Infineon TC39x DataSheet v01 00 en
Infineon TC39x DataSheet v01 00 en
Infineon TC39x DataSheet v01 00 en
32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
Data Sheet
V 1.1, 2019-09
Edition 2019-09
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
© 2019 Infineon Technologies AG
All Rights Reserved.
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Revision History
Page or Item Subjects (major changes since previous revision)
V 1.1, 2019-09
The history is documented in the last chapter
Other Trademarks
Advance Design System™ (ADS) of Agilent Technologies, AMBA™, ARM™, MULTI-ICE™, KEIL™,
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Instruments Incorporated. VXWORKS™, WIND RIVER™ of WIND RIVER SYSTEMS, INC. ZETEX™ of Diodes
Zetex Limited.
Last Trademarks Update 2011-11-11
Table of Contents
1 Summary of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Pin Definition and Functions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1 LFBGA-516 Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 LFBGA-292 Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
2.3 LFBGA-292 ADAS Package Variant Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
2.4 Pin Position Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
2.5 Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
3 Electrical Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
3.1 Parameter Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
3.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
3.3 Pin Reliability in Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
3.4 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
3.5 5 V / 3.3 V switchable Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
3.6 High performance LVDS Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
3.7 VADC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
3.8 DSADC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
3.9 MHz Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
3.10 Back-up Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
3.11 Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
3.12 Power Supply Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
3.12.1 Calculating the 1.25 V Current Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
3.13 Power Supply Infrastructure and Supply Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
3.13.1 Supply Ramp-up and Ramp-down Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Single Supply mode (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Single Supply mode (e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 External Supply mode (d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 External Supply mode (h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
3.14 Reset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
3.15 EVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
3.16 System Phase Locked Loop (SYS_PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
3.17 Peripheral Phase Locked Loop (PER_PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
3.18 AC Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
3.19 JTAG Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
3.20 DAP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
3.21 ASCLIN SPI Master Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
3.22 QSPI Timings, Master and Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
3.23 MSC Timing 5 V Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
3.24 Ethernet Interface (ETH) Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
3.24.1 ETH Measurement Reference Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
3.24.2 ETH Management Signal Parameters (ETH_MDC, ETH_MDIO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
3.24.3 ETH MII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
3.24.4 ETH RMII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
3.24.5 ETH RGMII Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
3.25 E-Ray Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
3.26 HSCT Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
3.27 Inter-IC (I2C) Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
3.28 SDMMC Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
3.29 FSP Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Summary of Features
1 Summary of Features
The TC39x product family has the following features:
• High Performance Microcontroller with six CPU cores
• Six 32-bit super-scalar TriCore CPUs (TC1.6.2P), each having the following features:
– Superior real-time performance
– Strong bit handling
– Fully integrated DSP capabilities
– Multiply-accumulate unit able to sustain 2 MAC operations per cycle
– Fully pipelined Floating point unit (FPU)
– up to 300 MHz operation at full temperature range
– up to 240/96 Kbyte Data Scratch-Pad RAM (DSPR)
– up to 64 Kbyte Instruction Scratch-Pad RAM (PSPR)
– up to 64 Kbyte Data RAM (DLMU)
– 32 Kbyte Instruction Cache (ICACHE)
– 16 Kbyte Data Cache (DCACHE)
• Lockstepped shadow cores for four TC1.6.2P
• Multiple on-chip memories
– All embedded NVM and SRAM are ECC protected
– up to 16 Mbyte Program Flash Memory (PFLASH)
– up to 1 Mbyte Data Flash Memory (DFLASH) usable for EEPROM emulation
– 768 Kbyte Memory (LMU)
– BootROM (BROM)
• 128-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer
• Sophisticated interrupt system (ECC protected)
• High performance on-chip bus structure
– 64-bit Cross Bar Interconnect (SRI) giving fast parallel access between bus masters, CPUs and memories
– 32-bit System Peripheral Bus (SPB) for on-chip peripheral and functional units
– SRI to SPB bus bridges (SFI Bridge)
• Optional Hardware Security Module (HSM) on some variants
• Safety Management Unit (SMU) handling safety monitor alarms
• Memory Test Unit with ECC, Memory Initialization and MBIST functions (MTU)
• Hardware I/O Monitor (IOM) for checking of digital I/O
• Versatile On-chip Peripheral Units
– 8 Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channels (ASCLIN) with hardware LIN support (V1.3, V2.0, V2.1 and
J2602) up to 50 MBaud
– 6 Queued SPI Interface Channels (QSPI) with master and slave capability up to 50 Mbit/s
– 2 High Speed Serial Link (HSSL) for serial inter-processor communication up to 320 Mbit/s
– 4 serial Micro Second Bus interfaces (MSC) for serial port expansion to external power devices
– 3 MCMCAN Modules with 4 CAN nodes for high efficiency data handling via FIFO buffering
– 25 Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) channels for connection to sensors
– 2 FlexRayTM module with 2 channels (E-Ray) supporting V2.1
Summary of Features
– One Generic Timer Module (GTM) providing a powerful set of digital signal filtering and timer functionality
to realize autonomous and complex Input/Output management
– One Capture / Compare 6 module (Two kernels CCU60 and CCU61)
– One General Purpose 12 Timer Unit (GPT120)
– 4 channel Peripheral Sensor Interface conforming to V1.3 (PSI5)
– 1 Peripheral Sensor Interface with Serial PHY (PSI5-S)
– 2 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus Interface (I2C) conforming to V2.1
– 1 IEEE802.3 Ethernet MAC with RMII and MII interfaces (ETH)
– 1 external Bus interface (EBU)
• Versatile Successive Approximation ADC (VADC)
– Cluster of 20 independent ADC kernels
– Input voltage range from 0 V to 5.5V (ADC supply)
• Delta-Sigma ADC (DSADC)
– 14 channels
• Digital programmable I/O ports
• On-chip debug support for OCDS Level 1 (CPUs, DMA, On Chip Buses)
• multi-core debugging, real time tracing, and calibration
• four/five wire JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) or DAP (Device Access Port) interface
• Power Management System and on-chip regulators
• Clock Generation Unit with System PLL and Peripheral PLL
• Embedded Voltage Regulator
Summary of Features
Ordering Information
The ordering code for Infineon microcontrollers provides an exact reference to the required product. This ordering
code identifies:
• The derivative itself, i.e. its function set, the temperature range, and the supply voltage
• The package and the type of delivery.
