Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering: Sciencedirect
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering: Sciencedirect
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering: Sciencedirect
Editor: Dr. GL Dotto Photocatalytic decolouration of dyes/pollutants using semiconducting materials has grabbed great attention in
recent days. The current study focuses on a sol-gel method for preparing semiconducting materials such as TiO2
Keywords: (titanium oxide) and transition metal (Zn, Zr, Cu) doped TiO2, which were characterized by X-ray Powder
Sol-gel synthesis Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), UV–visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) and
Metal-doped photocatalyst
UV–visible spectrophotometer, respectively. The photocatalytic behaviour of samples was tested with Methylene
Methylene blue
blue (MB) dye by observing the decolouration of the MB dye in aqueous solutions under visible light irradiation.
Visible light The UV-DRS spectra showed that Zn doped TiO2 demonstrated a better photocatalytic efficiency than TiO2 and
Zr, Cu doped TiO2 catalysts. The effect of Zn doped TiO2 has a lesser band gap would probably lead to enhance
the MB dye degradation in aqueous solutions under visible light irradiation compared to TiO2 and Zr, Cu doped
TiO2 catalysts. UV–vis spectrum varied with the irradiation time between 10 and 60 min and the concentration of
MB decreased with the increasing irradiation time. UV–vis study revealed that the Zn (0.01) doped TiO2
exhibited 99.64% MB decolouration as compared to 90.4% by pure TiO2. The absorbance spectrum of Zn doped
TiO2 exhibited the lighter harvest in the visible light region, which facilitated more light energy for the utili
zation of the photocatalytic activity for the decoloration of MB. Zn doped TiO2 catalyst exhibited a greater
photocatalytic activity than pure TiO2 and the other metal doped TiO2 catalysts.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Pugazhendhi), (S. Kandasamy),,
(S. Pitchaimuthu).
Received 13 October 2020; Received in revised form 12 February 2021; Accepted 17 February 2021
Available online 18 February 2021
2213-3437/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
[12], Co–Mn–Fe modified metal oxide catalyst [13], CdS [14], Ag Merck chemicals, India. All the chemicals were purchased as analytical
nanoparticle hybrid polymeric spheres [15] and Au/ZnO–CeO2[16]. The grade (AR) and used without further purification as such. Throughout
development of an inexpensive and greener method for the degradation the study, all the experimental solutions were prepared using double
of dyes/pollutants in contaminated water is an important problem now distilled water.
Recent years, Zinc based semiconducting materials have been 2.2. Methods
focused in the research side because of it shows n-type semiconducting
property, high binding energy (60 meV), wide band gap (3.37 eV), The morphology of the catalytic materials was analyzed using SEM
enhanced optical property, ease preparation, high stability [17–19]. As a (FEI, QUANTA FEG-250, ThermoFischer Scientific, USA, Accelerating
result of these constructive properties, Zinc semiconducting materials voltage 200 V–30 kV, Operating Voltage 5–30 kV operating voltage,
are employed in various field of applications such as electronics, field Magnification: 30X- 300kX, 30 kV@High vacuum conditions: 1.2 nm,
emission displays, photocatalysis, sensors, solar cells, etc. [20,21]. In 30 kV Low vacuum conditions: 3.0 nm) microscopy carried out at an
recent years, Zinc materials have played a vital role in photocatalytic accelerated voltage of 200 V–30 kV with low vacuum conditions. X-ray
applications due to their stability and catalytic ability [22]. Many dyes diffraction pattern of the prepared powdered sample was recorded using
are used in industries for the colorization of materials, releasing 15% of a high-resolution powder X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical X′ Pert Pro-
total world production of dyes as textile effluents (colored waste) into MPD, Malvern Panalytical Ltd, United Kingdom, a short 2θscan over the
the water bodies [23]. These types of colored dye wastes discharged into region of interest: ROI, normal operating conditions (under 200 ◦ C) to
water sources make a eutrophication non-aesthetic pollution, and migrate predominantly via grain boundaries) with Cu Kα radiation. To
adverse effect to the bio-organisms. Discharge of toxic organic pollutants determine the optical property, UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectrum was
into water resources should affect the quality of water and create recorded with BaSO4 as the background between 200 and 700 nm in a
adverse effects on the biological species present in the aquatic system UV–visible spectrophotometer (Model No 2550PC, Shimadzu, Japan).
