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73 Metrobank v. Centro Inc.

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Hence, on 21 March 1990, Centro, represented by Go Eng Uy, executed a

(Ortiz) Mortgage Trust Indenture (MTI) with the Bank of the Philippine islands.
June 13, 2012| Sereno | Submission of Documents in the interest of justice 6. Under the MTI, respondent Centro and its affiliates expressed its desire to
obtain from time to time loans and other credit accommodations from certain
creditors for corporate and other business purposes.
7. To secure this loan, Centro constituted a continuing mortgage on all or
substantially all of its assets in favor of BPI. This was duly recorded in the
Registry of Deeds in Makati.
8. On March 31, 1993, Centro and BPI amended the MTI to get an additional
SUMMARY: Centro entered into an agreement with BPI by executing the
loan of PHP36 Million. It was amended again on July 28, 1994 for another
Mortgage Trust Indenture (MTI). This allowed Centro and its affiliates to secure
loan of PHP24 Million.
loans by securing a mortgage. Pursuant to this agreement, all or substantially all
9. Meanwhile, respondent Centro, approached petitioner Metropolitan Bank
of the properties of Centro was mortgaged. This was allegedly backed by the
and Trust Company (Metrobank) sometime in 1994 and proposed that the
required Secretary’s Certificate. Subsequently, Centro and Metrobank agreed that
latter assume the role of successor-trustee of the existing MTI. Metrobank
the latter be the successor-trustee of the existing MTI. The MTI was amended
agreed to the proposal.
several times to allow for more loans. When the debt became due, the affiliates of
10. Thereafter, on 27 September 1994, Metrobank and Centro executed the
Centro was unable to pay, causing Metrobank to extrajudicially foreclose the
assailed MTI, amending the previous agreements by appointing the former as
mortaged properties. Nonetheless, the problem arose when the stockholders
the successor-trustee of BPI. It is worth noting that this MTI did not amend
assailed the foreclosure, saying that the mortgage was not compliant with the
the amount of the total obligations covered by the previous MTIs.
Corporation Code. Hence, this petition. The issue in this case is WoN the
11. On different dates, 4 September 1998, 9 September 1998 and 2 October 1998,
foreclosure was valid. The court held that it is not. While the MTI was valid, the
the Kehyengs [members of the board of Centro] allegedly questioned the
subsequent amendments were not, thus, the loan that the affiliate of Centro could
mortgage of the properties through letters addressed to Go Eng Uy and
have obtained was the maximum amount stated in the original MTI. during the
Jacinta Go.13
trial in the SC, 2. The SC asked the parties through a Resolution dated 5 Sept.
12. They alleged that they were not aware of any board or stockholders’ meeting
2011 to submit all amendments to the MTI and all the Mortgage Participation
held on 12 August 1994, when petitioner was appointed as successor-trustee
Certificates (MPCs) issued. Petitioner, however, failed to comply. Thus, it did not
of BPI in the MTI. Respondents demanded a copy of the minutes of the
prove that it was entitled to the proceeds of the sale.
meeting held on that date but received no response.
13. The Kehyangs wrote to Metrobank stating that it was not aware of the BoD
DOCTRINE: While it is true that some of the documents required by this Court
meeting authorizing the mortgage and authorizing it as the successor-trustee
to be submitted by the parties were not presented at the trial stage, when the legal
of the MTI. However, Metrobank did not reply.
issues raised begs the reception of that evidence – especially considering that a
14. The affiliates of Centro failed to pay the loan despite the demand, prompting
case, like the present one has been pending for more than a decade – then the Court
foreclosure proceedings. Metrobank alleged that the promissory notes
may require the parties to submit such evidence in the interest of justice. This is
executed in favor of San Carlos (affiliate) amounted to ₱ 812,793,513.23. As
clearly provided under Rule 45, Section 7 of the Rules of Court.
of 30 April 2000, the total outstanding obligation, inclusive of interests and
penalties, was ₱ 1,178,961,181.45.
FACTS: 15. The bone of contention in this case was that since the mortgaged properties
1. This is a petition for Review assailing the CA decision subject of this case. constituted all or substantially all of the corporate assets, the amendment of
2. On 20 March 1990, in a special meeting of the board of directors of the MTI failed to meet the requirements of Section 40 of the Corporation
respondent Centro Development Corporation (Centro), its president Go Eng Code on notice and voting requirements.
Uy was authorized to mortgage its properties and assets to secure the a. Under this provision, in order for a corporation to mortgage all or
medium-term loan of ₱ 84 million of Lucky Two Corporation and Lucky Two substantially all of its properties and assets, it should be authorized
