Vehicle Standards Guide 5 (VSG-5) : Converting A Vehicle Into A Motorhome
Vehicle Standards Guide 5 (VSG-5) : Converting A Vehicle Into A Motorhome
Vehicle Standards Guide 5 (VSG-5) : Converting A Vehicle Into A Motorhome 1 of 7
[VSG5] | [Converting a vehicle to a motorhome]
Heavy Vehicle National Law requires that vehicles be Requirements for converting to a motorhome
right-hand drive.
Converting a vehicle to a motorhome is made up of a
General mechanical and structural condition number of more minor modifications, some or all of
which may apply to you. Below is a list of the most
Making sure the vehicle is in good mechanical condition common tasks or requirements that must be considered
and is structurally sound will make converting and using during a conversion and advice on the type of
a motorhome easier. Before purchasing a vehicle, you certification needed.
may wish to have an independent mechanic look over
the vehicle to give you peace of mind. General safety requirements
Gross Vehicle Mass, carrying capacity and All objects, fittings and appliances installed in a
motorhome must be installed with a ‘safety first’
gross combination mass
approach that minimises the risk of injury to all persons
For a vehicle to be used on a road, it cannot exceed its when the motorhome is both stationary and travelling.
maximum weight limit, which is the lesser of what is
Interior fittings must be designed and fitted so as to
commonly known as the Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) or
prevent injury to occupants. Hazardous projections,
the axle mass limits applicable to the vehicle.
sharp edges and sharp corners are not permitted.
The GVM is the total weight allowable for the vehicle.
All chairs, tables and other living area fittings must be
The weight of the vehicle includes any fixtures or fittings
secured in such a way that they will not dislodge during
on the vehicle and any passengers, luggage, food, water,
travel and must be able to withstand substantial
waste water, etc. that is carried on board.
vibration and impact and securely hold their contents
Axle mass limits are set by the Heavy Vehicle National (for example when driving over unsealed or corrugated
Law and limit the amount of weight you can carry on an roads).
axle or axle group depending on the number of axles and
Positive latches on internal doors, including cupboard
the number and type of tyres. More information is
doors, are recommended and all interior fittings should
available from the NHVR’s website.
be secured to withstand a 10 G load.
When you are selecting a vehicle, make sure it has a
External fittings or protrusions that are not technically
GVM that allows for your completed vehicle, including all
essential to the operation of the vehicle and that are
of the belongings, food, water (clean and waste) and the
likely to increase the risk of injury to any person are not
people it will be carrying.
If you intend to tow a trailer or car, you should also
consider if the vehicle and tow combination will have an Ventilation
adequate Gross Combination Mass (GCM). The GCM is Ample ventilation must be provided both while the
the total maximum loaded mass of the motor vehicle motorhome is travelling and when stationary. At least
and any vehicles it may lawfully tow at any given time. half the number of windows must be capable of being
opened or the motorhome must be provided with an
Size and dimensions
alternative method of ventilation. Motorhomes must
There are strict limits on the maximum dimension of a also be fitted with ventilation systems additional to
heavy vehicle. In particular motorhomes must not window and door openings. At a minimum this should be
exceed the regulation dimensions, including: an inlet air vent and at least two rotary vents or a hatch
in the roof towards the rear of the passenger
• maximum length: 12.5 metres
• width: 2.5 metres
Adequate permanent external ventilation must be
• height: 4.3 metres
provided for all gas appliances, including where
• rear overhang: 3.7 metres or 60% of the wheel base, appliances (such as barbeques) are fitted externally to
whichever is lesser and including items or equipment the vehicle and may be operated under an annexe or an
mounted on the rear overhang awning.
• combination length (motorhome towing a trailer) –
19.00 metres. Minimum motorhome requirements
All fittings to the motorhome, such as spare wheels, tow In order to be classed as a motorhome, the following
bars and awnings, must be fully contained within the minimum equipment must be included in the vehicle:
above measurements and must not impede the safe
• seats and a table
operation of the vehicle.
• sleeping accommodation 2 of 7
[VSG5] | [Converting a vehicle to a motorhome]
There are three general rules for seatbelts when
converting a vehicle to a motorhome:
• If you use a seat in a vehicle that was originally fitted
when the vehicle was built, you do not need to add
or change the seatbelt fitted.
• If you move an existing seat or fit a new seat – the
vehicle must be fitted with new seatbelts that meet
the current standards.
• Seatbelts can never be fitted to a non-designated
Where the modification results in a changed of vehicle
category, the seatbelts must comply with the requirements of
the new category type based on the vehicle’s date of
Seating positions manufacture. However, it is strongly recommended that the
requirments applicable at date of modification be
A motorhome must have at least one designated seating used.Installing new seatbelts, or replacing seatbelts, is a
position (a seat that can be used when travelling on a modification that must be assessed and certified by an
road) for each sleeping berth that is in the motorhome, AVE.
for example, a two berth motorhome must have a
seating capacity of at least two. The NHVR strongly 3 of 7
[VSG5] | [Converting a vehicle to a motorhome]
Every motorhome must be fitted with at least one
outward opening or sliding door on the left hand side or
the rear of the vehicle. Outward security doors fitted
over bi-fold or inwards folding doors are not categorised
as outward opening doors for this purpose.
Doors must provide a clear and direct path of access Liquefied Petroleum Gas
between the outside and inside of the residential area of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) appliances, such as stoves
the motorhome. The door must not be obstructed by and water heaters, must be installed by a licenced gas
any items such as furniture or a designated seating installer and each appliance must be accompanied by an
position. The door should be of a size which allows an Installation Compliance Certificate, which identifies the
average-sized person to easily and directly enter and exit vehicle by its Vehicle Identification Number
the residential area of the motorhome. The door must (VIN)/Chassis number. Gas appliances must comply with
be sufficiently close to the ground so that it can be the Australian Standards and the manufacturer’s
accessed without steps or with a minimal number of specifications.
fixed steps and does not require portable steps of any
kind. Where the motorhome’s engine runson LPG fuel, gas
appliances must not be connected to, or derive fuel
Windows from, the engine’s fuel system in any way. Gas piping
Transparent materials, including glass, used in any newly must be protected from abrasion where it passes
fitted windscreen, window or interior partition must be through partitions or parts of the vehicle. Piping must
an approved material complying with ADR8/.. In not be exposed to the living space of the motorhome.
addition, glass fittings must be clearly marked with LPG cylinder compartments must be stored securely and
compliance information. separately from the living space of the motorhome in a
Restrictions also apply to the level of tint of windows. storage compartment that is constructed and ventilated
See Section 10 of the NHVIM at to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5601 – Gas
Further information about gas systems can be obtained
from your state or territory agency responsible for gas
systems. 4 of 7
[VSG5] | [Converting a vehicle to a motorhome]
• must drain into a tank that must vent directly to the Some state and territory environmental agencies have
atmosphere further restrictions on the placement of exhaust outlets.
Therefore vehicle owners should consult with their state
• must not drain into any toilet pan or urinal or into
or territory environmental agency before modifying their
any tank to which a toilet pan or urinal empties.
vehicle’s exhaust. 5 of 7
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[VSG5] | [Converting a vehicle to a motorhome]
Driver licencing
The class of licence needed to drive a heavy vehicle will
depend on the GVM of the vehicle and the number of
axles. When selecting a vehicle, make sure you are
aware what class of licence you will need to drive it, and
whether any changes you make during the conversion
will change the type of licence you need.
For more information about driver licencing, contact
your state or territory transport authority. 7 of 7