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10 - Annual Report 2018-2019

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PVDP Annual Report 2018-19


Page 2. President and Executive Director Messages

Page 3. Drought Response Project

Provision of humanitarian relief to drought affected communities in UC Vejhiar, District
Tharparkar, Sindh Province.

Page 4. Drought Response Project

Provision of livestock fodder and cash assistance to drought affected population in
District Tharparkar.

Page 5. Drought Response Project

Provision of Assistance to Drought Affected Population

Page 6. Drought Resilience Project

Building resilient communities and improving food security in a drought- affected region in
Thar Desert, Sindh, Pakistan

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19


I am proud to say that despite the financial difficulties in the year 2018-19
PVDP was able to carry on its work in Tharparkar district which is the most
vulnerable district of Sindh due to frequent occurring of droughts which result
in acute malnutrition, mother and child health and poverty problems. PVDP was
able to find funding for drought affected communities to support the most
affected communities and provide them relief during the hard times.
As president of Board I appreciate the support of donors in helping the most poor in Tharparkar. I also
appreciate the management of PVDP headed by Executive Director in doing the difficult project in
Tharparkar with project team members.
We hope that in future PVDP will continue to struggle and find support for the most vulnerable and
marginalized community of Tharparkar.
Javed Sadiq
PVDP Board President

Executive Director
I am glad to present this 2018-19 narrative progress report of PVDP. It has been
a hard time as due to lack of funding and donors we were not operating at our
level best. Had to face lay off of some of our experienced staff as well as face
the burden of recurrent cost to keep the organizational facilities in running
Thanks to Action Medeor, Arche Nova, Concern Worldwide and DKH for doing
relief projects during drought in Tharparkar to help some of the most
marginalized communities to sustain their lives in the hardest time of the year. Thanks to our dedicated
PVDP staff who worked hard to deliver their best. Thanks to district administration of Tharparkar to
provided the needed support in implementing the projects on drought relief to make community resilient
against the natural disaster such as drought and locust attack.
PVDP is moving from donor funding to self-generated resources to keep going with community support of
marginalized people. PVDP through Progressive Socio Business Enterprise (Registered) is going into
business entrepreneurship in coming years to shoulder the community development work through
generating own resources and slowly reduce its dependency on outside donors.
Dominic Stephen

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19

1. Drought Response Project

In Drought 2018-2019, Participatory Village Development Programme (PVDP) with the financial assistance
from DKH (DiakonieKatastrophenhilfe) has implemented a 6 months drought response project in Union
Council (UC) Vejhiarof Taluka Mithi DistrictTharparkar. Under this project, PVDP has reached a total (a
total 2135households.
Through said project PVDP provided multiple assistance to drought affected families i.e. livestock feed
and fodder, conducted 75 livestock& 75 crop management session with targeted community to enhance
their knowledge on advanced techniques on livestock management, distributed seed to 500 farmers,
Beside this, PVDP also trained 16 community members as a Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs).
To support the most vulnerable families PVDP provided multipurpose cash assistance to 155 most
vulnerable families.

Project Title: Provision of humanitarian relief to drought affected communities in UC Vejhiar, District
Tharparkar, Sindh Province.
Project Duration: 15th May 2019 to 14th November 2019 (Six months)
Project Area:Union Council Vejhiar Taluka Mithi District Tharparkar
Output 1 – Livelihoods: Livestock and Agriculture-based livelihoods are improved ensuring immediate
survival and livelihood recovery
Output 2 – Basic needs: Most in-need drought-affected HHs are supported in meeting their immediate
subsistence through provision of multi-purpose cash grants
Key Input
S.No Activities Achievement
1 Distribution of feed and fodder 13500 small and 300 large animal
2 Distribution of Cash grant (1200 PKR to each) 155 Families
3 Distribution of seed 500 farmers
4 75 Livestock Management sessions Total Participants: 2348
5 75 Crop management sessions Total Participants: 2362
6 Livestock Vaccination 15000 Animals
7 Training on Community Animal Health Workers 16

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19

2 Drought Response Project

Participatory Village Development Programme (PVDP) with the financial assistance from Concern
RAPID/OFDA has implemented a 3 months drought response project in Union Council (UC) Tardost Taluka
Chhachro of District Tharparkar. Under this project, PVDP has reached a total of 8,881 individuals
including 4,564 Male and 4,317 Female (a of total 1,462 households)
Through said project PVDP provided multiple assistance to drought affected families i.e. livestock feed
and fodder, conducted 100 livestock management session with targeted community to enhance their
knowledge on advanced techniques on livestock management, Beside this, PVDP also trained 16
community members as a Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) also to support the most vulnerable
families PVDP provided multipurpose cash assistance to 100 most vulnerable families.

Project Title: Provision of livestock fodder and cash assistance to drought affected population in District

Project Duration: 3 Months (24th June to 23rd September 2019).

Project Area: Union Council Tardost Taluka Chhachro District Tharparkar
Outcome 1: Immediate supply of Wanda feed to the drought affected families for reducing livestock
Outcome 2: To meet the immediate basic needs of most vulnerable groups in the drought affected
targeted villages.

