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Ch-8: Kinematics of a Particle

 Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics by R. C. Hibbeler
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 1
Kinematics of a Particle

 In Statics all the forces and moments cancel each other
 In Dynamics the forces and moments add to cause the acceleration of mass
Dynamics deals with the accelerated motion of a body
 Dynamics is presented in two parts:
o Kinematics: treats only the geometric aspects of the motion
Study of motion (not focusing on forces, just the motion)
o Kinetics: is the analysis of the forces causing the motion
Study of forces on moving objects

 Kineticshas practical applications in designing of Automobiles whereas

kinematics finds applications in study of movement of Celestial Bodies

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Kinematics of a Particle

 Application of the principles of dynamics:
• Structural design of any vehicle, e.g. an Automobile or Airplane
• Mechanical devices, such as Motors, Pumps, Movable Tools,
Industrial Manipulators, and Machinery

• Predictions of the motions of Satellites, Projectiles, and Spacecraft

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

 Here we will consider Kinematics of a Particle that moves along a
Rectilinear or Straight line path
oParticle has a mass but negligible size and shape
oParticle is something whose spatial extent is neglected in the evaluation of
mechanics equations
oObject is small compared to other relevant distances
 we limit application to those objects that have dimensions that are of
⇒ no consequence in the analysis of the motion

 E.g. Rockets, Projectiles, or Vehicles can be considered as a particle, as long as

the motion is characterized by the motion of its mass center and any rotation of
the body is neglected

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Rectilinear Kinematics
 Kinematics of a particle is characterized by specifying, at any given instant:
• Particle’s Position
• Velocity
• Acceleration
 Straight-line path of a particle is defined using a single coordinate axis s
 Position Coordinate s is used to specify the location of the particle at any given
instant w.r.t an origin O

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

 Change in the position of a particle
 ifthe particle moves from one point to

Δs is Positive since the Particle’s Final Position is to the right of its initial
position i.e. S’ > S

 Displacement of a particle is also a Vector Quantity

 On the other hand Distance traveled is a positive scalar that represents the
total length of path over which the particle travels

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

 Particle moves through a displacement ΔS during the time interval Δt, Average
Velocity of the particle during this time interval is

 smaller and smaller values of Δt the magnitude of

ΔS becomes smaller and smaller
⇒ Instantaneous Velocity is a vector defined as:


 Magnitude of the velocity is known as Speed, with units of m/sec or ft/sec

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Average Speed is a positive scalar and is defined as the total distance traveled
by a particle, sT divided by the elapsed time Δt

but its Average Velocity is:

 For known velocity of the particle at two points, Average Acceleration of the
particle during the time interval Δt

= difference in the velocity

during the time interval Δt
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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

 Instantaneous acceleration at time t

 Both the Average and Instantaneous Acceleration can be either +ve OR -ve
o when a Particle is slowing down particle is said to be decelerating
will be negative

v’ < v
When Velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero

Units of Acceleration:

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

 Important differential relation involving the displacement, velocity, and
acceleration along the path is obtained by eliminating the time differential dt:

1 and 2 ⇒ 3

Constant Acceleration a = ac

 When the acceleration is constant, each of the three kinematic Eqs. (1), (2) and
(3), can be integrated to obtain formulas that relate ac, v, s, and t.

Velocity as a function of Time

From Eq. (1): Assuming Initially t = 0 and v = vo

⇒ Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST

Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Constant Acceleration a = ac ---contd.
Position as a Function of Time

Integrate Assuming initially t = 0 and s = so

⇒ ⇒ B

Velocity as a Function of Position

Integrate Assuming initially v = vo and s = so


Eqs. (A), (B) and (C) are useful only when acceleration is
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constant a = ac and when t = 0, S = So, v = vo
Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Example 8.1

A small projectile is fired vertically

downward into a fluid medium
with an initial velocity of 60 m/s.
Due to the drag resistance of the
fluid the projectile experiences a
deceleration of a = (-0.4v3 m/s2)
where v is in m/s. Determine the
projectile’s velocity and position 4
sec after it is fired.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Example 8.2

