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Vapor Pressure of Gasoline and Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends (Dry Method)

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 4953 – 99a

Standard Test Method for

Vapor Pressure of Gasoline and Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends
(Dry Method)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4953; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope ucts (Reid Method)2

1.1 This test method, a modification of Test Method D 323 D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
(Reid Method), provides two procedures to determine the Petroleum Products3
vapor pressure (Note 1) of gasoline and gasoline-oxygenate E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers4
blends. This test method is applicable to gasolines and 3. Summary of Test Method
gasoline-oxygenate blends with a vapor pressure range from 35
to 100 kPa (5 to 15 psi) (see Note 2). 3.1 The liquid chamber of the vapor pressure apparatus is
filled with the chilled sample and connected to the vapor
NOTE 1—Because the external atmospheric pressure is counteracted by chamber at 37.8°C (100°F). The apparatus is immersed in a
the atmospheric pressure initially present in the air chamber, this vapor
bath at 37.8°C (100°F) until a constant pressure is observed.
pressure is an absolute pressure at 37.8°C (100°F) in kilopascals (pounds-
force per square inch). This vapor pressure differs from the true vapor The pressure reading, suitably corrected, is reported as the
pressure of the sample due to some small vaporization of the sample and vapor pressure.
air in the confined space. 3.2 Procedure A utilizes the same apparatus and essentially
NOTE 2—Vapor pressure of gasoline or gasoline-oxygenate blends the same procedure as Test Method D 323 with the exception
below 35 kPa (5 psi) or greater than 100 kPa (15 psi) can be determined that the interior surfaces of the liquid and vapor chambers are
with this test method but the Precision and Bias as described in Section 10 maintained completely free of water. Procedure B utilizes a
do not apply. For materials with a vapor pressure greater than 100 kPa (15
psi), use a 0 to 200 kPa (0 to 30 psi) gage as specified in the Annex of Test
semi-automatic apparatus with the liquid and vapor chambers
Method D 323. identical in volume to those in Procedure A. The apparatus is
suspended in a horizontal bath and rotated while attaining
1.2 Some gasoline-oxygenate blends may show a haze when equilibrium. Either a Bourdon gage or pressure transducer can
cooled to 0 to 1°C. If a haze is observed in 8.4, it shall be be used with this procedure. The interior surfaces of the liquid
indicated in the reporting of results. The precision and bias and vapor chambers are maintained free of water.
statements for hazy samples have not been determined (see
Note 10). 4. Significance and Use
1.3 The values stated in acceptable metric units are stan- 4.1 Vapor pressure is an important physical property of
dard. The values given in parentheses are provided for infor- liquid spark-ignition engine fuels. It provides an indication of
mation purposes only. how a fuel will perform under different operating conditions.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the For example, vapor pressure is a factor in determining whether
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the a fuel will cause vapor lock at high ambient temperature or at
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- high altitude, or will provide easy starting at low ambient
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- temperature.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau- 4.2 Petroleum product specifications generally include va-
tions are given in 6.5, and Note 5, Note 7, Note 8, Note A1.1, por pressure limits to ensure products of suitable volatility
and Note A1.2. performance.
2. Referenced Documents NOTE 3—Vapor pressure of fuels is regulated by various government
2.1 ASTM Standards: agencies.
D 323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod- 5. Apparatus
5.1 The apparatus for Procedure A is described in Annex A1.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of Committee D-2 on Petroleum
Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.08 on
Volatility. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Current edition approved April 10, 1999. Published June 1999. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.
published as D 4953 – 89. Last previous edition D 4953 – 99. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 4953
5.2 The essential dimensions and requirements for the liquid after being immersed and withdrawn from the sample. To confirm the
and vapor chamber for Procedure B are identical with those for sample volume, insert the dipstick into the sample container so that it
Procedure A and described in Annex A1. External fittings and touches the bottom of the container at a perpendicular angle, before
removing the dipstick. For transparent containers, using a marked ruler or
features will vary depending on whether a gage or transducer by comparing the sample container to a like container which has the 70
is used and the provision for rotating the apparatus in the bath. and 80 % levels clearly marked, has been found suitable.
Details of a commercially available unit are shown in Annex
7.2.1 Discard the sample if its volume is less than 70 % of
the container capacity.
