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Vapor-Liquid Ratio Temperature Determination of Fuels (Evacuated Chamber Method)

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 5188 – 04a

Standard Test Method for

Vapor-Liquid Ratio Temperature Determination of Fuels
(Evacuated Chamber Method)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5188; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* D 2533 Test Method for Vapor-Liquid Ratio of Spark-

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the tem- Ignition Engine Fuels
perature at which the vapor formed from a selected volume of D 2892 Test Method for Distillation of Crude Petroleum
volatile petroleum product saturated with air at 0 to 1°C (32 to (15-Theoretical Plate Column)
34°F) produces a pressure of one atmosphere in an evacuated D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
chamber of fixed volume. This test method is applicable to Petroleum Products
samples for which the determined temperature is between 36 3. Terminology
and 80°C (97 and 176°F) and the vapor-liquid ratio is between
8 to 1 and 75 to 1. 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 T (V/L = 20), n—the equilibrium temperature at which
NOTE 1—When the vapor-liquid ratio is 20:1, the result is intended to the partial pressure of a sample under test conditions is equal
be comparable to the results determined by Test Method D 2533.
to 101.3 kPa (14.69 psia) and the vapor-liquid ratio is 20.
NOTE 2—This test method may also be applicable at pressures other
than one atmosphere, but the stated precision may not apply. 3.1.2 vapor-liquid ratio of a fuel, n—the ratio at a specified
temperature and pressure of the volume of vapor in equilibrium
1.2 This test method is applicable to both gasoline and with liquid to the volume of sample charged, as a liquid, at 0°C
gasoline-oxygenate blends. (32°F).
1.2.1 Some gasoline-oxygenate blends may show a haze
when cooled to 0 to 1°C. If a haze is observed in 11.5, it shall 4. Summary of Test Method
be indicated in the reporting of results. The precision and bias 4.1 A known volume of chilled, air-saturated sample is
statements for hazy samples have not been determined (see introduced into an evacuated, thermostatically controlled test
Note 9). chamber of known volume. The sample volume is calculated to
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the give the desired vapor-liquid ratio for the chamber volume in
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information use. After injection, the chamber temperature is adjusted until
only. a stable chamber pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.69 psia) is
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the achieved.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 5. Significance and Use
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 5.1 The tendency of a fuel to vaporize in automotive engine
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific fuel systems is indicated by the vapor-liquid ratio of the fuel.
warnings, see 7.2 and 8.1.1. 5.2 Automotive fuel specifications generally include T (V/
L = 20) limits to ensure products of suitable volatility perfor-
2. Referenced Documents
mance. For high ambient temperatures, a fuel with a high value
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 of T (V/L = 20), indicating a fuel with a low tendency to vaporize,
is generally specified; conversely for low ambient tempera-
tures, a fuel with a low value of T (V/L = 20) is specified.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 6. Apparatus
D02.08 on Volatility.
Current edition approved April 1, 2004. Published April 2004. Originally 6.1 Apparatus suitable for use shall employ a small volume
approved in 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 5188–04.
test chamber incorporating a transducer for pressure measure-
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
ments and associated equipment for thermostatically control-
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on ling the chamber temperature, evacuating the test chamber
the ASTM website. prior to sample introduction, and cleaning and purging the

