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UBI-Vegetable Production Guide - Beta - 356402

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However, weeding and hilling up operations Harvesting Cost and Return Analysis Per Hectare Scythe (5 pcs) 83 Wilson, J.E. Rapid multiplication of yams, (Dioscorea spp.). Information Bulletin No. 293/2009
that utilize animal-drawn implements cannot be done under Hoe (5 pcs) 417 Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture
with financial assistance from the UNDP/FAO Root Crops

the arches. Ubi is ready for harvest when the foliage turns yellow Items Amount (P) Shovel (3 pcs) 320
Plastic Drum (2 pcs) 533 Development Systems Project RAS/86/034. IRETA Publication
and dries up around 10–11 months from planting. Harvesting No. 3/88, 1989. 13p.
Pyramid method. This staking method combines the is usually done from late November to February of the VARIABLE COSTS Total (Fixed Costs) 11,853
Yam Production. DOST Region X, June 26, 2008.
advantages and disadvantages of the modified trellis method. following year. Harvesting can also be done at 6–7 months Labor (P220/man-day [MD]) Yams. FoodReference.com - Trivia section, May 8, 2008

Production Guide
In addition, it requires fewer, though sturdier, materials for after planting to take advantage of good market price. Tubers Clearing (20 MD) 4,400 TOTAL COSTS 151,891
stake construction and requires less labor to construct. Ubi intended for setts can be harvested later. Potential yield of ubi Plowing (P800/tractor hr x 4 hrs) 3,200 Gross Income
grown under this method usually yields lower than those ranges from 20 to 58 t/ha. Harrowing (P800/tractor hr x 2 hrs) 1,600 Regular season (at P10/kg with Prepared by:
grown under the modified trellis method. Furrowing (P350/man-animal-day) 350 30 t/ha yield) 300,000
It is easier to harvest ubi that are planted in mounds. Bed preparation (20 MD) 4,400 Offseason (at P20/kg with 20 t/ha yield) 400,000 Dr. Rodel G. Maghirang, University Researcher
Training the vines Loosen the soil around the tuber with a bolo, shovel, or Manure application (10 MD) 2,200 Net Income Ms. Ma. Luisa D. Guevarra, University Research Associate I
spading fork. Lift, clean, and cut the tubers near the base. Planting (10 MD) 2,200 Regular season 148,109 Ms. Gloria S. Rodulfo, Agricultural Technician II
Ubi vines twine to the right, while tugui vines twine to the Injury to the tubers should be avoided to prolong storage life. Trellising (40 MD) 8,800 Offseason 248,109 Crop Genetics and Plant Breeding Division
left. When vines start to elongate, they are trained to climb Vine training (10 MD) 2,200 Crop Science Cluster – Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB)
their respective stakes. They are trained again when long Postharvest handling and storage Sidedressing (2 MD) 440 College of Agriculture (CA)
Spraying (8 MD) 1,760 University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
branches start crossing the rows or when weeding and hilling-
Weeding (5 MD) 1,100 References College 4031, Laguna
up operations using animal-drawn implements are about to be Sort, clean, and arrange tubers in a single layer with rice
done. Irrigation (10 MD) 2,200
straw or banana leaf partition between rows to prevent injury. Editorial/Production Staff:
Mulching (10 MD) 2,200 Acampado, E.T. 2001. “Bohol: RP’s ubi capital.” Manila Bulletin, Jan.
Cover with appropriate materials such as banana leaves,
Pest management Harvesting (60 MD) 13,200 2003.
coconut fronds, or rice straw to minimize weight loss. Dr. Jocelyn E. Eusebio, Director, Crops Research Division
Cleaning and sorting (60 MD) 13,200 Antifungal properties of yam (Dioscorea alata) peel extract. Folia
Microbiol (Praha). 41(5): 407–12, 1996. (CRD)-PCARRD
Miscellaneous (e.g., hauling, 2,200 Dr. Ester L. Lopez, Assistant Director, CRD-PCARRD
The most serious disease of ubi is anthracnose Select planting materials for the next planting season. Chang, S.J.; Lee, Y.C.; Liu, S.Y.; Chang, T.W. Chinese yam
repairs, etc.) (10 MD) Mr. Elmer E. Enicola, Cluster Chair for Vegetables,
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Plants can be sprayed with Store tubers in a well-ventilated area and keep dry. Separate (Dioscorea alata cv. Tainung No. 2) feeding exhibited
Subtotal 65,650 Legumes and Rootcrops, PCARRD and
recommended fungicides or with compost tea as a preventive blemished or damaged tubers and treat with wood ash to antioxidative effects in hyperhomocysteinemia rats. J. Agric.
