Higher Nationals in Computing: Unit 0: Procedural Programming Assignment 2
Higher Nationals in Computing: Unit 0: Procedural Programming Assignment 2
Higher Nationals in Computing: Unit 0: Procedural Programming Assignment 2
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
P4 P5 M3 M4 D2
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
P5 Test the program with proper M4 Analyse test results for future
test plan. maintenance.
Assignment Brief
Scenario: Please refer to scenario in Assignment 1.
Tasks 1
Your next task is to implement the software that you designed in previous steps. You need to implement the
software designed in assignment 1 using C programming language. Your code must make use of programming
standards, including file headers and effective code commenting. You need to provide screenshots of your
program when running. During the development of your program, if you make any changes to the original
design, state them with reasons in report. Your code listings must be included as an appendix.
Task 2
Test your program by making a test plan, execute it and log results. Your test plan should include data
validation and program operations based on requirements. Test results (passed or failed) should be analysed
to help the program in future maintenance.
Task 3
Write an evaluation and conclusion of the whole development. The evaluation of your program should be
based on its running and its test result. You should mention about lessons learnt and future improvement.
A final report of these 3 tasks must be submitted in PDF format to CMS.
Submission Format
The submission is in the form of a Word document. You are required to make use of appropriate structure,
including headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and all work must be supported
with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
Table of Contents
P4 Write a program that implements the designed solution ....................... 1
1. Application source code ..................................................................................... 1
2. Application screenshots ......................................................................................3
2.1. Main screen ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Function 1 in menu: Input ID(s) and Grade(s) .................................................. 4
2.3. Function 2 in menu: Show ID(s) and Grade(s) .................................................. 4
2.4. Function 3 in menu: Show highest Grade(s) .................................................... 4
2.5. Function 4 in menu: Show lowest Grade(s) ..................................................... 5
2.6. Function 5 in menu: Exit application ................................................................ 5
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2. Application screenshots.
2.1. Main screen.
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2.2. Function 1 in menu: Input ID(s) and Grade(s).
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2.5. Function 4 in menu: Show lowest Grade(s).
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P5. Test the program with proper test plan
Implement the test plan for your software.
Test plan template:
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11 Input student 4 ID = a Save the ID and Grade of Student 4 ID = a Pass
Input student 4 Grade the 4rd student in the Student 4 Grade =
= 6.00 old 6.00 were saved in to
arra old array
12 Add a student 5 with Save ID and Grade of The informations were pass
the same highest student in array saved in to array
Grade but different ID
13 Add 1 more student Save ID and Grade of The informations were Pass
with Grade higher student in array saved in to array
than the highest
2 students
14 Add a student 6 with Save ID and Grade of The informations were Pass
the same lowest student in array saved in to array
but different ID
15 Add 1 more student Save ID and Grade of The informations were Pass
with Grade less than student in array saved in to array
the lowest grade 2
16 If the select number is Display the message The program was Pass
different from 1 to 5 “Your selection is not displayed “Your selection is
correct! Please try not correct! Please try
again!” again!”
17 Select number 4 from Show the student with Student with lowest Pass
menu Grade less than 6 Grade less than 6
students students at test number
at test number 15 15 were displayed on
the screen
18 Select number 3 from Show the student with Student with highest Pass
menu Grade higher than 5 Grade less than 5
students at test number students at test number
13 13 were displayed on
the screen
19 Select number 1 from Display screen to allow Ask user Input the Pass
menu to add 1 more Input ID and Grade of student ID and Grade
student student
20 Add 1 more student Save ID and Grade of The informations were Pass
with Grade less than student in array saved in to array
the lowest grade 2
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Kernighan, B. and Ritchie, D. (1988). The C Programming Language. United States, Hoboken:
Prentice Hall.
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