6. Handling of Test Samples 7.2.2 If the container is more than 80 % full, pour out
6.1 This section applies to both Procedure A and B. enough sample to bring the container contents within 70 to
6.2 The extreme sensitivity of vapor pressure measurements 80 % range. Under no circumstance return any of the poured
to losses through evaporation is such as to require the utmost out sample to the container.
precaution and the most meticulous care in handling of 7.2.3 Reseal the container, if necessary, and return the
samples. sample container to the cooling bath.
6.3 Sampling shall be done in accordance with the Reid 7.3 Air Saturation of the Sample in Sample Container:
Vapor Pressure section (10.3) of Practice D 4057 except for 7.3.1 Transparent Containers Only—Since 7.2 does not
fuels containing oxygenates where the Water Displacement require that the sample be opened to verify the sample capacity,
Procedure section ( of D 4057 must not be used. it is necessary to unseal the cap momentarily before resealing
6.4 Sample Container Size: it, so that the samples in transparent containers are treated the
6.4.1 The size of the sample container from which the vapor same as samples in non-transparent containers.
pressure sample is taken shall be 1 L (1 qt). It shall be 70 to 7.3.2 With the sample again at a temperature of 0 to 1°C,
80 % filled with sample. take the container from the cooling bath or refrigerator, wipe it
6.4.2 The present precision statement has been derived dry with an absorbent material, remove the cap momentarily,
using samples in 1-L (1-qt) containers. Samples taken in taking care that no water enters, reseal, and shake vigorously.
containers of other sizes as prescribed in Practice D 4057 can Return it to the cooling bath or refrigerator for a minimum of
be used if it is recognized that the precision can be affected. In 2 min.
the case of referee testing the 1-L (1-qt) sample container shall 7.3.3 Repeat 7.3.2 twice more. Return the sample to the
be mandatory. cooling bath until the beginning of the procedure.
6.5 Hazard: 7.4 Preparation of Liquid Chamber:
6.5.1 The vapor pressure determination shall be the first test 7.4.1 Place the stoppered or closed liquid chamber and the
withdrawn from the sample container. The remaining sample in sample transfer tube in a refrigerator or cooling bath for
the container cannot be used for a second vapor pressure sufficient time to allow the chamber and the transfer tube to
determination. If necessary, obtain a new sample. reach a temperature of 0 to 1°C (32 to 34°F). Keep the liquid
6.5.2 Samples shall be protected from excessive heat prior chamber upright and not immersed over the top of the coupling
to testing. threads.
6.5.3 Samples in leaky containers shall not be tested. NOTE 5—Caution: The transfer connection must be kept completely
Discard and obtain a new sample. dry during cooling. This can be accomplished by placing the transfer
6.6 Sample Handling Temperature—In all cases, the sample connection in a water tight plastic bag.
container and contents shall be cooled to 0 to 1°C (32 to 34°F) 7.5 Preparation of the Vapor Chamber
before the container is opened. Sufficient time to reach this 7.5.1 Connect the gage or pressure transducer to the vapor
temperature shall be assured by direct measurement of the chamber and make a water tight closure of the lower opening
temperature of a similar liquid in a like container placed in the of the chamber where the liquid chamber attaches. Make sure
cooling bath at the same time as the sample. See A1.3.1. that the vent hole in the vapor chamber connection is also
securely closed.
7. Preparation of Apparatus
NOTE 6—For some Test Method D 323 apparatus, a Number 6.5 rubber
7.1 This section applies to both Procedure A and Procedure stopper has been found satisfactory. For the horizontal or Herzog
B. apparatus, a Number 3 rubber stopper and a Number 000 cork in the vent
7.2 Verification of Sample Container Filling—With the hole is satisfactory. Another procedure is to attach a spare liquid chamber
sample at a temperature of 0 to 1°C, take the container from the to the vapor chamber during the conditioning period. A third alternative is
cooling bath or refrigerator and wipe dry with absorbent to utilize a cap threaded to match the threads of the vapor chamber.
material. If the container is not transparent, unseal it, and using Several apparatus manufacturers have indicated the intention to supply
such caps for equipment. In any procedure used, the interior surfaces of
a suitable gage, confirm that the sample volume equals 70 to
the vapor pressure apparatus and the sample must be kept completely free
80 % of the container capacity (see Note 4). If the sample is of water.
contained in a transparent glass container, verify that the NOTE 7—Caution: Making a water tight closure of both the liquid and
container is 70 to 80 % full by suitable means (see Note 4). vapor chambers is extremely important. For some samples containing
oxygenated compounds, contact with water can cause phase separation
NOTE 4—For non-transparent containers, one way to confirm that the
and invalidate results.
sample volume equals 70 to 80 % of the container capacity is to use a
dipstick that has been pre-marked to indicate the 70 and 80 % container 7.5.2 Immerse the vapor chamber in a water bath main-
capacities. The dipstick should be of such material that it shows wetting tained at 37.8 6 0.1°C (100 6 0.2°F) for not less than 20 min.