Summary of Features
FCE Modules 1
Safety Support SMU yes
IOM yes
SPU Modules 2
Summary of Features
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A NC1 VEXT NC NC P10.15 P10.13 P10.11 NC NC NC P13.15 P13.13 P13.11 P13.9 P13.7 P13.5 NC P14.15 P14.13 P14.11 NC P15.15 P15.13 P15.11 NC NC NC NC VDDP3 VSS A
B NC VSS VEXT NC P10.14 NC P10.10 P10.9 NC NC P13.14 P13.12 P13.10 NC P13.6 P13.4 NC P14.14 P14.12 NC NC P15.14 P15.12 P15.10 NC NC NC VDDP3 VSS VSS B
F P02.13 P02.12 NC1 VEXT P10.7 P10.6 P10.2 P10.3 P10.0 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P13.3 P13.1 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS NC NC F
G P02.15 P02.14 P02.0 VSS VEXT P10.8 P10.5 P10.4 P10.1 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P13.2 P13.0 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 NC NC G
J NC P01.0 P02.4 P02.3 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 VEBU VEBU J
K P01.1 P01.2 P02.6 P02.5 P02.9 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 P24.14 P24.15 K
L P01.8 P01.9 P02.8 P02.7 P02.11 P02.10 ESR0 P20.6 P20.7 P20.8 P24.12 P24.13 L
M P01.11 P01.10 P00.0 P00.1 P01.4 P01.3 (VDD) VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 P24.10 P24.11 M
P21.7 / P21.6 / N
N P01.13 P01.12 P00.2 P00.3 P01.6 P01.5 (VDD) VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P20.2 P20.0 P24.8 P24.9
P P01.15 P01.14 P00.4 P00.5 P00.6 P01.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 P24.6 P24.7 P
R NC NC P00.7 P00.9 P00.8 P00.10 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 P24.4 P24.5 R
T NC P00.13 P00.11 P00.12 AN43 AN42 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS P24.2 P24.3 T
U P00.15 P00.14 AN46 AN47 AN41 AN40 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS P22.8 P22.9 XTAL2 XTAL1 P24.0 P24.1 U
AN36 / AN38 / V
P40.6 P40.8
AN70 / AN71 / AN39 / AN37 / AN32 / W
W AN34 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P25.6 NC
P41.2 P41.3 P40.9 P40.7 P40.4
P32.1 /
AN25 / AN24 / AN19 / AN18 / AD
AD AN60 AN61 AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT P25.7 P25.5
P40.1 P40.0 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
AE AN59 AN58 NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS P25.4 P25.3
1 1
AG P26.0 P25.0
3 3
AN54 / AJ
AJ NC NC NC AN52 AN50 AN49 VSSM VDDM VSS VEBU P31.0 P31.2 P31.4 P31.6 P31.8 P31.10 P31.12 P31.14 NC P30.0 P30.2 P30.4 P30.6 P30.8 P30.10 P30.12 P30.14 VSS VEXT
AN55 / AK
AK NC1 NC NC AN53 AN51 AN48 VSSM VDDM VSS VEBU P31.1 P31.3 P31.5 P31.7 P31.9 P31.11 P31.13 P31.15 VEBU P30.1 P30.3 P30.5 P30.7 P30.9 P30.11 P30.13 P30.15 VEBU VSS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A NC1 VEXT P10.7 P10.6 P10.2 P10.3 P10.0 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P13.3 P13.1 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS A
B P02.0 VSS VEXT P10.8 P10.5 P10.4 P10.1 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P13.2 P13.0 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 B
D P02.4 P02.3 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 D
E P02.6 P02.5 P02.9 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 E
G P00.0 P00.1 P01.4 P01.3 (VDD) VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 G
P21.7 / P21.6 /
H P00.2 P00.3 P01.6 P01.5 (VDD) VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P20.2 P20.0 H
J P00.4 P00.5 P00.6 P01.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 J
K P00.7 P00.9 P00.8 P00.10 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 K
L P00.11 P00.12 AN43 AN42 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS L
AN36 / AN38 /
P40.6 P40.8
AN39 / AN37 / AN32 /
P AN34 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P
P40.9 P40.7 P40.4
AN33 /
R AN35 AN31 AN23 P23.7 P23.6 P22.3 P22.2 R
AN27 / AN26 /
V VEXT P23.0 V
P40.3 P40.2
P32.1 /
AN25 / AN24 / AN19 / AN18 /
W AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT W
P40.1 P40.0 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
Y NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS Y
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A NC1 VEXT NC P51_9 P51_7 P51_5 P51_3 P51_1 P11.11 P11.9 P11.2 P14.8 P14.5 P14.1 P15.6 P15.4 P15.1 VDDP3 VSS A
B NC VSS VEXT P51_8 P51_6 P51_4 P51_2 P51_0 P11.12 P11.10 P11.3 P14.6 P14.3 P14.4 P14.0 P15.3 VDDP3 VSS P15.0 B
D P50_3 P50_2 VSS VFLEX P11.15 P11.14 P11.5 P11.6 P11.4 P14.10 P14.9 P14.7 P15.8 P15.7 VDD VSS P20.12 P20.13 D
E P50_5 P50_4 P10.0 VSS P11.13 P11.8 P11.7 P11.1 P11.0 P12.1 P12.0 P14.2 P15.5 VDD VSS P20.9 P20.10 P20.11 E
G P50_9 P50_8 P10.3 P10.4 VDD VSS DAPE2 DAPE1 VSS VDD ESR1 PORST P20.1 P20.3 G
J P02.0 P02.1 P10.8 P10.7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS TCK P21.1 P21.3 P21.5 J
K P02.2 P02.3 P02.4 P02.5 LKP VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS DAPE0 TMS P21.0 P21.2 P21.4 K
L P02.6 P00.0 P02.7 P02.8 LKN VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS RR P22.10 P22.11 TRST VSS L
M P00.2 P00.1 P00.3 P00.4 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS P22.8 P22.9 XTAL2 XTAL1 M
N P00.8 P00.7 P00.6 P00.5 VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD P22.6 P22.7 VDD VEXT N
P P00.10 P00.9 AN47 AN45 VDD VSS XN XP VSS VDD P22.4 P22.5 P22.1 P22.0 P
AN25 /
R P00.11 P00.12 AN23 P23.7 P23.6 P22.3 P22.2 R
AN17 /
U AN44 AN46 NC1 AN14 AN9 AN7 AN3 AN1 P34.1 P34.3 P34.5 P33.15 P32.6 P32.7 VSS P23.1 P23.2 U
AN39 / AN37 /
V VEXT P23.0 V
P40.9 P40.7
P32.1 /
AN36 / AN38 / AN19 / AN18 /
W AN16 AN13 AN11 AN8 AN2 P33.0 P33.2 P33.4 P33.6 P33.8 P33.10 P33.12 VGATE P32.4 VSS VEXT W
P40.6 P40.8 P40.12 P40.11
P32.0 /
Y NC1 AN21 AN20 VSSM VDDM AN10 AN5 P33.1 P33.3 P33.5 P33.7 P33.9 P33.11 P33.13 VGATE P32.2 P32.3 VSS Y
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 2-3 Logic Symbol for the package variant LFBGA-292 ADAS
Whenever in table of section 3 ’Electrical Specification’ the term ‘neighbor pads’ is used, the detailed definition is
provided by Figure 2-63. This statement is also valid for next/nearest neighbor pads. This statement is also valid
for next/nearest neighbor pads.
