Foundation Designs and Geotechnical Aspects
Foundation Designs and Geotechnical Aspects
Foundation Designs and Geotechnical Aspects
and geotechnical
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Stages of Geotechnical Site Investigation
Phase 1 –Preliminary Investigation
Your own knowledge of the area
Geologic or other maps
Google maps
Aerial photos
Phase 2 –Reconnaissance
A visual inspection (may be a site trip)
General topography
Soil stratification
Type of vegetation
High water marks
Ground water levels from nearby wells
Type of construction nearby and existence of any cracks in walls etc.
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Stages of Geotechnical Site Investigation
1) Test pits
2) Boring
Visual Identification
Tests on Index Properties
Tests on Engineering Properties
Sufficient additional samples should be recovered to redefine the design and for
any construction procedure required by the contractor to install the foundation.
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Stages of Geotechnical Site Investigation
Types of soils
Recommended foundation type
Depth to bedrock
Feasibility of excavations and proposed methods
Soil compaction criteria
Slope recommendations
Retaining wall design
Boring and Lab test results
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Stages of Geotechnical Site Investigation
Type of Structure
Size, shape and deposition of loaded areas
Intensity of loading
Soil Profile
Soil Properties
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Bore Holes (Spacing in metres)
1 or 2 storied 60 30 15 3
Multi-storied 45 30 15 4
Bridge piers, – 30 15 1-2 per
abutments foundation
Transmission tower – 30 15 1-2 per
Highway and 300 150 100 –
Borrow pits 300-150 150-100 30-15 –
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Site Investigation (IS 1904: 1986)
The investigation of the site should be carried out in accordance with the principles set
in IS : 1892-19797.
The exploration of the site for an important structure requires the exploration and
sampling of all strata likely to be significantly affected by the structural load.
The extent of this exploration will depend on the site and structure. In any case,
particular attention shall be paid to the ground water level, underground water courses,
old drains, pits, wells, old foundation and presence of excessive sulphates or other
injurious compound in the ground water and soil.
The site should also be explored in detail, where necessary, to ascertain the type
consistency, thickness, sequence and dip of the strata.
Mass movements of the ground are liable to occur from causes independent of the loads
imposed by the structure. These include mining subsidence, land slips, unstable slopes
and creep on clay slopes.
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Site Investigation
Mining Subsidence
Mining subsidence is liable to occur in mining areas. The magnitude of the movement
and its distribution over the area of the workings and their vicinity can be roughly
Where future subsidence is likely, care should be taken to design the superstructure and
foundation sufficiently strong or sufficiently flexible to cater for probable ground
Long continuous buildings should be avoided and large building should be divided into
independent sections of suitable size, each with its own foundations.
Drainage Conditions
New constructions may interfere with drainage regime of the ground and affect the
stability of existing structure. Adequate precautions should be taken to protect these.
On the uphill side of a building on a sloping site, land drainage requires special
consideration for diverting the natural flow of water away from the foundations.
If excavation involves cutting through existing land drains, consideration should be
given for diverting into the ground-drainage system.
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Different Types of Foundations
If < 1 − Shallow Foundation
If > 1 − Deep Foundation
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Different Types of Shallow Foundations
IS Code Definition: These cover such types of foundations in which load transference is
primarily through shear resistance of the bearing strata (the fractional resistance of soil
above bearing strata is not taken into consideration) and are laid normally to depth of 3 m.
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Loads on Foundations
Loads on a foundation are those forces imparted by the structure, it is supporting, in any
of the form
Permanent Load - This is the actual service load/sustained load consisting of dead loads
and live loads of a structure which give rise to stresses and deformations in the soil below
foundation causing its settlement.
Transient Load - This is a momentary or sudden load imparted to a structure due to wind
or seismic vibrations. Due to its transitory nature, the stresses in the soil below the
foundation carried by such loads are allowed certain percentage increase over the
allowable safe values.
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Loads on Foundations
Dead load also includes the weight of column/wall, footings, foundations, the overlying
fill but excludes the weight of the displaced soil.
Live loads from the floors above as specified in IS : 875 ( Part 2 )-1987 shall be taken
in proportioning and designing the foundations.
Where wind or seismic load is less than 25% of that due to dead and live loads, it may
be neglected in design and first combination of load shall be compared with the safe
bearing load to satisfy allowable bearing pressure.
Where wind or seismic load is more than 25%of that due to dead and live loads,
foundations may be so proportioned that the pressure due to combination of load (i.e.
dead + live -,‘- wind load) does not exceed the safe bearing capacity by more than 25%.
