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Infineon TC39x DataSheet v01 00 en

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32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller

32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller

Data Sheet
V 1.1, 2019-09

Edition 2019-09
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
© 2019 Infineon Technologies AG
All Rights Reserved.

Legal Disclaimer
The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or
characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any
information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties
and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights
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For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest
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Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in
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TC39x BC/BD-Step

Revision History
Page or Item Subjects (major changes since previous revision)
V 1.1, 2019-09
The history is documented in the last chapter

Data Sheet 3 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Trademarks of Infineon Technologies AG

AURIX™, C166™, CanPAK™, CIPOS™, CIPURSE™, EconoPACK™, CoolMOS™, CoolSET™,
EconoPIM™, EconoPACK™, EiceDRIVER™, eupec™, FCOS™, HITFET™, HybridPACK™, I²RF™,
ISOFACE™, IsoPACK™, MIPAQ™, ModSTACK™, my-d™, NovalithIC™, OptiMOS™, ORIGA™,
thinQ!™, TRENCHSTOP™, TriCore™.

Other Trademarks
Advance Design System™ (ADS) of Agilent Technologies, AMBA™, ARM™, MULTI-ICE™, KEIL™,
PRIMECELL™, REALVIEW™, THUMB™, µVision™ of ARM Limited, UK. AUTOSAR™ is licensed by AUTOSAR
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FLEXGO™ of Microsoft Corporation. FlexRay™ is licensed by FlexRay Consortium. HYPERTERMINAL™ of
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MathWorks, Inc. MAXIM™ of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MICROTEC™, NUCLEUS™ of Mentor Graphics
Corporation. MIPI™ of MIPI Alliance, Inc. MIPS™ of MIPS Technologies, Inc., USA. muRata™ of MURATA
MANUFACTURING CO., MICROWAVE OFFICE™ (MWO) of Applied Wave Research Inc., OmniVision™ of
OmniVision Technologies, Inc. Openwave™ Openwave Systems Inc. RED HAT™ Red Hat, Inc. RFMD™ RF
Micro Devices, Inc. SIRIUS™ of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. SOLARIS™ of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPANSION™
of Spansion LLC Ltd. Symbian™ of Symbian Software Limited. TAIYO YUDEN™ of Taiyo Yuden Co.
of X/Open Company Limited. VERILOG™, PALLADIUM™ of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. VLYNQ™ of Texas
Instruments Incorporated. VXWORKS™, WIND RIVER™ of WIND RIVER SYSTEMS, INC. ZETEX™ of Diodes
Zetex Limited.
Last Trademarks Update 2011-11-11

Data Sheet 4 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Table of Contents

1 Summary of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Pin Definition and Functions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1 LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
2.3 LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
2.4 Pin Position Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
2.5 Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
3 Electrical Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
3.1 Parameter Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
3.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
3.3 Pin Reliability in Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
3.4 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
3.5 5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
3.6 High performance LVDS Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
3.7 VADC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
3.8 DSADC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
3.9 MHz Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
3.10 Back-up Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
3.11 Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
3.12 Power Supply Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
3.12.1 Calculating the 1.25 V Current Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
3.13 Power Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
3.13.1 Supply Ramp-up and Ramp-down Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Single Supply mode (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Single Supply mode (e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 External Supply mode (d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 External Supply mode (h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
3.14 Reset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
3.15 EVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
3.16 System Phase Locked Loop (SYS_PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
3.17 Peripheral Phase Locked Loop (PER_PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
3.18 AC Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
3.19 JTAG Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
3.20 DAP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
3.21 ASCLIN SPI Master Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
3.22 QSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
3.23 MSC Timing 5 V Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
3.24 Ethernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
3.24.1 ETH Measurement Reference Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
3.24.2 ETH Management Signal Parameters (ETH_MDC, ETH_MDIO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
3.24.3 ETH MII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
3.24.4 ETH RMII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
3.24.5 ETH RGMII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
3.25 E-Ray Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
3.26 HSCT Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
3.27 Inter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
3.28 SDMMC Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
3.29 FSP Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501

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TC39x BC/BD-Step

3.30 Radar Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502

3.31 EBU Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
3.31.1 BFCLKO Output Clock Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
3.31.2 EBU Asynchronous Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
3.31.3 EBU Burst Mode Access Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
3.31.4 EBU Arbitration Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
3.32 Flash Target Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
3.33 Quality Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
3.34 Package Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
3.34.1 Package Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
4 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
4.1 Changes from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
4.2 Changes from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
4.3 Changes from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
4.4 Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

Data Sheet 6 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Summary of Features

1 Summary of Features
The TC39x product family has the following features:
• High Performance Microcontroller with six CPU cores
• Six 32-bit super-scalar TriCore CPUs (TC1.6.2P), each having the following features:
– Superior real-time performance
– Strong bit handling
– Fully integrated DSP capabilities
– Multiply-accumulate unit able to sustain 2 MAC operations per cycle
– Fully pipelined Floating point unit (FPU)
– up to 300 MHz operation at full temperature range
– up to 240/96 Kbyte Data Scratch-Pad RAM (DSPR)
– up to 64 Kbyte Instruction Scratch-Pad RAM (PSPR)
– up to 64 Kbyte Data RAM (DLMU)
– 32 Kbyte Instruction Cache (ICACHE)
– 16 Kbyte Data Cache (DCACHE)
• Lockstepped shadow cores for four TC1.6.2P
• Multiple on-chip memories
– All embedded NVM and SRAM are ECC protected
– up to 16 Mbyte Program Flash Memory (PFLASH)
– up to 1 Mbyte Data Flash Memory (DFLASH) usable for EEPROM emulation
– 768 Kbyte Memory (LMU)
– BootROM (BROM)
• 128-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer
• Sophisticated interrupt system (ECC protected)
• High performance on-chip bus structure
– 64-bit Cross Bar Interconnect (SRI) giving fast parallel access between bus masters, CPUs and memories
– 32-bit System Peripheral Bus (SPB) for on-chip peripheral and functional units
– SRI to SPB bus bridges (SFI Bridge)
• Optional Hardware Security Module (HSM) on some variants
• Safety Management Unit (SMU) handling safety monitor alarms
• Memory Test Unit with ECC, Memory Initialization and MBIST functions (MTU)
• Hardware I/O Monitor (IOM) for checking of digital I/O
• Versatile On-chip Peripheral Units
– 8 Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channels (ASCLIN) with hardware LIN support (V1.3, V2.0, V2.1 and
J2602) up to 50 MBaud
– 6 Queued SPI Interface Channels (QSPI) with master and slave capability up to 50 Mbit/s
– 2 High Speed Serial Link (HSSL) for serial inter-processor communication up to 320 Mbit/s
– 4 serial Micro Second Bus interfaces (MSC) for serial port expansion to external power devices
– 3 MCMCAN Modules with 4 CAN nodes for high efficiency data handling via FIFO buffering
– 25 Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) channels for connection to sensors
– 2 FlexRayTM module with 2 channels (E-Ray) supporting V2.1

Data Sheet 7 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Summary of Features

– One Generic Timer Module (GTM) providing a powerful set of digital signal filtering and timer functionality
to realize autonomous and complex Input/Output management
– One Capture / Compare 6 module (Two kernels CCU60 and CCU61)
– One General Purpose 12 Timer Unit (GPT120)
– 4 channel Peripheral Sensor Interface conforming to V1.3 (PSI5)
– 1 Peripheral Sensor Interface with Serial PHY (PSI5-S)
– 2 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus Interface (I2C) conforming to V2.1
– 1 IEEE802.3 Ethernet MAC with RMII and MII interfaces (ETH)
– 1 external Bus interface (EBU)
• Versatile Successive Approximation ADC (VADC)
– Cluster of 20 independent ADC kernels
– Input voltage range from 0 V to 5.5V (ADC supply)
• Delta-Sigma ADC (DSADC)
– 14 channels
• Digital programmable I/O ports
• On-chip debug support for OCDS Level 1 (CPUs, DMA, On Chip Buses)
• multi-core debugging, real time tracing, and calibration
• four/five wire JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) or DAP (Device Access Port) interface
• Power Management System and on-chip regulators
• Clock Generation Unit with System PLL and Peripheral PLL
• Embedded Voltage Regulator

Data Sheet 8 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Summary of Features

Ordering Information
The ordering code for Infineon microcontrollers provides an exact reference to the required product. This ordering
code identifies:
• The derivative itself, i.e. its function set, the temperature range, and the supply voltage
• The package and the type of delivery.

Table 1-1 Platform Feature Overview

Feature TC39x
CPUs Type TC1.6.2
Cores / Checker Cores 6/4
Max. Freq. 300 MHz
Cache per CPU Program 32 KB
Data 16 KB
DSPR 240 KB for CPU0,1/ 96 KB else
SRAM global LMU 768 KB
DAM 128 KB
Extension Memory TCM 2 MB
Program Flash Size 16 MB
Banks 5 x 3 MB, 1 x 1 MB
Data Flash Size (single-ended) 1 MB
DMA Channels 128
CONVCTRL Modules 1
EVADC Primary Groups/Channels 8 / 64
Secondary Groups/Channels 4 / 64
Fast Compare Channels 8
EDSADC Channels 14

Data Sheet 9 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Summary of Features

Table 1-1 Platform Feature Overview (cont’d)

Feature TC39x
GTM Clusters 12 (5 @ 200MHz, 7 @ 100MHz)
TIM (8 ch) 8
TOM (16 ch) 6
ATOM (8 ch) 12
MCS (8 ch) 10
CMU / ICM 1/1
TBU channels 4 (TBU0-3)
CMP / MON 1/1
BRC / DPLL 1/1
CDTM modules 6
DTM modules 24 (10 on TOM, 14 on ATOM)
Timer GPT12 1
CCU6 1
STM Modules 6
FlexRay Modules 2
Channels 2
CAN Modules 3
Nodes 3x4
of which support TT-CAN 1
QSPI Modules 6
HSCI Channels 2
ASCLIN Modules 12
I2C Interfaces 2
SENT Channels 25
PSI5 Modules 4
PSI5-S Modules 1
HSSL Channels 2
MSC Channels 4
EBU External Bus 1
SDMMC eMMC/SD Interface 1
Ethernet (10/100Mbit/1Gbit) Modules 1

FCE Modules 1
Safety Support SMU yes
IOM yes
SPU Modules 2

Data Sheet 10 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Summary of Features

Table 1-1 Platform Feature Overview (cont’d)

Feature TC39x
RIF Modules 2
HSDPM Modules 1
Security HSM+ 1
Debug OCDS yes
MCDS yes
miniMCDS no
AGBT yes
Low Power Features Standby RAM 2
SCR yes
Packages Type LFBGA-516 / LFBGA-292
I/O Type 5 V CMOS / 3.3 V CMOS / LVDS

Tambient Range −40 … +150°C

1) TBU3 has special purpose as angle clock.

Data Sheet 11 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:

2 Pin Definition and Functions:

The following figures are showing the TC39x Logic Symbols for the package variants:
• LFBGA-516 (Figure 2-1)
• LFBGA-292 (Figure 2-2)
• LFBGA-292 ADAS feature set (Figure 2-3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

A NC1 VEXT NC NC P10.15 P10.13 P10.11 NC NC NC P13.15 P13.13 P13.11 P13.9 P13.7 P13.5 NC P14.15 P14.13 P14.11 NC P15.15 P15.13 P15.11 NC NC NC NC VDDP3 VSS A

B NC VSS VEXT NC P10.14 NC P10.10 P10.9 NC NC P13.14 P13.12 P13.10 NC P13.6 P13.4 NC P14.14 P14.12 NC NC P15.14 P15.12 P15.10 NC NC NC VDDP3 VSS VSS B




F P02.13 P02.12 NC1 VEXT P10.7 P10.6 P10.2 P10.3 P10.0 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P13.3 P13.1 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS NC NC F

G P02.15 P02.14 P02.0 VSS VEXT P10.8 P10.5 P10.4 P10.1 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P13.2 P13.0 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 NC NC G

H NC NC P02.2 P02.1 P15.2 P20.14 VSS VSS H

J NC P01.0 P02.4 P02.3 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 VEBU VEBU J

K P01.1 P01.2 P02.6 P02.5 P02.9 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 P24.14 P24.15 K

L P01.8 P01.9 P02.8 P02.7 P02.11 P02.10 ESR0 P20.6 P20.7 P20.8 P24.12 P24.13 L

M P01.11 P01.10 P00.0 P00.1 P01.4 P01.3 (VDD) VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 P24.10 P24.11 M

P21.7 / P21.6 / N
N P01.13 P01.12 P00.2 P00.3 P01.6 P01.5 (VDD) VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P20.2 P20.0 P24.8 P24.9

P P01.15 P01.14 P00.4 P00.5 P00.6 P01.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 P24.6 P24.7 P

R NC NC P00.7 P00.9 P00.8 P00.10 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 P24.4 P24.5 R
T NC P00.13 P00.11 P00.12 AN43 AN42 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS P24.2 P24.3 T

U P00.15 P00.14 AN46 AN47 AN41 AN40 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS P22.8 P22.9 XTAL2 XTAL1 P24.0 P24.1 U

AN36 / AN38 / V
P40.6 P40.8

AN70 / AN71 / AN39 / AN37 / AN32 / W
W AN34 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P25.6 NC
P41.2 P41.3 P40.9 P40.7 P40.4

AN68 / AN69 / AN33 / Y

Y AN35 AN31 AN23 P23.7 P23.6 P22.3 P22.2 P25.14 P25.15
P41.0 P41.1 P40.5


AA AN66 AN30 AN22 AN15 AN12 AN6 AN4 AN0 P34.2 P34.4 P33.14 P32.5 VSS P23.5 P23.3 P23.4 P25.12 P25.13
P40.15 2 2 B

AN64 / AN29 / AN28 / AN17 / AB

AB AN65 NC1 AN14 AN9 AN7 AN3 AN1 P34.1 P34.3 P34.5 P33.15 P32.6 P32.7 VSS P23.1 P23.2 P25.10 P25.11
P41.8 P40.14 P40.13 P40.10

AN63 / AN62 / AN27 / AN26 / AC

AC VEXT P23.0 P25.8 P25.9
P41.7 P41.6 P40.3 P40.2

P32.1 /
AN25 / AN24 / AN19 / AN18 / AD
AD AN60 AN61 AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT P25.7 P25.5
P40.1 P40.0 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
AE AN59 AN58 NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS P25.4 P25.3
1 1

AF AN56 AN57 P25.2 P25.1 AF

AG P26.0 P25.0
3 3


AN54 / AJ
AJ NC NC NC AN52 AN50 AN49 VSSM VDDM VSS VEBU P31.0 P31.2 P31.4 P31.6 P31.8 P31.10 P31.12 P31.14 NC P30.0 P30.2 P30.4 P30.6 P30.8 P30.10 P30.12 P30.14 VSS VEXT

AN55 / AK
AK NC1 NC NC AN53 AN51 AN48 VSSM VDDM VSS VEBU P31.1 P31.3 P31.5 P31.7 P31.9 P31.11 P31.13 P31.15 VEBU P30.1 P30.3 P30.5 P30.7 P30.9 P30.11 P30.13 P30.15 VEBU VSS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

TC39xed - (top view)

Figure 2-1 Logic Symbol for the package variant LFBGA-516

Data Sheet 12 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A NC1 VEXT P10.7 P10.6 P10.2 P10.3 P10.0 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P13.3 P13.1 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS A

B P02.0 VSS VEXT P10.8 P10.5 P10.4 P10.1 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P13.2 P13.0 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 B

C P02.2 P02.1 P15.2 P20.14 C

D P02.4 P02.3 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 D

E P02.6 P02.5 P02.9 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 E

F P02.8 P02.7 P02.11 P02.10 ESR0 P20.6 P20.7 P20.8 F

G P00.0 P00.1 P01.4 P01.3 (VDD) VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 G

P21.7 / P21.6 /
H P00.2 P00.3 P01.6 P01.5 (VDD) VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P20.2 P20.0 H

J P00.4 P00.5 P00.6 P01.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 J

K P00.7 P00.9 P00.8 P00.10 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 K
L P00.11 P00.12 AN43 AN42 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS L


AN36 / AN38 /
P40.6 P40.8

AN39 / AN37 / AN32 /
P AN34 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P
P40.9 P40.7 P40.4

AN33 /
R AN35 AN31 AN23 P23.7 P23.6 P22.3 P22.2 R


T AN30 AN22 AN15 AN12 AN6 AN4 AN0 P34.2 P34.4 P33.14 P32.5 VSS P23.5 P23.3 P23.4 T
2 2 B

AN29 / AN28 / AN17 /

U NC1 AN14 AN9 AN7 AN3 AN1 P34.1 P34.3 P34.5 P33.15 P32.6 P32.7 VSS P23.1 P23.2 U
P40.14 P40.13 P40.10

AN27 / AN26 /
V VEXT P23.0 V
P40.3 P40.2

P32.1 /
AN25 / AN24 / AN19 / AN18 /
W AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT W
P40.1 P40.0 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
Y NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS Y
1 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TC39xed - (top view)

Figure 2-2 Logic Symbol for the package variant LFBGA-292

Data Sheet 13 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A NC1 VEXT NC P51_9 P51_7 P51_5 P51_3 P51_1 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS A

B NC VSS VEXT P51_8 P51_6 P51_4 P51_2 P51_0 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 B

C P50_1 P50_0 P15.2 P20.14 C

D P50_3 P50_2 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 D

E P50_5 P50_4 P10.0 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 E

F P50_7 P50_6 P10.1 P10.2 ESR0 P20.6 P20.7 P20.8 F

G P50_9 P50_8 P10.3 P10.4 VDD VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 G

P50_1 P50_1 P21.7 / P21.6 /

H P10.5 P10.6 VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P20.2 P20.0 H

J P02.0 P02.1 P10.8 P10.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 J

K P02.2 P02.3 P02.4 P02.5 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 K
L P02.6 P00.0 P02.7 P02.8 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS L

M P00.2 P00.1 P00.3 P00.4 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS P22.8 P22.9 XTAL2 XTAL1 M

N P00.8 P00.7 P00.6 P00.5 VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P22.6 P22.7 VDD VEXT N

P P00.10 P00.9 AN47 AN45 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P

AN25 /
R P00.11 P00.12 AN23 P23.7 P23.6 P22.3 P22.2 R


T AN22 AN15 AN12 AN6 AN4 AN0 P34.2 P34.4 P33.14 P32.5 VSS P23.5 P23.3 P23.4 T
2 2 P40.0 B

AN17 /
U AN44 AN46 NC1 AN14 AN9 AN7 AN3 AN1 P34.1 P34.3 P34.5 P33.15 P32.6 P32.7 VSS P23.1 P23.2 U

AN39 / AN37 /
V VEXT P23.0 V
P40.9 P40.7

P32.1 /
AN36 / AN38 / AN19 / AN18 /
W AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT W
P40.6 P40.8 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
Y NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS Y
1 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TC39xed_adas - (top view)

Figure 2-3 Logic Symbol for the package variant LFBGA-292 ADAS

Data Sheet 14 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

2.1 LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M6 P00.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CTRAPA Trap input capture
CCU60_T12HRE External timer start 12
MSC0_INJ0 Injection signal from port
P00.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT9 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_9 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 15 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M7 P00.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN3_ARXE Receive input
EDSADC_DSCIN5A Modulator clock input
CAN10_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
PSI5_RX0A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
CCU61_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT0B Receive input channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN7B Modulator clock input
EVADC_G9CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NA Negative analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT10 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_10 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT7 O5 Modulator clock output
SENT_SPC0 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 16 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N6 P00.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_DSDIN7B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_DSDIN5A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT1B Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G9CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PA Positive analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT11 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_11 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
CAN21_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO4 O6 Master slave select output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 17 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N7 P00.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
EDSADC_DSCIN3A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR5F Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX1A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
CAN03_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
CAN21_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
PSI5S_RXA RX data input
SENT_SENT2B Receive input channel 2
CCU61_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
EVADC_G9CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NB Negative analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT12 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_12 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC2 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 18 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P6 P00.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SCU_E_REQ2_2 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT3B Receive input channel 3
EDSADC_DSDIN3A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_SGNA Carrier sign signal input
ASCLIN10_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PB Positive analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT13 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_13 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
CAN11_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
SENT_SPC3 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 19 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P7 P00.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_11 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSCIN2A Modulator clock input
PSI5_RX2A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU61_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT4B Receive input channel 4
CAN11_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
EVADC_G9CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 9
P00.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT14 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_14 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMN O2 Negative carrier generator output
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
SENT_SPC4 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 20 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P9 P00.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_ITR4F Trigger/Gate input
EDSADC_DSDIN2A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT5B Receive input channel 5
ASCLIN5_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 9
P00.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT15 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_15 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMP O2 Positive carrier generator output
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC5 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 21 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R6 P00.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN2_11 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT6B Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSCIN4A Modulator clock input
GPT120_T2INA Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU60_T12HRB External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NA Negative analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT16 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC6 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 22 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R9 P00.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN3_11 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT7B Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSDIN4A Digital datastream input
GPT120_T2EUDA Count direction control input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
CCU60_T13HRB External timer start 13
ASCLIN10_ARXB Receive input
EVADC_G9CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PA Positive analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT17 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN10_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC7 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 23 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R7 P00.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT8B Receive input channel 8
CCU61_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSCIN1A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR3F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDA Count direction control input of timer T4
CCU60_T13HRC External timer start 13
CCU60_T12HRC External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NB Negative analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT18 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN3_ARTS O3 Ready to send output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
ASCLIN4_ATX O5 Transmit output
SENT_SPC8 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 24 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R10 P00.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT9B Receive input channel 9
EDSADC_DSDIN1A Digital datastream input
EVADC_G9CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PB Positive analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT19 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC9 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
T6 P00.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CTRAPA Trap input capture
EDSADC_DSCIN0A Modulator clock input
CCU61_T12HRE External timer start 12
SENT_SENT10B Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G9CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 9
EVADC_FC3CH0 Analog input FC channel 3
P00.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT20 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 25 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T7 P00.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ACTSA Clear to send input
EDSADC_DSDIN0A Digital datastream input
ASCLIN4_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT11B Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G9CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 9
EVADC_FC2CH0 Analog input FC channel 2
P00.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT21 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
T2 P00.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSDIN6A Digital datastream input
P00.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT167 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
CCU_EXTCLK1 O4 CCU external clock
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 26 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-1 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U2 P00.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSCIN6A Modulator clock input
P00.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT166 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT6 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
U1 P00.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_ITR6F Trigger/Gate input
P00.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT168 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
CCU_EXTCLK0 O4 CCU external clock
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 27 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J2 P01.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN6_13 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN21_RXDE CAN receive input node 1
EDSADC_ITR6E Trigger/Gate input
CAN03_RXDF CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN6_ARXB Receive input
P01.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT155 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
K1 P01.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_ITR8E Trigger/Gate input
ERAY1_RXDA1 Receive Channel A1
SENT_SENT15B Receive input channel 15
P01.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT159 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
ASCLIN6_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 28 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K2 P01.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSCIN7A Modulator clock input
P01.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT156 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
CAN03_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN21_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
EDSADC_DSCOUT7 O6 Modulator clock output
— O7 Reserved
M10 P01.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN0_14 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM0_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
QSPI3_SLSIB Slave select input
EDSADC_ITR7F Trigger/Gate input
EVADC_G9CH14 AI Analog input channel 14, group 9
P01.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT111 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI3_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 29 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M9 P01.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM0_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CAN01_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
EDSADC_ITR7E Trigger/Gate input
EVADC_G9CH13 AI Analog input channel 13, group 9
P01.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT112 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
QSPI3_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
N10 P01.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM2_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_MRSTC Master SPI data input
EDSADC_DSCIN8A Modulator clock input
ASCLIN9_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH12 AI Analog input channel 12, group 9
P01.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT113 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI3_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT8 O6 Modulator clock output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 30 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N9 P01.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_MTSRC Save SPI data input
EDSADC_DSDIN8A Digital datastream input
P01.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT114 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
QSPI3_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
P10 P01.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_SCLKC Slave SPI clock inputs
EDSADC_ITR8F Trigger/Gate input
ASCLIN9_ARXB Receive input
P01.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT115 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ATX O3 Transmit output
QSPI3_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 31 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L1 P01.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
CAN00_RXDF CAN receive input node 0
ERAY1_RXDB1 Receive Channel B1
EDSADC_DSDIN9A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT17B Receive input channel 17
ASCLIN0_ARXC Receive input
CAN20_RXDE CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN7_ARXB Receive input
P01.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT162 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
L2 P01.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN2_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN1_11 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSCIN9A Modulator clock input
SENT_SENT16B Receive input channel 16
P01.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT160 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT9 O6 Modulator clock output
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5

Data Sheet 32 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M2 P01.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_ITR9F Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT18B Receive input channel 18
P01.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT163 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
M1 P01.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN3_11 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN7_2 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_ITR9E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT19B Receive input channel 19
P01.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT165 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7

Data Sheet 33 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N2 P01.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSDIN10A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR10F Trigger/Gate input
P01.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT158 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ERAY1_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
— O7 Reserved
N1 P01.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSCIN10A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR10E Trigger/Gate input
P01.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT161 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
ERAY1_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
EDSADC_DSCOUT10 O7 Modulator clock output

Data Sheet 34 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-2 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P2 P01.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSDIN11A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR11F Trigger/Gate input
P01.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT164 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ERAY1_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
— O7 Reserved
P1 P01.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
EDSADC_DSDIN7A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_DSCIN11A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR11E Trigger/Gate input
P01.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT157 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT11 O7 Modulator clock output

Data Sheet 35 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G6 P02.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN2_ARXG Receive input
CCU60_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SCU_E_REQ3_2 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT0 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_0 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMN O4 Negative carrier generator output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 36 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H7 P02.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA2 Receive Channel A2
ASCLIN2_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
SCU_E_REQ2_1 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT1 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_1 Reference input 0
QSPI4_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI3_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMP O4 Positive carrier generator output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 37 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H6 P02.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
CCU60_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT14B Receive input channel 14
P02.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT2 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_2 Reference input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 38 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J7 P02.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN5B Modulator clock input
ERAY0_RXDB2 Receive Channel B2
CAN02_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXG Receive input
MSC1_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
PSI5_RX0B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
SENT_SENT13B Receive input channel 13
P02.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT3 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_3 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI3_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 39 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J6 P02.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSDIN5B Digital datastream input
QSPI3_SLSIA Slave select input
CCU60_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
I2C0_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN11_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
CAN0_ECTT1 External CAN time trigger input
SENT_SENT12B Receive input channel 12
P02.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT4 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_4 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5S_CLK O4 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
I2C0_SDA O5 Serial Data Output
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 40 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K7 P02.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN4B Modulator clock input
I2C0_SCLA Serial Clock Input
PSI5_RX1B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
PSI5S_RXB RX data input
QSPI3_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SENT_SENT3C Receive input channel 3
CAN0_ECTT2 External CAN time trigger input
P02.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT5 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_5 Reference input 0
CAN11_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 1
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
I2C0_SCL O5 Serial Clock Output
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 41 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K6 P02.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT2C Receive input channel 2
EDSADC_DSDIN4B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR5E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
CCU60_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU61_T12HRB External timer start 12
QSPI3_MTSRA Save SPI data input
RIF0_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P02.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT6 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_6 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 42 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L7 P02.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT1C Receive input channel 1
EDSADC_DSCIN3B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR4E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T3
PSI5_RX2B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU60_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
QSPI3_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
CCU61_T13HRB External timer start 13
P02.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT7 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_7 Reference input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
SENT_SPC1 O6 Transmit output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 43 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L6 P02.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT0C Receive input channel 0
CCU60_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSDIN3B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR3E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4INA Trigger/gate input of timer T4
CCU61_T12HRC External timer start 12
CCU61_T13HRC External timer start 13
PMS_PMS_TESTGND AI Analog GND out for direct connection to GPIO
P02.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT8 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_8 Reference input 0
QSPI3_SLSO5 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 44 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K9 P02.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT20B Receive input channel 20
ASCLIN8_ARXA Receive input
P02.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT116 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
ASCLIN8_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
L10 P02.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN4_11 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN2_ARXC Receive input
CAN01_RXDE CAN receive input node 1
SENT_SENT21B Receive input channel 21
ASCLIN8_ARXB Receive input
P02.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT117 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 45 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L9 P02.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN5_12 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN7_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT22B Receive input channel 22
EVADC_G9CH15 AI Analog input channel 15, group 9
P02.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT118 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN8_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F2 P02.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN6_12 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
EDSADC_DSDIN12A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR12F Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT23B Receive input channel 23
P02.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT151 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO5 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN6_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 46 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F1 P02.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN7_11 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
EDSADC_DSCIN12A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR12E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT24B Receive input channel 24
P02.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT153 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT12 O7 Modulator clock output
G2 P02.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN4_14 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN20_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
CAN00_RXDH CAN receive input node 0
EDSADC_DSDIN13A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR13F Trigger/Gate input
P02.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT154 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 47 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-3 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G1 P02.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN5_14 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_DSCIN13A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR13E Trigger/Gate input
P02.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT152 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN6_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
ERAY1_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
EDSADC_DSCOUT13 O7 Modulator clock output

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F12 P10.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T6EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T6
ASCLIN11_ARXA Receive input
GETH_RXERC Receive Error MII
P10.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT102 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI1_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 48 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G12 P10.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDB Count direction control input of timer T5
QSPI1_MRSTA Master SPI data input
P10.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT103 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI1_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
MSC0_EN1 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F10 P10.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CAN02_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
MSC0_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
GPT120_T6INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
SCU_E_REQ2_0 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P10.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT104 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_9 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 49 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F11 P10.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ3_0 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T5INB Trigger/gate input of timer T5
P10.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT105 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_10 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
G11 P10.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CCU60_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
GPT120_T3INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
ASCLIN11_ARXB Receive input
P10.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT106 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_11 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 50 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G10 P10.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG4 Hardware configuration pin 4
CAN20_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
MSC0_INJ1 Injection signal from port
P10.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT107 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_9 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
GPT120_T6OUT O5 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O6 Slave select signal output
PSI5_TX3 O7 TXD outputs (send data)

Data Sheet 51 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F9 P10.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX3C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 3
ASCLIN2_ARXD Receive input
QSPI3_MTSRB Save SPI data input
SCU_PD_HWCFG5 Hardware configuration pin 5
P10.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT108 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_10 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
GPT120_T3OUT O4 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
QSPI1_MRST O6 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7

Data Sheet 52 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F8 P10.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T3EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T3
ASCLIN2_ACTSA Clear to send input
QSPI3_MRSTB Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_2 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
P10.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT109 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_11 Reference input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CAN12_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 53 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G9 P10.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN12_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
GPT120_T4INB Trigger/gate input of timer T4
QSPI3_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ1_2 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
CAN20_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
RIF1_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P10.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT110 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B8 P10.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN1_10 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT15C Receive input channel 15
ASCLIN6_ARXD Receive input
P10.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT265 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 54 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B7 P10.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN2_11 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT16C Receive input channel 16
P10.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT266 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A7 P10.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT19C Receive input channel 19
P10.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT269 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 55 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-4 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A6 P10.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN4_9 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT18C Receive input channel 18
P10.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT268 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B5 P10.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN3_11 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT17C Receive input channel 17
P10.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT267 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A5 P10.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN6_9 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
P10.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT270 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 56 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K15 P11.0 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXB Receive input
P11.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT119 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
GETH_TXD3 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved
K14 P11.1 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT120 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
GETH_TXD2 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 57 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F15 P11.2 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT95 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO5 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
GETH_TXD1 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
G15 P11.3 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
MSC0_SDI3 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P11.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT96 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O4 Transmit Channel A
— O5 Reserved
GETH_TXD0 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 58 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J15 P11.4 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P11.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT121 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
GETH_TXER O6 Transmit Error MII
GETH_TXCLK O7 Transmit Clock Output for RGMII
J13 P11.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
GETH_TXCLKA Transmit Clock Input for MII
GETH_GREFCLK Gigabit Reference Clock input for RGMII (125 MHz high
P11.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT122 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 59 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J14 P11.6 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P11.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT97 O1 GTM muxed output
ERAY0_TXENB O2 Transmit Enable Channel B
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
ERAY0_TXENA O4 Transmit Enable Channel A
MSC0_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
GETH_TXEN O6 Transmit Enable MII and RMII
GETH_TCTL Transmit Control for RGMII
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1
K13 P11.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD3A Receive Data 3 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD3A
CAN11_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P11.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT123 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 60 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K12 P11.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD2A Receive Data 2 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD2A
CAN12_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
P11.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT124 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F14 P11.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ERAY0_RXDA1 Receive Channel A1
GETH_RXD1A Receive Data 1 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD1A only)
P11.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT98 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 61 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G14 P11.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM2_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
ERAY0_RXDB1 Receive Channel B1
ASCLIN1_ARXE Receive input
SCU_E_REQ6_3 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
MSC0_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
GETH_RXD0A Receive Data 0 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD0A only)
QSPI1_SLSIA Slave select input
P11.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT99 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 62 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F13 P11.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_14 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVA Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVA Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSB Carrier Sense MII
GETH_RCTLA Receive Control for RGMII
P11.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT100 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO4 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 63 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G13 P11.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_2 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_REFCLKA Reference Clock input for RMII (50 MHz)
GETH_TXCLKB Transmit Clock Input for MII
P11.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT101 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
GTM_CLK2 O3 CGM generated clock
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1
K11 P11.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXERA Receive Error MII
I2C1_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN13_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
P11.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT125 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 64 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-5 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J12 P11.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVB Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVB Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSA Carrier Sense MII
I2C1_SCLA Serial Clock Input
CAN20_RXDF CAN receive input node 0
P11.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT126 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved
J11 P11.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN7_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P11.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT127 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 65 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-6 Port 12 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K17 P12.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
CAN00_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P12.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT128 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
K16 P12.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
P12.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT129 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 66 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G17 P13.0 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN10_ARXC ES6 Receive input
P13.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT91 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI2_SCLKN O3 Master SPI clock output (LVDS N line)
MSC0_EN1 O4 Chip Select
MSC0_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CAN10_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 0
F17 P13.1 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
I2C0_SCLB ES6 Serial Clock Input
CAN10_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN10_ARXD Receive input
P13.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT92 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLKP O3 Master SPI clock output (LVDS P line)
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
I2C0_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 67 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G16 P13.2 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN7_3 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GPT120_CAPINA ES6 Trigger input to capture value of timer T5 into CAPREL
I2C0_SDAB Serial Data Input
P13.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT93 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI2_MTSRN O3 Master SPI data output (LVDS N line)
MSC0_FCLP O4 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
MSC0_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
I2C0_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved
F16 P13.3 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
P13.3 O0 ES6 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT94 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_MTSRP O3 Master SPI data output (LVDS P line)
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B16 P13.4 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_4 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
PU1 /
GTM_TIM5_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN3_8 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
P13.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT253 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
MSC2_EN0 O4 Chip Select
MSC2_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CAN23_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 3

Data Sheet 68 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A16 P13.5 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_4 / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
PU1 /
GTM_TIM5_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_9 ES6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
CAN23_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
P13.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT254 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
MSC2_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B15 P13.6 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_4 / FAST / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
PU1 /
GTM_TIM5_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_10 ES6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
P13.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT255 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
MSC2_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A15 P13.7 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_4 / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
PU1 /
GTM_TIM5_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_10 ES6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
P13.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT256 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
MSC2_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 69 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A14 P13.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
I2C1_SCLB Serial Clock Input
P13.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT248 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI5_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN21_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
I2C1_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved
B13 P13.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
PSI5_RX3A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 3
MSC3_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P13.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT251 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 70 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A13 P13.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
ASCLIN0_ARXE Receive input
ASCLIN7_ARXD Receive input
MSC3_INJ0 Injection signal from port
P13.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT250 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
PSI5_TX3 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B12 P13.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN0_11 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ARXH Receive input
I2C1_SDAB Serial Data Input
CAN21_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
P13.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT249 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 71 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-7 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A12 P13.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
MSC2_INJ0 Injection signal from port
PSI5_RX3B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 3
P13.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT262 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B11 P13.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
P13.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT252 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A11 P13.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_9 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
P13.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT264 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
PSI5_TX3 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 72 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G21 P14.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT17D Receive input channel 17
P14.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT80 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O3 Transmit Channel A
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 73 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F20 P14.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA3 Receive Channel A3
ASCLIN0_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT18D Receive input channel 18
ERAY0_RXDB3 Receive Channel B3
CAN01_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
SCU_E_REQ3_1 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
PMS_PINAWKP PINA ( P14.1) pin input
P14.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT81 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
K18 P14.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG2 Hardware configuration pin 2
P14.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT82 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 74 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G19 P14.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG3 Hardware configuration pin 3
ASCLIN2_ARXA Receive input
MSC0_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
SCU_E_REQ1_0 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P14.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT83 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O5 Slave select signal output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
G20 P14.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN7_2 PU2 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG6 Hardware configuration pin 6
P14.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT84 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
GETH_PPS O6 Pulse Per Second
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 75 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F19 P14.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_4 PU2 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG1 Hardware configuration pin 1
QSPI5_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P14.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT85 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
ERAY1_TXDB O7 Transmit Channel B
G18 P14.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI5_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P14.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT86 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI2_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
CAN13_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY1_TXENB O7 Transmit Enable Channel B

Data Sheet 76 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J18 P14.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
ERAY1_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
CAN10_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
CAN13_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN9_ARXC Receive input
P14.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT87 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN9_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F18 P14.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
ERAY0_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
CAN02_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXD Receive input
ERAY1_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
P14.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT88 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN7_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 77 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J17 P14.9 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN0_ACTSA ES Clear to send input
QSPI2_MRSTFN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN9_ARXD Receive input
P14.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT89 O1 GTM muxed output
CAN23_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 3
MSC0_EN1 O3 Chip Select
CAN10_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
ERAY0_TXENB O5 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
ERAY1_TXENA O7 Transmit Enable Channel A
J16 P14.10 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN23_RXDA ES CAN receive input node 3
QSPI2_MRSTFP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P14.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT90 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_SCLK O2 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O3 Chip Select
ASCLIN1_ATX O4 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
ERAY1_TXDA O7 Transmit Channel A

Data Sheet 78 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A20 P14.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
MSC2_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P14.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT258 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
MSC2_EN2 O4 Chip Select
MSC2_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B19 P14.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
MSC2_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P14.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT261 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN7_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO6 O6 Master slave select output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 79 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A19 P14.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
QSPI5_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P14.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT260 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
MSC2_EN1 O4 Chip Select
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B18 P14.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN2_8 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
CAN22_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
P14.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT259 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
ASCLIN7_ATX O3 Transmit output
MSC2_EN0 O4 Chip Select
CAN23_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
QSPI5_SLSO7 O6 Master slave select output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 80 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-8 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A18 P14.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_9 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
MSC2_INJ1 Injection signal from port
ASCLIN5_ARXD Receive input
ASCLIN7_ARXA Receive input
CAN23_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
MSC3_INJ1 Injection signal from port
P14.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT263 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO8 O6 Master slave select output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 81 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G25 P15.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT7_IN read data in
P15.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT71 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO13 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT7 O write data out
F23 P15.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN02_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_2 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT72 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
SDMMC0_CLK O7 card clock

Data Sheet 82 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H24 P15.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SLSIA Slave select input
SENT_SENT10D Receive input channel 10
QSPI2_MRSTE Master SPI data input
QSPI2_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
P15.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT73 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
G22 P15.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN01_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXB Receive input
QSPI2_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
QSPI2_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
SDMMC0_CMD_IN command in
P15.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT74 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_CMD O command out

Data Sheet 83 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F22 P15.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
I2C0_SCLC Serial Clock Input
QSPI2_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_0 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT11D Receive input channel 11
P15.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT75 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C0_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 84 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K19 P15.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN1_ARXB Receive input
I2C0_SDAC Serial Data Input
QSPI2_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ4_3 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT76 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
I2C0_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1
F21 P15.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM2_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P15.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT77 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI5_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 85 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J20 P15.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P15.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT78 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
J19 P15.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ5_0 ERU Channel 5 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT79 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 86 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B24 P15.10 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_2 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM4_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_8 ES6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
QSPI5_MRSTA Master SPI data input
P15.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT242 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
MSC3_FCLN O4 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A24 P15.11 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_2 / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM4_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN2_8 ES6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI5_SLSIA Slave select input
P15.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT243 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
MSC3_FCLP O4 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B23 P15.12 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_2 / FAST / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM4_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN3_6 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
P15.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT244 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
MSC3_SON O4 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 87 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-9 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A23 P15.13 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM4_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN4_9 ES6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
P15.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT245 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
MSC3_SOP O4 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B22 P15.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN5_12 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI5_MTSRA Save SPI data input
P15.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT246 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
MSC3_EN0 O4 Chip Select
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A22 P15.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN6_9 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI5_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
P15.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT247 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
MSC3_EN1 O4 Chip Select
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 88 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N25 P20.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM1_IN4_9 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
CCU_PAD_SYSCLK Clock input pin for System PLL and Peripheral PLL
CAN21_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
CBS_TGI0 Trigger input
SCU_E_REQ6_0 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T6EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T6
P20.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT59 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
HSCT0_SYSCLK_OUT O5 sys clock output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO0 O Trigger output
M24 P20.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI1 Trigger input
P20.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT60 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO1 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 89 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N24 P20.2 I S / PU / General-purpose input
VEXT This pin is latched at power on reset release to enter test
TESTMODE Testmode Enable Input
M25 P20.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXC Receive input
GPT120_T6INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
P20.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT61 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO9 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
L22 P20.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN12_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN9_ARXE Receive input
P20.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT62 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI0_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO8 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 90 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L24 P20.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM6_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
CAN00_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSA Clear to send input
ASCLIN9_ARXF Receive input
SDMMC0_DAT0_IN read data in
P20.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT63 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN9_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT0 O write data out
L25 P20.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_3 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SDMMC0_DAT1_IN read data in
P20.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT64 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI0_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO0 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT1 O write data out

Data Sheet 91 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K22 P20.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN1_ARXC Receive input
QSPI0_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_0 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P20.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT65 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO1 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1
K24 P20.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT2_IN read data in
P20.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT66 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO7 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT2 O write data out

Data Sheet 92 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K25 P20.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
SDMMC0_DAT3_IN read data in
P20.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT67 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT3 O write data out
J24 P20.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT4_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_13 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT68 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_13 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT4 O write data out

Data Sheet 93 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-10 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J25 P20.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SLSIA Slave select input
SDMMC0_DAT5_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_14 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT69 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_14 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO2 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI0_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT5 O write data out
H25 P20.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT6_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_15 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT70 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_15 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT6 O write data out

Data Sheet 94 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-11 Port 21 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R22 P21.0 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_6 ES Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXC Receive input
HSCT1_RXDN Rx data
P21.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT51 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM1 O Pin Output Value
P22 P21.1 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_13 X / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_6 ES Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN11_ARXD Receive input
HSCT1_RXDP Rx data
P21.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT52 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM2 O Pin Output Value

Data Sheet 95 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-11 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R24 P21.2 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_7 ES Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin B input request
ASCLIN3_ARXGN Differential Receive input (low active)
HSCT0_RXDN Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXE Receive input
P21.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT53 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
P24 P21.3 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_12 X / FAST / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_6 ES Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN3_ARXGP Differential Receive input (high active)
HSCT0_RXDP Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P21.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT54 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 96 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-11 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R25 P21.4 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_12 / FAST / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_6 ES6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P21.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT55 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDN O Tx data
P25 P21.5 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_11 / FAST / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_6 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN11_ARXF Receive input
P21.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT56 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN11_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 97 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-11 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N22 P21.6/TDI I FAST / General-purpose input
PD / PU2 PD during Reset and in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode. After
/ VEXT / Reset release and when not in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode:
ES3 PU. In Standby mode: HighZ.
GTM_TIM4_IN2_12 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDA Count direction control input of timer T5
ASCLIN3_ARXF Receive input
CBS_TGI2 Trigger input
TDI JTAG Module Data Input
P21.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT57 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T3OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CBS_TGO2 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 98 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-11 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N21 P21.7/TDO I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_12 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5INA Trigger/gate input of timer T5
CBS_TGI3 Trigger input
GETH_RXERB Receive Error MII
P21.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT58 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T6OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
CBS_TGO3 O Trigger output
TDO O JTAG Module Data Output

Data Sheet 99 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W25 P22.0 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_7 ES6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ASCLIN6_ARXE Receive input
P22.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT47 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXN O2 Differential Transmit output (low active)
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI4_SCLKN O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN6_ATX O7 Transmit output
W24 P22.1 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_8 ES6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN7_ARXE Receive input
P22.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT48 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXP O2 Differential Transmit output (high active)
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SCLKP O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN7_ATX O7 Transmit output

Data Sheet 100 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y25 P22.2 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_7 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIB Slave select input
P22.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT49 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI4_MTSRN O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT1_TXDN O Tx data
Y24 P22.3 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_4 ES6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
ASCLIN5_ARXC Receive input
P22.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT50 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
QSPI4_MTSRP O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_MUTE O7 Mute output to tx
HSCT1_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 101 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W21 P22.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
ASCLIN7_ARXF Receive input
P22.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT130 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 3
HSPDM_BS0_OUT O7 Bit stream 0 output
W22 P22.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CAN13_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
P22.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT131 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_BS1_OUT O7 Bit stream 1 output

Data Sheet 102 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
V21 P22.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_14 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTC Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXC Receive input
P22.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT132 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
V22 P22.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKC Slave SPI clock inputs
CAN21_RXDF CAN receive input node 1
P22.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT133 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 103 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U21 P22.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P22.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT134 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
U22 P22.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXD Receive input
CAN22_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
P22.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT135 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 104 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-12 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T21 P22.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P22.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT136 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
CAN23_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
T22 P22.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CAN23_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
P22.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT137 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 105 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-13 Port 23 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AC25 P23.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN10_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P23.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT41 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
AB24 P23.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
MSC1_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
ASCLIN6_ARXF Receive input
P23.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT42 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI4_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
GTM_CLK0 O4 CGM generated clock
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CCU_EXTCLK0 O6 CCU external clock
ASCLIN6_ASCLK O7 Shift clock output

Data Sheet 106 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-13 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB25 P23.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN7_ARXC Receive input
P23.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT43 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
CAN23_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
AA24 P23.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
MSC1_INJ0 Injection signal from port
ASCLIN6_ARXA Receive input
CAN12_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CAN23_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
P23.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT44 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 107 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-13 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA25 P23.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P23.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT45 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI4_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
AA22 P23.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P23.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT46 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN1 O5 Chip Select
CAN22_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved
Y22 P23.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
CAN22_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
P23.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT138 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO11 O4 Master slave select output
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 108 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-13 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y21 P23.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
CAN11_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
P23.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT139 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U29 P24.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN11 Address Input
P24.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT222 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A11 O Address Output

Data Sheet 109 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U30 P24.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN15 Address Input
P24.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT223 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A15 O Address Output
T29 P24.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN2_8 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN14 Address Input
P24.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT224 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A14 O Address Output

Data Sheet 110 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T30 P24.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN13 Address Input
P24.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT225 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A13 O Address Output
R29 P24.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN9 Address Input
P24.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT226 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A9 O Address Output

Data Sheet 111 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R30 P24.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN12 Address Input
P24.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT227 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A12 O Address Output
P29 P24.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN5 Address Input
P24.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT228 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A5 O Address Output

Data Sheet 112 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P30 P24.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
EBU_A_IN8 Address Input
P24.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT229 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A8 O Address Output
N29 P24.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN10 Address Input
P24.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT230 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A10 O Address Output

Data Sheet 113 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N30 P24.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN6 Address Input
P24.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT231 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A6 O Address Output
M29 P24.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN4 Address Input
P24.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT232 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A4 O Address Output

Data Sheet 114 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M30 P24.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN3 Address Input
P24.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT233 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A3 O Address Output
L29 P24.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN1 Address Input
P24.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT234 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A1 O Address Output

Data Sheet 115 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L30 P24.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN2 Address Input
P24.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT235 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A2 O Address Output
K29 P24.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM7_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN0 Address Input
P24.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT236 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A0 O Address Output

Data Sheet 116 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-14 Port 24 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K30 P24.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM5_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
EBU_A_IN7 Address Input
P24.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT237 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A7 O Address Output

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AG30 P25.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN0_12 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
P25.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT206 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_BFCLKO O Burst Flash Clock Output

Data Sheet 117 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AF30 P25.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN1_11 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
EBU_RD_FDBK Read Feedback
P25.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT207 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_RD O Read Control
AF29 P25.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
EBU_WR_FDBK Write Feedback
P25.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT208 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_WR O Write Control

