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Pipe Terms

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______ energy in transition Heat

______ energy in transition Heat

A boiler stream gauge should have a range of at least: 1 ½ times the

maximum allowable working pressure

A branch system of pipes to carry waste emissions away from the prison chambers

of an internal combustion engine is called: Exhaust manifold

A Carnot cycle has two isothermals and two ________. Isentropic process

A chemical method of feedwater treatment which uses calcium hydroxide and

sodium carbonates as reagents: Lime soda treatment

A class of system of a refrigeration in which the load is in the evaporator directly

using it. Direct system

A coil in series with evaporator that is use to prevent the liquid refrigerant entering

the compressor Drier loop

A company manager want to used comfort air, what is the most efficient setting of

the conditioning unit: Maximum value

A continuous and unobstructed path of travel from any point in a building or structure

to a public way Mean of aggress

A device used in steam power plant which is required on engine and turbine exhaust

casings, on condensers and heater shells or on area where it is possible to have

pressures higher than the design pressure of the castings, is a. Relief valve

a device used to measure small and moderate pressure difference manometer

A device whose primary function is to meter the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator:

Answer Thermostatic expansion valve

A gas which will not be found in the flue gases produced by the complete

combustion of fuel oil is: Hydrogen

A gas which will not be found in the flue gases produced by the complete

combustion of fuel oil is: Hydrogen

A goose neck is installed in the line connecting a steam gauge to a boiler to:

Protect the gauge element

A high discharge type of turbine Propeller turbine

a liquid that has a temperature lower than the saturation temperature corresponding

to the existing pressure. subcooled liquid

A major cause of air pollution resulting from the burning of fuel oils is: Sulfur


A pressure o 1 millibar is equivalent to: 1000 dynes/cm2

A process for which the inlet and outlet enthalpies are the same throttling

a process of increasing the humidity ratio at constant dry bulb temperature

humidifying process

A process with no heat transfer is known as adiabatic process

A property of lubricating oil that measures the thickness of the oil and will help

determine low long oil will flow at a given temperature is known as: Viscosity

A rapid increase in boilers pressure occurs when there is, Abrupt drop in steam


A receiver in an air compression system is used to: Answer Collect the water and

grease suspended in the air

A reciprocating pump is considered positive displacement pump because:

Displacement of the liquid is affected by the displacement of the piston

A refrigeration system in which only part of the refrigerant passes over the heat

transfer surface is evaporated and the balance is separated from the vapor and re-

circulated: Flooded system

A rule of thumb is that the COP improves by ______ for each C the evaporating

temperature is raised or the condensing temperature is lowered. 2 to 4%

A service valve for dual pressure-relief devices that allows using one device while

isolating the other from the system, maintaining one valve in operation at all times.

Three-way valve

A suspension of a finely divide fluid in another Emulsion

A temperature above which a given gas cannot be liquefied: Critical temperature

A temporary structures constructed to exclude water from the site of the foundation

during its excavation and construction is called: Coffer dam

A theoretical body which heated to incandescence would emit a continuous light-ray

spectrum Black body

A turbine in which all available energy of the flow is converted by a nozzle into kinetic

energy before in contact to moving blades. Impulse turbine

A turbine in which all available energy of the flow is converted by a nozzle into kinetic

energy before in contact to moving blades. Impulse turbine

A turbine pipe determined its "nominal" size refers to: Inside diameter

A turbine pipe determined its "nominal" size refers to: Inside diameter

A type of coal formed after anthracite. Graphite

A type of geothermal plant used when there is a presence of brine extracted from

underground,Binary geothermal plant

A type of geothermal plant used when there is a presence of brine extracted from

underground,Binary geothermal plant

A type of governor in steam engine that do not control the actual admission of steam

to the cylinder but controls the pressure of the steam. Throttling governor

A type of refrigerant control typically used in household refrigeration Capillary tube

A type of turbine employed where steam continuously extracted for process heating.

Passoul turbine

A type of turbine used in desalination of seawater. Back pressure turbine

A type of valve connected from discharge of compressor directly to suction that is

normally closed and will open automatically only if there is high discharge pressure

Solenoid valve

A type of valve connected from discharge of compressor directly to suction that is

normally closed and will open automatically only if there is high discharge pressure.

Solenoid valve

A type of water turbine: Pelton

A valve that is used to determine the level of refrigerant. Float valve

a vapor having a temperature higher than the saturation temperature corresponding

to its pressure. superheated vapor

a vapor having a temperature higher than the saturation temperature corresponding

to the existing pressure superheated vapor

A vapor which is not about to condense is called a Superheat vapor

A waiting room or large hallway serving as a waiting room Lobby

Air motion also plays important role in Human comfort

Air receive in a compressed air plant must be: Installed with safety valve and drain


Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on: Compression Ratio

Air that controls the rate of combustion in the combustion chamber is known as:

Secondary air

air whose condition is such that any decrease in temperature will result in

condensation of water vapor into liquid. saturated air

Amount of heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit weight or volume of

fuel is: Heating value

An enclosed passage way that limits travel to a single path. Corridor

An Engine indicator is generally used to measure: Steam cylinder pressure

An engineer found that the fluid flowing in the pipe is low. What diameter of pipe

should be recommended in order to increase the speed? Reduce the diameter

An engineer found that the glass of the window is frosted in the morning. What is the

cause of this frosting? Low humidity in the room

An engineer inspected an air - conditioning unit. He found that the unit does not

produce any cooling effect, however, the air conditioning unit is running. He checked

the temperatures of the condenser and evaporator and had the unit run. He found

out that there was no change in the temperature. What should he do? Charge

with new refrigerant

An ideal gas is compressed isothermally the enthalpy change is: Zero

An impulse turbine has. High head

An increase in the deposition of slag and ash on the surface for heating of oil-fired

boilers in both marine and stationary service has affected boiler efficiency. The

following are the causes except: Increase of heat transfer in the boiler

An instrument commonly used in most research and engineering laboratories

because it is small and fast among the other thermometers: Thermocouple

Any device or portion of the equipment used to increase refrigerant pressure

Pressure-imposing element

Are generally more expensive to purchase and install than other heating systems ,

but they save money in the long run. Heat pumps

Are suitable for use in ammonia system Aluminum and its alloy
As the air passes through a diffuser, which of the following will NOT be affected?


As the air passes through a nozzle, which of the following will increase? mach


Assuming real process, the net entropy change in the universe is: Positive

At 101.325 kpa, the boiling point of water is 100°C. If the pressure is decreased, the

boiling temperature will Decrease

At low temperature, a good lubricant. Free from wax

At what temperature where in an oil at any grade becomes cloudy and it freezes,

thus in application is limited. Cold point

Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is: 21 deg F

Both Stirling and Ericsson engines are: External combustion engine

By heating 1 gram of coal in an uncovered crucible until the coal is completely

burned, the ____ will formed. Ash

By increasing the boiler pressure in Rankine cycle the moisture content at boiler exit

will Increase

By increasing the boiler pressure in Rankine cycle the moisture content at boiler exit

will Rarsons turbine

By increasing the boiler pressure in Rankine cycle, which of the following will

decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Heat rejected

By increasing the condenser pressure in vapor compression cycle, which of the

following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Moisture content after


By increasing the temperature source of Carnot cycle which of the following will not

be affected? Heat rejected

By inter-colling using two stage compressor of Brayton cycle, the backwork ratio will.


By lowering the condenser pressure in Rankine cycle, which of the following will

decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Heat rejected

By reheating the steam before entering the second stage in Rankine cycle, which of

the following will decrease? Moisture content after expansion

By reheating the steam before entering the second stage in Rankine cycle, which of

the following will decrease? Moisture content after expansion

By reheating the steam in an ideal Ranking cycle the heat rejected will. Increase

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the compressor power per unit

mass will increase

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the compressor power per unit

mass will Increase

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the compressor power per unit

mass will Remains the same

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the compressor power per unit

mass will Remains the same

By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the specific volume at

compressor suction will Remains the same

By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful cooling,

which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis). Mass flow rate

By superheating the steam to a higher temperature in Rankine cycle, which of the

following decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Moisture content at the turbine

By superheating the steam to a higher temperature in Rankine cycle, which of the

following decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Moisture content at the turbine


By superheating the steam to a higher temperature in Rankine cycle, which of the

following decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Moisture content at the turbine


By superheating the steam to a higher temperature in Rankine cycle, which of the

following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis) Cycle efficiency

Caking coal are used to produce coke by heating in a coke oven in the absence of

____ with volatile matter driven off. Air

Can be apply in Steam turbine cycle (Rankine), gas turbine cycle (Brayton) and

combined cycle Cogeneration plant

Cascade refrigerant system are connected in Series

Cascade refrigeration cycle is often used in industrial process where objects must be

cooled to temperature below: -46 deg C

Combined process of cooling and humidifying is also known as: Evaporative

cooling process

Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the solution is cooled by

cooling water: Absorber

Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the solution is cooled by

cooling water. Absorber

Consist of hydrogen and certain carbon compounds which can be removed from coal

by heating Volatile matter

Convert fossil fuels into the shaft work Thermal power plant
Cooling water system consists of equipment to dissipate heat absorbed by the

engine jacket water, tube oil and the heat to be remove from air intercooler is

measurable to keep the engine outlet water temperature constant and the differential

of the cooling water at a minimum preferably not to exceed: 10 to 20 deg F

Critical pressure of mercury 106 MPa

Cycle used for aircraft. Jet propulsion

Diffusion gases like _____ makes water corrosive react with metal to form iron oxide.

O2 and CO2

Dirt and foreign materials normally build - up on the side of the condenser tubes. To

ensure adequate condenser capacity, a certain factor is used in calculating the

overall heat transfer through the walls of the tubes including the heat transfer rate of

the layers of dirt and foreign materials. What is this factor called? Factor of safety

Dirt and foreign materials normally build - up on the side of the condenser tubes. To

ensure adequate condenser capacity, a certain factor is used in calculating the

overall heat transfer through the walls of the tubes including the heat transfer rate of

the layers of dirt and foreign materials. What is this factor called? Factor of safety

Dominant refrigerant used in commercial refrigeration system R502

Dry air can be approximately _____ % Oxygen and _____ % Nitrogen by mole

numbers. 21% / 79%

During hydrostatic test, safety valves should be Removed

During simple heating and cooling process has a _____ humidity ratio. Constant

During the isentropic compression of carnot cycle, the pressure: Increases

During the sensible heating, the absolute humidity remains constant but the relative

humidity. Decreases

Economizer in a water tube boiler is heated by: Outgoing flue gas

Economizer in a water tube boiler is heated by: Outgoing flue gas

Economizer in a water tube boiler is heated by: Outgoing flue gas

Efficiency of Carnot cycle is a function of. Temperature difference

Engines using heavy fuels requires heating of the fuel so that the viscosity at the

injector is: 150 SSU or slightly higher

Exit of impulse turbine casing pressure: Above atm

Exit of turbine way: Tail race

First Law of thermodynamics states. Conservation of energy

Flow of fluids wherein its particles do not have definite paths and the paths of

individual and distinct particles cross one another is: Turbulent flow

Fluids that are pumped in processing work are frequently more viscous than water.

