Nature of Accounting: Lesson 1: The Need For Financial Reporting
Nature of Accounting: Lesson 1: The Need For Financial Reporting
Nature of Accounting: Lesson 1: The Need For Financial Reporting
Lesson 1: The Need for • Decisions on granting remunerations for
Financial Reporting employees
Information in business is vital for it to Also, these users of financial information have
survive. These pieces of information need to be READY ACCESS to the specific things they would
synthesize in order for it to be used in decision like to know. Because of their actual involvement in
making. And because we are in a dynamic society, the operations of the business, these users of
the users of the business information need it to be financial information require information to be tailor-
up-to-date and relevant. Now, let’s look into the fitted to their specific needs, thus the most suitable
nature of accounting information and the different branch of accounting for them is MANAGERIAL
users of financial information. ACCOUNTING. The following are examples of
Nature of Accounting
Accounting is the systematic recording of
financial transactions and presentation of the
related information of the appropriate persons.
Also, it is identified as a process as it performs the
specific task of collecting, processing and
communicating financial information. In doing so, it
follows some definite steps like collection of data
recording, classification summarization, finalization
and reporting. The ultimate purpose of the
accounting process is to generate GENERAL
economic transactions of a business. When
accountants are going to communicate these
financial statements, it is called FINANCIAL
REPORTING. The purpose of which is to provide
relevant and timely financial information to the
stakeholders of the business.
MISSION STATEMENT OF THE IFRS The IFRS Advisory Council provides advice
FOUNDATION and counsel to the Trustees and the Board,
whilst the Board also consults extensively with
Our mission is to develop IFRS Standards that
a range of other standing advisory bodies and
bring transparency, accountability and
consultative groups.
efficiency to financial markets around the
world. Our work serves the public interest by
fostering trust, growth and long-term financial
stability in the global economy.
• IFRS Standards bring transparency by IFRS FOUNDATION
enhancing the international comparability Developing accounting standards for the
and quality of financial information, global economy is a collaborative exercise
enabling investors and other market founded on transparency, full and fair
participants to make informed economic consultation, and accountability.
• IFRS Standards strengthen accountability
by reducing the information gap between The Due Process Handbook of the
the providers of capital and the people to IFRS Foundation —the blueprint for the
whom they have entrusted their money. standard-setting process, which ensures
Our Standards provide information needed that IFRS Standards are developed free
to hold management to account. As a from undue influence—requires that the
source of globally comparable information, Board consider the perspectives of those
IFRS Standards are also of vital importance affected by IFRS Standards globally. To
to regulators around the world.
• IFRS Standards contribute to economic
enable us to consult widely, we work
efficiency by helping investors to identify closely with a wide network of advisory
opportunities and risks across the world, committees and bodies, representing the
thus improving capital allocation. Use of a many different stakeholder groups that
single, trusted accounting language lowers have an interest in and are affected by
the cost of capital and reduces international financial reporting. These groups and
reporting costs for businesses. bodies are important channels for us to
gather input on our work; the groups
IFRS Standards are currently required in more enable us to efficiently consult with
than 140 jurisdictions and permitted in many interested parties from a range of
more. backgrounds and geographical regions.
The ASC was composed of eight members, The PFRS set out the recognition,
representing the following organizations; measurement, presentation and disclosure
PICPA, requirements dealing with transactions and
Securities and Exchange Commission, events that are important in general
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Board of purpose financial transactions. They may
Accountancy and Financial Executives of the also set out such requirements for
Philippines transaction and events that arise mainly in
specific industries. The PFRSs are
1997 – 2000 – the Philippine transition to the developed through a due process that
IAS and IFRs was gradually made, the ASC involves members of PICPA, financial
developed Accounting standards already executives, regulatory authorities,
based in the International Accounting members of the academe and other
Standards interested individuals. Due process
normally but not necessarily involves the
2001 – the ASC adopted most of the following steps:
standards developed by IASC
1. Consideration of the pronouncement of
2005 – the ASC adopted in full the IASB
International Accounting Standards 2. Formation of a task force, when deemed
necessary, to give advice to the FRSC
2006 - The Board of Accountancy regulates 3. Issuing for comment an exposure draft
approved by a majority of the FRSC
the practice of accountancy in the
members; comment period will be at least
Philippines, established the Financial 60 days, unless a shorter period (not less
Reporting Standards Council (FRSC) to than 30 days) is considered appropriate by
replace and take over the functions of the FRSC
ASC. The FRSC should be composed 4. Consideration of all comments received
of a chairman and 14 members within the comment period and when
representing the following organizations: appropriate, preparing a comment letter to
Board of Accountancy, SEC, BSP, BIR, the IASB
COA, Financial Executives of the 5. Approval of a standard or an interpretation
Philippines and accredited PICPA by a majority of the FRSC members
members. The FRSC formed the
To this date, the FRSC is continuously
Philippine Interpretations Committee monitoring the revisions of and the
(PIC) to provide the council assistance amendments to the IFRSs to ensure that
in establishing and improving Financial improvements in the IFRSs are being made
Reporting Standards in the Philippines. effective in the Philippines. Other that the
The PIC issues implementation FRSC, the Board of Accountancy monitors the
guidelines on PFRS. implementation of the PFRS.
• Are the attributes that make the
information provided in the F/S useful to
• Contribute to the decision
usefulness of financial reporting information
Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Financial • Distinguish better information from
Information inferior information for decision-making
Financial statements must meet some
characteristics or attributes in order for the
information to become more useful and
meaningful. These are divided into two (2) groups:
the Fundamental Qualitative characteristics;
and the Enhancing Qualitative characteristics.
Why do you think QUALITY is a very important
element relating to financial information?
Faithful Representation
What is Relevance?
2. Verifiability – an in formation is
verifiable in the sense that it is supported by
evidence so that when another person will
look into it and make his own computations
using the same methods, he will arrive at
the same amount. Verifiability means that
different knowledgeable and independent
observers could reach an agreement or a
consensus that a particular depiction is a
faithful representation.
4. Understandability –
understandability relies on two factors,
quality of the information and quality of the
user. Even though the information is well