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Smoke Point of Kerosine and Aviation Turbine Fuel: Standard Test Method For

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 1322 – 08

Designation: 57/95

Standard Test Method for

Smoke Point of Kerosine and Aviation Turbine Fuel1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1322; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* ISO 3014:1993(E) Petroleum Products—Determination of

1.1 This test method covers a procedure for determination the Smoke Point of Kerosine
of the smoke point of kerosine and aviation turbine fuel. 3. Terminology
NOTE 1—There is good correlation between Luminometer number 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
(Test Method D 1740) and smoke point which is represented in Appendix
3.1.1 aviation turbine fuel—refined petroleum distillate,
generally used as a fuel for aviation gas turbines.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the Discussion—Different grades are characterized by
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the volatility ranges, freeze point, and by flash point.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.1.2 kerosine—refined petroleum distillate, boiling be-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- tween 140 and 300°C, generally used in lighting and heating
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. applications.
3.1.3 smoke point—the maximum height, in millimetres, of
2. Referenced Documents
a smokeless flame of fuel burned in a wick-fed lamp of
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 specified design.
D 1740 Test Method for Luminometer Numbers of Aviation
Turbine Fuels3 4. Summary of Test Method
D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and 4.1 The sample is burned in an enclosed wick-fed lamp that
Petroleum Products is calibrated daily against pure hydrocarbon blends of known
2.2 Energy Institute Standard:4 smoke point. The maximum height of flame that can be
IP 57/95 Smoke Point achieved with the test fuel without smoking is determined to
NOTE 2—Only IP 57/95 published in 1995 by the Institute of Petroleum the nearest 0.5 mm.
(now Energy Institute) is equivalent to D 1322; earlier versions of IP 57
were not equivalent. 5. Significance and Use
2.3 ISO Standard: 5 5.1 This test method provides an indication of the relative
smoke producing properties of kerosines and aviation turbine
fuels in a diffusion flame. The smoke point is related to the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on hydrocarbon type composition of such fuels. Generally the
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D02.J0.03 on Combustion and Thermal Properties.
more aromatic the fuel the smokier the flame. A high smoke
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally point indicates a fuel of low smoke producing tendency.
approved in 1954. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 1322–97(2002)´1. 5.2 The smoke point (and Luminometer number with which
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or it can be correlated) is quantitatively related to the potential
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on radiant heat transfer from the combustion products of the fuel.
the ASTM website. Because radiant heat transfer exerts a strong influence on the
Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced metal temperature of combustor liners and other hot section
on www.astm.org.
Available from Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish St., London, WIG 7AR,
parts of gas turbines, the smoke point provides a basis for
U.K., http://www.energyinst.org.uk. correlation of fuel characteristics with the life of these com-
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., ponents.
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1322 – 08
6. Apparatus trimethylpentane, in accordance with the compositions given in
6.1 Smoke Point Lamp, as shown in Fig. 1 and described in Table 1, by means of calibrated burettes or pipettes.
detail in Annex A1. 7.5 Heptane, minimum purity 99 mass %. (Warning—
6.2 Wick, of woven solid circular cotton of ordinary quality, Extremely flammable, vapor harmful if inhaled. (See Annex
having the following characteristics: A2.4.))
Casing 17 ends, 66 tex by 3
Filling 9 ends, 100 tex by 4
8. Sampling and Preparation of Samples
Weft 40 tex by 2 8.1 It is recommended samples shall be taken by the
Picks 6 per centimetre
procedures described in Practice D 4057. Use the sample as
6.3 Pipettes or Burettes, Class A. received. Allow all samples to come to ambient temperature
(20 6 5°C), without artificial heating. If the sample is hazy or
7. Reagents and Materials appears to contain foreign material, filter through qualitative
7.1 Toluene, ASTM Reference Fuel grade. (Warning— filter paper.
Flammable, vapor harmful. (See Annex A2.1.))
7.2 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (isooctane), minimum purity 9. Preparation of Apparatus
99.75 mass %. (Warning—Flammable, vapor harmful. (See 9.1 Place the lamp in a vertical position in a room where it
Annex A2.2.)) can be completely protected from drafts. Carefully inspect each
7.3 Methanol (methyl alcohol), anhydrous. (Warning— new lamp to ensure that the air holes in the gallery and the air
Flammable, vapor harmful. (See Annex A2.3.)) inlets to the candle holder are all clean, unrestricted and of
7.4 Reference Fuel Blends, appropriate to the fuels under proper size. The gallery shall be so located that the air holes are
test, made up accurately from toluene and 2,2,4- completely unobstructed.
NOTE 3—Slight variations in these items all have a marked effect on the
precision of the result obtained.
9.1.1 If the room is not completely draft-free, place the lamp
in a vertical position in a box constructed of heat-resistant
material (not containing asbestos), open at the front. The top of
the box shall be at least 150 mm above the top of the chimney
and the inside of the box painted dull black.
9.2 Extract all wicks, either new or from a previous deter-
mination, for at least 25 cycles in an extractor, using a mixture
of equal volumes of toluene and anhydrous methanol. Allow
the wicks to dry partially in a hood before placing in the oven,
or use a forced-draft and explosion-proof oven for drying
wicks, or both. Dry for 30 min at 100 to 110°C and store in a
dessicator until used.
9.2.1 Extracted wicks are commercially available and may
be used, provided that they have been certified as being
extracted by the procedure outlined in 9.2. Store purchased
extracted wicks in a desiccator over desiccant until use. After
use, extract these wicks as in 9.2 before using again.
10. Calibration of Apparatus
10.1 Calibrate the apparatus in accordance with 10.2. Reca-
librate at regular intervals of not more than seven days or when
there has been a change in the apparatus or operator, or when
a change of more than 0.7 kPa occurs in the barometric
pressure reading.