Which of the following statements is correct: Increased fluid friction between the

pump parts and the passing fluid increases useful work

For a double acting reciprocating pump, there are two suction strokes for every

revolution of the crank wheel. How many delivery strokes does it have? 3

For multi stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back ratio will

For multi stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back ratio will Decrease

For multi-stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, back work ratio will Decrease

For negative slip, the coefficient of discharge: increases

For pipes extending more than 1000 times its diameter, what major losses of

hydraulic head due to? Friction

For positive slip, the coefficient of discharge: decreases

For reciprocating compressor slip at negative displacement: increases

For steady flow, what is the velocity at the side of wall pipe. Approaches zero can
Form of energy associated with the kinetic energy of the random motion of large

number of molecules: Heat

Foundation bolts of specified size should be used and surrounded by a pipe sleeve

with an inside diameter of at least 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt

Gas turbine will depend its temperature at: Allowable maximum

Grindability of standard coal 100

Heat is transferred during _________in carnot cycle: Isometric process

Heat transfer due to density differential: Convection

Heavy water is: D2O

High head turbine Impulse

Higher heating value when H20 in the product of combustion is in liquid form

Higher heating value when H20 in the product of combustion is in liquid form

How can the average temperature during heat rejection process of a Rankine cycle

be decreases? Reduce turbine exit pressure

How do the following quantities change when the simple ideal Rankine cycle is

modified with? The heat rejected: decrease

How do treat a statement that is considered a scientific law: Believe to be derived

from mathematical theorem

How do you differentiate surge from water hammer: Time for a pressure to

traverse the pipe

How do you differentiate surge from water hammer: Time for a pressure to

traverse the pipe

How do you increase the output of a centrifugal pump Speed up rotation

How does the values for work per unit mass flow of air in the compressor and turbine

influenced by the addition of a regenerator: Unchanged

How many pounds of air theoretical needed to burn one pound of diesel fuel oil: 14

If = velocity of air and = velocity of sound, the Mach number is. V_a/V_s

If a plant has an electric precipitator, what is the function of this device? Collect


If area is contact to liquid and P is wetted perimeter, what is the hydraulic mean

depth? A/P

If evaporator oil clogs in the evaporator, it cause: Low suction pressure

If joule Thomson coefficient is equal to zero, then the process will become


If Qa is the actual discharge flow and Qb is the theoretical discharge flow, what will

be the coefficient of discharge be equal to during positive displacement slip?


If the actual kinetic energy of a nozzle is Ka and Ki is the maximum value that can be

attained by an isentropic expansion from initial to final state, then efficiency of a

nozzle is: Ka/Ki

If the composition of hydrocarbon fuel is known, the ratio between the nitrogen and

oxygen that is supplied in air is: Fixed

If the cut-off ratio of diesel cycle increases, the cycle efficiency will Decrease

If the exhaust lowered or the boiler is raised the moisture content of steam Increase

If the fluid passed through a nozzle its entropy will Remains the same

If the fluid passed through a nozzle its entropy will: Remains the same

if the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths of individual particles

do not cross, the flow is said to be: Laminar

If the number of reheating stages increases in Rankine cycle, the average

temperature increases. In the reheating

If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapor compression cycle, which

of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) Mass flow rate

If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapor compression cycle, which

of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis) Heat rejected in the


If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in vapor compression cycle, which of

the following will not be affected? (Use per unit mass analysis) Compressor


If the pressure drop in the evaporator increases in a vapor compression cycle, which

of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis) COP

If the pressure drop in the evaporator increases in a vapor compression cycle, which

of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis) Heat rejected in the


If the pressure of the confined gas is constant, the volume is directly proportional to

the absolute temperature: Charles

If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is increased beyond the

saturation pressure, we have a: Saturated vapor

Ignition of the air fuel mixture in the intake of the exhaust manifold: Backfire

In a closed feed water heater, the feed water pass through Inside the tube

In a closed vessel, when vaporization takes place, the temperature rises due to the

rising temperature, the pressure increases until equilibrium is established between

the temperature and pressure. The temperature of equilibrium is called. Boiling

In a cooling tower the temperature of water is lower than the wet bulb temperature of

entering air and it is found that air cannot cool. What temperature of water in cooling

tower exit. Above

In a cooling tower, the water is cooled mainly by: Evaporation

In a deepwell installation or operation, the difference between static water level and

operation water level is called: Drawdown

In a diesel engine, what elements in the fuel that make the work of the lubricant more

difficult: Sulfur and asphaltene content

In a hydro-electric plant using a francis turbine with medium head, the speed can be

regulated by using the: Wicket gate

In a pressure-relief device is used to protect a pressure vessel having an inside

dimension of 6 in or less, the ultimate strength of the pressure vessel so protected

shall be sufficient to withstand a pressure at least ____ the design pressure 3


In a Rankine cycle with fixed turbine inlet conditions. What is the effect of lowering

