Homestay For Whom? Lessons of Asean Countries For North East India
Homestay For Whom? Lessons of Asean Countries For North East India
Homestay For Whom? Lessons of Asean Countries For North East India
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Ratna Bhuyan
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Community-based rural tourism in homestays is widely recognised as a sustainable model promoting livelihoods across the ASEAN countries.
North East India comprising of the eight states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura
sharing borders with the ASEAN countries has been trying to propagate rural homestay tourism. Given the success cases across the ASEAN
countries in rural homestay tourism, the paper tries to bring to the fore the best practices, and catalytic factors and processes in community-
based rural homestay tourism adopted by the ASEAN countries. Further, an attempt has been made to analyse the relevant best practices in
rural homestay tourism across the ASEAN countries which can be replicated in North East India.
Keywords: Rural Homestay Tourism, Community Based Tourism, ASEAN, North East India, Cluster Homestay for Whom? Lessons of
ASEAN Countries for North East India
* Assistant Professor, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), North Eastern Regional Centre,
Guwahati, Assam, India. Email:
** Assistant Faculty Member, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati, Assam, India.
22 International Journal of Tourism and Travel Volume 12 Issue 1&2 2019
Muara, a three bed-room homestay is infact run by relatives, tourist inflow into the rural gamut by way of offering stays
fellow villagers together with members of a cultural group. and rich experience of the natural beauty and traditions of
What the homestay has in place is a warm traditional Cambodia in these rural homes, as homestays are known
welcome, homely comfort with cleanliness, traditional in Cambodia. These rural homes are not only adding to the
homemade cuisines, seasonal harvesting experience in income of the families running them but are also serving as
paddy fields, and storytelling about the place, its people and the sources of sustainable income generation.
culture during breakfast and dinner time.
In Vietnam, the rural families start a homestay on their
Unlike Brunei Darussalam, the nearest neighbour of North accord. But typically, rural homestays in Vietnam are mostly
East India, Myanmar is a country which runs on the beaten a part of the community development initiative promoted
track of its shadowy history which has hardly allowed rural by the non-government organisations and other civil society
homestays to be a reality. Though the country boasts of tourist bodies. It is these non-state actors who help the village
inflow, homestays in Myanmar are still not a reality, though households with capital, training and marketing support.
permissions experienced allowing a couple of villages to host But the homestays need licenses for hosting foreign tourists.
tourists sometimes are a welcome move. However, stringent These hosts are often found to facilitate the needs of foreign
regulations as such a part, the novel arrangement of each tourists by way of installing western style washrooms.
village taking a turn to cook, serve and entertain the tourist
Malaysian homestay tourism which started in the early 1970s
in a centrally located complex of a few thatched rooms made
in Cherating village, Pahang is community-based tourism.
especially for the tourists moot the idea of having a clustered
The homestay programme in Malaysia is still relatively new.
approach with a difference towards rural homestay tourism.
Like in many other countries, the Malaysian experience in
Myanmar’s first community-based tourism project in four a homestay is a unique combination of experiencing the
villages in Myaing is an example per se. A joint venture culture and lifestyle of local people. So far, the Malaysian
established with the able support of the country’s Hotel and government’s commitment to homestay development is
Tourism Ministry in securing community ownership of the projected in its participation in comprehensive planning and
homestay is a classic example of how community ownership construction of infrastructure, leading to the social capital
across a cluster of villages can be built up in rural homestays building. The rural homestay programme in the country
by forming an overall coordination committee and by is carried out by a group of individuals who owns houses
allocating a part of the income generated in a community located in rural areas and also has a licence issued by the
corpus to be equally distributed among the villages. The Ministry of Tourism and satisfies the criteria laid down by
Myaing homestay project has to its credit the recognition the Ministry such as having accessibility to the main road,
of receiving the first ASEAN community-based tourism separate bedroom and bathroom, no past criminal record,
standard certificate in Myanmar. not suffering from communicable diseases and maintaining
high standard of hygiene. Homeowners also need to attend
Community-based tourism projects, including homestays,
basic training courses conducted by the Ministry of Rural
are on the rise in Thailand. Tourism Authority of Thailand or
and Regional Development. There is in place a homestay
TAT established in 1959, has been playing a crucial role in
policy designed by the Ministry of Tourism in the country.
