Engineering Geology Questions
Engineering Geology Questions
Engineering Geology Questions
2) What is epicentre?
3) What is streak of the mineral?
4) What do you mean by hardness of a rock?
5) Differentiate between apparent dip and true dip.
6) Define Seismograph
7) Give the composition of Quartz.
8) Give two examples of sedimentary rocks.
9) Define perched water table.
10) What arc diastrophic earth movements and how do they occur?
11) Give examples of diastrophism.
12) What are the main types of volcanic eruptions? Discuss in brief the resulting
13) Discuss the origin. mode of occurrence and distribution of coal in India.
14) Write in brief about Crystallographic axes and plane of symmetry.
15) Write a note on measurement of velocity of sound in rock.
16) What is groundwater? Briefly describe the groundwater provinces of India.
17) What is metamorphism'? Name the metamorphic equivalents of Sandstone and
18) Discuss the various causes of faulting? Add a note on engineering significance.
19) What is soil erosion? How do you prevent soil erosion? Discuss in detail.
20) What is land sliding? How do you prevent land sliding, Discuss in detail.
a. Write a brief note on the impotence and utility of geological studies to civil engineers.
b. Write a neat sketch and describe the different parts of the earth's interior.
d. Write the physical properties of the following minerals : GYPSUM : CORUNDUM :
a. Define a rock and write how it is formed.
b. Write the different concordant forms. with a neat diagram.
c. Write about structures in sedimentary rock.
d . What is Metamorphism'? Describe the different agents of metamorphism.
a. Describe the different types of chemical weathering.
b. Write briefly on thermal weathering and spheroidal weathering.
c. Describe the drainage patterns of a river basin with diagrams.
d. Write a note on Active dunes.
a. What is an Earthquake? Describe how it causes. Write a brief note on earthquake
resistant structure.
b. What is Tsunami Describe briefly the effects.
c. With a neat diagram. write the different depth zones starting from shore.
d . Write briefly about landslides and its remedial measures.
a. What is an Outcrop'! Describe with term strike and dip with a neat sketch.
b. What is a Fold? Describe with a neat sketch , the diiffercnt parts of a fold.
c. What are the different tectonic and non - tectonic causes of folding ?
d. What is an unconformity, Describe the different type of unconformities.