University Researcher, IPB, CA-UPLB
measure. Compost tea is prepared by soaking ½ sack (15 kg) prevent fungal infection. Food Chem. 52(6):1720-5, Mar 2004.
Materials Ecological and Cultural Requirements of Yam. Root Crop Digest Ms. Josefina L. Acedera-Atienza, Commodity Specialist,
of mature compost in ¾ drum (200-L capacity) of water for CRD-PCARRD
Setts (2,000 kg) 30,000 2(4). 6p: ISSN 0116-4325, 1987. http://www.pcarrd.dost.gov.
5–7 days. Dilute the tea to 20 parts water and spray on the Ubi can be stored for three months in a raised platform Mr. Paul Jersey G. Leron, Editor, Applied Communication Division
Manure (60 bags) 3,000 ph/consortia/vicarp/cropTech/rootCrop.html.
plants. three feet from the ground. Place the tubers in a single layer (ACD)-PCARRD
Fertilizer Kabeerathumma, S. Yams (Dioscorea spp.) and cocoyams, etc.
horizontally on the platform. Another method of storing Mr. Simeon R. Manahan, Jr., Layout Artist, ACD-PCARRD
14-14-14 (6 bags) 4,938 (Colocasia, Xanthosoma spp.). Sreekariyam, Trivandrum, India:
Ubi beetles can be controlled with hot pepper spray tubers is to bury them in a ditch covered with soil followed Central Tuber Crops Research Institute.
Fungicides (10 kg) 3,950
(100 g macerated hot pepper/16 L water) or with carbaryl. by coconut leaves on top. To prevent rodents and other pests Lee, S.C.; Tsai, C.C.; Chen, J.C.; Lin, J.G.; Lin, C.C.; Hu, M.L.;
Fuel and oil 4,000
from attacking the stored tubers, securely fence the barns or Lu, S. Effects of “Chinese yam” on hepato-nephrotoxicity of
Trellis materials 12,000
Avoid using tubers infested with nematodes as planting storage areas or use traps and baits. acetaminophen in rats. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 23 (6):503-8, June
Packaging materials (2,000 pcs) 4,000
materials. The symptoms of root knot caused by the root- 2002.
Miscellaneous (e.g., pail, gloves, etc.) 2,000 Opara, L.U.; Mejia, D. (eds.); Parrucci, E. (html tr.). Chapter XXIV
knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) include bumps and Ubi can also be kept in cold storage. Keep them on
Subtotal 63,888 Yams: Postharvest Operations. In: Compendium on Postharvest
excess hairiness that are not typical of the cultivar. Dipping shelves in rows at 120–160C and 70–80% relative humidity.
the infested tubers in hot water at 500–550C for 40 minutes can Tubers can be stored 6–7 months under this condition. Operations. Information Network on Postharvest Operations,
Interest on Production Loans at 21% per annum 10,500 2003.
suppress the nematode without adverse effect on the storage
Total (Variable Costs) 140,038 Wanasundera, J.P.; Ravindran, G. Nutritional assessment of yam
life, germination, growth, and yield of the tubers. The use Marketing (Dioscorea alata) tubers. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 46(1):33–9, Jul
of animal manure can suppress nematode build up thereby 1994.
resulting in high yield. Ubi farmers usually sell their produce to retailers, Wilson, J.E. Careful storage of yams. Some basic principles to reduce
wholesalers, and end-users in the farm, road sides, and public losses. Agro Facts. USP Alafua Campus P.O. Private Bag, Apia,
markets. Large-scale farmers enter into contract farming to Western Samoa: IRETA Publication No. 15/87, 1987.
Knap sack sprayer ( 1 unit) 500 ISO 9001:2000
Department of Science and Technology
ensure ready market for their produce.
Introduction also cooked as a vegetable in ‘sinigang’ or ‘nilaga’ in the Calcium (mg) 19.0 Ubi is relatively drought-resistant, but at least chloride. Soak tubers for 24 hours to shorten dormancy time Hilling up
same manner as taro. It gives special taste, aroma, and color Phosphorous (mg) 44.0 130 cm annual rainfall is needed. It requires ample from three months to one month.
