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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150712
Semester – V
Subject Name: Computer Graphics

Type of course: Undergraduate


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 5 70 30 30 20 150

Sr. Content Total %
No. Hrs. weightage
1 Basic of Computer Graphics: 06 15
Basic of Computer Graphics, Applications of computer graphics, Display
devices, Random and Raster scan systems, Graphics input devices, Graphics
software and standards
2 Graphics Primitives: 08 20
Points, lines, circles and ellipses as primitives, scan conversion algorithms for
primitives, Fill area primitives including scan-line polygon filling, inside-
outside test, boundary and flood-fill, character generation, line attributes, area-
fill attributes, character attributers.
3 2D transformation and viewing: 08 20
Transformations (translation, rotation, scaling), matrix representation,
homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations, reflection and shearing,
viewing pipeline and coordinates system, window-to-viewport transformation,
clipping including point clipping, line clipping (cohen-sutherland, liang-
bersky, NLN), polygon clipping
4 3D concepts and object representation: 06 15
3D display methods, polygon surfaces, tables, equations, meshes, curved lies
and surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, cubic spline interpolation
methods, Bazier curves and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces
5 3D transformation and viewing: 08 20
3D scaling, rotation and translation, composite transformation, viewing
pipeline and coordinates, parallel and perspective transformation, view volume
and general (parallel and perspective) projection transformations
6 Advance topics: 06 10
visible surface detection concepts, back-face detection, depth buffer method,
illumination, light sources, illumination methods (ambient, diffuse reflection,
specular reflection), Color models: properties of light, XYZ, RGB, YIQ and
CMY color models

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w.e.f. AY 2018-19

Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150712

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

15 20 15 10 5 5

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:

Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Course outcomes: Students will be able to

Sr. Marks %
CO statement
No. Weightage
1 To understand the basic computer graphics primitives as well as able to implement
2 To learn, compare and apply various transformation techniques. 17
3 To design basic animations using latest graphics package software. 25
4 Students will be able to solve open design problems regarding surface and edge
5 Students will be able to apply the knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools
tobecome successful professionals in graphics industries.

Reference Books:

1. Computer Graphics,D.Hearn And P.Baker - Pearson Eduction - C Version, Latest edition

2. Computer Graphics, with OpenGLHearn and Baker, - Pearson
3. Computer Graphics, Sinha &Udai, - TMH
4. Computer Graphics, Foley and van Dam - Person Education

List of Experiments:

1. To study the various graphics commands in C language.

2. Develop the DDA Line drawing algorithm using C language
3. Develop the Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm using C language
4. Develop the Bresenham’s Circle drawing algorithm using C language
5. Develop the C program for to display different types of lines
6. Perform the following 2D Transformation operation - Translation, Rotation and Scaling
7. Perform the Line Clipping Algorithm
8. Perform the Polygon clipping algorithm
9. Perform the following tasks using MATLAB commands.
- Read the grayscale and color image.
- Display images on the computer monitor
- Write images in your destination folder.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150712
10. Generate the complement image using MATLAB.

Design based Problems (DP)/Open Ended Problem:

1. By using the various geometrics transformation techniques, students can develop the various
gaming software and also able to perform the animation concept.

Major Equipment:
1. Computer systems with high RAM.

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

1. GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program

2. Inkscape - Open Source vector graphics editor
3. C Compiler

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