Repacking. by the vote of its stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
3. The properties and assets consisted of a parcel of land with a building and outstanding capital stock in a meeting held for that purpose.
improvements located at Salcedo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, and b. Furthermore, there must be a written notice of the proposed action
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) Nos. 139880 and 139881. and of the time and place of the meeting. Thus, respondents alleged,
4. This was approved by the stockholders and thus, a corresponding Secretary’s the representation of Go Eng Uy that he was authorized by the board
Certificate was issued by CORSEC Maria Jacinta Go.
of directors and/or stockholders of Centro was false. 1. [RELEVANT ISSUE] WoN the foreclosure was valid – no
16. RTC Ruling: On 15 December 2003, after trial on the merits, the RTC 2. WoN Laches has attached, such that the respondents can no longer question
dismissed the Complaint. the MTI – no
a. It held that the evidence presented by respondents was insufficient 3. WoN the MTI is valid - yes
to support their claim that there were no meetings held authorizing RULING: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Petition is hereby PARTLY
the mortgage of Centro’s properties. GRANTED. The Mortgage Trust Indenture is declared VALID. Nonetheless, for
b. It noted that the stocks of respondents Kehyeng constituted only reasons stated herein, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 80778,
30% of the outstanding capital stock, while the Go family owned the declaring the foreclosure proceedings in Foreclosure No. S-04-011 over TCT Nos.
majority 70%, which represented more than the 2/3 vote required by 139880 and 139881 of no force and effect, is AFFIRMED. Likewise, the cancellation
Section 40 of the Corporation Code. of the Certificates of Title in the name of petitioner Metropolitan Bank and Trust
c. The trial court ruled that respondents Kehyeng, particularly Company and the denial of the payment of damages are also AFFIRMED.
Chongking Kehyeng, who sat in the board of directors, should have
done periodic inquiries and verifications of documents pertaining to RATIO:
corporate properties.
d. The RTC also held that laches had attached, considering that eight [RELEVANT ISSUE] The extrajudicial foreclosure was not valid, therefore the
(8) years had lapsed before respondents questioned the mortgage petitioner is not entitled to its proceeds
executed in 1990. 1. There is no evidence that petitioner, as creditor or as trustee, had a cause of
17. The case was elevated to the CA and the case was filed with an Urgent Motion action to move for the extrajudicial foreclosure of the subject properties
for the Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and a Writ of preliminary mortgaged under the MTI.
Injunction. However, this was denied by the CA. 2. The SC asked the parties through a Resolution dated 5 Sept. 2011 to submit
18. Not giving up, on 27 May 2004, respondents Centro and San Carlos filed a all amendments to the MTI and all the Mortgage Participation Certificates
Complaint docketed as Civil Case No. 04-612 at Branch 56 of the RTC of (MPCs) issued. Petitioner, however, failed to comply.
Makati City. They prayed for the nullification of the foreclosure proceedings 3. More glaring is the fact that the assailed MTI is not even referred to in the
and prayed for the issuance of a TRO/injunction. Promissory Notes executed by petitioner in favor of San Carlos, evidencing
19. While Civil Case No. 04-612 was pending, the clerk of court and the ex- the loans extended by the latter to the former.
officio sheriff of the RTC of Makati City held an auction sale of the disputed 4. This omission violated Section 1.13 of the MTI, which requires that a
property, during which petitioner was adjudged as the highest bidder for ₱ promissory note must be covered by an outstanding MPC and secured by the
344,700,000. A certificate of sale was issued thereafter. lien of the MTI.
20. Because of this development, the Complaint in Civil Case No. 04-612 was 5. Thus, the petitioner is not entitled to the proceeds of the foreclosure sale.
amended, and Centro and San Carlos prayed for the issuance of a writ of 6. Because the MTI in question was not amended to secure the loan granted to
injunction to prevent the registration of the Certificate of Sale and the the debtors, petitioner could not have applied for an extrajudicial foreclosure
subsequent transfer to petitioner of the title to the properties. However, on the basis of all the Promissory Notes granted to San Carlos.
Branch 56 of the RTC of Makati City subsequently denied the application. 7. Instead, petitioner could have only applied for the foreclosure of the property
21. It is to be noted that during this time, the first case which involved the legality corresponding to ₱ 144 million, which was the maximum amount embodied
of the MTI is still pending. in the MTI in question.
22. CA DECISION ON THE MTI VALIDITY: Based on the 18 August 1994 8. In other words, as an accommodation debtor, Centro’s properties may not be