A metallic particle is subjected to the

influence of a magnetic field as it
travels downward through a fluid that
extends from plate A to plate B. If the
particle is released from rest at the
midpoint C, s = 100 mm and the
acceleration is a = (4s) m/s2, where s is
in meters, determine the velocity of the
particle when it reaches plate B, s = 200
mm, and the time it takes to travel from
C to B.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

Example 8.3
Car A starts from rest at t = 0 and travels along a straight road with a constant
acceleration of 6 ft/sec2 until it reaches a speed of 80 ft/s . Afterwards it maintains
this speed. Also, when , car B located 6000 ft down the road is traveling towards A
at a constant speed of 60 ft/sec. Determine the distance traveled by car A when
they pass each other.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

 When a particle has Erratic or Changing Motion

then its Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
cannot be described by a Single Continuous
Mathematical Function along the entire path

 A series of Functions are required to specify the motion at different intervals

o It is convenient to represent the motion as a graph

o If a graph of the motion relating any two of the variables s, v, a, t can be drawn, then
this graph can be used to construct graphs relating two other variables
o Since variables are related by the differential relationships:

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s–t, v–t, and a–t Graphs

 Toconstruct the v-t graph from a given s-t


by measuring the slope on the s–t graph when t =

t1, velocity is v1 → Graph can be constructed by
plotting this and other values at each instant

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s–t, v–t, and a–t Graphs—contd-

 a-t graph can be constructed from the v-t graph

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s–t, v–t, and a–t Graphs—contd-
 Ifthe s–t curve for each interval of motion can be expressed by a
mathematical function s = s(t) then
Eq. of the v-t graph for the same interval can be obtained by differentiating
the function s = s(t) with respect to time since v = ds/dt

 Eq. of the a–t graph for the same interval can be determined by differentiating v
= v(t) since a = dv/dt

 Differentiation reduces a polynomial of degree n to that of degree n – 1

if the s–t graph is Parabolic (a second-degree curve), the v-t graph will be
a Sloping Line (a first-degree curve), and the a–t graph will be a constant
or a Horizontal Line (a zero-degree curve).

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s–t, v–t, and a–t Graphs—contd-

 Ifthe a–t graph is given, v-t graph may be

constructed using a = dv/dt

Add small increments of area Δv particle’s initial

velocity vo, to construct the v-t graph
Areas above the t axis correspond to an increase
in v (“Positive” area), whereas those below the
axis indicate a decrease in v (“Negative” area)

 a–t graph can be described by a series of Eqs.,

integral of each of these yield Eqs. describing
the corresponding segments of theEngineering
Mechanical v-t graphDept. CEME NUST 19
Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s–t, v–t, and a–t Graphs—contd-

 Ifthe v–t graph is given, s-t graph may be

constructed using v = ds/dt

Add small increments of area Δs particle’s initial

position so, to construct the s-t graph

 s–t graph can be obtained by integrating the

equations which describe the segments of the
v-t graph

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The v–s, and a–s Graphs

 Ifthe a–s graph is given, v-s graph may be

constructed using:

Integrating between the limits v = vo at s = so

and v = v1 at s = s1

If initial velocity vo at so = 0 is known , then

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The v–s, and a–s Graphs—contd-

 Accelerationa at any position s can be

determined using:

with v and dv/ds known, the value of a

can be calculated

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

Example 8.4

A bicycle moves along a straight road such that its position is described by the
graph shown in Fig. Construct the v-t and a–t graphs for 0 ≤ t ≤ 30 sec.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

Example 8.5

The v–s graph describing the motion

of a motorcycle is shown in Fig.
Construct the a–s graph of the
motion and determine the time
needed for the motorcycle to reach
the position s = 400 ft

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Kinematics of a Particle

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

Example 8.6
An airplane traveling at 70 m/sec lands on a straight runway and has a
deceleration described by the graph. Determine the time t’ and the distance
traveled for it to reach a speed of 5 m/sec. Construct the v-t and s-t graphs for this
time interval, 0 ≤ t ≤ t’.