D 4953
The top of the vapor chamber must be at least 25 mm (1 in.) it vigorously eight times lengthwise. With the gage end up,
below the surface of the water (Procedure A). (In Procedure B immerse the assembled apparatus in the bath, maintained at
the vapor chamber lies horizontally, completely immersed in 37.8 6 0.1°C (100 6 0.2°F), in an inclined position so that the
the water bath.) Do not remove the vapor chamber from the connection of the liquid and vapor chambers is below the water
water bath until the liquid chamber has been filled with sample level. Carefully examine for leaks. If no leaks are observed,
as described in 8.1. further immerse the apparatus to at least 25 mm (1 in.) above
the top of the vapor chamber. Observe the apparatus for leaks
8. Procedure throughout the test and discard the test at anytime a leak is
8.1 Sample Transfer—Remove the sample from the cooling detected.
bath, dry the exterior of the container with absorbent material, 8.3.2 Procedure B—While holding the apparatus in a verti-
uncap, and insert the chilled transfer tube (see Fig. 1). Remove cal position immediately reconnect the spiral tubing at the
the liquid chamber from the cooling bath and, using an quick action disconnect. Tilt the apparatus to 20 to 30°
absorbent material, dry the threaded top and place the chamber downward for 4 or 5 s to allow the sample to flow into the
in an inverted position over the top of the transfer tube. Invert vapor chamber without getting into the tube extending into the
the entire system rapidly so that the liquid chamber is upright vapor chamber from the gage or pressure transducer. Place the
with the end of the transfer tube approximately 6 mm (0.25 in.) assembled apparatus into the water bath maintained at 38.7 6
from the bottom of the liquid chamber. Fill the chamber to 0.1°C (100 6 0.2°F) in such a way that the bottom of the liquid
overflowing. Withdraw the transfer tube from the liquid cham- chamber engages the drive coupling and the other end of the
ber while allowing the sample to continue flowing up to apparatus rests on the support bearing. Observe the apparatus
complete withdrawal. for leakage throughout the test. Discard the test anytime a leak
is detected.
NOTE 8—Warning: Provision shall be made for suitable containment
and disposal of the overflowing sample to avoid fire hazard. 8.4 Verification of Single Phase Sample—After the appara-
tus has been immersed in the bath, check the remaining sample
8.2 Assembly of Apparatus—Immediately remove the vapor
for phase separation. If the sample is contained in a transparent
chamber from the water bath and, as quickly as possible, dry
container, this observation can be made prior to sample transfer
the exterior of the chamber with absorbent material with
(8.1). If the sample is contained in a non-transparent container,
particular care given to the connection between the vapor
mix the sample thoroughly and immediately pour a portion of
chamber and the liquid chamber. Remove the closure from the
the remaining sample into a clear glass container and observe
vapor chamber and couple the filled liquid chamber to the
for evidence of phase separation. A hazy appearance is to be
vapor chamber as quickly as possible without spillage. When
carefully distinguished from separation into two distinct
the vapor chamber is removed from the water bath and dried
phases. The hazy appearance shall not be considered grounds
and the closure is removed, connect it to the liquid chamber
for rejection of the fuel. If a second phase is observed, discard
without undue movement that could promote exchange of
the test and the sample. Hazy samples may be analyzed (see
room temperature air with the 37.8°C (100°F) air in the
Report section).
chamber. Not more than 10 s should elapse between removing
the vapor chamber from the water bath and completion of the 8.5 Measurement of Vapor Pressure:
coupling of the two chambers. With Procedure B it is necessary 8.5.1 Procedure A—After the assembled apparatus has been
to disconnect the spiral tubing at the quick action disconnect in the water bath for at least 5 min, tap the pressure gage lightly
after removing from the water bath and before making the and observe the reading. Withdraw the apparatus from the bath
connection to the vapor chamber. and repeat the instructions of 8.3. At intervals of not less than
8.3 Introduction of the Apparatus into Bath: 2 min, tap the gage, observe the reading and repeat the
8.3.1 Procedure A—Turn the assembled apparatus upside instructions given in 8.3 until a total of not less than five
down and allow all the sample in the liquid chamber to drain shakings and gage readings have been made and continuing
into the vapor chamber. With the apparatus still inverted, shake thereafter if necessary until the last two consecutive gage
readings are constant, indicating that equilibrium has been
attained. Read the final gage pressure to the nearest 0.25 kPa
(0.05 psi) and record this value as the uncorrected vapor
pressure of the sample. Without undue delay remove the
pressure gage from the apparatus and, without attempting to
remove any liquid that may be trapped in the gage, check its
reading against that of the pressure measuring device while
both are subjected to a common steady pressure that is not
more than 1.0 kPa (0.2 psi) from the recorded uncorrected
vapor pressure. If a difference is observed between the gage
and the pressure measuring device readings, add to or subtract
the difference from the uncorrected vapor pressure and record
the resulting value as the vapor pressure of the sample.
FIG. 1 Simplified Sketches Outlining Method Transferring Sample 8.5.2 Procedure B—After the assembled apparatus has been
to Liquid Chamber from Open-Type Containers in the bath for at least 5 min, tap the pressure gage lightly and