the condenser pressure the heat rejected will.: decrease

In a steam generator with good combustion control, what occurs if the load is

increased: Furnace pressure approximately constant

In a two phase system, 30% moisture means. 70% vapor and 30% liquid

in a water tube boiler, the water will pass through _____ inside the tubes

In a water tube boiler, where is heat and gases of combustion passed? Around

the tubes

in an air conditioning process that involves heating without changing the moisture

content of air. The process is represented by a horizontal line in the psychrometric

chart, from left to right humidifying process

In an obvious reason for incomplete combustion insufficient oxygen

In brayton cycle, the heat is transformed during what process? Isobaric process

In cooling, if humidity ratio remains unchanged, Sensible cooling

In most common designs of gas turbine, the pressure ranges from 11 to 16

In order that cavitation will not take place in the suction line of a pump, what should

be the sum of the velocity head and pressure head at suction compared to the vapor

pressure of the liquid? Adequately greater

In order to avoid cavitation the NPSH of an installation should be at least

_____________ the NPSH of pump. Equal or greater than 1

In order to compensate the work of compressor in Brayton cycle, what size of turbine

to be used. Large turbine

In order to increase the gas velocity, gas turbines generally have fixed nozzles. This

is to allow the: Expansion of gases

In psychrometric chart, the constant-enthalpy lines coincide with constant-

temperature lines at temperature Below 50 deg C

In radiation, the heat transfer depends on: Heat rays

In sensible cooling process, the moisture content: Decreases

In Sterling and Ericsson cycle, regeneration can: Increase efficiency

In stirling process the heat is added during Isothermal process

In stirling process the heat is added during Isothermal process

In the absence of any irreversibility, thermoelectric, generator, a device that

incorporates both thermal and electric effects, will have the efficiency of a. Carnot

In the processing section, there is an instrument frequently used to measure the flow

rate of fluids. What is the instrument consisting of a vertical passage with variable

cross - sectional area, a float and calibrated scale: Rotameter

In thermal power plant, forced draft fans are installed at the Exit of the preheater

In thermal power plant, induced draft fans are located at the Foot of the stack

In two revolution in a four stroke engine how many cycle. Once

Internal combustion use the ignition of combustible fuel within the engine itself as the

source of energy which is partially converted into: Work

Is a fluid property which refers to the intermolecular attraction by which the separate

particles of the fluid arc held together. Cohesion

Is a premises or that of a premise from which, because they are disabled, debilitated,

or confined, occupants cannot readily leave without the assistance of others

Institutional occupancy

Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released in the form of heat

Exothermic reaction

Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released in the form of heat.

Exothermic reaction

Is a valve that regulates the flow of refrigerants? Thermostatic expansion valve

Is also known as deaeratorOpen heater

Is an abrupt reduction in flow velocity due to sudden increase of water depth in the

down stream direction. Hydraulic jump

Is an open channel erected on a surface above the ground Flume

Is an organic matter produced by plants in both land and water. Biomass

Is applied to propulsion of vehicles because of certain practical characteristics

Brayton cycle
Is applied to propulsion of vehicles because of certain practical characteristics

Brayton cycle

Is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus net heat transfer

Degree of saturation

Is one in which a secondary coolant is in direct contact with the air or other

substance to be cooled or heated. Indirect open spray system

Is one whose pressure is higher than the saturation pressure corresponding to its

temperature Compressed liquid

Is the combination of base load and peaking load Intermediate load

Is the condition of pressure and temperature at which a liquid and its vapor are

indistinguishable: Critical point

is the heat required in a constant pressure process to completely vaporize a unit-

mass of liquid at all of the above

is the heat required in a constant pressure process to completely vaporize a unit-

mass of liquid at

enthalpy of vaporization

latent heat vaporization

all of the above

a given temperature all of the above

Is the largest group of coal containing 46-86% of fixed carbon and 20% to 40%

volatile matter Bituminous

Is the mode of energy transfer between solid surface and the adjacent liquid or gas

which is in motion, and it involves combine effects of conduction and fluid motion


Is the most important safety device on the power boiler Safety valve

Is the most important safety device on the power boiler. Safety valve

Is the ratio of fixed carbon and volatile matter Fuel ratio

Is the ratio of the mass of water-vapor in air and the mass of air if it is saturated is

called: Relative Humidity (RH)

it has several functions. When necessary it empties the boiler for cleaning,

inspection, or repair. It blows out mud scale, or sediment when the boiler is in

operation and prevents excessive concentration of soluble impurities in the boiler

blow-down line

it is a binary mixture of dry air and water-vapor moist air

it is a commonly used device for measuring temperature differences or high

temperatures. thermocouple

it is a system of furnace cooling tubes which can extend the evaporative capacity of

the water-tube boiler and at the same time protect the furnace walls from high

temperature. waterwalls

it is a system of furnace cooling tubes which can extend the evaporative capacity of

the water-tube boiler and at the same time protect the furnace walls from high

temperature. waterwalls

it is based on the generation of 34.5 lbm/hr of steam from water at 212F and

equivalent to 33500 btu/hr one Boiler Hp

it is simply the compression of the gas in two or more cylinders in place of a single

cylinder compressormultistage compression

it is the index of performance of a refrigeration system which is a dimensionless

quantity coefficient of performance

it is the ratio of the mass of water vapor in a certain volume of moist air at a given

temperature to the mass of hot water in the same volume of saturated air at the

same temperature relative humidity

it is the ration of the mass of water vapor in a certain volume of moist air at a given

temperature to the mass of hot water in the same volume of saturated air at the

same temperature relative humidity

it is the subject that deals with the behavior of moist air it is the subject that

deals with the behavior of moist air

it is the temperature to which the air becomes saturated at constant pressure

dew point temperature

it is the work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into or out a system

flow work

it is the work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into or out a system

