Case Study - New Archid
Case Study - New Archid
Case Study - New Archid
The Hot Spot and TEST project in Cambodia aims at increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of
Cambodian industry and SMEs. The TEST integrated approach includes tools like Resource Efficiency and
Cleaner Production, Environmental Management System, Environmental Management Accounting, and
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Learn more about the project at
Identification, Assessment and Prioritization of Pollution “Hot Spots” and Transfer of
Environmentally Sound Technologies in the Cambodian Section of the Mekong River
Basin (Hot Spot & TEST in Cambodia)
Saving opportunities
Firewood for boiler: The factory has established a set implementation of these measures resulted in a
of actions to reduce firewood consumption such as: reduction of the water consumption of 6,928 m3.
improving the combustion process (using dry Moreover the wastewater pollution load was reduced
firewood for boiler and store it safely from humidity/ by 20%.
rain), and regular checking and maintenance of steam
Electricity: Several improvement options were
system from boiler. These actions reduced the annual
implemented to reduce the electricity consumption,
firewood consumption by approximately 342 tons,
including: establishment a cleaner production
corresponding to USD 5,135 per year.
working group (CP team) to monitor the electrical
Water Conservation: Several measures were energy consumption, optimization of facility lighting
identified including: the replacement of broken valves and cooling system by introducing a cut off during
and taps, and the regular inspection and maintenance non-working hours, regular maintenance and
of the water supply system, as well as reusing steam repairing of the cooling system. These measures
for boiler. This resulted in a 20% reduction in water enabled a reduction of the electricity consumption of
consumption. On an annual basis, the 176,000 kWh per year.