Physics Classes: Topic: - Current Electricity
Physics Classes: Topic: - Current Electricity
Physics Classes: Topic: - Current Electricity
Kailas Sonawane’s
TIME:-1hr Marks:-30
1. There are 8 equal resistances R. Two are connected in parallel, such four groups are connected in
series, the total resistance of the system will be
(a) R / 2 (b) 2 R
(c) 4 R (d) 8 R
2. A wire has a resistance of 12 ohm. It is bent in the form of equilateral triangle. The effective resistance
between any two corners of the triangle is
(a) 9 ohms (b) 12 ohms
(c) 6 ohms (d) 8/3 ohms
3. Lamps used for household lighting are connected in
(a) Series (b) Parallel
(c) Mixed circuit (d) None of the above
4. Four wires of equal length and of resistances 10 ohms each are connected in the form of a square. The
equivalent resistance between two opposite corners of the square is
(a) 10 ohm (b) 40 ohm
(c) 20 ohm (d) 10/4 ohm
5. The equivalent resistance of the arrangement of resistances shown in adjoining figure between the
points A and B is
(a) 6 ohm
(b) 8 ohm
(c) 16 ohm
(d) 24 ohm
6. Three resistances, each of 1 ohm, are joined in parallel. Three such combinations are put in series, then
the resultant resistance will be
(a) 9 ohm (b) 3 ohm
(c) 1 ohm (d) ohm
7. Three equal resistances each of value R are joined as shown in the figure. The equivalent resistance
between M and N is
(a) R
(b) 2R
(a) 8.31 A
(b) 6.82 A
(c) 4.92 A
(d) 2 A
9. The resistivity of a wire depends on its
(a) Length (b) Area of cross-section
(c) Shape (d) Material
10. A resistance R is stretched to four times its length. Its new resistance will be
(a) 4 R (b) 64 R
(c) R / 4 (d) 16 R
11. What is the resistance of a carbon resistance which has bands of colours brown, black and brown
(a) 100 (b) 1000
(c) 10 (d) 1
12. The e.m.f. of a cell is E volts and internal resistance is r ohm. The resistance in external circuit is also r
ohm. The p.d. across the cell will be
(a) E/2 (b) 2E
(c) 4E (d) E/4
13. A cell of e.m.f. E is connected with an external resistance R , then p.d. across cell is V . The internal
resistance of cell will be
(E V )R (E V )R
(a) (b)
(V E)R (V E)R
(c) (d)
14. In the circuit shown, potential difference between X and Y will be
(a) Zero
(b) 20 V
(c) 60 V
(d) 120 V
15. In the above question, potential difference across the 40 resistance will be
(a) Zero (b) 80 V
(c) 40 V (d) 120 V
16. A cell whose e.m.f. is 2 V and internal resistance is 0.1 , is connected with a resistance of 3.9 . The
voltage across the cell terminal will be
(a) 0.50 V (b) 1.90 V
(c) 1.95 V (d) 2.00 V
17. The internal resistance of a cell depends on
(a) The distance between the plates
(b) The area of the plates immersed
(c) The concentration of the electrolyte
(d) All the above
18. n identical cells each of e.m.f. E and internal resistance r are connected in series. An external resistance
R is connected in series to this combination. The current through R is
nE nE
(a) (b)
R nr nR r
E nE
(c) (d)
R nr R r
19. The electromotive force of a primary cell is 2 volts. When it is short-circuited it gives a current of 4
amperes. Its internal resistance in ohms is
(a) 0.5 (b) 5.0
(c) 2.0 (d) 8.0
20. A cell of emf 6 V and resistance 0.5 ohm is short circuited. The current in the cell is
(a) 3 amp (b) 12 amp
(c) 24 amp (d) 6 amp
21. In carbon resistor bands of different colours on its body are white, brown, red and silver, then the value
of resistance is :
A) 7.5 KΩ 5 % C) 9.1 KΩ 15 %
B) 9.1 KΩ 10 % D) 9.1 KΩ 5%
22. The resistance of a resistor whose colour code is brown, black, green, gold :
A) C)
B) D)
23. The resistance of resistor whose colour code is Red, Red, Red , No colour
A) C)
B) D) Zero
24. Corresponding to the resistance 47 Ω 5 % which is the order of colour coding on carbon
resistors :
A) Yellow, violet, blue, gold
B) Yellow, violet, brown, gold
C) Yellow, violet, green, gold
D) Orange, violet, green gold
25. How much work is done in moving a charge of 3 C from a point at 120 V to a point at 200 V ?
A) 120 J C) 360 J
B) 240 J D) 24 J
26. The time required in minutes to produce 2400 cal of heat when a current of 1 A flows through a wire
of resistance 4.18 Ω will be ( J = 4.18 J/cal)
A) 2400 minutes C) 1200 minutes
B) 40 minutes D) 400 minutes
27. Two electric bulbs of 50 W each are connected parallel across mains. The power consumed by the
combination will be
A) 25 W C)100W
B) 50 W D)12.5W
28. An electric bulb has its specification 60 W, 220 V. The resistance of the bulb is :
A) 807 Ω C) 707 Ω
B) 1514 Ω D) 750 Ω
29. A bulb rated 60 W, 240 V is connected to main supply, the current through the bulb :
A) 0.25A C)25A
B) A D) A
30. A refrigerator has power rating of 250 W, which operates for 8 hours a day. The cost of electrical
energy is Rs 3 per KWh. The cost of electrical energy o operate it for a month of 30 days is :
A) Rs 80 C)Rs180
B) Rs 150 D)Rs280