NSTP Reflection
NSTP Reflection
NSTP Reflection
webinar for it’s students about the Citizenships Training. The topics that discussed in this webinar by the
guest speakers are the Philippine Constitution & Bill of Rights, Flag and Heralding Code of the Philippines
and Good Citizenship and Voter Citizenship Education. The first topic was discussed by Mr. Yves S.
Consuji, the second topic was discussed by Sgt. Adelaida Valenzuela PA (Res) and the last one which is
good citizenship and voter citizenship education was discussed by Hon. Aries L. Atencio.
On the first topic which is the Philippine Constitution & Bill of Rights, the speaker, Mr. Consuji started it
by giving information on what is the situation of the Pilipino youth and students at the present time. He
mentioned the problems that needed an action such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education and
teenage pregnancy. He said that these issues can be addressed if the youth would be an active
participants of society such as volunteering and joining in projects. He also discussed the Article 2.
Section 13 of the 1987 of Philippine Constitution by explaining the rights that we had as a Pilipino
citizens, youth, and students. Mr. Consunji also mention the history of youth political participation
wherein it consists of Conventional, Unconventional and Alternative Participation that he also elaborate
on the said webinar.
I think the first topic is really important nowadays. Since the election is approaching, having knowledge
of the rights of the youths and what power do we have would make a huge difference in viewing and
choosing the best leader for the next 6 years. This would be an eye opener for us to see how politics
impact the living or every Pilipino and what we could do to improve the kind of our living as a citizen of
this country.
Meanwhile, the first discussion was followed by the next topic which is the Flag and Heralding Code of
the Philippines that tackled by Sgt. Adelaida Valenzuela PA (Res). Her topic was divided into two
chapters. Chapter one is about the National Flag while the chapter two is about the National Anthem.
Chapter one consists of sections that started with section 8 and eneded at section 30. On this chapter,
Sgt. Valenzuela discussed the design of the National Flag, the proper hoisting and displaying of it, the
National Flag Days and so on. She also mentioned how should be the Pledge of Allegiance to the
National Flag. On the other hand, the chapter two has only three sections that started in section 40 and
ended in section 42. This chapter is all about the National Anthem, she discussed how and why we
should sung our anthem with respect.
Moreover, just like the first topic, second topic is also important because this symbolizes our country.
Many youths nowadays don’t even know the whole lyrics of the National Anthem and for sure the
proper use of our Flag as well. Not being knowledgeable about this things simply means that we didn’t
really know how to value our citizenship, therefore, this discussion really helps to enlighten students
about the important of this national practices.
Last but not the least, the topic about good citizenship and and voter citizenship education was
discussed by Hon. Aries L. Atencio. He elaborated the good citizenship values that reflected in the
Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution which are the Makatao, Maka-Diyos, Makakalikasan at
Makabayan. According to him, under the Makatao is having love, freedom, peace, truth and justice.
Under the Maka-Diyos is having faith in the Almighty God, respect for life, order, work, and concern for
family and future generations. Under the Makakalikasan is having concern for the environment. Under
the Makabayan is having unity, equality, respect for the law and government, patriotism and promotion
of common good. He also discussed the Election Process and the Features of the System. Since the
election is approaching he elaborated this topic for the students to better understand how to vote as a
citizen of this country.
This last topic is also relevant. I think it is connected with the first topic that would probably gave every
students a second thought about their worth as a young Filipino, if they really doing their best in doing
their responsibilities. This webinar isn’t only for students but for every Filipino as well for this tackled the
rights, values, and responsibilities of a good citizen.