Data Sheet 118 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE30 P25.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
EBU_CS_FDBK2 Chip Select Feedback
P25.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT209 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
EBU_BAA O7 Burst Address Advance
EBU_CS2 O Chip Select
AE29 P25.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN4_10 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
EBU_CS_FDBK1 Chip Select Feedback
P25.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT210 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_CS1 O Chip Select

Data Sheet 119 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD30 P25.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN5_11 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
EBU_CS_FDBK0 Chip Select Feedback
P25.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT211 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_CS0 O Chip Select
W29 P25.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN6_14 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
EBU_WAIT Wait Input
P25.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT212 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
AD29 P25.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN7_10 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
EBU_ADV_FDBK ADV Control Signal Feedback
P25.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT213 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_ADV O Address Valid Control Signal

Data Sheet 120 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AC29 P25.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
P25.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT214 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
EBU_A23 O5 Address Output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_BC0 O Byte Control
AC30 P25.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
P25.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT215 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
EBU_A22 O5 Address Output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_BC1 O Byte Control
AB29 P25.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
P25.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT216 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
EBU_A21 O5 Address Output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_BC2 O Byte Control

Data Sheet 121 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB30 P25.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
P25.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT217 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
EBU_A20 O5 Address Output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_BC3 O Byte Control
AA29 P25.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
P25.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT218 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A19 O Address Output
AA30 P25.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
P25.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT219 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A17 O Address Output

Data Sheet 122 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-15 Port 25 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y29 P25.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
P25.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT220 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A18 O Address Output
Y30 P25.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
P25.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT221 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_A16 O Address Output

Data Sheet 123 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-16 Port 26 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AG29 P26.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN6_11 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
EBU_BFCLKI Burst Flash Clock Feedback
P26.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT212 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AJ21 P30.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN14 Data Bus Input
P30.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT190 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD14 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 124 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK21 P30.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_10 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN11 Data Bus Input
P30.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT191 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD11 O Data Bus Output
AJ22 P30.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN12 Data Bus Input
P30.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT192 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD12 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 125 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK22 P30.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN15 Data Bus Input
P30.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT193 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD15 O Data Bus Output
AJ23 P30.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN4_9 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN8 Data Bus Input
P30.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT194 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD8 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 126 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK23 P30.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN13 Data Bus Input
P30.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT195 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD13 O Data Bus Output
AJ24 P30.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN6_9 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN4 Data Bus Input
P30.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT196 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD4 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 127 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK24 P30.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN7_9 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
EBU_AD_IN7 Data Bus Input
P30.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT197 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD7 O Data Bus Output
AJ25 P30.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN3 Data Bus Input
P30.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT198 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD3 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 128 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK25 P30.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN0 Data Bus Input
P30.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT199 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD0 O Data Bus Output
AJ26 P30.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN5 Data Bus Input
P30.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT200 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD5 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 129 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK26 P30.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN10 Data Bus Input
P30.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT201 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD10 O Data Bus Output
AJ27 P30.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN9 Data Bus Input
P30.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT202 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD9 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 130 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK27 P30.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN2 Data Bus Input
P30.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT203 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD2 O Data Bus Output
AJ28 P30.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN1 Data Bus Input
P30.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT204 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD1 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 131 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-17 Port 30 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK28 P30.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN6 Data Bus Input
P30.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT205 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD6 O Data Bus Output

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AJ12 P31.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN0_13 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN30 Data Bus Input
P31.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT174 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD30 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 132 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK12 P31.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN29 Data Bus Input
P31.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT175 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD29 O Data Bus Output
AJ13 P31.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN28 Data Bus Input
P31.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT176 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD28 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 133 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK13 P31.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN3_14 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN26 Data Bus Input
P31.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT177 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD26 O Data Bus Output
AJ14 P31.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN4_12 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN24 Data Bus Input
P31.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT178 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD24 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 134 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK14 P31.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN5_13 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN23 Data Bus Input
P31.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT179 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD23 O Data Bus Output
AJ15 P31.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN6_12 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN20 Data Bus Input
P31.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT180 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD20 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 135 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK15 P31.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM2_IN7_14 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
EBU_AD_IN16 Data Bus Input
P31.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT181 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD16 O Data Bus Output
AJ16 P31.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN31 Data Bus Input
SENT_SENT20C Receive input channel 20
P31.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT182 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD31 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 136 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK16 P31.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN27 Data Bus Input
SENT_SENT21C Receive input channel 21
P31.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT183 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD27 O Data Bus Output
AJ17 P31.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN21 Data Bus Input
SENT_SENT22C Receive input channel 22
P31.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT184 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD21 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 137 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK17 P31.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN25 Data Bus Input
SENT_SENT23C Receive input channel 23
P31.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT185 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD25 O Data Bus Output
AJ18 P31.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN19 Data Bus Input
SENT_SENT24C Receive input channel 24
P31.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT186 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD19 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 138 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK18 P31.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN22 Data Bus Input
P31.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT187 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD22 O Data Bus Output
AJ19 P31.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN18 Data Bus Input
P31.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT188 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD18 O Data Bus Output

Data Sheet 139 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-18 Port 31 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AK19 P31.15 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM5_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
EBU_AD_IN17 Data Bus Input
P31.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT189 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
EBU_AD17 O Data Bus Output

Table 2-19 Port 32 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE22 P32.0/VGATE1N I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
VEXT / gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN2_5 ES Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P32.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT36 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 140 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-19 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD22 P32.1/VGATE1P I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN3_15 VEXT / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
P32.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT37 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
AE23 P32.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN3_ARXD Receive input
CAN21_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P32.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT38 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 141 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-19 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE24 P32.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
P32.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT39 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
AD23 P32.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSB Clear to send input
MSC1_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P32.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT40 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
GTM_CLK1 O4 CGM generated clock
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 142 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-19 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA20 P32.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
SENT_SENT10C Receive input channel 10
P32.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT140 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
AB20 P32.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN4_15 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
CAN02_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CBS_TGI4 Trigger input
ASCLIN2_ARXF Receive input
ASCLIN6_ARXC Receive input
SENT_SENT11C Receive input channel 11
P32.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT141 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO4 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 143 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-19 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB21 P32.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_15 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CBS_TGI5 Trigger input
CAN22_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
SENT_SENT12C Receive input channel 12
P32.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT142 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO5 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 144 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD15 P33.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT13C Receive input channel 13
IOM_PIN_0 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 10
EVADC_FC7CH0 Analog input FC channel 7
P33.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT22 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_0 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_0 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 145 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE15 P33.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_15 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR1E Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX0C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN2B Modulator clock input
SENT_SENT9C Receive input channel 9
ASCLIN8_ARXC Receive input
IOM_PIN_1 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 10
EVADC_FC6CH0 Analog input FC channel 6
P33.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT23 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_1 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_1 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 146 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD16 P33.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR2E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT8C Receive input channel 8
EDSADC_DSDIN2B Digital datastream input
IOM_PIN_2 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 10
EVADC_FC5CH0 Analog input FC channel 5
P33.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT24 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_2 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_2 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI2_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 147 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE16 P33.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN7_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX1C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
SENT_SENT7C Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSCIN1B Modulator clock input
IOM_PIN_3 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 10
EVADC_FC4CH0 Analog input FC channel 4
P33.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT25 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_3 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_3 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 148 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD17 P33.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0F Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT6C Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSDIN1B Digital datastream input
CCU61_CTRAPC Trap input capture
ASCLIN5_ARXB Receive input
IOM_PIN_4 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 10
P33.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT26 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_4 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_4 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO12 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
CAN13_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 3

Data Sheet 149 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE17 P33.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN0B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR1F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDB Count direction control input of timer T4
PSI5S_RXC RX data input
ASCLIN2_ACTSB Clear to send input
CCU61_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
PSI5_RX2C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
SENT_SENT5C Receive input channel 5
CAN13_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
IOM_PIN_5 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 10
P33.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT27 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_5 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_5 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
QSPI0_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O7 Slave select signal output

Data Sheet 150 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD18 P33.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
EDSADC_ITR2F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T2EUDB Count direction control input of timer T2
SENT_SENT4C Receive input channel 4
CCU61_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_DSDIN0B Digital datastream input
ASCLIN8_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_6 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 10
P33.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT28 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_6 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_6 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
PSI5S_TX O7 TX data output

Data Sheet 151 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE18 P33.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
CAN00_RXDE CAN receive input node 0
GPT120_T2INB Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
SCU_E_REQ4_0 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT14C Receive input channel 14
IOM_PIN_7 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 10
P33.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT29 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_7 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_7 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 152 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD19 P33.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_7 HighZ / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN2_ARXE Receive input
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin A input request
IOM_PIN_8 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT30 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_8 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP0 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core

Data Sheet 153 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE19 P33.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI3_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
IOM_PIN_9 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT31 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_9 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ATX O6 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 154 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD20 P33.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIA Slave select input
QSPI3_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
CAN01_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_10 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT32 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_10 Monitor input 0
QSPI1_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
PSI5S_CLK O5 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP1 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core
AE20 P33.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_8 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI4_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
IOM_PIN_11 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT33 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_11 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_CGPWMN O6 Negative carrier generator output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 155 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD21 P33.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
QSPI4_MTSRA Save SPI data input
CAN00_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
PMS_PINBWKP PINB (P33.12) pin input
IOM_PIN_12 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT34 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_12 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
EDSADC_CGPWMP O6 Positive carrier generator output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 156 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AE21 P33.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
ASCLIN1_ARXF Receive input
EDSADC_SGNB Carrier sign signal input
QSPI4_MRSTA Master SPI data input
MSC1_INJ1 Injection signal from port
CAN22_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
P33.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT35 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO6 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 157 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-20 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA19 P33.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN5_14 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SCLKD Slave SPI clock inputs
CBS_TGI6 Trigger input
P33.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT143 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO6 O Trigger output
AB19 P33.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN6_12 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI7 Trigger input
P33.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT144 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO7 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 158 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-21 Port 34 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB16 P34.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_12 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 10
P34.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT146 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
AA17 P34.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_13 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN4_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDG CAN receive input node 0
CAN20_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
EVADC_G10CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 10
P34.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT147 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 159 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-21 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB17 P34.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_13 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 10
P34.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT148 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
AA18 P34.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MRSTD Master SPI data input
EVADC_G10CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 10
P34.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT149 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 160 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-21 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB18 P34.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN7_9 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MTSRD Save SPI data input
ASCLIN8_ARXE Receive input
P34.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT150 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN8_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA15 AN0 I D / HighZ Analog Input 0
EVADC_G0CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3PA Positive analog input channel 3, pin A
AB15 AN1 I D / HighZ Analog Input 1
EVADC_G0CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3NA Negative analog input channel 3, pin A
AD14 AN2 I D / HighZ Analog Input 2
EVADC_G0CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0PA Positive analog input channel 0, pin A
AB14 AN3 I D / HighZ Analog Input 3
EVADC_G0CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0NA Negative analog input channel 0, pin A
AA14 AN4 I D / HighZ Analog Input 4
EVADC_G11CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 11
EVADC_G0CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 0
AE14 AN5 I D / HighZ Analog Input 5
EVADC_G11CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 11
EVADC_G0CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 0

Data Sheet 161 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA13 AN6 I D / HighZ Analog Input 6
EVADC_G11CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 11
EVADC_G0CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 0
AB13 AN7 I D / HighZ Analog Input 7
EVADC_G11CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 11
EVADC_G0CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 0
AD13 AN8 I D / HighZ Analog Input 8
EVADC_G11CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 11
EVADC_G1CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 1
AB12 AN9 I D / HighZ Analog Input 9
EVADC_G11CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 11
EVADC_G1CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 1
AE13 AN10 I D / HighZ Analog Input 10
EVADC_G11CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 11
EVADC_G1CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 1
AD12 AN11 I D / HighZ Analog Input 11
EVADC_G11CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 11
EVADC_G1CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 1
AA12 AN12 I D / HighZ Analog Input 12
EVADC_G1CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0PB Positive analog input channel 0, pin B
AD11 AN13 I D / HighZ Analog Input 13
EVADC_G1CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0NB Negative analog input channel 0, pin B
AB11 AN14 I D / HighZ Analog Input 14
EVADC_G1CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3PB Positive analog input channel 3, pin B
AA11 AN15 I D / HighZ Analog Input 15
EVADC_G1CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3NB Negative analog input channel 3, pin N
AD10 AN16 I D / HighZ Analog Input 16
EVADC_G2CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 2
EVADC_FC0CH0 Analog input FC channel 0
AB10 AN17/P40.10 I S / HighZ Analog Input 17
SENT_SENT10A / VDDM Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G2CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 2
EVADC_FC1CH0 Analog input FC channel 1

Data Sheet 162 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD9 AN18/P40.11 I S / HighZ Analog Input 18
SENT_SENT11A / VDDM Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G11CH8 Analog input channel 8, group 11
EVADC_G2CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 2
AD8 AN19/P40.12 I S / HighZ Analog Input 19
SENT_SENT12A / VDDM Receive input channel 12
EVADC_G11CH9 Analog input channel 9, group 11
EVADC_G2CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 2
AE8 AN20 I D / HighZ Analog Input 20
EVADC_G2CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2PA Positive analog input channel 2, pin A
AE7 AN21 I D / HighZ Analog Input 21
EVADC_G2CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2NA Negative analog input channel 2, pin A
AA10 AN22 I D / HighZ Analog Input 22
EVADC_G2CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 2
Y10 AN23 I D / HighZ Analog Input 23
EVADC_G2CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 2
AD7 AN24/P40.0 I S / HighZ Analog Input 24
SENT_SENT0A / VDDM Receive input channel 0
EVADC_G3CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS0D Hall capture input 0
EDSADC_EDS2PB Positive analog input channel 2, pin B
AD6 AN25/P40.1 I S / HighZ Analog Input 25
SENT_SENT1A / VDDM Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G3CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS2NB Negative analog input channel 2, pin B
AC7 AN26/P40.2 I S / HighZ Analog Input 26
SENT_SENT2A / VDDM Receive input channel 2
EVADC_G3CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS1D Hall capture input 1
EVADC_G11CH10 Analog input channel 10, group 11
AC6 AN27/P40.3 I S / HighZ Analog Input 27
SENT_SENT3A / VDDM Receive input channel 3
EVADC_G3CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS2B Hall capture input 2
EVADC_G11CH11 Analog input channel 11, group 11

Data Sheet 163 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AB7 AN28/P40.13 I S / HighZ Analog Input 28
SENT_SENT13A / VDDM Receive input channel 13
EVADC_G3CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 3
EVADC_G4CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 4
AB6 AN29/P40.14 I S / HighZ Analog Input 29
SENT_SENT14A / VDDM Receive input channel 14
EVADC_G3CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 3
EVADC_G4CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 4
AA9 AN30 I D / HighZ Analog Input 30
EVADC_G3CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 3
EVADC_G4CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 4
Y9 AN31 I D / HighZ Analog Input 31
EVADC_G3CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 3
EVADC_G4CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 4
W9 AN32/P40.4 I S / HighZ Analog Input 32
SENT_SENT4A / VDDM Receive input channel 4
EVADC_G8CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 8
CCU60_CCPOS2D Hall capture input 2
EVADC_G11CH12 Analog input channel 12, group 11
Y6 AN33/P40.5 I S / HighZ Analog Input 33
SENT_SENT5A / VDDM Receive input channel 5
EVADC_G8CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS0D Hall capture input 0
EVADC_G11CH13 Analog input channel 13, group 11
W10 AN34 I D / HighZ Analog Input 34
EVADC_G8CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 8
EVADC_G11CH14 Analog input channel 14, group 11
Y7 AN35 I D / HighZ Analog Input 35
EVADC_G8CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 8
EVADC_G11CH15 Analog input channel 15, group 11
V9 AN36/P40.6 I S / HighZ Analog Input 36
SENT_SENT6A / VDDM Receive input channel 6
EVADC_G8CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1PA Positive analog input channel 1, pin A

Data Sheet 164 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W7 AN37/P40.7 I S / HighZ Analog Input 37
SENT_SENT7A / VDDM Receive input channel 7
EVADC_G8CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1D Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1NA Negative analog input channel 1, pin A
V10 AN38/P40.8 I S / HighZ Analog Input 38
SENT_SENT8A / VDDM Receive input channel 8
EVADC_G8CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2B Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1PB Positive analog input channel 1, pin B
W6 AN39/P40.9 I S / HighZ Analog Input 39
SENT_SENT9A / VDDM Receive input channel 9
EVADC_G8CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2D Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1NB Negative analog input channel 1, pin B
U10 AN40 I D / HighZ Analog Input 40
EVADC_G8CH8 / VDDM Analog input channel 8, group 8
EVADC_G4CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 4
U9 AN41 I D / HighZ Analog Input 41
EVADC_G8CH9 / VDDM Analog input channel 9, group 8
EVADC_G4CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 4
T10 AN42 I D / HighZ Analog Input 42
EVADC_G8CH10 / VDDM Analog input channel 10, group 8
EVADC_G4CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 4
T9 AN43 I D / HighZ Analog Input 43
EVADC_G8CH11 / VDDM Analog input channel 11, group 8
EVADC_G4CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 4
V6 AN44 I D / HighZ Analog Input 44
EVADC_G8CH12 / VDDM Analog input channel 12, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PC Positive analog input channel 1, pin C
V7 AN45 I D / HighZ Analog Input 45
EVADC_G8CH13 / VDDM Analog input channel 13, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1NC Negative analog input channel 1, pin C
U6 AN46 I D / HighZ Analog Input 46
EVADC_G8CH14 / VDDM Analog input channel 14, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PD Positive analog input channel 1, pin D

Data Sheet 165 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U7 AN47 I D / HighZ Analog Input 47
EVADC_G8CH15 / VDDM Analog input channel 15, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1ND Negative analog input channel 1, pin D
AK7 AN48 I D / HighZ Analog Input 48
EVADC_G5CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 5
AJ7 AN49 I D / HighZ Analog Input 49
EVADC_G5CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 5
AJ6 AN50 I D / HighZ Analog Input 50
EVADC_G5CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 5
EDSADC_EDS9PA Positive analog input channel 9, pin A
AK6 AN51 I D / HighZ Analog Input 51
EVADC_G5CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 5
EDSADC_EDS9NA Negative analog input channel 9, pin A
AJ5 AN52 I D / HighZ Analog Input 52
EVADC_G5CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 5
EDSADC_EDS6PA Positive analog input channel 6, pin A
AK5 AN53 I D / HighZ Analog Input 53
EVADC_G5CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 5
EDSADC_EDS6NA Negative analog input channel 6, pin A
AJ4 AN54/P41.4 I S / HighZ Analog Input 54
SENT_SENT20A / VDDM Receive input channel 20
EVADC_G5CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 5
EDSADC_EDS6PB Positive analog input channel 6, pin B
AK4 AN55/P41.5 I S / HighZ Analog Input 55
SENT_SENT21A / VDDM Receive input channel 21
EVADC_G5CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 5
EDSADC_EDS6NB Negative analog input channel 6, pin B
AF1 AN56 I D / HighZ Analog Input 56
EVADC_G6CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 6
AF2 AN57 I D / HighZ Analog Input 57
EVADC_G6CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 6
AE2 AN58 I D / HighZ Analog Input 58
EVADC_G6CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 6
EDSADC_EDS10PA Positive analog input channel 10, pin A
AE1 AN59 I D / HighZ Analog Input 59
EVADC_G6CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 6
EDSADC_EDS10NA Negative analog input channel 10, pin A

Data Sheet 166 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AD1 AN60 I D / HighZ Analog Input 60
EVADC_G6CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 6
EDSADC_EDS7PA Positive analog input channel 7, pin A
AD2 AN61 I D / HighZ Analog Input 61
EVADC_G6CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 6
EDSADC_EDS7NA Negative analog input channel 7, pin A
AC2 AN62/P41.6 I S / HighZ Analog Input 62
SENT_SENT22A / VDDM Receive input channel 22
EVADC_G6CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 6
EDSADC_EDS7PB Positive analog input channel 7, pin B
AC1 AN63/P41.7 I S / HighZ Analog Input 63
SENT_SENT23A / VDDM Receive input channel 23
EVADC_G6CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 6
EDSADC_EDS7NB Negative analog input channel 7, pin B
AB2 AN64/P41.8 I S / HighZ Analog Input 64
SENT_SENT24A / VDDM Receive input channel 24
EVADC_G7CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 7
AB1 AN65 I D / HighZ Analog Input 65
EVADC_G7CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 7
AA2 AN66 I D / HighZ Analog Input 66
EVADC_G7CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 7
EDSADC_EDS11PA Positive analog input channel 11, pin A
AA1 AN67/P40.15 I S / HighZ Analog Input 67
SENT_SENT15A / VDDM Receive input channel 15
EVADC_G7CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 7
EDSADC_EDS11NA Negative analog input channel 11, pin A
Y1 AN68/P41.0 I S / HighZ Analog Input 68
SENT_SENT16A / VDDM Receive input channel 16
EVADC_G7CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 7
EDSADC_EDS8PA Positive analog input channel 8, pin A
Y2 AN69/P41.1 I S / HighZ Analog Input 69
SENT_SENT17A / VDDM Receive input channel 17
EVADC_G7CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 7
EDSADC_EDS8NA Negative analog input channel 8, pin A

Data Sheet 167 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-22 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W1 AN70/P41.2 I S / HighZ Analog Input 70
SENT_SENT18A / VDDM Receive input channel 18
EVADC_G7CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 7
EDSADC_EDS12PA Positive analog input channel 9, pin B
EDSADC_EDS9PB Positive analog input channel 9, pin B
W2 AN71/P41.3 I S / HighZ Analog Input 71
SENT_SENT19A / VDDM Receive input channel 19
EVADC_G7CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 7
EDSADC_EDS12NA Negative analog input channel 9, pin B
EDSADC_EDS9NB Negative analog input channel 9, pin B
V1 AN72 I D / HighZ Analog Input 72
EDSADC_EDS13PA / VDDM Positive analog input channel 13, pin A
V2 AN73 I D / HighZ Analog Input 73
EDSADC_EDS13NA / VDDM Negative analog input channel 13, pin A

Table 2-23 System I/O

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T12 AGBTCLKN (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
R12 AGBTCLKP (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
W15 AGBTTXN (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
W16 AGBTTXP (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
T19 AGBTERR (VSS) I FAST / AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
PD /
AD22 P32.1/VGATE1P O — DCDC P ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
AE22 P32.0/VGATE1N O — DCDC N ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
gate control for EVRC
U25 XTAL1 I XTAL / XTAL1. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator Input.
U24 XTAL2 O XTAL / XTAL2. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator OUTPUT

Data Sheet 168 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-23 System I/O (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R19 DAPE0 I FAST / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE0 clock input(PD Devices: NC)
T24 TRST I FAST / JTAG Module Reset/Enable Input
DAPE0 I PU2 / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
R21 TMS I FAST / JTAG Module State Machine Control Input
DAP1 I/O PD2 / DAP: DAP1 Data I/O
P21 TCK I FAST / JTAG Module Clock Input
DAP0 I PD2 / DAP: DAP0 Clock Input
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE1 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE2 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
M21 ESR1 I FAST / ESR1 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
PU1 / an NMI
VEXT ESR1: External System Request Reset 1. Default NMI
function. See also SCU chapter for details. Default after
power-on can be different. See also SCU chapter ´Reset
Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register description.
PMS_ESR1WKP I ESR1 pin input
L21 ESR0 I FAST / ESR0 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
OD / an NMI
VEXT ESR0: External System Request Reset 0. Default
configuration during and after reset is open-drain driver.
The driver drives low during power-on reset. This is valid
additionally after deactivation of PORST_N until the
internal reset phase has finished. See also SCU chapter for
details. Default after power-on can be different. See also
SCU chapter ´Reset Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register
description. PMS_EVRWUP: EVR Wakepup Pin
PMS_ESR0WKP I ESR0 pin input
M22 PORST I PORST / PORST pin input
PD / Power On Reset Input. Additional strong PD in case of
VEXT power fail.

Data Sheet 169 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-24 Supply

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N19, V19, VDD I — Digital Core Power Supply (1.25V)
M18, W18,
W13, V12,
J21, K20
AJ30, AH29, VEXT I — External Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)
AD25, AC24,
G8, F7, B3,
J10 VFLEX I — Digital Power Supply for Flex Port Pads (5V / 3.3V)
AE10, AJ9, VDDM I — ADC Analog Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)
A29, B28, VDDP3 I — Flash Power Supply (3.3V)
F24, G23
AK30, AJ29, VSS I — Digital Ground
AE25, AD24,
AB22, AA21,
K10, J9, G7,
B2, A30,
B30, B29,
F25, G24,
J22, K21
AE9, AJ8, VSSM I — Analog Ground for VDDM
P19, U19, VSS I — Digital Ground
P18, R18,
T18, U18,
M17, N17,
R17, T17,
V17, W17,
N16, P16,
R16, T16,
U16, V16,
N15, P15,
R15, T15,
U15, V15,
M14, N14,
R14, T14,
V14, W14,
P13, R13,
T13, U13,
P12, U12
T25 VSSOSC I — Oscillator Ground
AE11 VAREF1 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 1
AE12 VAGND1 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 1

Data Sheet 170 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-24 Supply (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
AA6 VAREF2 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 2
AA7 VAGND2 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 2
C30, D30, NC I — Not connected. These pins are reserved for future
E30, F30, extensions and shall not be connected externally
G30, W30,
C29, D29,
E29, F29,
G29, A28,
A27, B27,
A26, B26,
A25, A21,
AJ20, B21,
B20, A17,
B17, A10,
B10, A9, B9,
A8, A4, B4,
A3, AJ3,
AK3, C2, D2,
E2, H2, R2,
AH2, AJ2,
AK2, B1, C1,
D1, E1, H1,
J1, R1, T1,
AH1, AJ1,
B6, B14, B25
AB9, F6, NC1 I — Not connected. These pins are not connected on
AE6, A1, package level and will not be used for future
AK1, V30, extensions
H30, H29, VSS I — Digital Ground for EBU
AJ10, AK10
N12, M13 VDDSB (VDD) I — Devices with integrated EMEM: EMEM SRAM Standby
Power Supply, VDDSB (1.25V);Devices without
integrated EMEM: VDD (1.25V)
J29, J30, VEBU I — Digital Power Supply for EBU (5V / 3.3V)
AH30, AK29,
AK20, AJ11,
AA16 VEVRSB I — Standby Power Supply (5V / 3.3V) for the Standby
V24 VDDOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (1.25V)
V25 VEXTOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (shall be supplied
with same level as used for VEXT)
AG1 VAREF3 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 3
AG2 VAGND3 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 3

Data Sheet 171 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

2.2 LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G1 P00.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CTRAPA Trap input capture
CCU60_T12HRE External timer start 12
MSC0_INJ0 Injection signal from port
P00.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT9 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_9 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 172 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G2 P00.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN3_ARXE Receive input
EDSADC_DSCIN5A Modulator clock input
CAN10_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
PSI5_RX0A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
CCU61_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT0B Receive input channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN7B Modulator clock input
EVADC_G9CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NA Negative analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT10 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_10 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT7 O5 Modulator clock output
SENT_SPC0 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 173 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H1 P00.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_DSDIN7B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_DSDIN5A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT1B Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G9CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PA Positive analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT11 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_11 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
CAN21_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO4 O6 Master slave select output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 174 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H2 P00.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
EDSADC_DSCIN3A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR5F Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX1A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
CAN03_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
CAN21_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
PSI5S_RXA RX data input
SENT_SENT2B Receive input channel 2
CCU61_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
EVADC_G9CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NB Negative analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT12 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_12 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC2 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 175 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J1 P00.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SCU_E_REQ2_2 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT3B Receive input channel 3
EDSADC_DSDIN3A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_SGNA Carrier sign signal input
ASCLIN10_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PB Positive analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT13 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_13 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
CAN11_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
SENT_SPC3 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 176 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J2 P00.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_11 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSCIN2A Modulator clock input
PSI5_RX2A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU61_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT4B Receive input channel 4
CAN11_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
EVADC_G9CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 9
P00.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT14 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_14 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMN O2 Negative carrier generator output
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
SENT_SPC4 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 177 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J4 P00.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_ITR4F Trigger/Gate input
EDSADC_DSDIN2A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT5B Receive input channel 5
ASCLIN5_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 9
P00.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT15 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_15 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMP O2 Positive carrier generator output
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC5 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 178 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K1 P00.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN2_11 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT6B Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSCIN4A Modulator clock input
GPT120_T2INA Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU60_T12HRB External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NA Negative analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT16 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC6 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 179 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K4 P00.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN3_11 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT7B Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSDIN4A Digital datastream input
GPT120_T2EUDA Count direction control input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
CCU60_T13HRB External timer start 13
ASCLIN10_ARXB Receive input
EVADC_G9CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PA Positive analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT17 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN10_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC7 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 180 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K2 P00.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT8B Receive input channel 8
CCU61_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSCIN1A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR3F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDA Count direction control input of timer T4
CCU60_T13HRC External timer start 13
CCU60_T12HRC External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NB Negative analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT18 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN3_ARTS O3 Ready to send output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
ASCLIN4_ATX O5 Transmit output
SENT_SPC8 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 181 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K5 P00.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT9B Receive input channel 9
EDSADC_DSDIN1A Digital datastream input
EVADC_G9CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PB Positive analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT19 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC9 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
L1 P00.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CTRAPA Trap input capture
EDSADC_DSCIN0A Modulator clock input
CCU61_T12HRE External timer start 12
SENT_SENT10B Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G9CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 9
EVADC_FC3CH0 Analog input FC channel 3
P00.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT20 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 182 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-25 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L2 P00.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ACTSA Clear to send input
EDSADC_DSDIN0A Digital datastream input
ASCLIN4_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT11B Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G9CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 9
EVADC_FC2CH0 Analog input FC channel 2
P00.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT21 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 183 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-26 Port 01 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G5 P01.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN0_14 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM0_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
QSPI3_SLSIB Slave select input
EDSADC_ITR7F Trigger/Gate input
EVADC_G9CH14 AI Analog input channel 14, group 9
P01.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT111 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI3_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
G4 P01.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM0_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CAN01_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
EDSADC_ITR7E Trigger/Gate input
EVADC_G9CH13 AI Analog input channel 13, group 9
P01.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT112 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
QSPI3_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 184 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-26 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H5 P01.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM2_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_MRSTC Master SPI data input
EDSADC_DSCIN8A Modulator clock input
ASCLIN9_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH12 AI Analog input channel 12, group 9
P01.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT113 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI3_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT8 O6 Modulator clock output
— O7 Reserved
H4 P01.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM5_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_MTSRC Save SPI data input
EDSADC_DSDIN8A Digital datastream input
P01.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT114 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
QSPI3_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 185 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-26 Port 01 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J5 P01.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM2_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI3_SCLKC Slave SPI clock inputs
EDSADC_ITR8F Trigger/Gate input
ASCLIN9_ARXB Receive input
P01.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT115 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN9_ATX O3 Transmit output
QSPI3_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 186 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B1 P02.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN2_ARXG Receive input
CCU60_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SCU_E_REQ3_2 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT0 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_0 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMN O4 Negative carrier generator output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 187 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
C2 P02.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA2 Receive Channel A2
ASCLIN2_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
SCU_E_REQ2_1 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT1 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_1 Reference input 0
QSPI4_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI3_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMP O4 Positive carrier generator output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 188 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
C1 P02.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
CCU60_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT14B Receive input channel 14
P02.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT2 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_2 Reference input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 189 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D2 P02.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN5B Modulator clock input
ERAY0_RXDB2 Receive Channel B2
CAN02_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXG Receive input
MSC1_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
PSI5_RX0B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
SENT_SENT13B Receive input channel 13
P02.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT3 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_3 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI3_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 190 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D1 P02.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSDIN5B Digital datastream input
QSPI3_SLSIA Slave select input
CCU60_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
I2C0_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN11_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
CAN0_ECTT1 External CAN time trigger input
SENT_SENT12B Receive input channel 12
P02.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT4 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_4 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5S_CLK O4 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
I2C0_SDA O5 Serial Data Output
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 191 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E2 P02.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN4B Modulator clock input
I2C0_SCLA Serial Clock Input
PSI5_RX1B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
PSI5S_RXB RX data input
QSPI3_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SENT_SENT3C Receive input channel 3
CAN0_ECTT2 External CAN time trigger input
P02.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT5 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_5 Reference input 0
CAN11_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 1
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
I2C0_SCL O5 Serial Clock Output
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 192 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E1 P02.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT2C Receive input channel 2
EDSADC_DSDIN4B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR5E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
CCU60_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU61_T12HRB External timer start 12
QSPI3_MTSRA Save SPI data input
RIF0_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P02.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT6 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_6 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 193 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F2 P02.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT1C Receive input channel 1
EDSADC_DSCIN3B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR4E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T3
PSI5_RX2B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU60_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
QSPI3_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
CCU61_T13HRB External timer start 13
P02.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT7 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_7 Reference input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
SENT_SPC1 O6 Transmit output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 194 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F1 P02.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT0C Receive input channel 0
CCU60_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSDIN3B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR3E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4INA Trigger/gate input of timer T4
CCU61_T12HRC External timer start 12
CCU61_T13HRC External timer start 13
PMS_PMS_TESTGND AI Analog GND out for direct connection to GPIO
P02.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT8 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_8 Reference input 0
QSPI3_SLSO5 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 195 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E4 P02.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT20B Receive input channel 20
ASCLIN8_ARXA Receive input
P02.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT116 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
ASCLIN8_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F5 P02.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN4_11 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN2_ARXC Receive input
CAN01_RXDE CAN receive input node 1
SENT_SENT21B Receive input channel 21
ASCLIN8_ARXB Receive input
P02.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT117 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 196 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-27 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F4 P02.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN5_12 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM0_IN7_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT22B Receive input channel 22
EVADC_G9CH15 AI Analog input channel 15, group 9
P02.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT118 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
ASCLIN8_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A7 P10.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T6EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T6
ASCLIN11_ARXA Receive input
GETH_RXERC Receive Error MII
P10.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT102 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI1_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 197 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B7 P10.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDB Count direction control input of timer T5
QSPI1_MRSTA Master SPI data input
P10.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT103 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI1_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
MSC0_EN1 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A5 P10.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CAN02_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
MSC0_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
GPT120_T6INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
SCU_E_REQ2_0 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P10.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT104 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_9 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 198 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A6 P10.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ3_0 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T5INB Trigger/gate input of timer T5
P10.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT105 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_10 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
B6 P10.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CCU60_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
GPT120_T3INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
ASCLIN11_ARXB Receive input
P10.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT106 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_11 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 199 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B5 P10.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG4 Hardware configuration pin 4
CAN20_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
MSC0_INJ1 Injection signal from port
P10.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT107 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_9 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
GPT120_T6OUT O5 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O6 Slave select signal output
PSI5_TX3 O7 TXD outputs (send data)

Data Sheet 200 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A4 P10.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX3C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 3
ASCLIN2_ARXD Receive input
QSPI3_MTSRB Save SPI data input
SCU_PD_HWCFG5 Hardware configuration pin 5
P10.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT108 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_10 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
GPT120_T3OUT O4 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
QSPI1_MRST O6 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7

Data Sheet 201 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A3 P10.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T3EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T3
ASCLIN2_ACTSA Clear to send input
QSPI3_MRSTB Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_2 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
P10.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT109 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_11 Reference input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CAN12_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 202 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-28 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B4 P10.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN12_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
GPT120_T4INB Trigger/gate input of timer T4
QSPI3_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ1_2 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
CAN20_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
RIF1_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P10.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT110 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 203 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E10 P11.0 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXB Receive input
P11.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT119 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
GETH_TXD3 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved
E9 P11.1 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT120 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
GETH_TXD2 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 204 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A10 P11.2 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT95 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO5 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
GETH_TXD1 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
B10 P11.3 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
MSC0_SDI3 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P11.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT96 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O4 Transmit Channel A
— O5 Reserved
GETH_TXD0 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 205 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D10 P11.4 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P11.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT121 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
GETH_TXER O6 Transmit Error MII
GETH_TXCLK O7 Transmit Clock Output for RGMII
D8 P11.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
GETH_TXCLKA Transmit Clock Input for MII
GETH_GREFCLK Gigabit Reference Clock input for RGMII (125 MHz high
P11.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT122 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 206 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D9 P11.6 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P11.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT97 O1 GTM muxed output
ERAY0_TXENB O2 Transmit Enable Channel B
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
ERAY0_TXENA O4 Transmit Enable Channel A
MSC0_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
GETH_TXEN O6 Transmit Enable MII and RMII
GETH_TCTL Transmit Control for RGMII
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1
E8 P11.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD3A Receive Data 3 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD3A
CAN11_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P11.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT123 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 207 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E7 P11.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD2A Receive Data 2 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD2A
CAN12_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
P11.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT124 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A9 P11.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ERAY0_RXDA1 Receive Channel A1
GETH_RXD1A Receive Data 1 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD1A only)
P11.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT98 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 208 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B9 P11.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM2_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
ERAY0_RXDB1 Receive Channel B1
ASCLIN1_ARXE Receive input
SCU_E_REQ6_3 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
MSC0_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
GETH_RXD0A Receive Data 0 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD0A only)
QSPI1_SLSIA Slave select input
P11.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT99 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 209 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A8 P11.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_14 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVA Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVA Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSB Carrier Sense MII
GETH_RCTLA Receive Control for RGMII
P11.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT100 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO4 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 210 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B8 P11.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_2 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_REFCLKA Reference Clock input for RMII (50 MHz)
GETH_TXCLKB Transmit Clock Input for MII
P11.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT101 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
GTM_CLK2 O3 CGM generated clock
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1
E6 P11.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXERA Receive Error MII
I2C1_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN13_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
P11.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT125 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 211 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-29 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D7 P11.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVB Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVB Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSA Carrier Sense MII
I2C1_SCLA Serial Clock Input
CAN20_RXDF CAN receive input node 0
P11.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT126 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved
D6 P11.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN7_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P11.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT127 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 212 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-30 Port 12 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E12 P12.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
CAN00_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P12.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT128 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
E11 P12.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
P12.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT129 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 213 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-31 Port 13 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B12 P13.0 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN10_ARXC ES6 Receive input
P13.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT91 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI2_SCLKN O3 Master SPI clock output (LVDS N line)
MSC0_EN1 O4 Chip Select
MSC0_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CAN10_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 0
A12 P13.1 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
I2C0_SCLB ES6 Serial Clock Input
CAN10_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN10_ARXD Receive input
P13.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT92 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLKP O3 Master SPI clock output (LVDS P line)
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
I2C0_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 214 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-31 Port 13 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B11 P13.2 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN7_3 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GPT120_CAPINA ES6 Trigger input to capture value of timer T5 into CAPREL
I2C0_SDAB Serial Data Input
P13.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT93 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI2_MTSRN O3 Master SPI data output (LVDS N line)
MSC0_FCLP O4 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
MSC0_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
I2C0_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved
A11 P13.3 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_3 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
P13.3 O0 ES6 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT94 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN10_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_MTSRP O3 Master SPI data output (LVDS P line)
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 215 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B16 P14.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT17D Receive input channel 17
P14.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT80 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O3 Transmit Channel A
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 216 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A15 P14.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA3 Receive Channel A3
ASCLIN0_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT18D Receive input channel 18
ERAY0_RXDB3 Receive Channel B3
CAN01_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
SCU_E_REQ3_1 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
PMS_PINAWKP PINA ( P14.1) pin input
P14.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT81 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
E13 P14.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG2 Hardware configuration pin 2
P14.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT82 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 217 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B14 P14.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG3 Hardware configuration pin 3
ASCLIN2_ARXA Receive input
MSC0_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
SCU_E_REQ1_0 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P14.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT83 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O5 Slave select signal output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B15 P14.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN7_2 PU2 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG6 Hardware configuration pin 6
P14.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT84 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
GETH_PPS O6 Pulse Per Second
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 218 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A14 P14.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_4 PU2 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG1 Hardware configuration pin 1
QSPI5_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P14.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT85 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
ERAY1_TXDB O7 Transmit Channel B
B13 P14.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI5_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P14.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT86 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI2_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
CAN13_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY1_TXENB O7 Transmit Enable Channel B

Data Sheet 219 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D13 P14.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
ERAY1_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
CAN10_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
CAN13_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN9_ARXC Receive input
P14.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT87 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN9_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A13 P14.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
ERAY0_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
CAN02_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXD Receive input
ERAY1_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
P14.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT88 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN7_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 220 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-32 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D12 P14.9 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN0_ACTSA ES Clear to send input
QSPI2_MRSTFN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN9_ARXD Receive input
P14.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT89 O1 GTM muxed output
CAN23_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 3
MSC0_EN1 O3 Chip Select
CAN10_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
ERAY0_TXENB O5 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
ERAY1_TXENA O7 Transmit Enable Channel A
D11 P14.10 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN23_RXDA ES CAN receive input node 3
QSPI2_MRSTFP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P14.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT90 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_SCLK O2 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O3 Chip Select
ASCLIN1_ATX O4 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
ERAY1_TXDA O7 Transmit Channel A

Data Sheet 221 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-33 Port 15 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B20 P15.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT7_IN read data in
P15.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT71 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO13 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT7 O write data out
A18 P15.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN02_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_2 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT72 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
SDMMC0_CLK O7 card clock

Data Sheet 222 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-33 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
C19 P15.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SLSIA Slave select input
SENT_SENT10D Receive input channel 10
QSPI2_MRSTE Master SPI data input
QSPI2_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
P15.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT73 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
B17 P15.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN01_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXB Receive input
QSPI2_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
QSPI2_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
SDMMC0_CMD_IN command in
P15.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT74 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_CMD O command out

Data Sheet 223 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-33 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A17 P15.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
I2C0_SCLC Serial Clock Input
QSPI2_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_0 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT11D Receive input channel 11
P15.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT75 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C0_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 224 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-33 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E14 P15.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN1_ARXB Receive input
I2C0_SDAC Serial Data Input
QSPI2_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ4_3 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT76 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
I2C0_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1
A16 P15.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM2_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P15.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT77 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI5_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 225 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-33 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D15 P15.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P15.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT78 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
D14 P15.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ5_0 ERU Channel 5 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT79 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 226 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H20 P20.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM1_IN4_9 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
CCU_PAD_SYSCLK Clock input pin for System PLL and Peripheral PLL
CAN21_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
CBS_TGI0 Trigger input
SCU_E_REQ6_0 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T6EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T6
P20.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT59 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
HSCT0_SYSCLK_OUT O5 sys clock output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO0 O Trigger output
G19 P20.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI1 Trigger input
P20.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT60 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO1 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 227 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H19 P20.2 I S / PU / General-purpose input
VEXT This pin is latched at power on reset release to enter test
TESTMODE Testmode Enable Input
G20 P20.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXC Receive input
GPT120_T6INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
P20.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT61 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO9 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
F17 P20.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN12_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN9_ARXE Receive input
P20.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT62 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI0_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO8 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 228 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F19 P20.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM6_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
CAN00_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSA Clear to send input
ASCLIN9_ARXF Receive input
SDMMC0_DAT0_IN read data in
P20.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT63 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN9_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT0 O write data out
F20 P20.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_3 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SDMMC0_DAT1_IN read data in
P20.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT64 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI0_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO0 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT1 O write data out

Data Sheet 229 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E17 P20.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN1_ARXC Receive input
QSPI0_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_0 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P20.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT65 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO1 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1
E19 P20.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT2_IN read data in
P20.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT66 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO7 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT2 O write data out

Data Sheet 230 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E20 P20.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
SDMMC0_DAT3_IN read data in
P20.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT67 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT3 O write data out
D19 P20.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT4_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_13 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT68 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_13 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT4 O write data out

Data Sheet 231 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-34 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D20 P20.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SLSIA Slave select input
SDMMC0_DAT5_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_14 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT69 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_14 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO2 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI0_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT5 O write data out
C20 P20.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT6_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_15 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT70 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_15 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT6 O write data out

Data Sheet 232 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-35 Port 21 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K17 P21.0 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_6 ES Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXC Receive input
HSCT1_RXDN Rx data
P21.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT51 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM1 O Pin Output Value
J17 P21.1 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_13 X / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_6 ES Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN11_ARXD Receive input
HSCT1_RXDP Rx data
P21.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT52 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM2 O Pin Output Value

Data Sheet 233 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-35 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K19 P21.2 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_7 ES Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin B input request
ASCLIN3_ARXGN Differential Receive input (low active)
HSCT0_RXDN Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXE Receive input
P21.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT53 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
J19 P21.3 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_12 X / FAST / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_6 ES Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN3_ARXGP Differential Receive input (high active)
HSCT0_RXDP Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P21.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT54 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 234 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-35 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K20 P21.4 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_12 / FAST / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_6 ES6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P21.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT55 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDN O Tx data
J20 P21.5 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_11 / FAST / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_6 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN11_ARXF Receive input
P21.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT56 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN11_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 235 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-35 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H17 P21.6/TDI I FAST / General-purpose input
PD / PU2 PD during Reset and in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode. After
/ VEXT / Reset release and when not in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode:
ES3 PU. In Standby mode: HighZ.
GTM_TIM4_IN2_12 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDA Count direction control input of timer T5
ASCLIN3_ARXF Receive input
CBS_TGI2 Trigger input
TDI JTAG Module Data Input
P21.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT57 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T3OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CBS_TGO2 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 236 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-35 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H16 P21.7/TDO I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_12 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5INA Trigger/gate input of timer T5
CBS_TGI3 Trigger input
GETH_RXERB Receive Error MII
P21.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT58 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T6OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
CBS_TGO3 O Trigger output
TDO O JTAG Module Data Output

Data Sheet 237 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P20 P22.0 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_7 ES6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ASCLIN6_ARXE Receive input
P22.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT47 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXN O2 Differential Transmit output (low active)
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI4_SCLKN O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN6_ATX O7 Transmit output
P19 P22.1 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_8 ES6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN7_ARXE Receive input
P22.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT48 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXP O2 Differential Transmit output (high active)
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SCLKP O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN7_ATX O7 Transmit output

Data Sheet 238 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R20 P22.2 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_7 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIB Slave select input
P22.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT49 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI4_MTSRN O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT1_TXDN O Tx data
R19 P22.3 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_4 ES6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
ASCLIN5_ARXC Receive input
P22.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT50 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
QSPI4_MTSRP O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_MUTE O7 Mute output to tx
HSCT1_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 239 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P16 P22.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
ASCLIN7_ARXF Receive input
P22.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT130 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 3
HSPDM_BS0_OUT O7 Bit stream 0 output
P17 P22.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CAN13_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
P22.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT131 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_BS1_OUT O7 Bit stream 1 output

Data Sheet 240 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N16 P22.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_14 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTC Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXC Receive input
P22.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT132 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
N17 P22.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKC Slave SPI clock inputs
CAN21_RXDF CAN receive input node 1
P22.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT133 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 241 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M16 P22.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P22.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT134 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
M17 P22.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXD Receive input
CAN22_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
P22.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT135 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 242 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-36 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L16 P22.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P22.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT136 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
CAN23_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
L17 P22.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CAN23_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
P22.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT137 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 243 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-37 Port 23 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
V20 P23.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN10_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P23.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT41 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
U19 P23.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
MSC1_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
ASCLIN6_ARXF Receive input
P23.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT42 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI4_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
GTM_CLK0 O4 CGM generated clock
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CCU_EXTCLK0 O6 CCU external clock
ASCLIN6_ASCLK O7 Shift clock output