Ubi (Dioscorea alata L.), commonly known as yam, is to “guinataan”. It is processed into powder, chips, and puree. Iron (mg) 0.7 moisture throughout its growing period, particularly during In the case of unmulched ridge seedbeds, rain and
one of the most important species under the genus Dioscorea Ubi is used as an ingredient in sweets and confectioneries. Thiamine (mg) 0.09 tuber bulking at 3–5 months after planting. Irrigation can be Planting weeding operations may cause leveling down of ridges. Hill
with about 600 species, 150 of which are cultivated for food. Riboflavin (mg) 0.02 provided in areas where the dry season is longer than up the beds at least once, 2–3 months after planting to cover
Ubi is also called water yam, guyana arrowroot, greater yam, Ubi powder is a basic ingredient in ‘puto’, ‘bibingka’, Niacin (mg) 0.5 3 or 4 months and falls within the bulking period of the plants. Ubi is usually planted from March to May depending on the growing tubers. Animal-drawn implements or grub hoe
name-de-agua, ten-months yam, white yam, or winged yam. ice candy, ‘maruya’, tart, jam, macaroons, cake, flan, ‘bitso’, Ascorbic acid (mg) 6.0 the breaking of dormancy. However, it is best to plant during may be used in hilling up depending on the area.
It is ‘da shu’ or ‘shuyu’ in China, ‘igname de chine’ in France, ‘suman’, ‘pastillas’, ‘polvoron’, ice cream, doughnut, and Land preparation the start of the rainy season. Plant setts in ridges 1 m apart in
‘khamatu’ in India, ‘daisho’ in Japan, ‘ubi kemali’ in Malaysia, ‘empanada’, to name a few. Other ubi products include chips Source: The Philippine Food Composition Tables, 1997. Food and hills 0.5–0.6 m. Cover with top soil or compost to a depth of Fertilization
‘huabon’ in Thailand, and ‘khoaimo’ in Vietnam. In the Pacific and fries as potato substitute, dehydrated yam flakes, and Nutrition Research Institute-Department of Science and
Plow and harrow the field thoroughly at two-week intervals. 15 cm. Non-sprouted setts can also be planted, but sprouting
Island of Ponape, yams are referred to as 2-, 4-, or 6-man instant yam mixes. Ubi peelings or waste are fed to poultry Technology (FNRI-DOST).
Make furrows or raised beds 1 m wide and 25–30 cm high to will be delayed for about 3–12 weeks because of dormancy. A hectare of ubi with a yield of 35 t can remove about
yams, depending on how many men it takes to lift the tuber. and livestock. The peel is a good source of purple dye for facilitate drainage. 128 kg N, 39 kg P2O5, and 195 kg K2O from the soil. This
Some have been accurately recorded up to 250 kilograms (kg) food, textile, and cosmetics. For small areas, it is best to plant the setts in mounds to
Production Management represents more or less its fertilizer requirements. However,
and 2 meters (m) in length. Planting materials facilitate harvesting. fertilization should also be based on soil analysis. Compost or
The average crude protein content of ubi tubers is 7.4%.
Varieties animal manure is mixed with the soil during land preparation
Ubi may have been cultivated as early as 8,000 B.C. in About 75% of the tuber dry matter is starch. Crude protein and Replanting
Ubi is propagated through setts, which is the upper part of or applied as basal fertilizer at the rate of 2–5 t/ha. Sidedress
Asia. It is probably native to China. It is now the most widely starch contents vary significantly among cultivars. It is also a
the tuber nearest the stem. Setts should be taken from healthy with manure or compost every two months up to the 6th
spread Dioscorea species throughout the world. In Africa, good source of vitamin C and minerals. Total oxalate levels There are only two purple ubi varieties recommended by
tubers. Cut the setts into pieces containing 2–3 buds weighing Some amount of sett mortality can be expected, especially month at the rate of 0.5 kg/hill.
it is second to white yam in popularity. The other cultivated in yam tubers range from 486 to 781 mg/100 grams (g) dry the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) namely, PSB VU-2
100–150 g each, a few days before planting. Treat the cut when non-sprouted setts are used for planting. Replant about
species under the genus are tugui or lesser yam (Dioscorea matter, 50–75% of which are in water-soluble form. (Zambal) and PRA-35 (Kinampay), which is more popular.
portion with wood ash or with recommended fungicides to two months after planting. Inorganic fertilizers such as 14-14-14 are applied at the
esculenta), potato yam (D. bulbifera), yellow yam (D. However, there are local cultivars and strains. There are five
prevent fungal infection. After airdrying, setts are either pre- rate of 6 bags/ha. The recommended amount is split into two,
cayenensis), bitter yam (D. dumentorum), Chinese yam Ubi has been used as medicine for thousands of years. types of ubing kinampay namely, original kinampay – with
sprouted or planted directly. A hectare of ubi requires 2–4 t of Check hills with no sprouts for rotten setts which should one-half applied one month after emergence and the other
(D. opposita), and white yam (D. rotundata). Diosgenin is a steroidal saponin, which is extracted from red-purple flesh, ‘kabus-ok’ – with white flesh and large,
setts. be removed and replaced with new ones. Unsprouted setts half applied two months after. The fertilizer is applied in
the root of wild yam. Dioscorin is the tuber storage protein tubers, ‘tamisan’– with reddish-white flesh and sweet taste,
without rot should not be replaced because they can still bands about 10 cm from the stem and covered lightly with
Ubi is a perennial climbing herb with flesh color ranging of ubi. It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine ‘binanag’ – with creamy, white flesh and elongated tubers,
Meristem culture is used in ubi to eliminate diseases. produce sprouts later. soil.
