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Arch Dam and Buttress Dam

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Arch Dam and Buttress Dam

Arch Dam
An arch dam is a curved dam that carries a major part of its water
load horizontally to the abutments by arch action; the part so
carried being primarily dependent on the amount of curvature. The
material, of which the dam is constructed, transmits the forces
under the optimum conditions and very considerable economy.
Arch dams are restricted to relatively narrow valley sections with
strong abutments. They are structurally more efficient than the
gravity or buttress counterparts, greatly reducing the volume of
concrete required.
Extrados and Intrados: Extrados is the upstream face of arches
and intrados is the downstream face of the arches. These terms are
used only for the horizontal (arch) units; the faces of the cantilever
units are referred to as upstream and downstream, as appropriate.
See Figure below for these definitions.

Valley suited for arch dam

• Narrow gorges provide the most natural solution for an arch dam
construction, the usually recommended ratio of crest length to dam height
being 5 or less.
• The overall shape of the site is classified as a narrow-V, wide-V, narrow-U,
or wide-U as shown in Figure below.
• To determine the site suitability for an arch dam the following equation of
canyon shape factor (CSF) is proposed:

B  H (sec 1  sec 2 )

• Where Ψ1 and Ψ2 are the angles the sides of the valleys make with the
vertical, b is valley base width and H the height. Usual values of CSF are
from 2 to 5. The lower the CSF value the thinner the section.
Table 3-1 Classification of valley shapes based on CSF value
Valley type Bottom width B 1 2 CSF

U shaped <H < 150 < 150

< 3.1
Narrow V shaped 0 < 350 < 350
< 2.4
Wide V-shaped 0 > 350 > 350
> 2.4
Composite U-V shaped < 2H > 150 > 150

 4.1
Wide and flat shapes > 2H 1 2

> 4.1
Unclassified Highly irregular valley shape
• The arch dam should be properly laid out to improve the stability
and reduce the stresses.
• The dam layout should take advantage of the favorable conditions
afforded by curved shapes, and gradual transition.
• The rock mass at the abutment should be sufficient and the
resultant thrust at the abutment should be directed well inside the
abutment to avoid sliding.
• Arch and cupola dams transfer their loads to the valley sides than
to the floor.
• Overturning and sliding stability have little relevance here. If the
integrity and competence of the abutments is assured, failure can
occur only as a result of overstress.
• Arch dam design is therefore, centered largely upon stress analysis
and the definition of an arch geometry which avoids local tensile
stress concentration and/or excessive compressive stress.
• Associated with saving may also be realized in foundation
excavation & preparation, but the sophisticated form of arch dam
leads to very much increased unit costs. In case of complex
geology of abutment, saving can also be negated by requirement
of ensuring abutment integrity under all conditions.
Arch Geometry and Profile
• The horizontal component of arch thrust must be transferred into the
abutment at a safe angle, β, i.e. one that will not promote abutment
yielding or instability. At any elevation the arch thrust may be considered to
enter the abutment as shown in Figure below.
• In general an abutment entry angle, β, of between 45 and 70° is suggested.
In distributing through the abutment the thrust must not be aligned too
closely with the valley sound rock contours or with any major discontinuity
that may contribute to the abutment instability.

Figure Abutment entry angle geometry for arch dams

Arch dams may be grouped into two main divisions:
 Massive arch dams and multiple arch dams.
• Massive arch dam:- the whole span of the dam is covered by a
single curved wall usually vertical or nearly so.
• Multiple arch dam:- series of arches cover the whole span of
the dam, usually inclined and supported on piers or buttresses.
These are usually considered as a type of buttress dam and will
be described later.
• Massive arch dams in turn are divided into the following types:
• Constant radius arch dams,
• Constant angle arch dams
• Variable radius arch dams
• Double curvature or Cupola arch dams
• Arch gravity dams

A. Constant Radius Arch Dam
• Constant radius is the simplest geometric profile combining a vertical upstream face
of constant extrados (outside curved surface of the arch dam) radius with a uniform
radial downstream slope. Though the constant radius arch dam is not the most
economical profile in volume, it is simple to analyze and construct. Besides, this
profile is suitable to relatively symmetrical “U” shaped valley. For a site with
variable span length “V” shaped valleys a constant radius can have the correct
central angle only at one elevation. Therefore, smallest masonry volume for the
whole dam is obtained by increasing the top angle to get the best average angle.
Usually a maximum of 150o is used for the top arch.
A)Constant Angle Arch Dams
• The concept of the constant-angle profile follows logically as a development of the
constant-radius profile of minimum volume. Constant-angle geometry is more
complex, however, since, as demonstrated by Fig. below it leads to a considerable
upstream overhang as the abutments are approached.
• Excessive overhang is undesirable, as the resulting local cross-section can prove
unstable under construction or for the reservoir empty condition. To alleviate this it
may be necessary to introduce an upstream prop, as indicated on the figure, or to
modify the central angle 2 of different arches has the same magnitude from top to
bottom. In practice 2 = 1000 to 1500 is used. It uses about 70% concrete as
compared to constant radius arch dam. The profile is best suited to narrow and
relatively symmetrical steep sided V-shaped valleys.
Variable radius angle arch dam