Data Sheet 244 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-37 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U20 P23.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN7_ARXC Receive input
P23.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT43 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
CAN23_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
T19 P23.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
MSC1_INJ0 Injection signal from port
ASCLIN6_ARXA Receive input
CAN12_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CAN23_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
P23.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT44 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 245 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-37 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T20 P23.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P23.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT45 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI4_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
T17 P23.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P23.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT46 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN1 O5 Chip Select
CAN22_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved
R17 P23.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
CAN22_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
P23.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT138 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO11 O4 Master slave select output
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 246 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-37 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R16 P23.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
CAN11_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
P23.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT139 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Table 2-38 Port 32 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y17 P32.0/VGATE1N I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
VEXT / gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN2_5 ES Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P32.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT36 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 247 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-38 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W17 P32.1/VGATE1P I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN3_15 VEXT / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
P32.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT37 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
Y18 P32.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN3_ARXD Receive input
CAN21_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P32.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT38 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 248 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-38 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y19 P32.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
P32.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT39 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
W18 P32.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSB Clear to send input
MSC1_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P32.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT40 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
GTM_CLK1 O4 CGM generated clock
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 249 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-38 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T15 P32.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
SENT_SENT10C Receive input channel 10
P32.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT140 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
U15 P32.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN4_15 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
CAN02_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CBS_TGI4 Trigger input
ASCLIN2_ARXF Receive input
ASCLIN6_ARXC Receive input
SENT_SENT11C Receive input channel 11
P32.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT141 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO4 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 250 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-38 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U16 P32.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_15 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CBS_TGI5 Trigger input
CAN22_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
SENT_SENT12C Receive input channel 12
P32.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT142 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO5 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 251 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W10 P33.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT13C Receive input channel 13
IOM_PIN_0 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 10
EVADC_FC7CH0 Analog input FC channel 7
P33.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT22 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_0 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_0 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 252 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y10 P33.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_15 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR1E Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX0C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN2B Modulator clock input
SENT_SENT9C Receive input channel 9
ASCLIN8_ARXC Receive input
IOM_PIN_1 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 10
EVADC_FC6CH0 Analog input FC channel 6
P33.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT23 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_1 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_1 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 253 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W11 P33.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR2E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT8C Receive input channel 8
EDSADC_DSDIN2B Digital datastream input
IOM_PIN_2 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 10
EVADC_FC5CH0 Analog input FC channel 5
P33.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT24 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_2 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_2 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI2_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 254 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y11 P33.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN7_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX1C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
SENT_SENT7C Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSCIN1B Modulator clock input
IOM_PIN_3 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 10
EVADC_FC4CH0 Analog input FC channel 4
P33.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT25 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_3 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_3 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 255 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W12 P33.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0F Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT6C Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSDIN1B Digital datastream input
CCU61_CTRAPC Trap input capture
ASCLIN5_ARXB Receive input
IOM_PIN_4 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 10
P33.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT26 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_4 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_4 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO12 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
CAN13_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 3

Data Sheet 256 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y12 P33.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN0B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR1F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDB Count direction control input of timer T4
PSI5S_RXC RX data input
ASCLIN2_ACTSB Clear to send input
CCU61_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
PSI5_RX2C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
SENT_SENT5C Receive input channel 5
CAN13_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
IOM_PIN_5 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 10
P33.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT27 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_5 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_5 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
QSPI0_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O7 Slave select signal output

Data Sheet 257 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W13 P33.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
EDSADC_ITR2F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T2EUDB Count direction control input of timer T2
SENT_SENT4C Receive input channel 4
CCU61_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_DSDIN0B Digital datastream input
ASCLIN8_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_6 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 10
P33.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT28 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_6 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_6 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
PSI5S_TX O7 TX data output

Data Sheet 258 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y13 P33.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
CAN00_RXDE CAN receive input node 0
GPT120_T2INB Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
SCU_E_REQ4_0 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT14C Receive input channel 14
IOM_PIN_7 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 10
P33.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT29 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_7 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_7 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 259 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W14 P33.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_7 HighZ / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN2_ARXE Receive input
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin A input request
IOM_PIN_8 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT30 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_8 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP0 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core

Data Sheet 260 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y14 P33.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI3_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
IOM_PIN_9 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT31 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_9 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ATX O6 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 261 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W15 P33.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIA Slave select input
QSPI3_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
CAN01_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_10 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT32 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_10 Monitor input 0
QSPI1_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
PSI5S_CLK O5 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP1 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core
Y15 P33.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_8 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI4_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
IOM_PIN_11 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT33 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_11 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_CGPWMN O6 Negative carrier generator output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 262 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W16 P33.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
QSPI4_MTSRA Save SPI data input
CAN00_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
PMS_PINBWKP PINB (P33.12) pin input
IOM_PIN_12 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT34 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_12 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
EDSADC_CGPWMP O6 Positive carrier generator output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 263 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y16 P33.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
ASCLIN1_ARXF Receive input
EDSADC_SGNB Carrier sign signal input
QSPI4_MRSTA Master SPI data input
MSC1_INJ1 Injection signal from port
CAN22_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
P33.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT35 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO6 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 264 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-39 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T14 P33.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN5_14 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SCLKD Slave SPI clock inputs
CBS_TGI6 Trigger input
P33.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT143 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO6 O Trigger output
U14 P33.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN6_12 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI7 Trigger input
P33.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT144 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO7 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 265 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-40 Port 34 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U11 P34.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_12 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 10
P34.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT146 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
T12 P34.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_13 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN4_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDG CAN receive input node 0
CAN20_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
EVADC_G10CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 10
P34.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT147 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 266 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-40 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U12 P34.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_13 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 10
P34.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT148 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
T13 P34.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MRSTD Master SPI data input
EVADC_G10CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 10
P34.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT149 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 267 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-40 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U13 P34.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN7_9 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MTSRD Save SPI data input
ASCLIN8_ARXE Receive input
P34.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT150 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN8_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T10 AN0 I D / HighZ Analog Input 0
EVADC_G0CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3PA Positive analog input channel 3, pin A
U10 AN1 I D / HighZ Analog Input 1
EVADC_G0CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3NA Negative analog input channel 3, pin A
W9 AN2 I D / HighZ Analog Input 2
EVADC_G0CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0PA Positive analog input channel 0, pin A
U9 AN3 I D / HighZ Analog Input 3
EVADC_G0CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0NA Negative analog input channel 0, pin A
T9 AN4 I D / HighZ Analog Input 4
EVADC_G11CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 11
EVADC_G0CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 0
Y9 AN5 I D / HighZ Analog Input 5
EVADC_G11CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 11
EVADC_G0CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 0

Data Sheet 268 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T8 AN6 I D / HighZ Analog Input 6
EVADC_G11CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 11
EVADC_G0CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 0
U8 AN7 I D / HighZ Analog Input 7
EVADC_G11CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 11
EVADC_G0CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 0
W8 AN8 I D / HighZ Analog Input 8
EVADC_G11CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 11
EVADC_G1CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 1
U7 AN9 I D / HighZ Analog Input 9
EVADC_G11CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 11
EVADC_G1CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 1
Y8 AN10 I D / HighZ Analog Input 10
EVADC_G11CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 11
EVADC_G1CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 1
W7 AN11 I D / HighZ Analog Input 11
EVADC_G11CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 11
EVADC_G1CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 1
T7 AN12 I D / HighZ Analog Input 12
EVADC_G1CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0PB Positive analog input channel 0, pin B
W6 AN13 I D / HighZ Analog Input 13
EVADC_G1CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0NB Negative analog input channel 0, pin B
U6 AN14 I D / HighZ Analog Input 14
EVADC_G1CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3PB Positive analog input channel 3, pin B
T6 AN15 I D / HighZ Analog Input 15
EVADC_G1CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3NB Negative analog input channel 3, pin N
W5 AN16 I D / HighZ Analog Input 16
EVADC_G2CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 2
EVADC_FC0CH0 Analog input FC channel 0
U5 AN17/P40.10 I S / HighZ Analog Input 17
SENT_SENT10A / VDDM Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G2CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 2
EVADC_FC1CH0 Analog input FC channel 1

Data Sheet 269 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W4 AN18/P40.11 I S / HighZ Analog Input 18
SENT_SENT11A / VDDM Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G11CH8 Analog input channel 8, group 11
EVADC_G2CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 2
W3 AN19/P40.12 I S / HighZ Analog Input 19
SENT_SENT12A / VDDM Receive input channel 12
EVADC_G11CH9 Analog input channel 9, group 11
EVADC_G2CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 2
Y3 AN20 I D / HighZ Analog Input 20
EVADC_G2CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2PA Positive analog input channel 2, pin A
Y2 AN21 I D / HighZ Analog Input 21
EVADC_G2CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2NA Negative analog input channel 2, pin A
T5 AN22 I D / HighZ Analog Input 22
EVADC_G2CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 2
R5 AN23 I D / HighZ Analog Input 23
EVADC_G2CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 2
W2 AN24/P40.0 I S / HighZ Analog Input 24
SENT_SENT0A / VDDM Receive input channel 0
EVADC_G3CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS0D Hall capture input 0
EDSADC_EDS2PB Positive analog input channel 2, pin B
W1 AN25/P40.1 I S / HighZ Analog Input 25
SENT_SENT1A / VDDM Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G3CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS2NB Negative analog input channel 2, pin B
V2 AN26/P40.2 I S / HighZ Analog Input 26
SENT_SENT2A / VDDM Receive input channel 2
EVADC_G3CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS1D Hall capture input 1
EVADC_G11CH10 Analog input channel 10, group 11
V1 AN27/P40.3 I S / HighZ Analog Input 27
SENT_SENT3A / VDDM Receive input channel 3
EVADC_G3CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS2B Hall capture input 2
EVADC_G11CH11 Analog input channel 11, group 11

Data Sheet 270 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U2 AN28/P40.13 I S / HighZ Analog Input 28
SENT_SENT13A / VDDM Receive input channel 13
EVADC_G3CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 3
EVADC_G4CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 4
U1 AN29/P40.14 I S / HighZ Analog Input 29
SENT_SENT14A / VDDM Receive input channel 14
EVADC_G3CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 3
EVADC_G4CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 4
T4 AN30 I D / HighZ Analog Input 30
EVADC_G3CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 3
EVADC_G4CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 4
R4 AN31 I D / HighZ Analog Input 31
EVADC_G3CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 3
EVADC_G4CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 4
P4 AN32/P40.4 I S / HighZ Analog Input 32
SENT_SENT4A / VDDM Receive input channel 4
EVADC_G8CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 8
CCU60_CCPOS2D Hall capture input 2
EVADC_G11CH12 Analog input channel 12, group 11
R1 AN33/P40.5 I S / HighZ Analog Input 33
SENT_SENT5A / VDDM Receive input channel 5
EVADC_G8CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS0D Hall capture input 0
EVADC_G11CH13 Analog input channel 13, group 11
P5 AN34 I D / HighZ Analog Input 34
EVADC_G8CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 8
EVADC_G11CH14 Analog input channel 14, group 11
R2 AN35 I D / HighZ Analog Input 35
EVADC_G8CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 8
EVADC_G11CH15 Analog input channel 15, group 11
N4 AN36/P40.6 I S / HighZ Analog Input 36
SENT_SENT6A / VDDM Receive input channel 6
EVADC_G8CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1PA Positive analog input channel 1, pin A

Data Sheet 271 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P2 AN37/P40.7 I S / HighZ Analog Input 37
SENT_SENT7A / VDDM Receive input channel 7
EVADC_G8CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1D Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1NA Negative analog input channel 1, pin A
N5 AN38/P40.8 I S / HighZ Analog Input 38
SENT_SENT8A / VDDM Receive input channel 8
EVADC_G8CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2B Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1PB Positive analog input channel 1, pin B
P1 AN39/P40.9 I S / HighZ Analog Input 39
SENT_SENT9A / VDDM Receive input channel 9
EVADC_G8CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2D Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1NB Negative analog input channel 1, pin B
M5 AN40 I D / HighZ Analog Input 40
EVADC_G8CH8 / VDDM Analog input channel 8, group 8
EVADC_G4CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 4
M4 AN41 I D / HighZ Analog Input 41
EVADC_G8CH9 / VDDM Analog input channel 9, group 8
EVADC_G4CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 4
L5 AN42 I D / HighZ Analog Input 42
EVADC_G8CH10 / VDDM Analog input channel 10, group 8
EVADC_G4CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 4
L4 AN43 I D / HighZ Analog Input 43
EVADC_G8CH11 / VDDM Analog input channel 11, group 8
EVADC_G4CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 4
N1 AN44 I D / HighZ Analog Input 44
EVADC_G8CH12 / VDDM Analog input channel 12, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PC Positive analog input channel 1, pin C
N2 AN45 I D / HighZ Analog Input 45
EVADC_G8CH13 / VDDM Analog input channel 13, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1NC Negative analog input channel 1, pin C
M1 AN46 I D / HighZ Analog Input 46
EVADC_G8CH14 / VDDM Analog input channel 14, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PD Positive analog input channel 1, pin D

Data Sheet 272 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-41 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M2 AN47 I D / HighZ Analog Input 47
EVADC_G8CH15 / VDDM Analog input channel 15, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1ND Negative analog input channel 1, pin D

Table 2-42 System I/O

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L7 AGBTCLKN (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
K7 AGBTCLKP (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
P10 AGBTTXN (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
P11 AGBTTXP (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
L14 AGBTERR (VSS) I FAST / AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
PD /
W17 P32.1/VGATE1P O — DCDC P ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
Y17 P32.0/VGATE1N O — DCDC N ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
gate control for EVRC
M20 XTAL1 I XTAL / XTAL1. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator Input.
M19 XTAL2 O XTAL / XTAL2. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator OUTPUT
K14 DAPE0 I FAST / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE0 clock input(PD Devices: NC)
L19 TRST I FAST / JTAG Module Reset/Enable Input
DAPE0 I PU2 / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
K16 TMS I FAST / JTAG Module State Machine Control Input
DAP1 I/O PD2 / DAP: DAP1 Data I/O
J16 TCK I FAST / JTAG Module Clock Input
DAP0 I PD2 / DAP: DAP0 Clock Input

Data Sheet 273 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-42 System I/O (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE1 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE2 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
G16 ESR1 I FAST / ESR1 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
PU1 / an NMI
VEXT ESR1: External System Request Reset 1. Default NMI
function. See also SCU chapter for details. Default after
power-on can be different. See also SCU chapter ´Reset
Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register description.
PMS_ESR1WKP I ESR1 pin input
F16 ESR0 I FAST / ESR0 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
OD / an NMI
VEXT ESR0: External System Request Reset 0. Default
configuration during and after reset is open-drain driver.
The driver drives low during power-on reset. This is valid
additionally after deactivation of PORST_N until the
internal reset phase has finished. See also SCU chapter for
details. Default after power-on can be different. See also
SCU chapter ´Reset Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register
description. PMS_EVRWUP: EVR Wakepup Pin
PMS_ESR0WKP I ESR0 pin input
G17 PORST I PORST / PORST pin input
PD / Power On Reset Input. Additional strong PD in case of
VEXT power fail.

Table 2-43 Supply

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P8, P13, N7, VDD I — Digital Core Power Supply (1.25V)
N14, E15,
H14, D16,
A2, B3, V19, VEXT I — External Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)
D5 VFLEX I — Digital Power Supply for Flex Port Pads (5V / 3.3V)
Y5 VDDM I — ADC Analog Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)
B18, A19 VDDP3 I — Flash Power Supply (3.3V)

Data Sheet 274 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-43 Supply (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B2, D4, E5, VSS I — Digital Ground
T16, U17,
W19, Y20,
E16, D17,
B19, A20
Y4 VSSM I — Analog Ground for VDDM
P9, P12, N9, VSS I — Digital Ground
N10, N11,
N12, M7,
M8, M10,
M11, M13,
M14, L8, L9,
L10, L11,
L12, L13,
K8, K9, K10,
K11, K12,
K13, J7, J8,
J10, J11,
J13, J14, H9,
H10, H11,
H12, G9,
L20 VSSOSC I — Oscillator Ground
Y6 VAREF1 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 1
Y7 VAGND1 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 1
T1 VAREF2 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 2
T2 VAGND2 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 2
A1, Y1, U4 NC1 I — Not connected. These pins are not connected on
package level and will not be used for future
G8, H7 VDDSB (VDD) I — Devices with integrated EMEM: EMEM SRAM Standby
Power Supply, VDDSB (1.25V);Devices without
integrated EMEM: VDD (1.25V)
T11 VEVRSB I — Standby Power Supply (5V / 3.3V) for the Standby
N19 VDDOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (1.25V)
N20 VEXTOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (shall be supplied
with same level as used for VEXT)

Data Sheet 275 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

2.3 LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin Configuration

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L2 P00.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CTRAPA Trap input capture
CCU60_T12HRE External timer start 12
MSC0_INJ0 Injection signal from port
P00.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT9 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_9 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 276 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M2 P00.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN3_ARXE Receive input
EDSADC_DSCIN5A Modulator clock input
CAN10_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
PSI5_RX0A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
CCU61_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT0B Receive input channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN7B Modulator clock input
EVADC_G9CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NA Negative analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT10 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_10 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT7 O5 Modulator clock output
SENT_SPC0 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 277 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M1 P00.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_DSDIN7B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_DSDIN5A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT1B Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G9CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PA Positive analog input channel 5, pin A
P00.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT11 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_11 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
CAN21_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO4 O6 Master slave select output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 278 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M4 P00.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
EDSADC_DSCIN3A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR5F Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX1A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
CAN03_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
CAN21_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
PSI5S_RXA RX data input
SENT_SENT2B Receive input channel 2
CCU61_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
EVADC_G9CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5NB Negative analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT12 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_12 Reference input 0
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC2 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 279 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M5 P00.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SCU_E_REQ2_2 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT3B Receive input channel 3
EDSADC_DSDIN3A Digital datastream input
EDSADC_SGNA Carrier sign signal input
ASCLIN10_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 9
EDSADC_EDS5PB Positive analog input channel 5, pin B
P00.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT13 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_13 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
CAN11_TXD O3 CAN transmit output node 1
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
SENT_SPC3 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 280 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N5 P00.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_11 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSCIN2A Modulator clock input
PSI5_RX2A RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU61_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT4B Receive input channel 4
CAN11_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
EVADC_G9CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 9
P00.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT14 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_14 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMN O2 Negative carrier generator output
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
SENT_SPC4 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 281 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N4 P00.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EDSADC_ITR4F Trigger/Gate input
EDSADC_DSDIN2A Digital datastream input
SENT_SENT5B Receive input channel 5
ASCLIN5_ARXA Receive input
EVADC_G9CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 9
P00.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT15 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_15 Reference input 0
EDSADC_CGPWMP O2 Positive carrier generator output
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC5 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 282 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N2 P00.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN2_11 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT6B Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSCIN4A Modulator clock input
GPT120_T2INA Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU60_T12HRB External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NA Negative analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT16 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O3 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC6 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 283 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N1 P00.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN3_11 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
CCU61_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT7B Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSDIN4A Digital datastream input
GPT120_T2EUDA Count direction control input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
CCU60_T13HRB External timer start 13
ASCLIN10_ARXB Receive input
EVADC_G9CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PA Positive analog input channel 4, pin A
P00.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT17 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN10_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
SENT_SPC7 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 284 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P2 P00.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT8B Receive input channel 8
CCU61_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSCIN1A Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR3F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDA Count direction control input of timer T4
CCU60_T13HRC External timer start 13
CCU60_T12HRC External timer start 12
EVADC_G9CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4NB Negative analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT18 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI3_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN3_ARTS O3 Ready to send output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
ASCLIN4_ATX O5 Transmit output
SENT_SPC8 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 285 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P1 P00.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT9B Receive input channel 9
EDSADC_DSDIN1A Digital datastream input
EVADC_G9CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 9
EDSADC_EDS4PB Positive analog input channel 4, pin B
P00.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT19 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
SENT_SPC9 O6 Transmit output
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
R1 P00.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_1 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CTRAPA Trap input capture
EDSADC_DSCIN0A Modulator clock input
CCU61_T12HRE External timer start 12
SENT_SENT10B Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G9CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 9
EVADC_FC3CH0 Analog input FC channel 3
P00.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT20 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 286 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-44 Port 00 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R2 P00.12 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_1 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ACTSA Clear to send input
EDSADC_DSDIN0A Digital datastream input
ASCLIN4_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT11B Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G9CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 9
EVADC_FC2CH0 Analog input FC channel 2
P00.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT21 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 287 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J1 P02.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC60INB T12 capture input 60
ASCLIN2_ARXG Receive input
CCU60_CC60INA T12 capture input 60
SCU_E_REQ3_2 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT0 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_0 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMN O4 Negative carrier generator output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 288 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J2 P02.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_2 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA2 Receive Channel A2
ASCLIN2_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
SCU_E_REQ2_1 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P02.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT1 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_1 Reference input 0
QSPI4_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI3_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_CGPWMP O4 Positive carrier generator output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 289 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K1 P02.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC61INB T12 capture input 61
CCU60_CC61INA T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT14B Receive input channel 14
P02.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT2 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_2 Reference input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 290 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K2 P02.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN5B Modulator clock input
ERAY0_RXDB2 Receive Channel B2
CAN02_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXG Receive input
MSC1_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
PSI5_RX0B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
SENT_SENT13B Receive input channel 13
P02.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT3 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_3 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI3_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT5 O4 Modulator clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 291 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K4 P02.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_1 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
CCU61_CC62INB T12 capture input 62
EDSADC_DSDIN5B Digital datastream input
QSPI3_SLSIA Slave select input
CCU60_CC62INA T12 capture input 62
I2C0_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN11_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
CAN0_ECTT1 External CAN time trigger input
SENT_SENT12B Receive input channel 12
P02.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT4 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_4 Reference input 0
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5S_CLK O4 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
I2C0_SDA O5 Serial Data Output
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 292 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K5 P02.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_1 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN4B Modulator clock input
I2C0_SCLA Serial Clock Input
PSI5_RX1B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
PSI5S_RXB RX data input
QSPI3_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SENT_SENT3C Receive input channel 3
CAN0_ECTT2 External CAN time trigger input
P02.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT5 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_5 Reference input 0
CAN11_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 1
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
EDSADC_DSCOUT4 O4 Modulator clock output
I2C0_SCL O5 Serial Clock Output
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 293 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L1 P02.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_1 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC60INC T12 capture input 60
SENT_SENT2C Receive input channel 2
EDSADC_DSDIN4B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR5E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
CCU60_CCPOS0A Hall capture input 0
CCU61_T12HRB External timer start 12
QSPI3_MTSRA Save SPI data input
RIF0_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P02.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT6 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_6 Reference input 0
PSI5S_TX O2 TX data output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 294 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L4 P02.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_1 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_1 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
CCU60_CC61INC T12 capture input 61
SENT_SENT1C Receive input channel 1
EDSADC_DSCIN3B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR4E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T3EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T3
PSI5_RX2B RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
CCU60_CCPOS1A Hall capture input 1
QSPI3_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
CCU61_T13HRB External timer start 13
P02.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT7 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_7 Reference input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT3 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
SENT_SPC1 O6 Transmit output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 295 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-45 Port 02 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L5 P02.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CCU60_CC62INC T12 capture input 62
SENT_SENT0C Receive input channel 0
CCU60_CCPOS2A Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_DSDIN3B Digital datastream input
EDSADC_ITR3E Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4INA Trigger/gate input of timer T4
CCU61_T12HRC External timer start 12
CCU61_T13HRC External timer start 13
PMS_PMS_TESTGND AI Analog GND out for direct connection to GPIO
P02.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT8 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF0_8 Reference input 0
QSPI3_SLSO5 O2 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 296 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E4 P10.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T6EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T6
ASCLIN11_ARXA Receive input
GETH_RXERC Receive Error MII
P10.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT102 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI1_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
F4 P10.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDB Count direction control input of timer T5
QSPI1_MRSTA Master SPI data input
P10.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT103 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI1_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
MSC0_EN1 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 297 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F5 P10.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
CAN02_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
MSC0_SDI1 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
GPT120_T6INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
SCU_E_REQ2_0 ERU Channel 2 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P10.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT104 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_9 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O5 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 298 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
G4 P10.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ3_0 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T5INB Trigger/gate input of timer T5
P10.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT105 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_10 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O4 Chip Select
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
G5 P10.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
QSPI1_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CCU60_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
GPT120_T3INB Trigger/gate input of core timer T3
ASCLIN11_ARXB Receive input
P10.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT106 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON2_11 Monitor input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 299 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H4 P10.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG4 Hardware configuration pin 4
CAN20_RXDA CAN receive input node 0
MSC0_INJ1 Injection signal from port
P10.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT107 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_9 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI3_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
GPT120_T6OUT O5 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O6 Slave select signal output
PSI5_TX3 O7 TXD outputs (send data)

Data Sheet 300 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H5 P10.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN2_13 PU2 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX3C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 3
ASCLIN2_ARXD Receive input
QSPI3_MTSRB Save SPI data input
SCU_PD_HWCFG5 Hardware configuration pin 5
P10.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT108 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_10 Reference input 2
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI3_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
GPT120_T3OUT O4 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
QSPI1_MRST O6 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O7 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7

Data Sheet 301 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J5 P10.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T3EUDB Count direction control input of core timer T3
ASCLIN2_ACTSA Clear to send input
QSPI3_MRSTB Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_2 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
P10.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT109 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_REF2_11 Reference input 2
— O2 Reserved
QSPI3_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_3 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_3 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CAN12_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 302 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-46 Port 10 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J4 P10.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN12_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
GPT120_T4INB Trigger/gate input of timer T4
QSPI3_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ1_2 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
CCU60_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
CAN20_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
RIF1_RAMP1B External RAMP B input
P10.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT110 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI3_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 303 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E10 P11.0 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXB Receive input
P11.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT119 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
GETH_TXD3 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved
E9 P11.1 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT120 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN3_ATX O3 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
GETH_TXD2 O6 Transmit Data
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 304 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A12 P11.2 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_3 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
P11.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT95 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO5 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
GETH_TXD1 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
B12 P11.3 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_2 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
MSC0_SDI3 Upstream assynchronous input signal
QSPI1_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P11.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT96 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_1 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_1 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O4 Transmit Channel A
— O5 Reserved
GETH_TXD0 O6 Transmit Data
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 305 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D10 P11.4 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P11.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT121 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
GETH_TXER O6 Transmit Error MII
GETH_TXCLK O7 Transmit Clock Output for RGMII
D8 P11.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
GETH_TXCLKA Transmit Clock Input for MII
GETH_GREFCLK Gigabit Reference Clock input for RGMII (125 MHz high
P11.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT122 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 306 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D9 P11.6 I RFAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_2 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P11.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT97 O1 GTM muxed output
ERAY0_TXENB O2 Transmit Enable Channel B
QSPI1_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
ERAY0_TXENA O4 Transmit Enable Channel A
MSC0_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
GETH_TXEN O6 Transmit Enable MII and RMII
GETH_TCTL Transmit Control for RGMII
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1
E8 P11.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD3A Receive Data 3 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD3A
CAN11_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P11.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT123 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 307 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E7 P11.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXD2A Receive Data 2 MII and RGMII (RGMII can use RXD2A
CAN12_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
P11.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT124 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A11 P11.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_2 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI1_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ERAY0_RXDA1 Receive Channel A1
GETH_RXD1A Receive Data 1 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD1A only)
P11.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT98 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI1_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 308 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B11 P11.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_2 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM2_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
ERAY0_RXDB1 Receive Channel B1
ASCLIN1_ARXE Receive input
SCU_E_REQ6_3 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
MSC0_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
GETH_RXD0A Receive Data 0 MII, RMII and RGMII (RGMII can use
RXD0A only)
QSPI1_SLSIA Slave select input
P11.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT99 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 309 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A10 P11.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM3_IN0_14 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_2 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVA Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVA Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSB Carrier Sense MII
GETH_RCTLA Receive Control for RGMII
P11.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT100 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO4 O4 Master slave select output
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 310 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B10 P11.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_2 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_REFCLKA Reference Clock input for RMII (50 MHz)
GETH_TXCLKB Transmit Clock Input for MII
P11.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT101 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
GTM_CLK2 O3 CGM generated clock
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1
E6 P11.13 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN6_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
GETH_RXERA Receive Error MII
I2C1_SDAA Serial Data Input
CAN13_RXDD CAN receive input node 3
P11.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT125 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 311 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-47 Port 11 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D7 P11.14 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM2_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GETH_CRSDVB Carrier Sense / Data Valid combi-signal for RMII
GETH_RXDVB Receive Data Valid MII
GETH_CRSA Carrier Sense MII
I2C1_SCLA Serial Clock Input
CAN20_RXDF CAN receive input node 0
P11.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT126 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C1_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
— O7 Reserved
D6 P11.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM0_IN7_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P11.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT127 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 312 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-48 Port 12 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E12 P12.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
CAN00_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P12.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT128 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
E11 P12.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN4_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 7
GTM_TIM4_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
P12.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT129 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 313 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B16 P14.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
SENT_SENT17D Receive input channel 17
P14.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT80 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O3 Transmit Channel A
ERAY0_TXDB O4 Transmit Channel B
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 314 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A15 P14.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDA3 Receive Channel A3
ASCLIN0_ARXA Receive input
SENT_SENT18D Receive input channel 18
ERAY0_RXDB3 Receive Channel B3
CAN01_RXDB CAN receive input node 1
SCU_E_REQ3_1 ERU Channel 3 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
PMS_PINAWKP PINA ( P14.1) pin input
P14.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT81 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
E13 P14.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_3 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG2 Hardware configuration pin 2
P14.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT82 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 315 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B14 P14.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_3 PU2 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_3 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG3 Hardware configuration pin 3
ASCLIN2_ARXA Receive input
MSC0_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
SCU_E_REQ1_0 ERU Channel 1 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P14.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT83 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O5 Slave select signal output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
B15 P14.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN7_2 PU2 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_2 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG6 Hardware configuration pin 6
P14.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT84 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
GETH_PPS O6 Pulse Per Second
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 316 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A14 P14.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN0_4 PU2 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SCU_PD_HWCFG1 Hardware configuration pin 1
QSPI5_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P14.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT85 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI5_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXDB O6 Transmit Channel B
ERAY1_TXDB O7 Transmit Channel B
B13 P14.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI5_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P14.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT86 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_MTSR O2 Master SPI data output
QSPI2_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
CAN13_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
— O5 Reserved
ERAY0_TXENB O6 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY1_TXENB O7 Transmit Enable Channel B

Data Sheet 317 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D13 P14.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN7_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
ERAY0_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
ERAY1_RXDB0 Receive Channel B0
CAN10_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
CAN13_RXDA CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN9_ARXC Receive input
P14.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT87 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN9_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
A13 P14.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_3 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_3 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
ERAY0_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
CAN02_RXDD CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXD Receive input
ERAY1_RXDA0 Receive Channel A0
P14.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT88 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
ASCLIN7_ASLSO O3 Slave select signal output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 318 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-49 Port 14 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D12 P14.9 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN3_3 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN0_ACTSA ES Clear to send input
QSPI2_MRSTFN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN9_ARXD Receive input
P14.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT89 O1 GTM muxed output
CAN23_TXD O2 CAN transmit output node 3
MSC0_EN1 O3 Chip Select
CAN10_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
ERAY0_TXENB O5 Transmit Enable Channel B
ERAY0_TXENA O6 Transmit Enable Channel A
ERAY1_TXENA O7 Transmit Enable Channel A
D11 P14.10 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_3 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
PU1 /
GTM_TIM2_IN4_3 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN23_RXDA ES CAN receive input node 3
QSPI2_MRSTFP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P14.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT90 O1 GTM muxed output
QSPI5_SCLK O2 Master SPI clock output
MSC0_EN0 O3 Chip Select
ASCLIN1_ATX O4 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ERAY0_TXDA O6 Transmit Channel A
ERAY1_TXDA O7 Transmit Channel A

Data Sheet 319 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-50 Port 15 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B20 P15.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_4 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT7_IN read data in
P15.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT71 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO13 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT7 O write data out
A18 P15.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN4_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
CAN02_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN1_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_2 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT72 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
SDMMC0_CLK O7 card clock

Data Sheet 320 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-50 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
C19 P15.2 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN5_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SLSIA Slave select input
SENT_SENT10D Receive input channel 10
QSPI2_MRSTE Master SPI data input
QSPI2_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
P15.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT73 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
— O7 Reserved
B17 P15.3 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN01_RXDA CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXB Receive input
QSPI2_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
QSPI2_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
SDMMC0_CMD_IN command in
P15.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT74 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN0_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN1 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_CMD O command out

Data Sheet 321 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-50 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A17 P15.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
I2C0_SCLC Serial Clock Input
QSPI2_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ0_0 ERU Channel 0 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT11D Receive input channel 11
P15.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT75 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
I2C0_SCL O6 Serial Clock Output
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 322 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-50 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E14 P15.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN1_ARXB Receive input
I2C0_SDAC Serial Data Input
QSPI2_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SCU_E_REQ4_3 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT76 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
MSC0_EN0 O5 Chip Select
I2C0_SDA O6 Serial Data Output
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1
A16 P15.6 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM2_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P15.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT77 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI5_SLSO3 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 323 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-50 Port 15 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D15 P15.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN3_ARXA Receive input
QSPI2_MRSTB Master SPI data input
P15.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT78 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI2_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
D14 P15.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
SCU_E_REQ5_0 ERU Channel 5 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P15.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT79 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 324 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H20 P20.0 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN6_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM1_IN4_9 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
CCU_PAD_SYSCLK Clock input pin for System PLL and Peripheral PLL
CAN21_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
CBS_TGI0 Trigger input
SCU_E_REQ6_0 ERU Channel 6 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
GPT120_T6EUDA Count direction control input of core timer T6
P20.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT59 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
HSCT0_SYSCLK_OUT O5 sys clock output
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO0 O Trigger output
G19 P20.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN3_5 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI1 Trigger input
P20.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT60 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO1 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 325 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H19 P20.2 I S / PU / General-purpose input
VEXT This pin is latched at power on reset release to enter test
TESTMODE Testmode Enable Input
G20 P20.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_11 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN3_ARXC Receive input
GPT120_T6INA Trigger/gate input of core timer T6
P20.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT61 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO9 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO9 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
F17 P20.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
CAN12_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
ASCLIN9_ARXE Receive input
P20.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT62 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI0_SLSO8 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO8 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 326 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
F19 P20.7 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
GTM_TIM1_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM6_IN1_1 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
CAN00_RXDB CAN receive input node 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSA Clear to send input
ASCLIN9_ARXF Receive input
SDMMC0_DAT0_IN read data in
P20.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT63 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN9_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_7 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_7 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT0 O write data out
F20 P20.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_3 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_3 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
SDMMC0_DAT1_IN read data in
P20.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT64 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI0_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO0 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT1 O write data out

Data Sheet 327 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E17 P20.9 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM3_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
CAN03_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN1_ARXC Receive input
QSPI0_SLSIB Slave select input
SCU_E_REQ7_0 ERU Channel 7 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
P20.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT65 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO1 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1
E19 P20.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN6_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
SDMMC0_DAT2_IN read data in
P20.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT66 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI0_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI2_SLSO7 O4 Master slave select output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O6 Shift clock output
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT2 O write data out

Data Sheet 328 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E20 P20.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN7_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
SDMMC0_DAT3_IN read data in
P20.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT67 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT3 O write data out
D19 P20.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTA Master SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT4_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_13 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT68 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_13 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT4 O write data out

Data Sheet 329 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-51 Port 20 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
D20 P20.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_4 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_SLSIA Slave select input
SDMMC0_DAT5_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_14 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT69 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_14 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO2 O4 Master slave select output
QSPI0_SCLK O5 Master SPI clock output
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SDMMC0_DAT5 O write data out
C20 P20.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_4 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MTSRA Save SPI data input
SDMMC0_DAT6_IN read data in
IOM_PIN_15 GPIO pad input to FPC
P20.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT70 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_15 Monitor input 0
— O2 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
SDMMC0_DAT6 O write data out

Data Sheet 330 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-52 Port 21 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K17 P21.0 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN0_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN4_6 ES Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXC Receive input
HSCT1_RXDN Rx data
P21.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT51 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM1 O Pin Output Value
J17 P21.1 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN1_13 X / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
PU1 /
GTM_TIM3_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN5_6 ES Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
QSPI4_MRSTDP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN11_ARXD Receive input
HSCT1_RXDP Rx data
P21.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT52 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSM_HSM2 O Pin Output Value

Data Sheet 331 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-52 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K19 P21.2 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_11 X / FAST / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_7 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_7 ES Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin B input request
ASCLIN3_ARXGN Differential Receive input (low active)
HSCT0_RXDN Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCN Master SPI data input (LVDS N line)
ASCLIN11_ARXE Receive input
P21.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT53 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
J19 P21.3 I LVDS_R General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_12 X / FAST / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_6 ES Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI2_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
ASCLIN3_ARXGP Differential Receive input (high active)
HSCT0_RXDP Rx data
QSPI4_MRSTCP Master SPI data input (LVDS P line)
P21.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT54 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 332 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-52 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
K20 P21.4 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_12 / FAST / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN2_6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_6 ES6 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P21.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT55 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN11_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDN O Tx data
J20 P21.5 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_11 / FAST / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_6 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN11_ARXF Receive input
P21.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT56 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
ASCLIN11_ATX O3 Transmit output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT0_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 333 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-52 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H17 P21.6/TDI I FAST / General-purpose input
PD / PU2 PD during Reset and in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode. After
/ VEXT / Reset release and when not in DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode:
ES3 PU. In Standby mode: HighZ.
GTM_TIM4_IN2_12 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5EUDA Count direction control input of timer T5
ASCLIN3_ARXF Receive input
CBS_TGI2 Trigger input
TDI JTAG Module Data Input
P21.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT57 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T3OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T3
CBS_TGO2 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 334 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-52 Port 21 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
H16 P21.7/TDO I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN3_12 PU2 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
GPT120_T5INA Trigger/gate input of timer T5
CBS_TGI3 Trigger input
GETH_RXERB Receive Error MII
P21.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT58 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O3 Shift clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
GPT120_T6OUT O7 External output for overflow/underflow detection of
core timer T6
CBS_TGO3 O Trigger output
TDO O JTAG Module Data Output

Data Sheet 335 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P20 P22.0 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN3_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_7 ES6 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MTSRB Save SPI data input
ASCLIN6_ARXE Receive input
P22.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT47 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXN O2 Differential Transmit output (low active)
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
QSPI4_SCLKN O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_FCLN O5 Shift-clock inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN6_ATX O7 Transmit output
P19 P22.1 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN2_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN0_8 ES6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN7_ARXE Receive input
P22.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT48 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATXP O2 Differential Transmit output (high active)
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SCLKP O4 Master SPI clock output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_FCLP O5 Shift-clock direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
ASCLIN7_ATX O7 Transmit output

Data Sheet 336 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R20 P22.2 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN1_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_7 ES6 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIB Slave select input
P22.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT49 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO3 O3 Master slave select output
QSPI4_MTSRN O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS N line)
MSC1_SON O5 Data output - inverted part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
HSCT1_TXDN O Tx data
R19 P22.3 I LVDS_TX General-purpose input
GTM_TIM7_IN0_1 / FAST / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 7
PU1 /
GTM_TIM1_IN4_4 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_4 ES6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
ASCLIN5_ARXC Receive input
P22.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT50 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
QSPI4_MTSRP O4 Master SPI data output (LVDS P line)
MSC1_SOP O5 Data output - direct part of the differential signal
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_MUTE O7 Mute output to tx
HSCT1_TXDP O Tx data

Data Sheet 337 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P16 P22.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
ASCLIN7_ARXF Receive input
P22.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT130 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
CAN13_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 3
HSPDM_BS0_OUT O7 Bit stream 0 output
P17 P22.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRC Save SPI data input
CAN13_RXDC CAN receive input node 3
P22.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT131 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
HSPDM_BS1_OUT O7 Bit stream 1 output

Data Sheet 338 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
N16 P22.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN6_14 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI0_MRSTC Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXC Receive input
P22.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT132 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
N17 P22.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_7 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKC Slave SPI clock inputs
CAN21_RXDF CAN receive input node 1
P22.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT133 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 339 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
M16 P22.8 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_4 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_SCLKB Slave SPI clock inputs
P22.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT134 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SCLK O4 Master SPI clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
M17 P22.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_7 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MRSTB Master SPI data input
ASCLIN4_ARXD Receive input
CAN22_RXDE CAN receive input node 2
P22.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT135 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_0 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_0 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 340 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-53 Port 22 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L16 P22.10 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_7 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
QSPI0_MTSRB Save SPI data input
P22.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT136 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
CAN23_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
L17 P22.11 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_7 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CAN23_RXDE CAN receive input node 3
P22.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT137 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 341 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-54 Port 23 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
V20 P23.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN7_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_4 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
CAN10_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
P23.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT41 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
U19 P23.1 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN6_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_4 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
MSC1_SDI0 Upstream assynchronous input signal
ASCLIN6_ARXF Receive input
P23.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT42 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI4_SLSO6 O3 Master slave select output
GTM_CLK0 O4 CGM generated clock
CAN10_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
CCU_EXTCLK0 O6 CCU external clock
ASCLIN6_ASCLK O7 Shift clock output

Data Sheet 342 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-54 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U20 P23.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN5_1 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN6_5 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN7_ARXC Receive input
P23.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT43 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
CAN23_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 3
CAN12_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
T19 P23.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN4_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_4 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_4 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
MSC1_INJ0 Injection signal from port
ASCLIN6_ARXA Receive input
CAN12_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CAN23_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
P23.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT44 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN7_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 343 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-54 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T20 P23.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN3_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN7_5 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN7_5 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
P23.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT45 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI4_SLSO5 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
T17 P23.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN2_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM1_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
P23.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT46 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
QSPI4_SLSO4 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
MSC1_EN1 O5 Chip Select
CAN22_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
— O7 Reserved
R17 P23.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN1_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN2_7 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN2_10 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
CAN22_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
P23.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT138 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI0_SLSO11 O4 Master slave select output
CAN11_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 344 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-54 Port 23 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
R16 P23.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM6_IN0_2 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 6
GTM_TIM4_IN3_7 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN3_10 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
CAN11_RXDC CAN receive input node 1
P23.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT139 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Table 2-55 Port 32 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y17 P32.0/VGATE1N I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
VEXT / gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN2_5 ES Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN2_5 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 2
P32.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT36 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 345 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-55 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W17 P32.1/VGATE1P I SLOW / General-purpose input
PU1 / P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
GTM_TIM3_IN3_15 VEXT / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
P32.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT37 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
Y18 P32.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_8 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
CAN03_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
ASCLIN3_ARXD Receive input
CAN21_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
P32.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT38 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 346 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-55 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y19 P32.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_5 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
P32.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT39 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN3_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_15 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_15 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN03_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 3
IOM_MON2_8 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_8 Reference input 2
CAN21_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 1
— O7 Reserved
W18 P32.4 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN5_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN5_5 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN1_ACTSB Clear to send input
MSC1_SDI2 Upstream assynchronous input signal
P32.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT40 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
GTM_CLK1 O4 CGM generated clock
MSC1_EN0 O5 Chip Select
CCU_EXTCLK1 O6 CCU external clock
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 347 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-55 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T15 P32.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN1_14 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN5_8 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
SENT_SENT10C Receive input channel 10
P32.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT140 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
CAN02_TXD O6 CAN transmit output node 2
IOM_MON2_7 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_7 Reference input 2
— O7 Reserved
U15 P32.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN4_15 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
CAN02_RXDC CAN receive input node 2
CBS_TGI4 Trigger input
ASCLIN2_ARXF Receive input
ASCLIN6_ARXC Receive input
SENT_SENT11C Receive input channel 11
P32.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT141 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO12 O4 Master slave select output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO4 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 348 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-55 Port 32 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U16 P32.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN0_15 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM3_IN7_8 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
CBS_TGI5 Trigger input
CAN22_RXDB CAN receive input node 2
SENT_SENT12C Receive input channel 12
P32.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT142 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN6_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
— O7 Reserved
CBS_TGO5 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 349 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W10 P33.0 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_13 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN4_6 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT13C Receive input channel 13
IOM_PIN_0 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH7 AI Analog input channel 7, group 10
EVADC_FC7CH0 Analog input FC channel 7
P33.0 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT22 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_0 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_0 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 350 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y10 P33.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_15 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN5_6 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR1E Trigger/Gate input
PSI5_RX0C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 0
EDSADC_DSCIN2B Modulator clock input
SENT_SENT9C Receive input channel 9
ASCLIN8_ARXC Receive input
IOM_PIN_1 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH6 AI Analog input channel 6, group 10
EVADC_FC6CH0 Analog input FC channel 6
P33.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT23 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_1 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_1 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
EDSADC_DSCOUT2 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX02 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC4BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 4
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 351 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W11 P33.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN2_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN6_6 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR2E Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT8C Receive input channel 8
EDSADC_DSDIN2B Digital datastream input
IOM_PIN_2 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH5 AI Analog input channel 5, group 10
EVADC_FC5CH0 Analog input FC channel 5
P33.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT24 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_2 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_2 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN3_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI2_SLSO10 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX0 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_14 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_14 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX01 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 352 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y11 P33.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN3_12 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM1_IN7_6 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN7_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
PSI5_RX1C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 1
SENT_SENT7C Receive input channel 7
EDSADC_DSCIN1B Modulator clock input
IOM_PIN_3 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH4 AI Analog input channel 4, group 10
EVADC_FC4CH0 Analog input FC channel 4
P33.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT25 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_3 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_3 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN5_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT1 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX00 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 0
EVADC_FC5BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 5
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 353 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W12 P33.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_10 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_ITR0F Trigger/Gate input
SENT_SENT6C Receive input channel 6
EDSADC_DSDIN1B Digital datastream input
CCU61_CTRAPC Trap input capture
ASCLIN5_ARXB Receive input
IOM_PIN_4 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH3 AI Analog input channel 3, group 10
P33.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT26 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_4 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_4 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ARTS O2 Ready to send output
QSPI2_SLSO12 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX1 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_MON1_15 Monitor input 1
EVADC_EMUX12 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC0BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 0
CAN13_TXD O7 CAN transmit output node 3

Data Sheet 354 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y12 P33.5 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN1_8 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
EDSADC_DSCIN0B Modulator clock input
EDSADC_ITR1F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T4EUDB Count direction control input of timer T4
PSI5S_RXC RX data input
ASCLIN2_ACTSB Clear to send input
CCU61_CCPOS2C Hall capture input 2
PSI5_RX2C RXD inputs (receive data) channel 2
SENT_SENT5C Receive input channel 5
CAN13_RXDB CAN receive input node 3
IOM_PIN_5 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH2 AI Analog input channel 2, group 10
P33.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT27 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_5 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_5 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
QSPI0_SLSO7 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI1_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
EDSADC_DSCOUT0 O4 Modulator clock output
EVADC_EMUX11 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC2BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 2
ASCLIN5_ASLSO O7 Slave select signal output

Data Sheet 355 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W13 P33.6 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_9 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
EDSADC_ITR2F Trigger/Gate input
GPT120_T2EUDB Count direction control input of timer T2
SENT_SENT4C Receive input channel 4
CCU61_CCPOS1C Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_DSDIN0B Digital datastream input
ASCLIN8_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_6 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH1 AI Analog input channel 1, group 10
P33.6 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT28 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_6 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_6 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
PSI5_TX2 O4 TXD outputs (send data)
IOM_REF1_15 Reference input 1
EVADC_EMUX10 O5 Control of external analog multiplexer interface 1
EVADC_FC1BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 1
PSI5S_TX O7 TX data output

Data Sheet 356 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y13 P33.7 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
CAN00_RXDE CAN receive input node 0
GPT120_T2INB Trigger/gate input of timer T2
CCU61_CCPOS0C Hall capture input 0
SCU_E_REQ4_0 ERU Channel 4 inputs 0 to 5 (0 is the LSB and 5 is the
SENT_SENT14C Receive input channel 14
IOM_PIN_7 GPIO pad input to FPC
EVADC_G10CH0 AI Analog input channel 0, group 10
P33.7 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT29 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_7 Monitor input 0
IOM_GTM_7 GTM-provided inputs to EXOR combiner
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SLSO7 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN8_ATX O4 Transmit output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC3BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 3
— O7 Reserved

Data Sheet 357 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W14 P33.8 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN4_7 HighZ / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN4_7 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 0
ASCLIN2_ARXE Receive input
SCU_EMGSTOP_POR Emergency stop Port Pin A input request
IOM_PIN_8 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.8 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT30 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_8 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO2 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_13 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_8 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP0 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core