D 4953
observe the reading. Repeat the tapping and reading at intervals 8.6.3 Preparation of Gage or Transducer—Procedure
of not less than 2 min, until 2 consecutive readings are B—In the correct operation of Procedure B liquid does not
constant. (Tapping is not necessary with transducer model but reach the gage or transducer. If it is observed or suspected that
the reading intervals are the same.) Read the final gage or liquid has reached the gage, purge the gage as described in
transducer pressure to the nearest 0.25 kPa (0.05 psi) and 8.6.2. The transducer has no cavity to trap liquid. Ensure that
record this value as the uncorrected vapor pressure. Without no liquid is present in the T-handle fitting or spiral tubing by
undue delay, disconnect the gage or pressure transducer from forcing a stream of dry air through the tubing. Connect the
the apparatus and check its reading against that of the pressure gage or transducer to the vapor chamber with the liquid
measuring device while both are subjected to a common steady connection closed and place in the 37.8°C (100°F) bath to
pressure that is not more than 1.0 kPa (0.2 psi) different from condition for the next test.
the recorded uncorrected vapor pressure. If a difference is
observed between the gage or transducer and the pressure 9. Report
measuring device, add to or subtract the difference from the 9.1 Reporting Results—Report the vapor pressure to the
uncorrected vapor pressure and record the resulting value as nearest 0.25 kPa (0.05 psi) in kilopascals (pounds-force per
the vapor pressure of the sample. square inch) without reference to temperature.
9.2 If the sample was observed to be hazy in 8.4, report the
NOTE 9—If it is suspected that phase separation of the sample may have
test result as in 9.1, followed by the letter “H”.
occurred during the test procedure, the following procedure can be
performed to verify the integrity of the test sample. Perform the following NOTE 10—The precision and bias statements have not been determined
operations as quickly as possible after removing the apparatus from the for hazy samples, since these types of samples have not been evaluated as
water bath in order to maintain the temperature of the sample at or near the part of an interlaboratory study.
test temperature. Quickly dry the exterior surfaces of the liquid and vapor NOTE 11—The inclusion of the letter “H” in 9.2 is intended to alert the
chambers with absorbent material. With the apparatus in an upright data recipient that the sample analyzed was hazy. In the event a laboratory
position, disconnect the vapor and liquid chambers. Quickly drain the has a computer system that is incapable of reporting alphanumeric results
contents of the liquid chamber into a dry, clear, glass container and in accordance with the requirements in 9.2, it is permissible for the
observe the sample. If the sample is not clear and bright and free of a laboratory to report the result obtained as in 9.1, along with a statement or
second phase, cap the container, reheat the sample to 37.8°C (100°F), mix annotation that clearly conveys to the data recipient that the sample
the sample well, and observe the sample again. If the sample is still not analyzed was hazy.
clear and bright and free of a second phase, phase separation has occurred
and the test may not be valid. 10. Precision and Bias 5