Key Input
S.No Activities Achievement
1 Distribution of feed and fodder 16012 small and 694 large animal
2 Distribution of Cash grant (1400 PKR to each 100 Families
3 100 Livestock Management sessions Total Participants: 2696
4 Livestock Vaccination 19000 Animals
5 75 Crop management sessions Total Participants: 2362
6 Training on Community Animal Health Workers 16

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19

3. Drought Response Project

Participatory Village Development Programme (PVDP) with the financial assistance from Concern
RAPID/OFDA has implemented a 3 months drought response project in Union Councils Kehri and Manjithi
of Taluka Islamkot District Tharparkar. Under this project, PVDP has reached a total 3150 households.
Through said project PVDP provided multiple assistance to drought affected families i.e. livestock feed
and fodder, conducted livestock management session with targeted community to enhance their
knowledge on advanced techniques on livestock management, To support the most vulnerable families
PVDP provided multipurpose cash assistance to 100 most vulnerable families and vaccinated animals in
targeted population with collaboration of line department.

Project Title:Provision of Assistance to Drought Affected Population

Project Duration: 3 Months (12 November 2018 to 25 February 2019)
Project Area:Union CouncilsKehri and ManjithiTaluka Islamkot District Tharparkar
Objective 1: To support the re-establishment of agricultural-based livelihood systems and food security of
disaster-affected populations in district Tharparkar.
Objective 2: To assist the disaster affected population in meeting their immediate subsistence as well as
livelihoods/economic recovery needs while supporting the key market system

Key Input
S.No Activities Achievement
1 Distribution of feed and fodder 22753 small and 773 large animal
2 Distribution of Cash grant (1400 PKR to each) 100 Families

3 145 Livestock Management sessions Total Participants: 5192

4 Livestock Vaccination 40000 Animals

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19

4.Drought Resilience Project

Tharparkar is hit by drought after every two or three years, which increases malnutrition, poverty,
disease and mortality rate of humans and livestock. Owing to food shortages, including animal products in
drought times, the malnourishment increases resulting in the death of infants and children. Maternal
mortality is also high due to this reason
A survey was recently conducted by PVDP and Arche Nova teams in which UC Sonal Beh in TalukaIslamkot
was identified as most vulnerable with no fodder for livestock and no means of livelihood for the people.
The water is brackish which create health problems for the community. WASH and Agriculture activities
were identified as most needed to improve the WASH and Food security leading to better health and
wellbeing of the community.

Project Title:Building resilient communities and improving food security in a drought- affected region in
Thar Desert, Sindh, Pakistan
Project Duration: July 2018 to December 2018
Project Area:Union Councils Sonal Beh Taluka Islamkot District Tharparkar
Project Donor:Action Medeor & Archenova
Project Goal:The project contributes to improvement of food security and mother-child-healthcare of
the marginalized population in the Tharparkar District.
2,300 families in Tharparkar, categorized as being at risk of food- insecurity, are able to stabilize their
food- security by strengthening their health and their agricultural basis of life in a sustainable way.

Key Input
S.No Activities Achievement
1 Distribution of Hygiene Kits 500
2 Construction of Latrine 500

3 Distribution of Solar Lights 500

4 Exposure Visit of LHWs 1

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19

Project Title:Safe Clean drinking Water

Project Area: District Mirpurkhas
Project Donor: GROSCHE International
Participatory Village Development Programme (PVDP very thankful to GROSCHE International for the
Support to provide access to the safe drinking water to the poor and marginalized communities of Sindh
Pakistan. PVDP is a community service organization, PVDP is providing its services to the community for
past 19 years in Sindh, Pakistan. PVDP subcontracted Nadi Filter Installation work to Bio Sand Nadi Filter
Enterprise (BSNFE) which has vast experience in the field of Nadi Filter. So far they have installed more
than 3000 bio sand nadi filters in Sindh.

Selection Criteria/Justification.
PVDP team selected those communities who directly drink the canal water and those who cannot afford
to buy the clean drinking water or cannot pay for the Nadi Filter. Our team visited villages and started
the identification process for final selection of the beneficiaries. We selected 700 beneficiaries from
different communities between June 2018 and 2019. Rtn. Mr. Rafique Lagari Rotarian gave the approval
for the Nadi Filter's selected beneficiaries.
During the t trainings the BSF beneficiaries were given the full information on how this filter is made
beneficiary will and maintained. Also how this filter use will enable to reduce water borne diseases and
save the costs of treatment to the beneficiaries. It was also agreed that each contribute 10% cost of the
nadi filter which they all happily agreed and this amount we used for transportation of Nadi Filters.

Installation and Monitoring

Nadi Filter installation is a three day process, first day we do grouting with cement on the small Nadi and
Big Nadi, we keep this to dry out for the whole day and second day we fix the suction pipe and the tap in
the Nadi, and keep this to dry out for the whole day again and the third day we put in the stones and
sand in the big Nadi which is considered as a filtration unit.
Our team identified the area and beneficiaries through survey and local contacts, The identified
communities were found to be very poor and marginalized and they were eligible as per our criteria, the
source of drinking water for the communities was the canal water which is highly polluted. Our team
visited regularly for the monitoring of the Installation process so that we can give our best.

PVDP Annual Report 2018-19


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