Data Sheet 358 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y14 P33.9 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN1_9 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI3_HSICINA Highspeed capture channel
IOM_PIN_9 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.9 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT31 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_9 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN2_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_14 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_14 Reference input 2
QSPI4_SLSO1 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN2_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN01_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 1
IOM_MON2_6 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_6 Reference input 2
ASCLIN0_ATX O6 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_12 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_12 Reference input 2
CCU61_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_10 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_11 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 359 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W15 P33.10 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM4_IN4_14 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 4
GTM_TIM1_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 1
/ ES5
GTM_TIM0_IN0_9 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 0
QSPI4_SLSIA Slave select input
QSPI3_HSICINB Highspeed capture channel
CAN01_RXDD CAN receive input node 1
ASCLIN0_ARXD Receive input
IOM_PIN_10 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.10 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT32 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_10 Monitor input 0
QSPI1_SLSO6 O2 Master slave select output
QSPI4_SLSO0 O3 Master slave select output
ASCLIN1_ASLSO O4 Slave select signal output
PSI5S_CLK O5 PSISCLK is a clock that can be used on a pin to drive
the external PHY.
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_12 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_9 Reference input 1
SMU_FSP1 O FSP[1..0] Output Signals - Generated by SMU_core
Y15 P33.11 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM1_IN2_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 1
GTM_TIM0_IN2_8 Mux input channel 2 of TIM module 0
/ ES5
QSPI4_SCLKA Slave SPI clock inputs
IOM_PIN_11 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.11 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT33 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_11 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
QSPI4_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
EDSADC_CGPWMN O6 Negative carrier generator output
CCU61_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_9 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_12 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 360 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W16 P33.12 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN0_6 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN0_6 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
QSPI4_MTSRA Save SPI data input
CAN00_RXDD CAN receive input node 0
PMS_PINBWKP PINB (P33.12) pin input
IOM_PIN_12 GPIO pad input to FPC
P33.12 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT34 O1 GTM muxed output
IOM_MON0_12 Monitor input 0
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MTSR O3 Master SPI data output
ASCLIN1_ASCLK O4 Shift clock output
CAN22_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 2
EDSADC_CGPWMP O6 Positive carrier generator output
CCU61_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_11 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_10 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 361 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
Y16 P33.13 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM3_IN1_5 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 3
GTM_TIM2_IN1_5 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
/ ES5
ASCLIN1_ARXF Receive input
EDSADC_SGNB Carrier sign signal input
QSPI4_MRSTA Master SPI data input
MSC1_INJ1 Injection signal from port
CAN22_RXDA CAN receive input node 2
P33.13 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT35 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN1_ATX O2 Transmit output
IOM_MON2_13 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_13 Reference input 2
QSPI4_MRST O3 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_4 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_4 Reference input 2
QSPI2_SLSO6 O4 Master slave select output
CAN00_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
— O6 Reserved
CCU61_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_8 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_13 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 362 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-56 Port 33 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T14 P33.14 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN0_8 PU1 / Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN5_14 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN0_8 Mux input channel 0 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_SCLKD Slave SPI clock inputs
CBS_TGI6 Trigger input
P33.14 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT143 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SCLK O3 Master SPI clock output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_0 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_4 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO6 O Trigger output
U14 P33.15 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN1_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN6_12 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 4
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN1_7 Mux input channel 1 of TIM module 2
CBS_TGI7 Trigger input
P33.15 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT144 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO11 O3 Master slave select output
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT62 O7 T12 PWM channel 62
IOM_MON1_5 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_1 Reference input 1
CBS_TGO7 O Trigger output

Data Sheet 363 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-57 Port 34 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U11 P34.1 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN3_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN4_12 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 3
/ ES5
GTM_TIM2_IN3_9 Mux input channel 3 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH11 AI Analog input channel 11, group 10
P34.1 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT146 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
CAN00_TXD O4 CAN transmit output node 0
IOM_MON2_5 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_5 Reference input 2
CAN20_TXD O5 CAN transmit output node 0
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT63 O7 T13 PWM channel 63
IOM_MON1_6 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_0 Reference input 1
T12 P34.2 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN4_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN5_13 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN4_8 Mux input channel 4 of TIM module 2
ASCLIN4_ARXB Receive input
CAN00_RXDG CAN receive input node 0
CAN20_RXDC CAN receive input node 0
EVADC_G10CH10 AI Analog input channel 10, group 10
P34.2 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT147 O1 GTM muxed output
— O2 Reserved
— O3 Reserved
— O4 Reserved
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_CC60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_2 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_6 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 364 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-57 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U12 P34.3 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN5_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN6_13 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN5_9 Mux input channel 5 of TIM module 2
EVADC_G10CH9 AI Analog input channel 9, group 10
P34.3 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT148 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASCLK O2 Shift clock output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_SLSO10 O4 Master slave select output
— O5 Reserved
— O6 Reserved
CCU60_COUT60 O7 T12 PWM channel 60
IOM_MON1_3 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_3 Reference input 1
T13 P34.4 I SLOW / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN6_10 PU1 / Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM3_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 3
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN6_8 Mux input channel 6 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MRSTD Master SPI data input
EVADC_G10CH8 AI Analog input channel 8, group 10
P34.4 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT149 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN4_ASLSO O2 Slave select signal output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MRST O4 Slave SPI data output
IOM_MON2_2 Monitor input 2
IOM_REF2_2 Reference input 2
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC6BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 6
CCU60_CC61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_1 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_5 Reference input 1

Data Sheet 365 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-57 Port 34 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U13 P34.5 I FAST / General-purpose input
GTM_TIM5_IN7_9 PU1 / Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 5
GTM_TIM4_IN7_12 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 4
/ ES
GTM_TIM2_IN7_9 Mux input channel 7 of TIM module 2
QSPI2_MTSRD Save SPI data input
ASCLIN8_ARXE Receive input
P34.5 O0 General-purpose output
GTM_TOUT150 O1 GTM muxed output
ASCLIN8_ATX O2 Transmit output
— O3 Reserved
QSPI2_MTSR O4 Master SPI data output
— O5 Reserved
EVADC_FC7BFLOUT O6 Boundary flag output, FC channel 7
CCU60_COUT61 O7 T12 PWM channel 61
IOM_MON1_4 Monitor input 1
IOM_REF1_2 Reference input 1

Table 2-58 Port 50 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
C2 P50.0 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D1N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 1
/ VEXT /
C1 P50.1 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D1P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 1
/ VEXT /
D2 P50.2 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D2N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 2
/ VEXT /
D1 P50.3 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D2P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 2
/ VEXT /
E2 P50.4 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_CLKN X / HighZ Radar clock negative in
/ VEXT /

Data Sheet 366 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-58 Port 50 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
E1 P50.5 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_CLKP X / HighZ Radar clock positive in
/ VEXT /
F2 P50.6 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_FRP X / HighZ Frame clock positive in
/ VEXT /
F1 P50.7 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_FRN X / HighZ Frame clock negative in
/ VEXT /
G2 P50.8 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D3P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 3
/ VEXT /
G1 P50.9 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D3N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 3
/ VEXT /
H2 P50.10 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D4P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 4
/ VEXT /
H1 P50.11 I LVDS_R —
RIF0_D4N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 4
/ VEXT /

Table 2-59 Port 51 Functions

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B9 P51.0 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D1N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 1
/ VEXT /
A9 P51.1 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D1P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 1
/ VEXT /
B8 P51.2 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D2N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 2
/ VEXT /

Data Sheet 367 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-59 Port 51 Functions (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
A8 P51.3 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D2P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 2
/ VEXT /
B7 P51.4 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_CLKN X / HighZ Radar clock negative in
/ VEXT /
A7 P51.5 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_CLKP X / HighZ Radar clock positive in
/ VEXT /
B6 P51.6 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_FRP X / HighZ Frame clock positive in
/ VEXT /
A6 P51.7 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_FRN X / HighZ Frame clock negative in
/ VEXT /
B5 P51.8 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D3P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 3
/ VEXT /
A5 P51.9 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D3N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 3
/ VEXT /
B4 P51.10 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D4P X / HighZ Radar data positive in 4
/ VEXT /
A4 P51.11 I LVDS_R —
RIF1_D4N X / HighZ Radar data negative in 4
/ VEXT /

Table 2-60 Analog Inputs

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T10 AN0 I D / HighZ Analog Input 0
EVADC_G0CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3PA Positive analog input channel 3, pin A

Data Sheet 368 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-60 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U10 AN1 I D / HighZ Analog Input 1
EVADC_G0CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 0
EDSADC_EDS3NA Negative analog input channel 3, pin A
W9 AN2 I D / HighZ Analog Input 2
EVADC_G0CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0PA Positive analog input channel 0, pin A
U9 AN3 I D / HighZ Analog Input 3
EVADC_G0CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 0
EDSADC_EDS0NA Negative analog input channel 0, pin A
T9 AN4 I D / HighZ Analog Input 4
EVADC_G11CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 11
EVADC_G0CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 0
Y9 AN5 I D / HighZ Analog Input 5
EVADC_G11CH1 / VDDM Analog input channel 1, group 11
EVADC_G0CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 0
T8 AN6 I D / HighZ Analog Input 6
EVADC_G11CH2 / VDDM Analog input channel 2, group 11
EVADC_G0CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 0
U8 AN7 I D / HighZ Analog Input 7
EVADC_G11CH3 / VDDM Analog input channel 3, group 11
EVADC_G0CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 0
W8 AN8 I D / HighZ Analog Input 8
EVADC_G11CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 11
EVADC_G1CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 1
U7 AN9 I D / HighZ Analog Input 9
EVADC_G11CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 11
EVADC_G1CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 1
Y8 AN10 I D / HighZ Analog Input 10
EVADC_G11CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 11
EVADC_G1CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 1
W7 AN11 I D / HighZ Analog Input 11
EVADC_G11CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 11
EVADC_G1CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 1
T7 AN12 I D / HighZ Analog Input 12
EVADC_G1CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0PB Positive analog input channel 0, pin B

Data Sheet 369 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-60 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
W6 AN13 I D / HighZ Analog Input 13
EVADC_G1CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 1
EDSADC_EDS0NB Negative analog input channel 0, pin B
U6 AN14 I D / HighZ Analog Input 14
EVADC_G1CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3PB Positive analog input channel 3, pin B
T6 AN15 I D / HighZ Analog Input 15
EVADC_G1CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 1
EDSADC_EDS3NB Negative analog input channel 3, pin N
W5 AN16 I D / HighZ Analog Input 16
EVADC_G2CH0 / VDDM Analog input channel 0, group 2
EVADC_FC0CH0 Analog input FC channel 0
U5 AN17/P40.10 I S / HighZ Analog Input 17
SENT_SENT10A / VDDM Receive input channel 10
EVADC_G2CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 2
EVADC_FC1CH0 Analog input FC channel 1
W4 AN18/P40.11 I S / HighZ Analog Input 18
SENT_SENT11A / VDDM Receive input channel 11
EVADC_G11CH8 Analog input channel 8, group 11
EVADC_G2CH2 Analog input channel 2, group 2
W3 AN19/P40.12 I S / HighZ Analog Input 19
SENT_SENT12A / VDDM Receive input channel 12
EVADC_G11CH9 Analog input channel 9, group 11
EVADC_G2CH3 Analog input channel 3, group 2
Y3 AN20 I D / HighZ Analog Input 20
EVADC_G2CH4 / VDDM Analog input channel 4, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2PA Positive analog input channel 2, pin A
Y2 AN21 I D / HighZ Analog Input 21
EVADC_G2CH5 / VDDM Analog input channel 5, group 2
EDSADC_EDS2NA Negative analog input channel 2, pin A
T5 AN22 I D / HighZ Analog Input 22
EVADC_G2CH6 / VDDM Analog input channel 6, group 2
R5 AN23 I D / HighZ Analog Input 23
EVADC_G2CH7 / VDDM Analog input channel 7, group 2

Data Sheet 370 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-60 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
T4 AN24/P40.0 I S / HighZ Analog Input 24
SENT_SENT0A / VDDM Receive input channel 0
EVADC_G3CH0 Analog input channel 0, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS0D Hall capture input 0
EDSADC_EDS2PB Positive analog input channel 2, pin B
R4 AN25/P40.1 I S / HighZ Analog Input 25
SENT_SENT1A / VDDM Receive input channel 1
EVADC_G3CH1 Analog input channel 1, group 3
CCU60_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS2NB Negative analog input channel 2, pin B
W1 AN36/P40.6 I S / HighZ Analog Input 36
SENT_SENT6A / VDDM Receive input channel 6
EVADC_G8CH4 Analog input channel 4, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1B Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1PA Positive analog input channel 1, pin A
V2 AN37/P40.7 I S / HighZ Analog Input 37
SENT_SENT7A / VDDM Receive input channel 7
EVADC_G8CH5 Analog input channel 5, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS1D Hall capture input 1
EDSADC_EDS1NA Negative analog input channel 1, pin A
W2 AN38/P40.8 I S / HighZ Analog Input 38
SENT_SENT8A / VDDM Receive input channel 8
EVADC_G8CH6 Analog input channel 6, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2B Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1PB Positive analog input channel 1, pin B
V1 AN39/P40.9 I S / HighZ Analog Input 39
SENT_SENT9A / VDDM Receive input channel 9
EVADC_G8CH7 Analog input channel 7, group 8
CCU61_CCPOS2D Hall capture input 2
EDSADC_EDS1NB Negative analog input channel 1, pin B
U1 AN44 I D / HighZ Analog Input 44
EVADC_G8CH12 / VDDM Analog input channel 12, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PC Positive analog input channel 1, pin C
P5 AN45 I D / HighZ Analog Input 45
EVADC_G8CH13 / VDDM Analog input channel 13, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1NC Negative analog input channel 1, pin C

Data Sheet 371 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-60 Analog Inputs (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
U2 AN46 I D / HighZ Analog Input 46
EVADC_G8CH14 / VDDM Analog input channel 14, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1PD Positive analog input channel 1, pin D
P4 AN47 I D / HighZ Analog Input 47
EVADC_G8CH15 / VDDM Analog input channel 15, group 8
EDSADC_EDS1ND Negative analog input channel 1, pin D

Table 2-61 System I/O

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
L7 AGBTCLKN (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
K7 AGBTCLKP (VSS) I LVDS_R AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
P10 AGBTTXN (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
P11 AGBTTXP (VSS) O LVDS_TX AGBT Output;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
L14 AGBTERR (VSS) I FAST / AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices without AGBT: VSS)
PD /
W17 P32.1/VGATE1P O — DCDC P ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.1 / External Pass Device gate control for EVRC
Y17 P32.0/VGATE1N O — DCDC N ch. MOSFET gate driver output
P32.0 / SMPS mode: analog output. External Pass Device
gate control for EVRC
M20 XTAL1 I XTAL / XTAL1. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator Input.
M19 XTAL2 O XTAL / XTAL2. Main Oscillator/PLL/Clock Generator OUTPUT
K14 DAPE0 I FAST / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE0 clock input(PD Devices: NC)
L19 TRST I FAST / JTAG Module Reset/Enable Input
DAPE0 I PU2 / DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
K16 TMS I FAST / JTAG Module State Machine Control Input
DAP1 I/O PD2 / DAP: DAP1 Data I/O

Data Sheet 372 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin

Table 2-61 System I/O (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
J16 TCK I FAST / JTAG Module Clock Input
DAP0 I PD2 / DAP: DAP0 Clock Input
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE1 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
PD2 / DAPE: DAPE2 Data I/O(PD Devices: VSS)
G16 ESR1 I FAST / ESR1 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
PU1 / an NMI
VEXT ESR1: External System Request Reset 1. Default NMI
function. See also SCU chapter for details. Default after
power-on can be different. See also SCU chapter ´Reset
Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register description.
PMS_ESR1WKP I ESR1 pin input
F16 ESR0 I FAST / ESR0 Port Pin input - can be used to trigger a reset or
OD / an NMI
VEXT ESR0: External System Request Reset 0. Default
configuration during and after reset is open-drain driver.
The driver drives low during power-on reset. This is valid
additionally after deactivation of PORST_N until the
internal reset phase has finished. See also SCU chapter for
details. Default after power-on can be different. See also
SCU chapter ´Reset Control Unit´ and SCU_IOCR register
description. PMS_EVRWUP: EVR Wakepup Pin
PMS_ESR0WKP I ESR0 pin input
G17 PORST I PORST / PORST pin input
PD / Power On Reset Input. Additional strong PD in case of
VEXT power fail.

Table 2-62 Supply

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
P8, P13, N7, VDD I — Digital Core Power Supply (1.25V)
N14, E15,
H14, D16,
G13, G8, H7
A2, B3, V19, VEXT I — External Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)
D5 VFLEX I — Digital Power Supply for Flex Port Pads (5V / 3.3V)
Y5 VDDM I — ADC Analog Power Supply (5V / 3.3V)

Data Sheet 373 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-62 Supply (cont’d)

Ball Symbol Ctrl. Buffer Function
B18, A19 VDDP3 I — Flash Power Supply (3.3V)
B2, D4, E5, VSS I — Digital Ground
T16, U17,
W19, Y20,
E16, D17,
B19, A20
Y4 VSSM I — Analog Ground for VDDM
P9, P12, N9, VSS I — Digital Ground
N10, N11,
N12, M7,
M8, M10,
M11, M13,
M14, L8, L9,
L10, L11,
L12, L13,
K8, K9, K10,
K11, K12,
K13, J7, J8,
J10, J11,
J13, J14, H9,
H10, H11,
H12, G9,
L20 VSSOSC I — Oscillator Ground
Y6 VAREF1 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 1
Y7 VAGND1 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 1
T1 VAREF2 I — Positive Analog Reference Voltage 2
T2 VAGND2 I — Negative Analog Reference Voltage 2
A3, B1 NC I — Not connected. These pins are reserved for future
extensions and shall not be connected externally
A1, Y1, U4 NC1 I — Not connected. These pins are not connected on
package level and will not be used for future
T11 VEVRSB I — Standby Power Supply (5V / 3.3V) for the Standby
N19 VDDOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (1.25V)
N20 VEXTOSC I — Digital Power Supply for Oscillator (shall be supplied
with same level as used for VEXT)

2.4 Pin Position Definition

Data Sheet 374 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
1 VEXT Vx 255699 175644 Supply Voltage
2 VSS Vx 356499 175644 Supply Voltage
3 P14.0 FAST / PU1 / 457299 175644 General-purpose I/O
4 P15.7 FAST / PU1 / 558099 175644 General-purpose I/O
5 VDDP3 Vx 635499 322614 Supply Voltage
6 VDD Vx 714699 175644 Supply Voltage
7 P15.10 LVDS_TX / 826200 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
8 P15.11 LVDS_TX / 920196 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
9 VSS Vx 1031697 175644 Supply Voltage
10 P15.12 LVDS_TX / 1143198 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
11 P15.13 LVDS_TX / 1237194 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
12 P14.4 SLOW / PU2 / 1348695 175644 General-purpose I/O
13 P15.15 FAST / PU1 / 1395693 322614 General-purpose I/O
14 VDD Vx 1463499 175644 Supply Voltage
15 P15.14 FAST / PU1 / 1517499 322614 General-purpose I/O
16 P14.3 SLOW / PU2 / 1564497 175644 General-purpose I/O
17 P14.11 SLOW / PU1 / 1611495 322614 General-purpose I/O
18 VSS Vx 1665999 175644 Supply Voltage
19 P14.1 FAST / PU1 / 1724499 322614 General-purpose I/O
20 P15.8 FAST / PU1 / 1771497 175644 General-purpose I/O
21 P14.13 FAST / PU1 / 1818495 322614 General-purpose I/O
22 VSS Vx 1865493 175644 Supply Voltage
23 P14.12 SLOW / PU1 / 1912491 322614 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 375 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
24 VEXT Vx 1959489 175644 Supply Voltage
25 P14.5 FAST / PU2 / 2006487 322614 General-purpose I/O
26 VDD Vx 2069505 175644 Supply Voltage
27 P14.15 SLOW / PU1 / 2125503 322614 General-purpose I/O
28 P14.6 FAST / PU1 / 2172501 175644 General-purpose I/O
29 P14.14 FAST / PU1 / 2219499 322614 General-purpose I/O
30 P14.7 SLOW / PU1 / 2266497 175644 General-purpose I/O
31 P14.8 SLOW / PU1 / 2313495 322614 General-purpose I/O
32 VSS Vx 2375001 175644 Supply Voltage
33 P13.0 LVDS_TX / 2486502 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
34 P13.1 LVDS_TX / 2580498 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
35 VDD Vx 2691999 175644 Supply Voltage
36 VDD Vx 2781999 175644 Supply Voltage
37 P13.2 LVDS_TX / 2893500 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
38 P13.3 LVDS_TX / 2987496 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
39 VSS Vx 3098997 175644 Supply Voltage
40 VSS Vx 3188997 175644 Supply Voltage
41 P13.4 LVDS_TX / 3300498 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
42 P13.5 LVDS_TX / 3394494 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
43 P14.2 SLOW / PU2 / 3505995 175644 General-purpose I/O
44 P13.6 LVDS_TX / 3617496 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /

Data Sheet 376 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
45 P13.7 LVDS_TX / 3711492 322614 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
46 VDD Vx 3822993 322614 Supply Voltage
47 VSS Vx 3869991 175644 Supply Voltage
48 VSS Vx 3974499 175644 Supply Voltage
49 VDD Vx 4064499 322614 Supply Voltage
50 VEXT Vx 4152501 175644 Supply Voltage
51 VDDP3 Vx 4334499 175644 Analog Input VDDP3
52 VDDP3 Vx 4388499 322614 Analog Input VDDP3
53 VDDP3 Vx 4469499 175644 Supply Voltage
54 VSS Vx 4556979 175644 Supply Voltage
55 P13.10 SLOW / PU1 / 4603977 322614 General-purpose I/O
56 P13.9 FAST / PU1 / 4650975 175644 General-purpose I/O
57 P13.11 SLOW / PU1 / 4697973 322614 General-purpose I/O
58 P14.9 LVDS_RX / 4773024 175644 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
59 P14.10 LVDS_RX / 4867020 175644 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
60 P13.12 SLOW / PU1 / 4942071 322614 General-purpose I/O
61 VDD Vx 5031567 175644 Supply Voltage
62 P13.13 SLOW / PU1 / 5125563 322614 General-purpose I/O
63 VSS Vx 5219559 175644 Supply Voltage
64 P13.14 SLOW / PU1 / 5309055 322614 General-purpose I/O
65 VSS Vx 5356053 175644 Supply Voltage
66 P13.15 SLOW / PU1 / 5403051 322614 General-purpose I/O
67 VEXT Vx 5450049 175644 Supply Voltage
68 P12.0 SLOW / PU1 / 5547231 322614 General-purpose I/O
69 P12.1 SLOW / PU1 / 5594229 175644 General-purpose I/O
70 P11.0 RFAST / PU1 / 5703633 322614 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 377 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
71 VFLEX Vx 5750631 175644 Supply Voltage
72 P11.1 RFAST / PU1 / 5825835 322614 General-purpose I/O
73 VSS Vx 5872833 175644 Supply Voltage
74 P11.2 RFAST / PU1 / 5948037 322614 General-purpose I/O
75 VDD Vx 5995035 175644 Supply Voltage
76 P11.4 RFAST / PU1 / 6110739 322614 General-purpose I/O
77 VSS Vx 6198237 175644 Supply Voltage
78 P11.3 RFAST / PU1 / 6273441 322614 General-purpose I/O
79 VFLEX Vx 6320439 175644 Supply Voltage
80 P11.6 RFAST / PU1 / 6395643 322614 General-purpose I/O
81 VSS Vx 6442641 175644 Supply Voltage
82 P11.5 SLOW / PU1 / 6489639 322614 General-purpose I/O
83 VDD Vx 6602499 175644 Supply Voltage
84 VSS Vx 6687999 175644 Supply Voltage
85 P11.7 SLOW / PU1 / 6791499 175644 General-purpose I/O
86 P11.9 FAST / PU1 / 6842097 322614 General-purpose I/O
87 VFLEX Vx 6892695 175644 Supply Voltage
88 P11.8 SLOW / PU1 / 6939693 322614 General-purpose I/O
89 P11.10 FAST / PU1 / 6990291 175644 General-purpose I/O
90 P11.11 FAST / PU1 / 7040889 322614 General-purpose I/O
91 VSS Vx 7091487 175644 Supply Voltage
92 P11.12 FAST / PU1 / 7138485 322614 General-purpose I/O
93 VDD Vx 7209999 175644 Supply Voltage
94 VSS Vx 7302285 175644 Supply Voltage
95 P11.14 SLOW / PU1 / 7399503 322614 General-purpose I/O
96 P11.13 SLOW / PU1 / 7446501 175644 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 378 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
97 P11.15 SLOW / PU1 / 7493499 322614 General-purpose I/O
98 VSS Vx 7567713 175644 Supply Voltage
99 VDD Vx 7632711 322614 Supply Voltage
100 P10.0 SLOW / PU1 / 7715709 322614 General-purpose I/O
101 P10.1 FAST / PU1 / 7762707 175644 General-purpose I/O
102 P10.3 FAST / PU1 / 7809705 322614 General-purpose I/O
103 P10.4 FAST / PU1 / 7856703 175644 General-purpose I/O
104 P10.2 FAST / PU1 / 7903701 322614 General-purpose I/O
105 VSS Vx 7950699 175644 Supply Voltage
106 P10.6 SLOW / PU2 / 7997697 322614 General-purpose I/O
107 P10.5 SLOW / PU2 / 8044695 175644 General-purpose I/O
108 P10.7 SLOW / PU1 / 8091693 322614 General-purpose I/O
109 VEXT Vx 8138691 175644 Supply Voltage
110 P10.9 SLOW / PU1 / 8185689 322614 General-purpose I/O
111 P10.8 SLOW / PU1 / 8232687 175644 General-purpose I/O
112 VDDSB Vx 8279685 322614 Supply Voltage
113 VSS Vx 8326683 175644 Supply Voltage
114 P10.10 SLOW / PU1 / 8389701 322614 General-purpose I/O
115 VSS Vx 8436699 175644 Supply Voltage
116 P10.11 SLOW / PU1 / 8483697 322614 General-purpose I/O
117 VDD Vx 8548695 175644 Supply Voltage
118 P10.13 SLOW / PU1 / 8613693 322614 General-purpose I/O
119 VSS Vx 8685513 175644 Supply Voltage
120 VDDSB Vx 8732511 322614 Supply Voltage
121 VDDSB Vx 8815509 322614 Supply Voltage
122 VSS Vx 8862507 175644 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 379 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
123 P10.14 SLOW / PU1 / 8909505 322614 General-purpose I/O
124 VEXT Vx 8956503 175644 Supply Voltage
125 P10.15 SLOW / PU1 / 9003501 322614 General-purpose I/O
126 P51.0 LVDS_RX / 9067500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
127 P51.1 LVDS_RX / 9148500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
128 P51.2 LVDS_RX / 9229500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
129 P51.3 LVDS_RX / 9310500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
130 P51.4 LVDS_RX / 9391500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
131 P51.5 LVDS_RX / 9472500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
132 P51.6 LVDS_RX / 9589500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
133 P51.7 LVDS_RX / 9670500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
134 P51.8 LVDS_RX / 9751500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
135 P51.9 LVDS_RX / 9832500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
136 P51.10 LVDS_RX / 9913500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
137 P51.11 LVDS_RX / 9994500 175644 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
138 VDDSB Vx 10085499 175644 Supply Voltage
139 VSS Vx 10185741 175644 Supply Voltage
140 VEXT Vx 10265796 255699 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 380 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
141 VSS Vx 10265796 356499 Supply Voltage
142 P50.0 LVDS_RX / 10265796 474300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
143 P50.1 LVDS_RX / 10265796 555300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
144 P50.2 LVDS_RX / 10265796 636300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
145 P50.3 LVDS_RX / 10265796 717300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
146 P50.4 LVDS_RX / 10265796 798300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
147 P50.5 LVDS_RX / 10265796 879300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
148 P50.6 LVDS_RX / 10265796 996300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
149 P50.7 LVDS_RX / 10265796 1077300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
150 P50.8 LVDS_RX / 10265796 1158300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
151 P50.9 LVDS_RX / 10265796 1239300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
152 P50.10 LVDS_RX / 10265796 1320300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
153 P50.11 LVDS_RX / 10265796 1401300 General-purpose I/O
HighZ / VEXT /
154 VDDSB Vx 10118826 1465299 Supply Voltage
155 VSS Vx 10265796 1512297 Supply Voltage
156 P02.13 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 1586295 General-purpose I/O
157 VDD Vx 10265796 1679499 Supply Voltage
158 P02.12 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 1751499 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 381 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
159 VEXT Vx 10265796 1798497 Supply Voltage
160 P02.15 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 1845495 General-purpose I/O
161 VSS Vx 10265796 1892493 Supply Voltage
162 P02.14 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 1939491 General-purpose I/O
163 P02.9 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 1986489 General-purpose I/O
164 P02.4 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 2033487 General-purpose I/O
165 P02.0 FAST / PU1 / 10265796 2080485 General-purpose I/O
166 P02.5 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 2127483 General-purpose I/O
167 P02.1 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 2174481 General-purpose I/O
168 P01.0 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 2221479 General-purpose I/O
169 VSS Vx 10265796 2292975 Supply Voltage
170 VSS Vx 10265796 2411199 Supply Voltage
171 VDDSB Vx 10118826 2458197 Supply Voltage
172 P02.11 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 2505195 General-purpose I/O
173 P02.6 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 2552193 General-purpose I/O
174 P02.2 FAST / PU1 / 10265796 2599191 General-purpose I/O
175 P01.1 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 2646189 General-purpose I/O
176 P02.3 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 2693187 General-purpose I/O
177 P01.2 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 2740185 General-purpose I/O
178 VDD Vx 10265796 2831499 Supply Voltage
179 VDD Vx 10265796 2921499 Supply Voltage
180 P02.7 FAST / PU1 / 10265796 3037437 General-purpose I/O
181 VSS Vx 10265796 3146499 Supply Voltage
182 P01.8 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 3285567 General-purpose I/O
183 P02.10 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 3332565 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 382 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
184 P01.9 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 3379563 General-purpose I/O
185 P01.4 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 3426561 General-purpose I/O
186 P02.8 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 3473559 General-purpose I/O
187 VSS Vx 10265796 3596553 Supply Voltage
188 VDDSB Vx 10118826 3643551 Supply Voltage
189 VEXT Vx 10265796 3708549 Supply Voltage
190 P01.11 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 3755547 General-purpose I/O
191 VSS Vx 10265796 3802545 Supply Voltage
192 P01.10 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 3849543 General-purpose I/O
193 P01.3 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 3896541 General-purpose I/O
194 P00.0 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 3943539 General-purpose I/O
195 P01.6 FAST / PU1 / 10265796 3990537 General-purpose I/O
196 P01.13 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 4037535 General-purpose I/O
197 P01.5 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 4084533 General-purpose I/O
198 P01.12 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 4131531 General-purpose I/O
199 VDD Vx 10265796 4225527 Supply Voltage
200 P01.15 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 4319523 General-purpose I/O
201 VSS Vx 10265796 4413519 Supply Voltage
202 VDDSB Vx 10118826 4460517 Supply Voltage
203 VDDSB Vx 10118826 4554513 Supply Voltage
204 VSS Vx 10265796 4601511 Supply Voltage
205 P01.14 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 4687515 General-purpose I/O
206 RESERVED Vx 10265796 4734513 Must be bonded to VSS
207 P00.13 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 4781511 General-purpose I/O
208 VDD Vx 10265796 4875507 Supply Voltage
209 P00.15 FAST / PU1 / 10118826 4969503 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 383 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
210 P01.7 FAST / PU1 / 10265796 5016501 General-purpose I/O
211 P00.14 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5063499 General-purpose I/O
212 VSS Vx 10265796 5153499 Supply Voltage
213 VDD Vx 10265796 5243499 Supply Voltage
214 VDD Vx 10265796 5333499 Supply Voltage
215 P00.1 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 5471442 General-purpose I/O
216 P00.2 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5518440 General-purpose I/O
217 P00.3 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 5565438 General-purpose I/O
218 P00.4 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5612436 General-purpose I/O
219 VSS Vx 10265796 5659434 Supply Voltage
220 P00.5 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5706432 General-purpose I/O
221 VEXT Vx 10265796 5753430 Supply Voltage
222 P00.6 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5800428 General-purpose I/O
223 P00.7 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 5847426 General-purpose I/O
224 P00.8 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5894424 General-purpose I/O
225 P00.9 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 5941422 General-purpose I/O
226 P00.10 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 5988420 General-purpose I/O
227 P00.11 SLOW / PU1 / 10265796 6035418 General-purpose I/O
228 P00.12 SLOW / PU1 / 10118826 6082416 General-purpose I/O
229 AN47 D / HighZ / 10265796 6156630 Analog Input 47
230 VDDM Vx 10118826 6203628 Supply Voltage
231 VSSM Vx 10265796 6250626 Supply Voltage
232 AN46 D / HighZ / 10118826 6297624 Analog Input 46
233 AN45 D / HighZ / 10265796 6344622 Analog Input 45
234 VDDM Vx 10118826 6391620 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 384 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
235 VSSM Vx 10265796 6438618 Supply Voltage
236 AN44 D / HighZ / 10118826 6485616 Analog Input 44
237 VAREF5 Vx 10265796 6532614 Supply Voltage
238 VAREF4 Vx 10118826 6594615 Supply Voltage
239 VAGND5 Vx 10265796 6656616 Supply Voltage
240 VAGND4 Vx 10118826 6718617 Supply Voltage
241 AN43 D / HighZ / 10265796 6765615 Analog Input 43
242 AN42 D / HighZ / 10118826 6812613 Analog Input 42
243 VSSM Vx 10265796 6859611 Supply Voltage
244 VDDM Vx 10118826 6906609 Supply Voltage
245 AN41 D / HighZ / 10265796 6953607 Analog Input 41
246 AN40 D / HighZ / 10118826 7000605 Analog Input 40
247 VSSM Vx 10265796 7047603 Supply Voltage
248 AN39/P40.9 S / HighZ / 10118826 7094601 Analog Input 39
249 VDDM_EXT_ Vx 10265796 7141599 Supply Voltage
250 AN38/P40.8 S / HighZ / 10118826 7188597 Analog Input 38
251 AN37/P40.7 S / HighZ / 10265796 7235595 Analog Input 37
252 AN36/P40.6 S / HighZ / 10118826 7282593 Analog Input 36
253 AN35 D / HighZ / 10265796 7329591 Analog Input 35
254 AN34 D / HighZ / 10118826 7376589 Analog Input 34
255 AN33/P40.5 S / HighZ / 10265796 7423587 Analog Input 33
256 AN32/P40.4 S / HighZ / 10118826 7470585 Analog Input 32
257 VAREF3 Vx 10265796 7517583 Supply Voltage
258 VAREF2 Vx 10118826 7579584 Supply Voltage
259 VAGND3 Vx 10265796 7641585 Supply Voltage
260 VAGND2 Vx 10118826 7703586 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 385 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
261 AN73 D / HighZ / 10265796 7750584 Analog Input 73
262 AN72 D / HighZ / 10118826 7797582 Analog Input 72
263 AN71/P41.3 S / HighZ / 10265796 7844580 Analog Input 71
264 AN70/P41.2 S / HighZ / 10118826 7891578 Analog Input 70
265 AN69/P41.1 S / HighZ / 10265796 7938576 Analog Input 69
266 AN68/P41.0 S / HighZ / 10118826 7985574 Analog Input 68
267 AN67/P40.15 S / HighZ / 10265796 8032572 Analog Input 67
268 AN66 D / HighZ / 10118826 8079570 Analog Input 66
269 AN65 D / HighZ / 10265796 8126568 Analog Input 65
270 VDDM_EXT_ Vx 10118826 8173566 Supply Voltage
271 VSSM_CONVI Vx 10265796 8220564 Supply Voltage
272 AN64/P41.8 S / HighZ / 10118826 8267562 Analog Input 64
273 AN63/P41.7 S / HighZ / 10265796 8314560 Analog Input 63
274 AN62/P41.6 S / HighZ / 10118826 8361558 Analog Input 62
275 AN61 D / HighZ / 10265796 8408556 Analog Input 61
276 AN60 D / HighZ / 10118826 8455554 Analog Input 60
277 AN59 D / HighZ / 10265796 8502552 Analog Input 59
278 AN58 D / HighZ / 10118826 8549550 Analog Input 58
279 AN57 D / HighZ / 10265796 8596548 Analog Input 57
280 AN56 D / HighZ / 10118826 8643546 Analog Input 56
281 AN55/P41.5 S / HighZ / 10265796 8690544 Analog Input 55

Data Sheet 386 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
282 AN54/P41.4 S / HighZ / 10118826 8737542 Analog Input 54
283 AN53 D / HighZ / 10265796 8784540 Analog Input 53
284 AN52 D / HighZ / 10118826 8831538 Analog Input 52
285 AN51 D / HighZ / 10265796 8878536 Analog Input 51
286 AN50 D / HighZ / 10265796 8958537 Analog Input 50
287 AN49 D / HighZ / 10265796 9038538 Analog Input 49
288 AN48 D / HighZ / 10265796 9118539 Analog Input 48
289 AN31 D / HighZ / 10194939 9189396 Analog Input 31
290 AN30 D / HighZ / 10114938 9189396 Analog Input 30
291 AN29/P40.14 S / HighZ / 10034937 9189396 Analog Input 29
292 AN28/P40.13 S / HighZ / 9954936 9189396 Analog Input 28
293 AN27/P40.3 S / HighZ / 9907938 9042426 Analog Input 27
294 AN26/P40.2 S / HighZ / 9860940 9189396 Analog Input 26
295 AN25/P40.1 S / HighZ / 9813942 9042426 Analog Input 25
296 AN24/P40.0 S / HighZ / 9766944 9189396 Analog Input 24
297 AN23 D / HighZ / 9719946 9042426 Analog Input 23
298 AN22 D / HighZ / 9672948 9189396 Analog Input 22
299 AN21 D / HighZ / 9625950 9042426 Analog Input 21
300 AN20 D / HighZ / 9578952 9189396 Analog Input 20
301 AN19/P40.12 S / HighZ / 9531954 9042426 Analog Input 19
302 AN18/P40.11 S / HighZ / 9484956 9189396 Analog Input 18

Data Sheet 387 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
303 AN17/P40.10 S / HighZ / 9437958 9042426 Analog Input 17
304 AN16 D / HighZ / 9390960 9189396 Analog Input 16
305 AN15 D / HighZ / 9343962 9042426 Analog Input 15
306 VAGND1 Vx 9296964 9189396 Supply Voltage
307 VAGND0 Vx 9249966 9042426 Supply Voltage
308 VAREF1 Vx 9202968 9189396 Supply Voltage
309 VAREF0 Vx 9155970 9042426 Supply Voltage
310 AN14 D / HighZ / 9108972 9189396 Analog Input 14
311 VDDM Vx 9061974 9042426 Supply Voltage
312 VSSM Vx 9014976 9189396 Supply Voltage
313 AN13 D / HighZ / 8967978 9042426 Analog Input 13
314 VSSM Vx 8920980 9189396 Supply Voltage
315 VDDM Vx 8873982 9042426 Supply Voltage
316 AN12 D / HighZ / 8826984 9189396 Analog Input 12
317 AN11 D / HighZ / 8779986 9042426 Analog Input 11
318 AN10 D / HighZ / 8732988 9189396 Analog Input 10
319 AN9 D / HighZ / 8685990 9042426 Analog Input 9
320 AN8 D / HighZ / 8638992 9189396 Analog Input 8
321 AN7 D / HighZ / 8591994 9042426 Analog Input 7
322 AN6 D / HighZ / 8544996 9189396 Analog Input 6
323 AN5 D / HighZ / 8497998 9042426 Analog Input 5
324 AN4 D / HighZ / 8451000 9189396 Analog Input 4
325 AN3 D / HighZ / 8404002 9042426 Analog Input 3
326 AN2 D / HighZ / 8357004 9189396 Analog Input 2
327 AN1 D / HighZ / 8310006 9042426 Analog Input 1

Data Sheet 388 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
328 AN0 D / HighZ / 8263008 9189396 Analog Input 0
329 VEVRSB Vx 8176041 9042426 Supply Voltage
330 VSS Vx 8104041 9189396 Supply Voltage
331 VDD Vx 8057043 9042426 Supply Voltage
332 VSS Vx 8010045 9189396 Supply Voltage
333 AGBTCLKN LVDS_RX / 7888959 9189441 AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices
(VSS) VEXT without AGBT: VSS)
334 AGBTCLKP LVDS_RX / 7807869 9189441 AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices
(VSS) VEXT without AGBT: VSS)
335 VEXT Vx 7726959 9189441 Supply Voltage
336 VSS Vx 7645959 9189441 Supply Voltage
337 AGBTTXN LVDS_TX / 7538027 9189441 AGBT Output;(TC3xx
(VSS) VEXT devices without AGBT: VSS)
338 AGBTTXP LVDS_TX / 7456937 9189441 AGBT Output;(TC3xx
(VSS) VEXT devices without AGBT: VSS)
339 AGBTERR FAST / PD / 7266739 9189302 AGBT Input;(TC3xx devices
(VSS) VEXT without AGBT: VSS)
340 VDD Vx 7168018 9042426 Supply Voltage
341 VSS Vx 7121020 9189396 Supply Voltage
342 P33.1 SLOW / PU1 / 7071741 9042426 General-purpose I/O
343 P33.0 SLOW / PU1 / 7024743 9189396 General-purpose I/O
344 P33.3 SLOW / PU1 / 6977745 9042426 General-purpose I/O
345 P33.2 SLOW / PU1 / 6930747 9189396 General-purpose I/O
346 P33.5 SLOW / PU1 / 6883749 9042426 General-purpose I/O
347 P34.1 SLOW / PU1 / 6836751 9189396 General-purpose I/O
348 P33.4 SLOW / PU1 / 6789753 9042426 General-purpose I/O
349 P34.3 SLOW / PU1 / 6742755 9189396 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 389 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
350 P33.7 SLOW / PU1 / 6695757 9042426 General-purpose I/O
351 VSS Vx 6605559 9189396 Supply Voltage
352 VDD Vx 6558561 9042426 Supply Voltage
353 P34.2 SLOW / PU1 / 6511563 9189396 General-purpose I/O
354 P33.6 SLOW / PU1 / 6464565 9042426 General-purpose I/O
355 VSS Vx 6417567 9189396 Supply Voltage
356 P33.9 SLOW / PU1 / 6370569 9042426 General-purpose I/O
357 VEVRSB Vx 6323571 9189396 Supply Voltage
358 P33.8 FAST / HighZ / 6276573 9042426 General-purpose I/O
359 P34.5 FAST / PU1 / 6229575 9189396 General-purpose I/O
360 P33.11 FAST / PU1 / 6182577 9042426 General-purpose I/O
361 P34.4 SLOW / PU1 / 6135579 9189396 General-purpose I/O
362 P33.10 FAST / PU1 / 6088581 9042426 General-purpose I/O
363 P33.15 SLOW / PU1 / 6041583 9189396 General-purpose I/O
364 P33.13 FAST / PU1 / 5994585 9042426 General-purpose I/O
365 P33.14 FAST / PU1 / 5947587 9189396 General-purpose I/O
366 VEVRSB Vx 5853591 9042426 Supply Voltage
367 VEVRSB Vx 5806593 9189396 Supply Voltage
368 P33.12 FAST / PU1 / 5759595 9042426 General-purpose I/O
369 VSS Vx 5712597 9189396 Supply Voltage
370 VEXT Vx 5629383 9042426 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 390 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
371 P32.1/VGATE SLOW / PU1 / 5582385 9189396 General-purpose I/O
372 P32.1/VGATE Vx 5535387 9042426 DCDC P ch. MOSFET gate
1P driver output
373 VSS Vx 5488389 9189396 Supply Voltage
374 P32.0/VGATE Vx 5441391 9042426 DCDC N ch. MOSFET gate
1N driver output
375 P32.0/VGATE SLOW / PU1 / 5394393 9189396 General-purpose I/O
376 VDD Vx 5287941 9189396 Supply Voltage
377 VSS Vx 5197941 9189396 Supply Voltage
381 RESERVED Vx 4747941 9189396 Must be bonded to VSS
383 VDD Vx 4621941 9189396 Supply Voltage
384 VDD Vx 4504941 9189396 Supply Voltage
386 VSS Vx 4414941 9189396 Supply Voltage
387 VSS Vx 4306941 9189396 Supply Voltage
388 VSS Vx 4171941 9189396 Supply Voltage
389 VDD Vx 4036941 9189396 Supply Voltage
390 P32.2 SLOW / PU1 / 3915927 9042426 General-purpose I/O
391 P32.5 SLOW / PU1 / 3868929 9189396 General-purpose I/O
392 P32.4 FAST / PU1 / 3821931 9042426 General-purpose I/O
393 VSS Vx 3774933 9189396 Supply Voltage
394 P32.3 SLOW / PU1 / 3727935 9042426 General-purpose I/O
395 VEXT Vx 3680937 9189396 Supply Voltage
396 P32.7 SLOW / PU1 / 3633939 9042426 General-purpose I/O
397 P32.6 SLOW / PU1 / 3586941 9189396 General-purpose I/O
398 VDD Vx 3496941 9189396 Supply Voltage
399 VDD Vx 3406941 9189396 Supply Voltage
400 VDD Vx 3316941 9189396 Supply Voltage
401 VSS Vx 3226941 9189396 Supply Voltage
402 VSS Vx 3136941 9189396 Supply Voltage
403 VSS Vx 3046941 9189396 Supply Voltage
404 VDD Vx 2999943 9042426 Supply Voltage
405 VDD Vx 2844441 9189396 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 391 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
406 VSS Vx 2754441 9189396 Supply Voltage
407 P31.0 FAST / PU1 / 2653911 9189396 General-purpose I/O
408 P31.1 FAST / PU1 / 2606913 9042426 General-purpose I/O
409 P31.2 FAST / PU1 / 2559915 9189396 General-purpose I/O
410 P31.3 FAST / PU1 / 2512917 9042426 General-purpose I/O
411 VSS Vx 2465919 9189396 Supply Voltage
412 P31.4 FAST / PU1 / 2418921 9042426 General-purpose I/O
413 P31.5 FAST / PU1 / 2371923 9189396 General-purpose I/O
414 P31.6 FAST / PU1 / 2324925 9042426 General-purpose I/O
415 P31.7 FAST / PU1 / 2277927 9189396 General-purpose I/O
416 P31.8 FAST / PU1 / 2230929 9042426 General-purpose I/O
417 VEBU Vx 2183931 9189396 Supply Voltage
418 P31.9 FAST / PU1 / 2136933 9042426 General-purpose I/O
419 P31.10 FAST / PU1 / 2089935 9189396 General-purpose I/O
420 P31.11 FAST / PU1 / 2042937 9042426 General-purpose I/O
421 P31.14 FAST / PU1 / 1995939 9189396 General-purpose I/O
422 P31.12 FAST / PU1 / 1948941 9042426 General-purpose I/O
423 VDD Vx 1858941 9189396 Supply Voltage
424 VSS Vx 1768941 9189396 Supply Voltage
425 P31.13 FAST / PU1 / 1679913 9042426 General-purpose I/O
426 P31.15 FAST / PU1 / 1632915 9189396 General-purpose I/O
427 P30.0 FAST / PU1 / 1585917 9042426 General-purpose I/O
428 P30.1 FAST / PU1 / 1538919 9189396 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 392 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
429 P30.2 FAST / PU1 / 1491921 9042426 General-purpose I/O
430 P30.3 FAST / PU1 / 1444923 9189396 General-purpose I/O
431 P30.4 FAST / PU1 / 1397925 9042426 General-purpose I/O
432 VEBU Vx 1350927 9189396 Supply Voltage
433 P30.5 FAST / PU1 / 1303929 9042426 General-purpose I/O
434 P30.6 FAST / PU1 / 1256931 9189396 General-purpose I/O
435 P30.7 FAST / PU1 / 1209933 9042426 General-purpose I/O
436 P30.8 FAST / PU1 / 1162935 9189396 General-purpose I/O
437 P30.9 FAST / PU1 / 1115937 9042426 General-purpose I/O
438 VSS Vx 1068939 9189396 Supply Voltage
439 P30.10 FAST / PU1 / 1021941 9042426 General-purpose I/O
440 VSS Vx 931941 9189396 Supply Voltage
441 VDD Vx 841941 9189396 Supply Voltage
442 P30.11 FAST / PU1 / 754137 9042426 General-purpose I/O
443 P30.12 FAST / PU1 / 707139 9189396 General-purpose I/O
444 P30.15 FAST / PU1 / 660141 9042426 General-purpose I/O
445 P30.13 FAST / PU1 / 559341 9189396 General-purpose I/O
446 P30.14 FAST / PU1 / 458541 9189396 General-purpose I/O
447 P26.0 SLOW / PU1 / 357741 9189396 General-purpose I/O
448 P25.0 FAST / PU1 / 256941 9189396 General-purpose I/O
449 P25.1 FAST / PU1 / 175644 9109341 General-purpose I/O
450 P25.2 FAST / PU1 / 175644 9008541 General-purpose I/O
451 P25.3 FAST / PU1 / 175644 8907741 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 393 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
452 P25.4 FAST / PU1 / 175644 8806941 General-purpose I/O
453 P25.5 FAST / PU1 / 175644 8706141 General-purpose I/O
454 P25.7 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8659143 General-purpose I/O
455 VEBU Vx 175644 8612145 Supply Voltage
456 P25.9 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8565147 General-purpose I/O
457 VSS Vx 175644 8518149 Supply Voltage
458 P25.8 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8471151 General-purpose I/O
459 VDD Vx 175644 8410653 Supply Voltage
460 P25.11 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8350155 General-purpose I/O
461 VSS Vx 175644 8289657 Supply Voltage
462 P25.10 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8229159 General-purpose I/O
463 P25.12 FAST / PU1 / 175644 8182161 General-purpose I/O
464 P25.13 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8135163 General-purpose I/O
465 P25.14 FAST / PU1 / 175644 8088165 General-purpose I/O
466 P25.15 FAST / PU1 / 322614 8041167 General-purpose I/O
467 P25.6 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7994169 General-purpose I/O
468 P24.1 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7947171 General-purpose I/O
469 P24.0 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7900173 General-purpose I/O
470 P24.3 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7853175 General-purpose I/O
471 VDD Vx 175644 7780041 Supply Voltage
472 P24.2 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7708041 General-purpose I/O
473 VSS Vx 175644 7645041 Supply Voltage
474 P24.5 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7577667 General-purpose I/O
475 P24.4 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7530669 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 394 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
476 P24.7 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7483671 General-purpose I/O
477 P24.6 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7436673 General-purpose I/O
478 P24.9 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7389675 General-purpose I/O
479 VEBU Vx 175644 7342677 Supply Voltage
480 P24.11 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7295679 General-purpose I/O
481 VSS Vx 175644 7248681 Supply Voltage
482 P24.13 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7201683 General-purpose I/O
483 P24.8 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7154685 General-purpose I/O
484 P24.14 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7107687 General-purpose I/O
485 P24.10 FAST / PU1 / 175644 7060689 General-purpose I/O
486 P24.15 FAST / PU1 / 322614 7013691 General-purpose I/O
487 P24.12 FAST / PU1 / 175644 6966693 General-purpose I/O
488 P23.0 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 6892479 General-purpose I/O
489 VDD Vx 175644 6785541 Supply Voltage
490 VDD Vx 175644 6695541 Supply Voltage
491 P23.2 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 6592041 General-purpose I/O
492 VSS Vx 175644 6488541 Supply Voltage
493 VSS Vx 175644 6398541 Supply Voltage
494 P23.1 FAST / PU1 / 322614 6295041 General-purpose I/O
495 P23.5 FAST / PU1 / 175644 6248043 General-purpose I/O
496 P23.4 FAST / PU1 / 322614 6201045 General-purpose I/O
497 VSS Vx 175644 6154047 Supply Voltage
498 P23.3 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 6107049 General-purpose I/O
499 P23.6 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 6060051 General-purpose I/O
500 VEXT Vx 322614 6013053 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 395 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
501 P23.7 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 5966055 General-purpose I/O
502 VDD Vx 175644 5849541 Supply Voltage
503 VSS Vx 175644 5759541 Supply Voltage
505 VDDOSC Vx 348147 5664825 Supply Voltage
506 VSSOSC Vx 179145 5617827 Supply Voltage
507 XTAL1 XTAL / 179145 5458176 XTAL1. Main
VEXTOSC Oscillator/PLL/Clock
Generator Input.
508 XTAL2 XTAL / 179145 5364180 XTAL2. Main
VEXTOSC Oscillator/PLL/Clock
Generator OUTPUT
509 VSSOSC — 179145 5204529 Supply Voltage
510 VEXTOSC Vx 348147 5157531 Supply Voltage
512 P22.2 LVDS_TX / 322614 4988520 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
513 P22.3 LVDS_TX / 322614 4894524 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
514 VDD Vx 322614 4783023 Supply Voltage
515 VSS Vx 175644 4713525 Supply Voltage
516 P22.0 LVDS_TX / 322614 4602024 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
517 P22.1 LVDS_TX / 322614 4508028 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
518 P22.4 FAST / PU1 / 175644 4396527 General-purpose I/O
519 P22.5 FAST / PU1 / 322614 4349529 General-purpose I/O
520 P22.6 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 4302531 General-purpose I/O
521 P22.7 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 4255533 General-purpose I/O
522 VSS Vx 175644 4208535 Supply Voltage
523 VEXT Vx 322614 4161537 Supply Voltage
524 P22.8 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 4114539 General-purpose I/O
525 P22.9 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 4067541 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 396 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
526 VDD Vx 175644 3977541 Supply Voltage
527 VSS Vx 175644 3887541 Supply Voltage
528 P22.10 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 3797037 General-purpose I/O
529 P22.11 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 3750039 General-purpose I/O
530 DAPE0 FAST / PD2 / 175644 3703041 DAPE: DAPE0 Clock Input
input(PD Devices: NC)
531 TRST FAST / PU2 / 322614 3656043 JTAG Module Reset/Enable
VEXT Input
532 VSS Vx 175644 3609045 Supply Voltage
533 P21.0 LVDS_RX / 322614 3533994 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
534 P21.1 LVDS_RX / 322614 3439998 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
535 VDD Vx 175644 3304647 Supply Voltage
536 P21.2 LVDS_RX / 322614 3211596 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
537 P21.3 LVDS_RX / 322614 3117600 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
538 VSS Vx 175644 3024549 Supply Voltage
539 P21.4 LVDS_TX / 322614 2913048 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
540 P21.5 LVDS_TX / 322614 2819052 General-purpose I/O
FAST / PU1 /
541 TMS FAST / PD2 / 175644 2707551 JTAG Module State Machine
VEXT Control Input
542 P20.0 FAST / PU1 / 322614 2660553 General-purpose I/O
543 TCK FAST / PD2 / 175644 2613555 JTAG Module Clock Input
544 P20.2 S / PU / VEXT 322614 2566557 General-purpose I/O
This pin is latched at power
on reset release to enter test
545 VEXT Vx 175644 2519559 Supply Voltage