8.6 Preparation of Apparatus for Next Test—Thoroughly 10.1 The following criteria are to be used for judging the
purge the vapor chamber of residual sample by filling it with acceptability of results.
warm water above 32°C (90°F) and allowing it to drain. Repeat NOTE 12—The following precision data were developed in a 1991
this purging at least five times. Purge the liquid chamber in the interlaboratory cooperative test program. Participants analyzed sample
same manner. Rinse both chambers and the transfer tube sets comprised of blind duplicates of 14 types of hydrocarbons and
several times with petroleum naphtha, then several times with hydrocarbonoxygenate blends. The oxygen content ranged from 0 to 15 %
acetone, then blow dry using dried air. Appropriately close the by volume nominal and the vapor pressure ranged from 14 to 100 kPa (2
to 15 psi) nominal. A total of 60 laboratories participated. Some
liquid chamber and place it in the cooling bath or refrigerator participants performed more than one test method, using separate sample
in preparation for the next test. Use an appropriate closure for sets for each. Twenty-six samples sets were tested by Test Method D 4953,
the bottom connection (where liquid chamber attaches) of the 13 by Test Method D 5190 and 27 by Test Method D 5191. In addition, six
vapor chamber and attach the gage after the gage has been sets were tested by modified Test Method D 5190 and 13 by modified Test
prepared in accordance with 8.6.2. Method D 5191.
8.6.1 If the purging of the vapor chamber is done in a bath, 10.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
be sure to avoid small films of floating sample by keeping the test results obtained by the same operator with the same
bottom and top openings of the chamber closed as they pass apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
through the water surface. material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct
8.6.2 Preparation of Gage—Procedure A—Disconnect the operation of the test method, exceed the following values in
gage from its manifold connection with the pressure measuring only one case in twenty:
device, remove trapped liquid in the Bourdon tube of the gage Procedure A 3.65 kPa (0.53 psi)
by repeated centrifugal thrusts. Accomplish this in the follow-
Procedure B (See Note 13)
ing manner: hold the gage between the palms of the hands with Gage (See Note 14) 4.00 kPa (0.58 psi)
the right palm on the face of the gage and the threaded Transducer (Herzog) 2.14 kPa (0.31 psi)
Transducer (Precision Scientific) 3.58 kPa (0.52 psi)
connection of the gage forward, extend the arms forward and
upward at an angle of 45°, and swing the arms rapidly 10.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
downward through an arc of about 135° so that centrifugal and independent test results obtained by different operators
force aids gravity in removing trapped liquid. Repeat this working in different laboratories on identical test material
operation at least 3 times or until all liquid has been expelled
from the gage. Connect the gage to the vapor chamber with the
liquid connection closed and place in the 37.8°C (100°F) bath 5
The results of this test program are filed at ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:
to condition for the next test. D02-1286.

