Solvent Distillers and Washing Solutions: WWW -
Solvent Distillers and Washing Solutions: WWW -
Solvent Distillers and Washing Solutions: WWW -
The most effective
technologies for reducing SOLVENT SPRAY ULTRASONIC
and cost of chemical products
Since 1987 we have been designing, fabricating One litre of distilled solvent costs around 1/20th Just imagine if you no longer needed to waste time If spray washing is not sufficiently effective or
and installing effective, reliable and long lasting of a litre of fresh solvent. So why not re-use solvents manually washing components, so that you could regulations prevent its use, ultrasound washing is
solvent and washing system distillers. which are exhausted after processing? invest it into more productive activities. the only alternative - as well as being less costly and
Since then, we have gained experience in a vast Our distillers transform a hazardous waste material That’s what our spray washing units can do for you! more eco-friendly. This approach offers deep, high
range of industrial applications worldwide. into a resource which is easy to re-use in a safe and Let them take care of the dirty work for you, as they quality cleaning, with no need for the operator to
environmentally friendly manner. Not only are they already do in so many industrial applications around come into contact with hazardous products; it also
costly, but industrial washing solvents are proving the world. These simple, effective solutions are ensures that a single washing pass is sufficient to
to be ever more problematic for the environment and designed to optimise your washing tasks remove all contaminants from all surfaces - even the
the health of users. Our distillers allow you to recover while also improving your staff’s working conditions. tiniest cavities.
almost all your exhausted solvents, thus drastically Ultrasound washing reduces the risk of imperfectly
cutting your consumable costs and the expense clean parts and reduces labour costs since no labour
of disposal. intensive manual finishing is required.
2500 m2 40 + 8 M.