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Data Privacy Agreement DPA S.Y 2020 2021

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SYSTEM DALTA Office of the Registrar


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) purpose of carrying out our interest as an education institution:
respects your right to privacy and the confidentiality of your  Evaluation of application for admissions to UPHSD by
personal information. the Admissions under the Office of the Registrar.
The UPHSD Privacy Policy explains:  Process the confirmation of incoming first year students
 What information it collects and why is it collected? and the transfer of students in preparation for
 Who uses the information and how it is used? enrolment.
 To whom the information is shared?  Record, Generate, and Maintain student records
 How long the information is retained? needed to track progress on academics, co-curricular
 How the UPHSD will handle data breaches? and extra-curricular, and financial considerations.
 What are the student’s rights with respect to his/her  Record, Safe-keep and Evaluate student work like
personal information, and; homework, seatwork, quizzes, long tests, exams, term
 How will UPHSD notify you of changes in its Policy and papers, theses, research papers, reflection papers,
Terms of Agreement? essays, and presentations.
It is the policy of UPHSD to respect and uphold data privacy  Record, Generate, and Maintain information, either
rights, and to ensure that all personal data collected from retrieved manually, electronically, through Radio
students, their parents or guardians, employees and other third Frequency Identification (RFID) or other means, of class
parties, are processed pursuant to the general principles of attendance and participation in curricular, co-curricular
and extra-curricular activities.
transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality as stated in
 Maintain list of students in directories and alumni
the Data Privacy Act.
 Compile and Generate reports needed for statistical and
What information it collects and why is it collected?
research purposes.
Collection, Acquisition and Generation Process:
Personal data in all the forms approved by the  Provide services like health, counselling, information
University, including the following: technology, library, sports/recreation, transportation,
Written Records Digital Material Video parking, campus mobility, safety and security.
Images  Manage and control access to school facilities and
Photographic data Biometric Records equipment.
 Establish and maintain student information systems.
These data shall primarily be used during your application for  Collaboration of faculty with regards to the grades for
admission. These may also be used throughout the duration of academic deliberations.
your stay in the University.  Process scholarship applications, grants and other
1. Information during application for admission forms of financial assistance.
Information to be collected usually includes personal and  Investigate incidents that relate to student behavior to
directory information, but not limited to name, email address, implement disciplinary measures.
telephone number and other contact details, the history of  Communicate official school memos and
your family, your schools attended, your school announcements
performance/disciplinary record, employment record,  Share marketing and promotional materials regarding
medical record, etc. school-related activities
2. Information throughout the duration of your stay with the  Solicit student participation in research and non-
University commercial surveys
The University usually collects information with regard to your  Send written memos or electronic advisories to the
academic undertakings, the classes that you are assigned to, clients for financial advisories like tuition fee balance,
your scholastic performances, your attendance record, and other financial considerations.
medical record, etc. The University shall also collect  Share information with persons or institutions as
information relating to your co-curricular matters like service provided below.
learning, internship or apprenticeship records; as well as
extra-curricular activities like membership in school In cases that the University intends to use personal information
organizations, leadership positions and participation and for reasons other than legitimate interests as an academic
attendance in seminars, competitions and programs. These institution, the University shall request your written authorization
shall also include information that relates with your for that specific purpose, unless the student requests to use the
disciplinary incidents with accompanying sanctions for it. information otherwise or if processing without your consent is
3. Information outside the personal information also allowed under the Act or other laws applicable to the
These are information that are already outside the pretexts of situation.
your personal information sent to or received by the
University even without prior request. The University shall To whom the information is shared?
assure to scrutinize the legitimacy of such information in To pursue our interests as an educational institution which
order to determine whether to safe-keep these information or include various academic, administrative, historical and
not. The University shall only keep documents relative to your statistical purposes, we share your information in accordance
educative interests and shall immediately dispose any with the rules or as permitted by law.
information that will safeguard your privacy.
Below are some examples of your personal information we may
Who uses the information and how is it used? share or reveal to others either using various medium such as
Access and Use of these information shall be solely through the sending printed or digital copies:
Office of the Registrar and any University personnel that has  For curriculum evaluation purposes;
legitimate interest in it for the reason of facilitating their assigned  Posting of acceptance to Perpetual System Schools,
duties. giving of financial aids and earning scholarship grants,
class lists, class schedules and other legitimate
How are these information used by the University? announcements on school bulletin boards or in other
These information are governed by permission and required by areas within the school premises;
law to track the legitimate purpose as an educational institution,  Sharing of information to other people like parents,
which includes various academic, administrative, historical and guardians or nearest relatives as required by law or as
statistical purposes. the need arises as determined by the school for your
best interest or protect you from harm or any danger and
Here are some instances when we use your information for the the like;
Salawag-Zapote Road, Molino 3, City of Bacoor Cavite, 4102, Philippines Tel Nos.: (02) 8584-4377 / (046)477-0602
Molino Campus
SYSTEM DALTA Office of the Registrar