D 4953
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of DVPE, Procedure A 5 0.984 X (2)
the test method, exceed the following values only in one case
in twenty:
X 5 observed total vapor pressure from Procedure B
Procedure A 5.52 kPa (0.80 psi)
10.2.3 No relative bias was observed between procedure A
Procedure B (See Note 13) and the Precision Scientific equipment in the data obtained in
Gage (See Note 14) 5.38 kPa (0.78 psi) the interlaboratory program described in Note 12.
Transducer (Herzog) 2.90 kPa (0.42 psi)
Transducer (Precision Scientific) 4.27 kPa (0.62 psi) 10.2.4 Since Test Method D 323 was not included in the
1991 interlaboratory test program described in Note 12, no
NOTE 13—The data from the three instruments that performed Proce- statement can be made regarding the relative bias between any
dure B, in the interlaboratory program described in Note 12 yielded
precision figures that are different statistically and could not be pooled.
of the methods studied versus Test Method D 323 based on
Hence these figures are displayed individually. data from this study. However, from a 1987 interlaboratory
NOTE 14—The precision figures are applicable only to gages manufac- study,6 no statistically significant bias was observed between
tured by Armaturenbau, GMBH, 0 to 15 psi, Bourdon tube volume of 38 Procedure A of this test method and Test Method D 323 for
mL nominal. Usage of gauges with other internal volumes may affect the samples containing hydrocarbons only or hydrocarbons and
test method precision and bias. methyl t-butyl ether.
10.2 Bias: NOTE 15—In the 1991 interlaboratory test program described in Note
10.2.1 Absolute Bias—Since there is no accepted reference 12, one jet fuel of type JP-4 was included. Statistically lower repeatability
material suitable for determining the bias for the procedures in and reproducibility estimates for Procedure B were observed for this
particular sample compared to all others in the sample set. Since only one
this test method for measuring vapor pressure of gasoline or
jet fuel was tested in the program, these figures are not intended nor can
gasoline-oxygenate blends, bias cannot be determined. The it be technically considered as a precision statement regarding usage of
amount of bias between this test vapor pressure and true vapor this method on all jet fuels. This is provided as information only for those
pressure is unknown. who are interestred in the approximate precision of this method when
10.2.2 Relative Bias—Statistically significant relative bi- applied to a jet fuel of type JP-4.
ases between Procedures A and Procedure B were observed in Procedure A r > 3.6 kPa (0.52 psi) R > 5.0 kPa (0.73 psi)
Procedure B r > 0.69 kPa (0.10 psi) R > 2.3 kPa (0.33 psi)
the data from the cooperative program described in Note 12. (gage)
These biases can be corrected by applying the appropriate Procedure B r> 1.3 kPa (0.19 psi) R > 2.3 kPa (0.33 psi)
correlation equation listed below, that calculates a dry vapor (Transducer-
pressure equivalent value for Procedure A (DVPE, Procedure Precision
A), from values obtained by Procedure B: Scientific)6 For Procedure B, gage See Note 13:
DVPE, Procedure A 5 1.029 X (1) 6
The results of the cooperative test program from which these values have been For Procedure B, transducer, Herzog equipment: derived are filed at ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:D02-1245.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Vapor Pressure Apparatus, consisting of 2 chambers, provided to receive the 6.35 mm (1⁄4 in.) gage connection. In
a vapor chamber (upper section) and a liquid chamber (lower the other end an opening approximately 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) in
section), shall conform to the requirements in this annex. diameter shall be provided for coupling with the liquid
NOTE A1.1—Caution: To maintain the correct volume ratio between chamber. The connections to the openings shall not prevent the
the vapor chamber and the liquid chamber, the units shall not be chamber from draining completely.
interchanged without recalibration to ascertain that the volume ratio is A1.1.2 Liquid Chamber— The lower section or liquid
within the required limits. chamber, as shown in Fig. A1.1, shall be a cylindrical vessel of
A1.1.1 Vapor Chamber— The upper section of the vapor the same internal diameter as the vapor chamber and of such a
chamber, as shown in Fig. A1.1, shall be a cylindrical vessel volume that the ratio of the volume of the vapor chamber to the
having the inside dimensions of 51 6 3 mm (26 1⁄8 in.) in volume of the liquid chamber shall be between 3.8 and 4.2. In
diameter and 254 6 3 mm (10 6 1⁄8in.) in length, with the inner one end of the liquid chamber an opening of approximately
surfaces of the ends slightly sloped to provide complete 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) in diameter shall be provided for coupling
drainage from either end when held in a vertical position. On with the vapor chamber. The inner surface of the coupling end
one end of the vapor chamber, a suitable gage coupling with an shall be sloped to provide complete drainage when inverted.
internal diameter of not less than 4.8 mm (3⁄16in.) shall be The other end of the chamber shall be completely closed.