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Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion

 Curvilinear Motion occurs when a particle moves along a curved path
o This path is often described in 3-dimensions, Vector Analysis will be used to
formulate the particle’s Position, Velocity, and Acceleration


A particle located at a point on a

space curve defined by the Path
Function s(t)

 Position of the particle, measured

from a fixed point O, is designated
by the position vector r = r(t)

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Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion


 During a small time interval Δt the particle

moves a distance Δs along the curve to a new

displacement Δr represents the change in

the particle’s position:

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Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion


 During the time the Average Velocity of the particle is

Instantaneous Velocity is determined by letting Δt →

0, and consequently the direction of Δr approaches the
Tangent to the Curve

Since dr will be tangent to the curve, the direction of

v is also tangent to the curve
Δr approaches the arc length Δs as Δt → 0

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Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion


 Particle has a velocity v at time t and a velocity v’

= v + Δv, Average Acceleration of the particle
during the time interval Δt


 Two Velocity Vectors are plotted such that their

Tails are located at the fixed point O’ and their
Arrowheads touch points on a curve → This curve
is called a Hodograph
A Hodograph is a diagram that gives a Vectorial Visual
Representation of the movement of a body or a fluid

 Instantaneous Acceleration
⇒ ⇒ 29
Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion

Acceleration– contd---

 By definition of the derivative, a acts tangent to

the Hodograph and it is not tangent to the path of

v is always tangent to the path and a is

always tangent to the Hodograph

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 30

Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components

 Motion of a particle can best be described along a path that can be expressed in
terms of its x, y, z coordinates
 For a particle is at point (x, y, z) on the curved
path s its location is defined by the Position

When the particle moves, the x, y, z

components of r will be functions of

At any instant the magnitude of r is:

Direction of r is specified by the unit vector:

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Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components


Where E.g.:

x, y, z reference frame is fixed, and therefore the direction (and the magnitude) of
i does not change with time

Velocity has a Magnitude:

Direction of v is specified by the Unit Engineering

Mechanical Vector: Dept. CEME NUST is always Tangent to the path
Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components



Acceleration has a Magnitude:

Direction of a is specified by the Unit Vector:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 33

Kinematics of a Particle

General Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components

Example 8.7
At any instant the horizontal position
of the weather balloon in Fig. is
defined by x = 8t ft where t is in
seconds. If the equation of the path
is y = x2/10. determine the magnitude
and direction of the velocity and the
acceleration when t = 2 sec.

Tangent to the path

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile
 Free-flightMotion of a projectile is often studied in terms of its Rectangular
Kinematic Analysis of Projectile

• Projectile launched at point (xo, yo)

• Initial Velocity, vo having components
(vo)x and (vo)y

• Air resistance is neglected

• Only force acting on the Projectile is
its Weight → resulting in a constant
Downward Acceleration:

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile
Horizontal Motion
As, ax = 0

⇒ Horizontal Component of Velocity, vx = (vo)x always remains constant during the motion.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile
Vertical Motion

Positive y-axis is directed upward

ay = -g

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile

Example 8.8
The chipping machine is designed to eject wood chips at vo = 25 ft/s as shown in
Fig. If the tube is oriented at 30° from the horizontal, determine how high, h, the
chips strike the pile if at this instant they land on the pile 20 ft from the tube.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile

Example 8.9

The van travels over the hill described by:

If it has a constant speed of 75 ft/s, determine the x and y components of the van’s
velocity and acceleration when x = 50 ft.

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Kinematics of a Particle

Motion of a Projectile

Example 8.10
The ball is thrown off the top of the
building. If it strikes the ground at B in
3sec, determine the initial velocity vA
and the inclination angle θA at which it
was thrown. Also, find the magnitude
of the ball’s velocity when it strikes the

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