Flow Work/Flow Energy

it prevents boiler pressure from rising above a certain predetermined pressure by

opening to allow excess steam to escape into the atmosphere when that point is

reached, thus guarding against a possible expulsion through excessive pressure.

safety valve

Joints and all refrigerants-containing parts of a refrigerating system located in an air

duct carrying conditioned air to and from an occupied space shall be constructed to

withstand a temperature of ____ without leakage into the airstream. 700F

Known as drum less boiler Once-through boiler

Liquid receivers, if used or parts of a system designed to receive the refrigerant

change during pumpdown charge. The liquid shall not occupy more than ____ of the

volume when temperature of the refrigerant is 90F 90%

Major constituent of all natural gases is Methane

Mean effective pressure is the ratio of net work and ______. Volume displacement

Measure of ability of a boiler to transfer the heat given by the furnace to the water

and steam is:Boiler efficiency

Measure the flow of refrigerant. venturi meter

Medium pressure when applied to valves and fittings, implies they are suitable for a

working pressure of from : 862 to 1200 kPa

Most commercially available petroleum lubricating oil deteriorates starting from

operating temperature of: 200°F

Mr. De la Cruz wanted to buy a pump for his farm. What is suitable for deepwell?

Ejector - Centrifugal pump

Needs only single pump regardless of number of heaters Closed heater

Number of molecules in a mole oif any substance is a constant called:

Avogadro's number

Number that is use to determine if the fluid is laminar flow or turbulent flow.

Reynolds number

On dynamic similitude, the relation which represents the ratio of inertia force to

pressure force is Euler number

One N-m is equal to one. Joule

One of the following tasks which is an example of preventive maintenance is:

Cleaning the cup on a rotary cup burner

One of the most popular types of compressor utilized for supercharging engine is

the: Roots type blower

Pairs of mating stop valves that allow sections of a system to be joined before

opening these valves or separated after closing them Campanion valve

Passing from the solid phase directly into vapor phase is called Sublimation

Peak load for a period of time divided by installed capacity is: Utilization factor

Peak load for a period of time divided by installed capacity is: Utilization factor

Percent excess air is the difference between air actually supplied and theoretically

required divided by: The theoretical air supplied

Ph value of _____ is usually maintained for boiler water to minimized corrosion


Presence of excess hydrogen ions makes the water Acidic

Presence of excess hydrogen ions makes the water Acidic

Presently the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine inlet is about ______.

620 deg C

Pressure loss due to friction at the condenser, the compressor power per unit mass

will Remains the same

Process used commercially in coal liquefaction.Fisher-Tropsch process

Pump used to increase air pressure above normal, air is then used as a motive

power: Air compressor

R-22 is. Monochlorodifluoromethane

Receives heat partly by convection and partly by radiation Pendant superheater

Receives heat partly by convection and partly by radiation Pendant superheater

Recent practice limits steam temperature to 438 c

Refrigerant consisting of mixtures of two or more different chemical compounds,

often used individuals as refrigerant for other applications. Blends

Refrigerant number 744 is Carbon dioxide

Refrigerant number R-1150 is Ethene (C2H4)

Refrigerant piping crossing an open space that affords passageway in any building

shall be not loss than ______ above the floor unless the piping is located against the

ceiling of such space and is permitted by the authority having jurisdiction 2.2 ,

Refrigerant R-40 is Chloromethane (CH3Cl)

Refrigerants consisting of mixtures of two or more different chemical compounds,

often used individually as refrigerants for other applications. Blends

Regeneration also provides a convenient means a dearating the feedwater to

prevent boiler corrosion

Regenerative superheater is a storage type of heat exchangers have an energy

storage medium called Matrix

Regenerative with feed heating cycle with infinite number of feedwater heaters thus

efficiency is equal to Carnot cycle

Reterm-80generative with feed heating cycle with infinite number of feedwater

heaters thus efficiency is equal to Carnot cycle

Scale in boiler can: Inhibit circulation and heat transfer

Seats and discs shall be limited in distortion, by pressure or other cause, to set

pressure change of not more than ____ in a span of five years. 5%

Secondary refrigerant is a liquid used for the transmission of heat, without a change

of state, and having no flash point or a flash point above ______ as determined from

ASTM 150 F

Select the one that is positive indication of pollution in river Chloride content
Shall not be in contact with any halogenated refrigerants Magnesium

Shall not be in contact with any halogenated refrigerants




All of these Magnesium

Show the variation of river flow (discharge) with time Hydrograph

Sight glass is often located at Liquid line

Specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as J/kg0 K

States that when conductor and a magnetic field move relatively to each other, an

electric voltage is induced in the conductor. Faraday's law

Stirling cycle uses a _____ working fluids Compressible fluids

Sugar removes molasses by: Filtration

Sum of the maximum demand over the simultaneous maximum demand Diversity


Superheating the refrigerant in refrigeration system without useful cooling, the

refrigeration effect per unit mass will Remains the same

Superheating the steam to higher temperature decreases the moisture content of the

steam at the_______ turbine exit

The ______ follows line of constant wet-bulb temperature on the psychrometric chart

Evaporative cooling process

The absolute zero in Celsius scale: -273

The air that contains no water vapor is called Dry air

The changing of solid directly to vapor, without passing through the liquid states is

called: Sublimation
The changing of solid directly to vapor, without passing through the liquid states is

called: Sublimation

The color of lubricating oil indicate: Does not indicates qualities

The components of a rotary pump: Screw

The convergent section of a nozzle increases the velocity of the flow of the gas.

