2 21cst602-Cgip
2 21cst602-Cgip
2 21cst602-Cgip
Overview of Computer Graphics along with its applications.
Exploring 2D and 3D graphics mathematics along with OpenGL API’s.
Use of Computer graphics principles for animation and design of GUI’s.
Introduction to Image processing and Open CV.
Image segmentation using Open CV.
UNIT I 09 Hours
Overview: Computer Graphics hardware and software and OpenGL: Computer Graphics:
Video Display Devices, Raster-Scan Systems Basics of computer graphics, Application of
Computer Graphics.OpenGL: Introduction to OpenGL, coordinate reference frames,
specifying two-dimensional world coordinate reference frames in OpenGL, OpenGL point
functions, OpenGL line functions, point attributes, line attributes, curve attributes,
OpenGL point attribute functions, OpenGL line attribute functions, Line drawing
algorithms(DDA, Bresenham’s).
UNIT II 08 Hours
2D and 3D graphics with OpenGL: 2D Geometric Transformations: Basic 2D
Geometric Transformations, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates, 2D
Composite transformations, other 2D transformations, raster methods for geometric
transformations, OpenGL raster transformations, OpenGL geometric transformations
3D Geometric Transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, composite 3D
transformations, other 3D transformations, OpenGL geometric transformations functions
UNIT III 09 Hours
Interactive Input Methods and Graphical User Interfaces: Graphical Input Data, Logical
Classification of Input Devices, Input Functions for Graphical Data, Interactive Picture-
Construction Techniques, Virtual-Reality Environments, OpenGL Interactive Input-Device
Functions, OpenGL Menu Functions, Designing a Graphical User Interface.
Computer Animation: Design of Animation Sequences, Traditional Animation Techniques,
General Computer-Animation Functions, Computer-Animation Languages, Character
Animation ,Periodic Motions, OpenGL Animation Procedures.
UNIT IV 08 Hours
Introduction to Image processing: Overview, Nature of IP, IP and its related fields,
Digital Image representation, types of images.
Digital Image Processing Operations: Basic relationships and distance metrics,
Classification of Image processing Operations.
UNIT V 08 Hours
Image Segmentation: Introduction, classification, detection of discontinuities, Edge
detection (up to canny edge detection (included)).
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Course Blooms
Outcomes Level
Construct geometric objects using Computer Graphics
CO1 L3
principles and OpenGL APIs.
Use OpenGL APIs and related mathematics for 2D and 3D
CO2 L3
geometric Operations on the objects.
Design GUI with necessary techniques required to animate the
CO3 L3
created objects.
CO4 Apply OpenCV for developing Image processing applications. L4
Apply Image segmentation techniques along with
CO5 programming, using OpenCV, for developing simple L4
No. List of problems for which student should develop program and execute in the
Laboratory using openGL/openCV/ Python
1. Develop a program to draw a line using Bresenham’s line drawing technique
2. Develop a program to demonstrate basic geometric operations on the 2D object
3. Develop a program to demonstrate basic geometric operations on the 3D object
4. Develop a program to demonstrate 2D transformation on basic objects
5. Develop a program to demonstrate 3D transformation on 3D objects
6. Develop a program to demonstrate Animation effects on simple objects.
7. Write a Program to read a digital image. Split and display image into 4 quadrants, up,
down, right and left.
8. Write a program to show rotation, scaling, and translation on an image.
9. Read an image and extract and display low-level features such as edges, textures using
filtering techniques.
10. Write a program to blur and smoothing an image.
11. Write a program to contour an image.
12. Write a program to detect a face/s in an image
PART B- Practical Based Learning
Student should develop a mini project and it should be demonstrate in the laboratory
examination, Some of the projects are listed and it is not limited to:
Recognition of License Plate through Image Processing
Recognition of Face Emotion in Real-Time
Detection of Drowsy Driver in Real-Time
Recognition of Handwriting by Image Processing
Detection of Kidney Stone
Verification of Signature
Compression of Color Image
Classification of Image Category
Detection of Skin Cancer
Marking System of Attendance using Image Processing
Detection of Liver Tumor
IRIS Segmentation
Detection of Skin Disease and / or Plant Disease
Biometric Sensing System.
Projects which helps to farmers to understand the present developments in
Simulation projects which helps to understand innovations in science and
The tasks when implementing mini project would be:
1. Understand the complete domain knowledge of the application and derive the
complete data requirement specification for the mini project.
2. Documentation & submission of report.
1. Edward Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics- A Top Down approach with OpenGL,
5th edition. Pearson Education, 2008
2. James D Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F Huges Computer graphics
with OpenGL: Pearson education
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106090/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/102/106102063/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/103/106103224/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/102/106102065/
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/opencv/(Tutorial, Types of Images, Drawing Functions)
6. https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/introduction-to-computer-vision-opencv-in-python-
Faculty Incharge
1. Mrs. Asha K N