TABLE 1 Reference Fuel Blends

Standard Smoke Point at
Toluene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane
101.3 kPa
mm %(v/v) % (v/v)
14.7 40 60
20.2 25 75
22.7 20 80
25.8 15 85
30.2 10 90
35.4 5 95
42.8 0 100
FIG. 1 Smoke Point Lamp

D 1322 – 08
10.2 Calibrate the apparatus by testing two of the reference ends. When the holder is removed, the wick will be at the
fuel blends specified in 7.4, using the procedure specified in correct height in the tube. The tube is then inserted into the
Section 11 and, if possible, bracketing the smoke point of the candle and screwed home. The candle is inserted into the lamp.
sample. If this is not possible, use the two test blends having 11.4 Light the candle and adjust the wick so that the flame
their smoke points nearest to the smoke point of the sample. is approximately 10 mm high and allow the lamp to burn for 5
10.2.1 Determine the correction factor f for the apparatus min. Raise the candle until a smoky tail appears, then lower the
from the equation; candle slowly through the following stages of flame appear-
~ As / Ad ! 1 ~ B s / Bd ! ance:
f5 2 (1) 11.4.1 A long tip; smoke slightly visible; erratic and jumpy
where: 11.4.2 An elongated, pointed tip with the sides of the tip
As = the standard smoke point of the first reference fuel appearing concave upward as shown in Fig. 2 (Flame A).
blend; 11.4.3 The pointed tip just disappears, leaving a very
Ad = the smoke point determined for the first reference fuel slightly blunted flame as shown in Fig. 2 (Flame B). Jagged,
blend; erratic, luminous flames are sometimes observed near the true
Bs = the standard smoke point of the second reference fuel flame tip; these shall be disregarded.
blend; 11.4.4 A well rounded tip as shown in Fig. 2 (Flame C).
Bd = the smoke point determined for the second reference Determine the height of Flame B to the nearest 0.5 mm. Record
fuel blend. the height observed.
If the smoke point determined for the test fuel exactly To eliminate errors due to parallax, the eye of the
matches the smoke point determined for a reference fuel blend, observer shall be slightly to one side of the centreline, so that
use as the second bracketing reference fuel the reference fuel a reflected image of the flame is seen on the scale on one side
blend with the next higher smoke point, if there is one. of the central vertical white line, and the flame itself is seen
Otherwise, use the one with the next closest smoke point. against the other side of the scale. The reading for both
10.3 An alternative approach to confirm calibration of the observations shall be identical.
apparatus is for each operator to run a control sample each day 11.5 Make three separate observations of the flame height at
the apparatus is in use. Record the results and compare the the smoke point by repeating the flame-appearance sequence
average from the data base of the control sample using control
charts or equivalent statistical techniques. If the difference
exceeds the control limits or when new apparatus is used, then
the apparatus must be recalibrated.