What does it do on its pressure? decrease the pressure

The cooling water is made to fall in series of baffles to expose large surface area for

steam fed from below to come in direct contact Barometric condenser

The COP of actual absorption refrigeration system is usually Less than 1

The deep body temperature of healthy person is maintained constant at 37 deg C

The discharge line (B4) shall be vented to the atmosphere through a ____ fitted to its

upper extremity. Diffuser

The dividing point between the high pressure and low pressure sides of the

refrigeration cycle occurs at the: Expansion valve

The effectiveness of a body as a thermal radiator at a given temperature. Emissivity

The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating between the same two

reservoir________ Are the same

The efficiency of carnot cycle depend mainly in. Temperature ranges

the efficiency of carnot cycle depends upon the temperature

The energy of fluid flowing at any section in a pipeline is a function of: Height

above a chosen datum, density, internal energy, pressure and velocity of flow

The engineer was tested to design the air - conditioning system, for a ballroom

dance hall. Consider that this involve a lot of activity from its users, the engineer

would design that will require _____. Higher effective temperature

The fact the total energy in any one energy system remains constant is called the

principle of_____ Conservation of Energy

The fact the total energy in any one energy system remains constant is called the

principle of_____ Conservation of Energy

The fuel injection process in diesel engine starts when the piston ______.

Approaches TDC

The fuel used in a power plant that is used during peak periods Liquid

The fuel used in a power plant that is used during peak periods. Liquid

The fuel used in a power plant that is used during peak periods. Liquid

the function of a pump and compressor is to increase the total energy content of

the flow

The function of an unloader on an electric motor - driven compressor to: Release

the pressure in the cylinders in order to reduce the starting load.

The fundamental difference between pipe and tubing is: The dimensional

standard to which each is manufactured

The greatest network output per cycle in Stiring cycle is obtained with the smallest

pressure ratio across the turbine; the greatest volumetric expansion ratio and

operating at the highest temperature at Turbine inlet

The hands feel painfully cold when the skin temperature reaches 10 deg C

The heat exchanger used in an Ericsson cycle is known as. Recuperator

The high pressure of refrigeration system consist of the line of the expansion valve,

the receiver, the uppermost unit of the compressor and the valve _____.

The high pressure of refrigeration system consist of the line of the expansion valve,

the receiver, the uppermost unit of the compressor and the valve _____.


The hydraulic CA2gh−−−√2gh is use to find: Quality of discharge through an orifice

The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam is: Penstock

The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam is: Penstock

the intensity of pressure that is measured above absolute zero is called absolute


The law that states entropy of all perfect crystalline solid is zero at absolute zero

temperature: Third law of thermodynamics

The liquid pressure in the surface per area in the surface at the bottom is: Intensity


The locus of elevation to which water will rise in the piezometer tube is termed:

Hydraulic gradient

The locus of elevation: Hydraulic gradient

The major problem of heat pump is frosting

The major problem of heat pump is Frosting

The most economical and low maintenance cost condenser, Air cooled

The net area under T-S diagram of carnot cycle is. Work

the non condensing component of the moist air dry air

The part that directs the flow of the refrigerant through the compressor : valve

The part that directs the flow of the refrigerant through the compressor : Valve

The part that directs the flow of the refrigerant through the compressor : Valve

The pitot static tube measures static pressure

The pitot static tube measures static pressure

The power required to deliver a given quantity of fulid against a given head with no

losses in the pump is called: Hydraulic power

The process in which the heat energy is transferred to a thermal storage device. It is

known as: Regenerator

The process in which the heat energy is transferred to a thermal storage device. It is

known as: Regenerator

The property of liquid in which they extend resistance to angular or shear

deformation is: Viscosity

The purpose of the nozzle in an combustor of gas turbine plant is to: Increase

the velocity

The quantity of refrigerant stored at some point is the refrigeration system for

operational, service, or standby purposes/ Pumpdown charge

The ratio between the actual power and the apparent power in any circuit is know:

Power Factor

The ratio of cross-sectional area of flow to the wetted perimeter. Hydraulic radius

The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of some standard substance is

called: specific gravity

The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system of the to the

overall maximum of the whole: Demand factor

The refrigerant used in steam jet cooling is: Water

The relative humidity become 100% and where the water vapor starts to condensate.