In order to find out who is affecting operation on a target pad (interfering) a number of active close-neighbor pads
(ACNP) has to be defined.
Finding close-neighbor pads.
The Pad Ring has four edges: bottom, left, top, right. Each edge is limited, i.e. it has two ends.
Each pad has two direct (first) neighbors unless it is located at the end of the edge. In that case it only has one
neighbor. Similarly, each pad has two indirect (second) neighbors unless it or its first neighbor is located at the
end of the edge. These first and second neighbors we will collectively call Close-Neighbor pads. Therefore each
pad has 2 to 4 close-neighbor pads.
Finding close-neighbors can be done with the following sequence:
1.) Choose a target pad and lookup its “X” and “Y” coordinates in table Figure 2-63.
2.) Find first and second neighbors by calculating “X” and “Y” distance from the selected pad. Figure 2-63 is sorted
by “Y” coordinate, which might help locate the 4 close-neighbor candidates (if the pad is near the edge, it might
end up with less than 4 close-neighbors).
Defining active pads:
Pad is active if it is currently in use and if it doesn’t have “Vxx” in the name.
Figuring out number of active close-neighbor pads follow next rules:
- If the first neighbor is active, then we count it and also check if second neighbor (on the same side of selected
pad) is active.
- If the first neighbor is not active, then we do not check the second on the same side.
2.5 Legend
The data in this chapter 2 match with the files TC39xed_IO_Spirit_v2.
Column “Ctrl.”:
I = Input (for GPIO port lines with IOCR bit field Selection PCx = 0XXXB)
O = Output (for GPIO port lines the ´O´ represents in most cases the port HWOUT function)
O0 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X000B
O1 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X001B (ALT1)
O2 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X010B (ALT2)
O3 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X011B (ALT3)
O4 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X100B (ALT4)
O5 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X101B (ALT5)
O6 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X110B (ALT6)
O7 = Output with IOCR bit field selection PCx = 1X111B (ALT7)
1) The default state of GPIOs (Px.y) during and after PORST active is controllled via HWCFG6 (P14.4). Pls. see also chapter
ES5 = ES. ES can be overruled by the Standby Controller - SCR - if implemented. Overruling can be disabled via
the control register P33_PCSR and P34_PCSR
ES6 = ES. On LVDS TX pads the ES affects the pads only in CMOS mode, not in LVDS mode. Thus, only when
LPCRx.TX_EN selects the CMOS Mode, the output is switched off in the ES event
3 Electrical Specification
The maximum operation voltage for VDD supply rails is limited over the complete lifetime.
The following voltage profile is an example. Application specific voltage profiles need to be aligned and approved
by Infineon Technologies for the fulfillment of quality and reliability targets.
2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -50 - 50 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.
2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.42 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low/high voltage level VILH SR 1.0 - 1.9 V RGMII; no hysteresis
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.
2.0 - - V TTL
Input low voltage level VIL SR - - 0.44 * V AL
- - 0.8 V TTL
2.0 - - V TTL
1.4 - - V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
- - 0.8 V TTL
- - 0.5 V TTL (degraded, used
for CIF)
Input low/high voltage level VILH SR 1.0 - 1.9 V RGMII; no hysteresis
Input low threshold variation VILD SR -33 - 33 mV max. variation of 1ms;
constant; AL
Pin capacitance CIO CC - 2 3 pF in addition 2.5pF from
package to be added
Pad set-up time to get an tSET CC - - 100 ns
software update of the
configuration active
1) In the formulas the value of CL needs to be entered in pF to obtain results in ns.
2) Rise / fall times are defined 10% - 90% of pad supply voltage.
3) Hysteresis is implemented to avoid metastable states and switching due to internal ground bounce. It can't be guaranteed
that it suppresses switching due to external system noise.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.
4) Values for Pull-up resistor is defined via parameter RMDU in table VADC 5V.
5) Values for Pull-down resistor is defined via parameter RMDD in table VADC 5V.
Table 3-20 LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL)
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Output impedance R0 CC 40 - 140 Ohm Vcm = 1.0 V and 1.4 V
Rise time (20% - 80%) trise20 CC - - 0.75 1) ns ZL = 100 Ohm ±20%
@2pF external load
Fall time (20% - 80%) tfall20 CC - - 0.75 2) ns ZL = 100 Ohm ±20%
@2pF external load
Output differential voltage 3) VOD CC 240 - 330 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
280 - 370 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
320 - 410 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%;
380 - 500 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%;
; Multi slave operation
Output voltage high VOH CC - - 1475 mV RT = 100 Ohm +/- 1%
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01
- - 1500 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
Output voltage low VOL CC 925 - - mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01
900 - - mV RT = 100 Ohm +/- 1%
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
Output offset (Common mode) VOS CC 1125 - 1275 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 1%
Input voltage range VI SR 0 - 1600 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
RT = 100 Ohm ±10%
0 - 2400 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
RT = 100 Ohm ±20%
Input differential threshold Vidth SR -100 - 100 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 900 mV;
VDIFFADJ=10 and 11
-100 - 100 mV Driver ground potential
difference < 925 mV;
VDIFFADJ=00 and 01
Table 3-20 LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose link (GPL) (cont’d)
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Receiver differential input Rin CC 80 - 120 Ohm VI ≤ 2400 mV
Output differential voltage VODSM CC -5 - 20 mV RT = 100 Ohm ± 20%;
Sleep Mode 4) LPCRx.VDIFFADJ=xx
Delta output impedance dR0 SR - - 10 % Vcm = 1.0 V and 1.4 V
Change in VOS between 0 and dVOS CC - - 25 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%
Change in Vod between 0 and dVod CC - - 25 mV RT = 100 Ohm ±1%
Pad set-up time tSET_LVDS - 10 13 µs
Duty cycle tduty CC 45 - 55 %
1) trise20 = 0.75ns + (CL - 2)[pF]*20ps. CL defines the external load.