11. Procedure
11.1 Soak a piece of extracted and dried wick, not less than
125 mm long, in the sample and place it in the wick tube of the
candle. Carefully ease out any twists arising from this opera-
tion. In cases of dispute, or of referee tests, always use a new
wick, prepared in the manner specified in 9.2.
NOTE 4—It is advisable to resoak the burning-end of the wick in the
sample after the wick is inserted in the wick tube.
11.2 Introduce as near to 20 mL of the prepared sample as
available, but not less than 10 mL, at room temperature, into
the clean, dry candle.
11.3 Place the wick tube in the candle and screw home. Take
care that the candle air vent is free from fuel. If a wick-trimmer
assembly is not being used, cut the wick horizontally and trim
it free of frayed ends so that 6 mm projects from the end of the
candle. Use a clean razor blade or other sharp instrument.
(Some razor blades have a protective coating; in such cases,
remove the coating with a solvent before using the blade).
Insert the candle into the lamp.
11.3.1 An alternative method of preparing a wick free of
twists and frayed ends utilizes a wick-trimmer assembly. The
wick-trimmer holder is inserted over the top of the wick tube
and the long-nosed triceps are inserted through the tube and
holder. The wick is grasped and carefully pulled through the
tube without twisting. A new, clean, sharp razor is used to cut
the wick at the face of the holder and remove wisps and frayed FIG. 2 Typical Flame Appearances

D 1322 – 08
specified in 11.4. If these values vary over a range greater than apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical
1.0 mm, repeat the test with a fresh sample and another wick. material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct
11.6 Remove the candle from the lamp, rinse with heptane, operation of the test method, exceed the following value in
and purge with air to make ready for re-use. only one case in 20:
r 5 2 mm (3)
12. Calculation
12.1 Calculate the smoke point, to the nearest 0.1 mm, from 13.2 Reproducibility, R—The difference between two single
the equation: and independent results obtained by different operators work-
ing in different laboratories on nominally identical test material
smoke point 5 L 3 f (2) would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
where: the test method, exceed the following value in only one case in
L = the average, rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm, of three 20:
individual readings, and R 5 3 mm (4)
f = the correction factor (see 10.2), rounded to the nearest
NOTE 5—Precision values were determined from a joint ASTM/IP
0.01. program conducted in 1972. Six reference fuel blends and ten Jet A and Jet
12.2 Record the result thus obtained, rounded to the nearest B fuels were tested covering a range of smoke points from 15 to 45 mm.
0.5 mm, as the smoke point of the sample.
13.3 Bias—The procedure in Test Method D 1322 for mea-
13. Precision and Bias 6 suring the smoke point of kerosines and aviation turbine fuels
has no bias because the value of the smoke point can only be
13.1 Repeatability, r—The difference between successive
defined in terms of a test method.
test results obtained by the same operator with the same
14. Keywords
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 14.1 aviation turbine fuel; combustion properties; jet fuel;
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1178. kerosine; radiant heat; smoke point


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Smoke Point Lamp, as shown in Fig. 1, complying A1.1.3 An efficient device for raising or lowering the flame
with the dimensional requirements given in Table A1.1 and as shall be provided. The total distance of travel shall be not less
shown in Fig. A1.1 and Fig. A1.2. The following essential than 10 mm and the movement shall be smooth and regular.
requirements shall be met: A1.1.4 The glass window of the door shall be curved to
prevent the formation of multiple images.
NOTE A1.1—A medium-density cobalt glass may be used to reduce eye
fatigue when viewing the flame. A1.1.5 The joint between the base of the candle and the
candle body shall be oil-tight.
A1.1.1 The top of the wick guide shall be exactly level with
the zero mark on the scale.
A1.1.2 The scale shall be marked in white lines on black
glass on each side of a white or black strip 2 mm in width. It
shall have a range of 50 mm graduated in 1 mm intervals,
figured at each 10 mm and with longer lines at each 5 mm.