When seismic forces are considered, the safe bearing capacity shall be increased as
specified in IS:1893-1984. In non-cohesive soils, analysis for liquefaction and
settlement under earthquake shall also be made.
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Bearing Capacity: Basic Definitions
• The load per unit area of the foundation at which shear failure in soil occurs is
called the ultimate bearing capacity (qult)
𝑞𝑎 =
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Bearing Capacity: Basic Definitions
qs is defined as the net safe bearing pressure which produces a settlement of the foundation
which does not exceed a permissible limit.
Note: In the design of foundations, one has to use the least of the two values of qna and qs.
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Principle Modes of Failure
Vesic, 1963
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
• The determination of bearing capacity of soil based on the classical earth pressure
theory of Rankine (1857) began with Pauker, a Russian military engineer (1889).
• It was modified by Bell (1915). Pauker's theory was applicable only for sandy soils but
the theory of Bell took into account cohesion also.
• The methods of calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow strip footings by
plastic theory developed considerably over the years since Terzaghi (1943). Terzaghi
extended the theory of Prandtl (1921).
• Taylor (1948) extended the equation of Prandtl by taking into account the surcharge.
• Terzaghi (1943) first proposed a semi-empirical equation for computing the ultimate
bearing capacity of strip footings by taking into account cohesion, friction and weight of
soil, and replacing the overburden pressure with an equivalent surcharge load at the
base level of the foundation effect of the overburden soil at the foundation level.
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
Terzaghi, 1943
Shape factors
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
Terzaghi, 1943
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
Meyerhof, 1963
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
Different Bearing Capacity Theories
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Allowable Vertical Bearing Pressure on Horz. Ground / Bedrock
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Allowable Vertical Bearing Pressure on Horz. Ground / Bedrock
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Uniform Settlement
Uniform Settlement - The magnitude of the settlement that should occur, when
foundation loads are applied to the ground, depend on the rigidity of substructure and
compressibility of the underlying strata.
In silts and clays the settlement may continue for a long period after the construction
of structure. Due allowance shall, therefore, needs to be made for this slow
consolidation settlement.
In sand and gravels, the settlement is likely to be complete to a great extent by the
end of the construction activities.
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Uniform Settlement
Foundations may settle due to some combination of the following reasons:
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Uniform and Differential Settlement
a) Determine the required bearing area for a column having the largest live load to
dead load ratio. ln the conventional method of design, the area (A) is given by:
b) Compute for this same column the design bearing value service load
qd = Service Load / A
c) Determine the area for all other columns by the use of qd, that is,
Differential settlement and/or tilt (angular distortion) of the structures shall not be more than the
permissible values.
The differential settlement shall be obtained by taking the difference maximum and minimum
Tilt shall be calculated by dividing the differential settlement by the distance between points of
related maximum and minimum settlement.
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Permissible Settlement of Shallow Foundations
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Depth of Shallow Foundations
The depth to which foundations should be carried depends upon the following
principal factors:
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Depth of Shallow Foundations
All foundations shall extend to a depth of at least 50 cm below natural ground level.
On rock or such other weather resisting natural ground, removal of the top soil may
be all that is required. In such cases, the surface shall be cleaned and, if necessary,
stepped or otherwise prepared so as to provide a suitable bearing and thus prevent
slipping or other unwanted movements.
Where there is excavation, ditch, pond, water course, filled up ground or similar
condition adjoining or adjacent to the subsoil, either the foundation of such structure
shall be carried down to a depth beyond the detrimental influence of such conditions,
or retaining walls or similar works shall be constructed for the purpose of shielding
from their effects.
Foundation in any type of soil shall be below the zone significantly weakened by root
holes or cavities produced by burrowing animals or works. The depth shall also be
enough to prevent the rainwater scouring below the footings.
In expansive soils it is necessary either to place the foundation bearing at such a
depth where the effects of seasonal changes are not important or to make the
foundation capable of eliminating the undesirable effects.
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Stability of Shallow Foundation
The factor of safety against sliding of structures which resist lateral forces (such as
retaining walls) shall be not less than 1.5 when dead load, live load and earth
pressures are considered together with wind load or seismic forces.
When dead load, live load and earth pressure only are considered, the factor of
safety shall be not less than l.75.
For structures founded on soils with low frictional coefficient (i.e., slippery
material), safety against sliding may be improved by providing anchor type cut-off
walls or piles to fake the excess inclined underside of the base.