Secretary’s Certificate, the CA found that only a quorum was present during liable for San Carlos’ debts beyond this maximum amount, pursuant to the
the stockholders’ meeting on 12 August 1994. The appellate court thus held [original] MTI executed with petitioner. In Caltex Philippines v. Intermediate
that the 2/3 vote required by Section 40 was not met. It ruled that the Appellate Court, it was held that the value of the mortgage should be limited
minority stockholders were deprived of their right to dissent from or to only to the amount provided by the contract between the parties.
approve the proposed mortgage, considering that they had not been notified 9. Section 4 of Rule 68 provides that: Disposition of proceeds of sale - The
in writing of the meeting in which the corporate action was to be discussed. amount realized from the foreclosure sale of the mortgaged property shall,
Thus, it ruled that the extrajudicial foreclosure was invalid. after deducting the costs of the sale, be paid to the person foreclosing the
23. The MR by the petitioner was denied by the CA. Hence, this petition. mortgage, and when there shall be any balance or residue, after paying off
the mortgage debt due, the same shall be paid to junior encumbrancers in the
ISSUE: order of their priority, to be ascertained by the court, or if there be no such
encumbrancers or there be a balance or residue after payment to them, then which are necessary and pertinent thereto," must be construed to mean that
to the mortgagor or his duly authorized agent, or to the person entitled to it. such power was limited by the conditions of the existing mortgage, and not
10. While it is true that some of the documents required by this Court to be that a new mortgage was thereby constituted.
submitted by the parties were not presented at the trial stage, when the 8. Moreover, it is worthy to note that respondents do not assail the previous MTI
legal issues raised begs the reception of that evidence – especially executed with BPI. They do not question the validity of the mortgage
considering that a case, like the present one has been pending for more constituted over all or substantially all of respondent Centro’s assets pursuant
than a decade – then the Court may require the parties to submit such to the 21 March 1994 MTI in the amount of ₱ 84 million. Nor do they
evidence in the interest of justice. This is clearly provided under Rule 45, question the additional loans increasing the value of the mortgage to ₱ 144
Section 7 of the Rules of Court. million; or the use of Centro’s properties as collateral for the loans of San
Carlos, Lucky Two Corporation, and Lucky Two Repacking.
Laches has not attached 9. Thus, Section 4029 of the Corporation Code finds no application in the
1. Laches is defined as the failure or neglect for an unreasonable and present case, as there was no new mortgage to speak of under the assailed
unexplained length of time to do that which, by exercising due diligence, directors’ Resolution.
could or should have been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to assert 10. Nonetheless, the court ruled that
a right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that the party
entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or declined to assert it.
2. A perusal of the TCTs of the subject properties would reveal that only the
values of the mortgage securing the loans totalling ₱ 144 million were
annotated, based on the MTIs executed on 21 March 1990, 31 March 1993
and 28 July 1994.
3. As for the last annotation, it only stated that petitioner was the successor-
trustee to all obligations due to the creditors. Respondents, in their Complaint,
did not question these mortgages constituted by the MTIs executed on March
1990, 31 March 1993 and 28 July 1994, respectively. What they questioned
was the additional loans granted to San Carlos after the execution of the 27
September 1994 MTI and the foreclosure of the mortgage resulting from the
nonpayment of San Carlos’ obligations.
4. Thus, contrary to the finding of the trial court, only four years had
lapsed from the execution of the 27 September 1994 MTI when
respondents questioned the mortgage allegedly constituted to cover these

The MTI is valid

5. Reading carefully the Secretary’s Certificate, it is clear that the main purpose
of the directors’ Resolution was to appoint petitioner as the new trustee of the
previously executed and amended MTI. Going through the original and the
revised MTI, the court found no substantial amendments to the provisions of
the contract.
6. The Court agrees with petitioner that the act of appointing a new trustee of
the MTI was a regular business transaction. The appointment necessitated
only a decision of at least a majority of the directors present at the meeting in
which there was a quorum, pursuant to Section 25 of the Corporation Code.
7. The second paragraph of the directors’ Resolution No. 005, s. 1994, which
empowered Go Eng Uy "to sign the Real Estate Mortgage and all
documents/instruments with the said bank, for and in behalf of the Company

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