the development of tourism in the country. It was in the year
1999 that TAT started promoting homestay tourism along Malaysia has a Rural Tourism Master Plan (RTMP) to
with agro-tourism. The homestay activities are planned and plan and guide rural tourism development in the country
managed by local community members. Mostly led by trained emphasising upon agro-tourism and rural homestay
community guides and host family members, community- programmes. The RTMP tries ensuring that tourism
based tourism is one of the most sought after livelihoods in activities in rural areas in Malaysia would connect both
Thailand. Most of these homestay programmes are designed tourism products and cultural resources with possibilities
to accommodate the elements of traditional lifestyle and for economic development (Marzukiet all, 2010; Liu,
culture (Kontogeorgopouloset all, 2015). The most vital 2006). The Philippines has a robust National Tourism
aspect is that the communities which desire to come up with Development Plan which also focusses on homestay
community-based tourism models need to undergo training tourism through local communities. By way of promoting
on homestays in all its aspects like planning, organising, 20 cluster destinations and with more than 78 tourism
managing, marketing, operation and monitoring. They are development areas through local tourism councils and
further assisted in conducting successful tours. action groups, the Philippines government is encouraging
rural homestays.
Civil war-ravaged Cambodia continues to recover, and in the
past decade, the country’s tourism economy has also taken Rural homestays in Indonesia are small micro-enterprises run
off. In Cambodia, it is community-based tourism through with the philosophy of community-based tourism and is a part
which the sweet little homes in villages are tapping the of rural development efforts in the country with ecotourism
Homestay for Whom? Lessons of ASEAN Countries for North East India 23
being at the centre (Nugroho et al., 2016). The existence of Given the scenario in the ASEAN countries (UNWTO, 2017),
rural homestays in coastal Indonesia is in conformity with the Act East policy if directed by the combined efforts of the
government regulations for managing coastal areas (Arevin, different ministries which have a stake in the policy, would
2014). In fact, the promotion of rural tourism in Indonesia bring in feasible hope in broadcasting rural tourism and
is a part of the framework of the Master Plan for tourism homestays in North East India by way of taking advantage
development in the country during 2010-25. The Ministry of from opening of the doors to the ASEAN countries. And,
Rural Tourism in the country has identified and established given the present situation in Myanmar, theoretically,
around 50 national tourism destinations among which 15 business integration of the region through Act East policy
are promoted through destination management organisation sounds good. However, it may take more time for realising
(DMO) which is an integrated organisation representing the the true potentialities and possibilities of integration with the
central and local government involving the local community, rest of the ASEAN economy. But in order to have a footing,
tourists and other stakeholders in planning, operating and it is equally important to look into where North East India
monitoring sustainable tourism destinations. stands vis-a-vis the ASEAN economy in terms of rural
tourism and therefore, rural homestays.
This DMO is a concept following the ASEAN Tourism
Marketing Strategy (ATMS) 2012-15 (ASEAN, 2012). The
Lao People’s Democratic Republic government focusses on Rural Homestay Experience in North
development of sustainable tourism which is based on its East India
rich culture and natural and historical resources. Much of
the Lao PDR government’s technical support is extended to North-East India, which over the years has been tagged as a
community-based pro-poor tourism in rural areas. Within the ‘disturbed area’ ridden by conflict of varied nature and forms
village, earnings are generated through community-based like ethnic conflict, insurgency ridden secession movements,
tourism mostly from accommodation, eateries and boat movements due to a sense of political alienation together
trips to other islands, and rental of bicycles and motorbikes.
with laggardness in the economic front and landlocked
These initiatives in tourism are mostly influenced by the
situation after independence of the country, in fact, have
Nam Ha Ecotourism Project, one of the earliest and largest
acted as peril for churning off an inclusive development
best ecotourism projects in the country (Harrison, 2007).