[24,25]. Among the existing oxidation processes, using heterogeneous UV–visible spectrum was recorded using a double beam UV–visible
photocatalysis for the oxidation/decolonization of dye pollutants is a spectrophotometer (UV–vis spectrophotometer-2375, ESICO, India,
pioneering technique for minimizing water pollution based on dye and Wavelength Range: 190–1100 nm, Spectral Bandwidth 1.0 nm, Optical
ease to provide a suitable mechanism for the oxidation of dye using System: Double beam, grating 1200 lines/mm, Scanning speed: HI,
photocatalysts [26–28]. MED, LOW, MAX. 3000 nm/min, Photometric accuracy: + 0.3%T or +
Among the aforementioned reported techniques, photocatalytic 0.002 A/h @ 1 A, Light source: Halogen and deuterium lamps, Pre-
oxidation has been considered as an efficient method for degrading the aligned, Power: 230 V + 10% AC, 50 Hz) in the range between 400
MB dye. Herein, TiO2 based semiconducting materials have been used and 700 nm.
for testing the photocatalytic behavior using the MB dye due to its
excellent photocatalytic activity, effectiveness, stability, reusability, 2.3. Preparation of catalyst
inexpensiveness, non-toxicity, easy availability and a wide bandgap
(3.2 eV) limit under visible light [1,3]. TiO2 has lesser quantum effi TiO2 and transition metal doped TiO2 sample catalysts were syn
ciency (< 20%), which restricts the electron-hole separation and it thesized through a sol-gel method by using titanium tetra isopropoxide
produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) for degrading the pollutants [7]. (TTIP) and isopropanol solvent. Advantages of the sol-gel method in the
Recently, many researchers have tried to reduce the bandgap by adding catalyst preparation: Sol-gel process provides a novel procedure for
metals (Au, Cu, Ag, Ir and Ni) [29–35] and nonmetals (N, carbon preparing new catalytic materials. This method permits better control of
nanotubes, reductive graphene, etc.) [36–39] and semiconductors the structure, composition, homogeneity, porosity, purity, stability,
(MoS2, WO3, C3N4, CdS, etc.) [40–47] with TiO2 to enhance the pho particle size, optical transparency, chemical robustness, high surface
tocatalytic oxidation/reduction efficiency. The photocatalytic degrada area, incorporation of other materials, ease to obtain metal oxide cata
tion of MB using photocatalysts is also an essential part for identifying lysts, synthesis of hybrid inorganic-organic materials, less energy utili
the intermediates, products, and degradation paths of MB. The degra zation, and cost-effectiveness [52–55]. TTIP was mixed with
dation of MB occurs between the central aromatic ring and the methyl isopropanol (1:3 v/v ratio) and stirred well for 30 min and during the
substituent on the ambilateral aromatic ring [48,51], and also, stirring, acetic acid was added and the mixture was named as solution A.
numerous MB degradation pathways have been reported [9–16,29–32]. Zinc Nitrate 0.6 H2O, Zirconium Nitrate •H2O, and Copper Nitrate
Nevertheless, it is pertinent to propose a plausible mechanism for the •3H2O were used as the precursor of the Zn, Zr, Cu ions. To prepare 0.01
discoloration of the MB dye and to find an intermediate product during M of solution B, the above mentioned metal salts were dissolved and
the photocatalytic oxidation process. stirred well for 15 min in distilled water. The dropwise addition of So
In the present work, synthesis of TiO2 (titanium oxide) and transition lution B in Solution A was carried out during stirring with a low speed
metal (Zn, Zr, Cu) doped TiO2semiconducting materials using sol-gel method for 1 h. The gel obtained from the aforesaid mixture was aged at
method have been reported and those materials were characterized by room temperature for 12 h and dried at 80 ◦ C using a hot air oven. The
spectral and analytical techniques. To improve the absorption spectra in dried sample was ground in agate mortar until a fine homogeneous
the visible light range, different transition metals (Zn, Zr, Cu) were powder was obtained. The obtained powder samples were washed with
doped with TiO2 and the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and the effect of double distilled water (3–5 times), dried at 100 ◦ C, and calcinated at
transition metals doped with TiO2 on the photocatalytic degradation of 450 ◦ C for 2 h. Undoped TiO2 was prepared using the same method in
MB in aqueous solution under visible light irradiation, were also studied. the absence of solution B.