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 5188 – 04a
chamber following the test. Critical elements of the apparatus on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society3
shall meet the following specifications: where such specifications are available. Lower purities can be
6.1.1 Test Chamber, constructed of stainless steel or alumi- used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
num, designed to contain between 5 and 50 mL of liquid plus sufficient purity to permit its use without lessening the accu-
vapor with a tolerance of 61 % of the nominal capacity. racy of the determination. Reagents used for performance
checks (see 10.3) shall be of at least 99 % purity.
NOTE 3—The test chamber volumes of the instruments used for the
1991 cooperative test program to determine the precision and bias 7.2 n -pentane, (Warning—Flammable, health hazard.)
statements were between 5 and 15 mL of liquid plus vapor with a tolerance
of 61 % of the nominal capacity. 8. Sampling
8.1 General:
6.1.2 Pressure Transducer, minimum operational range
8.1.1 Conduct bulk sampling to obtain the laboratory
from 1 to 177 kPa (0 to 25.6 psia) with minimum resolution of
samples in accordance with Practice D 4057 except for
0.1 kPa (0.01 psi) and minimum accuracy of 60.8 kPa (60.12
gasoline-oxygenate blends where water displacement is not
psi). The pressure measurement system shall include associ-
used. The extreme sensitivity of T (V/L) measurements to losses
ated electronics and readout devices to display the resulting
through evaporation and the resulting changes in composition
pressure reading.
is such as to require the utmost precaution and the most
6.1.3 Heater, thermostatically controlled heater capable of meticulous care in the handling of samples. (Warning—
maintaining the test chamber within 0.1°C of the set tempera- Extremely flammable, harmful if inhaled or ingested. Skin
ture for a minimum of 5 min. irritant on repeated contact. Aspiration hazard.)
NOTE 4—The use of automated instruments that automatically adjust 8.1.2 The size of the sample container from which the
the temperature, after sample injection, to give a pressure of 101.3 kPa sample is taken shall be 1 L (1 qt). It shall be 70 to 80 % filled
(14.69 psia) is allowed. with sample.
6.1.4 Platinum Resistance Thermometer, used to measure 8.1.3 The precision statement will be derived using samples
the temperature of the test chamber, having a minimum in 1-L (1-qt) containers. However, samples taken in containers
temperature range of 36 to 80°C, minimum resolution of 0.1°C of other sizes as prescribed in Practice D 4057 can be used if
(0.2°F) and minimum accuracy of 60.1°C (60.2°F). it is recognized that the precision could be affected. In the case
6.2 Vacuum Pump, capable of reducing the pressure in the of referee testing, the 1-L (1-qt) sample is mandatory.
test chamber to less than 0.01 kPa (0.001 psia). 8.1.4 Perform the T (V/L) determination on the first test
6.3 Syringes, (if required for sample introduction), gas- specimen withdrawn from the sample container. Do not use the
tight, 1- to 20-mL capacity with minimum accuracy and remaining sample in the container for a second T(V/L) determi-
precision of 61 %. nation. If a second determination is necessary, obtain a new
6.4 Bath, iced water or air, for chilling the samples and sample.
syringe (if required) to between 0 and 1°C (32 to 34°F). 8.1.5 Protect samples from excessive temperature prior to
6.5 Pressure Measuring Device, capable of measuring local testing. This can be accomplished by storage in an appropriate
station pressure with an accuracy of 0.20 kPa (0.03 psi) or ice bath or refrigerator.
better, at the same elevation relative to sea level as the 8.1.6 Do not test samples stored in leaky containers. Discard
apparatus in the laboratory. and obtain a new sample if leaks are detected.
6.5.1 When a mercury manometer is not used as the 8.2 Sampling Temperature—Cool the sample container and
pressure measuring device, the calibration of the pressure contents in an iced bath or refrigerator to between 0 and 1°C
measuring device employed shall be periodically checked (32 to 34°F) prior to opening the sample container. Ensure
(with traceability to a nationally recognized standard) to ensure sufficient time to reach this temperature by direct measurement
that the device remains within the required accuracy specified of the temperature of a similar liquid in a like container placed
in 6.5. in the cooling bath at the same time as the sample.
8.3 Verification of Sample Container Filling:
6.6 McLeod Vacuum Gage or Calibrated Electronic Vacuum
8.3.1 With the sample at a temperature of 0 to 1°C, take the
Measuring Device for Calibration, to cover at least the range
container from the cooling bath or refrigerator and wipe dry
from 0.01 to 0.67 kPa (0.1 to 5 mm Hg). The calibration of the
with absorbent material. If the container is not transparent,
electronic vacuum measuring device shall be regularly verified
in accordance with the annex section on Vacuum Sensors
(A6.3) of Test Method D 2892. 3
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
7. Reagents and Materials listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
7.1 Purity of Reagents—Unless otherwise indicated, all and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Committee MD.