process. And, the resultant is a region tagged with yet another
Timor-Leste, which has a rich history of tourism during the (dis)qualification of being a ‘backward region’ with poor
sixties and seventies of the last century is currently opening communication infrastructure, little options for diversified
its fold to adventure tourism, ethical tourism and eco-tourism but rich livelihoods and decent technology intrusion. But the
emphasising the need for rural homestay tourism with local rural areas of North East India have both natural spaces and
community involvement. As enshrined in its Constitution, community culture to promote tourism (Barooah, 2018).
natural resources and cultural heritage in Timor-Leste are
preserved while promoting sustainable development. In the However, tourism in the region has had its own conditional
country, most guesthouses along the highlands or virgin consequences with conscious rural tourism paving its way
coastal lines of Dili in Hatu Bilico, Ainaro and Bacau operate into the region only recently. What is needed today is context-
at the initiative of local private small-time entrepreneurs specific innovations in designing the rural tourism policy
and their families. These guesthouses run in the mode of and an inclusive policy accommodating the socially and
homestays as the entrepreneurs and their families organise culturally marginalised communities. Further, to ensure the
dynamic activities like trekking, boat trips and horse riding sustainability of any CBT related intervention in a village,
accompanied by the host family and local neighbours. it is imperative to develop a proper institutional mechanism
looking into aspects like planning and management. No
While outing, most history and culture of Timor is told and village at its own can operate in isolation.
discussed by the host accompanying the tourists. Besides,
the country is also into community homestays wherein the When one talks of rural tourism and homestays in North
community’s involvement is entailed right from decision East India, opportunities however, abound. Sikkim is the
making to management of the homestay. In fact, Tua Koin State in North East India which pioneered in creating an
eco-lodge on the island of Atauro has been a successful ecotourism pathway in the region weaving in principles
homestay experience in the country, demonstrating and of strong community participation and nature and culture
training communities from nearby villages like Oecussi and conservation. It was in the year 2002 that a milestone was
Tutuala in homestay tourism. Clan based ownership of the achieved in introducing the concepts of ecotourism and
villagers from a single village of a part of the tourism package CBT in Sikkim and the other states of North East India. It
in a homestay is yet another novel initiative in Timor-Leste. is in the ecotourism sites of Kewzing, Yuksam, Dzongu and
24 International Journal of Tourism and Travel Volume 12 Issue 1&2 2019
Pastanga that the first CBT initiatives evolved with village Palin-Nyapin-Sangram-Koloriang, Doimukh-Sagalee-Pake
homestays, a tourism product which ensured benefits from Kessang-Seppa, Aalo-Mechuka, Daporijo-Taliha-Siyum-
ecotourism and homestays percolating to local communities. Nacho and Jairampur-Manmao-Nampong–Pangsau Pass with
Since then, Sikkim has taken several initiatives like the variegated topography and vegetation and with different eth-
Sikkim Registration of Homestay Establishment Rules nic cultures, it is the Rural Tourism Management Committee
2013 to support village tourism. However, quality homestay (RTMC) which is imparting training and capacity building to
destinations are limited in number. the unemployed youth, panchayat bodies and self-help group
members from across the circuits on community based rural
More recently, construction of 736 homestays by the tourism.
Hospitality Division, Department of Tourism, Government
of Sikkim under the rural tourism programme funded by A recent homestay policy guidelines developed for the State
the 13th Finance Commission across villages in Sikkim has of Arunachal Pradesh by WWF-India with the support of
given a big boost to the rural tourism in the State. In Assam, GoI-UNDP in 2012 had suggested the constitution of Village
the Tourism Department has come up with a Rural Homestay Tourism Management Committee (VTMC) of local villagers
affiliated to State Tourism Department for managing all
Scheme called Aamaar Aalohi with the objective to give new
CBT related activities including homestays in the village
dimensions and thrust to the rural homestay facilities in the
(Dutta, 2012). Similarly, in Meghalaya, the Department of
State in places of tourist importance (Tourism Department,
Tourism is promoting CBT in rural areas under the umbrella
2016). The scheme is being implemented through the
of Meghalaya Village Development and Tourism Promotion
Assam Tourism Development Corporation (ATDC). In the Cooperative Society Ltd. Infact, Mawlynnong in Meghalaya,
village Dharikati in Sonitpur district of Assam, the women Asia’s cleanest village along with Smit, Sohra, Jowai and
and youths of the Missing community have come up with Mawphlang have some organised homestays being run
a guesthouse facility and a weaving unit called Okum and successfully by the village communities (Tourism Policies
Saneki respectively. Saneki produces many home décor of Eight States of North East India, various years).