2.1. Materials The photocatalytic decoloration of the MB dye in the absence and
presence of a catalyst was tested under visible light irradiation (Heber
Methylene blue (MB) dye (molecular formula: C16H18CIN3S, λmax = Annular (500W, OSRAM), HV AR MP-460 photoreactor was used as a
664 nm) was purchased from Loba Chemie, India. Titanium tetra iso light source), which inferred that there was no change in the concen
propoxide (TTIP) and isopropyl alcohol were purchased from Avantor tration of MB in the absence of catalyst, indicating that MB is more
chemicals, India. Zinc Nitrate (ZnNO3•6H2O), Zirconium Nitrate stable. At the same time, when the photocatalyst was added, the con
(ZrNO3•H2O), Copper Nitrate (CuNO3•3H2O) were purchased from centration of MB dye diminished resulting in the photocatalytic
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
Fig. 2. (a,b) SEM image of pure TiO2 catalyst; (c,d) SEM image of Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 catalyst; (e,f) SEM image of Zr (0.01) doped TiO2 catalyst; (g,h) SEM image of
Zr (0.03) doped TiO2 catalyst. Blue, red, brown indicates TiO2, Zinc, Zirconium, respectively and (a), (b) indicates pure TiO2. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
doped TiO2 was slightly smaller than that of pure TiO2 and the lattice
parameters also changed by doping. This indicated that Cu doped into
TiO2 lattice significantly inhibited the growth of crystallite, resulting in
a decrease of the crystallite size [29–32,36].
The surface morphology and size of pure TiO2, Zn (0.01) doped TiO2,
Zr (0.01) doped TiO2, and Zr (0.03) doped TiO2 were examined by SEM.
The obtained SEM images are shown in Fig. 2a–d. Fig. 2a, b shows the
SEM image of pure TiO2 and the particles having a spherical shape and
large surface area. The SEM images of Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 are shown in
Fig. 2c, d. It had an even size, and less agglomeration than pure TiO2. Zr
(0.01) doped TiO2 SEM image is shown in Fig. 2e, f. The surface area was
less as compared with Zn (0.01) doped TiO2. If, the percentage of Zr
doping increased up to 0.03, the regular shape, and surface area of the Zr
Fig. 3. UV–vis DRS spectra of pure TiO2 (black line), Cu (0.01) doped TiO2 (0.03) doped TiO2 is decreasing [44]. Fig. 2g, h shows the flake like
(green line), Zr (0.03) doped TiO2 (dark blue line) and Zr (0.01) doped TiO2 structure of Zr (0.03) doped TiO2 [51,56,57].
(sky blue line) and Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 (red line). (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
3.3. UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra
Fig. 4. Band gap energy diagram of pure TiO2, Zn (0.01) doped TiO2, Zr (0.01) doped TiO2, Cu (0.01) doped TiO2 and Zn (0.03) doped TiO2 catalysts Pure TiO2
catalyst and plausible mechanism of Photodecoloration of MB.
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
Fig. 5. (a) UV–vis absorption spectra of MB solution at different time durations in presence of Pure TiO2 catalyst; (b) UV–vis absorption spectra of MB solution at
different time durations in presence of Cu doped TiO2 catalyst; (c) UV–vis absorption spectra of MB solution at different time durations in presence of Zr (0.03) doped
TiO2 catalyst; (d) UV–vis absorption spectra of MB solution at different time durations in presence of Zn doped TiO2catalyst; (e) UV–vis absorption spectra of MB
solution at different time durations in presence of Zr (0.01) doped TiO2.