Data Sheet 397 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
546 VDD Vx 175644 2436561 Supply Voltage
547 VDD Vx 175644 2346561 Supply Voltage
548 VSS Vx 175644 2229561 Supply Voltage
549 P20.3 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 2081727 General-purpose I/O
550 DAPE1 FAST / PD2 / 175644 2034729 DAPE: DAPE1 Data I/O
Devices: VSS)
551 P21.6/TDI FAST / PD / 322614 1987731 General-purpose I/O
PU2 / VEXT / PD during Reset and in
ES3 DAP/DAPE or JTAG mode.
After Reset release and when
not in DAP/DAPE or JTAG
mode: PU. In Standby mode:
552 DAPE2 FAST / PD2 / 175644 1940733 DAPE: DAPE2 Data I/O
Devices: VSS)
553 VEXT Vx 322614 1893735 Supply Voltage
554 VSS Vx 175644 1846737 Supply Voltage
555 P21.7/TDO FAST / PU2 / 322614 1799739 General-purpose I/O
556 ESR1 FAST / PU1 / 175644 1752741 ESR1 Port Pin input - can be
VEXT used to trigger a reset or an
ESR1: External System
Request Reset 1. Default NMI
function. See also SCU
chapter for details. Default
after power-on can be
different. See also SCU
chapter ´Reset Control Unit´
and SCU_IOCR register
Wakepup Pin
557 P20.8 FAST / PU1 / 322614 1705743 General-purpose I/O
558 VDD Vx 175644 1642725 Supply Voltage
559 VSS Vx 175644 1557225 Supply Voltage
560 P20.1 SLOW / PU1 / 322614 1494207 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 398 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
561 ESR0 FAST / OD / 175644 1447209 ESR0 Port Pin input - can be
VEXT used to trigger a reset or an
ESR0: External System
Request Reset 0. Default
configuration during and after
reset is open-drain driver.
The driver drives low during
power-on reset. This is valid
additionally after deactivation
of PORST_N until the internal
reset phase has finished. See
also SCU chapter for details.
Default after power-on can be
different. See also SCU
chapter ´Reset Control Unit´
and SCU_IOCR register
Wakepup Pin
562 PORST PORST / PD / 322614 1400211 PORST pin input
VEXT Power On Reset Input.
Additional strong PD in case
of power fail.
563 P20.6 SLOW / PU1 / 175644 1353213 General-purpose I/O
564 P20.11 FAST / PU1 / 322614 1306215 General-purpose I/O
565 P15.5 FAST / PU1 / 175644 1259217 General-purpose I/O
566 P20.7 FAST / PU1 / 322614 1212219 General-purpose I/O
567 VSS Vx 175644 1165221 Supply Voltage
568 P20.10 FAST / PU1 / 322614 1118223 General-purpose I/O
569 VEXT Vx 175644 1071225 Supply Voltage
570 P20.13 FAST / PU1 / 322614 1024227 General-purpose I/O
571 VDD Vx 175644 968229 Supply Voltage
572 P20.12 FAST / PU1 / 322614 912231 General-purpose I/O
573 VSS Vx 175644 856233 Supply Voltage
574 P20.14 FAST / PU1 / 322614 800235 General-purpose I/O

Data Sheet 399 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Pin Position Definition

Table 2-63 Pad List (cont’d)

Number Pad Name Pad Type X Y Comment
575 P15.2 FAST / PU1 / 175644 753237 General-purpose I/O
576 P15.0 FAST / PU1 / 322614 706239 General-purpose I/O
577 P15.1 FAST / PU1 / 175644 659241 General-purpose I/O
578 P15.3 FAST / PU1 / 175644 558441 General-purpose I/O
579 P15.4 FAST / PU1 / 175644 457641 General-purpose I/O
580 P15.6 FAST / PU1 / 175644 356841 General-purpose I/O
581 P20.9 FAST / PU1 / 175644 256041 General-purpose I/O

Whenever in table of section 3 ’Electrical Specification’ the term ‘neighbor pads’ is used, the detailed definition is
provided by Figure 2-63. This statement is also valid for next/nearest neighbor pads. This statement is also valid
for next/nearest neighbor pads.
In order to find out who is affecting operation on a target pad (interfering) a number of active close-neighbor pads
(ACNP) has to be defined.
Finding close-neighbor pads.
The Pad Ring has four edges: bottom, left, top, right. Each edge is limited, i.e. it has two ends.
Each pad has two direct (first) neighbors unless it is located at the end of the edge. In that case it only has one
neighbor. Similarly, each pad has two indirect (second) neighbors unless it or its first neighbor is located at the
end of the edge. These first and second neighbors we will collectively call Close-Neighbor pads. Therefore each
pad has 2 to 4 close-neighbor pads.
Finding close-neighbors can be done with the following sequence:
1.) Choose a target pad and lookup its “X” and “Y” coordinates in table Figure 2-63.
2.) Find first and second neighbors by calculating “X” and “Y” distance from the selected pad. Figure 2-63 is sorted
by “Y” coordinate, which might help locate the 4 close-neighbor candidates (if the pad is near the edge, it might
end up with less than 4 close-neighbors).
Defining active pads:
Pad is active if it is currently in use and if it doesn’t have “Vxx” in the name.
Figuring out number of active close-neighbor pads follow next rules:
- If the first neighbor is active, then we count it and also check if second neighbor (on the same side of selected
pad) is active.
- If the first neighbor is not active, then we do not check the second on the same side.

Data Sheet 400 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Legend

2.5 Legend
The data in this chapter 2 match with the files TC39xed_IO_Spirit_v2.

Column “Ctrl.”:
I = Input (for GPIO port lines with IOCR bit field Selection PCx = 0XXXB)
O = Output (for GPIO port lines the ´O´ represents in most cases the port HWOUT function)
O0 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X000B
O1 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X001B (ALT1)
O2 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X010B (ALT2)
O3 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X011B (ALT3)
O4 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X100B (ALT4)
O5 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X101B (ALT5)
O6 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X110B (ALT6)
O7 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X111B (ALT7)

Column “Buffer Type”:

RFAST = Pad class RFAST (5V/3.3V)
FAST = Pad class FAST (5V/3.3V)
SLOW = Pad class SLOW (5V/3.3V)
LVDS_TX = Pad class LVDS Transmit
LVDS_RX = Pad class LVDS Receive
S = Pad class S (Analog Input overlayed with General Purpose Input)
D = Pad class D (Analog Input)
Porst = Porst input Pad
XTAL1 = XTAL1 input Pad
XTAL2 = XTAL2 input Pad
PU = with pull-up device connected during reset (PORST = 0)
PU1 = with pull-up device connected during reset (PORST = 0)1)
PU2 = with pull-up device connected during startup and reset, HighZ in Standby mode
PD = with pull-down device connected during reset (PORST = 0)
PD1 = with pull-down device connected during reset (PORST = 0)1)
PD2 = with pull-down device connected during startup, reset, HighZ in Standby mode
OD = open drain during reset (PORST = 0)
ES = Supports Emergency Stop
ES1 = ES. ES can be overruled by VADC, control via P00_PCSR
ES2 = ES. ES can be overruled by DXCPL - DAP over CAN physical layer, No overruling for DXCM - Debug over
CAN message
ES3 = ES. ES can be overruled by JTAG mode if this pin is used as TDI
ES4 = ES. ES can be overruled by JTAG or Three Pin DAP mode

1) The default state of GPIOs (Px.y) during and after PORST active is controllled via HWCFG6 (P14.4). Pls. see also chapter

Data Sheet 401 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Pin Definition and Functions:Legend

ES5 = ES. ES can be overruled by the Standby Controller - SCR - if implemented. Overruling can be disabled via
the control register P33_PCSR and P34_PCSR
ES6 = ES. On LVDS TX pads the ES affects the pads only in CMOS mode, not in LVDS mode. Thus, only when
LPCRx.TX_EN selects the CMOS Mode, the output is switched off in the ES event

Data Sheet 402 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationParameter Interpretation

3 Electrical Specification

3.1 Parameter Interpretation

The parameters listed in this section partly represent the characteristics of the TC39x and partly its requirements
on the system. To aid interpreting the parameters easily when evaluating them for a design, they are marked with
an two-letter abbreviation in column “Symbol”:
• CC
Such parameters indicate Controller Characteristics which are a distinctive feature of the TC39x and must be
regarded for a system design.
• SR
Such parameters indicate System Requirements which must be provided by the microcontroller system in
which the TC39x designed in.

Data Sheet 403 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationAbsolute Maximum Ratings

3.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses above the values listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.
This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those
indicated in the Operational Conditions of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions may affect device reliability.

Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Storage Temperature TST SR -65 - 150 °C upto 65h @ TJ = 150°C
Voltage at VDD power supply VDD SR - - 1.65 V upto 2.8h
pins with respect to VSS 1) 2) - - 1.45 V upto 72h
Voltage at VDDP3 power supply VDDP3 SR - - 4.43 V
pins with respect to VSS
Voltage at VDDM, VEXT, VFLEX VDDM SR - - 6.75 V upto 2.8h
and VEVRSB power supply pins - - 5.6 V upto 72h
with respect to VSS
Voltage on all analog and class VIN SR -0.7 - 6.75 V
S input pins with respect to VSS

Voltage on all other input pins VIN SR -0.7 - 6.75 V

with respect to VSS 3)
Input current on any pin during IIN SR -10 - 10 mA
overload condition 4) 5)
Absolute maximum sum of all ΣIIN SR -100 - 100 mA
input circuit currents during
overload condition. 4)
1) Valid for cumulated for up to 2.8h and pulse forms followed a power supply switch on phase, where the rise
and fall times are related to the system capacities and coils.
2) Due to EVRC output voltage oscillation during switch off phase VDD can drop down to -0.72V. For VDD an input level down
to -0.72V during switch off phase will not cause any damage or reliability problem.
3) Voltages below VINmin have no Impact to the device reliabiltiy as Long as the times and currents defined in section Pin
Reliability in Overload for the affected pad(s) are not violated.
4) This parameter is an Absolute Maximum Rating. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings for extended periods of time may
damage the device.
5) The specified min. and max. values represent the current limits, which have to be maintained, in case of a short circuit
condition on the output of any Fast, RFast, Slow and Class S pad, not being used during operation.
This cover also output currents due to switching in operation for CL=200pF.

Data Sheet 404 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPin Reliability in Overload

3.3 Pin Reliability in Overload

When receiving signals from higher voltage devices, low-voltage devices experience overload currents and
voltages that go beyond their own IO power supplies specification.
The following table defines overload conditions that will not cause any negative reliability impact if all the following
conditions are met:
• allowed time interval (defined in Note column) for overload condition is not exceeded. If no time limit is defined
the allowed time includes both ‘Operation Lifetime hours’ and ‘Inactive Lifetime hours’. The number of hours
in Table 3-77 and Table 3-78 are examples only and the applicable numbers are defined by the customer
profiles accepted by Infineon.
• Operating Conditions are met for
– pad supply levels
– temperature
If a pin current is out of the Operating Conditions but within the overload parameters, then the parameters
functionality of this pin as stated in the Operating Conditions can no longer be guaranteed. Operation is still
possible in most cases but with relaxed parameters.

Table 3-2 Overload Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input current on any digital pin IIN -5 - 5 mA except LVDS pins
during overload condition -15 1)
- 15 1)
mA except LVDS pins;
limited to max. 20
pulses with 1ms pulse
Input current on LVDS pin IINLVDS -3 - 3 mA
during overload condition
Input current on analog input IINANA -3 - 3 mA
pin during overload condition -5 - 5 mA limited to 60h over
Absolute sum of all analog IINSA -20 - 20 mA
input currents for analog inputs
during overload conditon
Absolute maximum sum of all ΣIINS -100 - 100 mA
input circuit currents during
overload condition (digital and
analog combined)
Signal voltage over/undershoot VOUS VSS - 2 - VEXT/FLEX V limited to 60h over
at GPIOs +2 lifetime; Valid for non
LVDS and analoge
Sum of all inactive device pin IIDS -100 - 100 mA
Static pin output current IOUT CC - - 2.5 mA 100% duty cycle;
output driver = medium
- - 5 mA 100% duty cycle;
output driver = strong

Data Sheet 405 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPin Reliability in Overload

Table 3-2 Overload Parameters (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Overload coupling factor for KOVDN CC - - 3*10-4 Overload injected on
digital inputs, negative GPIO non LVDS pad
and affecting neighbor
fast pads; -5mA < IIN <
- - 2*10-3 Overload injected on
GPIO non LVDS pad
and affecting neighbor
slow pads VGASTE1N
and VGATE1P; -5mA
< IIN < 0mA
- - 1*10-4 Overload injected on
GPIO non LVDS pad
and affecting neighbor
slow pads; -5mA < IIN <
- - 0.8 Overload injected on
LVDS RX pad and
affecting neighbor
LVDS pads
- - 0.5 Overload injected on
LVDS TX pad and
affecting neighbor
LVDS pads
Overload coupling factor for KOVDP CC - - 1.5*10-3 Overload injected on
digital inputs, positive GPIO non LVDS pad
and affecting neighbor
GPIO non LVDS pads
- - 1 Overload injected on
LVDS RX pad and
affecting neighbor
LVDS pads
- - 5*10-3 Overload injected on
LVDS TX pad and
affecting neighbor
LVDS pads
Overload coupling factor for KOVAN CC - - 1*10-4 Analog inputs overlaid
analog inputs, negative 2) with slow pads or pull
down diagnostics; -
5mA < IIN < 0mA
- - 1*10-5 else; -5mA < IIN < 0mA

Data Sheet 406 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPin Reliability in Overload

Table 3-2 Overload Parameters (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Overload coupling factor for KOVAP CC - - 2*10-4 Analoge inputs
analog inputs, positive 2) overlaid with slow pads
or pull down
diagnostics; 0mA < IIN
< 5mA
- - 2*10-5 else; 0mA < IIN < 5mA
1) Reduced VADC / DSADC result accuracy and / or GPIO input levels (VIL and VIH) can differ from specified parameters.
2) Overload coupling on analog inputs is caused by parasitic effects between pads, input multiplexers and surrounding
The given parameters have been verified for all permutations of channels. Also watch multiple connections of a pin to
several channels.

Data Sheet 407 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationOperating Conditions

3.4 Operating Conditions

The following operating conditions must not be exceeded in order to ensure correct operation and reliability of the
TC39x. All parameters specified in the following tables refer to these operating conditions, unless otherwise
Digital supply voltages applied to the TC39x must be static regulated voltages.
All parameters specified in the following tables refer to these operating conditions (see table below), unless
otherwise noticed in the Note / Test Condition column.

Table 3-3 Operating Conditions

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SRI frequency fSRI SR - - 300 MHz
CPU Frequency (All CPUs) fCPUx SR - - 300 MHz
PLL0 output frequency fPLL0 SR 20 - 300 MHz
SPB frequency fSPB SR - - 100 MHz
FSI2 frequency fFSI2 SR - - 300 MHz
FSI frequency fFSI SR 20 - 100 MHz
GTM frequency fGTM SR - - 200 MHz
STM frequency fSTM SR - - 100 MHz
ERAY frequency fERAY SR - 80 - MHz
BBB frequency fBBB SR - - 150 MHz
VADC frequency fADC SR - - 160 MHz
ASCLIN Operating Frequency fASCLINx SR - - 200 MHz
CAN frequency fCAN SR - - 80 MHz
EBU operating frequency fEBU SR - - 160 MHz
I2C frequency fI2C SR - - 100 MHz
Operating MSC Frequency fMSC SR - - 200 MHz
PLL1 output frequency from fPLL1 SR 20 - 320 MHz
PLL2 output frequency from fPLL2 SR 20 - 200 MHz
QSPI Frequency fQSPI SR - - 200 MHz
ADAS clock frequency fADAS CC 200 - 300 MHz
MCANH frequency fMCANH CC - - 100 MHz
GETH frequency fGETH CC 150 - 200 MHz
Ambient Temperature TA SR -40 - 125 °C valid for all SAK
-40 - 150 °C valid for all SAL
products with package

Data Sheet 408 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationOperating Conditions

Table 3-3 Operating Conditions (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Junction Temperature TJ SR -40 - 150 °C valid for all SAK
-40 - 170 °C valid for all SAL
Core Supply Voltage VDD SR 1.125 1) 1.25 1.375 2) V
ADC analog supply voltage VDDM SR 2.97 5.0 5.5 3) V
Digital external supply voltage VEXT SR 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Nominal 5V Pad / Port
for pads and EVR Pin supply range. 5V
pad parameters are
2.97 3.3 3.63 V Nominal 3.3V Pad /
Port Pin supply range
with VDDP3 supplied
externally and EVR33
inactive. 3.3V pad
parameters are valid.
3.6 - 4.5 V Flash configured in
cranking mode; Flash
read operation with
reduced performance.
EVR33 active in low
voltage mode. 3.3V
pad parameters are
2.97 - 3.6 V Incase EVR33 is
active, Flash
configured in sleep
mode and execution
switched to RAM. 3.3V
pad parameters are
Digital supply voltage for EBU VEBU CC 2.97 3.3 3.63 V 3.3V pad parameters
are valid
4.5 5 5.5 V 5V pad parameters are
Digital supply voltage for Flex VFLEX SR 2.97 - 4.0 V 3.3V pad parameters
port are valid
4.5 5.0 5.5 3) V 5V pad parameters are
Digital supply voltage for Flash VDDP3 SR 2.97 3.3 3.63 4) V
2.6 - 3.63 V Flash configured in
cranking mode; Flash
read operation with
reduced performance.

Data Sheet 409 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationOperating Conditions

Table 3-3 Operating Conditions (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Digital ground voltage VSS SR 0 - - V
Analog ground voltage for VDDM VSSM CC -0.1 0 0.1 V
Digital external supply voltage VEVRSB SR 2.97 - 5.5 V
for EVR and during Standby
Voltage to ensure defined pad VDDPPA CC 1.3 6) - - V
1) For VDD 1.08V ≤ VDD < 1.125V operation is still possible but with relaxed parameters.
2) Voltage overshoot to 1.69V is permissible, provided the duration is less than 2h cumulated. Reduced ADC accuracy and
leakage is increased.
3) Voltage overshoot to 6.5V is permissible, provided the duration is less than 2h cumulated. Reduced ADC accuracy and
leakage is increased.
4) Voltage overshoot to 4.29V is permissible, provided the duration is less than 2h cumulated. Reduced ADC accuracy and
leakage is increased.
5) VEVRSB supply voltage can drop down upto 2.6V during Standby mode. It is required to have a capictor of 100nF on VEVRSB
supply pin.
6) HWCFG[6] pin is latched and pull-up or tristate is activated at Port pins when VEXT has reached this level.

Limitation of Supply Voltage over Time

The maximum operation voltage for VEXT/FLEX/DDM supply rails is limited over the complete lifetime.
The following voltage profile is an example. Application specific voltage profiles need to be aligned and approved
by Infineon Technologies for the fulfillment of quality and reliability targets.

Table 3-4 Example Voltage Profile

VEXT/FLEX/DDM= Duration [h]
5.4 V < VEXT/FLEX/DDM ≤ 5.5 V ≤ 5% of lifetime
5.15 V < VEXT/FLEX/DDM ≤ 5.4 V ≤ 15% of lifetime
4.85 V < VEXT/FLEX/DDM ≤ 5.15 V ≤ 60% of lifetime
4.6 V < VEXT/FLEX/DDM ≤ 4.85 V ≤ 15% of lifetime
4.5 V < VEXT/FLEX/DDM ≤ 4.6 V ≤ 5% of lifetime

The maximum operation voltage for VDD supply rails is limited over the complete lifetime.
The following voltage profile is an example. Application specific voltage profiles need to be aligned and approved
by Infineon Technologies for the fulfillment of quality and reliability targets.

Table 3-5 Example Voltage Profile

VDD= Duration [h]
1.325 V < VDD ≤ 1.375 V ≤ 5% of lifetime
1.275 V < VDD ≤ 1.325 V ≤ 15% of lifetime
1.225 V < VDD ≤ 1.275 V ≤ 60% of lifetime
1.175 V < VDD ≤ 1.225 V ≤ 15% of lifetime
1.125 V < VDD ≤ 1.175V ≤ 5% of lifetime

Data Sheet 410 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

3.5 5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Pad classes slow GPIO and fast GPIO support both Automotive Level (AL) or TTL level (TTL) operation.
Parameters are defined for AL operation and degrade in TTL operation.

Table 3-6 PORST Pad

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
PORST pad Output current IPORST CC 13 - - mA VEXT = 2.97V; VPORST =
Spike filter always blocked tSF1 CC - - 80 ns
pulse duration
Spike filter pass-through tSF2 CC 260 - - ns without additional
blocked pulse duration PORST Digtial Filter
active (PORSTDF =
Input hysteresis 1) HYS CC 0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT pads are used as
output;TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Pull-down current 2) IPDL CC - - |130| µA VIH; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
|15| - - µA VIL; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Input leakage current IOZ CC -450 - 450 nA TJ≤150°C ; (0.1 * VEXT)
< VIN < (0.9 * VEXT)
-500 - 500 nA TJ≤150°C ;else
-900 - 900 nA TJ≤170°C ; (0.1 * VEXT)
< VIN < (0.9 * VEXT)
-950 - 950 nA TJ≤170°C ; else
Input high voltage level VIH SR 1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF); VEXT = 2.97V
2.0 - - V TTL; VEXT = 4.5V
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF); VEXT = 2.97V
- - 0.8 V TTL; VEXT = 4.5V
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
1) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
2) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Data Sheet 411 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-7 Fast 5V GPIO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
31 55 80 Ohm strong driver; IOH / OL =
Rise / Fall time 1) 2) tRF CC 1.6 - 3.2 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 *
4+0.55*C 4+0.75*C 12+1.0*C ns driver = medium;
L L L CL≤200pF
1.0+0.18* 2.5+0.27* 5.0+0.35* ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL CL medium; CL≤200pF
0.5+0.08* 0.5+0.11* 1.0+0.17* ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL CL sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -1 - 1 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; AL
0.075 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; TTL
75 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 4) IPUH CC |30| - - µA VIH; AL or TTL
- - |130| µA VIL; AL or TTL
Pull-down current IPDL CC - - |130| µA VIH; AL or TTL
|30| - - µA VIL; AL
|28| - - µA VIL; TTL

Data Sheet 412 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-7 Fast 5V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input leakage current IOZ CC -1100 - 1100 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
-2500 - 2500 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
VEXT/FLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
Fast pad type
-6000 - 6000 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; LVDS_RX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-3200 - 3200 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; LVDS_TX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-1500 - 1500 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; else
-2000 - 2000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
-4000 - 4000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
VEXT/FLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
Fast pad type
-13500 - 13500 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; LVDS_RX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-5100 - 5100 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; LVDS_TX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-2500 - 2500 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; else
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL

2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL

- - 0.8 V TTL
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -50 - 50 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.

Data Sheet 413 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-8 Fast 3.3V GPIO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
31 55 80 Ohm strong driver; IOH / OL =
Rise / Fall time 1) 2) tRF CC 1.6 - 4.5 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 *
- - 5 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.8V to 2.0V
2+0.57*C 5.5+0.75* 10+1.25* ns driver = medium;
L CL CL CL≤200pF
1.5+0.18* 1.5+0.28* 8+0.4*CL ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL medium; CL≤200pF
0.75+0.08 0.75+0.11 2.5+0.21* ns driver = strong edge =
*CL *CL CL sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -1 - 1 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; AL
0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; TTL
0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output;TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
125 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL

Data Sheet 414 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-8 Fast 3.3V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Pull-up current IPUH CC |17| - - µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
|11| - - µA VIH; TTL
- - |80| µA VIL; AL and TTL and
TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Pull-down current 5) IPDL CC - - |105| µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
- - |115| µA VIH; TTL
|19| - - µA VIL; AL and TTL
|15| - - µA VIL; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Input leakage current IOZ CC -1100 - 1100 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
-2500 - 2500 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
VEXT/FLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
Fast pad type
-6000 - 6000 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; LVDS_RX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-3200 - 3200 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; LVDS_TX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-1500 - 1500 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; else
-2000 - 2000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
-4000 - 4000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
VEXT/FLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
Fast pad type
-13500 - 13500 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; LVDS_RX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-5100 - 5100 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; LVDS_TX
/ Fast pad type ; else
-2500 - 2500 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; else

Data Sheet 415 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-8 Fast 3.3V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL

2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.42 * V AL

- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low/high voltage level VILH SR 1.0 - 1.9 V RGMII; no hysteresis
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-9 Slow 5V GPIO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
Rise / Fall time 1) 2) tRF CC 4+0.55*C 4+0.75*C 12+1*CL ns driver = medium edge
L L = medium ; CL≤200pF
1.5+0.25* 2.5+0.40* 7+0.55*C ns driver = medium edge
CL CL L = sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -1 - 1 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz

Data Sheet 416 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-9 Slow 5V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; AL
0.075 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; TTL
75 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 4) IPUH CC |30| - - µA VIH;AL or TTL; exept
VGATE1P; except
VGATE1N and TJ >
- - |130| µA VIL; AL or TTL; exept
VGATE1P; except
VGATE1N and TJ >
Pull-down current 5) IPDL CC - - |130| µA VIH; AL or TTL
|30| - - µA VIL; AL
|28| - - µA VIL; TTL
Input leakage current IOZ CC -300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; (0.1 *
-400 - 400 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; else
-600 - 600 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; (0.1 *
-750 - 750 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; else
-18000 - 18000 nA P32.0 and
-38000 - 38000 nA P32.0 and
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL

2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL

- - 0.8 V TTL

Data Sheet 417 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-9 Slow 5V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -50 - 50 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-10 Slow 3.3V GPIO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
Rise / Fall time 1) 2) tRF CC 2+0.57*C 5.5+0.75* 10+1.25* ns driver = medium edge
L CL CL = medium ; CL≤200pF
2+0.30*C 3.5+0.50* 5+0.70*C ns driver = medium edge
L CL L = sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -1 - 1 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz
Input hysteresis 3) HYS CC 0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; AL
0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output; TTL
0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VEXT/FLEX/ pads are used as
EVRSB output;TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
125 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL

Data Sheet 418 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-10 Slow 3.3V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Pull-up current IPUH CC |17| - - µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
CIF); exept VGATE1P;
except VGATE1N and
TJ > 150°C
|11| - - µA VIH; TTL; exept
VGATE1P; except
VGATE1N and TJ >
- - |80| µA VIL; AL and TTL and
TTL (degraded, used
for CIF); exept
VGATE1P; except
VGATE1N and TJ >
Pull-down current 5) IPDL CC - - |105| µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
- - |115| µA VIH; TTL
|19| - - µA VIL; AL and TTL
|15| - - µA VIL; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Input leakage current IOZ CC -300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; (0.1 *
-400 - 400 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; else
-600 - 600 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; (0.1 *
-750 - 750 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; else
-18000 - 18000 nA P32.0 and
-38000 - 38000 nA P32.0 and
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL

2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)

Data Sheet 419 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-10 Slow 3.3V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.42 * V AL

- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low/high voltage level VILH SR 1.0 - 1.9 V RGMII; no hysteresis
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-11 RFast 5V GPIO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
31 55 80 Ohm strong driver; IOH / OL =
Rise / Fall time 1) 2) tRF CC 1.6 - 3.2 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VFLEX to 0.8
4+0.55*C 4+0.75*C 12+1.0*C ns driver = medium;
L L L CL≤200pF
1.0+0.18* 2.5+0.27* 5.0+0.35* ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL CL medium; CL≤200pF
0.5+0.08* 0.5+0.11* 1.0+0.17* ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL CL sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -0.5 - 0.5 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock

Data Sheet 420 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-11 RFast 5V GPIO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VFLEX pads are used as
output; AL
0.075 * - - V non of the neighbor
VFLEX pads are used as
output; TTL
75 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 4) IPUH CC |30| - - µA VIH; AL or TTL
- - |130| µA VIL; AL or TTL
Pull-down current IPDL CC - - |130| µA VIH; AL or TTL
|30| - - µA VIL; AL
|28| - - µA VIL; TTL
Input leakage current IOZ CC -1700 - 1700 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
VFLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
-2100 - 2100 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; else
-3000 - 3000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
VFLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
-4000 - 4000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; else
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL
2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -50 - 50 mV max. variation of 1ms;
VFLEX = constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3.5 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.

Data Sheet 421 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-12 RFast 3.3V pad

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
On-Resistance of pad output RDSON CC 8 20 30 Ohm Driver = RGMII; IOH / OL
= 8mA
125 225 320 Ohm medium driver; IOH / OL
= 2mA
31 55 80 Ohm strong driver; IOH / OL =
Input Duty Cycle fD SR 47.5 50 52.5
1) 2)
Rise / Fall time tRF CC 1.6 - 4.5 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VFLEX to 0.8
- - 5 ns CL = 25pF; driver =
strong sharp edge;
from 0.8V to 2.0V
- - 1 ns Driver = RGMII; from
20%V to 80%V;
2+0.57*C 5.5+0.75* 10+1.25* ns driver = medium;
L CL CL CL≤200pF
1.5+0.18* 1.5+0.28* 8+0.4*CL ns driver = strong edge =
CL CL medium; CL≤200pF
0.75+0.08 0.75+0.11 2.5+0.21* ns driver = strong edge =
*CL *CL CL sharp ; CL≤200pF
Asymmetry of sending tTX_ASYM CC -0.4 - 0.4 ns CL; valid for all data
rates excluding clock
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz

Data Sheet 422 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-12 RFast 3.3V pad (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VFLEX pads are used as
output; AL
0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VFLEX pads are used as
output; TTL
0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VFLEX pads are used as
output;TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
125 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 4) IPUH CC |17| - - µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
|11| - - µA VIH; TTL
- - |80| µA VIL; AL and TTL and
TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Pull-down current 5) IPDL CC - - |105| µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
- - |115| µA VIH; TTL
|19| - - µA VIL; AL and TTL
|15| - - µA VIL; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Input leakage current IOZ CC -1700 - 1700 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; (0.1 *
VFLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
-2100 - 2100 nA TJ ≤ 150°C ; else
-3000 - 3000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; (0.1 *
VFLEX) < VIN < (0.9 *
-4000 - 4000 nA TJ ≤ 170°C ; else
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * - - V AL
2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)

Data Sheet 423 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-12 RFast 3.3V pad (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.42 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
VFLEX = constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3.5 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-13 Class S 5V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VDDM pads are used as
output; AL
0.075 * - - V non of the neighbor
VDDM pads are used as
output; TTL
75 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 2) IPUH CC |30| - - µA VIH; AL or TTL
- - |130| µA VIL; AL or TTL
Pull-down current IPDL CC - - |130| µA VIH; AL or TTL
|30| - - µA VIL; AL
|28| - - µA VIL; TTL

Data Sheet 424 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-13 Class S 5V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input leakage current IOZ CC -150 - 150 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; else
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD
option available, or
AltRef option available
and EDSADC channel
connected, or two
EDSADC channels
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; else
-600 - 600 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; PDD
option available, or
AltRef option available
and EDSADC channel
connected, or two
EDSADC channels
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * VDDM - - V AL
2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -50 - 50 mV max. variation of 1ms;
VDDM = constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
2) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
3) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-14 Class S 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input frequency fIN CC - - 160 MHz

Data Sheet 425 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-14 Class S 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input hysteresis HYS CC 0.055 * - - V non of the neighbor
VDDM pads are used as
output; AL
0.09 * - - V non of the neighbor
VDDM pads are used as
output; TTL
0.065 * - - V non of the neighbor
VDDM pads are used as
output; TTL (degraded
used for CIF)
125 - - mV two of the neighbor
pads are used as
output with
driver=strong and
edge=sharp; AL
Pull-up current 2) IPUH CC |17| - - µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
|11| - - µA VIH; TTL
- - |80| µA VIL
Pull-down current IPDL CC - - |105| µA VIH; AL and TTL
(degraded, used for
- - |115| µA VIH; TTL
|19| - - µA VIL; AL and TTL
|15| - - µA VIL; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)
Input leakage current IOZ CC -150 - 150 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; else
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD
option available, or
AltRef option available
and EDSADC channel
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; else
-600 - 600 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; PDD
option available
Input high voltage level VIH SR 0.7 * VDDM - - V AL
2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)

Data Sheet 426 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-14 Class S 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.42 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
VDDM = constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
2) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
3) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.

Table 3-15 Class D

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input leakage current IOZ CC -150 - 150 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; else
1) 1)
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD
option available, or
AltRef option available
and EDSADC channel
connected, or two
EDSADC channels
-300 - 300 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; else
2) 2)
-600 - 600 nA TJ ≤ 170°C; PDD
option available, or
AltRef option available
and EDSADC channel
connected, or two
EDSADC channels
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
1) For AN11 100 nA need to be added.
2) For AN11 200 nA need to be added.

Data Sheet 427 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Data Sheet 428 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

Table 3-16 ADC Reference Pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input leakage current for VAREF IOZ2 CC -2 - 2 1) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF <
VDDM; for EVADC; valid
for BGA292 and
BGA292 ADAS feature
-7 1) - 7 1) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
EVADC; valid for
BGA292 and BGA292
ADAS feature set
-4 1) - 4 1) µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF <
VDDM; for EVADC; valid
for BGA292 and
BGA292 ADAS feature
-14 1) - 14 1) µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
EVADC; valid for
BGA292 and BGA292
ADAS feature set
-1 2) - 1 2) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF <
VDDM; for EVADC; valid
for BGA516 and Bare
-2 2) - 2 2) µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF <
VDDM; for EVADC; valid
for BGA516 and Bare
-3.5 2) - 3.5 2) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
EVADC; valid for
BGA516 and Bare Die
-7 2) - 7 2) µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
EVADC; valid for
BGA516 and Bare Die
-2 3) - 2 3) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF <
-4 3) - 4 3) µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF <
-6 3) - 6 3) µA TJ ≤ 150°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
3) 3)
-12 - 12 µA TJ ≤ 170°C; VAREF ≤
VDDM+50mV; for
Data Sheet 429 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical Specification5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads

1) Limit is valid for VAREF2 pin.

2) Limit is valid for VAREF2 and VAREF3 pins each.
3) Limit is valid for VAREF1 pin.

Table 3-17 Driver Mode Selection for Slow Pads

PDx.2 PDx.1 PDx.0 Port Functionality Driver Setting
X X 0 Speed grade 1 medium sharp edge (sm)
X X 1 Speed grade 2 medium medium edge (m)

Table 3-18 Driver Mode Selection for Fast Pads

PDx.2 PDx.1 PDx.0 Port Functionality Driver Setting
X 0 0 Speed grade 1 Strong sharp edge (ss)
X 0 1 Speed grade 2 Strong medium edge (sm)
X 1 0 Speed grade 3 medium (m)
X 1 1 Speed grade 4 Reserved, do not use this combination

Table 3-19 Driver Mode Selection for RFast Pads

PDx.2 PDx.1 PDx.0 Port Functionality Driver Setting
X 0 0 Speed grade 1 Strong sharp edge (ss)
X 0 1 Speed grade 2 Strong medium edge (sm)
X 1 0 Speed grade 3 medium (m)
X 1 1 Speed grade 4 RGMII function is active

Data Sheet 430 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationHigh performance LVDS Pads

3.6 High performance LVDS Pads

This LVDS pad type is used for the high speed chip to chip communication interface of the new TC39x. It compose
out of a LVDS pad and a fast pad.
CL = 2.5 pF for all LVDS parameters.

Table 3-20 LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Output impedance R0 CC 40 - 140 Ohm Vcm = 1.0 V and 1.4 V
Rise time (20% - 80%) trise20 CC - - 0.75 1) ns ZL = 100 Ohm ±20%
@2pF external load
Fall time (20% - 80%) tfall20 CC - - 0.75 2) ns ZL = 100 Ohm ±20%
@2pF external load
Output differential voltage 3) VOD CC 240 - 330 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
280 - 370 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
320 - 410 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
380 - 500 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%;
; Multi slave operation
Output voltage high VOH CC - - 1475 mV RT = 100 Ohm +/- 1%
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01
- - 1500 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
Output voltage low VOL CC 925 - - mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01
900 - - mV RT = 100 Ohm +/- 1%
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
Output offset (Common mode) VOS CC 1125 - 1275 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
Input voltage range VI SR 0 - 1600 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
RT = 100 Ohm ±10%
0 - 2400 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
RT = 100 Ohm ±20%
Input differential threshold Vidth SR -100 - 100 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 900 mV;
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
-100 - 100 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01

Data Sheet 431 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationHigh performance LVDS Pads

Table 3-20 LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL) (cont’d)
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Receiver differential input Rin CC 80 - 120 Ohm VI ≤ 2400 mV
Output differential voltage VODSM CC -5 - 20 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 20%;
Sleep Mode 4) LPCRx.VDIFFADJ=xx
Delta output impedance dR0 SR - - 10 % Vcm = 1.0 V and 1.4 V
Change in VOS between 0 and dVOS CC - - 25 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%
Change in Vod between 0 and dVod CC - - 25 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%
Pad set-up time tSET_LVDS - 10 13 µs
Duty cycle tduty CC 45 - 55 %
1) trise20 = 0.75ns + (CL - 2)[pF]*20ps. CL defines the external load.
2) tfall20 = 0.75ns + (CL - 2)[pF]*20ps. CL defines the external load.
3) Potencial violations of the IEEE Std 1596.3 are intended for the new multislave support feature. To be compliant to IEEE
Std 1596.3 LPCRx.VDIFFADJ has to be configure to 01.
4) Common Mode voltage of Tx is maintained.

Note: Driver ground potential difference is defined as driver-receiver potentital difference, that can result in a
voltage shift when comparing driver output voltage level and receiver input voltage level of a transmitted
Note: RT in table ‘LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose Link (GPL)’ is as termination resistor of the
receiver according to figure 3-5 in IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 and is represent in Figure 3-1 either by RIN or by
RT=100Ohm but not both.
default after start-up = CMOS function

Data Sheet 432 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationHigh performance LVDS Pads


Cext=2pF Ctotal=3.5pF LVDS

Rin IN


Htotal=5nH N



Figure 3-1 LVDS pad Input model

Data Sheet 433 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationVADC Parameters

3.7 VADC Parameters

The accuracy of the converter results depends on the reference voltage range. The parameters in the table below
are valid for a reference voltage range of (VAREF - VAGND) >= 4.5 V. If the reference voltage range is below 4.5 V
by a factor of k (e.g. 3.3 V), the accuracy parameters increase by a factor of 1.1/k (e.g. 1.1 × 4.5 / 3.3 = 1.5).
Noise on supply voltage VDDM influences the conversion. The accuracy (error) parameters are defined for a supply
voltage ripple of below 20 mVpp up to 10 MHz (below 5 mVpp above 10 MHz).
Digital functions overlapping analog inputs influence accuracy.
The total unadjusted error (TUE) is defined without noise. The overall deviation depends on TUE and ENRMS
(depending on the noise distribution). Example: For a noise distribution of 4 sigma and ENRMS = 1.0 the additional
peak-peak noise error is ±(4 × 1.0) = 8 LSB12.
Fast compare operations are executed with 10-bit values.
The noise reduction feature improves the result by adding additional conversion steps. The conversion times,
therefore, increase accordingly (4 × tADCI + 3 × tADC for each of 1, 3, or 7 steps).

Table 3-21 VADC 5V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
EVADC IVR output voltage VDDK CC 1.15 - 1.35 V Measured at low
Deviation of IVR output voltage dVDDK CC -2 - 2 % Based on device-
VDDK specific value
Analog reference voltage 1) VAREF SR 4.5 5.0 VDDM + V 4.5 V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V
2.97 3.3 VDDM + V 2.97 V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V
Analog reference ground VAGND SR VSSM VSSM VSSM V VSSM and VAGND are
connected together
Analog input voltage range VAIN SR VAGND - VAREF V VAIN is limited by the
respective pad supply
voltage; see pin
configuration (buffer
Converter reference clock fADCI SR 16 40 53.33 MHz 4.5 V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V
16 20 26.67 MHz 2.97 V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V
2) 3)
Total Unadjusted Error TUE CC -4 - 4 LSB 12-bit resolution for
groups, 10-bit
resolution for fast
compare channels
INL Error 2) EAINL CC -3 - 3 LSB
DNL error EADNL CC -1 - 3 LSB
Gain Error EAGAIN CC -3.5 - 3.5 LSB
Offset Error EAOFF CC -4 - 4 LSB
RMS Noise 2)5) 6) ENRMS CC - 0.5 0.8 LSB Noise reduction level 3
- 0.5 1.0 LSB Standard conversion

Data Sheet 434 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationVADC Parameters

Table 3-21 VADC 5V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Reference input charge QCONV CC - - 20 pC VAIN = 0 V (worst
consumption per conversion case), precharging
(from VAREF) 7) 8) 9) disabled
- - 10 pC VAIN = 0 V (worst
case), precharging
enabled, VDDM - 5% <
VAREF < VDDM + 50 mV
Switched capacitance of an CAINS CC - 2.5 3.4 pF Input buffer disabled
analog input
Analog input charge QAINS CC - - 3.5 pC Primary groups and
consumption 10) fast compare
channels; VAIN = VAREF;
VDDM = 5.0 V; input
buffer enabled; TJ ≤
- - 3.8 pC Primary groups and
fast compare
channels; VAIN = VAREF;
VDDM = 5.0 V; input
buffer enabled; TJ >
- - 4.4 pC Secondary groups;
5.0 V; input buffer
enabled; TJ ≤ 150 °C
- - 4.8 pC Secondary groups;
5.0 V; input buffer
enabled; TJ > 150°C

Data Sheet 435 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationVADC Parameters

Table 3-21 VADC 5V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Sampling time tS SR 100 - - ns Primary group or fast
compare channel, 4.5
V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V; input
buffer disabled
300 - - ns Primary group or fast
compare channel, 4.5
V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V; input
buffer enabled
500 - - ns Secondary group, 4.5
V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V; input
buffer disabled
700 - - ns Secondary group, 4.5
V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V; input
buffer enabled
200 - - ns Primary Group or fast
compare channel, 2.97
V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V; input
buffer disabled
400 - - ns Primary group or fast
compare channel, 2.97
V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V; input
buffer enabled
1000 - - ns Secondary group, 2.97
V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V; input
buffer disabled
1200 - - ns Secondary group, 2.97
V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V; input
buffer enabled
Sampling time for calibration tSCAL SR 50 - - ns 4.5 V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5 V
100 - - ns 2.97 V ≤ VDDM < 4.5 V
Input buffer switch-on time tBUF CC - 0.4 1 µs
Wakeup time tWU CC - 0.1 0.2 µs Fast standby mode
- 1.6 3 µs Slow standby mode
Broken wire detection delay tBWR CC - 100 - cycles Result above 80% of
against VAREF full scale range, analog
input buffer disabled
Broken wire detection delay tBWG CC - 100 - cycles Result below 10% of
against VAGND full scale range, analog
input buffer disabled
Converter diagnostics unit RCSD CC 45 - 75 kOhm
resistance 11)
Converter diagnostics voltage dVCSD CC -10 - 10 % Percentage refers to
accuray VDDM

Data Sheet 436 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationVADC Parameters

Table 3-21 VADC 5V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Resistance of the multiplexer RMDU CC 30 - 42 kOhm 0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 0.9* VDDM,
diagnostics pull-up device Automotive Levels
56 - 78 kOhm 0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 0.9* VDDM,
TTL Levels
Resistance of the multiplexer RMDD CC 43 - 58 kOhm 0.1*VDDM ≤ VIN ≤ VDDM,
diagnostics pull-down device Automotive level
18 - 25 kOhm 0.1*VDDM ≤ VIN ≤ VDDM,
TTL level
Resistance of the pull-down RPDD CC - - 0.3 kOhm Measured at pad input
test device voltage VIN = VDDM / 2.
1) These limits apply to the standard reference input as well as to the alternate reference input.
2) Parameter depends on reference voltage range and supply ripple, see introduction.
Resulting worst case combined error is arithmetic combination of TUE and ENRMS.
Tests are done with postcalibration disabled, after completing the startup calibration.
3) Digital functions on analog inputs influence accuracy. The values for this parameter increase by 3 LSB12.
4) Monotonic characteristic, no missing codes when calibrated.
5) Parameter ENRMS refers to a 1 sigma distribution.
6) For analog inputs with overlaid digital GPIOs the RMS noise (ENRMS) can be up to 2 LSB 12 (soft switching for DC/DC
7) For reduced reference voltages the consumed charge is reduced by factor k.
8) Maximum charge increases by 15 pC when BWD (Broken Wire Detection) is active.
9) Fast compare channels only consume 1/3 of the charge for a primary/secondary group.
10) For analog inputs with overlaid digital GPIOs or with PDD function this value increases by 1 pC.
11) Use a sample time of at least 1.1 µs to enable proper settling of the test voltage.

