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Transfer of Environmental Sound Technology in the South Mediterranean Region—(MED TEST)

MED TEST Case Study


Dairy industry — Fromagerie BEL Maroc

Company overview
Fromagerie BEL Maroc is a subsidiary of the international
group BEL, the world leader for processed cheese.
Located in Tangier since 1977, it employs 1,300 people
including 40 managers and produces about 39,000 tons/
year of processed cheese (more than 40% of which is
destined for export), mainly marketed under the following
brands: la Vache qui rit, Kiri, Les Enfants.

The company has joined the MED TEST project in order to

identify opportunities for an effective use of resources
(water and energy), to improve facilities performance, to
minimize waste, in particular liquid effluents, and conse-
quently to reduce the investment and operating costs of “MED TEST has helped us to implement an adequate
the designed wastewater treatment plant. system to optimize our energetic and environmental
At project start-up, the company was already certified ISO Mrs. Ibtissam NEJJAR, QSE Manager
9001 and ISO 22001. It was certified OHSAS 18001 at the
end of 2010 and ISO 14001 in July 2011.
These actions will also help to achieve environmental
benefits including: reduction of wastewater pollution
loads by limiting process losses, product recovery during
The actions identified by MED TEST will enable the com- equipment cleaning (transfer tanks, tri-blender, cutter,
pany to achieve annual savings of about $US 333,830 in etc.) and recycling of white water. The reduction of prod-
energy (electricity and heat), water and raw material uct losses, for instance, will decrease the BOD and COD
against an estimated investment of $US 280,328, with a pollution loads by 2.7% and 3.5%, respectively.
10-month payback period. Over half of these actions
were implemented in 2011 and the rest are scheduled for The environmental benefits will also produce economic
Q1 2012. gains such as a reduction of investment and operating
costs of the wastewater treatment plant, the construc-
The energy cost savings represent 6.6% (about $US tion of which is scheduled for the first half of 2012.
134,616) of the actual annual bill (electricity and fuel).
The company has also benefited from MED TEST techni-
Water costs should be reduced by 20% through optimiz- cal assistance to establish an environmental manage-
ing cleaning in place (CIP), recycling white water, repair- ment system (EMS) and integrate the identified actions
ing water leaks, using adequate equipment for floor and into its environmental policy. These efforts were
production machines cleaning, and implementing auto- rewarded with the ISO 14001 certification obtained in
matic closing of cooling water at vacuum pumps. July 2011.

MED TEST is a UNIDO green industry initiative to promote sustainability and competitiveness in the private sector in Egypt,
Morocco and Tunisia. TEST integrated approach includes tools like resource efficiency and cleaner production, environmental
management system and accounting, cleaner technology transfer and CSR.
Learn more about TEST approach at www.unido.org
MED TEST is sponsored by the Global Environment Facility, the Italian Government and the MedPartnership.
Transfer of Environmental Sound Technology in the South Mediterranean Region—(MED TEST)

Saving opportunities

Measure Economic key figures Resource savings per year

Savings Investment PBP Water, Energy
[USD/yr] [USD] [yr] Chemicals [MWh]

Boiler and steam system 41 565 56 500 1.28 1 688

Water and chemicals reductions 74 947 135 350 1.80 water 29 930 m3
Electrical system, compressors and lighting 93 051 52 500 0.56 1 094
Product recovery, management of 87 042 2 228 0 product
waste and of returns from clients 16 tons
Energy recovery (chillers) 37 225 33 750 0.90 720
TOTAL 333 830 280 328 0.87 3 502

Boiler and steam system: Several measures have been imple- Electrical system, compressors, lighting: A series of actions
mented: insulation of hot surfaces with a $US 24,000 budget, have been established to reduce electrical consumption,
recovery of steam condensate, and the optimal adjustment of ­including power factor increase, optimization of site lighting and
burners’ combustion. Other options are scheduled, including installation of a variable speed drive on an air compressor (that
energy recovery from the boiler’s blow-down and installation of had a loading rate of 51%). As for compressed air, the identified
an automatic blow-down system. The overall potential saving of actions are primarily related to leaks repair, minimization of
fuel amounts to about 11%. compressors’ idle operations, installation of automatic solenoid
valves on packing machines, and of pressure gauges on the air
Water and chemicals reduction: Several measures have been network. The total savings are estimated at 1,094 MWh/year.
implemented to reduce water and chemicals consumption,
including: NEP optimization (with a frequency decrease from 4 Product recovery, management of waste and of returns from
to 2 times a week), recovery and reuse of rinse water, use of clients: As for process equipments (tri-blenders, paste transfer
spraying nozzles and cleaning guns (more efficient and eco- tanks), the identified measures include dry scraping (more effi-
nomic), and automatic closing of cooling water circuits for cient to recover the maximum amount of product before clean-
equipments, like pumps. Vacuum pumps will also be replaced ing) and recycling of white water in production. The reduction of
by dry multi-stage pumps. processing and packing losses will decrease BOD by 6.4 tons/
year and COD by 12 tons/year. The company has reduced the
Energy recovery from chillers: Recovering heat from the freez- amount of returns from clients by analyzing root causes and
ing groups’ condensers, the company is using it to defrost the implementing a set of corrective monitoring and management
butter stock before use. Recovered heat from other cold rooms procedures.
will be used to heat sanitary and washing water. The total energy
saving is estimated at 720 MWh/year.


Environmental Management Branch
Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: (+43-1) 26026-0, Fax: (+43-1) 26926-69
E-mail: unido@unido.org, Internet: www.unido.org


23 Boulevard Mohamed Abdou, Quartier Palmiers, Casablanca, Morocco
Telephone: (+212) 5 22 99 70 53, Fax: (+212) 5 2 29 815 31
Email: cmpp@cmpp.ma, Web: www.cmpp.ma

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