D 5188 – 04a
unseal it and using a suitable gage, confirm that the sample 10. Calibration
volume equals 70 to 80 % of the container capacity (see Note 10.1 Calibrate the pressure transducer at least every 30 days
5). If the sample is contained in a transparent glass container, or when needed as indicated by the performance check (see
verify that the container is 70 to 80 % full by suitable means 10.3). The calibration of the transducer is accomplished using
(see Note 5). two reference points, zero pressure, and ambient barometric
8.3.2 Discard the sample if the container is filled to less than pressure.
70 % by volume of the container capacity.
NOTE 6—Pressure transducers can be sensitive to working temperature.
8.3.3 If the container is filled to more than 80 % by volume, Calibration should be performed at the test chamber temperature most
pour out enough sample to bring the container contents to frequently used.
within the 70 to 80 % by volume range. Do not return any 10.1.1 Connect a McLeod gage or a calibrated electronic
sample to the container once it has been withdrawn. vacuum measuring device to the vacuum source in line with the
NOTE 5—For non-transparent containers, one way to confirm that the test chamber. Apply vacuum to the test chamber. When the
sample volume equals 70 to 80 % of the container capacity is to use a vacuum measuring device registers a pressure less than 0.1 kPa
dipstick that has been pre-marked to indicate the 70 and 80 % container (0.8 mm Hg) adjust the indicator to zero or to the actual
capacities. The dipstick should be of such material that it shows wetting reading on the vacuum measuring device as dictated by the
after being immersed and withdrawn from the sample. To confirm the instrument design or manufacturer’s instructions.
sample volume, insert the dipstick into the sample container so that it
10.1.2 Open the test chamber to the atmosphere and observe
touches the bottom of the container at a perpendicular angle, before
removing the dipstick. For transparent containers, using a marked ruler or the indicator reading. If the pressure reading is not equal to the
by comparing the sample container to a like container which has the 70 ambient barometric pressure, adjust the indicator span control
and 80 % levels clearly marked, has been found suitable. until the appropriate reading is observed. Ensure that the
instrument is set to display the total pressure and not a
8.3.4 Reseal the container, if necessary, and return the
calculated or corrected value.
sample container to the cooling bath or refrigerator.
10.1.3 Repeat 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 until the zero and baromet-
8.4 Air Saturation of the Sample in the Sample Container: ric pressure read correctly without further adjustments.
8.4.1 Transparent Container Only—Since 8.3.1 does not 10.2 Calibrate the platinum resistance thermometer and
require that the sample container be opened to verify the indicator used to monitor the temperature of the test chamber
sample capacity, it is necessary to unseal the cap momentarily at least every six months against a National Institute of
before resealing it, so that samples in transparent containers are Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable thermometer.
treated the same as samples in non-transparent containers. 10.3 Check the performance of the instrument each day it is
8.4.2 With the sample again at a temperature of 0 to 1°C, in use by running a sample consisting of air saturated
take the container from the cooling bath or refrigerator, wipe it n-pentane, T(V/L = 20) = 36.1°C (96.9°F). Handle the perfor-
dry with an absorbent material, remove the cap momentarily, mance check material in the same manner as a sample (see
taking care that no water enters, reseal and shake vigorously. Sections 8 and 11), except that for pure compounds (see 7.1),
Return it to the bath or refrigerator for a minimum of 2 min. multiple test specimens may be taken from the same container
over time, provided the test specimen is air-saturated according
9. Preparation of Apparatus to the procedure given in 8.4 and the spent test specimens are
not reused in whole or in part. If the observed TV/L = 20 differs
9.1 Prepare the instrument for operation in accordance with
by more than 0.5°C (1.0°F), check the instrument calibration
the manufacturer’s instructions.
(see 10.1 and 10.2).
9.2 Clean and dry the test chamber to avoid contamination
of the test sample. NOTE 7—Other pure compounds having vapor pressures within the
range of fuels to be tested may be used.
9.3 Prior to sample introduction, visually determine from
the instrument display that the test chamber pressure is stable 11. Procedure
and does not exceed 0.1 kPa (0.01 psia). If the pressure is not 11.1 Calculate the volume of sample required to give the
stable or exceeds this value, check that the chamber contains desired vapor-liquid ratio using Eq 1 (12.1).
no volatile materials from a previous sample, the seals are 11.2 Remove the sample from the cooling bath or refrigera-
satisfactory, the calibration of the transducer is correct, and the tor, dry the exterior of the container with absorbent material,
apparatus does not leak. unseal and insert a chilled transfer tube or gas-tight syringe
9.4 If a syringe is used for introduction of the sample, chill (9.4). Draw a bubble-free aliquot of sample into the syringe or
the syringe to between 0 and 1.0°C (32 to 34°F) in a transfer tube and deliver this sample to the test chamber as
refrigerator or ice bath before drawing in the sample. The rapidly as possible. The total time between opening the chilled
syringe must be kept completely dry during this cooling. Place sample container and inserting/securing the syringe into the
the clean and dry syringe in a water tight plastic bag and place sealed test chamber shall not exceed 1 min.
the sealed bag in the ice bath or refrigerator maintained at 0 to 11.3 Perform the analysis in accordance with the manufac-
1.0°C (32 to 34°F). turer’s instructions for operation of the instrument.
9.5 Prior to introduction of the test specimen, set the 11.4 Record the temperature reading from the instrument to
temperature of the test chamber to close to the expected result, the nearest 0.1°C (0.2°F) after the pressure indicator has
if known; or 40°C (104°F), if unknown. remained stable at 101.3 kPa (14.69 psia) for 1 min.