items for the tourists.
States like Manipur and Nagaland are also not far behind
with the government and stakeholders working towards the Prospects for Rural Homestay Tourism
goal of promoting rural tourism. In Manipur, the homestay in North East India
concept has been outlined in the State Tourism policy to
promote it in a planned manner, especially in the interior Homestays, especially in rural areas, have possibilities in
areas. In Nagaland, it was way back that the green villages, North East India. But when one looks into the fact whether
Khonoma in Kohima district and Longwa in Mon district the region is trying to have an all-inclusive cohesive capacity
and the famous Hornbill Festival in the Kisama village building initiative for propagating rural homestay tourism, it
established the potentials for rural tourism in the state. With is again not happening. One here needs to go into a little
Hornbill Festival and spring season being the most visited statistics. With tourist inflow annually into the region, one
seasons for tourists along with Dzukou valley and Mt. Japfu also needs to look into the category of tourists making a
being the recent additions to the list, Kipfuzha, an extension visit. Again, one has to segregate and find out the number of
local, regional and tourists from outside the region visiting
of the village Kigwema near Kohima and Cedar homestays
North East India vis-à-vis the tourists from outside the
are torchbearers of successful homestays in Nagaland. Most
country. With foreign tourist inflow on a rise in this part of
people running the homestays here are housewives or locals.
the country at a compound growth rate of 9.73 from 37380 in
Although Nagaland does not have a concrete policy on tour- 2005 to 84820 in 2013 (Ministry of Tourism, GoI 2014) and
ism or for that matter on rural homestays, initiatives like with states like Sikkim, Assam and Meghalaya attracting
SHAWL, a connotation used to denote Self Help to Advance a good number of rural tourists annually, rural homestay
Women’s Lives, an initiative by Explore Nagaland has been tourism needs a reverent approach to its development. In
offering a yeoman’s service by way of running homestays fact, the decadal figures of foreign tourists visiting North
by the household members during peak season. Arunachal East India which stood at 3.13 million in 1993-2003 went up
Pradesh and Meghalaya also have come up with some to 6.68 million during the decade 2003- 2013 (Ministry of
streamlined efforts in promoting rural tourism. In Arunachal Tourism, GoI 2014).
Pradesh, with 12 distinctive tourist circuits of Tezpur- Rural homestays may not be a viable financial proposition
Bhalukpong-Bomdila-Tawang, Itanagar-Ziro-Daporijo-Aalo- but when offered as a complete package encompassing all
Pasighat, Pasighat-Jengging-Yingkiong-Tuting, Tinsukia- cultural aspects, sight-seeing, ethnic cuisine and visiting
Tezu-Hayuliang, Margherita-Miao-Namdhapa-Vijoynagar, rural crafts, arts and weaves, the way it has been packaged
Roing-Mayudia-Anini, Tezpur-Seijosa-Bhalukpong, Ziro- by countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam,
Homestay for Whom? Lessons of ASEAN Countries for North East India 25
and Brunei Darussalam, it becomes an industry with huge favourable infrastructure creation, capacity building and
potential to create rural micro-enterprises generating income policy support has aided in bringing about necessary
and employment opportunities. North East India needs to synergy in rural homestay tourism complementing the
learn from the experiences of these countries in homestay efforts of the communities across the ASEAN countries.
