalms and hymns and inspired songs. Sing praise to the Lord
with all your hearts.”
Christian Life Program
3. Raising of hands.
· 1 Tim. 2:8: “... in every place the men shall offer prayers with
blameless hands held aloft.”
4. Clapping of hands.
· Psalm 47:2: “All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with
cries of gladness.”
5. Dancing.
· 1 Chronicles 13:8: “... David and all Israel danced before God
with great enthusiasm, amid Songs and music on lyres, harps,
tambourines, cymbals and trumpets.”
· Psalm 149:3: “Let them praise His name in the festive dance.”
Christian Life Program
D. Others
30. Holy and Righteous One (Acts 3:14)
31. Author of life (Acts 3:15)
32. Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42)
33. Blessed and only ruler (1 Tim. 6:15)
The team is greatly encouraged to fast at least once a week during the
entire course of the program, not only as a means of personal spiritual
growth, but more so as a personal sacrifice for the intention of the
participants, the people whom the Lord has entrusted to our care.
What is fasting?
Fasting refers to abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Fasting is not:
1. Dieting, which stresses abstinence from food for health for physical
reasons. It is motivated by vanity.
2. Hunger strike, which has for its purpose the gaining of political power
or the attracting of attention for a certain cause. It is motivated by the
desire for power.
How do we fast?
The normal means of fasting involves abstaining from all food, solid or
liquid, but not from water. However, one could also engage in a partial
fast, which is a restriction of diet but not total abstention. Just consider
what your body can take or how far you yourself want to go.
We can fast on the day of the session itself. We can start our fast after
the previous night’s supper or at midnight and end our fast with supper
before the session or continue the fast until the session’s fellowship.
Who should fast?
Generally, the whole team should fast once a week during the whole
course of the CLP. But obviously there will be some people who for
physical reasons should not fast. For example: diabetics, expectant
mothers, and heart patients. If you have any questions about your
fitness to fast, seek medical advice.
Mt. 6:16‑18 ‑ Jesus says, “When you fast...” Jesus already assumed
that people would fast, and what was needed was
instruction on how to do it properly.
Mt. 9:14‑15 ‑ Jesus says, “When the day comes that the groom is taken
away, then they will fast.” The “day” refers to the present
church age. Jesus expected his disciples to fast after he
was gone.
Christian Life Program
3. Fasting is a way by which we can control our body and the desires
of the flesh. In life we crave for so many things (not just food) which
we do not need until we become controlled or enslaved by them. By
fasting, we learn to discipline ourselves and to keep our desires in
the proper perspective. Fasting helps us keep our balance in life.
4. Fasting reveals the things that control us. We cover up what is inside
us with food and other good things, but in fasting these things surface.
If pride controls us, it will be revealed. Anger, bitterness, jealousy,
strife, fear – all these will surface during fasting. And knowing these
things within us is a great benefit to one who longs to be transformed
into the image of Christ. We can now come before the Lord and pray
for healing in these areas.
4. I will relate in love and loyalty to other families in COUPLES FOR CHRIST.
Christian Life Program
May our Lord Jesus Christ help me to live the covenant of the COUPLES
FOR CHRIST everyday for His greater honor and glory and for the good
of my brothers and sisters.