2) tfall20 = 0.75ns + (CL - 2)[pF]*20ps. CL defines the external load.
3) Potencial violations of the IEEE Std 1596.3 are intended for the new multislave support feature. To be compliant to IEEE
Std 1596.3 LPCRx.VDIFFADJ has to be configure to 01.
4) Common Mode voltage of Tx is maintained.
Note: Driver ground potential difference is defined as driver-receiver potentital difference, that can result in a
voltage shift when comparing driver output voltage level and receiver input voltage level of a transmitted
Note: RT in table ‘LVDS - IEEE standard LVDS general purpose Link (GPL)’ is as termination resistor of the
receiver according to figure 3-5 in IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 and is represent in Figure 3-1 either by RIN or by
RT=100Ohm but not both.
default after start-up = CMOS function
Htotal=5nH N
Note: It is strongly recommended to measure the oscillation allowance (negative resistance) in the final target
system (layout) to determine the optimal parameters for the oscillator operation. Please refer to the limits
specified by the crystal or ceramic resonator supplier.
7) The same current limits apply also for the other power pattern.
8) ∑ Sum of all currents during RUN mode at VEVRSB supply pin is less than (IEVRSB + 4 mA Standby RAM current +
ISCRSB if SCR active). ∑ It is recommended to have atleast 100 nF decoupling capacitor at this pin. 32kB of Standby
SRAM contributes less than 10uA to ISTANDBY current.
1) The same current limits apply also for the other power pattern.
2) During Pflash programming at 5V, additional 3 mA is drawn at VEXT supply rail.
3) A single LVDS pair with receive function is limited to 1.5mA (tEXTLVDS).
4) A single DS channel instance consumes 4 mA.
5) EVADC current is limited to 3mA in "ADAS power pattern with 2 EVADC" at (IDDM).
6) A single VADC unit consumes 1.3 mA.
7) If SCR ADCOMP is activated, an additional 0.6 mA adder is to be considered.
8) Limits are defined for real power pattern (VDD=1.275V). For max power pattern limit has to be multiplied by the factor 1.22.
Equation (3.1) defines the typical static current consumption and Equation (3.2) defines the maximum static
current consumption. Both functions are valid for VDD = 1.275 V.
(incl. tSTR)
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVRC & EVR33 Ramp-up User Code Execution
Firmware Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure Phase fCPU0=100MHz default Startup_Diag_2 v
on firmware exit
VEXT = 5 V single supply mode. VDD and VDDP3 are generated internally by the EVRC and EVR33 internal
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited during the basic
infrastructure and EVRx regulator start-up phase (T0 up to T2) to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling
time. Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The slope is defined as the
maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not represent the
• Furthermore it is also ensured that the current drawn from the regulator (dIDD/dt) is limited during the Firmware
start-up phase (T3 up to T4) to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until the external supply is above the respective primary
reset threshold.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when atleast one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-3 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVRC and EVR33 regulators are initiated.
PORST (input) does not have any affect on EVR33 or EVRC output and regulators continue to generate
the respective voltages though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage
follows a soft ramp-up over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVRC and EVR33 regulators have ramped up.
PORST (output) is de-asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU.
Firmware execution is initiated. The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset
0 1 2 3 4 5
(externally supplied)
LVD Reset release
HWCFG[1,2] latch
3.63 V
3.30 V
VRST33 Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold
LVD Reset Threshold
(incl. tSTR)
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVRC Ramp-up User Code Execution
Firmware Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure Phase fC PU0=100MHz default Startup_Diag_4 v 0
on firmware exit
Figure 3-4 Single Supply mode (e) - (VEXT & VDDP3) 3.3 V single supply
VEXT = VDDP3 = 3.3 V single supply mode. VDD is generated internally by the EVRC regulator.
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited in the Start-up phase to a
maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time. Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet
parameter SR. The slope is defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual
waveform may not represent the specification.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until the external supply is above the respective primary
reset threshold.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-4 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVRC regulator is initiated. PORST (input)
does not have any affect on EVRC output and regulators continue to generate the respective voltages
though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage follows a soft ramp-up
over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVRC regulator has ramped up. PORST (output) is de-
asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet parameter).
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset
Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold
VLVDRST5 LVD Reset Threshold
(incl. tSTR)
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock EVR33 Ramp-up Phase Firmware Execution User Code Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure fC PU0=100MHz default
on firmware exit Startup_Diag_1 v 0.3
Figure 3-5 External Supply mode (d) - VEXT and VDD externally supplied
VEXT = 5 V and VDD supplies are externally supplied. 3.3V is generated internally by the EVR33 regulator.
• External supplies VEXT and VDD may ramp-up or ramp-down independent of each other with regards to start,
rise and fall time(s). Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The slope is
defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not
represent the specification. It is expected that during start-up, VEXT ramps up before VDD rail. If VDD voltage
rail is ramped up before VEXT; VDD supply overshoots during start-up shall be limited within the operational
voltage range.
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt or dIDD /dt) is limited in the Start-up
phase to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until all the external supplies are above their primary
reset thresholds.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-5 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T2 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started. The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T2 refers to the point in time where consequently a soft start of EVR33 regulator is initiated. PORST (input)
does not have any affect on EVR33 output and regulators continue to generate the respective voltages
though PORST is asserted and the device is in reset state. The generated voltage follows a soft ramp-up
over the tSTR (datasheet parameter) time to avoid overshoots.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. EVR33 regulators has ramped up. PORST (output) is de-
asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
The time between T1 and T3 is documented as tEVRstartup (datasheet parameter).
