Master Plan Chapter 5 Planning and Development Approach
Master Plan Chapter 5 Planning and Development Approach
Master Plan Chapter 5 Planning and Development Approach
Planning and
affect us.
We are listening
• We welcome your feedback.
• We will continue to find better and more responsive ways
to communicate with you.
facilities. The global nature of the survey also AAL recognises that Customer Experience is not just
permits benchmarking of performance against local about the passengers. AAL also strives to ensure
and international peers. that businesses and their visitors have an exceptional
experience through efficient land use planning, design
Since commencing the programme, Adelaide Airport
and delivery of commercial developments.
has consistently rated in the top three places among
all Australian and New Zealand airports for overall Adelaide Airport participates in a global airport
customer satisfaction. benchmarking passenger survey program - Airport
Service Quality (ASQ). We also welcome customer
AAL regularly releases the quality of service report
feedback and are always happy to hear your thoughts
on the AAL website. The results of a recent report are
on your experience at Adelaide Airport. An overview
shown in Figure 5-3. Customer feedback (through
of our recent survey and feedback results can be
ASQ and other forms) also informs upgrade and
seen on the next page.
development planning.
Deplane via
Aerobridge or Duty Free
Border Marshals
é International
ê Domestic Baggage Collection
Transit to Ground
Deplane via
Arrivals Concourse Retail Floor or Linkbridge
Aerobridge or tarmac
direct to Car Park
Transition to Level 2
Website/ Online parking Departures Concourse and Info Services
Check-In Retail
Plaza Transition
Exiting Airport
Information Services
International Security
Gate Lounge
Customs Outbound
é International
ê Domestic
Airline Lounge
Boarding via Aerobridge / tarmac
Gate Lounge
Cleanliness of washrooms
5 Sugg
To view o
3 handling
Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018
Terminal expansion project
* ASQ uses a 1 to 5 point scoring system.
1 = Poor 5 = Excellent
Plaza safety improvements
• Secu
1 Regional arrivals canopy
From the total number of passengers
ction through the terminal
We received 188 items of customer feedback
Check-in Oct 2018 - Dec 2018
To view our customer feedback and complaint “Great Airport with easy access to
handling process, please click here. get in and out of 5 Stars!”
“Friendly staff and volunteer
5.2.3. Sustainability Taking into account AAL’s vision for the airport and key
development focus areas, the following development
AAL is a sector leader in global airport sustainability objectives underpin the overall development plans in
and is committed to sustainable business practices this Master Plan. These objectives also guide specific
to ensure a healthy and safe environment for its future investments in facilities and infrastructure
employees, passenger and airline customers, across the Airport Business District.
and the community.
AAL’s ongoing work in the core areas of environment,
social and governance has been recognised through
Adelaide Airport being ranked number one in the
Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) Contribute to Adelaide
for participating airports in 2017 and 2018, establishing and South Australia’s
itself as a leader in sustainability both within Australia economic growth
and internationally.
In December 2018, AAL signed a $50 million seven-
year Sustainability Performance Linked Loan with ANZ
– the first of its kind in Australia – that incentivises a Work closely with
borrower to further improve its performance against a airlines, government,
set of environmental, social and governance criteria. and the community
Receiving recognition as a sustainability leader C5
in its sector reflects AAL’s success in operating a
sustainable business that is responsible and trusted
by all stakeholders, including the community, its
customers and shareholders. Embed sustainability in
all that we do
AAL has adopted the principles and concepts of
the International Integrated Reporting Framework.
This framework seeks to bring greater cohesion
and efficiency to the reporting process through an
‘integrated thinking’ approach and focuses on creating
value over time. As part of this, in 2018 AAL completed Prioritise customer
an inaugural materiality assessment based on experience
guidance provided by the Global Reporting Initiative
standards. This assessment not only gauged how
stakeholders view AAL in terms of environment, social
and governance elements, feedback also helped
identify potential risks and opportunities including
emerging issues that could impact AAL’s business Protect the safety and
success and stakeholder relationships in the future. security of assets and
AAL’s Sustainability Policy and Corporate
Sustainability Strategy is the foundation for AAL’s
sustainability journey. Together, they provide a
documented commitment to sustainability that is core
to business planning, developments and operations. Deliver innovative
Further information on AAL’s approach to sustainability solutions for all airport
is provided on the Adelaide Airport website users
Deliver infrastructure to
support operations and
the commercial viability
of the airport