• It is a compromise between constant radius and constant angle arch dams,

i.e., neither the radius nor the angle is constant. The radii of the extrados and
intrados surfaces vary from the top to bottom, usually maximum at the top
and minimum at the base. The central angle of the different arches is not
constant; it usually ranges from 800 to 1500. The central angle for the top
arch is made as wide as possible. The dam is suitable for V and U-V shaped
• The radius is varied to cut the face at the required contour interval so that
there is no overhang. Masonry volume consumed is about 82% of that for
constant radius arch dam of the same height.
– Loads on arch dams
• Loads on arch dams are essentially the same as loads on gravity dams,
except that temperature changes, which usually are not important
considerations in straight dams, cause important deflections and stresses in
curved dams. The principal dead load is the concrete weight. The principal
live load is the reservoir water pressure. Uplift forces are less important, if
no cracks occur it can be neglected
1.3. Methods of design of massive arch dams

• In general the design/analysis can be based on:

- Thin cylinder theory
- Thick cylinder theory
- The elastic theory
- Other advanced methods such as trial load analysis and finite element
1.3.1. Thin Cylinder theory
• It is envisaged that the weight of concrete and water in the dam is carried
directly to the foundation. The horizontal water load is carried entirely by
arch action. The theory assumes that the arch is simply supported at the
abutments and that the stresses are approximately the same as in thin
cylinder of equal outside radius ro.
Figure Thin cylinder model of an Arch dam
• Summing forces parallel to the stream axis
2 R sin  / 2  2 whre sin  / 2
R   whre
The transverse unit stress
R  whre
  
t *1 t
• for a given stress
 whre
 all
• Note: the hydrostatic pressure wh may be increased by earth
quake and other pressure forces where applicable:

• since re = rc + 0.5t and re = ri + t

 whrc  whri
t or t
 all  0.5 wh  all   wh

Condition for least volume of arch

V  (t * 1)r
 hr
t  w  kr

 B 
V  kr 2  k  
 2 sin  / 2 

• Differentiating V with respect to  and setting to zero,  = 133.5o

which is the most economical angle for arch with minimum
• For  = 133.50 r = 0.544B
Thick Cylinder theory
Improvement in thin cylinder theory was made by the considering
the arch as thick cylinder. The compressive horizontal ring stress,
σh, for radius R is given by,

• Where Ru and Rd are u/s and d/s face radii of the arch element
• Ring stress is maximum at the downstream face. Ring thickness, Tr
= Ru - Rd, is assumed uniform at any elevation. Hence, with pw =

• In theory, arch thickness should diminish towards the crown and

increase close to the abutments. In practice it is usual to maintain
a uniform thickness at any elevation for a single-curvature dam,
and the maximum tangential stresses will therefore be those
generated at either abutment
Elastic arch theory
The theory assumes complete transfer of load by arch action only.
Horizontal arch rings are assumed fixed to the abutments, but acting
independently of neighboring rings. Effect of temperature variation
on arch stress is considered. This method can be used for preliminary
design to determine the adequacy of the section designed by the thin
cylinder theory.
• Modified Cain’s Equations are used for calculating forces and
moments at the crown and at abutments.
pr t2
Ho  pr  2 sin  ; where  is in radians
D 12r
 t 2   sin 2 
D  1  
2 
      2 sin 2
 ; if shear is neglected.
 12r   2 
 t 2   sin 2  3t 2
 sin 2 
D  1     
2 
  2 sin  
    ; if shear is considered .
 12r   2  12r  2 
Figure Constant thickness circular arch, fixed at abutments
 sin  
M oment at crown : Mo  r ( pr  Ho)1  
  
Force at abutment : Ha  pr  ( pr  Ho) cos 
 sin  
M oment at abutement : Ma  r ( pr  Ho)  cos  
  
After determining forces and moments, stresses at intrados and extrados
are calculated from  H 6M 
   2 
 t t 