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided or
generated supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset
Primary cold PORST Reset Threshold
VLVDRST5 LVD Reset Threshold
3.63 V
3.30 V
Primary Reset Threshold
T0 T1 T3 T4 T5
Basic Supply & Clock Firmware Execution User Code Execution Power Ramp-down phase
Infrastructure fC PU0=100MHz default
on firmware exit Startup_Diag_3 v 0.4
Figure 3-6 External Supply mode (h) - VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD externally supplied
All supplies, namely VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD are externally supplied.
• External supplies VEXT, VDDP3 & VDD may ramp-up or ramp-down independent of each other with regards
to start, rise and fall time(s). Start-up slew rates for supply rails shall comply to datasheet parameter SR. The
slope is defined as the maximal tangential slope between 0% to 100% voltage level. Actual waveform may not
represent the specification. It is expected that during start-up, VEXT ramps up before VDDP3 and VDD rails.
If smaller voltage rails are ramped up before VEXT; VDD and VDDP3 supply overshoots during start-up shall
be limited within the operational voltage ranges of the respective rails.
• The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt, dIDD /dt or dIDDP3 /dt) is limited in
the Start-up phase to a maximum of 100 mA with 100 us settling time.
• PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
• PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It
is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until all the external supplies are above their primary
reset thresholds.
• PORST (output) active means that µC asserts the reset internally and drives the PORST pin low thus
propagating the reset to external devices. The PORST (output) is asserted by the µC when at least one among
the three supply domains (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) violate their primary under-voltage reset thresholds.The
PORST (output) is de-asserted by the µC when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds and the
basic supply and clock infrastructure is available. During reset release at T3, the load jump of upto 150 mA
(dIDD) is expected.
• The power sequence as shown in Figure 3-6 is enumerated below
– T1 up to T3 refers to the period in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are
available as the external supply ramps up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started. The supply
mode is evaluated based on the HWCFG[2:1,4,5,6] and TESTMODE pins. T1 up to T2 refers to the period
in time when basic supply and clock infrastructure components are available as the external supply ramps
up. The bandgap and internal clock sources are started .The supply mode is evaluated based on the
HWCFG[2:1,6] pins. These events are initiated after LVD reset release at T1. LVD reset is released the
both input voltages VEXT and VEVRSB are above VLVDRST5 and VLVDRSTSB levels correspondingly.
Internal pre-regulator VDDPD output voltage is above VLVDRSTC level.
– T3 refers to the point in time when all supplies are above their primary reset thresholds denoted by VRST5,
VRST33 and VRSTC supply voltage levels. PORST (output) is de-asserted and HWCFG[3:5] pins are
latched on PORST rising edge by SCU. Firmware execution is initiated.
– T4 refers to the point in time when Firmware execution is completed and User code execution starts with
CPU0 at a default frequency of 100 MHz. The time between T0 and T4 is documented as tBP (datasheet
– T5 refers to the point in time during the ramp-down phase when at least one of the externally provided
supplies (VDD, VDDP3 or VEXT) drop below their respective primary under-voltage reset thresholds.
PORST Cold Warm
tP I t PI
t P OS t P OS
Electrical SpecificationEVR
3.15 EVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Up to 1000000 power-cycles, matching the limits defined in the table’Supply Ramp’, are allowed for TC39x, without
any restriction to reliability.
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Electrical SpecificationEVR
Note: The specified PLL jitter values are valid if the capacitive load per pin does not exceed CL = 20 pF with the
maximum driver and sharp edge.
Note: The maximum peak-to-peak noise on the power supply voltage, is limited to a peak-to-peak voltage of
VPP = 100 mV for noise frequencies below 300 KHz and VPP = 40 mV for noise frequencies above 300 KHz.
These conditions can be achieved by appropriate blocking of the supply voltage as near as possible to the
supply pins and using PCB supply and ground planes.
Note: The specified PLL jitter values are valid if the capacitive load per pin does not exceed CL = 20 pF with the
maximum driver and sharp edge.
Note: The maximum peak-to-peak noise on the power supply voltage, is limited to a peak-to-peak voltage of
VPP = 100 mV for noise frequencies below 300 KHz and VPP = 40 mV for noise frequencies above 300 KHz.
These conditions can be achieved by appropriate blocking of the supply voltage as near as possible to the
supply pins and using PCB supply and ground planes.
3.18 AC Specifications
All AC parameters are specified for the complete operating range defined in Chapter 3.4 unless otherwise noted
in column Note / Test Condition.
Unless otherwise noted in the figures the timings are defined with the following guidelines:
90% 90%
10% 10%
tr tf
0.9 VEXT
0.5 VEXT
0.1 VEXT
t5 t4
t2 t3
t6 t7
t6 t7
t9 t8 t1 0
t 11
t15 t14
t12 t13
0.9 VEXT
0.1 VEXT
t16 t17
(Host to Device)
(Device to Host)
1) The DAP1 and DAP2 device to host timing is individual for both pins.
There is no guaranteed max. signal skew.
2) No explicite setup and hold times are given for DAP1 for the direction Device to Host.
Only t11 and t19 are guaranteed and the tool may set the sample point freely.
t51 t500 t51
MRST Data valid Data valid
Table 3-44 Master Mode Timing, LVDS output pads for data and clock
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
SCLKO clock period t50 CC 20 - - ns CL=25pF
Deviation from the ideal duty t500 CC -1 1) - 1 1) ns CL=25pF
MTSR delay from SCLKO t51 CC -3 1) - 4 1) ns CL=25pF
shifting edge
SLSOn deviation from the ideal t510 CC -4 1) - 5.5 1) ns CL=25pF, driver
programmed position strength ss
1) 1)
-10 - 10 ns CL=25pF, driver
strength sm
1) 1)
-30 - 30 ns CL=25pF, driver
strength m
MRST setup to SCLK latching t52 SR 18 - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
edge LVDS Input pads of
QSPI2 only
19.5 1) - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
LVDS Input pads of
QSPI4 only
MRST hold from SCLK latching t53 SR -1 1) - - ns CL=25pF; valid for
edge LVDS Input pads only
1) The load (CL=25pF) defined in the condition list is a load definition for the single end signal SLSO and does not intend to
add an additional load inside the differential signal lines. For single end signals the load definition defines the max length
of the signal on the PCB layout. For the LVDS pads the IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 load definitions apply.