doped TiO2, upon increasing the dopant (Zr) concentration, the bandgap 3.4. Photocatalytic decoloration of MB
increased and the energy level between valance band and the conduc
tion band was also too large but the photocatalytic activity did not Photocatalytic activity of pure TiO2 and Cu, Zr, and Zn doped TiO2
improve. However, the Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 band gap was very low; it for the degradation of MB dye was studied using a UV–vis spectropho
provided better photocatalytic activity towards the decoloration of MB tometer under visible light irradiation. The increase of photocatalytic
[51]. The bandgap energy level diagrams of pure TiO2, Cu (0.01) doped activity of Zr, Cu, and Zn doped TiO2was attributed to a smaller crys
TiO2, Zr (0.03) doped TiO2, Zr (0.01) doped TiO2 and Zn (0.01) doped talline size, higher surface area, reduced bandgap energy, lower
TiO2 catalysts with the band gap values (in eV) and the plausible electron-hole recombination rate and higher efficiency for the electron-
mechanism are depicted in the Supporting Information (Fig. 4). hole generation than pure TiO2. Zn doped TiO2 showed better photo
catalytic activity with a doping concentration of 0.01%. The radical
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
Fig. 6. Bar diagram of % removal of MB with time under visible light irradi
ation using pure TiO2 and Zn, Cu, Zr doped TiO2 catalyst. Table 2
Pseudo first order (k, min− 1) rate constant and correlation coefficient (R2) for
decolorization of MB dye with various photocatalysts.
Table 1 Catalysts Amount of [MB] Pseudo first order Correlation
Efficiency removal % of MB dye using various photo catalysts. catalysts, mg/ dye, rate constant, k coefficient (R2)
L mg/L (min− 1)
Time Removal % of MB dye
(min) TiO2 1 5 0.0408 0.93
TiO2 Cu doped Zr (0.03) Zr (0.01) Zn (0.01)
1 10
TiO2 doped TiO2 doped TiO2 doped TiO2
1 15
10 8.73 1.24 1.64 39.45 39.75 1 20
20 46.64 10.9 3.57 42.42 74.11 Zn (0.01) 1 5 0.0193 0.98
30 50.23 17.99 5.48 44.67 79.0 doped 1 10
40 66.16 20.87 11.84 47.55 84.86 TiO2 1 15
50 73.77 29.14 17.6 65.35 91.64 1 20
60 89.69 27.5 39.42 81.9 99.64 Zr (0.01) 1 5 0.0616 0.94
doped 1 10
TiO2 1 15
scavenging test results showed that O−2 (superoxide) free radical and 1 20
Cu (0.01) 1 5 0.0321 0.99
holes lead the photocatalytic decoloration of MB.
doped 1 10
Potassium iodide (5 mmol/L), terephthalic acid (5 mmol/L), and TiO2 1 15
quinone (5 mmol/L) were added to the decoloration of the MB system 1 20
for reacting with OH, H+, and O−2 free radicals. The photocatalytic ac Zr (0.03) 1 5 0.0715 0.92
doped 1 10
tivity was lowered with potassium iodide due to reduce the hole by
TiO2 1 15
hydroxyl free radical. Then the O−2 free radical may be shared with 1 20
quinone and also reduce the photocatalytic activity. However, quinone
exhibited a better MB decoloration than potassium iodide and tereph
thalic acid, which indicated that the O−2 free radical and the holes lead to time. The bar diagram of % removal of MB by pure TiO2 and Zr, Cu, and
the photocatalytic decoloration of MB. Doping of Zn, caused the for Zn doped TiO2 under visible light irradiation is shown in the Supporting
mation of superoxide anion radicals, and improved the effective sepa Information (Fig. 6). It was perceived that the decoloration of MB was
ration of electrons and holes. The pairs adversely affected the 99.64% using Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 whereas pure TiO2, it was 90.4%. Zn
photocatalytic activity of the Zn doped TiO2. Zr doped TiO2 showed doped TiO2 catalyst exhibited a more significant photocatalytic activity
significant photocatalytic activity for the decoloration of MB but when than pure TiO2 and the other metal-doped TiO2 catalysts. The efficiency
Zr concentration was increased there is a decreased or no significant of the photocatalysts is presented in Table 1.