D 1322 – 08
TABLE A1.1 Critical Dimensions of Smoke Point Lamp
Dimension, Tolerance,
mm mm
Lamp Body (Fig. A1.1)
Candle Socket (C)
Internal diameter 23.8 60.05
Wick Guide (D)
Internal diameter 6.0 60.02
Air Inlets (20 in number) (E)
Diameter 2.9 60.05
Gallery (F)
External diameter 35.0 60.05
Air inlets (20 in number), diameter 3.5 60.05
Lamp Body (G)
Internal diameter 81.0 61.0
Internal depth 81.0 61.0
Chimney (H)
Internal diameter 40.0 61.0
Height, top of chimney to center of lamp body 130 61.0
Candle (Fig. A1.2)
Candle Body
Internal diameter 21.25 ...
External diameter sliding fit in candle holder
Length, without cap 109 60.05
Thread on cap 9.5 mm dia screwed
1.0 mm pitch
Wick Tube (A)
Internal diameter 4.7 60.05
External diameter close fit in flame guide
Length 82.0 60.05
Air-Vent (B)
Internal diameter 3.5 60.05
Length 90.0 60.05

NOTE 1—Dimensions are millimetres.

FIG. A1.1 Lamp Body

D 1322 – 08

FIG. A1.2 Candle


A2.1 Toluene of ignition, especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus

A2.1.1 Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful. Keep away and heaters. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mist. Avoid
from heat, sparks and open flame. Keep container closed. Use prolonged or repeated skin contact.
with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray
mist. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. A2.3 Methanol (Methyl Alcohol)
A2.3.1 Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful. May be fatal
A2.2 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Isooctane) or cause blindness if swallowed or inhaled. Cannot be made
A2.2.1 Warning—Extremely flammable. Harmful if in- nonpoisonous. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame.
haled. Vapor may cause flash fire. Keep away from heat, sparks Keep container closed. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Avoid
and open flame. Keep container closed. Use with adequate breathing of vapor or spray mist. Use with adequate ventila-
ventilation. Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources tion. Do not take internally.

D 1322 – 08
A2.4 Heptane ventilation. Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources
A2.4.1 Warning—Extremely flammable. Harmful if in- of ignition, especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus
haled. Vapor may cause flash fire. Keep away from heat, sparks and heaters. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mist. Avoid
and open flame. Keep container closed. Use with adequate prolonged or repeated skin contact.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Introduction surements. This means that if there is a fuel-type effect

X1.1.1 There is a good correspondence between smoke different for each of the two methods, it is small and masked by
point (SP) (Test Method D 1322) and luminometer number smoke point and luminometer number measurement errors.
(LN) (Test Method D 1740). Fig. X1.1 shows this relationship
for aviation turbine fuels of the kerosine type. X1.2 Equations
X1.1.2 The relationship is based on regression of data on X1.2.1 The correlation curve shown in Fig. X1.1 can be
315 fuels having luminometer numbers falling within the range represented by either equation as follows:
from − 2 to 100. There were 160 Jet A, A-1, JP-4, and JP-5 LN 5 212.03 1 3.009SP 2 0.0104 SP2 (X1.1)
fuels in this group. The remaining fuels were diesel fuels, 2
kerosines, blends of refinery fractions, and other miscellaneous SP 5 14.16 1 0.331LN 1 0.000648LN (X1.2)
petroleum fractions. X1.2.2 The equations are obviously not mathematical
X1.1.3 The correlation coefficient was 0.95. identities but yield results that do not differ by more than 0.1
X1.1.4 It can be demonstrated that the confidence intervals smoke point or luminometer number points. Both equations are
about the correlation line is explainable almost completely by presented to facilitate ease of calculation depending on which
the inherent error in the smoke point and luminometer mea- variable is given.

FIG. X1.1 Relationship Between Smoke Point and Luminometer


D 1322 – 08

Subcommittee D02.J0.03 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 1322–97(2002)´1) that may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Added new 9.2.1 to allow the use of commercially (2) Lowered the required purity of heptane in 7.5 used as the
available extracted wicks. wash solvent for the candle.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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