1) For compensation of the average on-chip delay the QSPI module provides the bit fields ECONz.A, B and C.
2) The setup and hold times are valid for both settings of the input pads thresholds: TTL and AL.
MRST 1) Data valid Data valid
2) 0.5 VEXT/FLEX
1) This timing is based on the following setup: ECON.CPH = 1, ECON.CPOL = 0, ECON.B=0 (no sampling point delay).
2) t510 is the deviation from the ideal position configured with the leading delay, BACON.LPRE and BACON.LEAD > 0.
t55 t55
t56 t56
t57 t57
MTSR 1) Data Data
valid valid
t60 t60
t61 t59
Table 3-49 LVDS clock/data (LVDS pads in LVDS mode) valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
1) 2)
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns LVDS; CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -1 3) - 1 3) ns LVDS; 0 < CL < 50pF
3) 3)
SOPx output delay t44 CC -3 - 3 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -4 3) - 5 3) ns ss; CL=50pF; ABRA
block bypassed
-4 3) - 4 3) ns ss; CL=50pF; ABRA
block used
-2 3) - 10 3) ns sm; CL=50pF
3) 3)
-30 - 30 ns m; CL=50pF
1) TA depends on the clock source selected for baud rate generation in the ABRA block of the MSC.
2) The capacitive load on the LVDS pins is differential, the capacitive load on the CMOS pins is single ended.
3) The load (CL=50pF) defined in the condition list is a load definition for the single end signal EN and does not intend to add
an additional load inside the differential signal lines. For single end signals the load definition defines the max length of the
signal on the PCB layout. For the LVDS pads the IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 load definitions apply.
Table 3-50 Strong sharp (ss) driver for clock/data valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -2 - 2 ns CL=50pF
SOPx output delay t44 CC -4 - 3.5 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -4 - 3.5 ns CL=50pF
Table 3-51 Strong medium (sm) driver for clock/data valid for 5V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
FCLPx clock period t40 CC 2 * TA - - ns CL=50pF
Deviation from ideal duty cycle t400 CC -5 - 5 ns CL=50pF
SOPx output delay t44 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
ENx output delay t45 CC -7 - 7 ns CL=50pF
t44 t44
t45 t45
t48 t49
2.0 V 2.0 V
0.8 V 0.8 V
tR tF
t3 t2
sourced by controller :
t4 t5
(output ) Valid Data
(input ) Valid Data
t9 t8
t1 0 t1 1
ETH_MII_RX_DV Valid Data
(sourced by PHY )
t1 2
Valid Data
(sourced by controller )
Table 3-56 ETH RMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock t13 CC 20 - - ns 50ppm ; CL=25pF
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock high t14 CC 7 1) - 13 2) ns CL=25pF
ETH_RMII_REF_CL clock low t15 CC 7 1) - 13 2) ns CL=25pF
ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], t16 CC 4 - - ns CL=25pF
setup time
ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], t17 CC 2 - - ns CL=25pF
hold time
1) Defined by 35% of clock period.
2) Defined by 65% of clock period.
t1 3
t1 5 t14
t1 6 t17
ETHRXD[1:0], Valid Data
ETH_Timing-RMII .vsd
Table 3-57 ETH RGMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note / Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
TX Clock period t19 CC 36 40 44 ns 100Mbps
360 400 440 ns 10Mbps
7.2 8 8.8 ns Gigabit
Data to Clock Output skew t20 CC -500 0 500 ps
Data to Clock input skew (at t21 SR 1 1.8 2.6 ns SKEWCTL.RXCFG =
receiver) 0; SKEWCTL.TXCFG
Clock duty cycle tduty CC 40 50 60 % 10/100Mbps
45 50 55 % Gigabit
GREFCLK duty cycle tduty_in SR 45 - 55 %
GREFCLK Input accuracy ACC SR -0.005 - 0.005 %
t1 t2 t4
SDA 30%
t1 t3 t2 t6
t7 t5 clock
S t 10
t8 t7 t9
Sr P S
t8 t9
0.9 VDD
0.1 VDD
t8 t7
t5 t6
pv + ta pv + t33
pv + ta
pv + ta
pv + ta
BC[3:0] t34
t14 t37
pv + t13 pv + t38
MR/W pv + t39
pv = programmed value,
TEBU_CLK * sum (correponding bitfield values) new_MuxWR_Async_10.vsd
pv + ta pv + t33
pv + ta
pv + ta
pv + ta
BC[3:0] t34
t37 pv + t38
pv + t39
pv = programmed value,
TEBU_CLK * sum (correponding bitfield values) new_DemuxWR_Async_10.vsd
t10 t10
A[23:0] Burst Start Address Next
t12 t12
t22a t22a
t24 t24
t23 t23
Data (Addr+0) Data (Addr+4)
Data (Addr+0) Data (Addr+2)
1) Output delays are always referenced to BCLKO. The reference clock for input
characteristics depends on bit EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN.
EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN = 0: BFCLKO is the input reference clock.
EBU_BFCON.FDBKEN = 1: BFCLKI is the input reference clock (EBU clock
feedback enabled). BurstRDWR_4.vsd
t27 t27
HLDA Output
t27 t27
BREQ Output
t29 t29
HOLD Input
HLDA Input
3) Under out-of-spec conditions (e.g. over-cycling) or in case of activation of WL oriented defects, the duration of erase
processes may be increased by up to 50%.
4) Using 512 kByte / 256 kByte erase commands (PFlash / DFlash).
5) If the DataFlash is operated in Complement Sensing Mode the erase time is increased by erase_size / 32kByte x
6) Allows segmentation of addressable memory into 8 logical sectors; round robin cycling must still be done to consider erase
disturb limit NDFD.
7) Allows segmentation of addressable memory into 6 logical sectors; round robin cycling must still be done to consider erase
disturb limit NDFD.
8) Only valid when a robust EEPROM emulation algorithm is used. For more details see the Users Manual.
29 2x
0.5 ±0.05
0.15 M C A B
17 ±0.1 1.7 MAX 0.08 M C
0.1 C 18
15 19 x 0.8 = 15.2
17 ±0.1
29 2x 6
0.15 5
(LASER ED) 19 x 0.8 = 15.2
C 0.33 MIN
4 History
Version 0.4 is the first version of this document.