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Stability of Shallow Foundation
The factor of safety for shallow foundation against overturning shall be not less
than 1.5 when dead load, live load and earth pressures are considered together with
wind load or seismic forces.
When dead load, live load and earth pressures only are considered, the factor of
safety shall be not less than 2.
Bearing Capacity
The safe bearing capacity for shallow foundation shall be calculated in accordance
with IS : 6403-1981. Minimum factor of safety should be 3.
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Settlement of Shallow Foundation
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Settlement of Shallow Foundation
Elastic Settlement
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Settlement of Shallow Foundation
Consolidation Settlement
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Settlement of Shallow Foundation
Settlement from Plate Load Test
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Requirement of Pile Foundation
7. For structures near flowing water (Bridge abutments, etc.) to avoid the
problems due to erosion.
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Classification of Pile Foundation
Based on Material used
Steel Piles
Pipe piles
Rolled steel H- section piles
Optimum Load = 400 – 1200 kN
„ oncrete Piles
Optimum Load = 400 – 600 kN
„Timber Piles
Optimum Load = 250 kN
Composite Piles
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Classification of Pile Foundation
Based on Installation type
Displacement piles
Soil is displaced from its position
Replacement piles
Soil is replaced from its position
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Classification of Pile Foundation
Based on Installation type
Driven piles / Displacement piles
Soil is displaced from its position.
Driven either vertically or at an angle to the vertical.
In granular soil, the soil displaced = volume of driven pile ------ soil gets compacted
------- leads to densification of soil ------ increases bearing capacity.
In saturated clay or cohesive soil, soil cannot be densified because of poor
drainage characteristics ------ results in development of pore water pressure and
decreases bearing capacity.
Precast to required specification. Piles of any size, length and shape can be
made in advance.
Pile driven in granular soil compacts the adjacent soil mass ---- increases
bearing capacity.
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Classification of Pile Foundation
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Classification of Pile Foundation
Based on Installation type
Replacement / Cast – in –situ piles
Constructed by making bore holes in the ground to required depth and filling
the hole with concrete.
End-Bearing piles
Friction piles
Underreamed piles
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Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundation
Load Transfer Mechanism
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Footings on Sloping Ground
Where footings are adjacent to sloping ground or where the bottoms of the footings of a
structure are at different levels or at levels different from those, of the footings of adjoining
structures, the depth of the footings shall be such that the difference in footing elevations
shall be subject to the following limitations:
When the ground surface slopes downward adjacent to a footing, the sloping surface
shall not intersect a frustum of bearing material under the footing having sides which
make an angle of 30° with the horizontal for soil and horizontal distance from the lower
edge of the footing to the sloping surface shall be at least 60 cm for rock and 90 cm for
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Footings on Sloping Ground
In the case of footings in granular soil, a line drawn between the lower adjacent edges
of adjacent footings shall not have a steeper slope than one vertical to two horizontal.
In case of footing of clayey soils a line drawn between the lower adjacent edge of the
upper footing and the upper adjacent edge of lower footing shall not have a steeper
slope than 1V:2H.
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Footings on Sloping Ground
The requirements given above shall not apply under the following conditions:
Where adequate provision is made for the lateral support (such as with retaining
walls) of the material supporting the higher footing.
When the factor of safety of the foundation soil against shearing is not less than
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Footings on Sloping Ground
On sloping ground on clay soils, there is always a tendency for the upper layers of
soil to move downhill, depending on type of soil, the angle of slope, climatic
conditions, etc.
On sloping sites, spread foundations shall be on a horizontal bearing and stepped. At
all changes of levels, they shall be lapped at the steps for a distance at least equal to
the thickness of the foundation or twice the height of the step, whichever is greater.
The steps shall not be of greater height than the thickness of the foundation, unless
special precautions are taken.
Cuttings, excavations or sloping ground near and below foundation level may
increase the possibility of shear failure of the soil. The foundation shall be well
beyond the zone of such shear failure.
If the probable failure surface intersects a retaining wall or other revetment, the
latter shall be made strong enough to resist any unbalanced thrust.
In case of doubt, as to the suitability of the natural slopes or cuttings, the structure
shall be kept well away from the top of the slopes, or, the slopes shall be stabilized.
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Objectives of Ground Improvement
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Major Classification of Ground Modification Techniques
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Major Classification of Ground Modification Techniques
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Dr. Anasua GuhaRay
Contact: 040 66303 677
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