from white to red to deep purple. Stems have wings and twine to treat kidney and liver problems. Estrogens (sex hormones) and ‘binato’ – with big, hard tubers and white flesh.
Other tissue culture techniques used routinely include in vitro
to the right. D. bulbifera stems twine to the left. Tuber shape were first made from a similar compound in ubi. Ubi was used
micropropagation using single nodal cuttings and in vitro Mulching Trellising
ranges from round to cylindrical, but can be highly irregular. commercially to produce hormones for contraceptive pills and Another cultivar, ‘ubing kalamay’, is considered as the
production of microtubers. However, initial yields from tissue
Tuber flesh is “watery” in texture. steroids. “most palatable.” It is extensively grown in Bohol which has
culture plantlets and micro tubers are low. In order to conserve soil moisture and suppress weed Ubi yield tends to be higher with trellis. Plants are staked
sandy, lime-soaked soils suitable to this variety. It has deep
In the Philippines, it is usually grown in small patches of In addition to their medicinal properties, peels also purple flesh and extra large tubers. growth, it is preferable to mulch ubi with available plant before vines elongate. Bamboo poles, wood, cassava stalks,
Pre-sprouting of setts residues such as coconut fronds, corn stalks, rice straw, and talahib stalks, or any material that can support the ubi vines
land, particularly in Ilocos, Southern Tagalog, Bicol, Central contain antifungal compounds such as beta-sitosterol which
Visayas, and Northern Mindanao. Ubi production in the can be used to control ubi diseases. Other purple cultivars include ‘inoling’, ‘inoringnon’, grass clippings. for at least seven months can be used as trellis. Set up cassava
country reached 30,064 tons (t) in 2006 with Central Visayas ’sampero’, and ’baligonhon’. Other cultivars being grown are Pre-sprout setts to minimize maintenance cost especially stalk in an inverted position (top portion buried) to prevent
producing the greatest volume of 21,849 t. Bohol accounts for Per 100 grams (g) edible portion, ubi tubers contain: ‘tamisan’, ‘binanag’, ‘binato’, and ‘binugas’. in weeding. Setts have a dormancy period of 3–12 weeks Weeding growth. There are various methods of staking. Three of the
21,240 t of that volume. Production increased at an average depending on the cultivar. In shaded areas, place setts side more popular ones are as follows:
rate of 2.5% yearly since 2000. Total production area was Properties Amount Soil and climate requirements by side and group according to type. For setts cut from large Weeds are initially controlled to prevent competition for
6,001 hectares (ha) while the national average yield was only tubers, the orientation is either skin up or crown sideways. nutrients. Mulching up to 10 cm thickness can greatly reduce Trellis method. This stake setup is not very stable and
5.01 t/ha in 2006. Water (g) 74.9 Cover setts with a thin layer of river sand or compost and weeds. Weeding can be done at 1–2 months interval. This requires more materials to support the stakes (posts and tie
Ubi can be grown in medium and low elevation
Energy (kcal) 65.0 mulch. Water 2–3 times a week until all setts have produced can be done manually, mechanically (with animal-drawn wire). However, weeding and hilling up operations using
areas, under open and partially shaded conditions. In high
Protein (g) 1.7 sprouts. In general, whole setts and head setts sprout ahead of implements), or with the application of herbicides. animal-drawn implements can be done easily.
elevation areas, yields can be drastically reduced. Optimum
Uses and Nutritional Value Fat (g) 0.2 other sett types. Setts are ready for planting at four-leaf stage.
temperatures range from 250C to 300C. It requires a well-
Carbohydrate (g) 21.5 Modified trellis method. With this method, ground spaces
drained area for planting. It grows well in all kinds of soils but
The tuber is a main ingredient in ‘halayang ubi’ (ubi jam), Fiber (g) 0.7 To break dormancy, use the gibberellin inhibitor that under the stake arch need not be weeded as the foliage
clay loam soils, high in organic matter are best.
a favorite dessert during fiestas and the holiday season. It is Ash (g) 1.0 produced dwarfing in poinsettias such as chlormequat becomes dense. Also, stakes formed in this manner provide
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