– Change note of ISCRSB from 'SCR power pattern; fSYS_SCR = 20MHz; TJ=150°C' to 'SCR power pattern incl.
PMS current consumption with fback clock active; fSYS_SCR = 20MHz; TJ=150°C'
– Change note of ISCRSB from 'real power pattern; fSYS_SCR = 70kHz; TJ=25°C' to 'SCR power pattern incl.
PMS current consumption with fback inactive; fSYS_SCR = 70kHz; TJ=25°C'
– Change typ value of ISCRSB from 0.025 mA to 0.190 mA
– Change description of ISCRSB from 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB
supply pin' to 'SCR 8-bit Standby Controller current incl. PMS in STANDBY Mode drawn at VEVRSB supply
– Change note of IDDM from ''real power pattern ; current for EDSADC module only; 11 EDSADC channels
active.'' to ''real power pattern; current for EDSADC modules only and EVADC modules are inactive; 11
EDSADC channels active continuously.''
– Change note of IDDM from '66 mA' to '44 mA'
– Change note of IDDM from 'max power pattern; All EDSADC channels active 100% time.' to 'max power
pattern; current for EDSADC modules only and EVADC modules are inactive; all EDSADC channels active
– Change max value of IDDM from 84 mA to 63 mA
– Change note of IDDM from 'real pattern;12 EVADC modules active' to 'real power pattern; current for EVADC
modules only and EDSADC modules are inactive; 12 EVADC modules active.'
– Change note of IDDM from 'max power pattern; All EVADC modules are active 100% time' to 'max power
pattern; current for EVADC modules only and EDSADC modules are inactive; all EVADC modules active.'
– Change max value of IDDM from 26 mA to 20 mA
– Change max value of IDDM from 82 mA to 60 mA
– Change max value of IDDTOT from 1506 mA to 1536 mA
– Change note of IDDTOTDC3 from 'real power pattern; VEXT = 3.3V; TJ=160°C' to 'real power pattern; EVRC
reset settings with 72% efficiency; VEXT = 3.3V; TJ=160°C'
– Change max value of IDDTOTDC3 from 830 mA to 980 mA
– Change description of IDDTOTDC3 from '∑ Sum of all currents with DC-DC EVR13 regulator active' to '∑ Sum
of all currents with DC-DC EVRC regulator active'
– Change note of IDDTOTDC5 from 'real power pattern; VEXT = 5V; TJ=160°C' to 'real power pattern; EVRC reset
settings with 72% efficiency; VEXT = 5V; TJ=160°C'
– Change max value of IDDTOTDC5 from 600 mA to 670 mA
– Change description of IDDTOTDC5 from '∑ Sum of all currents with DC-DC EVR13 regulator active' to '∑ Sum
of all currents with DC-DC EVRC regulator active'
– Change note of ISLEEP from '10 mA' to '25 mA'
– Change note of PD from 't.b.d. mW' to '3220 mW'
– Change max value of PD from 2560 mW to 2500 mW
– Change max value of IEVRSB from 4 mA to 8 mA
– Change note of IEVRSB from 'real power pattern; PMS/EVR module current considered without SCR and
Standby RAM' to 'real power pattern; PMS/EVR module current considered without SCR and Standby RAM
during RUN mode.'
– Change max value of IDDTOT from 1690 mA to 1720 mA
• Reset
– Change min value of tPOH from 100 ns to 150 ns
– Change note of tBP from 'dV/dT=1V/ms. including EVR ramp-up and Firmware execution time; RAM
initialization and HSM boot time is not included' to 'dVEXT/dT=1V/ms. VEXT>VLVDRST5. Boot time after
Cold PORST including EVR ramp-up and Firmware execution time; RAM initialization and HSM boot time
are not included.'
– Change note of tB from 'operating with max. frequencies' to 'operating with max. frequencies, with valid BMI
– Change note of tBS from '' to 'RAM initialization and HSM boot time are not included, with valid BMI header'
– Change note of tBP from 'Firmware execution time; without EVR ramp-up; RAM initialization and HSM boot
time is not included' to 'Firmware execution time after warm PORST without EVR ramp-up; RAM
initialization and HSM boot time is not included'
– Change type of tPOA from CC to SR
– Change description of tPOA from 'Minimum PORST active hold time externally after power supplies are
stable at operating levels' to 'Minimum PORST active hold time externally after power supplies are stable
at operating levels after start-up'
– Change note of dVout/dIout from 'Normal RUN mode; dI=10 to 60 to 100mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us' to
'Normal RUN mode; dI=10 to 60mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us'
– Change note of dVout/dIout from 'Normal RUN mode; dI=100 to 60 to 10mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us' to
'Normal RUN mode; dI=60 to 10mA; dt=20ns; Tsettle=20us'
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V' to 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V;
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V' to 'dVin/dT=1V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V;
– Change typ value of COUT from 1 µF to 2.2 µF
– Change note of COUT from '1.35 µF' to '3 µF'
– Change min value of COUT from 0.65 µF to 1.45 µF
– Change min value of dVout/dIout from -100 mV to -180 mV
– Change max value of dVout/dIout from 100 mV to 180 mV
– Change note of IMAX from '100 mA' to '60 mA'
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V' to 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 5 to 3.6V;
– Change note of dVout/dVin from 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V' to 'dVin/dT=50V/ms; dV= 3.6 to 5V;
• PMS/Supply Monitors
– Change max value of VLVDRST5 from 2.7 V to 2.75 V
– Change note of VLVDRST5 from '2.67 V' to '2.72 V'
– Change note of VRST33 from 'by reset release before EVR trimming on supply ramp-up.' to 'by last cold
PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
– Change note of VRSTC from 'by reset release before trimming on supply ramp-up including 2 LSB voltage
Hysteresis' to 'by last cold PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
– Change note of VRST5 from 'by reset release before trimming on supply ramp-up including 2 LSB voltage
hysteresis' to 'by last cold PORST release on supply ramp-up including voltage hysteresis.'