Saturated point

The size of the steam reciprocating pump is generally designated by a three digit

number size as 646. What would be the first number designate: Inside diameter

of the steam cylinder measured in inches

The space above a suspended ceiling shall not be included in calculating the

permissible quantity of refrigerant in the system unless such space is continuous and

is part of the air return system Plenums

The space above a suspended ceiling shall not included in calculating the

permissible quantity of refrigerant in the system unless such space is continuous and

is part of the air return system. Plenums

The specific measurement of moisture content in air: Specific humidity

the sum of energies of all the molecules in system, energies that appear in several

complex forms internal energy

The sum of the energies of all molecules in a system, energies appear in several

complex forms, is the: Internal energy

the surrounding air ____ temperature is the lowest temperature to which water could

possibly be cooled in a cooling tower wet bulb

The temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure exerted on the

liquid: Boiling point

The temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure exerted on the

liquid: Boiling point

The temperature at which lubricating oil form a cloud. Cold point

the temperature at which the water vapor content of moist air begins to condense

when air is cooled at costant pressure dew point temp

The temperature of the fluid flowing under pressure through a pipe is usually

measured by: All of the above

The term "exposure" in radiological effects is used as a measure of a Gamma ray or

an X-ray field in the surface of an exposed object. Since this radiation produces
ionization of the air surrounding the object, the exposure is obtained as: x = no. of

ions produced per mass of air x coulombs per kg

The terminal velocity of a small sphere setting in a viscous fluid varies as the

inverse fluid viscosity

The thermal efficiency pf gas - vapor cycle as compared to steam turbine or gas

turbine. Greater than

The thermal efficiency pf gas - vapor cycle as compared to steam turbine or gas

turbine. Greater than

The total energy in a compressible or incompressible fluid flowing across any section

in a pipeline is a function of: Flow energy, kinetic energy, height above datum

and internal energy

The total heat of the air is a function of WB temperature

the transfer of energy from the more energetic in two or more energetic particles of a

substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between the

particles conduction

The transmission of heat from one place to another by fluid circulation between spots

of different temperature is called: convection

The volume of a fluid passing a cross-section stream in unit time is called: Discharge

The volumetric efficiency of an engine normally decrease with: An increase in


The volumetric efficiency of an engine normally decrease with: An increase in


The water in the product of combustion is in vapor state. Lower heating value

The water in the product of combustion is in vapor state. Lower heating value
The work done in an adiabatic process in a system: Is equal to the change in total

energy of closed system plus net heat transfer

this form of energy is due to the position or elevation of the body potential energy

this is the ratio of the heat equivalent of the brake or useful horsepower developed

by an engine and available on its crankshaft to the heat during the same time

brake thermal efficiency

this law states that 'all energy received as heat by a heat-engine cannot be

converted into mechanical work' 2nd law of thermodynamics

this law states that 'all energy received as heat by a heat-engine cannot be

converted into mechanical work' 2nd law of thermodynamics

this refers to the rate of heat transfer attribute only to a change in dry-bulb

temperature sensible heating or cooling

this system combines two vapor compression units with the condenser of the low

temperature system discharge its heat to the evaporator of the high temperature

system cascade systems

this type of boiler, the water passes through the tubes while the flue gases burn

outside the tubes gauge glass

This type of heat exchanger allows fluids to flow at right angles to each other

Cross flow

This type of heat exchanger allows fluids to flow at right angles to each other

Cross flow

Throttling of the refrigerant through the expansion valve in a vapor refrigeration cycle

is: Irreversible adiabatic process

Tidal power is attractive because it has: Cheap energy source

to prevent backflow of refrigerant from condenser to compressor the valve to be

install must be: Check valve

To protect adequately the engine bearings, what types and better arrangement of

lubricating oil filter is most practical? Full-flow type installed between the

lubricating oil pump and the bearing

Transfers heat directly to electrical energy by utilizing thermionic emissions.

Thermionic generator

Tubing that is unenclosed and therefore exposed to crushing, abrasion, puncture, or

similar damage after installation. Unprotected tubing

Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericsson cycles are. Hydrogen

and helium

Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericsson cycles are. Hydrogen

and helium

Two types of fans are Centrifugal and axial

Type of condenser that operates like a cooling water Evaporative condenser

Type of switch put in flooded system that actuate the predetermined level of

refrigerant. float switch

Type of turbine that has a specific speed below 5. Impulse turbine

Type of turbine that has high pressure and low pressure is called: Compound


Typical compression ratio of Otto cycle is 8

Ultimate strength drops by 30% as steam temperature raises from ____ for

unalloyed steel 400 to 500 c

Use to detects a vibration in current caused by the ionization of decomposed

refrigerant between two opposite charged platinum electrodes Electronic


Use to detects a vibration in current caused by the ionization of decomposed

refrigerant between two opposite charged platinum electrodes Electronic


Use to increase the capacity of condenser Desuperheating coils

Use to measure the index performance of the engine is: COP

Use to measure the performance of the engine is: Efficiency

Use to minimize the speed rise due to a sudden load rejection Jet deflector

Use to minimize the speed rise due to a sudden load rejection. Jet deflector

Used for deepwell installation. Centrifugal

Water converted to steam. What type of hydrothermal power plant? Liquid


What amount of air is required in a low bypass factor? Lesser

What are the immediate undesirable products from the petroleum-based lubricating

oil when subjected to high pressure and temperature? Gums, resins and acids

What are the main components in a combined cycle power plant: Diesel engine

and air compressor

What characterizes a reaction turbine: Steam will react with a force in the


What do bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit? Thermal radiation

What do you call the passing of heat energy from molecule to molecule through a

substance: conduction
What equation applies in the first law of thermodynamics for an ideal gas in a

reversible open steady-state system? Q - PdV = H2 - H1

What is a check valve: A valve design to allow a fluid to pass through in one

direction only

What is an apparatus used in the analysis of combustible gases? Calorimeter

What is an expansion loop: A large radius bend in pipe line to absorb

longitudinal expansion in the pipe line due to heat

What is meant by brake horsepower: Actual horsepower delivered to the engine

drive shaft

What is meant by choking in pipe flow: The specified mass flow rate cannot occur

What is the clockwork-operated device which records continuously the humidity of

the atmosphere? Hydrograph

What is the force required to accelerate a mass of 1 gram at a rate of 1 cm/sec/sec:


What is the function of a radiation pyrometer: Furnace temperature

What is the function of steam separator: Trapping the steam and letting water


What is the function of the compression joint of pipes or tubes: When tightened,

compressed tapered, sleeves so that they form a tight joint on the periphery of the

tubing they connect

What is the line defined by the water level in a group of artesian walls?