External Circuitry AD Converter

CHy (P)

CHx (P/S) (C)



CExt >> CParasit CParasit = CIO + CPackage CSWT + CADC = CAINS

ZAIN = (tS / Ceff) + RAIN Å Input impedance (P): Precharge sampling

RAIN = (tSmin / CAINS) / 10 Å Resistance of MUX (S): Sampling (direct)
CSWT = QAINS / VAREF Å Capacitance of switch tree (C): Conversion
Precharge enabled: Ceff = CSWT
Precharge disabled: Ceff = CAINS mc_evadc_equivpath.vsd

Figure 3-2 Equivalent Circuitry for Analog Inputs

Data Sheet 437 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationDSADC Parameters

3.8 DSADC Parameters

The DSADC parameters are valid only for voltage range 4.5 V <= VDDM <= 5.5 V.
These parameters describe the product properties and do not include external circuitry. The values are valid for
junction temperatures TJ <= 150°C if not defined explicitly.
Calibration is specified for gain factors 1 and 2, calibrated values refer to these settings.
The signal-noise ratio (SNR) is specified for differential inputs. For single ended operation the resulting signal-
noise ratio is reduced by 6 dB. For quasi-differential mode (i.e. using VCM) it is reduced by 6 dB for gain = 1 and
by 3 dB for gain= 2.

Table 3-22 DSADC 5V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Common mode voltage bias RBIAS CC 105 130 155 kOhm On-chip variation ≤
resistance ±2.5%.
Positive reference voltage VAREF SR 4.5 - VDDM + V
Reference ground voltage VAGND SR VSSM - VSSM V VSSM and VAGND are
connected together
Reference load current IREF CC - 10 12 µA Per modulator
- - 14 µA Per modulator,
Common mode voltage dVCM CC -100 - 100 mV Deviation from
accuracy 1) selected voltage
Analog input voltage range VDSIN SR VSSM - 2 * VDDM V Differential;VDSxP -
VSSM - VDDM V Single ended
Input current IRMS CC 7 10 15 µA Exact value (±1%)
available in UCB; valid
for gain = 1 and fMOD =
26.7 MHz
On-chip modulator clock fMOD SR 16 - 40 MHz
Gain error 3) 4) EDGAIN CC -0.2 5) ±0.15) 0.2 5) % TJ≤150°C; Target,
calibrated, VAREF
constant after
calibration; fMOD =
26.67 MHz
- ±0.25 - % TJ>150°C; VAREF
constant after
calibration; fMOD =
26.67 MHz
-1 - 1 % Calibrated once; fMOD
= 26.67 MHz
-2.5 - 2.5 % Uncalibrated; fMOD =
26.67 MHz

Data Sheet 438 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationDSADC Parameters

Table 3-22 DSADC 5V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
3) 5)
DC offset error EDOFF CC -5 - 5 5) mV Calibrated; fMOD =
26.67 MHz
-10 - 10 mV Calibrated once; fMOD
= 26.67 MHz
-30 - 30 mV Uncalibrated; fMOD =
26.67 MHz
Signal-Noise Ratio for SNR CC 80 - - dB TJ≤150°C; fPB = 30
differential input signals 2)6) 7) kHz; fMOD = 26.67 MHz
78 - - dB TJ≤150°C; fPB = 50
kHz; fMOD = 26.67 MHz
74 - - dB TJ≤150°C; fPB = 100
kHz; fMOD = 26.67 MHz
Signal-Noise Ratio degradation DSNR CC - - 3 dB TJ>150°C; Resulting
Signal-Noise Ratio
value is SNR - DSNR
Spurious-free dynamic range 3) SFDR CC 60 - - dB fMOD = 26.67 MHz
Output sampling rate fD CC 3.906 - 300 kHz 16 MHz / 4096, without
Pass band fPB CC 1.302 - 100 kHz Output data rate: fD =
fPB * 3; without
1.302 - 10 kHz Output data rate: fD =
fPB * 6; without
Pass band ripple dfPB CC -0.08 - 0.08 dB FIR filters enabled
Stop band attenuation SBA CC 40 - - dB 0.5 fD ... 1.0 fD
45 - - dB 1.0 fD ... 1.5 fD
50 - - dB 1.5 fD ... 2.0 fD
55 - - dB 2.0 fD ... 2.5 fD
60 - - dB 2.5 fD ... OSR/2 fD
DC compensation factor DCF CC -3 - - dB 10-5 fD, offset
compensation filter
Modulator settling time tMSET CC - - 20 µs After switching on,
voltage regulator
already running
1) On pins with overlaid GPIO function the max. limit increases by up to 25 mV due to leakage current for TJ > 150°C.
2) For detailed information, refer to the User Manual chapter.
3) This parameter is valid within the defined range of fMOD.
4) Gain mismatch error between the different EDSADC channels is within ±0.5%.

Data Sheet 439 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationDSADC Parameters

5) Recalibration needed in case of a temperature change >20ºC

6) These values are valid for an analog gain factor of 1. Subtract 3 dB for each higher gain factor.
7) For single ended input signals and gain1, the SNR is reduced by 6 dB.

Data Sheet 440 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationMHz Oscillator

3.9 MHz Oscillator

OSC_XTAL is used as accurate and exact clock source. OSC_XTAL supports 16 MHz to 40 MHz crystals external
outside of the device. Support of ceramic resonators is also provided.

Table 3-23 OSC_XTAL

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input current at XTAL1 IIX1 CC -70 - 70 µA VIN>0V ; VIN<VEXT
Oscillator frequency fOSC SR 4 - 40 MHz Direct Input Mode
selected, if shaper is
not bypassed
16 - 40 MHz External Crystal Mode
Oscillator start-up time tOSCS CC - - 3 1) ms 20MHz ≤ fOSC and 8pF
load capacitance
Input voltage at XTAL1 2) VIX SR -0.7 - VEXT + 0.5 V If shaper is not
Input amplitude (peak to peak) VPPX SR 0.3*VEXT - VEXT + 1.0 V If shaper is not
at XTAL1 bypassed; fOSC >
0.35*VEXT - VEXT + 1.0 V If shaper is not
bypassed; fOSC ≤
Internal load capacitor CL0 CC 1.30 1.40 1.55 pF enabled via bit
Internal load capacitor CL1 CC 3.05 3.35 3.70 pF enabled via bit
Internal load capacitor CL2 CC 7.85 8.70 9.55 pF enabled via bit
Internal load capacitor CL3 CC 12.05 13.35 14.65 pF enabled via bit
Internal load stray capacitor CXINTS CC 1.15 1.20 1.25 pF
between XTAL1 and XTAL2
Internal load stray capacitor CXTAL1 CC - 2.5 4 pF
between XTAL1 and ground
Duty cycle at XTAL1 3) DCX1 SR 35 - 65 % VXTAL1 = 0.5*VPPX
Absolute RMS jitter at XTAL1 JABSX1 SR - - 28 ps 10 KHz to fOSC/2
Slew rate at XTAL1 SRXTAL1 SR 0.3 - - V/ns Maximum 30%
difference between
rising and falling slew
1) tOSCS is defined from the moment when the Oscillator Mode is set to External Crystal Mode until the oscillations reach an
amplitude at XTAL1 of 0.3 * VEXT.
This value depends on the frequency of the used external crystal. For faster crystal frequencies this value decrease.
2) For supply (VEXT < 5.3V VIX) min could be down to -0.9V. For XTAL1 an input level down to -0.9V will not cause and damage
or riability problem operating with an external crystal.

Data Sheet 441 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationMHz Oscillator

3) Square wave input signal for XTAL1.

Note: It is strongly recommended to measure the oscillation allowance (negative resistance) in the final target
system (layout) to determine the optimal parameters for the oscillator operation. Please refer to the limits
specified by the crystal or ceramic resonator supplier.

Data Sheet 442 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationBack-up Clock

3.10 Back-up Clock

The back-up clock provides an alternative clock source.

Table 3-24 Back-up Clock

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Back-up clock accuracy before fBACKUT CC 70 100 130 MHz VEXT≥2.97V
Back-up clock accuracy after fBACKT CC 98 100 102 MHz VEXT≥2.97V
trimming 1)
Standby clock fSB CC 25 70 110 kHz VEXT≥2.97V
1) A short term trimming providing the accuracy required by LIN communication is possible by periodic trimming every 2 ms
for temperature and voltage drifts up to temperatures of 125 celcius

Data Sheet 443 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationTemperature Sensor

3.11 Temperature Sensor

Table 3-25 DTS PMS

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Measurement time for each tM CC - - 2.7 ms Measured from cold
conversion 1) power-on reset release
Calibration reference accuracy TCALACC CC -1 - 1 °C calibration points @
TJ=-40°C and
Accuracy over temperature TNL CC -2 - 2 °C TCALACC has to be
range added in addition
DTS temperature range TSR SR -40 - 170 °C
1) After warm reset tM is not restarted and is measured from last conversion.

Table 3-26 DTS Core

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Measurement time for each tM CC - - 2.7 ms Measured from cold
conversion 1) power-on reset release
Temperature difference ∆T CC -3 - 3 °C
between on chip temperature
Calibration reference accuracy TCALACC CC -2 - 2 °C calibration points @
TJ=-40°C and
Accuracy over temperature TNL CC -2 - 2 °C TCALACC has to be
range added in addition
DTS temperature range TSR SR -40 - 170 °C
1) After warm reset tM is not restarted and is measured from last conversion.

Data Sheet 444 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

3.12 Power Supply Current

The total power supply current defined below consists of leakage and switching component.
Application relevant values are typically lower than those given in the following table and depend on the customer's
system operating conditions (e.g. thermal connection or used application configurations).
The operating conditions for the parameters in the following table are:
The real (realistic) power pattern defines the following conditions:
• TJ = 150 °C
• fSRI = fCPUx = 300 MHz
• fGTM = 200 MHz
• fSPB = fSTM = fBAUD1 = fBAUD2 = fASCLINx = 100 MHz
• VDD = 1.275 V
• VDDP3 / FLEX = 3.366 V
• VEXT / EVRSB / M = VDDM = 5.1 V
• all cores are active including four lockstep cores (IPC=0.6)
• the following modules are inactive: HSM, HSCT, GETH, Ethernet, PSI5, I2C, FCE, EBU, SPU, RIF, and MTU
The max power pattern defines the following conditions:
• TJ = 150 °C
• fSRI = fCPUx = 300 MHz
• fGTM = 200 MHz
• fSPB = fSTM = fBAUD1 = fBAUD2 = fASCLINx = 100 MHz
• VDD = 1.375 V
• VDDP3 / FLEX = 3.63 V
• VEXT / EVRSB / M = VDDM = 5.5 V
• all cores are active including four lockstep cores (IPC=1.2)
• the following modules are inactive: GETH, FCE, SPU, RIF, and MTU
The ADAS power pattern defines the following conditions:
• TJ = 125 °C
• fSRI = fCPUx = 300 MHz
• fGTM = 100 MHz
• fSPU = 300 MHz; (FFT length =2048, complex windowing)
• fSPB = fSTM = fBAUD1 = fBAUD2 = fASCLINx = 100 MHz
• VDD = 1.275 V
• CPU0 and CPU1 (IPC=1.2) and CPU2 (IPC=0.6) cores are active including three lockstep cores; CPU3
(IPC=0.6) is active without lockstep core
• Only EVADC0 and EVADC1 are active
• the following modules are inactive: CPU4, CPU5, HSM, HSCT, GETH, PSI5, I2C, FCE, EBU, MSC, DSADC,
and MTU

Data Sheet 445 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

Table 3-27 Current Consumption

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
∑ Sum of IDD core and IDDRAIL CC - - 1500 mA ADAS power pattern
peripheral supply currents (incl. - - 1640 mA max power pattern;
IDDPORST+ ∑ IDDCx0+ ∑ IDDCxx+ TJ=150°C
- - 1372 mA real power pattern;
- - 1556 mA real power pattern;
IDD core current during active IDDPORST - - 300 mA VDD = 1.275V;
power-on reset (PORST pin CC TJ=125°C
held low). Leakage current of - - 575 mA VDD = 1.275V;
core domain. 1) TJ=150°C
- - 759 mA VDD = 1.275V;
- - 835 mA VDD = 1.275V;
∑ Sum of IDDP3 3.3 V supply IDDP3RAIL - - 50 2) mA ADAS power pattern
currents CC incl. Flash read current
and Dflash
programming current.
- - 60 2) mA max power pattern
incl. Flash read current
and Dflash
programming current.
- - 50 2) mA real power pattern incl.
Flash read current and
Dflash programming
∑ Sum of external IEXT supply IEXTRAIL CC - - 60 mA max power pattern
currents (incl. - - 54 3)
mA real power pattern
IEXT and IFLEX supply current IEXTFLEX CC - - 22 1)4) 5) mA real power pattern with
port activity absent;
PORST output
IEVRSB supply current 1) IEVRSB CC - - 8 mA real power pattern;
PMS/EVR module
current considered
without SCR and
Standby RAM during
RUN mode.

Data Sheet 446 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

Table 3-27 Current Consumption (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
∑ Sum of external IDDM supply IDDM CC - - 60 mA real power pattern;
currents (incl. sum of currents of
∑ Sum of all currents (incl. IDDTOT CC - - 1536 mA real power pattern;
- - 1720 mA real power pattern;
∑ Sum of all currents with DC- IDDTOTDC3 - - 980 mA real power pattern;
DC EVRC regulator active 6) CC EVRC reset settings
with 72% efficiency;
VEXT = 3.3V; TJ=160°C
∑ Sum of all currents with DC- IDDTOTDC5 - - 670 mA real power pattern;
DC EVRC regulator active 6) CC EVRC reset settings
with 72% efficiency;
VEXT = 5V; TJ=160°C
∑ Sum of all currents (SLEEP ISLEEP CC - - 38 mA All CPUs in idle, All
mode) 1) peripherals in sleep,
fSRI/SPB = 1 MHz via
LPDIV divider; TJ =
∑ Sum of all currents ISTANDBY CC - - 130 8) µA 32 kB Standby RAM
(STANDBY mode) drawn at block active. SCR
VEVRSB supply pin 7) inactive. Power to
remaining domains
switched off. TJ =
25°C; VEVRSB = 5V
Maximum power dissipation PD SR - - 2240 mW ADAS power pattern;
- - 3220 mW max power pattern;
- - 2500 mW real power pattern;
1) Limits are defined for real power pattern (VDD=1.275V). For max power pattern limit has to be multiplied by the factor 1.22.
2) Realistic Pflash read pattern with 50% Pflash bandwidth utlilization and a code mix of 50% 0s and 50% 1s. A common
decoupling capacitor of atleast 100nF for (VDDP3) is used. Continuous Dflash programming in burst mode with 3.3 V supply
and realistic Pflash read access in parallel. Erase currents of the corresponding flash modules are less than the respective
programming currents at VDDP3 pin. Programming and erasing flash may generate transient current spikes of up to x mA
for maximum x us which is handled by the decoupling and buffer capacitors. This parameter is relevant for external power
supply dimensioning and not for thermal considerations.
3) Limits are defined for real power pattern. For ADAS power pattern limit sum up to 40mA.
4) The current consumption includes only minimal port activity.
5) Limits are defined for real power pattern. For ADAS power pattern limit has to be multiplied by the factor 0.7.
6) The total current drawn from external regulator is estimated with 72% EVRC SMPS regulator efficiency. IDDTOTDCx is
calculated from IDDTOT using the scaled core current [(IDD x VDD)/(VinxEfficiency)] and constitutes all other rail currents
and IDDM.

Data Sheet 447 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

7) The same current limits apply also for the other power pattern.
8) ∑ Sum of all currents during RUN mode at VEVRSB supply pin is less than (IEVRSB + 4 mA Standby RAM current +
ISCRSB if SCR active). ∑ It is recommended to have atleast 100 nF decoupling capacitor at this pin. 32kB of Standby
SRAM contributes less than 10uA to ISTANDBY current.

Table 3-28 Module Current Consumption

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
IDDP3 supply current for IDDP3PROG - - 25 mA Pflash 3.3V
programming of a Pflash or CC programming current
Dflash bank 1) adder when using
external 3.3V supply.
- - 9 2) mA Pflash 3.3V
programming current
adder when using
external 5V supply.
IEXT supply current added by IEXTLVDS CC - - 9 3) mA real power pattern; 6
LVDS pads in LVDS mode pairs of LVDS pins
active with receive
- - 24 mA real power pattern; 6
pairs of LVDS pins
active with transmit

Data Sheet 448 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

Table 3-28 Module Current Consumption (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
∑ Sum of external IDDM supply IDDM CC - - 44 mA real power pattern;
currents (incl. current for EDSADC
IDDMEVADC+IDDMEDSADC) modules only and
EVADC modules are
inactive; 11 EDSADC
channels active
- - 63 4) mA max power pattern;
current for EDSADC
modules only and
EVADC modules are
inactive; all EDSADC
channels active
- - 16 5) mA real power pattern;
current for EVADC
modules only and
EDSADC modules are
inactive; 12 EVADC
modules active.
- - 20 6) mA max power pattern;
current for EVADC
modules only and
EDSADC modules are
inactive; all EVADC
modules active.
IDDP3 supply current for erasing IDDP3ERASE - - 25 mA Pflash 3.3V erasing
of a Pflash or Dflash bank CC current adder when
using external 3.3V
SCR 8-bit Standby Controller ISCRSB CC - - 7.5 7) mA SCR power pattern
current incl. PMS in STANDBY incl. PMS current
Mode drawn at VEVRSB supply consumption with
pin fback clock active;
fSYS_SCR = 20MHz;
- 0.150 - mA SCR power pattern
incl. PMS current
consumption with
fback inactive;
fSYS_SCR = 70kHz;
SCR 8-bit Standby Controller ISCRIDLE CC - - 3.5 mA real power pattern.
CPU in IDLE mode 8) CPU set into idle

Data Sheet 449 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

1) The same current limits apply also for the other power pattern.
2) During Pflash programming at 5V, additional 3 mA is drawn at VEXT supply rail.
3) A single LVDS pair with receive function is limited to 1.5mA (tEXTLVDS).
4) A single DS channel instance consumes 4 mA.
5) EVADC current is limited to 3mA in "ADAS power pattern with 2 EVADC" at (IDDM).
6) A single VADC unit consumes 1.3 mA.
7) If SCR ADCOMP is activated, an additional 0.6 mA adder is to be considered.
8) Limits are defined for real power pattern (VDD=1.275V). For max power pattern limit has to be multiplied by the factor 1.22.

Table 3-29 Module Core Current Consumption

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
IDD core current of CPUx main IDDCx0 CC - - 70 mA max power pattern;
core with CPUx lockstep core IPC=1.2
inactive - - 45 mA real power pattern;
IDD core current of CPUx main IDDCxx CC - - IDDCx0 + mA max power pattern;
core with CPUx lockstep core 50 IPC=1.2
active - - IDDCx0 + mA real power pattern;
40 IPC=0.6
IDD core current added by GTM IDDGTM CC - - 160 mA max power pattern
- - 130 mA real power pattern;
MCSx active. 3
clusters at 200 MHz.
- - 60 mA TIMx, TOMx active at
100MHz. ATOMx ,
MCSx, DPLL inactive.
2 clusters at 100 MHz.
IDD core current added by HSM IDDHSM CC - - 20 1) mA max power pattern;
HSM running at
IDD core current added by SPU IDDSPU1 CC - - 360 2) mA CTRL.DIV = 00; SPU
@ 300 MHz; FFT
length 2048;
complex windowing
IDD core current added by SPU IDDSPU2 CC - - 310 2) mA CTRL.DIV = 00; SPU
@ 300 MHz; FFT
length 512;
complex windowing
IDD core dynamic current load IDDSPULJ1 - - 390 3) mA CTRL.DIV = 00; SPU
jump during IDDSPU1 pattern. CC @ 300 MHz; FFT
length 2048;
complex windowing

Data Sheet 450 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Current

Table 3-29 Module Core Current Consumption (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
IDD core dynamic current load IDDSPULJ2 - - 310 3) mA CTRL.DIV = 00; SPU
jump during IDDSPU2 pattern. CC @ 300 MHz; FFT
length 512;
complex windowing
IDD core dynamic current added IDDLBIST CC - - 150 4) mA LBIST Configuration A;
by LBIST 1.2V ≤ VDD
IDD core dynamic current added IDDMBIST CC - - 225 mA fMBIST = 300MHz;
by MBIST tMBIST < 6ms. MTU
Ganging procedure for
SRAM test and
initialization; VDD =
1) The current consumption includes basic HSM activity incl. AES module.
2) The current is estimated as the sum of the SPU base load current at clock activation and average current caused by SPU
dynamic activity as defined in the conditions. Secondary Voltage Monitor over-voltage threshold shall be set to VDD + 10%
and under-voltage threshold shall be set to VDD - 9% respectively.
During the SPU operational phase for IDDSPU1/2 usecase, the externally supplied VDD voltage has to be equal or greater than
1.225V (VDD nominal - 2%) for static accuracy part and the overall static and dynamic at the VDD supply pin shall be limited
to (VDD nominal -8%).
3) The dynamic current load jump during SPU activity as defined by the conditions observed at the VDD pin beyond a settling
time duration of 20 us.
4) LBIST is executed either during start-up phase or can be triggered by application software. Secondary voltage monitors
are inactive during the LBIST execution time (tLBIST).
During the start-up phase externally supplied VDD voltage has to be equal or greater than 1.2V (VDD nominal - 4%) for static
If VDD is supplied internally by EVRC, EVRC takes care not to violate the VDD 1.2V static under voltage limit.

3.12.1 Calculating the 1.25 V Current Consumption

The current consumption of the 1.25 V rail compose out of two parts:
• Static current consumption
• Dynamic current consumption
The static current consumption is related to the device temperature TJ and the dynamic current consumption
depends of the configured clocking frequencies and the software application executed. These two parts needs to
be added in order to get the rail current consumption.

I 0 = 5, 8871 --------- × e 0, 0246 × T J [ C ]



I 0 = 16, 4863 --------- × e 0, 0232 × T J [ C ]


Equation (3.1) defines the typical static current consumption and Equation (3.2) defines the maximum static
current consumption. Both functions are valid for VDD = 1.275 V.

Data Sheet 451 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

3.13 Power Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

Data Sheet 452 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

3.13.1 Supply Ramp-up and Ramp-down Behavior Single Supply mode (a)

VEXT (externally supplied) 0 1 2 3 4 5

5.5 V
5.0 V
4.5 V
LVD Reset release
HWCFG[1,2] latch

VRST5 Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold

VLVDRST5 LVD Reset Threshold



PORST output deasserted when VDD,

VDDP3 and VEXT voltage above
respective primary reset thresholds

PORST (output driven by PMS)

PORST (input driven by external regulator)

PORST input deasserted by external
regulator when all input voltages have
reached their minimum operational level

VDD (internally generated

by EVRC)
1.375 V
1.25 V
VRSTC Primary Reset Threshold



VDDP3 (internally generated

by EVR33)
3.63 V
3.30 V
Primary Reset Threshold

(incl. tSTR)

EVR33 is started with a delay after EVR33_tSTR

VLVDRST5 level is reached at VEXT &
VLVDRSTC level is reached at VDDPD


tBP (incl. tEVRstartup)

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVRC & EVR33 Ramp-up User Code Execution
Firmware Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure Phase fCPU0=100MHz default Startup_Diag_2 v
on firmware exit

Figure 3-3 Single Supply mode (a) - VEXT (5 V) single supply

Data Sheet 453 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

VEXT = 5 V single supply mode. VDD and VDDP3 are generated internally by the EVRC and EVR33 internal
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited during the basic
infrastructure and EVRx regulator start-up phase (T0 up to T2) to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling
time. Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The slope is defined as the
maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not represent the
• Furthermore it is also ensured that the current drawn from the regulator (dIDD/dt) is limited during the Firmware
start-up phase (T3 up to T4) to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until the external supply is above the respective primary
reset threshold.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when atleast one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-3 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVRC and EVR33 regulators are initiated.
PORST (input) does not have any affect on EVR33 or EVRC output and regulators continue to generate
the respective voltages though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage
follows a soft ramp-up over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVRC and EVR33 regulators have ramped up.
PORST (output) is de-asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU.
Firmware execution is initiated. The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset

Data Sheet 454 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up Single Supply mode (e)

0 1 2 3 4 5
(externally supplied)
LVD Reset release
HWCFG[1,2] latch
3.63 V
3.30 V
VRST33 Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold

LVD Reset Threshold



PORST output deasserted when VDD,

VDDP3 and VEXT voltage above
respective primary reset thresholds

PORST (output driven by PMS)

PORST (input driven by external regulator)

PORST input deasserted by external
regulator when all input voltages have
reached their minimum operational level

VDD (internally generated

by EVRC)
1.375 V
1.25 V
VRSTC Primary Reset Threshold

(incl. tSTR)

EVRC is started with a delay after

VLVDRST5 level is reached at VEXT & EVRC_tSTR
VLVDRSTC level is reached at VDDPD

tBP (incl. tEVRstartup)

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVRC Ramp-up User Code Execution
Firmware Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure Phase fC PU0=100MHz default Startup_Diag_4 v 0
on firmware exit

Figure 3-4 Single Supply mode (e) - (VEXT & VDDP3) 3.3 V single supply
VEXT = VDDP3 = 3.3 V single supply mode. VDD is generated internally by the EVRC regulator.
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited in the Start-up phase to a
maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time. Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet
parameter SR. The slope is defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual
waveform may not represent the specification.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until the external supply is above the respective primary
reset threshold.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the

Data Sheet 455 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-4 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVRC regulator is initiated. PORST (input)
does not have any affect on EVRC output and regulators continue to generate the respective voltages
though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage follows a soft ramp-up
over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVRC regulator has ramped up. PORST (output) is de-
asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet parameter).
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset

Data Sheet 456 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up External Supply mode (d)

VEXT (externally supplied) 0 1 2 3 4 5

5.5 V
5.0 V
4.5 V
LVD Reset release
HWCFG[1,2] latch

Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold
VLVDRST5 LVD Reset Threshold



VDD (externally supplied)

1.375 V
1.25 V
VRSTC Primary Reset Threshold


PORST output deasserted when VDD,

VDDP3 and VEXT voltage above
respective primary reset thresholds

PORST (output driven by PMS)

PORST (input driven by external regulator)

PORST input deasserted by external
regulator when all input voltages have
reached their minimum operational level

VDDP3 (internally generated

by EVR33)
3.63 V
3.30 V
Primary Reset Threshold

(incl. tSTR)

EVR33 is started with a delay after EVR33_tSTR

VLVDRST5 level is reached at VEXT &
VLVDRSTC level is reached at VDDPD

tBP (incl. tEVRstartup)

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVR33 Ramp-up Phase Firmware Execution User Code Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure fC PU0=100MHz default
on firmware exit Startup_Diag_1 v 0.3

Figure 3-5 External Supply mode (d) - VEXT and VDD externally supplied
VEXT = 5 V and VDD supplies are externally supplied. 3.3V is generated internally by the EVR33 regulator.
• External supplies VEXT and VDD may ramp-up or ramp-down independent of each other with regards to start,
rise and fall time(s). Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The slope is
defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not
represent the specification. It is expected that during start-up, VEXT ramps up before VDD rail. If VDD voltage

Data Sheet 457 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

rail is ramped up before VEXT; VDD supply overshoots during start-up shall be limited within the operational
voltage range.
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt or dIDD /dt) is limited in the Start-up
phase to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until all the external supplies are above their primary
reset thresholds.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-5 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started. The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVR33 regulator is initiated. PORST (input)
does not have any affect on EVR33 output and regulators continue to generate the respective voltages
though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage follows a soft ramp-up
over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVR33 regulators has ramped up. PORST (output) is de-
asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet parameter).
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset

Data Sheet 458 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up External Supply mode (h)

VEXT (externally supplied) 0 1 3 4 5

5.5 V
5.0 V
4.5 V
LVD Reset release
HWCFG[1,2] latch

Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold
VLVDRST5 LVD Reset Threshold



VDD (externally supplied)

1.375 V
1.25 V
VRSTC Primary Reset Threshold


VDDP3 (externally supplied)

3.63 V
3.30 V
Primary Reset Threshold

0V PORST output deasserted when VDD,

VDDP3 and VEXT voltage above
respective primary reset thresholds
tPOA time to ensure adequate time between reset releases

PORST (input driven by external regulator)

PORST (output driven by PMS)


T0 T1 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock Firmware Execution User Code Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure fC PU0=100MHz default
on firmware exit Startup_Diag_3 v 0.4

Figure 3-6 External Supply mode (h) - VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD externally supplied
All supplies, namely VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD are externally supplied.
• External supplies VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD may ramp-up or ramp-down independent of each other with regards
to start, rise and fall time(s). Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The
slope is defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not
represent the specification. It is expected that during start-up, VEXT ramps up before VDDP3 and VDD rails.
If smaller voltage rails are ramped up before VEXT; VDD and VDDP3 supply overshoots during start-up shall
be limited within the operational voltage ranges of the respective rails.

Data Sheet 459 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPower Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up

• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt, dIDD /dt or dIDDP3 /dt) is limited in
the Start-up phase to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until all the external supplies are above their primary
reset thresholds.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-6 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T3 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started. The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. PORST (output) is de-asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are
latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided
supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset thresholds.

Data Sheet 460 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationReset Timing

3.14 Reset Timing

Table 3-30 Reset

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Application Reset Boot Time tB CC - - 400 µs operating with max.
frequencies, with valid
BMI header
System Reset Boot Time tBS CC - - 1.1 ms RAM initialization and
HSM boot time are not
included, with valid
BMI header
Cold Power on Reset Boot tBP CC - - 3.1 ms dVEXT/dT=1V/ms.
Boot time after Cold
PORST including EVR
ramp-up and Firmware
execution time; RAM
initialization and HSM
boot time are not
- - 1.6 ms Firmware execution
time after PORST
release without EVR
ramp-up; RAM
initialization and HSM
boot time is not
Minimum cold PORST reset tEVRPOR CC 10 2) - - µs
hold time incase of power fail
event issued by EVR primary
PMS Infrastructure, EVRC and tEVRstartup - - 1 ms dV/dT=1V/ms. EVRC
EVR33 overall start-up time till CC and EVR33 active
cold PORST reset release
Minimum PORST active hold tPOA SR 1 3) - - ms
time externally after power
supplies are stable at operating
levels after start-up
Configurable PORST digital tPORSTDF CC 600 - 1200 ns
filter delay in addition to analog
pad filter delay
Warm Reset Sequencing Delay tWARMRSTSEQ - - 180 µs
HWCFG pins hold time from tHDH CC 16 / fSPB - - ns
ESR0 rising edge

Data Sheet 461 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationReset Timing

Table 3-30 Reset (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
HWCFG pins setup time to tHDS CC 0 - - ns
ESR0 rising edge
Ports inactive after ESR0 reset tPI CC - - 8/fSPB ns
Ports inactive after PORST tPIP CC - - 150 ns
reset active
Hold time from PORST rising tPOH SR 150 - - ns
Setup time to PORST rising tPOS SR 0 - - ns
Warm PORST reset boot time tBWP CC - - 1.5 ms without RAM
LBIST execution time tLBIST CC - - 6 ms LBIST Configuration A;
extending the boot time 1.2V ≤ VDD
SCR reset boot time tSCR CC - - 5 µs User Mode 0
- - 16 µs User Mode 1
- 13.3 - µs WDT double bit ECC,
soft reset
Minimum external supplies tSUPHOLD CC - - 250 µs external supplies are
hold time after warm reset VEVRSB, VEXT, VFLEX,
assertion VEBU, VDDM, VDDP3 and
1) RAM initialization add 500µs in addition.
2) Cold PORST reset is driven by uC and maintained in an extended voltage range between VDDPPA limit and absolute
maximum rating voltage limits.
3) The reset release on supply ramp-up or supply restoration is delayed by a voltage hysteresis of 1.5% (default value) above
the undervoltage reset limit implemented on VEXT, VDDP3 and VDD rails. This mechanism helps to avoid multiple
consecutive cold PORST events during slow supply ramp-ups owing to voltage drop/current jumps when reset is released.

Data Sheet 462 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationReset Timing



PORST Cold Warm


tP I t PI

Pads Tristate Z / pullup H Programmed Z/ H Programmed Z /H Programmed

Pad- Pad-
state state
undefined undefined

t P OS t P OS


HWCFG power -on config config config


Figure 3-7 Power, Pad and Reset Timing

Data Sheet 463 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

3.15 EVR

Table 3-31 EVR33 LDO

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input voltage range VIN SR 3.60 - 5.50 V Normal RUN mode
2.97 - 5.50 V Low voltage cranking
Output voltage operational VOUT CC 2.97 3.3 3.63 V Normal RUN mode
range including load/line 2.60 3.3 3.63 V Low voltage cranking
regulation and aging 3) mode; IDDP3=50mA
Output VDDx3 static voltage VOUTT CC 3.225 3.3 3.375 V Normal RUN mode
accuracy after trimming and 2.78 3.3 3.375 V Low voltage cranking
aging without dynamic load/line mode; IDDP3=50mA
Output buffer capacitance on COUT SR 1.45 2.2 3 µF
Output buffer capacitor ESR COUTESR SR - - 100 4) mOhm f > 0.5MHz; f < 10MHz
Maximum output current of the IMAX CC 60 5) - - mA Normal RUN mode
Startup time tSTR CC - 500 1000 µs Normal RUN mode
External VIN supply ramp dVin/dt SR - 1 - V/ms
Ripple on Output Voltage ∆VOUTTC - - 33 mV VEXT ≥ 2.97V ; VEXT ≤
CC 5.5V ; IOUTTC ≥ 10mA ;
IOUTTC ≤ 60mA;
∆VOUTTC = (peak to
peak ripple / 2)
Load step response 7) dVout/dIout -165 - - mV Normal RUN mode;
CC dI=10 to 60mA;
dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us
- - 165 mV Normal RUN mode;
dI=60 to 10mA;
dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us
-180 - - mV Low voltage cranking
mode; dI=10 to 50 mA;
dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us
- - 180 mV Low voltage cranking
mode; dI=50 to 10mA;
dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us

Data Sheet 464 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-31 EVR33 LDO (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Line step response dVout/dVin - - 40 mV dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV=
CC 3.6 to 5V; IMAX=60mA;
∆VOUTTC is included
-40 - - mV dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 5
to 3.6V; IMAX=60mA;
∆VOUTTC is included
- - 280 mV dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV=
3.6 to 5V; IMAX=60mA
-165 - - mV dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV=
5 to 3.6V; IMAX=60mA
1) A maximum pass device dropout voltage of 300mV is included in the minimum input voltage to ensure optimal pass device
performance during normal operation.
2) VEXT Input voltage drop up to 2.97V leading to VDDP3 output voltage drop upto 2.6V can be tolerated if Flash is switched
before to low performance mode.
3) No external inductive load permissible if EVR33 is used.
4) It is also recommended that the resistance of the supply trace from the pin to the EVR output capacitor is less than 100
mOhm. An additional decoupling capacitor of 100nF shall be located close to the pin before Cout.
5) IMAX is limited to 40 mA incase of Low voltage mode (cranking case) with on chip pass devices. In case EVR33 is not
used, Injection current into 3.3V VDDP3 supply rail with active sink on 5V VEXT rail should be limited to 500 mA if during
power sequencing 3.3V is supplied before 5V by external regulator.
6) EVR is robust against residual voltage ramp-up starting between 0 - 2.97 V. A VEXT voltage ramp range between 0.5V/min
upto 120V/ms is covered in robustness validation. The generated voltage itself follows a soft ramp-up over the tSTR time
to avoid overshoots.
7) Settling time is defined until output voltage is within +-1% of the mean(VOUTT) of the individual device.

Table 3-32 Supply Monitors

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Primary Undervoltage Reset VRST33 CC - - 3.00 V by reset release before
threshold for VDDP3 before EVR trimming on
trimming 1) supply ramp-up
Primary undervoltage reset VRSTC CC - - 1.138 V by reset release before
threshold for VDD before trimming on supply
trimming ramp-up including 2
LSB voltage
VEXT primary undervoltage VEXTPRIUV 2.86 2.92 2.97 V VEXT = Undervoltage
monitor accuracy after CC cold PORST Primary
trimming 2) Monitor Threshold
VDDP3 primary undervoltage VDDP3PRIUV 2.86 3) 2.90 2.97 V VDDP3 =
monitor accuracy after CC Undervoltage cold
trimming 2) PORST Primary
Monitor Threshold

Data Sheet 465 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-32 Supply Monitors (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
VDD primary undervoltage VDDPRIUV 1.08 1.105 1.125 V VDD = Undervoltage
monitor accuracy after CC cold PORST Primary
trimming 2) Monitor Threshold
EVR primary monitor tPRIUV CC - - 300 ns The supply ramp / line
measurement latency for a new jump slope is limited to
supply value 50V/ms for VEXT, VDDP3
and VDD rails.
VEXT, VDDM & VEVRSB secondary VEXTMON CC 3.2 3.3 3.4 V SWDxxVAL,
supply monitor accuracy after VDDMxxVAL &
trimming 4) 5) SBxxVAL monitoring
4.5 4.6 4.7 V SWDxxVAL,
SBxxVAL monitoring
5.3 5.4 5.5 V SWDxxVAL,
SBxxVAL monitoring
4.9 5.0 5.1 V SWDxxVAL,
SBxxVAL monitoring

Data Sheet 466 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-32 Supply Monitors (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
VDDP3 secondary supply VDDP3MON 2.97 3.035 3.1 V EVR33xxVAL
monitor accuracy after CC monitoring
trimming 5) threshold=3.035V=CB
FIL = 3.
3.235 3.30 3.365 V EVR33xxVAL
FIL = 3.
3.5 3.565 3.63 V EVR33xxVAL
FIL = 3.
VDD & VDDPD secondary supply VDDMON CC 1.125 1.15 1.175 V EVRCxxVAL &
monitor accuracy after PRExxVAL monitoring
trimming 5) threshold=1.15V=C7h(
FIL = 1.
1.225 1.25 1.275 V EVRCxxVAL &
PRExxVAL monitoring
FIL = 1.
1.325 1.35 1.375 V EVRCxxVAL &
PRExxVAL monitoring
FIL = 1.
VEXT LVD Primary VLVDRST5 2.3 - 2.72 V Power-down
undervoltage reset Monitor CC 2.4 - 2.75 V Power-up
VEVRSB LVD Primary VLVDRSTSB 2.18 - 2.47 V Power-down
undervoltage reset Monitor CC 2.21 - 2.5 V Power-up
VEXT and VEVRSB PBIST primary VPBIST5 CC 5.63 - - V
overvoltage Monitor threshold

Data Sheet 467 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-32 Supply Monitors (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Primary undervoltage reset VRST5 CC - - 3.0 V by last cold PORST
threshold for VEXT before release on supply
trimming ramp-up including
voltage hysteresis.
EVR secondary monitor tMON CC - - 3.2 µs HPOSC and SHPBG
measurement latency for all 6 bandgap trimmed.
supply rails Filter inactive.
1) The reset release on supply ramp-up is delayed by a time duration 20-40 us after reaching undervoltage reset threshold
and by a voltage hysteresis of 1.5% above the undervoltage reset limit. These mechanisms serve as hysteresis to avoid
multiple consecutive cold PORST events during slow supply ramp-ups owing to voltage drop/current jumps when reset is
released. The reset limit of 2,97V at pin is for the case with 3.3V generated internally from EVR33. In case the 3.3V supply
is provided externally, the bondwire drop will cause a reset at a higher voltage of 3.0V at the VDDP3 pin.
2) The monitor tolerances constitute the inherent variation of the band gap and ADC over process, voltage and temperature
operational ranges. The VxxPRIUV parameters are device individually tested in production with +-1% tolerance about the
VxxPRIUV limits. All voltages are measured on pins.
3) VRSTxx parameters are relevant only for the first cold PORST release. Later the reset levels are trimmed by the Firmware
and reflected as VxxPRIUV parameters before device is used with full performance. The cold PORST is released with a
voltage hysteresis on all the primary monitors to avoid consecutive PORST toggling behavior.
4) In case the application is using 3.3V single supply (Single Supply mode (e), i.e. VEXT and VDDP3 are shorted together),
it is recommended to use secondary supply monitoring on channel VDDP3, because of the better accuracy of parameter
5) To monitor voltage level not provided in conditions the values for OV and UV thresholds can be generated by a linear
interpolation or extrapolation based on the given points.

Table 3-33 Supply Ramp

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
External VEXT & VEVRSB supply dVEXT/dt 8.3E-6 1 100 V/ms
ramp-up and ramp-down slope SR
1) 2) 3)

External VDDP3 supply ramp-up dVDDP3/dt 8.3E-6 1 100 V/ms

and ramp-down slope 1)3) SR
External VDD supply ramp-up dVDD/dt 8.3E-6 1 100 V/ms
and ramp-down slope 1)3) SR
External VDDM supply ramp-up dVDDM/dt 8.3E-6 1 100 V/ms
and ramp-down slope 1)3) SR
1) The device is robust against residual voltage ramp-up starting between 0 - 2.97 V for VEXT, VEVRSB, VDDP3 and VDDM
and 0-1 V for VDD. A voltage ramp range between 0.5V/min upto 120V/ms is covered in robustness validation.
2) Also valid incase EVR33 or EVRC is used. The generated voltage itself follows a soft ramp-up over the tSTR time to avoid
3) The slope is defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not
represent the specification.

Up to 1000000 power-cycles, matching the limits defined in the table’Supply Ramp’, are allowed for TC39x, without
any restriction to reliability.

Data Sheet 468 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-34 EVRC SMPS

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Input VEXT Voltage range VIN SR 2.97 - 5.5 V Start-up VEXT voltage
> 2.6 V
SMPS regulator output voltage VDDDC CC 1.125 - 1.375 V VEXT ≥ 2.97V ; VEXT ≤
range including load/line 5.5V ; IDDDC ≥ 1mA ;
regulation and aging IDDDC ≤ 1.5A ;
SMPS regulator static voltage VDDDCT CC 1.225 1.25 1.275 V VEXT ≥ 2.97V ; VEXT ≤
output accuracy after trimming 5.5V ; IDDDC ≥ 1mA ;
without dynamic load/line IDDDC ≤ 1.5A
Programmable switching fDCDC SR 1.6 1.82 2.0 MHz Start-up frequency
frequency switches from 500 KHz
in open loop operation
to 1.82 MHz in closed
loop Operation.
- 0.8 - MHz Start-up frequency
switches from 500 KHz
in open loop operation
to 1.82 MHz in closed
loop Operation. 0.8
MHz to be set in SW.
Startup time tSTRDC CC - - 900 µs SMPS Start-up Mode.
It is is defined beween
threshold till PORST
release, on condition
that all other PORST
requirements were
released before. ISTART
< 700mA.
Switching frequency ∆fDCSPR CC - 1.8% - MHz
modulation spread
Maximum ripple at IMAX ∆VDDDC CC - - 16 mV VEXT ≥ 2.97V ; VEXT ≤
5.5V ; IDDDC ≥ 300mA ;
= (Peak to Peak ripple
/ 2)
No load current consumption of IDCNL CC - 15 19 mA fDCDC=1.82MHz;
2.97 V; TJ=25°C
- 5 - mA LPM mode;
2.97 V; TJ=25°C

Data Sheet 469 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-34 EVRC SMPS (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SMPS regulator load transient dVDDDCT / -50 - 87 mV dI < -450mA ;
response dlOUT CC IDDDC=500-1500mA;
tr=0.1us; tf=0.1us;
Tsettle=100 us
-100 - 145 mV dI < -700mA ;
tr=0.1us; tf=0.1us;
Tsettle=100 us
-26 - 26 mV dI < 100mA ;
tr=0.1us; tf=0.1us;
Maximum output current IMAX CC 100 - - mA LPM mode. Typical
current in LPM Mode =
1.5 - - A limited by thermal
constraints and
component choice
SMPS regulator line transient dVDDDCT / -75 - 75 mV dV/dT=120V/ms; dV <
response dVIN CC 2.97 - 5.5V ; IDDDC=50-
-12.5 - 12.5 mV dV/dT=1V/ms; dV <
2.97 - 5.5V ; IDDDC=50-
SMPS regulator efficiency nDC CC - 80 - % VIN=3.3V;
- 75 - % VIN=5V;
Input Synchronisation fDCDCSYNC 1.6 1.82 2.0 MHz
frequency SR

Table 3-35 EVRC SMPS External components

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
External output capacitor value COUT SR 20.8 32 43.2 µF IDDDC=1.5A; fDDDC =
15.4 22 29.7 µF IDDDC=1.5A; fDDDC =

Data Sheet 470 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEVR

Table 3-35 EVRC SMPS External components (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
External output capacitor ESR COUT_ESR - - 50 mOhm f≥0.5MHz ; f≤10MHz
SR - - 100 Ohm f=10Hz
External input capacitor value CIN SR 6.5 10 13.5 µF IDDDC=1.5A
External input capacitor ESR CIN_ESR SR - - 50 mOhm f≥0.5MHz ; f≤10MHz
- - 100 Ohm f=100Hz
External inductor value LDC SR 3.29 4.7 6.11 fDCDC=0.8MHz
2.31 3.3 4.29 µH fDCDC=1.82MHz
External inductor DCR LDC_DCR SR - - 0.2 Ohm
P + N-channel MOSFET logic VLL SR - - 2.5 V
P + N-channel MOSFET drain |VBR_DS| SR +7 - - V NMOS - VGS = 0.
source breakdown voltage - - -7 V PMOS - VGS = 0.
P + N-channel MOSFET drain RON SR - - 150 mOhm IDDDC=1.5A;
source ON-state resistance |VGS|=2.5V ; TA=25°C
P + N-channel MOSFET Gate QG SR - - 8 nC IDDDC=1.5A; NMOS-
Charge |VGS|=5V; 1.5A pulsed
drain current
-8 - - nC IDDDC=1.5A; PMOS-
|VGS|=5V; 1.5A pulsed
drain current
External Inductor Saturation ∆ISAT SR 400 - - mA The saturation current
Current Margin of the coil must be
larger than IDDDC +
P + N-channel MOSFET Gate VGSTH SR - 1 - V NMOS
threshold voltage - -1 - V PMOS
N-channel MOSFET reverse VRDN SR - 0.8 - V
diode forward voltage
1) Capacitor min-max range represent typical +-35% tolerance including DC bias effect. The trace resistance from the
capacitor to the supply or ground rail should be limited to 25 mOhm.