Boundary Dam, Seattle



Salmon Creek Dam, Alaska

Definition and type of buttress dams
• Buttress dams consist of sloping upstream membrane and a
series of supporting buttresses. The load transfer is similar to
that of gravity dams, the upstream membrane transmitting
the water load to a series of buttresses at right angles to the
axis of the dam.
• Relative to gravity dam the principal advantages of the
massive buttress dam lies in its obvious economy of material
and in a major reduction in uplift load. The buttress dam also
offers greater ability to accommodate foundation
deformation without damage. However, the advantages listed
are offset by considerably higher finished unit costs for the
reduced quantities of concrete employed. This is attributable
largely to the cost of the more expensive and frequently non-
repetitive formwork required. Significantly increased stresses
are also transmitted into the foundation of each buttress. The
criteria for foundation competence are therefore appreciably
more rigorous than those applicable to gravity dam.
Types of Buttress Dams
• Depending on the arrangement of the T-section of the dam, there
are different types of buttress dams. These are given below with
their sub-classifications.
• Massive Head Buttress Dam (see Figure below): The deck
comprises of an extension of the buttress itself and for stability the
whole section behaves as one monolith. The dam is thus made of
a series of buttresses with massive heads placed side by side, each
being an independent structural unit. It can be further subdivided
• i) Round head buttress dam: The shape of the round head is such
that the water pressure is transmitted to buttress in pure
compression. The joints are filled with seals.
• ii) Diamond head buttress dams: These differ from round head
only in their head shape which is sharp and like a polygon. They
are easy to construct. Here very small tensions are encountered.
• iii) T-head buttress dams: The upstream face of massive head is
kept flat as in deck slab. The head along with buttress has a T-
Massive buttress Diamond Head

Massive buttress round head T –head buttress

• Flat Slab or Deck Buttress Dam (or Amburson Type) (see Figure
below): Extensively used for low dams due to economy. The layout
problems involve fixation of suitable buttress spacing and the
shape of buttress head for providing support to the slabs. The
main disadvantage of this type construction is complete
dependence on reinforcement in the deck, which spans across the
buttresses. Also high stress concentrations occur at the slab
supports. This is further subdivided into,
• (i) Simple or Amburson slab buttress: Useful for wide valley and
the influence of temperatures, shrinkage and settlement of
foundation is less marked.
• (ii) Fixed or continuous deck slab buttress: The deck slab is cast
monolithically with the buttresses. There is a provision of
expansion joints at convenient places. Reinforcement is provided
both on the u/s and d/s of the slab. The stresses due to
temperature variation, foundation settlement, etc. are significant.
• (iii) Cantilever deck slab buttress dam: A part or half of the deck is
laid monolithic with the buttress with proper joints at both ends or
at the centre. Because of cantilever action steel has to be provided
in the u/s face.
• Ambursen’ or flat slab buttress dam
• Multiple Arch Buttress Dam: The dam derives its name from the
construction of arches across the buttresses for the deck structure. They are
most suited for high dams. Each arch does not constitute a separate
structure due to the thrust at the arch springing, which are balanced. Its
variants are simple multiple arch buttress and the cupola arch buttress.

Multiple arches

• Loads on Buttress dams

• Essentially buttress dams are subjected to the same forces as gravity dams.
Uplift forces may be insignificant as in the case of arch dams. Wind load on
buttress faces may be considerable when high velocity winds blow
diagonally from the downstream side, hence struts (beams) are usually
Design of Buttress dams

• Design of Buttress dams

• Buttress dam analysis parallels gravity dam practice in
being conducted in two phases.
– Stability investigations, and
– Determination of stresses within the profile
• The structural form of buttress dam has two important
consequences with respect to primary loads:
– Uplift pressures are effectively confined to the buttress
head, resulting in modified uplift distribution. Pressure relief
drains are therefore only necessary in exceptional cases.
– The vertical component of the water load, Pwv, on the
sloping u/s face is very much enhanced relative to any gravity
profile. The concept of stability against overturning is
therefore no longer valid.
• In structural terms the massive buttress dam is constructed from a
series of independent units, each composed of one buttress head
and a supporting buttress, or web. Each unit has a length along the
axis of the dam of about 12 -15 m. Structural analysis is therefore
conducted with respect to the unit as a whole. The sliding stability of
one unit is investigated in terms of FSS, sliding factor or, more usually,
FSF, shear friction factor, in the same way as gravity profiles.
• Stress analysis of buttress unit is complex and difficult. Modern
practice is to employ finite element analyses to assist in determining
the optimum shape of the buttress head to avoid undesirable stress
concentrations at its junction with the web. An approximate analysis
of the downstream portion of the buttress web, using modified
gravity method analysis, is possible if the web is parallel sided. The
sides of the buttress web are, however, generally flared towards base
level, to increase contact area and hence sliding resistance and
control contact stress on the foundation.
• Profile design for buttress dam is not subject to simplification as
gravity dams. A trial profile is established on the basis of previous

Daniel-Johnson Dam, Quebec


Bartlett Dam, Colorado

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