tourism and replicate the successful models and aspects. In Whereas in North East India, with discrete and sporadic
other words, the ASEAN countries have kept CBT in the efforts both from community as well as government, the
forefront for promotion of rural tourism and therefore, rural region is finding it hard to replicate similar success stories
homestays. in rural homestay tourism. Therefore, the way ahead lies
Sensitisation and awareness building among the communities in a well thought out community-oriented model with the
to tap the opportunities in this virgin sector is the key to right set of facilitation from the policy quarters.
the right beginning. For instance, North East India being a Following the ASEAN countries, North East India to needs
biodiversity hotspot in the world attracts a wide spectrum to build upon community-based rural tourism comprising
of tourists to its pristine forests, hills, wildlife and bird of rural homestays. There is no denying the fact that the
sanctuaries, and national parks. The forest fringe villages demonstration effect can have multiplier implications on
mostly inhabited by tribal communities, can facilitate the community involvement and participation. There is therefore,
tourist to have community-based homestay experience along an immediate need for pilot initiatives in rural homestays
with giving exposure to its authentic traditional culture and in selected locations on a cluster basis. Based on the key
lifestyle. learnings from the successful cases in the ASEAN countries,
such pilot clusters of community-based rural homestays can
Similarly, the crafts and weaves of North East India are look into the successful elements like the capacity building
unequivocally unique, and the traditional craft clusters like of the community as well as community guides as is case in
Sualkuchi – the hub of weaving, Majuli – the centre of mask Thailand.
making, Sarthebari – the brass and bell metal precinct and
Dubarpara – the Sitalpati zone, Dibrugarh – the tea district The strategy may involve:
in Assam, Ziro – the weaving centre, Poma – the cane and ∑∑ Development of cluster-based coordination model as
bamboo arts and crafts nucleus and Tawang – the carpet in Brunei Darussalam with quality checks as part of the
making centre in Arunachal Pradesh, Khonoma – the hub standard operating procedure (SOP) to attract tourists
for cultural tourism in Nagaland, Thoubal – the centre as the tourist knows what he/she can expect from the
point of kouna cluster and Loktak lake – the place for black homestay packages. Following such SOPs inbuilt in
pottery in Manipur, Majlishpur – the centre for bamboo mat homestay promotion, will ensure homely comfort with
making in Tripura, Okhrey – the nucleus for carpet making
in Sikkim, Sohliya – the strawberry garden, Umden – the Eri ∑∑ In case of the forest fringe villages in Kaziranga,
hub and Tura – the cashew nut nub in Meghalaya can also Manash, Namdapha in North East India, the model
be converted into community-based clusters of homestays followed in Myanmar to have an overall coordination
for promoting cultural tourism. This would not only be a committee among villages to develop and manage the
unique proposition for the tourists but also bring to life the homestays and effective usufruct-sharing mechanism
can be adopted;
most needed market support to the different lingering crafts
and weaves in the Handloom and Handicraft sectors in the ∑∑ As in the case of Indonesia experience, a combination
region. The learnings from the best practices of the ASEAN of micro-enterprise model driven by support from
countries provide impetus for adopting a need-based community involvement should also be explored,
approach for promoting rural homestays for acceptability especially in investment sensitive aspects like coming
and sustainability. up with modern homestays with a traditional touch;
∑∑ As in Vietnam and Thailand, it is the tour operators
The elements that are contributing towards the success who incorporate rural tourism as an integral part of
of the rural homestay models in the ASEAN countries their tour packages and involve rural communities in
are both community and support eco-system oriented. cultural tourism as well as rural homestays;
The community-oriented catalytic factors include
∑∑ Malaysia’s experience shows how policy can support
appreciation and adoption of the rural homestay model social capital building and comprehensive planning
by the community, efforts of the community towards with standardisation of the homestays which again
enhancing their capabilities to tap the opportunities and is inbuilt in the licensing policy for rural homestays.
achievement of joint action in order to achieve economies Attempts in North East India in this direction are
of scale and standardisation of services. Similarly, the role already in place but more needs to be done before the
of the support system including the government through region can replicate the Malaysian model in entirety;
26 International Journal of Tourism and Travel Volume 12 Issue 1&2 2019
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