Project Report On "Online Library Management System"
Project Report On "Online Library Management System"
Project Report On "Online Library Management System"
Project Report
“Online Library Management System”
1.1 Purpose:-
The purpose of this application are as follows :
• The software is for automation of library.
• It provides following facilities to
Operator :
• Can enter details related to a particular book.
• Can provide membership to members.
Admin :
Can read and write information about any
Can update, create, delete the record of
membership as per requirement and implementation
2.) Scope :
The different areas where we can use this application
are :
• Any education institute can make use of it for
providing information about author, content of the
available books.
• It can be used in offices and modifications can be
easily done according to requirements.
3.)Technology Used :
Front End :
Servlets, HTML, Java script.
Back End :
MS Access, Apache Tomcat server.
4.) Assumptions
• This application is used to convert the manual
application to the online application.
• Customized data will be used in this application.
• User does not have right to enter information
about books.
5.) Overview :
Project is related to library management which providesreading
services to its members. Any person can become amember of the library
by filling a prescribed form.
They can get the book issued, so that they cab take home
and return them.
6.) Functionality :
• Online membership.
• Keeps the track of issues and submission of books .
Future Scope
This application can be easily implemented under various situations.We
can add new features as and when we require. Reusability ispossible as
and when require in this application. There is flexibilityin all the modules.
• Extensibility: This software is extendable in ways that its original
developers may not expect. The following principles enhancesextensibility
like hide data structure, avoid traversing multiplelinks or methods, avoid
case statements on object type anddistinguish public and private
Reusability: Reusability is possible as and when require in this
application. We can update it next version. Reusable softwarereduces
design, coding and testing cost by amortizing effortover several designs.
Reducing the amount of code alsosimplifies understanding, which
increases the likelihood thatthe code is correct. We follow up both types of
reusability:Sharing of newly written code within a project and reuse
ofpreviously written code on new projects.
From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints onthe component,
it can be safely concluded that the product isa highly efficient GUI based
component. This application isworking properly and meeting to all user
requirements. Thiscomponent can be easily plugged in many other