Piezometric surface

What is the main power generating plant that produces the most electricity per unit

thermal energy in the fuel and has the greatest surplus of electricity for most

cogeneration systems: Gas turbine

What is the main power generating plant that produces the most electricity per unit

thermal energy in the fuel and has the greatest surplus of electricity for most

cogeneration systems: Gas turbine

What is the maximum velocity of sewer flowing full? 0.6 m/s

What is the part of an oil pressure governor that is used to continuously draw oil for

as the turbine is working? Gear pump

what is the pressure of the refrigerant between the expansion valve and the intake of

the compressor in a multi pressure refrigeration system? low side pressure

What is the suggested maximum permissible dose (MPD) of gamma ray exposure

for general individuals not working in a nuclear setting, by choice, in rem/year: 5

What is the term as the ratio of the volume at the end of heat addition to the volume

at the start of heat addition: Cut-off ratio

What is the value of the Mach number at the throat of a converging - diverging

nozzle? One

What keeps the moisture passing from the system: Dehydrator

What occurs in a reversible polytropic process?Some heat transfer occurs

What process where most of the heat is added in Sterling cycle? constant


What should be the temperature of both the water and steam whenever they are

present together: Saturation temperature for the existing pressure

What takes place in a uniflow scavenging? Air traveling in one direction

What type of lubricating oils are produced entirely from the crude chosen through

elimination of undesirable constituents by suitable refining processes: Straight

When 1 gram of coal is subjected to a temperature of about 105 degC for a period of

1 hour, the loss in weight of the sample gives the Moisture content
When 1 gram of coal is subjected to a temperature of about 105 degC for a period of

1 hour, the loss in weight of the sample gives the Moisture content

When a substance in gaseous state is below its critical temperature it is called:


When a substance is gaseous states is below the critical temperature it is called:


When a system deviates infinitesimally from equilibrium at every instant of its state, it

is undergoing: Quasi-static process

When air is saturated, the wet bulb depression is: 0

When can a Francis turbine obtain a correct disposition of the moving blades and the

guide? At full load only

When droplets of water are carried by steam in the boiler Priming

When four events take place in one revolution of a crankshaft of an engine, the

engine is called: Two-stroke engine

When process steam is basic need and power is by-product, this cycle is known as

By-product cycle

When Rankine cycle is modified with regeneration, which of the following will

increase? Cycle efficiency

When the air duct system serves several enclosed spaces, the permissible quantity

of refrigerant in the system shall not exceed the amount determined by using the

total volume of those spaces in which the airflow cannot be reduced to less than

________ of its maximum when fan is operating One-quarter

When the boiler pressure increases or when the exhaust pressure decreases, the

amount of moisture: Decreases

When the following is used for binary cycle power generation for high temperature

application All of these

When the number of reheat stages in a reheat cycle is increased, the average

temperature: Increases

Where deaerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended that the temperature

of the feed water be not less than ______ 197 deg C

Where deaerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended that the temperature

of the feed water be not less than _____. 197 deg C

Which dam is best for weak foundation? Buttress

Which instruments is used to measure humidity of the atmosphere continuously?


Which is not a physical characteristic of water? Hardness

Which is used as a moderator in certain types of nuclear reactors: heavy water

Which of the following a set of standard condition: 101.325, 273 ok, 22.4 m3/kg


Which of the following determines the effectiveness and size of the condenser?

Heat transfer

Which of the following helps in the ignition of coal? Volatile matter

Which of the following is not a main part of a typical coal burner: An atomizer

Which of the following is NOT a material used for thermoelectric elements?

Zinc telluride

Which of the following is not a method of starting a diesel engine? Using another


Which of the following is not a method of starting a diesel engine? Using another

Which of the following is NOT a part of condensing unit? Liquid line

Which of the following is NOT a part of high pressure side in refrigeration system?

Suction line

Which of the following is NOT a part of low pressure side in refrigeration system?

Liquid line

Which of the following is NOT a possible location of service valve? Outlet of


Which of the following is NOT a type of air-cooled condenser?

Forced draft

Correct! Shell and tube

Natural draft

Induced draft Shell and tube

Which of the following is NOT a type of water cooled condenser in refrigeration?

Double shell

Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke in diesel engine? High

compression pressure

Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke in diesel engine? High

compression pressure

Which of the following is the chemical formula for Hexene? C6H12

Which of the following materials is suitable for tubing in refrigeration application

where refrigerant ammonia is employed Steel

Which of the following materials is suitable for tubing in refrigeration application

where refrigerant ammonia is employed Steel

Which of the following types of flow meters is most accurate: Pitot tube
work done by the steam during a reversible adiabatic expansion process in the

turbine ideal work

Work done per unit charge when charge is moved from one point to another:

Potential at a point

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