Data Sheet 471 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationSystem Phase Locked Loop (SYS_PLL)

3.16 System Phase Locked Loop (SYS_PLL)

Table 3-36 PLL System

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
DCO Input frequency range fREF CC 10 - 40 MHz
Modulation Amplitude MA CC 0 - 2 %
Peak Period jitter DP CC -200 - 200 ps without modulation
(PLL output frequency)
Peak Accumulated Jitter DPP CC -5 - 5 ns without modulation
Total long term jitter JTOT CC - - 11.5 ns including modulation;
MA 1.25%; fREF 20MHz
System frequency deviation fSYSD CC - - 0.01 % with active modulation
DCO frequency range fDCO CC 400 - 800 MHz
PLL lock-in time tL CC 4 - 100 µs

Note: The specified PLL jitter values are valid if the capacitive load per pin does not exceed CL = 20 pF with the
maximum driver and sharp edge.
Note: The maximum peak-to-peak noise on the power supply voltage, is limited to a peak-to-peak voltage of
VPP = 100 mV for noise frequencies below 300 KHz and VPP = 40 mV for noise frequencies above 300 KHz.
These conditions can be achieved by appropriate blocking of the supply voltage as near as possible to the
supply pins and using PCB supply and ground planes.

Data Sheet 472 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPeripheral Phase Locked Loop (PER_PLL)

3.17 Peripheral Phase Locked Loop (PER_PLL)

Table 3-37 PLL Peripheral

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Peak Accumulated jitter at DPP CC -1000 - 1000 ps Peak only
Peak accumulated jitter DPPI CC -700 - 700 ps Peak only
RMS Accumulated jitter DRMS CC -100 - 100 ps measured over 1 µs;
fREF = 20 MHz and fDCO
= 640 MHz or fREF = 25
MHz and fDCO = 800
Peak Period jitter DP CC -200 - 200 ps fDCO = 640 MHz or fDCO
= 800 MHz
Absolute RMS jitter (PLL out) JABS10 CC -125 - 125 ps fREF = 10 MHz; fDCO =
640 MHz
Absolute RMS jitter (PLL out) JABS20 CC -85 - 85 ps fREF = 20 MHz; fDCO =
640 MHz
Absolute RMS jitter (PLL out) JABS25 CC -85 - 85 ps fREF = 25 MHz; fDCO =
800 MHz
DCO frequency range fDCO CC 400 - 800 MHz
DCO input frequency range fREF CC 10 - 40 MHz
PLL lock-in time tL CC 4 - 100 µs

Note: The specified PLL jitter values are valid if the capacitive load per pin does not exceed CL = 20 pF with the
maximum driver and sharp edge.
Note: The maximum peak-to-peak noise on the power supply voltage, is limited to a peak-to-peak voltage of
VPP = 100 mV for noise frequencies below 300 KHz and VPP = 40 mV for noise frequencies above 300 KHz.
These conditions can be achieved by appropriate blocking of the supply voltage as near as possible to the
supply pins and using PCB supply and ground planes.

Data Sheet 473 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationAC Specifications

3.18 AC Specifications
All AC parameters are specified for the complete operating range defined in Chapter 3.4 unless otherwise noted
in column Note / Test Condition.

Unless otherwise noted in the figures the timings are defined with the following guidelines:

90% 90%

10% 10%
tr tf

Figure 3-8 Definition of rise / fall times



2 Points 2

Figure 3-9 Time Reference Point Definition

Data Sheet 474 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationJTAG Parameters

3.19 JTAG Parameters

The following parameters are applicable for communication through the JTAG debug interface. The JTAG module
is fully compliant with IEEE1149.1-2000.

Table 3-38 JTAG

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
TCK clock period t1 SR 50 - - ns
TCK high time t2 SR 10 - - ns
TCK low time t3 SR 10 - - ns
TCK clock rise time t4 SR - - 4 ns
TCK clock fall time t5 SR - - 4 ns
TDI/TMS setup to TCK rising t6 SR 6.0 - - ns
TDI/TMS hold after TCK rising t7 SR 6.0 - - ns
TDO valid after TCK falling t8 CC 3.0 - - ns CL≤20pF
edge (propagation delay) - - 25 ns CL≤50pF
TDO hold after TCK falling t18 CC 2 - - ns
TDO high impedance to valid t9 CC - - 25 ns CL≤50pF
from TCK falling edge
TDO valid output to high t10 CC - - 25 ns CL≤50pF
impedance from TCK falling

0.9 VEXT
0.5 VEXT
0.1 VEXT
t5 t4
t2 t3


Figure 3-10 Test Clock Timing (TCK)

Data Sheet 475 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationJTAG Parameters


t6 t7


t6 t7


t9 t8 t1 0



Figure 3-11 JTAG Timing

Data Sheet 476 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationDAP Parameters

3.20 DAP Parameters

The following parameters are applicable for communication through the DAP debug interface.

Table 3-39 DAP

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
DAP0 clock rise time t14 SR - - 1 ns f=160MHz
- - 4 ns f=40MHz
- - 2 ns f=80MHz
DAP0 clock fall time t15 SR - - 1 ns f=160MHz
- - 4 ns f=40MHz
- - 2 ns f=80MHz
DAP1 setup to DAP0 rising t16 SR 4 - - ns
edge 5 - - ns f=40MHz
DAP1 hold after DAP0 rising t17 SR 2 - - ns
DAP1 valid per DAP0 clock t19 CC 4 - - ns CL=20pF ; f=160MHz
period 8 - - ns CL=20pF ; f=80MHz
10 - - ns CL=50pF ; f=40MHz
DAP0 high time t12 SR 2 - - ns
DAP0 low time t13 SR 2 - - ns
DAP0 clock period t11 SR 6.25 - - ns

Table 3-40 SCR DAP

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
DAP0 clock rise time t14 SR - - 8 ns f=20MHz
DAP0 clock fall time t15 SR - - 8 ns f=20MHz
DAP1 setup to DAP0 rising t16 SR 10 - - ns
DAP1 hold after DAP0 rising t17 SR 10 - - ns
DAP1 valid per DAP0 clock t19 CC 30 - - ns CL=20pF ; f=20MHz
DAP0 high time t12 SR 15 - - ns
DAP0 low time t13 SR 15 - - ns
DAP0 clock period t11 SR 50 - - ns

Data Sheet 477 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationDAP Parameters

t 11
t15 t14
t12 t13
0.9 VEXT
0.1 VEXT

t16 t17

(Host to Device)


(Device to Host)


1) The DAP1 and DAP2 device to host timing is individual for both pins.
There is no guaranteed max. signal skew.
2) No explicite setup and hold times are given for DAP1 for the direction Device to Host.
Only t11 and t19 are guaranteed and the tool may set the sample point freely.

Figure 3-12 DAP Timing

Note: The DAP1 and DAP2 device to host timing is individual for both pins. There is no guaranteed max. signal

Data Sheet 478 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationASCLIN SPI Master Timing

3.21 ASCLIN SPI Master Timing

This section defines the timings for the ASCLIN in the TC39x.
Note: Pad asymmetry is already included in the following timings.

Table 3-41 Master Mode strong sharp (ss) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ASCLKO clock period t50 CC 20 - - ns CL=25pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t500 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=25pF
MTSR delay from ASCLKO t51 CC -3.5 - 3.5 ns CL=25pF
shifting edge
ASLSOn delay from the first t510 CC -3 - 3.5 ns CL=25pF
MRST setup to ASCLKO t52 SR 25 - - ns CL=25pF
latching edge
MRST hold from ASCLKO t53 SR -2 - - ns CL=25pF
latching edge

Table 3-42 Master Mode strong medium (sm) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ASCLKO clock period t50 CC 50 - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t500 CC -5 - 5 ns CL=50pF
MTSR delay from ASCLKO t51 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
shifting edge
ASLSOn delay from the first t510 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
MRST setup to ASCLKO t52 SR 35 - - ns CL=50pF
latching edge
MRST hold from ASCLKO t53 SR -5 - - ns CL=50pF
latching edge

Table 3-43 Master Mode medium (m) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ASCLKO clock period t50 CC 160 - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t500 CC -10 - 10 ns CL=50pF
MTSR delay from ASCLKO t51 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF
shifting edge
ASLSOn delay from the first t510 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF

Data Sheet 479 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationASCLIN SPI Master Timing

Table 3-43 Master Mode medium (m) output pads (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
MRST setup to ASCLKO t52 SR 80 - - ns CL=50pF
latching edge
MRST hold from ASCLKO t53 SR -15 - - ns CL=50pF
latching edge


t51 t500 t51


MRST Data valid Data valid



Figure 3-13 ASCLIN SPI Master Timing

Data Sheet 480 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode

3.22 QSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode

This section defines the timings for the QSPI in the TC39x.
It is assumed that SCLKO, MTSR, and SLSO pads have the same pad settings:
Note: Pad asymmetry is already included in the following timings.

Table 3-44 Master Mode Timing, LVDS output pads for data and clock
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLKO clock period t50 CC 20 - - ns CL=25pF
Deviation from the ideal duty t500 CC -1 1) - 1 1) ns CL=25pF
MTSR delay from SCLKO t51 CC -3 1) - 4 1) ns CL=25pF
shifting edge
SLSOn deviation from the ideal t510 CC -4 1) - 5.5 1) ns CL=25pF, driver
programmed position strength ss
1) 1)
-10 - 10 ns CL=25pF, driver
strength sm
1) 1)
-30 - 30 ns CL=25pF, driver
strength m
MRST setup to SCLK latching t52 SR 18 - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
edge LVDS Input pads of
QSPI2 only
19.5 1) - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
LVDS Input pads of
QSPI4 only
MRST hold from SCLK latching t53 SR -1 1) - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
edge LVDS Input pads only
1) The load (CL=25pF) defined in the condition list is a load definition for the single end signal SLSO and does not intend to
add an additional load inside the differential signal lines. For single end signals the load definition defines the max length
of the signal on the PCB layout. For the LVDS pads the IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 load definitions apply.

Table 3-45 Master Mode Strong Sharp (ss) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLKO clock period t50 CC 50 - - ns CL=25pF
Deviation from the ideal duty t500 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=25pF
MTSR delay from SCLKO t51 CC -4 - 5 ns CL=25pF
shifting edge
SLSOn deviation from the ideal t510 CC -4 - 5 ns CL=25pF
programmed position
MRST setup to SCLK latching t52 SR 25 1) 2) - - ns CL=25pF
MRST hold from SCLK latching t53 SR -2 1)2) - - ns CL=25pF

Data Sheet 481 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode

1) For compensation of the average on-chip delay the QSPI module provides the bit fields ECONz.A, B and C.
2) The setup and hold times are valid for both settings of the input pads thresholds: TTL and AL.

Table 3-46 Master Mode Strong Medium (sm) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLKO clock period t50 CC 50 - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from the ideal duty t500 CC -5 - 5 ns CL=50pF
MTSR delay from SCLKO t51 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
shifting edge
SLSOn deviation from the ideal t510 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
programmed position
MRST setup to SCLK latching t52 SR 35 1) 2) - - ns CL=50pF
MRST hold from SCLK latching t53 SR -5 1)2) - - ns CL=50pF
1) For compensation of the average on-chip delay the QSPI module provides the bit fields ECONz.A, B and C.
2) The setup and hold times are valid for both settings of the input pads thresholds: TTL and AL.

Table 3-47 Master Mode Medium (m) output pads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLKO clock period t50 CC 160 - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from the ideal duty t500 CC -10 - 10 ns CL=50pF
MTSR delay from SCLKO t51 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF
shifting edge
SLSOn deviation from the ideal t510 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF
programmed position
MRST setup to SCLK latching t52 SR 80 1) 2) - - ns CL=50pF
MRST hold from SCLK latching t53 SR -15 1)2) - - ns CL=50pF
edge -13 1)2)
- - ns CL=50pF; SCR SSC
1) For compensation of the average on-chip delay the QSPI module provides the bit fields ECONz.A, B and C.
2) The setup and hold times are valid for both settings of the input pads thresholds: TTL and AL.

Table 3-48 Slave mode timing

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLK clock period t54 SR 4 x TMAX - - ns
SCLK duty cycle t55/t54 SR 40 - 60 %

Data Sheet 482 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode

Table 3-48 Slave mode timing (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
MTSR setup to SCLK latching t56 SR 6 - - ns Input Level AL
edge 6 - - ns Input Level TTL
MTSR hold from SCLK latching t57 SR 4 - - ns Input Level AL
edge 6 - - ns Input Level TTL
SLSI setup to first SCLK shift t58 SR 4 - - ns Input Level AL
edge 6 - - ns Input Level TTL
SLSI hold from last SCLK t59 SR 3 - - ns Input Level AL
latching edge 6 - - ns Input Level TTL
MRST delay from SCLK shift t60 CC 5 - 35 ns driver = strong edge =
edge medium ; CL=50pF
2 - 24 ns driver = strong edge =
sharp ; CL=50pF
15 - 80 ns medium driver ;
14 - - ns medium driver ;




MRST 1) Data valid Data valid

2) 0.5 VEXT/FLEX

1) This timing is based on the following setup: ECON.CPH = 1, ECON.CPOL = 0, ECON.B=0 (no sampling point delay).

2) t510 is the deviation from the ideal position configured with the leading delay, BACON.LPRE and BACON.LEAD > 0.

Figure 3-14 Master Mode Timing

Data Sheet 483 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode

t54 Last latching

SCLK edge
1) First shift First latching

t55 t55
t56 t56
t57 t57
MTSR 1) Data Data
valid valid

t60 t60
t61 t59

1) This timing is based on the following setup: ECON.CPH = 1, ECON.CPOL = 0. QSPI_TmgSM.vsd

Figure 3-15 Slave Mode Timing

Data Sheet 484 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationMSC Timing 5 V Operation

3.23 MSC Timing 5 V Operation

The following section defines the timings.

Note: Pad asymmetry is already included in the following timings.
Note: Load for LVDS pads are defined as differential loads in the following timings.

Table 3-49 LVDS clock/data (LVDS pads in LVDS mode) valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
1) 2)
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns LVDS; CL=50pF

Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -1 3) - 1 3) ns LVDS; 0 < CL < 50pF
3) 3)
SOPx output delay t44 CC -3 - 3 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -4 3) - 5 3) ns ss; CL=50pF; ABRA
block bypassed
-4 3) - 4 3) ns ss; CL=50pF; ABRA
block used
-2 3) - 10 3) ns sm; CL=50pF
3) 3)
-30 - 30 ns m; CL=50pF
1) TA depends on the clock source selected for baud rate generation in the ABRA block of the MSC.
2) The capacitive load on the LVDS pins is differential, the capacitive load on the CMOS pins is single ended.
3) The load (CL=50pF) defined in the condition list is a load definition for the single end signal EN and does not intend to add
an additional load inside the differential signal lines. For single end signals the load definition defines the max length of the
signal on the PCB layout. For the LVDS pads the IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 load definitions apply.

Table 3-50 Strong sharp (ss) driver for clock/data valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=50pF
SOPx output delay t44 CC -4 - 3.5 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -4 - 3.5 ns CL=50pF

Table 3-51 Strong medium (sm) driver for clock/data valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -5 - 5 ns CL=50pF
SOPx output delay t44 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF

Data Sheet 485 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationMSC Timing 5 V Operation

Table 3-52 Medium (m) driver for clock/data valid for 5V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -10 - 10 ns CL=50pF
SOPx output delay t44 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -20 - 20 ns CL=50pF

Table 3-53 Upstream Interface

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SDI bit time t46 SR 8 * tMSC - - ns
SDI rise time t48 SR - - 200 ns
SDI fall time t49 SR - - 200 ns



t44 t44

t45 t45

t48 t49

t46 t46 MSC_Timing_A.vsd

Figure 3-16 MSC Interface Timing

Note: The SOP data signal is sampled with the falling edge of FCLP in the target device.

Data Sheet 486 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEthernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24 Ethernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24.1 ETH Measurement Reference Points

ETH Clock 1.4 V 1.4 V

2.0 V 2.0 V
0.8 V 0.8 V

tR tF

Figure 3-17 ETH Measurement Reference Points

Data Sheet 487 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEthernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24.2 ETH Management Signal Parameters (ETH_MDC, ETH_MDIO)

Table 3-54 ETH Management Signal Parameters valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ETH_MDC period t1 CC 400 - - ns CL=25pF
ETH_MDC high time t2 CC 160 - - ns CL=25pF
ETH_MDC low time t3 CC 160 - - ns CL=25pF
ETH_MDIO setup time (output) t4 CC 10 - - ns CL=25pF
ETH_MDIO hold time (output) t5 CC 10 - - ns CL=25pF
ETH_MDIO data valid (input) t6 SR 0 - 300 ns CL=25pF

t3 t2

sourced by controller :

t4 t5
(output ) Valid Data

ETH_MDIO sourced by PHY:


(input ) Valid Data


Figure 3-18 ETH Management Signal Timing

Data Sheet 488 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEthernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24.3 ETH MII Parameters

In the following, the parameters of the MII (Media Independent Interface) are described.

Table 3-55 ETH MII Signal Timing Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Clock period t7 SR 40 - - ns CL=25pF ;
400 - - ns CL=25pF ;
Clock high time t8 SR 14 - 26 ns CL=25pF ;
140 1) - 260 2) ns CL=25pF ;
Clock low time t9 SR 14 - 26 ns CL=25pF ;
140 1) - 260 2) ns CL=25pF ;
Input setup time t10 SR 10 - - ns CL=25pF
Input hold time t11 SR 10 - - ns CL=25pF
Output valid time t12 CC 0 - 25 ns CL=25pF
1) Defined by 35% of clock period.
2) Defined by 65% of clock period.

t9 t8


t1 0 t1 1
ETH_MII_RX_DV Valid Data
(sourced by PHY )


t1 2
Valid Data
(sourced by controller )

Figure 3-19 ETH MII Signal Timing

Data Sheet 489 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEthernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24.4 ETH RMII Parameters

In the following, the parameters of the RMII (Reduced Media Independent Interface) are described.

Table 3-56 ETH RMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock t13 CC 20 - - ns 50ppm ; CL=25pF
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock high t14 CC 7 1) - 13 2) ns CL=25pF
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock low t15 CC 7 1) - 13 2) ns CL=25pF
ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], t16 CC 4 - - ns CL=25pF
setup time
ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], t17 CC 2 - - ns CL=25pF
hold time
1) Defined by 35% of clock period.
2) Defined by 65% of clock period.

t1 3
t1 5 t14


t1 6 t17
ETHRXD[1:0], Valid Data
ETH_Timing-RMII .vsd

Figure 3-20 ETH RMII Signal Timing

Data Sheet 490 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEthernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics

3.24.5 ETH RGMII Parameters

In the following, the parameters of the RGMII are described.

Table 3-57 ETH RGMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
TX Clock period t19 CC 36 40 44 ns 100Mbps
360 400 440 ns 10Mbps
7.2 8 8.8 ns Gigabit
Data to Clock Output skew t20 CC -500 0 500 ps
Data to Clock input skew (at t21 SR 1 1.8 2.6 ns SKEWCTL.RXCFG =
receiver) 0; SKEWCTL.TXCFG
Clock duty cycle tduty CC 40 50 60 % 10/100Mbps
45 50 55 % Gigabit
GREFCLK duty cycle tduty_in SR 45 - 55 %
GREFCLK Input accuracy ACC SR -0.005 - 0.005 %

Figure 3-21 ETH RGMII TX Signal Timing (Delay on Destination (DoD))

Figure 3-22 ETH RGMII RX Signal Timing (Delay on Source (DoS))

Data Sheet 491 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationE-Ray Parameters

3.25 E-Ray Parameters

The timings of this section are valid for the strong driver and sharp edge settings of the output drivers with CL =
25 pF.

Table 3-58 Transmit Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Rise time of TxEN tdCCTxENRise2 - - 9 ns CL=25pF
5 CC
Fall time of TxEN tdCCTxENFall25 - - 9 ns CL=25pF
Sum of rise and fall time tdCCTxRise25+ - - 9 ns 20% - 80% ; CL=25pF
Sum of delay between TP1_FF tdCCTxEN01 - - 25 ns
and TP1_CC and delays CC
derived from TP1_FFi, rising
edge of TxEN
Sum of delay between TP1_FF tdCCTxEN10 - - 25 ns
and TP1_CC and delays CC
derived from TP1_FFi, falling
edge of TxEN
Asymmetry of sending ttx_asym CC -2.45 - 2.45 ns CL=25pF
Sum of delay between TP1_FF tdCCTxD01 - - 25 ns
and TP1_CC and delays CC
derived from TP1_FFi, rising
edge of TxD
Sum of delay between TP1_FF tdCCTxD10 - - 25 ns
and TP1_CC and delays CC
derived from TP1_FFi, falling
edge of TxD
TxD signal sum of rise and fall ttxd_sum CC - - 9 ns
time at TP1_BD

Table 3-59 Receive Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Acceptance of asymmetry at tdCCTxAsymAcc -30.5 - 43.0 ns CL=25pF
receiving part ept25 SR
Acceptance of asymmetry at tdCCTxAsymAcc -31.5 - 44.0 ns CL=15pF
receiving part ept15 SR

Threshold for detecting logical TuCCLogic1 35 - 70 %

high SR
Threshold for detecting logical TuCCLogic0 30 - 65 %
low SR

Data Sheet 492 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationE-Ray Parameters

Table 3-59 Receive Parameters (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Sum of delay between TP4_CC tdCCRxD01 - - 10 ns
and TP4_FF and delays CC
derived from TP4_FFi, rising
edge of RxD
Sum of delay between TP4_CC tdCCRxD10 - - 10 ns
and TP4_FF and delays CC
derived from TP4_FFi, falling
edge of RxD

Data Sheet 493 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationHSCT Parameters

3.26 HSCT Parameters

Table 3-60 HSCT - Rx parasitics and loads

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Capacitance total budget Ctotal CC - 3.5 5 pF Total Budget for
complete receiver
including silicon,
package, pins and
bond wire
Parasitic inductance budget Htotal CC - 5 - nH

Table 3-61 HSCT - Rx/Tx setup timing

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
RX o/p duty cycle DCrx CC 40 - 60 %
Disable time of the LVDS pad tLVDSDIS CC - - 20 ns
Enable time of the LVDS pad tLVDSEN CC - - 400 ns
Wakeup time from Sleep Mode tSWU CC - - 250 ns
Maximum length of a wake-up tWUP CC - - 0.2 ns
glitch that does not wake-up
the receiver
Bias startup time tbias CC - 5 10 µs Bias distributor waking
up from power down
and provide stable
RX startup time trxi CC - - 600 ns Wake-up RX from
power down.
TX startup time ttx CC - - 280 ns Wake-up TX from
power down.

Table 3-62 HSCT

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Bit Error Rate based on 20 MHz BER20 CC - - 10EXP- Bit Error Rate based
reference clock at Slave PLL 12 on 20 MHz reference
side clock at Slave PLL side
Transistion time from Rx tDISLS CC - - 700 ns Transition time from
Disable to Rx Low Speed Mode Rx Disable to Rx Low
Speed Mode

Data Sheet 494 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationHSCT Parameters

Table 3-62 HSCT (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Transistion time from Rx tHLSMS CC - - 500 ns Transition time from
High/Low Speed Mode to Rx Rx High/Low Speed
Medium Speed Mode Mode to Rx Medium
Speed Mode
Transistion time from Rx tHMSLS CC - - 600 ns Transition time from
High/Medium Speed Mode to Rx High/Medium
Rx Low Speed Mode Speed Mode to Rx
Low Speed Mode
Transistion time from Tx High tHSLS CC - - 600 ns Transition time from Tx
Speed Mode to Tx Low Speed High Speed Mode to
Mode Tx Low Speed Mode
Transistion time from Tx Low tLSHS CC - - 400 ns Transition time from Tx
Speed Mode to Tx High Speed Low Speed Mode to Tx
Mode High Speed Mode
Transistion time from Rx tMLSHS CC - - 400 ns Transition time from
Medium/Low Speed Mode to Rx Medium/Low
Rx High Speed Mode Speed Mode to Rx
High Speed Mode
HSCT physical layer power-on tPON CC - - 600 ns HSCT physical layer

Data Sheet 495 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationInter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing

3.27 Inter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing

All I2C timing parameter are SR for Master Mode and CC for Slave Mode.

Table 3-63 I2C Standard Mode Timing

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Fall time of both SDA and SCL t1 - - 300 ns Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Capacitive load for each bus Cb SR - - 400 pF
Bus free time between a STOP t10 4.7 - - µs Measured with a pull-
and ATART condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Rise time of both SDA and SCL t2 - - 1000 ns Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Data hold time t3 0 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Data set-up time t4 250 - - ns Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Low period of SCL clock t5 4.7 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
High period of SCL clock t6 4 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Hold time for the (repeated) t7 4 - - µs Measured with a pull-
START condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line

Data Sheet 496 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationInter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing

Table 3-63 I2C Standard Mode Timing (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Set-up time for (repeated) t8 4.7 - - µs Measured with a pull-
START condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Set-up time for STOP condition t9 4 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line

Table 3-64 I2C Fast Mode Timing

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Fall time of both SDA and SCL t1 20+0.1*C - 300 ns Measured with a pull-
b up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Capacitive load for each bus Cb SR - - 400 pF
Bus free time between a STOP t10 1.3 - - µs Measured with a pull-
and ATART condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Rise time of both SDA and SCL t2 20+0.1*C - 300 ns Measured with a pull-
b up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Data hold time t3 0 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Data set-up time t4 100 - - ns Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Low period of SCL clock t5 1.3 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
High period of SCL clock t6 0.6 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line

Data Sheet 497 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationInter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing

Table 3-64 I2C Fast Mode Timing (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Hold time for the (repeated) t7 0.6 - - µs Measured with a pull-
START condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Set-up time for (repeated) t8 0.6 - - µs Measured with a pull-
START condition up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line
Set-up time for STOP condition t9 0.6 - - µs Measured with a pull-
up resistor of 4.7
kohms at each of the
SCL and SDA line

Table 3-65 I2C High Speed Mode Timing

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Capacitive load for each bus Cb SR - - 400 pF
Fall time of SCL t11 10 1) - 40 1) ns bus line load of 100pF
1) 1)
Fall time of SDA t12 10 - 80 ns bus line load of 100pF
1) 1)
Rise time of SCL t13 10 - 40 ns bus line load of 100pF
Rise time of SDA t14 10 1) - 80 1) ns bus line load of 100pF
1) 1)
Data hold time t3 0 - 70 ns bus line load of 100pF
Data set-up time t4 10 - - ns bus line load of 100pF
Low period of SCL clock t5 160 - - ns bus line load of 100pF
High period of SCL clock t6 60 - - ns bus line load of 100pF
Hold time for the (repeated) t7 160 - - ns bus line load of 100pF
START condition
Set-up time for (repeated) t8 160 1) - - ns bus line load of 100pF
START condition
Set-up time for STOP condition t9 160 1) - - ns bus line load of 100pF
1) Values are defined for Cb = 100pF, for the Timing of Cb = 400pF see the I2C Standard.

Data Sheet 498 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationInter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing

t1 t2 t4

SDA 30%

t1 t3 t2 t6

t7 t5 clock
S t 10


t8 t7 t9

Sr P S

Figure 3-23 I2C Standard and Fast Mode Timing

Data Sheet 499 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationSDMMC Interface Timing

3.28 SDMMC Interface Timing

Table 3-66 SDMMC

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Clock period Data Transfer t1 CC 20 - - ns push-pull, CL ≤ 30pF,
Mode VEXT = 3.3V
Clock period Indentification t2 CC - - 2500 ns open-drain, CL ≤ 30pF,
Mode VEXT = 3.3V
Clock low time t3 CC 6,5 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V
Clock high time t4 CC 6,5 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V
Data output valid time before t5 CC 3 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V
rising clock edge
Data output valid time after t6 CC 3 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V
rising clock edge
Data input hold time t7 SR 2,5 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT =
3.3V, TTL levels
Data Input delay time t8 SR - - 13,7 ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT =
3.3V, TTL levels
Data Input setup time t9 SR 5,2 - - ns CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT =
3.3V, TTL levels






t8 t9


Figure 3-24 SDMMC Timing

Data Sheet 500 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFSP Parameter

3.29 FSP Parameter

Table 3-67 Safety

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Skew between FSP0 and FSP1 tFSPSKEW -8 - 9 ns CL=50pF, driver
CC strength m
-5 - 6 ns CL=50pF, driver
strength sm
-4 - 5 ns CL=50pF, driver
strength ss

Data Sheet 501 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationRadar Interface Timing

3.30 Radar Interface Timing

This section defines the timings for RIF in the TC39x.

Table 3-68 Skew Calibration Related

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Bit time t80 CC 2.5 - - ns
Clock skew form the ideal t81 SR -0.6 - 0.6 ns Baud Rates from 200
position in the middle of the to 400MBaud
data bit
Set-up time t82 SR 1.5 - - ns Baud rates less than
Hold time t83 SR 1.5 - - ns Baud rates less than
RAMP1 set-up time relative to t88 SR 30 - - ns
the FRAME rising edge
RAMP1 hold time relative to the t89 SR 30 - - ns
FRAME rising edge

Data Sheet 502 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

3.31 EBU Timings

3.31.1 BFCLKO Output Clock Timing

VSS = 0 V;VDD = 1.3 V ± 5%; 3.3 V ± 5%,

Table 3-69 BFCLK0 Output Clock Timing Parameters1)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Min. Typ. Max. Test Conditi
BFCLKO clock period tBFCLKO CC 13.332) – – ns –
BFCLKO high time t5 CC 3 – – ns –
BFCLKO low time t6 CC 3 – – ns –
BFCLKO rise time t7 CC – – 3 ns –
BFCLKO fall time t8 CC – – 3 ns –
BFCLKO duty cycle t5/(t5 + t6) DC 35 50 55 % –
1) Not subject to production test, verified by design/characterization.
2) The PLL jitter characteristics add to this value according to the application settings. See the PLL jitter parameters.
3) The PLL jitter is not included in this parameter. If the BFCLKO frequency is equal to fCPU, the K divider has to be regarded.

0.9 VDD
0.1 VDD
t8 t7
t5 t6

Figure 3-25 BFCLKO Output Clock Timing

3.31.2 EBU Asynchronous Timings

For each timing, the accumulated PLL jitter of the programed duration in number of clock periods must be added

Table 3-70 Common Asynchronous Timings valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
AD(31:0) output delay to ADV# t13 CC -5.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, multiplexed read /
AD(31:0) output delay to ADV# t14 CC -5.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, multiplexed read /
Address valid to CS falling t15 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge (deviation from
programmed value)

Data Sheet 503 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

Table 3-70 Common Asynchronous Timings valid for 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Address valid to ADV falling t16 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge (deviation from
programmed value)
ADV falling edge -> CS falling t17 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge (deviation from
programmed value)
Pulse wdih deviation from the ta CC -0.8 - 0.8 ns edge=medium;
ideal programmed width due to CL=35pF
B pad asymmetry, rise delay - -0.8 - 0.8 ns edge=sharp; CL=35pF
fall delay

Table 3-71 Asynchronous Read Timings valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
A(23:0) output delay to RD t0 CC -2.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value
Data input Hold from CS rising t18 CC -6 - - ns CL=35pF
Data input Setup to CS rising t19 CC 19 - - ns CL=35pF
A(23:0) output delay to RD t1 CC -2.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value
CS rising edge to RD rising t2 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
ADV rising edge to RD rising t3 CC -2 - 4.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
BC rising edge to RD rising t4 CC -2.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
WAIT input setup to RD rising t5 SR 19 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
WAIT input hold to RD rising t6 SR -4 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
Data input setup to RD rising t7 SR 19 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value

Data Sheet 504 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

Table 3-71 Asynchronous Read Timings valid for 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Data input hold to RD rising t8 SR -4 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
MR / W output delay to RD# t9 CC -2.5 - 1.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value

EBU Address Address Hold Command Data Recovery New Addr.

STATE Phase Phase (opt.) Phase Hold Phase Phase (opt.) Phase


Duration Limits in 1...15 0...15 1...31 0...15 0...15 1...15

EBU_CLK Cycles

A[23:0] Valid Address Next

pv + t30
pv + t31
pv + ta
CS[3:0] pv + t32

pv + ta pv + t33


pv + ta

pv + ta
pv + ta
BC[3:0] t34

t14 t37
pv + t13 pv + t38

AD[31:0] Address Out Data Out

MR/W pv + t39

pv = programmed value,
TEBU_CLK * sum (correponding bitfield values) new_MuxWR_Async_10.vsd

Figure 3-26 Multiplexed Read Access

Data Sheet 505 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

EBU Address Address Hold Command Data Recovery New Addr.

STATE Phase Phase (opt.) Phase Hold Phase Phase (opt.) Phase


Duration Limits in 1...15 0...15 1...31 0...15 0...15 1...15

EBU_CLK Cycles

A[23:0] Valid Address Next

pv + t30
pv + t31
pv + ta
CS[3:0] pv + t32

pv + ta pv + t33


pv + ta

pv + ta
pv + ta
BC[3:0] t34


t37 pv + t38

AD[31:0] Data Out

pv + t39

pv = programmed value,
TEBU_CLK * sum (correponding bitfield values) new_DemuxWR_Async_10.vsd

Figure 3-27 Demultiplexed Read Access

Table 3-72 Asynchnronous Write Timings valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
A(23:0) output delay to WR t30 CC -2.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value
A(23:0) output delay to WR t31 CC -2.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value
CS rising edge to WR rising t32 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value

Data Sheet 506 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

Table 3-72 Asynchnronous Write Timings valid for 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ADV rising edge to WR rising t33 CC -2.5 - 2 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
BC rising edge to WR rising t34 CC -2.5 - 2 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
WAIT input setup to WR rising t35 SR 19 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
WAIT input hold to WR rising t36 SR 0 - - ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
Data output delay to WR rising t37 CC -5.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
Data output delay to WR rising t38 CC -5.5 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
edge, deviation from the ideal
programmed value
MR / W output delay to WR t39 CC -2.5 - 1.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge, deviation from the
ideal programmed value

3.31.3 EBU Burst Mode Access Timing

VSS = 0 V;VDD = 1.3 V ± 5%; VDDEBU = 3.3 V ± 5%;

Table 3-73 Burst Read Timings valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Output delay from BFCLKO t10 CC -2 - 2.5 ns CL=35pF
rising edge
RD and RD/WR active/inactive t12 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=35pF
after BFCLKO active edge
CSx output delay from t21 CC -2.5 - 2.0 ns CL=35pF
BFCLKO active edge
ADV active/inactive after t22 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=35pF
BFCLKO active edge
BAA active/inactive after t22a CC -2.5 - 2.0 ns CL=35pF
BFCLKO active edge
Data setup to BFCLKI rising t23 SR 5 - - ns CL=35pF
Data hold from BFCLKI rising t24 SR 0 - - ns CL=35pF

Data Sheet 507 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

Table 3-73 Burst Read Timings valid for 3.3V (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
WAIT setup (low or high) to t25 SR 5 - - ns CL=35pF
BFCLKI rising edge
WAIT hold (low or high) from t26 SR 0 - - ns CL=35pF
BFCLKI rising edge

Address Command Burst Burst Recovery Next Addr.

Phase(s) Phase(s) Phase(s) Phase(s) Phase(s) Phase(s)

t10 t10
A[23:0] Burst Start Address Next

t22 t22 t22


t21 t21 t21


t12 t12

t22a t22a

t24 t24
t23 t23
Data (Addr+0) Data (Addr+4)

Data (Addr+0) Data (Addr+2)

1) Output delays are always referenced to BCLKO. The reference clock for input
characteristics depends on bit EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN.
EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN = 0: BFCLKO is the input reference clock.
EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN = 1: BFCLKI is the input reference clock (EBU clock
feedback enabled). BurstRDWR_4.vsd

Figure 3-28 EBU Burst Mode Read / Write Access Timing

Data Sheet 508 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationEBU Timings

3.31.4 EBU Arbitration Signal Timing

VSS = 0 V;VDD = 1.5 V ± 5%; VDDEBU = 3.3 V ± 5% ;

Table 3-74 EBU Arbitration Timings valid for 3.3V

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Output delay from BFCLKO t27 CC - - 3 ns CL=35pF
rising edge
Data setup to BFCLKO falling t28 SR 16 - - ns CL=35pF
Data hold from BFCLKO falling t29 SR 2 - - ns CL=35pF


t27 t27
HLDA Output

t27 t27
BREQ Output

t29 t29
HOLD Input
HLDA Input

Figure 3-29 EBU Arbitration Signal Timing

Data Sheet 509 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFlash Target Parameters

3.32 Flash Target Parameters

Table 3-75 Flash

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Program Flash Erase Time per tERP CC - - 0.5 s cycle count < 1000
logical sector 1)
Program Flash Erase Time per tMERP CC - - 0.5 s For consecutive logical
Multi-Sector Command 1) sectors in a physical
sector with total range
≤ 512 kByte; cycle
count < 1000
Program Flash program time tPRP5 CC - - 80 µs 32 Byte
per page in 5 V mode 1)
Program Flash program time tPRP3 CC - - 115 µs 32 Byte
per page in 3.3 V mode 1)
Program Flash program time tPRPB5 CC - - 220 µs 256 Byte
per burst in 5 V mode 1)
Program Flash program time tPRPB3 CC - - 530 µs 256 Byte
per burst in 3.3 V mode 1)
Program Flash program time tPRPB3_1MB - - 2.2 s Derived value for
for 1 MByte with burst CC documentation
programming in 3.3 V mode purpose
excluding communication 1)
Program Flash program time tPRPB5_1MB - - 1 s Derived value for
for 1 MByte with burst CC documentation
programming in 5 V mode purpose
excluding communication 1)
Program Flash program time tPRPB5_PF - - 16 s Derived value for
for complete PFlash with burst CC documentation
programming in 5 V mode purpose
excluding communication 1)
Write Page Once adder 1) tADD CC - - 20 µs Adder to Program
Time when using Write
Page Once
Program Flash suspend to read tSPNDP CC - - 120 µs For Write Burst, Verify
latency 1) Erased and for multi-
(logical) sector erase
Data Flash Erase Disturb Limit NDFD CC - - 50 cycles
(single ended sensing mode)
Data Flash Erase Disturb Limit NDFDC CC - - 500 cycles
(complement sensing mode)
UCB Erase Disturb Limit NUCBD CC - - 500 cycles

Data Sheet 510 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFlash Target Parameters

Table 3-75 Flash (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Program time data flash per tPRD CC - - 75 µs 8 Byte
page 1)2)
Complete Device Flash Erase tER_Dev CC - 10.4 18.5 s Valid for less than
Time PFlash and DFlash 1)3) 4) 1000 cycles, w/o UCB.
Derived value for
Data Flash program time per tPRDB CC - - 140 µs 32 Byte
burst 1)2)
Data Flash suspend to read tSPNDD CC - - 120 µs
latency 1)
Wait time after margin change tFL_MarginDel - - 2 µs
Program Flash Endurance per NE_P CC - - 1000 cycles Replace logical sector
Logical Sector command shall be
used if a sector fails
during erase or
Number of erase operations NERP CC - - 16000 cycles
per physical sector in program
Program Flash Retention Time, tRET CC 20 - - years Max. 1000
Sector erase/program cycles
UCB Retention Time tRTU CC 20 - - years Max. 100
erase/program cycles
per UCB, max 500
erase/program cycles
for all UCBs together
Data Flash access delay tDF CC - - 100 ns see RFLASH of DMU
register HF_DWAIT
Data Flash ECC Delay tDFECC CC - - 20 ns see RECC of DMU
register HF_DWAIT
Program Flash access delay tPF CC - - 30 ns see RFLASH of DMU
register HF_PWAIT
Program Flash ECC delay tPFECC CC - - 10 ns see RECC and CECC
of DMU register
Number of erase operations on NERD0C CC - - 4000000 cycles
DF0 over lifetime (complement
sensing mode) 6)
Number of erase operations on NERD0S CC - - 750000 cycles
DF0 over lifetime (single ended
sensing mode) 7)

Data Sheet 511 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFlash Target Parameters

Table 3-75 Flash (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Number of erase operations on NERD1C CC - - 2000000 cycles
DF1 over lifetime (complement
sensing mode) 6)
Number of erase operations on NERD1S CC - - 500000 cycles
DF1 over lifetime (single ended
sensing mode) 7)
Data Flash Endurance per NE_EEP10C - - 500000 cycles Max. data retention
EEPROMx sector (complement CC time 10 years
sensing mode) 8)
DataFlash Endurance per NE_EEP10S - - 125000 cycles Retention time and Tj
EEPROMx sector (single CC according below
ended sensing mode) 8) example temperature
- - 125000 cycles max data retention
time 20y, Tj=110°C
- - 125000 cycles max data retention
time 8.2y, Tj=125°C
Data Flash Endurance per NE_HSMC CC - - 250000 cycles Max. data retention
HSMx sector (complement time 10 years
sensing mode) 8)
Data Flash Endurance per NE_HSMS CC - - 125000 cycles Retention time and Tj
HSMx sector (single ended according below
sensing mode) 8) example temperature
- - 125000 cycles max data retention
time 20y, Tj=110°C
- - 125000 cycles max data retention
time 8.2y, Tj=125°C
Junction temperature limit for TJPFlash SR - - 150 °C
PFlash program/erase
Data Flash Erase Time per tERD1 CC - - 0.5 s Max. 1000
Sector 1)3)5) erase/program cycles
Data Flash Erase Time per tERDM CC - - 1.5 s Max allowed cycles,
Sector 1)3)5) see NE_EEP10 and
NE_HSM parameters
DataFlash Adder on Erase tER_ADDC32C - - 50 ms Adder per 32 kByte on
Time per 32kByte erase size CC erase time; applicable
when using complement only when using
sensing mode 1) complement mode

Data Sheet 512 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFlash Target Parameters

Table 3-75 Flash (cont’d)

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Data Flash Erase Time per tMERD1 CC - - 0.5 s Max 1000
Multi-Sector Command 1)3)5) erase/program cycles;
For consecutive logical
sectors ≤ 256KBytes
Data Flash Erase Time per tMERDM CC - - 1.5 s Max allowed cycles,
Multi-Sector Command 1)3)5) see NE_EEP10x and
Parameters; For
consecutive logical
sectors ≤ 256 kByte
Program Flash Access Delay at tPF_low_VDDP3 - - 60 ns see register
reduced VDDP3 voltage supply CC DMU_HF_PWAIT.CFL
during cranking ASH
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_PAGE_D - - 10 µs Time per 8 Byte page
per page (Complement C CC for Verify Erased Page
Sensing) 2) command
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_PAGE_D - - 10 µs Time per 8 Byte page
per page (Single Ended S CC for Verify Erased Page
Sensing) 1) command
Program Flash Erase Verify tVER_PAGE_P - - 10 µs Time per 32 Byte page
time per page 1) CC for Verify Erased Page
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_SEC_DC - - 200 µs Time per 2 KB sector
per sector (Complement CC for Verify Erased
Sensing) 1) Logical Sector Range
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_SEC_DS - - 360 µs Time per 4 KB sector
per sector (Single Ended CC for Verify Erased
Sensing) 1) Logical Sector Range
Program Flash Erase Verify tVER_SEC_P - - 360 µs Time per 16KB sector
time per sector 1) CC for Verify Erased
Logical Sector Range
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_WL_DC - - 30 µs
per wordline (Complement CC
Sensing) 1)
Data Flash Erase Verify time tVER_WL_DS - - 50 µs
per wordline (Single Ended CC
Sensing) 1)
Program Flash Erase Verify tVER_WL_P - - 30 µs
time per wordline 1) CC
1) Only vaild for fFSI = 100MHz.
2) Time is not dependent on program mode (5V or 3.3V).

Data Sheet 513 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationFlash Target Parameters

3) Under out-of-spec conditions (e.g. over-cycling) or in case of activation of WL oriented defects, the duration of erase
processes may be increased by up to 50%.
4) Using 512 kByte / 256 kByte erase commands (PFlash / DFlash).
5) If the DataFlash is operated in Complement Sensing Mode the erase time is increased by erase_size / 32kByte x
6) Allows segmentation of addressable memory into 8 logical sectors; round robin cycling must still be done to consider erase
disturb limit NDFD.
7) Allows segmentation of addressable memory into 6 logical sectors; round robin cycling must still be done to consider erase
disturb limit NDFD.
8) Only valid when a robust EEPROM emulation algorithm is used. For more details see the Users Manual.

Data Sheet 514 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQuality Declarations

3.33 Quality Declarations

Table 3-76 Quality Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Moisture Sensitivity Level MSL CC - - 3 Conforming to Jedec
J-STD--020C for 240C
ESD susceptibility according to VCDM SR - - 500 1) V for all other balls/pins;
Charged Device Model (CDM) conforming to
- - 750 V for corner balls/pins;
conforming to
ESD susceptibility according to VHBM SR - - 2000 2) V Conforming to
Human Body Model (HBM) JESD22-A114-B
ESD susceptibility of the LVDS VHBM1 SR - - 2000 V
pins according to Human Body
Model (HBM)
Operation Lifetime tOP CC - - 24500 hour see below temperature
profile as an example
1) Pads of the AGBT interface are limited to a maximum value of 250V.
2) Pads of the AGBT interface are limited to a maximum value of 1000V.

Example Temperature Profile

The following temperature profile is an example. Application specific temperature profiles need to be aligned and
approved by Infineon Technologies for the fulfillment of quality and reliability targets.

Table 3-77 Example Temperature Profile

TJ= Duration [h] Comment
≤ 170°C ≤ 30
≤ 160°C ≤ 120
≤ 150°C ≤ 220
≤ 140°C ≤ 350
≤ 130°C ≤ 780
≤ 120°C ≤ 1600
≤ 110°C ≤ 3000
≤ 100°C ≤ 7000
≤ 90°C ≤ 8000
≤ 80°C ≤ 2400
≤ 70°C ≤ 1000
≤ 24500 total time

Data Sheet 515 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationQuality Declarations

Table 3-78 Example Inactive Lifetime Temperature Profile

TJ= Duration [h] Comment
≤ 55°C ≤ 150700

Data Sheet 516 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPackage Outline

3.34 Package Outline

Figure 3-30 Package Outlines LFBGA-516

29 2x
0.5 ±0.05
0.15 M C A B
17 ±0.1 1.7 MAX 0.08 M C

0.1 C 18
15 19 x 0.8 = 15.2
17 ±0.1

29 2x 6

0.15 5

(LASER ED) 19 x 0.8 = 15.2
C 0.33 MIN


Figure 3-31 Package Outlines LFBGA-292

You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”:

Data Sheet 517 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

Electrical SpecificationPackage Outline

3.34.1 Package Parameters

Table 3-79 Package Parameters

Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Thermal resistance (junction to RTH_JA - - 14 K/W LFBGA292
ambient) 1) CC - - 12.2 K/W LFBGA516
Thermal resistance (junction to RTH_JCB - - 4 K/W LFBGA292
case bottom) 1) CC - - 3 K/W LFBGA516
Thermal resistance (junction to RTH_JCT - - 5 K/W LFBGA292
case top) 1) CC - - 5 K/W LFBGA516
1) The top and bottom thermal resistances between the case and the ambient (RTH_CTA, RTH_CBA) are to be combined
with the thermal resistances between the junction and the case given above (RTH_JCT, RTH_JCB), in order to calculate
the total thermal resistance between the junction and the ambient (RTH_JA). The thermal resistances between the case
and the ambient (RTH_CTA, RTH_CBA) depend on the external system (PCB, case) characteristics and are under user
The junction temperature can be calculated using the following equation: TJ = TA + RTH_JA * PD, where the RTH_JA is
the total thermal resistance between the junction and the ambient.
Thermal resistances as measured by the 'cold plate method' (MIL SPEC-883 Method 1012.1).