D 5188 – 04a
NOTE 8—If the measurement is made at a pressure other than 101.3 kPa 14. Precision and Bias
(14.69 psia) the pressure must be noted.
14.1 Precision—The precision of this test method for mea-
11.5 Verification of Single Phase Sample—Check the re- suring the T (V/L= 20) value of gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate
maining sample from 8.3 for phase separation. If the sample is blends as determined by the statistical examination of inter-
contained in a transparent container, this observation can be laboratory test results is as follows:
made prior to sample transfer (11.2). If the sample is contained 14.1.1 Repeatability— The difference between two succes-
in a non-transparent container, mix the sample thoroughly and sive test results obtained by the same operator with the same
immediately pour a portion of the remaining sample into a apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
clear glass container and observe for evidence of phase material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct
separation. A hazy appearance is to be carefully distinguished operation of the test method exceed the following value only in
from separation into two distinct phases. The hazy appearance one case in twenty:
shall not be considered grounds for rejection of the fuel. If a 0.6°C ~1.1°F! (2)
second phase is observed, discard the test and the sample. Hazy 14.1.2 Reproducibility— The difference between two single
samples may be analyzed (see Report section). and independent test results obtained by different operators
working in different laboratories on identical test material
12. Calculations would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
the test method exceed the following value only in one case in
12.1 Use the following equation to calculate vapor-liquid
0.9°C ~1.6°F! (3)
V/L 5 v (1) NOTE 11—The precision data were developed in a 1991 cooperative
testing program based on the duplicate analysis of twelve samples of
where: gasolines and gasoline-oxygenate blends by a minimum of five laborato-
V/L = vapor-liquid ratio ries. The test fuels had a range of oxygenate content (ethanol and MTBE)
V = volume of test chamber, mL, and from 0 to 15 % by volume and a T (V/L=20) range from approximately
v = volume of sample at 0°C (32°F), mL. 37.8°C (100°F) to 60.0°C (140°F).
14.2 Bias:
13. Report 14.2.1 Absolute—Since there is no accepted reference ma-
terial suitable for determining the bias for this test method, no
13.1 Report T (V/L) temperature to the nearest 0.1°C (0.2°F) statement on bias is being made.
and the vapor-liquid ratio without reference to pressure. 14.2.2 Based on statistical analyses of the data from the
13.2 If the sample was observed to be hazy in 11.5, report 1991 cooperative testing program (see Note 11), the following
the test result as in 13.1, followed by the letter H. relative bias statements were determined for T (V/L=20): Test Method D 5188 Test Instruments3— No sig-
NOTE 9—The precision and bias statements have not been determined
for hazy samples, since these types of samples have not been evaluated as nificant bias was determined between the data using the two
part of an interlaboratory study. test instruments.
NOTE 10—The inclusion of the letter H in 13.2 is intended to alert the V/L Test Methods—No significant bias was deter-
data recipient that the sample analyzed was hazy. In the event a laboratory mined between the data determined using Test Methods
has a computer system that is incapable of reporting alphanumeric results D 5188 and D 2533, using mercury as the containing fluid.
in accordance with the requirements in 13.2, it is permissible for the
laboratory to report the result obtained as in 13.1, along with a statement
15. Keywords
or annotation that clearly conveys to the data recipient that the sample 15.1 gasoline; gasoline-oxygenate blends; petroleum
analyzed was hazy. products;T(V/L = 20); vapor-liquid ratio


Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 5188–04) that may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Added Test Method D 2892 to the Referenced Documents. (3) Revised 10.1.1.
(2) Revised 6.6.

D 5188 – 04a
Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D 5188–99) that
may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Updated 10.3 to allow the performance check material to pure compounds (based on the information in 7.1), so that the
be used more than once from the same container if they are same material can be used for control chart purposes.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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