 Furnishing schools, companies, government agencies his/her current information in accordance with the policies of data
and others similar to those upon their request with protection implementation by the University.
information regarding academic ranking or certificate of
good moral character for admission, student exchange, How will UPHSD notify you of changes in its Policy and
apprenticeship or internship placements or anything Terms of Agreement?
related to job or career; The University reserves the right to modify its Policy and Terms
 Providing information to possible sponsors, of Agreement at any time in its sole discretion. It shall publish
benefactors, or donors for scholarship grants and any notice of such modification/s on its website
other kinds of financial assistance; (www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph) and any modification is effective
 Furnishing the University of Perpetual Help Alumni immediately upon posting.
Scholars Association information of scholar graduates;
 Producing through publication of scholars’ graduation
booklet or pamphlet to be given out to donors, sponsors, This agreement narrates the treatment of the personal
benefactors or to whoever give financial support; information that the University of Perpetual Help System
 Giving out graduation program/invitations where the DALTA (UPHSD) collects in accordance with Republic Act
names of candidates for graduation and other awardees No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012
are listed during graduation ceremony; (“DPA”). The UPHSD has established a Privacy Policy
 Reporting or furnishing information to the National (“Policy”) in a separate Data Privacy Manual that covers:
Privacy Commission (NPC) and other government
agencies such as Commission on Higher Education What information it collects and why it is collected;
(CHED), Department of Education (DepEd);  Who uses the information and how is it used;
 Sharing information for accreditation and university  To whom the information is shared;
ranking purposes;  How long is the information retained;
 Conforming or following with court orders, subpoenas  How will the UPHSD handle data breaches; and
and the like;  What are the student’s rights with respect to his/her
 Replying to inquiries asking or verifying if you are a personal information.
bonafide or real student currently enrolled or an  How will UPHSD notify you of changes in its Policy and
alumna/alumnus of the school; Terms of Agreement?
 Conducting surveys for the development of the
institution; Please check the appropriate statement:
 Providing your personal or directory information to the
school’s alumni association; I am over 18 years of age and have read the Policy and
 Posting your scholastic, co-curricular and extra- the Terms herein written and agree to be bound by them.
curricular achievements (e.g. honors/dean’s list,
awards) in school bulletin boards, school publications, I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant/student
websites and other social media sites; who is a minor (below 18 years old). On behalf of the
 Promoting or advertising the school which includes its applicant/student, I have read the Policy and the Terms
activities and events to market the school by way of still herein written, and agree to be bound by them. I
photos, videos, brochures, website posting, published understand that the Policy and Terms refers to the
or broadcast advertisements; personal data of my child/ward.
 Live-streaming of the school’s activities and other
special events; By signing below, I agree with the following:
 Publishing news information, feature stories and literary  Republic Act No. 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of
articles in the official school’s publication and social 2012, and other relevant Philippine laws apply to the
media sites; collection and processing of my personal data.
 Sharing or furnishing general (not individual) statistical  I understand that by applying for admission /registering
data on the result of entrance examination to Senior as a student of UPHSD, I am allowing it to collect, use
High School (upon their request) and process my personal data where a legitimate
 Furnishing Government Offices and Non-Government educational or institutional interest exist in its
Offices required data for application of various kinds of determination, as enumerated in the Policy and other
scholarships grants, and monetary and non-monetary like circumstances.
assistances for the students officially enrolled in the  By providing personal information to UPHSD, I am
University. confirming that the data is true and correct. I understand
that UPHSD reserves the right to revise any decision
How long is the information retained? made on the basis of the information I provide should
Retention of your personal information for records purposes the information be found to be untrue or incorrect.
(historical and statistical) shall be indefinite unless provided in  By entering into this Agreement, I am not relying upon
the appropriate school rules and procedures. any oral or written representations or statements made
by UPHSD other than what is set forth in this
How are data breaches or infractions handled? Agreement.
As required by law, any breach or infractions relative to data  Any issue that may arise in connection with the
security incident known to the University should be recorded and processing of my personal information will be settled
reported. The School will have to address the breach by taking amicably with UPHSD before resorting to the
all necessary steps to ease any negative or harmful effect of such appropriate arbitration or court proceedings within
breach. However, if the school has strong suspicion that the Philippine jurisdiction.
breach may affect your personal information, you should be
notified about it appropriately. ____________________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Applicant/Student
How will the UPHSD handle data breaches? ____________________________________________
The University shall exert all its authority and justice to curb and
abate such breaches in augmenting the proliferation of such
action which will result to data theft wherein being protected by
the University. Furthermore, the legal processes the university ____________________________________________
shall do commensurate the grievance of such breach.
Signature Over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
What are the student’s rights with respect to his/her ____________________________________________
personal information? Date
Any individual may approach the concerned section of the
University for Deletion, correction, alteration and update of

Salawag-Zapote Road, Molino 3, City of Bacoor Cavite, 4102, Philippines Tel Nos.: (02) 8584-4377 / (046)477-0602
Molino Campus

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