• PMS/Supply Ramp
– Change description of SR_V_EXT from 'External VEXT & VEVRSB supply ramp' to 'External VEXT & VEVRSB
supply ramp-up and ramp-down slope'
– Change description of SR_V_DDP3 from 'External VDDP3 supply ramp' to 'External VDDP3 supply ramp-up
and ramp-down slope'
– Change description of SR_V_DD from 'External VDD supply ramp' to 'External VDD supply ramp-up and
ramp-down slope'
– Change description of SR_V_DDM from 'External VDDM supply ramp' to 'External VDDM supply ramp-up and
ramp-down slope'
• Changes in table 'EVRC SMPS' of PMS/EVRC SMPS
– Change name of EVRC SMPS from EVR13 SMPS to EVRC SMPS
• Changes in table 'EVRC SMPS External components' of PMS/EVRC SMPS
– Change name of EVRC SMPS External components from EVR13 SMPS External components to EVRC
SMPS External components
• Changes in section JTAG Parameters
– Update figure Test Clock Timing (TCK)
• Changes in section DAP Parameters
– Combine figures Test Clock Timing (DAP0), DAP Timing Host to Device, and DAP Timing Device to Host
(DAP1 and DAP2 pins) into single figure DAP Timing
– Add t14 for condition F=40MHz
– Add t15 for condition F=40MHz
– Add t16 for condition F=40MHz
• Changes in table 'Master Mode strong sharp (ss) output pads' of ASCLIN
– Change min value of t51 from -3 ns to -3.5 ns
– Change note of t51 from '3 ns' to '3.5 ns'
– Change max value of t510 from 3 ns to 3.5 ns
• Changes in table 'Master Mode Timing, LVDS output pads for data and clock' of QSPI
– Change max value of t51 from 3 ns to 4 ns
– Change min value of t52 from 17 ns to 18 ns
• Changes in table 'Strong sharp (ss) driver for clock/data valid for 5V' of MSC
– Change note of t45 from '-3 ns' to '-4 ns'
– Change min value of t44 from -3 ns to -4 ns
• Changes in table 'ETH RGMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V' of Ethernet
– Add parameter t21
• Changes in table 'ETH RMII Signal Timing Parameters valid for 3.3V' of Ethernet
– Change description of t16 from 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV, ETHRXER; setup
time' to 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV; setup time'
– Change description of t17 from 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV, ETHRXER; hold
time' to 'ETHTXEN, ETHTXD[1:0], ETHRXD[1:0], ETHCRSDV; hold time'
• Changes in table 'HSCT - Rx/Tx setup timing' of LVDS Pads
– Change max value of ttx from 250 ns to 280 ns
• Removed section CIF
– Change note of t5 from 'CL ≤ 30pF' to 'CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V'
– Change min value of t5 from -3 ns to 3 ns
– Change description of t5 from 'Data output delay time' to 'Data output valid time before rising clock edge'
– Change note of t6 from ''CL ≤ 30pF'' to ''CL ≤ 30pF, VEXT = 3.3V''
– Change note of t6 from 'max' to 'min'
• Added preamble to AGBT stating that AGBT is lab-only interface without full test coverage
• Changes in table "Absolute Maximum Ratings"
– Change value of Parameter "VDDM"
– Change value of Parameter "VIN"
– Change value of Parameter "VIN"
• Changes in table "Master Mode strong sharp (ss) output pads"
– Change value of Parameter "t51"
– Change value of Parameter "t510"
• Changes in table "Current Consumption"
– Change condition of Parameter "IDDPORST"
– Change value of Parameter "IDDRAIL"
– Change value of Parameter "IEVRSB"
– Change value of Parameter "IEXTFLEX"
– Change value of Parameter "ISLEEP"
– Change condition of Parameter "ISTANDBY"
– Change value of Parameter "ISTANDBY"
– Change of Parameter "IDDRAIL" description
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 15 Functions' table; P15.0, P15.1, P15.2, P15.3, P15.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 20 Functions' table; P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7, P20.8,
P20.9, P20.10
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 21 Functions' table; P21.0, P21.1, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 22 Functions' table; P22.2, P22.3, P22.4, P22.5, P22.6,
P22.7, P22.8, P22.9, P22.10, P22.11
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 23 Functions' table; P23.0, P23.1, P23.2, P23.3, P23.5,
P23.6, P23.7
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 32 Functions' table; P32.2, P32.3, P32.4, P32.5, P32.6,
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 33 Functions' table; P33.0, P33.1, P33.2, P33.3, P33.4,
P33.5, P33.7, P33.8, P33.9, P33.10, P33.12, P33.13
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Port 34 Functions' table; P34.1, P34.2
– Changes in LFBGA-516 Package Variant 'Analog Inputs' table; Ball AD10, AB10
• Changes in chapter 'TC39x Pin Definition and Functions' for package variant LFBGA-292
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 00 Functions' table; P00.0, P00.1, P00.2, P00.3, P00.4,
P00.5, P00.11, P00.12
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 01 Functions' table; P01.3, P01.4
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 02 Functions' table; P02.0, P02.1, P02.2, P02.3, P02.4,
P02.5, P02.8, P02.9, P02.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 10 Functions' table; P10.2, P10.3, P10.5, P10.6, P10.7,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 11 Functions' table; P11.0, P11.1, P11.4, P11.5, P11.7,
P11.8, P11.10, P11.12, P11.13, P11.14
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 12 Functions' table; P12.0, P12.1
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 13 Functions' table; P13.0, P13.1, P13.2
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 14 Functions' table; P14.0, P14.1, P14.6, P14.7, P14.8,
P14.9, P14.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 15 Functions' table; P15.0, P15.1, P15.2, P15.3, P15.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 20 Functions' table; P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7, P20.8,
P20.9, P20.10
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 21 Functions' table; P21.0, P21.1, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 22 Functions' table; P22.2, P22.3, P22.4, P22.5, P22.6,
P22.7, P22.8, P22.9, P22.10, P22.11
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 23 Functions' table; P23.0, P23.1, P23.2, P23.3, P23.5,
P23.6, P23.7
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 32 Functions' table; P32.2, P32.3, P32.4, P32.5, P32.6,
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 33 Functions' table; P33.0, P33.1, P33.2, P33.3, P33.4,
P33.5, P33.7, P33.8, P33.9, P33.10, P33.12, P33.13
– Changes in LFBGA-292 Package Variant 'Port 34 Functions' table; P34.1, P34.2