D 4953
operation.) Without spillage, fill the liquid chamber com-
pletely. The difference between the original volume and the
remaining volume is the volume of the liquid chamber. Without
spillage, couple the liquid and vapor chambers and fill the
vapor chamber to the seat of the gage connection with more of
the measured water. The difference in volumes is the volume of
the vapor chamber. Calculate the volume ratio as follows:
vapor chamber volume
liquid chamber volume 5 volume ratio (A1.1)

A1.2 Pressure Gage—The pressure gage shall be a Bour-

don type spring gage of test gage quality 100 to 150 mm (4.5
to 5.5 in.) in diameter provided with a nominal 6.35 mm (0.25
in.) male thread connection with a passageway not less than 4.7
mm (3⁄16 in.) in diameter from the Bourdon tube to the
atmosphere. The gage range shall be 0 to 100 kPa (0 to 15 psi)
with intermediate graduations at 0.5 kPa (0.1 psi). Only
accurate gages shall be continued in use. When the gage
reading differs from the pressure measuring device reading by
more than 1.0 kPa (0.15 psi), discontinue use of the gage.
Key Description mm in.
A1.3 Cooling Bath:
A Vapor chamber, length 254 6 3 10 6 1⁄8
B, C, D Vapor and gasoline cham- 51 6 3 2 6 1⁄8 A1.3.1 A suitable cooling bath shall be provided of such
bers, Liquid ID dimensions that the sample containers and the liquid chambers
E Coupling, ID min 4.7 ⁄
3 16
can be completely immersed. Either a water or air bath is
F, G Coupling, OD 12.7 ⁄

H Coupling, ID 12.7 ⁄
12 acceptable. A means of maintaining the bath at a temperature of
I Valve 12.7 1⁄2
0 to 1°C (32 to 34°F) must be provided.
J Valve 6.35 1⁄4
A1.3.2 Solid carbon dioxide shall not be used to cool
FIG. A1.1 Vapor Pressure Apparatus samples in storage or in the cooling bath of A1.3.1.