change in the photocatalytic effect. The photocatalytic activity of Zn The photocatalytic decolorization of MB dye was studied under
doped TiO2 was higher than pure TiO2 due to the following reasons. (a). pseudo first order condition with excess of dye concentration. The rate
The absorbance spectrum of Zn doped TiO2 exhibited the lighter harvest of decolorization in the presence of photocatalysts is directly propor
in the visible light region, which facilitated more light energy for the tional to MB dye concentration. The plot of ln(C0/Ct) vs. time is linear,
utilization of the photocatalytic activity for the decoloration of MB. (b). which indicates that the decolorization of MB dye using photocatalysts
Zn has a smaller bandgap pure TiO2, hence, the electron might have follows pseudo first order reaction Fig. 7. From the plot, we can easily
been easily transferred from the conduction band of TiO2 to metallic zinc evaluate the regression coefficient (R2), first order rate constant (k)
ion. The photocatalytic activity of Zn doped TiO2 was determined to be using the kinetic equation ln (C0/Ct) = kt [62–64]. Here, k is the
the highest than the other photocatalysts and the UV–vis spectrum is first-order rate constant, C0 is the initial concentration of MB dye, Ct is
presented in Fig. 5(a–e). Cu and Zr (0.03) doped TiO2 showed the lesser the concentration of MB dye at time t (in mins). The evaluated kinetic
photocatalytic activities as compared to pure TiO2 and Zn doped TiO2 data are summarized in Table 2. The higher rate constant values are
[51,56–61]. Irradiation time played an essential role in the photo evaluated using metal-doped TiO2 photocatalysts compared with TiO2.
catalytic decoloration of MB. In the present work, the UV–vis spectrum The k values indicate that the Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 catalyst has
was varied for the irradiation time between 10 and 60 min. The con exhibited a higher rate constant value than Zr, Cu doped TiO2
centration of MB decreased while increasing the visible light irradiation photocatalysts.
P. Karuppasamy et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 105254
Table 3
Comparison of photocatalytic degradation of MB dye with other reported photocatalysts.
Method of synthesis Photocatalyst Decoloration efficiency (in %) Reaction conditions Ref.
Sol-gel Zn doped TiO2 99.64 0.5 × 10− 5 M 0.1 g Visible light Present work*
Sol-gel ZnO NPs/rGO 99.5 10 mg/L 10 mg Hg lamp [52]
Sol-gel ZnO NPs 63 10 mg/l 10 mg Hg lamp [52]
Sol-gel ZnO 65.6 2 × 10− 5 M 0.01 g/L Xenon lamp [53]
Sol-gel Ag/ZnO 82.6 2 × 10− 5 M 0.01 g/L Xenon lamp [53]
sol–gel 2%Fe–ZnO 92 20 mg/L 1 g/L UV light [54]
sol–gel Fe2TiO5 97 10 mg/ l 50 mg/l Visible light [55]
Solvothermal ZnO@GO 98.5 0.5 mM 10 mg UV lamp [65]
Solvothermal ZnO/grapheme 100 20 mg/L 30 mg Visible light [66]
Solvothermal rGo/TiO2/ZnO 92 0.3 mg/L 0.1 g/L Xenon lamp [67]
Solvothermal rGo/TiO2 68 0.3 mg/L 0.1 g/L Xenon lamp [67]
Ultrasonication/ hydrothermal ZnO/CNTs 99 20 mg/L 0.5 g/L Hg lamp [68]
Microwave hydrothermal N doped ZnO 97.1 20 mg/L 50 mg Xenon lamp [69]
Ultrasonication rGO/TiO2 91.3 20 ppm 2 g/L Sun light [70]
Ultrasonic dispersion GO/TiO2 99 5 mg/L 0.1 g/L UV light [63]
Modified-impregnation method Fe-Ti/SF 94.2 10 ppm 0.2 g Xenon lamp [71]
Greener synthesis Sb-ZnO 98.6 50 μM 0.05 mg/mL UV lamp [72]
This work has been compared with already reported literature Acknowledgment
[52–55,63,65–72], and a Table of comparison is given in Table 3. It was
perceived that, Zn doped TiO2 catalyst prepared by this work exhibited a Dr. S. Pitchaimuthu thanks the University Grants Commission (UGC),
remarkable photocatalytic efficiency. New Delhi, India for providing financial support through UGC–Minor
research project, F.No. 6450/2016(SR) dated. 30.06.2017 and Post
4. Conclusion Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College,
Madurai – 625 009, Tamil Nadu, India for providing laboratory facilities
A novel and straightforward sol-gel method was employed for syn to carry out the present work.
thesizing TiO2 and transition metal (Cu, Zr. Zn) doped TiO2 catalysts.
The characterization techniques such as PXRD, SEM, and UV–vis DRS Appendix A. Supporting information
are supported to determine the prepared catalysts’ structural insights.
Among the photocatalysts, Zn (0.01) doped TiO2 was exhibited better Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
photocatalytic activity for the decoloration of MB dye due to its n-type online version at doi:10.1016/j.jece.2021.105254.
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