Impact of Community Radio Programs in Rural Development
Impact of Community Radio Programs in Rural Development
Impact of Community Radio Programs in Rural Development
Abstract: This research paper throws light on impact of community radio programs in rural development. It helps to address the
linguistic and ethnic diversity and plug all socio-economic and rural-urban gaps in the society. The broadcast content are
relevant to a specific audience, thus, providing a platform to the local voices (individuals, groups and communities) to share their
own stories and experiences, and speak about issues concerning their lives that are largely ignored by the mainstream media.
The major findings of the study reveal that community radio programs are boon to the farmers in increasing the productivity and
yield of crops. Through the education programs of CRS, newspaper reading has increased among the student in around
Kottampatti. Health related programmes were more beneficial to the adolescent students, women and senior citizens.
Community radio stations (CRS) are an important part of the Community radio is a third tier broadcasting along with public
media landscape in many countries. They make up one part of and private radio broadcasting. Community radio is managed,
a three-tier system of radio, the other parts being public and run, controlled and owned by a community for the benefit of
commercial radio. They were set up to provide a platform for the community and serves the needs, interests and aspirations
communities to communicate among themselves and with of a community. CR plays an important role in the lives of
their governments without interference. In many ways, the women as it creates awareness, provides information and
sector entrenches the democratic process in which freedom of education, improves their skills and
communication and speech plays a central role. Wealthy
sectors of the society have many media choices, but on the whole it promotes social, cultural, political and
community radio stations often represent the only space economic development or empowerment of women. Many
where poorer communities can discuss the issues that affect studies have proved that community radio is an instrument of
them. Therefore, it could be said that CRS are much more power in changing the lives of women.
important in case of a country like India, which serves to a Olusegun Hakeem Adebumiti (2016) examines the impact of
pluralistic society where every region, tradition, and class of community radio on public awareness of government policy
society is endowed with unique cultural and indigenous agenda. The study further examines the functions of
identity. Hence, the need for development and approach for community radio, as well as the objectives of community
communication also differs with cultural differences in the journalism in national development. We adopted the
community. It was felt that to facilitate the development of Development Media theory as framework because community
different segments of the population and to give them an media create the atmosphere for audience participation in
opportunity to be heard, there is a need for community specific relation to issues of rural and national development.
communication medium that can reach the grassroots level.
Moreover, interactivity has become a key term for number of 2.1 Rationale of the Study
new media use options evolving from the rapid disseminations Realizing the vast potential of CRS as an instrument for
of interest access point, the digitalization of the media and positive social change and as a tool for community
media convergence (Johnson 2019). empowerment, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
seeks to assess the extent to which these stations have been
2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE delivering the desired benefits to the community. In this
Alumuku (2006) contends that “community radio is emerging context, the Ministry has mandated the conduct of a study to
as one of the best forms of local community communication.” assess the listenership, reach and effectiveness of CRS in
He identifies two aspects of community radio. These are India by way of tangible and intangible, direct or indirect
geographical community radio and community of interest benefits to the community. The investigator felt the need to
radio. He argued that geographically defined communities are study about the impact of community radio in rural
“those communities which exist in a specific locality and which development based on the prospects and wider dissemination
construct meaning from a common language and symbols and of knowledge through community radio programs to the
therefore share an identity by virtue of these.” Yalala Nirmala unreached rural sectors.
(2015) made a study on the role of community radio in
empowering women in India. 2.2 Objectives of the Study
The overarching goal of the proposed study is to undertake an
_________________________________ in-depth assessment of the existing community radio stations
• Dr. N. Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Lifelong Learning, located across the country in terms of their listenership, reach
Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Email: and effectiveness. The study will seek to draw pertinent
• K. Rajadurai, Research Assistant, Department of Lifelong Learning, insights into the extent to which the CRS meets the
Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Email: educational, developmental, social and cultural needs of the
community. In view of this, the study would seek to achieve the The Distribution of frequency and percentage of people with
following specific objectives– respect to their age wise is percentage in following table
I. To generate reliable estimates for measuring the Age Count of Age
listenership and reach of community radio stations in the
community. Below 18 47
II. To study the socio-demographic profile of the listeners for
assessing the target segment that these radio stations are 19-25 60
catering to. 25-35 17
III. To examine the behavior of community towards CRS,
identify the reasons they have for listening or not listening 35 Above 26
to CRS.
IV. To suggest suitable recommendation for wide spread of Total 150
community radio station. The above table reveals that 17 % peoples aged Above 35; 12
% people aged 25- 35; 40%
2.3 Sample of the Study People aged 19-25; 31 % people aged below 18.
The Present study consists of 150 samples selected from in
and around kottampatti panchayat by Purposive sampling 3,3 Occupation wise Distribution of data
technique. The sample forms a representative sample of the The Distribution of frequency and percentage of people with
entire population. The list of sample types was collected is respect to their occupation wise is percentage in following
given in the below table table
Total 150
2.4 Research Instruments
Listing of households was employed in the sampled village to
assess the listenership of the CRS in the community and for The above table reveals that 62 % peoples are working in
identifying the households that listen to and those that do not private; 27 % peoples are doing agriculture work; 4 % people
listen to area specific CRS. Questionnaire survey was used to are self employed; 7% people are students
elicit information on varied aspects of CRS from households
listening and not listening to CRS. Focus Groups Discussions Statement Yes %
No Rarely
were conducted with resource persons/volunteers of CRS % %
from the community, community members in general, and Community radio gives important to
73 5 22
members of listener’s club to understand their perceptions and Agriculture programs are according to
expectations from the CRS. Case studies were done to find 75 10 15
climatic changes
out pertinent stories of interest that reflect upon the It gives importance to programs related to
68 13 19
effectiveness of CRS. These case studies were analyzed to women’s health
draw insights into the performance of CRS and were quoted in Community radio programs give importance
73 10 17
the report as exemplary evidence. to women empowerment programs
Community radio programs give solution to
66 13 21
health related doubts
3 ANALYSIS OF DATA I get benefit through doctors live programs 56 18 26
Community radio programs are helping to
58 19 23
3.1 Gender wise Distribution of data get solution to animal husbandry issues
The Distribution of frequency and percentage of people with It gives significance to child welfare 67 8 25
Student oriented programs that are
respect to their gender wise is percentage in following table broadcasted in community radio are heard
62 17 21
Community radio talk about your regional
46 31 23
Gender Count of Gender problems(Water, medical& others)
It helps to get employment opportunity 69 8 23
Female 122 Government new schemes are known
77 8 15
through community radio
Male 28 Medical tips that are broadcasted in
57 10 33
community radio are useful
Grand Total 150 General information is known through
68 8 24
community radio
The table reveals 81 % of women and 19 % of men General knowledge is developing through
participated in the study. 60 7 33
community radio
New information is known through
69 7 24
3.2 Age wise Distribution of data community radio
The present study was aimed to find out the study on impact
of community radio programs in rural development. The
finding of the study revealed that the community radio
programs are giving such knowledge to the rural area peoples.
To increase the community radio listeners, give license to the
NGO under community radios. Because of NGO’s CR stations
are focused on through the community development.
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This article has been written with the financial support of
RUSA – Phase 2.0 grant sanctioned vide Letter No. F.24-51 /
2014-U, Policy (TNMulti-Gen), Dept. of Edn. Govt. of India,