A1.1.3 Method of Coupling Vapor and Liquid Chambers— A1.4 Water Bath—The water bath shall be of such dimen-
Any method of coupling the vapor and liquid chambers can be sions that the vapor pressure apparatus can be immersed to at
employed, provided that no sample is lost from the liquid least 25.4 mm (1 in.) above the top of the vapor chamber.
chamber during the coupling operation, that no compression Means for maintaining the bath at a constant temperature of
effect is caused by the act of coupling, and that the assembly is 37.8 6 0.1°C (100 6 0.2°F) shall be provided. In order to
free of leaks under the conditions of the tests. To avoid check this temperature the bath thermometer shall be immersed
displacement of sample during assembly, the male fitting of the to the 37°C (98°F) mark throughout the vapor pressure
coupling must be on the liquid chamber. To avoid compression determination.
of air during assembly a vent hole must be present to ensure
atmospheric pressure in the vapor chamber at the instant of A1.5 Thermometer—An ASTM Reid Vapor Pressure ther-
sealing. mometer 18C (18F) having a range from 34 to 42°C (94 to
108°F) and conforming to the requirements in Specification
NOTE A1.2—Caution: Some commercially available apparatus do not E 1 shall be used in the water bath of A1.4.
make adequate provision for avoiding air compression effects. Before
employing any apparatus, it shall be established that the act of coupling A1.6 Mercury Manometer—A pressure measuring device
the two chambers does not compress air in the vapor chamber. This can be
having a range suitable for checking the pressure gage em-
accomplished by tightly stoppering the liquid chamber and coupling the
apparatus in the normal manner, utilizing a 0 to 35 kPa (0 to 5 psi) gage. ployed shall be used. The pressure measuring device shall have
Any observable pressure increase on the gage is an indication that the a minimum accuracy of 0.5 kPa (0.07 psi) with no increments
apparatus does not adequately meet the specifications of the test method. larger than 0.5 kPa (0.07 psi).
If this problem is encountered, consult the manufacturer. A1.6.1 When a mercury manometer is not used as the
A1.1.4 Volumetric Capacity of Vapor and Liquid pressure meausuring device, the calibration of the pressure
Chambers—To ascertain if the volume ratio of the chambers is measuring device employed shall be periodically checked
within the specified limits of 3.8 to 4.2, carefully measure a (with traceability to a nationally recognized standard) to ensure
quantity of water greater than will be required to fill the 2 that the device remains within the required accuracy specified
chambers. (A dispensing buret is a convenient vessel for this in A1.6.

D 4953


A2.1 Vapor Pressure Apparatus—Refer to A1.1-A1.1.4. 0.2°F) shall be provided. In order to check this temperature, the
bath thermometer shall be immersed to the 37°C (98°F) mark
A2.2 Pressure Gage—The pressure measuring system shall throughout the vapor pressure determination. A suitable bath is
be a Bourdon type spring gage as described in A1.2 or a shown in Fig. A2.1 and is available commercially.
suitable pressure transducer and digital readout. The pressure
measuring system shall be remotely mounted from the vapor A2.5 Thermometers—Refer to A1.5.
pressure apparatus and terminations provided for use of a quick A2.6 Pressure Measuring Device—Refer to A1.6.
connection type fitting.
A2.7 Flexible Coupler—A suitable flexible coupling shall
A2.3 Cooling Bath—Refer to A1.3. be provided for connection of the rotating vapor pressure
apparatus to the pressure measuring device.
A2.4 Water Bath—The water bath shall be of such dimen-
sions that the vapor pressure apparatus can be immersed in a A2.8 Vapor Chamber Tube—The vapor chamber tube of
horizontal position. Provision shall be made to rotate the inner diameter 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) and length of 114 mm (4.5 in.)
apparatus on its axis 350° in one direction and then 350° in the shall be inserted into the pressure measuring end of the vapor
opposite direction in repetitive fashion. Means for maintaining chamber to prevent liquid from entering the vapor pressure
the bath at a constant temperature of 37.86 0.1°C (100 6 measuring connections.

D 4953

FIG. A2.1 Apparatus for Vapor Pressure, Procedure B


Committee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last D4953-93 that
may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Revisions were made to allow the testing of hazy samples transparent containers are opened the same number of times
that have not phase separated. Revisions include changes to the prior to analysis.
scope (1.2); verification of a single phase sample (8.4); and (5) A1.6 and A2.6 requirements have been changed from
reporting (9.2, Notes 10 and 11) sections. mercury manometer to pressure measuring device. An accu-
(2) A new Note 4 was added after section 7.2, to provide racy requirement for the pressure measuring device has also
guidance as to how to verify whether a transparent or non- been specified. References to manometer have been replaced
transparent container is filled to 70 to 80 % by volume of the
with pressure measuring device as appropriate throughout the
sample container capacity.
test method. A1.6.1 has been added to require pressure mea-
(3) Section 7.2.3 has been added to explicitly state to reseal the
sample container, if necessary. suring devices that are not mercury manometers to have their
(4) A new paragraph (7.3.1) has been added (and subsequent calibrations periodically checked (with traceability recognized
sections renumbered) to ensure that transparent and non- standard).

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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