Data Sheet 518 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

4 History
Version 0.4 is the first version of this document.

4.1 Changes from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

• Update table Platform Feature Overview

• Changes in Pin Definition and Functions
– Add pad type RFAST to Legend
– Corrected ball assigmant to NC and NC1
– P32.0 replace name from EVR13 to EVRC
– P32.1 replace name from EVR13 to EVRC
– Add Function description for GTM_TIM_INxx Symbols
– Change numbering for GTM_TIM_INxx Symbols
– Update Function description for CAN signals
– Add missing Function description for EVADC
– Add missing Function description for EDSADC
– Add Function description for GTM_DTMxx Symbols
– Update Function description for SCU_E_REQ signals
– Change Symbol for SCU_E_REQ signals
– Update Function description for SCU_PD_HWCFGx signals
– Add QSPI5_SCLK to P14.10
– Remove SDMMC_DS from P15.2
– Switch CBS_TGyz from inverted to non inverted
– Change Symbol from HSCTPHY_1_RXDx to HSCT1_RXDx
– Add PMS_DCDCSYNCO to P32.4
– Add DAP3 to P21.6
– Remove SDMMC_DS from P15.2
– ADD TDI to P21.6
– Add DAPE1 to P21.6
– Add DAP2 to P21.7
– ADD TDO to P21.7
– Remove DAP Function description from P21.7 Input
– Change Symbol HSDPM_HSDPM_xxx to HSDPM_xxx
– Switch EBU_x from inverted to non inverted
– Add HSDPM_MUTE to P22.3

Data Sheet 519 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Add HSDPM_BS0 to P22.4

– Change P22.4 from SLOW to FAST
– Add HSDPM_BS1 to P22.5
– Change P22.5 from SLOW to FAST
– Add EVADC_G5CH2 to AN50
– Add Buffer Type to ABGT Symbols
• Changes in table 'Overload Parameters' of Overload
– Change max value of KOVDN from 6*10-4 to 1*10-4
– Change note of KOVDN from 'Overload injected on GPIO non LVDS pad and affecting neighbor slow pads;
-2mA < IIN < 0mA' to 'Overload injected on GPIO non LVDS pad and affecting neighbor slow pads; -5mA
< IIN < 0mA'
– Change note of KOVDN from '1.7*10-3' to '3*10-4'
– Change max value of KOVDN from 0.3 to 0.5
– Change note of KOVDN from 'Overload injected on LVDS pad and affecting neighbor LVDS pads' to
'Overload injected on LVDS TX pad and affecting neighbor LVDS pads'
– Change max value of KOVDP from 5*10-4 to 5*10-3
– Change note of KOVDP from 'Overload injected on LVDS pad and affecting neighbor LVDS pads' to
'Overload injected on LVDS TX pad and affecting neighbor LVDS pads'
– Change note of KOVDP from '1*10-5' to '1.5*10-3'
– Change max value of KOVAN from 1*10-4 to 1*10-5
– Change note of KOVAN from ''Analog Inputs overlaid with class slow pads or pull down diagnostics; -1mA <
IIN < 0mA'' to ''Analog Inputs overlaid with class slow pads or pull down diagnostics; -5mA < IIN < 0mA''
– Change note of KOVAN from '1*10-3' to '1*10-4'
– Change note of KOVAP from '1*10-5' to '2*10-5'
– Change note of KOVAP from '1*10-4' to '2*10-4'
– Add parameter IOUT
• Operating Conditions
– Change note of VDDM from 'Upper voltage range' to ''
– Change note of VDDM from 'Lower voltage range' to ''
– Change note of VEVRSB from 'VEVRSB is bonded together with VEXT supply pin in smaller LQFP packages.' to ''
• Changes in table 'PORST Pad' of Standard Pads
– Change note of HYS from 'non of the neighbor pads are used as output; TTL' to 'non of the neighbor pads
are used as output;TTL (degraded, used for CIF)'
– Change min value of HYS from 0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change min value of IPDL from |18| µA to |15| µA
– Change note of HYS from 'two of the neighbor pads are used as output with driver=strong and edge=sharp;
TTL' to 'two of the neighbor pads are used as output with driver=strong and edge=sharp; TTL (degraded,
used for CIF)'
• Changes in table 'Fast 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Change note of HYS from '0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V'

Data Sheet 520 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Change min value of HYS from 0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.075 * VEXT/FLEX V

– Change min value of RDSON from 140 Ohm to 125 Ohm
– Change typ value of RDSON from 200 Ohm to 225 Ohm
– Change max value of RDSON from 260 Ohm to 320 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '35 Ohm' to '31 Ohm'
– Change note of RDSON from '50 Ohm' to '55 Ohm'
– Change max value of RDSON from 65 Ohm to 80 Ohm
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change max value of tRF from 2.8 ns to 3.2 ns
– Change min value of tRF from 0.5+0.075*CL ns to 0.5+0.08*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '0.5+0.15*CL ns' to '1.0+0.17*CL ns'
– Change note of tRF from '2.5+0.18*CL ns' to '1.0+0.18*CL ns'
– Change note of tRF from '2.5+0.35*CL ns' to '5.0+0.35*CL ns'
– Change max value of tRF from 4+0.95*CL ns to 12+1.0*CL ns
– Change note of IOZ from '-3900 nA' to '-5000 nA'
– Change note of IOZ from '-3600 nA' to '-5000 nA'
– Change note of IOZ from '-6700 nA' to '-9000 nA'
– Change note of IOZ from '3900 nA' to '5000 nA'
– Change max value of IOZ from 3600 nA to 5000 nA
– Change note of IOZ from '6700 nA' to '9000 nA'
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change note of fIND from '' to 'AL and TTL'
– Change note of fOUTD from '' to 'medium driver'
– Change note of IPDL from 'VIL; AL or TTL' to 'VIL; AL'
• Changes in table 'Fast 3.3V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Change min value of HYS from 0.065 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change min value of HYS from 0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change min value of HYS from 0.07 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change note of RDSON from '140 Ohm' to '125 Ohm'
– Change typ value of RDSON from 200 Ohm to 225 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '300 Ohm' to '320 Ohm'
– Change min value of RDSON from 35 Ohm to 31 Ohm
– Change typ value of RDSON from 50 Ohm to 55 Ohm
– Change max value of RDSON from 77 Ohm to 80 Ohm
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change min value of tRF from 2 ns to 1.6 ns
– Change note of tRF from '0.75+0.15*CL ns' to '2.5+0.21*CL ns'
– Change min value of tRF from 4+0.57*CL ns to 2+0.57*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '1.5+0.38*CL ns' to '8+0.4*CL ns'

Data Sheet 521 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Change note of tRF from '7+1.1*CL ns' to '10+1.25*CL ns'

– Change note of IPUH from '|19| µA' to '|17| µA'
– Change min value of IPUH from |9| µA to |11| µA
– Change min value of IPDL from |18| µA to |15| µA
– Change min value of IOZ from -4100 nA to -5000 nA
– Change note of IOZ from '-3600 nA' to '-5000 nA'
– Change note of IOZ from '-6700 nA' to '-9000 nA'
– Change note of IOZ from '4100 nA' to '5000 nA'
– Change max value of IOZ from 3600 nA to 5000 nA
– Change note of IOZ from '6700 nA' to '9000 nA'
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change note of fOUTD from '' to 'medium driver'
• Changes in table 'Slow 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Change note of HYS from '0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change note of HYS from '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.075 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change min value of RDSON from 140 Ohm to 125 Ohm
– Change typ value of RDSON from 200 Ohm to 225 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '260 Ohm' to '320 Ohm'
– Change max value of tRF from 3.5+0.55*CL ns to 7+0.55*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '4+0.95*CL ns' to '12+1*CL ns'
– Change note of IPUH from 'VIH; AL or TTL' to 'VIH; AL or TTL; exept VGATE1P and TJ > 150°C'
– Change note of IPUH from 'VIL; AL or TTL' to 'VIL; AL or TTL; exept VGATE1P and TJ > 150°C'
– Change note of IPDL from 'VIL; AL or TTL' to 'VIL; AL'
• Changes in table 'Slow 3.3V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Change note of HYS from '0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change min value of HYS from 0.065 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change min value of HYS from 0.07 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change min value of RDSON from 140 Ohm to 125 Ohm
– Change typ value of RDSON from 200 Ohm to 225 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '300 Ohm' to '320 Ohm'
– Change note of tRF from '4+0.57*CL ns' to '2+0.57*CL ns'
– Change max value of tRF from 7+1.1*CL ns to 10+1.25*CL ns
– Change note of IPUH from 'VIH; AL and TTL (degraded, used for CIF)' to 'VIH; AL and TTL (degraded, used
for CIF); exept VGATE1P and TJ > 150°C'
– Change min value of IPUH from |19| µA to |17| µA
– Change note of IPUH from 'VIH; TTL' to 'VIH; TTL; exept VGATE1P and TJ > 150°C'
– Change min value of IPUH from |9| µA to |11| µA
– Change note of IPDL from '|18| µA' to '|15| µA'
– Change note of IPUH from 'VIL; AL and TTL and TTL (degraded, used for CIF)' to 'VIL; AL and TTL and TTL
(degraded, used for CIF); exept VGATE1P and TJ > 150°C'
– Change note of fOUTD from '' to 'medium driver'

Data Sheet 522 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

• Changes in table 'Class S 5V' of Standard Pads

– Change note of HYS from '0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change min value of HYS from 0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.075 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change note of IPDL from 'VIL; AL or TTL' to 'VIL; AL'
– Change note of IOZ from 'TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD option available, or AltRef option available and EDSADC
channel connected or AN70 or AN71' to 'TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD option available, or AltRef option available and
EDSADC channel connected, or two EDSADC channels connected'
• Changes in table 'RFast 3.3V pad' of Standard Pads
– Change note of HYS from '0.065 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change note of HYS from '0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change note of HYS from '0.07 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.055 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change min value of RDSON from 140 Ohm to 125 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '200 Ohm' to '225 Ohm'
– Change note of RDSON from '300 Ohm' to '320 Ohm'
– Change min value of RDSON from 35 Ohm to 31 Ohm
– Change typ value of RDSON from 50 Ohm to 55 Ohm
– Change max value of RDSON from 77 Ohm to 80 Ohm
– Change min value of RDSON from 10 Ohm to 8 Ohm
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change min value of tRF from 2 ns to 1.6 ns
– Change min value of tRF from 4+0.57*CL ns to 2+0.57*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '0.75+0.15*CL ns' to '2.5+0.21*CL ns'
– Change max value of tRF from 1.5+0.38*CL ns to 8+0.4*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '7+1.1*CL ns' to '10+1.25*CL ns'
– Change min value of IPUH from |19| µA to |17| µA
– Change note of IPUH from '|9| µA' to '|11| µA'
– Change note of IPDL from '|18| µA' to '|15| µA'
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change note of fOUTD from '' to 'medium driver'
• Changes in table 'RFast 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Change min value of HYS from 0.1 * VEXT/FLEX V to 0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V
– Change note of HYS from '0.09 * VEXT/FLEX V' to '0.075 * VEXT/FLEX V'
– Change min value of RDSON from 140 Ohm to 125 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '260 Ohm' to '320 Ohm'
– Change note of RDSON from '200 Ohm' to '225 Ohm'
– Change note of RDSON from '35 Ohm' to '31 Ohm'
– Change max value of RDSON from 65 Ohm to 80 Ohm
– Change note of RDSON from '50 Ohm' to '55 Ohm'
– Change min value of tRF from 2.5+0.18*CL ns to 1.0+0.18*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from ''CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge'' to ''CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX''

Data Sheet 523 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Change note of tRF from '2.8 ns' to '3.2 ns'

– Change note of tRF from '0.5+0.075*CL ns' to '0.5+0.08*CL ns'
– Change max value of tRF from 0.5+0.15*CL ns to 1.0+0.17*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from '4+0.95*CL ns' to '12+1.0*CL ns'
– Change max value of tRF from 2.5+0.35*CL ns to 5.0+0.35*CL ns
– Change note of tRF from 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge' to 'CL = 25pF; driver = strong sharp edge;
from 0.2 * VEXT/FLEX to 0.8 * VEXT/FLEX'
– Change note of fIND from '' to 'AL and TTL'
– Change note of fOUTD from '' to 'medium driver'
– Change note of IPDL from 'VIL; AL or TTL' to 'VIL; AL'
• Changes in table 'Class D' of Standard Pads
– Update footnote of Standard Pads to 'For AN11 200 nA need to be added.'
– Change note of IOZ from 'TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD option available, or AltRef option available and EDSADC
channel connected' to 'TJ ≤ 150°C; PDD option available, or AltRef option available and EDSADC channel
connected, or two EDSADC channels connected'
• Changes in table 'LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)' of LVDS Pads
– Change max value of trise20 from 0.5 ns to 0.75 ns
– Change max value of tfall20 from 0.5 ns to 0.75 ns
– Change max value of VOD from 450 mV to 500 mV
– Change min value of VOD from 360 mV to 380 mV
– Change max value of dVCSD from 20 % to 10 %
– Change note of dVCSD from '-20 %' to '-10 %'
– Change note of fADCI from 'Upper voltage range' to '4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V'
– Change note of tSCAL from 'Upper voltage range' to '4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V'
– Change note of fADCI from 'Lower voltage range' to '2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V'
– Change note of tS from 'Primary group or fast compare channel, upper voltage range; input buffer disabled'
to 'Primary group or fast compare channel, 4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V; input buffer disabled'
– Change note of tSCAL from 'Lower voltage range' to '2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V'
– Change note of tS from 'Primary group or fast compare channel, upper voltage range; input buffer enabled'
to 'Primary group or fast compare channel, 4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V; input buffer enabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Secondary group, upper voltage range; input buffer disabled' to 'Secondary group,
4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V; input buffer disabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Secondary group, upper voltage range; input buffer enabled' to 'Secondary group,
4.5V ≤ VDDM ≤ 5.5V; input buffer enabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Primary Group or fast compare channel, lower voltage range; input buffer disabled'
to 'Primary Group or fast compare channel, 2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V; input buffer disabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Primary group or fast compare channel, lower voltage range; input buffer enabled'
to 'Primary group or fast compare channel, 2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V; input buffer enabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Secondary group, lower voltage range; input buffer disabled' to 'Secondary group,
2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V; input buffer disabled'
– Change note of tS from 'Secondary group, lower voltage range; input buffer enabled' to 'Secondary group,
2.97V ≤ VDDM < 4.5V; input buffer enabled'

Data Sheet 524 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Update wording in front of table DSADC 5V

– Change note of DCF from '10-5 fD, offset compensation filter enabled (FCFGMx.OEN = 001B)' to '10-5 fD,
offset compensation filter enabled (FCFGMx.OCEN = 001B)'
– Change note of CL1 from '2.35 pF' to '3.35 pF'
– Add parameter CXTAL1
• Changes in table 'DTS PMS' of DTS
– Change max value of tM from 2.6 ms to 2.7 ms
• Add table 'DTS Core'
• Current Consumption
– Change max value of IDDRAIL from 1370 mA to 1372 mA
– Change TJ in real power pattern definition from 150°C to 160°C
• Changes in table 'Module Core Current Consumption' of Current Consumption
– Change name of Module Core Current Consumption from Module Core Current Concumption to Module
Core Current Consumption
– Change note of IDDCx0 from 'real power pattern' to 'real power pattern; IPC=0.6'
– Change max value of IDDCx0 from 40 mA to 45 mA
– Change note of IDDCx0 from ''max power pattern'' to ''max power pattern; IPC=1.2''
– Change note of IDDCx0 from '60 mA' to '70 mA'
– Change note of IDDCxx from ''max power pattern'' to ''max power pattern; IPC=1.2''
– Change note of IDDCxx from 'IDDCx0 + 60 mA' to 'IDDCx0 + 50 mA'
– Change note of IDDGTM from 'real power pattern; TIMx, TOMx, ATOMx , MCSx active. 5 clusters at 200
MHz.' to 'real power pattern; TIMx, TOMx, ATOMx , MCSx active. 3 clusters at 200 MHz.'
– Change max value of IDDGTM from 60 mA to 130 mA
– Change note of IDDGTM from '88 mA' to '160 mA'
– Change note of IDDSPU from ''CTRL.DIV = 01 ; FFT clocked at half SPU Clock'' to ''CTRL.DIV = 01 ; FFT
clocked at half SPU Clock; Both SPU modules are active.''
– Change note of IDDSPU from '60 mA' to '70 mA'
– Change note of IDDCIF from '20 mA' to '30 mA'
– Change note of IDDMBIST from '100 mA' to '200 mA'
– Change note of IDDCxx from 'real power pattern' to 'real power pattern; IPC=0.6'
– Change note of IDDGTM from 'TIMx, TOMx active at 100MHz. ATOMx , MCSx, DPLL inactive.' to 'TIMx,
TOMx active at 100MHz. ATOMx , MCSx, DPLL inactive. 2 clusters at 100 MHz.'
– Change max value of IDDGTM from 20 mA to 60 mA
– Change note of IEXTRAIL from '58 mA' to '54 mA'
– Change max value of IEXTRAIL from t.b.d mA to 60 mA
– Change max value of IEXTFLEX from 30 mA to 22 mA
• Changes in table 'Module Current Consumption' of Current Consumption
– Change max value of IEXTLVDS from t.b.d mA to 20 mA
– Change max value of ISCRSB from 4 mA to 6.5 mA
– Change description of ISCRSB from 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB
supply pin' to 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller current incl. PMS in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB supply

Data Sheet 525 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Change note of ISCRSB from 'SCR power pattern; fSYS_SCR = 20MHz; TJ=150°C' to 'SCR power pattern incl.
PMS current consumption with fback clock active; fSYS_SCR = 20MHz; TJ=150°C'
– Change note of ISCRSB from 'real power pattern; fSYS_SCR = 70kHz; TJ=25°C' to 'SCR power pattern incl.
PMS current consumption with fback inactive; fSYS_SCR = 70kHz; TJ=25°C'
– Change typ value of ISCRSB from 0.025 mA to 0.190 mA
– Change description of ISCRSB from 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB
supply pin' to 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller current incl. PMS in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB supply
– Change note of IDDM from ''real power pattern ; current for EDSADC module only; 11 EDSADC channels
active.'' to ''real power pattern; current for EDSADC modules only and EVADC modules are inactive; 11
EDSADC channels active continuously.''
– Change note of IDDM from '66 mA' to '44 mA'
– Change note of IDDM from 'max power pattern; All EDSADC channels active 100% time.' to 'max power
pattern; current for EDSADC modules only and EVADC modules are inactive; all EDSADC channels active
– Change max value of IDDM from 84 mA to 63 mA
– Change note of IDDM from 'real pattern;12 EVADC modules active' to 'real power pattern; current for EVADC
modules only and EDSADC modules are inactive; 12 EVADC modules active.'
– Change note of IDDM from 'max power pattern; All EVADC modules are active 100% time' to 'max power
pattern; current for EVADC modules only and EDSADC modules are inactive; all EVADC modules active.'
– Change max value of IDDM from 26 mA to 20 mA
– Change max value of IDDM from 82 mA to 60 mA
– Change max value of IDDTOT from 1506 mA to 1536 mA
– Change note of IDDTOTDC3 from 'real power pattern; VEXT = 3.3V; TJ=160°C' to 'real power pattern; EVRC
reset settings with 72% efficiency; VEXT = 3.3V; TJ=160°C'
– Change max value of IDDTOTDC3 from 830 mA to 980 mA
– Change description of IDDTOTDC3 from '∑ Sum of all currents with DC-DC EVR13 regulator active' to '∑ Sum
of all currents with DC-DC EVRC regulator active'
– Change note of IDDTOTDC5 from 'real power pattern; VEXT = 5V; TJ=160°C' to 'real power pattern; EVRC reset
settings with 72% efficiency; VEXT = 5V; TJ=160°C'
– Change max value of IDDTOTDC5 from 600 mA to 670 mA
– Change description of IDDTOTDC5 from '∑ Sum of all currents with DC-DC EVR13 regulator active' to '∑ Sum
of all currents with DC-DC EVRC regulator active'
– Change note of ISLEEP from '10 mA' to '25 mA'
– Change note of PD from 't.b.d. mW' to '3220 mW'
– Change max value of PD from 2560 mW to 2500 mW
– Change max value of IEVRSB from 4 mA to 8 mA
– Change note of IEVRSB from 'real power pattern; PMS/EVR module current considered without SCR and
Standby RAM' to 'real power pattern; PMS/EVR module current considered without SCR and Standby RAM
during RUN mode.'
– Change max value of IDDTOT from 1690 mA to 1720 mA
• Reset
– Change min value of tPOH from 100 ns to 150 ns
– Change note of tBP from 'dV/dT=1V/ms. including EVR ramp-up and Firmware execution time; RAM
initialization and HSM boot time is not included' to 'dVEXT/dT=1V/ms. VEXT>VLVDRST5. Boot time after

Data Sheet 526 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

Cold PORST including EVR ramp-up and Firmware execution time; RAM initialization and HSM boot time
are not included.'
– Change note of tB from 'operating with max. frequencies' to 'operating with max. frequencies, with valid BMI
– Change note of tBS from '' to 'RAM initialization and HSM boot time are not included, with valid BMI header'
– Change note of tBP from 'Firmware execution time; without EVR ramp-up; RAM initialization and HSM boot
time is not included' to 'Firmware execution time after warm PORST without EVR ramp-up; RAM
initialization and HSM boot time is not included'
– Change type of tPOA from CC to SR
– Change description of tPOA from 'Minimum PORST active hold time externally after power supplies are
stable at operating levels' to 'Minimum PORST active hold time externally after power supplies are stable
at operating levels after start-up'
– Change note of dVout/dIout from 'Normal RUN mode; dI=10 to 60 to 100mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us' to
'Normal RUN mode; dI=10 to 60mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us'
– Change note of dVout/dIout from 'Normal RUN mode; dI=100 to 60 to 10mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us' to
'Normal RUN mode; dI=60 to 10mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us'
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V' to 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V;
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V' to 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V;
– Change typ value of COUT from 1 µF to 2.2 µF
– Change note of COUT from '1.35 µF' to '3 µF'
– Change min value of COUT from 0.65 µF to 1.45 µF
– Change min value of dVout/dIout from -100 mV to -180 mV
– Change max value of dVout/dIout from 100 mV to 180 mV
– Change note of IMAX from '100 mA' to '60 mA'
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V' to 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V;
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V' to 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V;
• PMS/Supply Monitors
– Change max value of VLVDRST5 from 2.7 V to 2.75 V
– Change note of VLVDRST5 from '2.67 V' to '2.72 V'
– Change note of VRST33 from 'by reset release before EVR trimming on supply ramp-up.' to 'by last cold
PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
– Change note of VRSTC from 'by reset release before trimming on supply ramp-up including 2 LSB voltage
Hysteresis' to 'by last cold PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
– Change note of VRST5 from 'by reset release before trimming on supply ramp-up including 2 LSB voltage
hysteresis' to 'by last cold PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
• PMS/Supply Ramp
– Change description of SR_V_EXT from 'External VEXT & VEVRSB supply ramp' to 'External VEXT & VEVRSB
supply ramp-up and ramp-down slope'
– Change description of SR_V_DDP3 from 'External VDDP3 supply ramp' to 'External VDDP3 supply ramp-up
and ramp-down slope'

Data Sheet 527 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.4 to Version 0.6

– Change description of SR_V_DD from 'External VDD supply ramp' to 'External VDD supply ramp-up and
ramp-down slope'
– Change description of SR_V_DDM from 'External VDDM supply ramp' to 'External VDDM supply ramp-up and
ramp-down slope'
• Changes in table 'EVRC SMPS' of PMS/EVRC SMPS
– Change name of EVRC SMPS from EVR13 SMPS to EVRC SMPS
• Changes in table 'EVRC SMPS External components' of PMS/EVRC SMPS
– Change name of EVRC SMPS External components from EVR13 SMPS External components to EVRC
SMPS External components
• Changes in section JTAG Parameters
– Update figure Test Clock Timing (TCK)
• Changes in section DAP Parameters
– Combine figures Test Clock Timing (DAP0), DAP Timing Host to Device, and DAP Timing Device to Host
(DAP1 and DAP2 pins) into single figure DAP Timing
– Add t14 for condition F=40MHz
– Add t15 for condition F=40MHz
– Add t16 for condition F=40MHz
• Changes in table 'Master Mode strong sharp (ss) output pads' of ASCLIN
– Change min value of t51 from -3 ns to -3.5 ns
– Change note of t51 from '3 ns' to '3.5 ns'
– Change max value of t510 from 3 ns to 3.5 ns
• Changes in table 'Master Mode Timing, LVDS output pads for data and clock' of QSPI
– Change max value of t51 from 3 ns to 4 ns
– Change min value of t52 from 17 ns to 18 ns
• Changes in table 'Strong sharp (ss) driver for clock/data valid for 5V' of MSC
– Change note of t45 from '-3 ns' to '-4 ns'
– Change min value of t44 from -3 ns to -4 ns
• Changes in table 'ETH RGMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V' of Ethernet
– Add parameter t21
• Changes in table 'ETH RMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V' of Ethernet
– Change description of t16 from 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV, ETHRXER; setup
time' to 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV; setup time'
– Change description of t17 from 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV, ETHRXER; hold
time' to 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV; hold time'
• Changes in table 'HSCT - Rx/Tx setup timing' of LVDS Pads
– Change max value of ttx from 250 ns to 280 ns
• Removed section CIF
– Change note of t5 from 'CL ≤ 30pF' to 'CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change min value of t5 from -3 ns to 3 ns
– Change description of t5 from 'Data output delay time' to 'Data output valid time before rising clock edge'
– Change note of t6 from ''CL ≤ 30pF'' to ''CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V''
– Change note of t6 from 'max' to 'min'

Data Sheet 528 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

– Change note of t6 from '13,7 ns' to '3 ns'

– Change description of t6 from 'Data input delay time' to 'Data output valid time after rising clock edge'
– Change description of t8 from 'Output hold time' to 'Data Input delay time'
– Add parameter t9
– Change note of t1 from 'push-pull, CL ≤ 30pF, tolerance ± 100kHz' to 'push-pull, CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change predicate of t1 from max to min
– Change note of t2 from 'open-drain, CL ≤ 30pF, tolerance ± 20kHz' to 'open-drain, CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change note of t3 from 'CL ≤ 30pF' to 'CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change note of t4 from 'CL ≤ 30pF' to 'CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change note of t7 from 'CL ≤ 30pF' to 'CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V, TTL levels'
• Flash
– Change note of tER_Dev from '' to 'Valid for less than 1000 cycles, w/o UCB. Derived value for documentation
– Change note of tER_Dev from 'Derived value for documentation purpose' to 'Valid for less than 1000 cycles,
w/o UCB. Derived value for documentation purpose.'
• ED Current Consumption
– Change max value of IDDSB from 8 mA to 15 mA
– Change note of IDDSB from '27 mA' to '34 mA'
• Package Parameters
– Update table Thermal Characteristics of the Package
– Change package type from PG-LFBGA-516-9 to PG-LFBGA-516-10
– Change package type from PG-LFBGA-292-9 to PG-LFBGA-292-10

4.2 Changes from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

• Added preamble to AGBT stating that AGBT is lab-only interface without full test coverage
• Changes in table "Absolute Maximum Ratings"
– Change value of Parameter "VDDM"
– Change value of Parameter "VIN"
– Change value of Parameter "VIN"
• Changes in table "Master Mode strong sharp (ss) output pads"
– Change value of Parameter "t51"
– Change value of Parameter "t510"
• Changes in table "Current Consumption"
– Change condition of Parameter "IDDPORST"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDRAIL"
– Change value of Parameter "IEVRSB"
– Change value of Parameter "IEXTFLEX"
– Change value of Parameter "ISLEEP"
– Change condition of Parameter "ISTANDBY"
– Change value of Parameter "ISTANDBY"
– Change of Parameter "IDDRAIL" description

Data Sheet 529 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

– Footnote added to Parameter "IDDP3RAIL"

– Footnote added to Parameter "IEXTFLEX"
– Footnote added to Parameter "IEVRSB"
– Footnote added to Parameter "ISLEEP"
• Changes in table "Module Core Current Consumption"
– Change condition of Parameter "IDDLBIST"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDLBIST"
– Footnote added to Parameter "IDDLBIST"
– Change condition of Parameter "IDDMBIST"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDMBIST"
– Change condition of Parameter "IDDSPU1"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDSPU1"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDSPULJ1"
– Parameter "IDDCIF" deleted
– New Parameter "IDDSPU2" added
– New Parameter "IDDSPULJ1" added
– New Parameter "IDDSPULJ2" added
• Changes in table "Module Current Consumption"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDP3PROG"
– Change value of Parameter "ISCRIDLE"
– Change condition of Parameter "ISCRSB"
– Change value of Parameter "ISCRSB"
– Footnote added to Parameter "IEXTLVDS"
– New Parameter "IDDP3ERASE" added
• Changes in table "DSADC 5V"
– Change preamble
– Change value of Parameter "EDGAIN"
– Change value of Parameter "EDOFF"
– Change value of Parameter "IREF"
– Change value of Parameter "IRMS"
– Change of Parameter "IREF" description
– Footnote added to Parameter "IRMS"
– Footnote added to Parameter "EDGAIN"
– Footnote added to Parameter "EDOFF"
– Footnote added to Parameter "SNR"
– Footnote added to Parameter "SFDR"
• Changes in table "DTS PMS"
– Change value of Parameter "tM"
• Changes in table "ED Current Consumption"
– Change value of Parameter "IEXTAGBT"
– Parameter "VDDAGBT" deleted
– Footnote changed of Parameter "VDDEEC"

Data Sheet 530 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

• Changes in table "Transmit Parameters"

– Change of Parameter "tdCCxEN10" description
• Changes in table "EVR33 LDO"
– Change value of Parameter "IMAX"
– Change condition of Parameter "VinVoutRatio"
– Change value of Parameter "VinVoutRatio"
– Change condition of Parameter "VoutIOutRatio"
– Change value of Parameter "VoutIOutRatio"
– Change condition of Parameter "tSTR"
– New Parameter "dVOUTTC" added
• Changes in table "EVRC SMPS"
– Change value of Parameter "dVDDDC"
– Change condition of Parameter "fDCDC"
• Changes in table "Flash"
– Change condition of Parameter "NE_EEP10S"
– Change condition of Parameter "NE_HSMS"
• Changes in table "HSCT - Rx/Tx setup timing"
– Change value of Parameter "ttx"
• Changes in table "LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)"
– Change condition of Parameter "Rin"
– Change value of Parameter "VOD"
– Change value of Parameter "tfall20"
– Change value of Parameter "trise20"
– New Parameter "tSET" added
– Corrected “LVDSH” to “LVDS”
• Changes in table "LVDS clock/data (LVDS pads in LVDS mode) valid for 5V"
– Change condition of Parameter "t40"
– Change condition of Parameter "t400"
• Changes in table "Strong sharp (ss) driver for clock/data valid for 5V"
– Change value of Parameter "t44"
– Change value of Parameter "t45"
• Changes in table "Operating Conditions"
– Change condition of Parameter "TA"
• Changes in table "OSC_XTAL"
– New Parameter "IHBX" added
– Change value of Parameter "CXTAL1"
– Remove Parameter VILBX
• Changes in table "Overload"
– Change condition of Parameter "IINANA"
– Parameter "IID" deleted
• Changes in table "Package Parameters"
– Change value of Parameter "RTH_JA"

Data Sheet 531 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

– Change value of Parameter "RTH_JCB"

– Change value of Parameter "RTH_JCT"
• Changes in table "PLL Peripheral"
– Change condition of Parameter "DP"
– Change condition of Parameter "DRMS"
– Change value of Parameter "DPP"
– Change Parameter description of "DPP"
– New Parameter "JABS25" added
– New Parameter "DPPI" added
• Changes in table "Master Mode Timing, LVDS output pads for data and clock"
– Change value of Parameter "t51"
– Change value of Parameter "t52"
• Changes in table "Quality"
– Change of Parameter "VHBM1" description
– Footnote added to Parameter "VCCM"
– Footnote added to Parameter "VHBM"
• Changes in table "Reset"
– Change condition of Parameter "tB"
– Change value of Parameter "tB"
– Change condition of Parameter "tBP"
– Change value of Parameter "tBS"
– Change value of Parameter "tBWP"
– Change condition of Parameter "tLBIST"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tBP"
– Change of Parameter "tBP" description
– Change of Parameter "tLBIST" description
• Changes in table "SDMMC"
– Change condition of Parameter "t1"
– Change condition of Parameter "t2"
– Change condition of Parameter "t3"
– Change condition of Parameter "t4"
– Change condition of Parameter "t5"
– Change value of Parameter "t5"
– Change condition of Parameter "t6"
– Change value of Parameter "t6"
– Change condition of Parameter "t7"
• Changes in table "PORST pad"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
• Changes in table "Class D"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"

Data Sheet 532 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

• Changes in table "Fast 3.3V GPIO"

– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
– Change condition of Parameter "tRF"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "Fast 5V GPIO"
– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
– Change condition of Parameter "tRF"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "RFast 3.3V pad"
– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "tRF"
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "RFast 5V pad"
– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "tRF"
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "Slow 3.3V GPIO"

Data Sheet 533 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.6 to Version 0.7

– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”

– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change condition of Parameter "IPUH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "Slow 5V GPIO"
– Footnote changed of parameter “tRF”
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change condition of Parameter "IPUH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
– Footnote added to Parameter "tRF"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change condition of Parameter "VILD"
• Changes in table "Class S 5V"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change value of Parameter "HYS"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ"
– Change of Parameter "tSET" description
– Change value of Parameter "VIH"
– Change value of Parameter "VIL"
• Changes in table "ADC Reference Pads"
– Change condition of Parameter "IOZ2"
– Change value of Parameter "IOZ2"
– Footnote added to Parameter “IOZ2”
• Changes in table "Supply Monitors"
– Change condition of Parameter "VDDMON"
– Change condition of Parameter "VDDP3MON"
– Change condition of Parameter "VEXTMON"
– Change condition of Parameter "VRST33"
– Change condition of Parameter "VRST5"
– Change condition of Parameter "VRSTC"
– Change value of Parameter "VRSTC"
– Change condition of Parameter "tMON"
– Footnote added to Parameter "VEXTMON"

Data Sheet 534 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

• Changes in table "Back-up Clock"

– Footnote change in Parameter "fBACKT"
• Changes in table "DTS Core"
– New Parameter "dT" added
• Changes in table "VADC 5V"
– Changed preamble
– Change condition of Parameter "RPDD"
– Change condition of Parameter "VDDK"
– Change condition of Parameter "fADCI"
– Change condition of Parameter "tS"
– Change condition of Parameter "tSCAL"
– New Parameter "VDDK" added
– New Parameter "dVDDK" added
– Footnote added to Parameter "QCONV"

4.3 Changes from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

• Changes in table “Platform Feature Overview”

– Removed feature for “ASIL”
• Changes in chapter “Pin Definition and Functions”
– Changed naming from “BGA516” to “LFBGA-516”
– Changed figure for “LFBGA-516”
– Changed naming from “BGA292” to “LFBGA-292”
– Changed figure for “LFBGA-292”
– Changed naming from “BGA292 ADAS feature set” to “LFBGA-292 ADAS feature set”
– Changed figure for “LFBGA-292 ADAS feature set”
• Changes in chapter 'TC39x Pin Definition and Functions' for package variant LFBGA-516
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 00 Functions' table; P00.0, P00.1, P00.2, P00.3, P00.4,
P00.5, P00.11, P00.12
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 01 Functions' table; P01.0, P01.2, P01.3, P01.4, P01.8,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 02 Functions' table; P02.0, P02.1, P02.2, P02.3, P02.4,
P02.5, P02.8, P02.9, P02.10, P02.13, P02.14
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 10 Functions' table; P10.2, P10.3, P10.5, P10.6, P10.7,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 11 Functions' table; P11.0, P11.1, P11.4, P11.5, P11.7,
P11.8, P11.10, P11.12, P11.13, P11.14
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 12 Functions' table; P12.0, P12.1
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 13 Functions' table; P13.0, P13.1, P13.2, P13.4, P13.5,
P13.9, P13.12
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 14 Functions' table; P14.0, P14.1, P14.6, P14.7, P14.8,
P14.9, P14.10, P14.13, P14.14, P14.15

Data Sheet 535 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 15 Functions' table; P15.0, P15.1, P15.2, P15.3, P15.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 20 Functions' table; P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7, P20.8,
P20.9, P20.10
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 21 Functions' table; P21.0, P21.1, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 22 Functions' table; P22.2, P22.3, P22.4, P22.5, P22.6,
P22.7, P22.8, P22.9, P22.10, P22.11
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 23 Functions' table; P23.0, P23.1, P23.2, P23.3, P23.5,
P23.6, P23.7
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 32 Functions' table; P32.2, P32.3, P32.4, P32.5, P32.6,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 33 Functions' table; P33.0, P33.1, P33.2, P33.3, P33.4,
P33.5, P33.7, P33.8, P33.9, P33.10, P33.12, P33.13
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 34 Functions' table; P34.1, P34.2
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Analog Inputs' table; Ball AD10, AB10
• Changes in chapter 'TC39x Pin Definition and Functions' for package variant LFBGA-292
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 00 Functions' table; P00.0, P00.1, P00.2, P00.3, P00.4,
P00.5, P00.11, P00.12
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 01 Functions' table; P01.3, P01.4
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 02 Functions' table; P02.0, P02.1, P02.2, P02.3, P02.4,
P02.5, P02.8, P02.9, P02.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 10 Functions' table; P10.2, P10.3, P10.5, P10.6, P10.7,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 11 Functions' table; P11.0, P11.1, P11.4, P11.5, P11.7,
P11.8, P11.10, P11.12, P11.13, P11.14
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 12 Functions' table; P12.0, P12.1
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 13 Functions' table; P13.0, P13.1, P13.2
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 14 Functions' table; P14.0, P14.1, P14.6, P14.7, P14.8,
P14.9, P14.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 15 Functions' table; P15.0, P15.1, P15.2, P15.3, P15.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 20 Functions' table; P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7, P20.8,
P20.9, P20.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 21 Functions' table; P21.0, P21.1, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 22 Functions' table; P22.2, P22.3, P22.4, P22.5, P22.6,
P22.7, P22.8, P22.9, P22.10, P22.11
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 23 Functions' table; P23.0, P23.1, P23.2, P23.3, P23.5,
P23.6, P23.7
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 32 Functions' table; P32.2, P32.3, P32.4, P32.5, P32.6,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 33 Functions' table; P33.0, P33.1, P33.2, P33.3, P33.4,
P33.5, P33.7, P33.8, P33.9, P33.10, P33.12, P33.13
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 34 Functions' table; P34.1, P34.2

Data Sheet 536 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Analog Inputs' table; Ball W5, U5

• Changes in chapter 'TC39x Pin Definition and Functions' for package variant LFBGA-292 ADAS
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 00 Functions' table; P00.0, P00.1, P00.2, P00.3,
P00.4, P00.5, P00.11, P00.12
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 02 Functions' table; P02.0, P02.1, P02.2, P02.3,
P02.4, P02.5, P02.8
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 10 Functions' table; P10.2, P10.3, P10.5, P10.6,
P10.7, P10.8
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 11 Functions' table; P11.0, P11.1, P11.4, P11.5,
P11.7, P11.8, P11.10, P11.12, P11.13, P11.14
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 12 Functions' table; P12.0, P12.1
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 14 Functions' table; P14.0, P14.1, P14.6, P14.7,
P14.8, P14.9, P14.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 15 Functions' table; P15.0, P15.1, P15.2, P15.3,
P15.4, P15.5
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 20 Functions' table; P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7,
P20.8, P20.9, P20.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 21 Functions' table; P21.0, P21.1, P21.2, P21.3,
P21.4, P21.5
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 22 Functions' table; P22.2, P22.3, P22.4, P22.5,
P22.6, P22.7, P22.8, P22.9, P22.10, P22.11
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 23 Functions' table; P23.0, P23.1, P23.2, P23.3,
P23.5, P23.6, P23.7
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 32 Functions' table; P32.2, P32.3, P32.4, P32.5,
P32.6, P32.7
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 33 Functions' table; P33.0, P33.1, P33.2, P33.3,
P33.4, P33.5, P33.7, P33.8, P33.9, P33.10, P33.12, P33.13
– Changes in LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant 'Port 34 Functions' table; P34.1, P34.2
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Analog Inputs' table; Ball W5, U5
• Changes in chapter 'Pin Position Definition'
– Changes in table “Pad List”, Number 206
• Changed description in chapter 'Legend'
– Column “Buffer Type”: PU2
– add link to Spirit file
• Changes in chapter “Electrical Specification”
• Changed wording in sub-chapter “Parameter Interpretation”
• Changes in table 'Absolute Maximum Ratings'
– Added footnote 2) for VDD
– Changed order of footnotes
• Changes in table "Overload Parameters"
– Changed table numbers in description
– Changed parameter condition of "KOVAN"
– Changed parameter condition of "KOVAP"
– Added footnote 2) for “KOVAN” and "KOVAP"

Data Sheet 537 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

• Changes in table "Operating Conditions"

– Added footnote 1) for "VDD"
– Changed order of footnotes
• Changes in table 'PORST Pad'
– Added values and notes for parameter VIH
– Added values and notes for parameter VIL
– Added footnote 2) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'Fast 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Removed values and conditions of parameter IOZ
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'Fast 3.3V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Combined equal values of IOZ in single line
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'Slow 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Removed values and conditions of parameter IOZ
– Combined equal values of IOZ in single line
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'Slow 3.3V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Removed values and conditions of parameter IOZ
– Combined equal values of IOZ in single line
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'RFast 5V GPIO' of Standard Pads
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'RFast 3.3V pad' of Standard Pads
– Changed footnote 2) for tRF
– Added footnote 4) for IPUH
– Added footnote 5) for IPDL
• Changes in table 'Class S 5V' of Standard Pads
– Added footnote 2) for IPUH
– Added footnote 3) for IPDL
• Add table 'Class S 3.3V'
• Changes in table 'ADC Reference Pads' of Standard Pads

Data Sheet 538 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

– Changed values and notes of parameter IOZ2

– Added parameter and conditions for IOZ2
• Changes in table 'LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)' of LVDS Pads
– Added footnote 1) for tRISE20
– Added footnote 2) for tFALL20
– Changed order of footnotes
• Changes in table 'VADC 5V'
– Added values and conditions of parameter VAREF
– Changed values and conditions of VAREF
– Added footnote 1) for VAREF
– Changed order of footnotes
• Changes in table 'DSADC 5V'
– Changed value of parameter VAREF
– Added value and condition of parameter IREF
• Changes in table 'OSC_XTAL'
– Added parameter for DCX1
– Added parameter for JABSX1
– Added parameter for SRXTAL1
– Added footnote 3) for DCX1, JABSX1, SRXTAL1
• Changes in table 'Back-up Clock'
– Changed value of parameter fSB
– Changed footnote 1) for fBACKT
• Changes in table 'DTS PMS'
– Added parameter conditions for TNL
• Changes in table 'DTS Core'
– Added parameter conditions for TNL
• Changes in description of chapter 'Power Supply Current'
– Changed information of real power pattern
– Added peripherals information
– Added max power pattern
– Added ADAS power pattern
• Changes in table 'Current Consumption'
– Added value and conditions for parameter IDDRAIL
– Added parameter for parameter PDSR
– Added conditions for parameter PDSR
– Changed value for parameter ISLEEP
– Addded parameter for IDDP3RAIL
– Remove footnote 1) for IDDP3RAIL
– Changed footnote 1) for IDDPORST , IEXTFLEX , IEVRSB , ISLEEP
– Mapped footnote 2) to all values of IDD3RAIL
– Changed footnote 3) for IEXTFLEX
– Changed order of footnotes

Data Sheet 539 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 0.7 to Version 1.0

– Added footnote 5) for IEXTFLEX

• Changes in table 'Module Current Consumption'
– Changed value and condition of parameter IEXTLVDS
– Added footnote 3) to IEXTLVDS
– Added footnote 5) to IDDM
– Changed footnote 8) for ISCRIDLE
• Changes in table 'Module Core Current Consumption'
– Changed footnote 1) for IDDHSM
– Changed footnote for IDDSPU2
– Removed parameter IDDSPU1
– Removed parameter IDDSPULJ1
• Changes in chapter “Supply Ramp-up and Ramp-down Behavior”
– Changed Figure and textual description for “Single supply mode (a)”
– Changed Figure and textual description for “Single supply mode (e)”
– Changed Figure and textual description for “Single supply mode (d)”
– Changed Figure and textual description for “Single supply mode (h)”
• Changes in table 'Reset'
– Added parameter tWARMRSTSEQ
– Shift typ limit to max limits for mode0 and mode1 and removed typ limits for parameter tSCR
• Changes in table 'EVR33 LDO'
– Added footnote 7) for dVOUT / dIOUT
• Changes in table 'Supply Monitors'
– Changed condition of parameter VRST33
– Changed condition of parameter VRSTC
– Changed values of parameter VEXTMON
– Changed footnote 2) for VEXTPRIUV, VDDP3PRIUV, VDDPRIUV,
– Changed footnote 3) for VDDP3PRIUV, VDDPRIUV,
– Added footnote 5) for VEXTMON, VDDP3MON, VDDMON
• Changes in table 'EVRC SMPS External Components'
– Add values of parameter 'LDC' for condition 0.8MHz
• Changed chapter naming from 'Phase Locked Loop (PLL)' to 'System Phase Locked Loop (SYS_PLL)'
• Changes in table 'PLL System'
– Removed parameter values of 'fMV'
• Changes in table 'QSPI Master Mode Timing'
– Added footnote 1) for all parameters
• Changes in table 'MSC LVDS clock/data'
– Added footnote 3) for all parameters
• Changes in chapter 'HSCT Parameters'
– Added table for “HSCT”
• Add chapter FSP Parameter
• Changes in table 'Flash'
– Changed description of parameter of NDFD

Data Sheet 540 V 1.1 2019-09


TC39x BC/BD-Step

HistoryChanges from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1

– Added parameter NDFDC

– Added parameter NUCBD
– Added parameter tVER_PAGE_DC
– Added parameter tVER_PAGE_DS
– Removed parameter tVER_PAGE_D
– Changed parameter note tRTU
• Removed chapter 'Parameters Specific to the Emulation Part Only'
• Changes in table 'Package Parameters'
– Changed parameter value of RTH_JCB
– Changed parameter values of RTH_JCT

4.4 Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1

• Changes in table ‘Platform Feature Overview‘ - changed package types.

• Changes in chapter ‘Pin Position Definition’ added definition of ‘neighbor pads’
• Changes in chapter ‘Legend’ - changed explanation for PD2
• Changes in table ‘Absolute Maximum Ratings’
– Added footnote 5
– Changed description of parameter IIN
• Changes in table ‘Slow 5V GPIO’ - Parameter IOZ- removed note ‘no analog input’
• Changes in table ‘Slow 3.3V GPIO’ - Parameter IOZ- removed note ‘no analog input’
• Changes in chapter ‘High Performance LVDS Pads’- added two notes
• Changes in table ‘LVDS - IEEE Standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)’ of LVDS pads
– Changed value for parameter Vl
– Changed condition for parameter Vidth
– Added values for parameter Vidth
– Changed condition for parameter Rin
• Changes in table ‘VADC 5V’ - Parameter VAIN - added note to parameter
• Changes in table ‘DSADC 5V’ - Parameter EDGain - added footnote 4
• Changes in table ‘OSC_XTAL’ - Parameter tOSCS - changed footnote 1
• Changes in chapter ‘Power Supply Current’ - Section ‘ADAS power pattern’ - added SPU frequency
• Changes in table ‘Current Consumption’ - Parameter VEVRSB - changed footnote 8
• Changes in table ‘Module Core Current Consumption’ - added Parameter IDDSPU1 and IIDDSPULJ1
• Changes in table ‘Module Core Current Consumption’ - Parameter IDDSPU2 and IIDDSPULJ2 changed footnote 2
• Changes in table ‘Supply ramp’ - added comment for power cycles
• Changed in chapter ‘ETH RGMII Parameters’ - added figures ETH RGMII TX Signal Timing (Delay on
Destination ((DoD))
• Changed in chapter ‘ETH RGMII Parameters’ - added figures ETH RGMII RX Signal Timing (Delay on Source
• Changes in table ‘Quality Parmeters’ - Parameter VHBM1 - changed max. limit
• Changes in chapter ‘Package Outline’ - changed package types.

Data Sheet 541 V 1.1 2019-09


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Published by Infineon Technologies AG


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